- Jun 2024
oztypewriter.blogspot.com oztypewriter.blogspot.com
Carl Sundberg’s European-made Remington Portable Typewriters by [[Robert Messenger]]
- Philip Stevens
- John Steinbeck
- industrial design
- Southfield, Michigan
- Ed Johnson
- typewriter design
- Royal Oak, Michigan
- Charles Jaworski
- John Tjaarda
- Maya Stein
- Richard Penney
- Alfons Boothby
- typewriters of authors
- Eliot Noyes
- Crosley Hotshot
- read
- Barbie typewriter
- Carl Sundberg
- Karl Baughman
- Powel Crosley
- Cycolac
- Bay Area Rapid Transit System (BART)
- Laird Fortune Covey
- Montgomery Ferar
- New South Wales Rail Authority
- Anton Demmel
- Henry Dreyfuss
- Ray Dietrich
- Ettore Sottsass
- Remington typewriters
- Tom Tjaarda
- Detroit, Michigan
- Sundberg-Ferar
- David Chase
- Remington Ten Forty
- Aug 2023
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Die marine Hitzewelle im Sommer gefährdet die Existenz des Korallenriff vor der Südspitze Floridas. In einer großangelegeten Rettungsaktion versucht man, wenigstens einzelne Exemplare der vom Aussterben bedrohten Korallenarten zu retten. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/climat/canicule-marine-en-floride-il-nest-pas-trop-tard-pour-sauver-les-coraux-mais-il-est-essentiel-dagir-rapidement-20230815_567SKZH3VBGMZBTL2LNKMST2UU/
- Feb 2022
hff2020.xyz hff2020.xyzhff20201
exhibition hff2020, funded projects kombume, 2020 (6:45 min)
- Jan 2022
anagora.org anagora.orgAgora1
So I was thinking about the brief conversation we'd had about [[effective altruism]], and I started writing, and I wrote a lot, so my preamble is that I mean here to put words to a seed of a heuristic I'm working with, not just criticize. But I don't really have a clean phrase for the topic... so I'm tossing this in my daily note, and maybe it'll make sense to move later?
Thank you so much, this is awesome [[maya]]!
- Sep 2017
engagements2017-18.as.virginia.edu engagements2017-18.as.virginia.edu
In this enquiry they supposed that the governing considerations should be the healthiness of the site, the fertility of the neighbouring country, and it’s centrality to the white population of the whole state:
I never knew that one of the deciding factors in the location of the University of Virginia was the extent to which the surrounding population was primarily white. This fact alone is an example of racism. At the time, Virginia was a heavily white state, and now I understand the reasoning behind its location. It is interesting to think about the thought process that went behind all the different aspects of creating the University of Virginia.
The objects of this primary education determine its character & limits. These objects would be, To give to every citizen the information he needs for the transaction of his own business. To enable him to calculate for himself, and to express & preserve his ideas, his contracts & accounts in writing. To improve by reading, his morals and faculties. To understand his duties to his neighbours, & country, and to discharge with competence the functions confided to him by either.
I think it is interesting that the author describes the type of education the University of Virginia strives to teach. Primary education is the foundation of knowledge that one needs to be able to grow intellectually and learn about the real-world. In society, the level and quality of education one receives is of utmost importance, especially in the United States, as it guides people's actions and shapes their outlook on life.
- May 2016
www.seethingbrains.com www.seethingbrains.comBook 21
These small red apples rolled around on the floor, as if electrified, and collided with each other.
When comparing the Johnston and Muir translation of Metamorphosis, there are subtle differences in word choices which can shift the tone or meaning of the story. One of the first word choice variations in the section is Johnston’s use of “electrified” compared to Muir’s use of “magnetized”. The word “electrified” connotes more randomness in terms of movement, while “magnetized” is more specific and targeted to certain pushes and pulls with respect to an object. The next word difference is “collided” versus “cannoned”. Johnston’s employment of “collided” evokes a much more scattered tone where conversely, Muir’s translation of “cannoned” creates a more direct effect. Overall, the Johnston translation is more sporadic seeming in terms of diction and in contrast Muir’s translation is more focused and precise.
- Nov 2015
secure-media.collegeboard.org secure-media.collegeboard.org
But a lot of them are making a big mistake. By focusing on transportation, they overlook other energy-hogging factors in food production.
The locavore movement doesn't focus on the other factors.
But this decision ignores economies of scale. To take an extreme example, a shipper sending a truck with 2,000 apples over 2,000 miles would consume the same amount of fuel per apple as a local farmer who takes a pickup 50 miles to sell 50 apples at his stall at the green market. The critical measure here is not food miles but apples per gallon.
The same amount of fuel is being used when carrying the same amount of food. Therefore transporting food doesnt matter if the produce comes from a local farm or from a different state.
Locavores argue that buying local food supports an area’s farmers and, in turn, strengthens the community. Fair enough. Left unacknowledged, however, is the fact that it also hurts farmers in other parts of the world. The U.K. buys most of its green beans from Kenya
The locavore movement hurts farmers from other countries.
Locavores argue that buying local food supports an area’s farmers and, in turn, strengthens the community. Fair enough. Left unacknowledged, however, is the fact that it also hurts farmers in other parts of the world. The U.K. buys most of its green beans from Kenya
The locavore movement hurts farmers from other countries.
- Sep 2015
www.americanyawp.com www.americanyawp.com
. In central America the Maya built massive temples, sustained large populations, and constructed a complex and long-lasting civilization with a written language, advanced mathematics, and stunningly accurate calendars
The Maya civilization was filled with smart and witty human population. Their architecture and sharpness in math and physics is world known.