- Jul 2023
www.truthbrush.com www.truthbrush.com
Odd that it doesn't support Windows, so you need a separate OS just to track tooth brushing even if you have a bunch of real computers around.
- Feb 2023
www.google.com www.google.com
Check out our list of the best image converters for PC we've selected for you.Movavi Video Converter.XnConvert.Adapter.Pixillion Image Converter Software.Free Image Convert and Resize.Online Image Converter.Zamzar.FileZigZag.
If you want to learn more about free vector conversion, please do a comment in the comment box.
- Apr 2022
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
An extensive survey of American political opinion published last year by a nonprofit called More in Common found that a large majority of every group, including black Americans, thought “political correctness” was a problem.
This is where it gets really interesting. I'd have to explore what branches out from here, but the term "political correctness" is not really just one thing that everyone agrees on, and from where I'm sitting, mostly seems to arise around areas where people who historically have had less of a voice start having one that disturbs established POVs.
- Jun 2021
store.steampowered.com store.steampowered.com
when it first came out, cubicity: slide puzzle was full of mobile shenanigans, but based on feedback the developers quickly 'de-mobilized' it during launch week
- Oct 2020
store.steampowered.com store.steampowered.com
Their trailer said "A video game for the home computer". Not sure why they said that instead of PC, but it was a refreshing new term for it.
- Sep 2020
- Jul 2020
- Sep 2018
www.nationalreview.com www.nationalreview.com
Are We Setting a Generation Up for Failure? Part II
Also see Part I of this interview with Jonathan Haidt.
www.nationalreview.com www.nationalreview.com
Are We Setting a Generation Up for Failure? Part 1
Also see Part II of this interview with Jonathan Haidt.
www.bosch-si.com www.bosch-si.com
The moveBW project offers drivers an attractive option that links motorized personal transport with alternative modes of transportation. An easy-to-use mobility assistant on your smartphone helps you choose a mode of transportation and reliably guides you to your destination. Users of the mobility assistant can book different types of transportation – yet receive just one bill that lists every mode booked during the past month. To plan intermodal routes, the mobility assistant considers services such as public transportation, car sharing, bike sharing, and parking-space management as well as information on traffic jams and construction areas. MoveBW encourages people in the greater Stuttgart area to efficiently utilize all modes of transportation, which eases congestion. This project also aids local authorities in optimizing regional traffic flows.MoveBW is overseen by a consortium of six companies, led by Robert Bosch GmbH: transportation solutions company highQ, parking-space operator Parkraumgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg, TraffiCon GmbH, PRISMA Solutions GmbH, and MRK Management Consultants. The moveBW project began in mid-2016 and will end in late 2017.
moveBW - mobility assistant for intermodal information, planning routes, and buying tickets
www.bosch-si.com www.bosch-si.com
The Service Card for the Stuttgart Services project is the first electronic ticket for e-mobility in and around Stuttgart. In the initial phase of the project, subscribers have been able since 2015 to use the Service Card as an electronic ticket. Marketed under the polygo brand, the project was funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy until June 2016.As one of 40 projects included in Baden-Württemberg’s “LivingLab BWe mobil” e-mobility showcase, the Stuttgart Services project seeks to make access to e-mobility services as seamless as possible for customers traveling in the Stuttgart region, and to supplement them with further citywide offers. The Service Card will not only open up the city’s e-mobility potential; it will also integrate everyday aspects of urban life by serving as a library card, swimming-pool membership card, and payment card.
Service Card
de.park-now.com de.park-now.com
Park Now Hannover
www.roadtraffic-technology.com www.roadtraffic-technology.com
Stadtinfo Köln (City Info Cologne) is a research project financed by the German Federal Ministry of Research that centres around the collection of various traffic data to be distributed to diverse platforms including the Internet, portable devices such as PDAs and mobile telephones, in-car navigation systems and variable message signs throughout the city. The project was implemented over a four-year period from 1998 to October 2002 by 15 partners in co-operation with the city of Cologne at a cost of €16.1 million.
Traffic Information
innovationnetworkcologne.de innovationnetworkcologne.de
We connect Cologne´s established companies with global innovation and startups
Innovation Network Cologne
digitaleducation.cologne digitaleducation.cologne
We have this platform built to all those in the areas of "Digital School" and "Digital Media" are interested in a central, national point of contact to offer, on which it is to exchange and cooperate can. In addition, we would like to inform you about the use of IT in the Cologne educational landscape.
Digital Education Platform
www.stadt-koeln.de www.stadt-koeln.deSERVICE1
Citizen Services Portal
offenedaten-koeln.de offenedaten-koeln.de
Open Data Cologne
www.cologne-tourism.com www.cologne-tourism.com
Cologne is one of Europe’s leading medical centres. The health sector in Cologne stands out with a high level of expertise and top-rate cutting edge medicine. The medical fraternity in Cologne is made up of renowned medical experts at the cutting edge of their profession. Many of them have trained abroad and are members of national and international societies, chambers and research communities in their various disciplines. Similarly, the therapeutic, nursing and other skilled staff are trained and qualified on the highest scientific level. The profile structure in Cologne consists of 20 hospitals, clinics and highly specialized day and specialist clinics with more than 7,100 beds. The more than 2,200 doctors and 10,000 therapeutic, nursing and other skilled staff offer a wide range of experience, treating more than 300,000 patients every year from Germany and all over the world, on a residential and out-patient basis. The various hospitals and clinics work together in close cooperation. Specialists in various disciplines join together in advising the patient on the best possible treatment in each specific case; it goes without saying that this can also take place in the presence of an interpreter or doctor from the foreign patient’s home country.
Medical Tourism
koeln.polizei.nrw koeln.polizei.nrw
Police Station Finder
www.smartcity-cologne.de www.smartcity-cologne.de
As part of the joint project "Innovation Network Morgenstadt: City Insights" under the project management of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft for the Promotion of Applied Research eV, the ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute) is developing a three-dimensional visualization of the district of Mülheim in cooperation with the City of Cologne. For this purpose, the city of Cologne provides data from the areas of environment, traffic, real estate, urban planning. From this three-dimensional geoinformation system (so-called 3-D GIS model), an app is being developed, which is expected to be available to the people of Cologne in the second quarter of 2015 on the homepage of the city of Cologne.
Smart urban development in 3-D format
www.smartcity-cologne.de www.smartcity-cologne.de
The Cologne-based TÜV Rheinland headquarters is revitalizing its approximately 100,000 square meter business park with ten buildings in Poll. The management of TÜV Rheinland Immobiliengesellschaft mbH & Co. KG has developed an innovative concept with the engineering experts from Drees & Sommer as energy designer, building physicist and TGA planner: In future, there should only be one energy center. All buildings in the property are supplied with heat and cooling via the power grid of the new energy center. For heat supply, hybrid energy sources are used. These consist of the renewable raw material wood, a wood pellet boiler plant, as well as the fossil energy natural gas, gas condensing boilers and an integrated combined heat and power plant. The cold is generated by free-cooling, high-efficiency compression machines and absorption chillers. This can save 30 percent of primary energy compared to today. In addition, CO2 emissions will be reduced by more than 30 percent. The overall concept is modular in design and adaptable for the future.
Sustainable Business Park
www.smartcity-cologne.de www.smartcity-cologne.de
evohaus innovative settlements in general evohaus irq (Intelligent Residence Quartiere) Settlements cover your heat demand primarily environmentally friendly and cost-effective by the sun. The need for heating is already low due to the good insulation of the evohaus architecture anyway. Remaining heat demand is covered by solar power. The solar power drives heat pumps that produce about three kilowatt hours of heat energy for heating or hot water with one kilowatt hour of electrical energy. The settlement gets its heat independent of gas, coal or other fossil fuels. The heat pumps are preferably switched on when enough solar power is generated. Water tanks store excess heat and provide the settlement with sunless times. An energy management system monitors and controls storage tanks and heat pumps. The evohaus irq concept is taking the step from a passive house to an active house: it not only saves energy but also generates electricity itself and uses it with intelligence.
www.smartcity-cologne.de www.smartcity-cologne.de
"Green tires" reduce the fuel consumption of vehicles in urban traffic by up to seven percent (on average by 4.1 percent) and can save fleet operators thousands of euros in costs each year. In addition, these high-performance tires significantly reduce the CO2 emissions of vehicles compared to standard tires. These are the results of a joint tire test carried out by LANXESS, the world's leading manufacturer of synthetic high-performance rubbers for the tire industry, together with energy supplier RheinEnergie. RheinEnergie has therefore decided to gradually convert its vehicle fleet to "green tires". Initially, around 130 vehicles will be retrofitted as part of the usual wear change. For half a year, under real conditions, the fuel consumption of six identical RheinEnergie service vehicles in Cologne and the surrounding area was compared with both "green tires" and standard tires, thus determining the potential for savings. The vehicles with a weight of around two tons had comparable areas of application in the city of Cologne and the surrounding area during the test period. Driver, load weight and tank operations were identical for the vehicles. Over the entire test period, all six vehicles together covered a distance of around 37,000 kilometers. The result: The maximum fuel saving was 6.96 percent and a lower CO2 emission of up to 155 kilograms per 10,000 kilometers.
www.smartcity-cologne.de www.smartcity-cologne.de
KVB cycle hire Smart mobility Smart mobility is climate-friendly, sustainable, space-saving and networked. It relies on diversity and multimodality. The resident of a smart city does not remain loyal to one mode of transport. The result is a mobility patchwork that is tailored to the individual circumstances and that can be configured quickly and easily at any time. Energy-efficient and space-saving mobility has priority here. "Sharing" is smart! The sharing of things and information already establishes itself under the term "sharing economy" and places the function before the property, in order to use existing resources more efficiently. Smart mobility in urban areas is therefore primarily a matter of sharing a networked mobility offer from buses, trains, bicycles and cars. Smart mobility is not just a technological task. Especially in the inner cities, walking and cycling will provide space for quality of life and urban development through active mobility. This is where the bicycle rental system of the Cologne Transport Company (KVB) comes in by closing a gap in the combination of environmentally conscious and mobility-active mobility. The bicycle rental system of KVB stands for an open architecture. It is therefore not a system with only fixed station terminals after the well-known role models from other major cities, because a template for all cases, the complex events of a city can consider insufficient. The system offers users fully flexible rental and return in the street, but also stationary station terminals depending on the available options and needs. The rental terminals cover the entire span between conventional stations and purely virtual stations.
KVB Cycle Hire
www.smartcity-cologne.de www.smartcity-cologne.de
n times of energy transition and scarce resources, the architectural concept of Concrete Apartments Cologne is based on the requirements of the future - it is designed as an energy-saving passive house. This contains • a 26 cm thick external insulation made of rock wool, • triple glazed windows, • optimum recovery of radiated heat from residents and household appliances, • a ventilation system with a constant base temperature of 20 ° C - summer and winter - as well as • a digital control system that directs the use of luminaires and large consumers. Only those who like it even warmer must turn on the heating controller. All rooms are equipped with presence detectors, which automatically switch off lamps, for example, when not in use - this also saves energy. Of course, residents can also make the scheme manually. The energy and heat for the Boarding House creates its own, energy-efficient combined heat and power plant. State-of-the-art technology is also used here: surplus electricity is optionally fed into the public grid or used for the charging station for electric vehicles in the courtyard.
Smart Homes Cologne
www.smartcity-cologne.de www.smartcity-cologne.de
The diesel exhaust gases of the Rhine ships pollute the Cologne air with pollutants and fine dust and the climate with a significant amount of CO 2 . A part of it does not arise during the journey, but while the ships are at anchor. Because their generators must also run to generate the necessary electricity. Here, "Landstrom" provides a remedy: Since 2015, RheinEnergie has gradually been equipping a large part of the moorings along the Rhine with uniform power connections. Consequence: During the lay times the ship diesels can be turned off.
Landstrom - Smart Energy for Ships
www.smartcity-cologne.de www.smartcity-cologne.de
CO2-free parcel delivery for Cologne Electric street scooters for the DHL
CO2-free parcel delivery for Cologne
www.smartcity-cologne.de www.smartcity-cologne.de
Cycling is active climate protection and pollutes cities much less than the rest of the road. With this in mind, the company has developed and offers cyclists from all over Germany the opportunity with the help of the Radbonus app to receive financial rewards from kilometers driven by countless partners such as health insurances, employers, online shops and many more. The company, which has been operating since October 2015, would like to reward and acknowledge the valuable contribution every single cyclist makes to the environment and to climate protection. " Cyclists are heroes of everyday life for me,"Radbonus founder and CEO Nora Grazzini comments. Born in Cologne, she describes herself as a passionate cyclist and believes in making the world a whole lot better with her business idea. After a distance of 50 kilometers, the first rewards can be erradelt.
Cycling Promotion
www.smartcity-cologne.de www.smartcity-cologne.de
Electric cars are an energy-efficient and potentially regenerative alternative to cars powered by fossil fuels. In order to promote this regenerative alternative, colognE-mobil has already installed 122 charging stations for electric cars (TankE) in and around Cologne, one of which is located on the Klimastraße in the car park behind the Kaufhof. Further charging points will soon be created directly on the Klimastraße.
Electric Charging Stations
www.smartcity-cologne.de www.smartcity-cologne.de
nebenan.de is a free, local platform for building and maintaining neighborly relationships. Get to know, share, help, give, inform, get together - nebenan.de offers neighbors the opportunity to get in touch and to live the neighborhood actively. nebenan.de is with more than 650,000 active users in currently around 5,500 neighborhoods Germany's largest social network for building and maintaining neighborly relations. Any resident can join his neighborhood on nebenan.de or initiate it himself. nebenan.de offers the comprehensive solution for simplifying and revitalizing neighborly exchanges via the browser or as Android and iOS app.
www.smartcity-cologne.de www.smartcity-cologne.de
With evopark, the entire parking process runs without cash or contact. The parking time is recorded digitally. Billing is convenient and collected at the end of the month. Another advantage: With the app you also keep the parking time always in view. If you would like to use the new offer, you can register online at http://www.evopark.de/ . The personal parking card comes within a few working days by mail.
Evopark - Smart Parking
www.smartcity-cologne.de www.smartcity-cologne.de
As well as energy-saving lighting, Smart Home is an important building block for an energy-efficient and comfortable future. With smart homes and smart meters in the network, homeowners and store owners can reduce their electricity and heating costs by an average of 7%! Add to that the great comfort of making the apartment burglar-proof and controlling almost every aspect of heating, electricity or security in the building. So you can control from your smartphone whether the stove is still on at home, a window has been left open, the heating is running at full speed or the light is on. In addition, before the house is on fire, modern, networked smoke detectors report any alarm directly to the owner's smartphone. It can automatically be initiated various steps, such. B. that the fire department is called. In order to test some scenarios and saving opportunities in everyday life and to make known the possibilities offered by these modern technologies, Smart Home applications were installed on the Klimastraße in nine private apartments of the Nippes Tower and in the bookstore Neusser Straße. This was financed by the project Klimastraße or the company RocketHome . In addition, it is planned to equip the entire climate road with smart meters from RheinEnergie.
Smart Home
www.smartcity-cologne.de www.smartcity-cologne.de
Along the Klimastraße, the street lighting was replaced by modern and elegant LED street lamps by the end of January 2014. From now on, about 55% energy and about 5 tons of CO2 are saved. The lighting in the shops and businesses on the Klimastraße is on all business days up to 12 hours on. Therefore, all owners were asked by the project to participate in a retrofit campaign on LED lighting. Even businesses and businesses from Cologne and the surrounding area of Cologne have become aware of this campaign on the Klimastraße. In a temporary action, these are supported by small grants from the project SmartCity Cologne to equip their business premises with LED lighting.
LED Lighting
www.smartcity-cologne.de www.smartcity-cologne.de
Neusser Straße in the district of Nippes shows what a future SmartCity could look like, because a section of the street becomes Cologne's climatic road. There, the most important energy projects are implemented. All facets of climate protection are taken into account: from optimal building insulation and maximum heat efficiency to charging stations for electric vehicles and low-energy street lighting. Klimastraße offers innovative companies the opportunity to test their new products and services in everyday life. If possible, companies finance their projects themselves, promising projects are funded from the project budget of RheinEnergie AG. Companies also gain additional value by exchanging valuable information and innovative ideas with other companies, including at climate road events. For all the enthusiasm for innovation, of course, only technology is used that meets the very strict German safety requirements. In addition, RheinEnergie and the City of Cologne make sure that the high Cologne supply standards are adhered to. For all new projects, safety comes first - technically as well as logistically. That is why not everything changes in the climate route - but certainly much better. The following section deals in more detail with the individual projects.
Climate Road Cologne
www.rheinenergie.com www.rheinenergie.com
The energy transition presents network operators and energy providers with particular challenges. Both have to deal with an increasing share of electricity from renewable sources in the electricity grid. Wind turbines and photovoltaic systems produce electricity, however, depending on the weather and therefore fluctuating. For a secure supply, it is necessary that electricity production and consumption are always balanced as much as possible. In order for this to succeed, utilities and network operators must always know where and in what quantity energy is generated and consumed. Only then can production and consumption be optimally coordinated. However, continuous metering is not possible with today's metering technology.The solution to the problem is smart metering. In the future, so-called "smart metering systems" will transfer consumption data to grid operators and energy providers. This ensures that they can optimally control the network at any time. The technology is mainly used in households and businesses with high annual consumption.Consumers can access the data at any time. The additional transparency helps them to further increase their energy efficiency and thereby reduce costs. New services provided by energy suppliers are intended to reinforce the positive effects.
Smart Metering
www.smartcity-cologne.de www.smartcity-cologne.de
In the framework of the project "Celsius" we investigate which method leads to the best possible results in order to increase the chances of realization. For this purpose, demonstration plants were built at three different locations in the city. In Cologne-Wahn and Cologne-Mülheim, the heat is extracted directly from the sewer using so-called gutter heat exchangers. The heat exchangers with a length of 60 and 120 meters are installed at the bottom of the canal. The heat transfer medium transports the heat from there to the heat pumps with a capacity of 150 or 200 kW in the boiler rooms of the schools supplied. In Cologne-Nippes, a total of three schools and a sports hall are supplied by sewage heat. Here, the wastewater is pumped through a newly laid, 400-meter-long bypass to the boiler room of the Edith Stein-.Realschule. There, in the largest direct evaporator in Germany (400 kW), heat is transferred directly to the heating circuit of the schools. With the three demonstration plants, an environmental relief of a total of 500 t CO2 / year is achieved. The use of wastewater heat is technically mature and well developed. Nevertheless, this form of waste heat utilization has so far been a niche existence. This is partly because it is still little known, often the necessary information is not available locally, their implementation is relatively complex and requires high investment. Further reducing these barriers is the goal of the Cologne CELSIUS project.
CELCIUS - Use of waste water to generate energy
www.smartcity-cologne.de www.smartcity-cologne.de
The Cologne-based company Coptr Warn- und Schutzsysteme GmbH has been developing and producing innovative, precise, acoustically-optically smart on-site warning systems for several years. Whether thunderstorms, hurricanes, extreme heat or pollutants in the air, the warning systems automatically warn and alert people in the open air to get to safety from lightning strikes and other high-threshold, potentially life-threatening weather and environmental hazards.
COPTR - Digitization of the population warning
gateway.hamburg.de gateway.hamburg.de
HamburgService - Kita-Infosystem
Kindergarten Information System
www.hoou.de www.hoou.de
The HOOU is a cross-university project, which is supported by the network of the six state-owned Hamburg universities * with the UKE, the Department of Science, Research and Equality, the Senate Chancellery and the Multimedia Kontor Hamburg (MMKH).
Hamburg Open Online University
www.hotmaps-project.eu www.hotmaps-project.eu
District heating is one of the key pillars of our sustainable energy action plan. This plan has been decided by the local parliament in 2008 and renewed in 2015. Our first priority is to cut in half the total energy demand of the city until 2050 and then cover the rest with renewable energy and/or waste heat. To use large amounts of waste heat (e.g. from a waste incineration plant, industry, datacentres …) you need a distribution system, because it is not useable only locally. This is why we want to increase the share of district heating in the city. For the future we see a district heating system which will be “open source technology” – everyone can use the heat and also be a prosumer, delivering surplus energy, e.g. from a solar – thermal plant, to the system. There will not be any longer central DH-Stations but smaller plants and the use of all waste heat sources we can get.
HotMaps - open source heating / cooling mapping and planning toolbox
- Aug 2018
www.hamburg.com www.hamburg.com
Citizen Safety - Hamburg
www.parkandjoy.de www.parkandjoy.de
Fast and easy to shop or to go to the city center? This works very easy in Hamburg. With the Park and Joy app, drivers can quickly find, book and pay for free parking spaces - all via smartphone. Parking has never been so much fun!
Park and Joy
tutech.de tutech.de
Knowledge transfer at all levels Tutech combines science, business and society We know what is important in technology and knowledge transfer at the interface between university and industry. We speak both languages - those of science and those of companies - and have been successfully combining entrepreneurial and scientific potential for 25 years. Our mission and goal is to create sustainable value through the application of new research results and inventions, and we do so by acting as a consultant, broker, initiator and coordinator at national and international levels. Tutech is a privately organized subsidiary of the Technical University of Hamburg and the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. Together with our sister company Hamburg Innovation , we connect all public law schools of the city as well as numerous research institutions of the Hamburg Metropolitan Region.
hamburg.socialimpactlab.eu hamburg.socialimpactlab.eu
In January 2013, the Hamburg Social Impact Lab opened its doors. Since then, it has supported Hanseatic social entrepreneurs in a space of about 160 square metres. Social Impact Start programme scholarship holders receive coaching and consulting here, as well as plenty of further support to set up their social businesses. The Hamburg Social Impact Lab holds many events for interested persons on all aspects of social entrepreneurship
Social Impact Lab
innovationsstarter.com innovationsstarter.com
As a subsidiary of the Hamburg Investment and Development Bank , we support innovative business start-ups and young, innovative companies in Hamburg in order to strengthen the startup scene in Hamburg and to contribute to the development of promising companies. For this purpose, we have two ideal with InnoRampUp and the Innovation Starter Fund Hamburg
Innovation Starter
www.hanseventures.com www.hanseventures.com
We turn ideas into enterprises Hanse Ventures is the company builder in Hamburg. We develop our own internet and mobile business concepts, and implement these together with suitable founder teams.
Hanse Ventures
comdirect-garage.de comdirect-garage.de
With the start-up garage, comdirect has consciously decided to focus on founders and their ideas at a very early stage. Thus, for the participation in the start-up garage initially only a basic idea necessary, the development of a prototype then takes place during the project phase in the context of the start-up garage. comdirect invites start-ups to pitch their space with FinTech ideas in the comdirect start-up garage. The ideas are evaluated for their impact and opportunities for the banking and finance industry. We offer intensive support to the chosen start-ups!
Start-up Garage
kreativgesellschaft.org kreativgesellschaft.org
Solo self-employed persons are understood to be persons who carry out an independent activity on their own, ie without salaried employees. In the creative industry, there is an above-average proportion of solo self-employed compared to other sectors of the economy. People who offer creative services or products without being hired are faced with particular challenges in practice because they have to deal intensively and permanently with questions of their own positioning, customer acquisition, marketing, target groups, etc. Many of our offerings are tailored to the needs of solo freelancers in the creative industry.
Kreativegesllschaft - Hamburg
startupdock.de startupdock.de
As an incubator, since 2013 we have been promoting innovative startups from the higher education sector. Our seat is in the Harburg inland port. Our origin lies at the Technical University of Hamburg. Within the scope of the funding program »EXIST-Founding Culture - The Founders' College« we were supported by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) for more than five years. Currently we are part of the "beyourpilot" project of the Department of Economy, Transport and Innovation (BWVI).
StartupDock - Incubator for Startups in Hamburg
www.hei-hamburg.de www.hei-hamburg.de
The hot. Hamburger ExistenzgründungsInitiative is the first point of contact for anyone looking for self-employment in Hamburg. All the threads of Hamburg's most important start-up initiatives come together here.
Hamburger Existenzgründungs Initiative
www.nextmedia-hamburg.de www.nextmedia-hamburg.de
nextMedia.Hamburg is Hamburg's joint initiative for the media and digital industry.
www.smarticipate.eu www.smarticipate.eu
The northern German city intends to increase the quality of top-down initiatives, boosting economic growth and reducing the burden of bureaucracy. Within the course of the project, Hamburg will gather citizen input on such topics as the most popular locations for new playgrounds, as well as the most desirable positions for the planting of new trees in public zones. Citizen’s choice for a tree or playground location made in a map should be automatically supported by the systems feedback function, where the citizen will get information about his or her choice based on the data provided by the system. The data (all available as open data on the transparency portal) for the feedback are, for example, noise mapping, solar potential mapping, current tree population, buildings, legally binding land-use plan, and cadastral parcels for the tree as well as green space, land-use zoning, existing playground locations, public transport network and stations, administrative units, inhabitants per unit for the playground location.
transparenz.hamburg.de transparenz.hamburg.de
What is the transparency portal?The Transparency Portal Hamburg is the information register required by the Hamburg Transparency Act (HmbTG) , by means of which all information required to be published by law can be anonymously researched. It is the central access to up-to-date data and information of the Hamburg administration and provides a search over the full text of all data records in order to ensure easy findability of the searched content.
Transparency Portal
transparenz.hamburg.de transparenz.hamburg.deOpenData1
Open Data Hamburg The data previously published under the Open Data Portal can now be found here in the Transparency Portal.
Open Data
www.switchh.de www.switchh.de
Switchh - Innovative mobility concept allowing people to chose flexibile connections between different modes of transport
www.hamburg.de www.hamburg.de
In the eCulture Cloud, the digital cultural content of Hamburg will be stored in bundled form in the future. Among other things, this cloud offers the possibility of making (private) collections, libraries, image and video archives accessible to the public, even if they can not find a place in exhibitions of the institutions. The particular attractiveness of this project lies in the diversity of the collection contents. Because these are not only composed of historical documents, but also give deep insights into modern phenomena, such. B. in pop culture. In addition, it is not uncommon for creators themselves to start collecting collections or archives according to their personal needs
eCulture Cloud
www.hcu-hamburg.de www.hcu-hamburg.de
CityScopes are interactive, digital city models that analyze urban relationships and simulate development scenarios.They typically consist of model tables and "data blocks" on which information is projected. In this way, complex city data can be illustrated simply and transparently for concrete tasks and experimentally carried out as "what if" scenarios. CityScopes are particularly suitable for group discussions and participation workshops in which both professionals as well as laymen can participate. Multifunctional relationships can be displayed and changed quickly, with CityScopes providing fast visual feedback on potential impacts.
www.hcu-hamburg.de www.hcu-hamburg.de
The CityScienceLab of HafenCity University Hamburg is exploring the transformation of cities in the context of digitization with partners from civil society, politics, business and science. It pursues a decidedly interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspective by linking technical issues with social and cultural developments (more under Team ). To make cities healthier, more liveable, and more efficient in the future, CityScienceLab uses urban data to develop new tools and digital city models (CityScopes). These new tools allow the visualization and simulation of complex urban developments and support urban actors in the decision-making process (more under Research and Teaching ).The city of Hamburg is the "Living Lab", in which urban change processes are comprehensively researched and developed right down to concrete applications. In addition, the CityScienceLab works in close cooperation with the City Science Group of the MIT Media Lab (Cambridge / USA).
gateway.hamburg.de gateway.hamburg.de
The learning portal of the Center for Education and Training (ZAF) is aimed at the employees of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. The learning portal of the Center for Education and Training (ZAF) informs you about the continuing education offers of the ZAF and enables you to register online the events. Both the use of the platform, as well as the registration is free of charge for you
Learning Portal
stadtrad.hamburg.de stadtrad.hamburg.de
StadtRAD Hamburg - get on and off! The StadtRAD makes you spontaneous and individually mobile. Whether as a professional, leisure or tourist you experience Hamburg in a special way - very close to the pulse of the city. On many loan stations throughout the city, you have the option to rent a city bike around the clock and return it - as easy as cycling.
StadtRAD Bicyling in Hamburg
www.schooleducationgateway.eu www.schooleducationgateway.eu
Start into the next Generation' is a project run by the Hamburg authority for schools and training. It was launched two years ago with the aim of improving learning outcomes by using technology in the classroom. Six pilot schools were selected to take part in the project with over 90 classes and 2,000 students involved. Each school was provided with a secure wireless network but was free to choose its pedagogical approach to using the technology. Students were asked to bring a laptop, tablet or phone to school (in 90% of cases they chose a smartphone). The schools were supported with training and with advice on legal and data protection issues (all parents were given a document to sign explaining what the devices would be used for). The Hamburg schools authority also provided a learning platform which gives access to digital materials and allows students to communicate, submit homework and complete self-assessments.
Start into the next Generation
ioeexperience.hamburg ioeexperience.hamburg
The integration of Internet of Things (IoT) into skill sets of intermodal traffic management is a big challenge. The results of this study will show the demand of qualification integrating smart technologies in this area of work and it will be possible to transfer these results to forecast future demand in smart cities in Germany, Europe and worldwide, with the help of our partners:
Smart Research & Education
ioeexperience.hamburg ioeexperience.hamburg
Smart lighting is situated at a pilot section in the port of Hamburg (Hohe Schaar Street): 4 km long; hosting 102 LED luminaries and 60 sensors. Smart Lighting provides follow-me-light and better safety for pedestrians and cyclists with the same lighting performance. Smart lighting combines detecting technologies of thermal sensors for the intelligent control. System includes Smart Traffic and Incident management: traffic monitoring and automatic incident detection.
Smart Lighting
ioeexperience.hamburg ioeexperience.hamburg
The University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf is the teaching hospital of the University of Hamburg and Europe’s most advanced paperless hospital. With about 10,000 employees, the UKE is the third-largest employer in the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. About 2,400 of them are medical specialists and researchers, while more than 3,100 work as nurses and therapists. Together with its University Heart Center Hamburg and the Martini Clinic, the UKE has more than 1,730 beds.
Paperless Hospital
ioeexperience.hamburg ioeexperience.hamburg
Apartimentum in Hamburg will be the smartest home in Europe with 44 apartments, all rented for a flat-rate, including all services – powered by Cisco IP technology.
Apartimentum - Smart Home in Hamburg
www.hamburg-port-authority.de www.hamburg-port-authority.de
e-Mobility in the port Electric vehicles are becoming increasingly commonplace in road transport. We are also reviewing ways of extending e-Mobility to passenger and freight traffic in the harbour area. We are therefore pressing ahead with charging infrastructure, in collaboration with the operators of public charging pillars. At the cruise ship terminal, we plan to use preferential e-Taxis. In addition, we are analysing the viability of e-Mobility for our staff.
Port Monitor The control room software, Port Monitor, allows us to keep all the stakeholders in the port of Hamburg up-to-date. A variety of information is centrally gathered and can also be accessed remotely, such as electronic cards, vessel positions, water level data, berths, current construction sites, planned dives and bridge heights and widths. Important information is therefore always accessible to all those involved on land and on the water.
Port Monitor
Virtual depot Truck journeys with empty containers put an unnecessary strain on the environment. We have therefore developed the so-called virtual depot to optimise the movement of empty containers between packing companies. The cloud-based system informs participating operators which containers are to be delivered back to the depot. The packing company then requests these directly. The result: no more unnecessary empty trips to the depot.
Virtual Depot
Smart maintenance The infrastructure in the port of Hamburg is monitored using mobile end devices, such as tablets or smartphones. When controlling roads, bridges and tracks, these devices automatically send measurements to the downstream IT systems, where the data is processed, stored and edited. The aim is to make the maintenance processes more effective and efficient and to improve the quality of notifications.
Smart Maintenance
Intelligent railway point Frequently used points on the harbour railway are fitted with sensors that transmit data to a central IT system in real-time. They collect a variety of data by moving or passing over the switching points and thereby provide information about the condition and wear of the essential operational intersections. The benefit: we can identify maintenance work or repairs at an early stage, thereby avoiding downtime.
Intelligent Railway Points
Shore power from renewable energies Thanks to a landside cruise liner power supply sourced from renewable energies, we are significantly reducing the environmental impact in Hamburg. These ocean-going giants are supplied with electricity via a transformer station and mobile transfer mechanism at the Altona cruise ship terminal. The dimensions of the landside power plant are unique in Europe. We are currently considering using similar models in other areas of the port in future.
Shore Power from Renewable Energies
Navigation in real-time Thousands of trucks drive through the port of Hamburg every day. To ensure that the traffic flows efficiently, the HPA combines various services and functions. Anyone driving around the port benefits from personalised navigation. As well as information about the traffic situation in and around the port, they also have access to parking and infrastructure information, closures of the moveable bridges, as well as the latest information on important operations.
Navigation in real-time
smartPORT energy The HPA promotes environmentally-friendly mobility and advocates reduced energy consumption. smartPORT energy therefore helps limit its dependence on conventionally generated power, reduce emissions and save money. It focuses on three core areas: renewable energies, energy efficiency an
smartPORT Energy
smartPORT logistics Thanks to intelligent solutions for the flow of traffic and goods, the HPA is improving the port's efficiency. smartPORT logistics combines economic and ecological aspects in three sub-sectors: traffic flows, infrastructure and the flow of goods. An intermodal PortTraffic centre for sea, rail and road transport forms the basis for networking the flow of traffic. Intelligent networking is a prerequisite for smooth, efficient transport in the port of Hamburg and ultimately for the flow of goods: optimum data capture and rapid information sharing allow logistics managers, carriers and agents to select the most efficient means of transport for their goods.
smartPORT Logistics
rad.mvv-muenchen.de rad.mvv-muenchen.de
Cycle Route Planner
efa.mvv-muenchen.de efa.mvv-muenchen.de
MVV Journey Planner
www.opengov-muenchen.de www.opengov-muenchen.de
Open Data Portal Munich The Open Data Portal is a platform for the provision of open administrative data of the City of Munich. Further information
Open Data Platform Munich
www.visitberlin.de www.visitberlin.de
Visit Berlin Portal
de.park-now.com de.park-now.com
Discover cashless, ticketless and hassle-free on-street parking with ParkNow in Berlin. The digital parking service ParkNow can be used in the extended inner city area of Berlin. A detailed overview of all parking zones can be obtained from our overview map. In the marked parking zones you can start and end your parking via app and save yourself the annoying way to the parking meter as well as the search for change. No more unnecessary parking fees thanks to minute-accurate billing and start / stop function. The billing occures convenient at the end of the month via direct debit, PayPal or credit card. The advantages of mobile parking with ParkNow in Berlin: Parking tickets are a thing of the past No more searching for small change and ticketing problems Accurate billing Comfortable payment at the end of the month Parking in Berlin was never that easy
ParkNow - Berlin
www.businesslocationcenter.de www.businesslocationcenter.de
Berlin: Invest in a city with a bright future Do you plan to invest in Berlin, start a company here, or relocate your headquarters here? Smart move! Your company can also benefit from the excellent local conditions in the German capital. The Berlin economic development corporation, Berlin Partner for Business and Technology, will support you while your company transfers to the new location, providing help with enterprise development and the transfer of technology with tailored service packages. Berlin Partner's experts can provide you with comprehensive and free advice about Berlin at the Business Location Center.
Business Location Centre
www.businesslocationcenter.de www.businesslocationcenter.de
Funding programs for investment and innovation. Berlin offers attractive funding programs for all phases of a company’s development – from seed to growth financing. The range of financial incentives here extends from public loans to guarantees and venture capital, and even to direct grants for investment and innovation projects. What does the Business Financing Package offer? Do you intend to locate to Berlin, to grow at your current location, or are you planning an investment project? Our experts will find the right financing solution and will accompany you in your applications for funding. Here, we work closely with project management agencies, funding banks and potential financing partners on a state, national and EU level. How it works: We discuss the plans for your project, which ideally will already have been worded in the form of a project description or business plan. Together, we conduct a review of the conceivable funding and financing instruments, make contact with relevant partners and accompany you through the application process.
Business Financing Package
www.businesslocationcenter.de www.businesslocationcenter.de
Berlin is Germany’s hotspot for founders and also the new venture capital. Entrepreneurs – and also potential entrepreneurs – find exactly the right environment here to implement their business ideas. With around 40,000 business registrations per year and more than 500 startup companies, Berlin is undisputedly Germany's founder capital and is expanding its nationwide lead. The capital is particularly appealing for founders in the creative sectors and technology. The starting conditions are advantageous: office and location expenses are much lower than in other major cities. Berlin attracts young, highly qualified people from all over the world. The high life quality at comparably low living costs, the vital scene life and international environment are the reasons for young entrepreneurs to implement their business ideas here. Numerous national and international studies regard Berlin as a leading global location for business start-ups with the world's best growth potential. The start-up scene is not only gaining importance as a job engine for the city, but has also become an important driving force for the Berlin office market.
www.ibb.de www.ibb.de
Internationalisation programme – support for SME projects Support for small and medium-sized enterprises Do you have a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) based or with a facility in Berlin and are you looking to enter new markets abroad for your products or services? In order to boost your international competitive strength, we can support you with a grant to open up new markets.
Internationalization Program - support for SME
www.businesslocationcenter.de www.businesslocationcenter.de
Co-working spaces are generally fully-equipped offices and working areas, which offer an opportunity to network within the “community”, alongside complete infrastructure with a range of services. They are used by individuals, startups and an increasing number of outsourced departments of established companies as their main place of work. For the user, they represent a flexible and, depending on the deal, cost-effective alternative to conventional office spaces in self-contained rental units. Startups and larger companies are increasingly preferring co-working spaces over classic office spaces, as they offer straightforward opportunities for an exchange with other people, or to recruit new employees. Berlin is the capital city of company founders. The range of well-equipped co-working spaces in a central location is very wide, and points to continued dynamic growth. The spectrum ranges from small units with a few tables to professionally operated offices with hundreds or sometimes even over 1,000 workplaces. International providers allow their members the opportunity to make use of desks and meeting spaces in other cities around the world.
Co-working Spaces
www.businesslocationcenter.de www.businesslocationcenter.de
Berlin can attract by far the most risk capital nationwide and is becoming the most important target area for foreign investors. With a plus of almost 200%, the investment volume of venture capital in Berlin rose in just one year (2017) to almost 3 billion euros, putting Berlin just behind London, in second place. Local business angels, company owned and university related incubators, accelerators as well as national and international venture capital investors support Berlin’s young entrepreneurs in the foundation phase. Numerous successful start-ups have emerged that way, e.g. Zalando, SoundCloud, Wooga and Delivery Hero.
Venture Capital and Incubators
www.ihk-berlin.de www.ihk-berlin.de
With our online tool it is easy to find available financing options for your business in Berlin. Gain an overview over the relevant publicly funded programs and other funding opportunities and learn how to apply. With just a few clicks you can find individual ways to finance your business in Berlin. The aim of this Funding Finder is to make it easier for founders and entrepreneurs in Berlin to access the various types of financing and funding.The range of funding opportunities includes not only public sources of funding but also other financing options such as venture capital, crowd funding, leasing and factoring.The information provided represents a selection of what in our experience are the most common forms of financing and funding which are available to businesses in Berlin. It is directed at current and future member companies of the CCI Berlin.
Funding Finder Berlin
app.welcome.berlin app.welcome.berlin
Our web app* is the personal assistant for anyone wanting to live and work in Berlin. After answering just a few simple questions, you will receive a customised to-do list to help make your arrival in the German capital easier.Whether you are looking for work, planning to set up or relocate a company, or wanting to embark on training or study courses, the web app will be able to help you by providing specific tips and information along with the details of various contact partners, thereby making the first steps towards this new part of your life that bit easier.
Welcome to Berlin App
Innovationsassistent/-in - Innovation assistant New know-how for your company Are you in the start-up phase and are looking to position your company successfully on the market? Or is your company already established and you are now looking to expand? One way to achieve this is to hire a qualified graduate from a university or a university of applied sciences. IBB works on behalf of Berlin's Senate Department for Economics, Technology and Research in order to provide funding for hiring innovation assistants.
Innovation Assistant
www.berlin.de www.berlin.de
Pro Fit – Programme to Promote Research, Innovation and Technologies In particular, the Pro Fit programme aims to enhance the technological competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by intensifying research and development in individual and joint projects, and supporting the market launch of innovations. Pro Fit Innovation Funding: Company research projects and research institute joint projects in the areas of industrial research and experimental development Loans: Individual and joint projects in experimental development and production organisation, market preparation / launch by companies Pro Fit Early Phase Funding and Loans: Improving the potential sources of financing for newly established companies for developing and operating their business infrastructure, as well as forward and / or parallel financing to implement an innovation project.
Pro Fit - Programme to Promote Research, Innovation and Technologies
www.berlin-innovation.de www.berlin-innovation.de
Berlin is a high-tech location with a clear focus on cutting-edge technologies and knowledge-based services. BERLIN INNOVATION is a technology platform which showcases innovations “made in Berlin”. It serves as a "showroom" to establish Berlin as a major innovation hub and offers information about innovations to the wider public, businesses, investors and state-owned companies in Berlin. Clearly structured information on innovative products, processes and services from businesses in Berlin offers insights into innovations which are successfully implemented in the city. The aim of this information is also to stimulate demand for innovative solutions to business needs.
service.berlin.de service.berlin.de
What do you want to do? Find services, locations authorities, opening hours and much more!
Service Portal - Berlin
www.berlin.de www.berlin.de
BSR’s MHKW Ruhleben Waste-to-energy power station with an annual capacity of 520,000 tonnes of waste forms the centrepiece of Berlin’s waste disposal. It went into operation in 1967, and has since been successively extended and refitted many times. With the commissioning of the new Line A in September 2012 (together with the decommissioning of Lines 5 to 8), the MHKW now has a total of five incineration lines (Line A and Lines 1 to 4). It operates in a continuous three-shift system.
BSR - Waste to Power
The waste management strategy for Land Berlin also addresses the high-quality recycling of building materials. Every year, about 1 million tonnes of recycling concrete is generated in Berlin. An on-going investigation of the environmental and climate impacts of material flows in Berlin has shown, among other things, that the utilisation of recycled concrete in the building industry could make an important contribution to increasing resource efficiency.
Recycled Concrete
The public acquisition system can play an important role in a modern closed-cycle economy. Every year, official bodies in the city, from the city and district administrations to the public corporations, statutory bodies and public-law foundations purchase products and services costing some EUR 4 to 5 billion. When placing orders, a considerable contribution can be made to environmental protection by giving preference to environmentally-friendly products and materials and to processes which reduce the impact on the environment. In this way it is not only possible to conserve resources such as energy and water, but also to prevent threats to health and the environment.
Administrative Regulations - Waste Management
Some 60,000 tonnes of organic waste are collected by BSR every year in the city’s BIOGUT bins. Since the summer of 2013, this organic waste has been treated in the newly-erected biogas fermentation plant in Berlin-Ruhleben. Recycling and energy recovery mean that in comparison with the composting procedures previously used it has been possible to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. The biogas plant of BSR in Ruhleben has a capacity of 60,000 tonnes. The plant operates using the dry fermentation method. Microorganisms from the organic waste generate the biogas. This method is particularly suitable for organic waste with a water content of 60–80%, which is typical for kitchen waste from Berlin households. After the biogas has been cleaned, treated and concentrated, it consists of 98% methane, and is therefore chemically identical with natural gas. After having been prepared in this way it can therefore be fed into the gas supply so that the natural gas vehicles used by BSR for waste collection can be refuelled at its own filling points. In the coming years it will be possible for BSR to operate as many as 150 natural gas vehicle
Biogas Fermentation Plant
- PROI:7
- Waste_Management
- Berlin
- PD:4
- Waste_Pollution
- Recycle_Management
- Project_Data
- CO2_Emmission_Index
- PC:5
- PD:7
- PROI:6
- PC:8
- PC:4
- PD:5
www.bwb.de www.bwb.de
Water Management Portal - Berlin
www.internetwache-polizei-berlin.de www.internetwache-polizei-berlin.de
Online Crime Reporting - Polizei Berlin
www.berlin.de www.berlin.de
Pedestrians should have the possibility of getting through the capital without obstacles. With many measures our policy contributes to strengthen the pedestrians compared to the motorised traffic participants.
Walking - Berlin
www.berlin.de www.berlin.de
More cycling by the people of Berlin contributes to a better quality of life and environment in the city. Therefore the City of Berlin works hard to promote cycling as an alternative mode of transportation and to improve the conditions for cycling around the city.
Cycling Berlin
www.berlin.de www.berlin.de
The Green-Space Information System (GRIS) is an EDP procedure of the borough departments of green spaces and the Senate Department for Environment, Transport and Climate Protection, Commission III C, Open-Space Planning and Urban Green Spaces.
Green Space Information System - Berlin
www.berlin.de www.berlin.de
Urban Green Space
Urban Green Spaces
www.weisse-liste.de www.weisse-liste.de
Doctor search or hospital search: We give you orientation Weisse Liste - Your guide in healthcare
Doctor-Hospital Search Berlin
www.kvberlin.de www.kvberlin.de
You are looking for a family doctor in Reinickendorf, who specializes in diabetes? Or do you want to find out about the consultation hours of your dermatologist? In our medical directory, you will find almost all outpatient doctors in Berlin - including information on qualifications. Also use the advanced search with even more keywords. The information is based on the Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Berlin by the doctors and psychotherapists themselves announced consultation hours. You can also have office hours displayed on weekends and / or holidays that differ from regular office hours. Days on which special hours are offered appear with a selection box at the bottom of this page
Doctor Search - Berlin
Wheelmap.org is an online map for wheelchair accessible places. Everyone can easily find, register and change places on the website or via an iPhone - as with Wikipedia. The platform went online in September 2010. Already after half a year, volunteers have registered over 40,000 places, every day 100 new places are added. Since November 2010, there is also the free iPhone app.A simple traffic light system marks the wheelchair accessibility of the places: Green means unrestricted access. For example, orange marked places do not have a toilet. Locations that are displayed in red can not be entered by wheelchair users. With the help of this traffic light, people with reduced mobility can find suitable places in their environment and even worldwide. Since places are also listed that are not wheelchair accessible, owners of cafés or other public places are made aware of the problem and encouraged to think about wheelchair accessibility in their rooms.
WheelMap - For Wheelchair Accessible Places
daten.berlin.de daten.berlin.de
Find the right kindergarten near you. Is the kindergarten around the corner already full and you can not find any more space? Take the nearest one. Or do you have special wishes? No matter if the kindergarten is around the corner or should have small groups. Or if they need longer care because of the job. Find the kindergarten that suits you. Special requests for Montessori, Waldorf, emphasizes music, emphasizes sports or after a foreign language are considered.
Kindergarten Serach
daten.berlin.de daten.berlin.de
BürgerBautStadt makes it easier for citizens to participate in construction projects and planning approval procedures. For this purpose, the authors have collected data from various sources and made available on the website as a map, list or e-mail notification. BürgerBautStadt was launched at the ideas competition Stadt Land <Code> of the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany and was supported until May 2013 with a scholarship in the implementation.
Burger baut Stadt - Citizen Participation Application
daten.berlin.de daten.berlin.de
Thanks to the free environment zone Android app, you can now check where the environmental zone is located. Whether visiting a foreign city or at home - with the Umweltzone App you know exactly which roads you can drive. In addition, you can read what environmental badge you need. The application informs about adopted changes to the course of the environmental zone and about approved plaques, so that you know in time. For background information on topics such as pollutant groups, particulate matter, health, badges for motorcycles and cars, penalties and exemptions, you can check the FAQs. Last but not least, we refer to some websites that deal extensively with the subject of the environmental zone.
Environmental Zone Locator
daten.berlin.de daten.berlin.de
This application for Android devices displays the locations of waste glass containers on a map. Currently only data from the district Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf is published - as soon as further locations are published, they can be applied to the application. The application is free, the source code is freely available.
Altglascontainer - Waste Glass Container Management
daten.berlin.de daten.berlin.de
Your departures. Immediately. In Berlin (+ Brandenburg), Vienna, Geneva and Linz!You start when and find out immediately when and where your next bus, your next bim or your next train is leaving. No selection, no adjustment, no waiting.No need to stand in the cold again unnecessarily: Before leaving the house, check exactly when your bus arrives. Do you already have to run, or can you go easy? When does it tell you - without tapping!Quick and easyWhen does it tell you when the public transport will leave you? Start when, and you'll see the departure times near you. You do not have to stop, select or tap anything. When also calculates your walking time: The departure times that you can reach are highlighted.Automatic updateAlways up-to-date: It does not matter if you are moving or if time goes by, when updates automatically! No more manual updating: the departure times are renewed independently in real time. If you move from one place to another, your next station automatically joins up on top of your screen.
When - Realtime information of public transport
daten.berlin.de daten.berlin.de
The tourism app CultiMapp opens up new possibilities to explore Berlin by linking and enriching the Berlin 3D city model with cultural information. The integrated 3D viewer allows you to fly over interesting buildings near your own location. In the future, historical photographs and detailed shots will also be integrated into the viewer to make Berlin's cultural heritage visible.
daten.berlin.de daten.berlin.de
naturtrip.org is the first public transport information where you do not have to know the destination. After all, when it comes to excursions, one usually does not know exactly where one wants to go, but only what one plans to do. Namely eat delicious, relax in the spa, dozing or paddling in the sun. Therefore one searches with naturtrip.org from A for "Strandbad" or "Kanuverleih". And how long you want to be on the road. 30 minutes, 60 minutes or more. Then you get on the map exactly the destinations shown, which can be reached from your own location in 30 min or 60 min currently by train, bus or bike.
Nature Trip - Public Transport Information Berlin
daten.berlin.de daten.berlin.de
How often are streets cleaned in Berlin? With the interactive map application street cleaning in Berlin, the cleaning frequency per week can be called up for each street in the Berlin city area. Additional information can be retrieved simply by clicking on the respective street - What is being cleaned? - Who is responsible and how high are the fees for the residents. The app can be used in any web browser on any device. The application is based on the geodata from the street cleaning directory of the Berliner Stadtreinigung (BSR) and is operated via the mapping platform ArcGIS Online .
Street Cleaning - Berlin
clubglobals.com clubglobals.com
Enter AiRelo: a prime example of a small yet powerful tool for enhancing city administration and disrupting a previously unproductive model of registering an address. With AiRelo’s simple, quick and easily accessible approach, it saves time, money, and resources when registering an address. Its artificial intelligence algorithm can also be adapted and utilized to assist with other tiresome administration tasks in a variety of other cities. It also collects data on the user so it can further assist them in future administration-related dilemmas.
AiRelo: City Registration
daten.berlin.de daten.berlin.de
VBB timetable data via GTFS The Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg (VBB) hereby provides the up-to-date bus and train timetable data from Berlin and Brandenburg in GTFS format. This current record includes lines, departure times, routes, etc. (more on the format at https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs/ ). VBB logos for the required naming "VBB Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH" are available at https://www.vbb.de/presse/media-service/logos?slug=logos . Outdated timetable data can be requested at api@vbb.de .
VBB Bus Train Timetable
viz.berlin.de viz.berlin.de
VIZ Traffic Information Center Berlin
Real Time Traffic Centre - Berlin
codefor.de codefor.de
Little project that aims at raising awareness for accessibility in public transport systems. It uses a simple slider to visualize how the public transport system looks like if all the non-accessible stations are erased. There is an elaborate how-to available, suitable for non-coders on the projects github site.
ACCESS MAP - Accessibility in Public Transport Systems
infralab.berlin infralab.berlin
This time Benjamin visited us from Civocracy . The start-up has set itself the task of promoting citizen participation with regard to political decisions. However, it is by no means a matter of replacing politicians, but of convincing them with the help of the platform of ideas. In addition, Civocracy serves as an information tool, because very few citizens are already sufficiently informed about the topics to be negotiated. The platform is already being used in several European cities such as Nice, Lyon or Potsdam. In addition, from 26 to 28 September 2017, an event on "Radicalization and Terrorism" will take place . Interested parties can take part in it via live stream and participate with the help of civocracy in decisions, which are aimed directly at politicians and experts.
Civocracy - Feedback platform for Citizens
infralab.berlin infralab.berlin
Last week Stefka Wiese from GreenGasDrive was with us. The startup wants to make GreenCNG available nationwide for public and private fleet customers in the CNG filling station network. It should be made climate neutral, especially from waste biogas. In addition, GreenGasDrive advises on upcoming investment decisions and utilization optimization
infralab.berlin infralab.berlin
Oliver Lang visited us from Sonnenrepublik . His start-up offers various solutions to use sunlight for power generation. For example in the form of sustainable, mobile solar panels for on the move, industrial sunshades with built-in solar cells as well as W-Lan function or even larger, customized solar panels
SONNENREPUBLIK - Customizable-Mobile Solar Panels
infralab.berlin infralab.berlin
Today Ayumi and Christian von Dycle were with us. They have found a way to create an eco-friendly cycle with their diapers: The 100% biodegradable deposits are collected, composted so that no bad odor arises, and can then be used as soil. The Dycle Community is still producing the diaper liners by hand , but this year it is planned to develop a machine that can produce much more diapers in less time. It is not important to invent a high-tech device, but a machine that is simple and effective so that it will be used in as many Dycle communities as possible in the future.
DYCLE - Recycling Baby Diapers
infralab.berlin infralab.berlin
Nikolaus Starzacher from Discovergy visited us last week . The start-up has developed its own smart meter gateway, which not only measures and displays the power consumption live, but can even recognize some of the appliances used in the household based on specific consumption data. With the help of real-time data, more transparency is created and users can precisely optimize their power consumption. For example, by replacing old appliances which - now recognizable - consume a lot of energy with new ones or choose a different time of day with more favorable electricity prices for the use of a washing machine or dishwasher. The Discovergy user interface works both in the browser and via an app on the smartphone or tablet. There is also the option to subscribe to evaluations or to receive notifications when exceptional consumption is perceived.
DISCOVERGY - Full transparency and control over energy consumption and production
infralab.berlin infralab.berlin
visited us to produce Instinct 's first organic- grade insect snack . For this they use grilling flour without visible insect constituents, as this reduces the inhibition threshold to eat food of this kind at all. After all, Instinct is not a fun lifestyle product that is bought for the horror of, and perhaps only consumed. The bar should rather be a healthy alternative to normal snacks. Why eat insects? Those who eat insects protect the environment. For the cultivation of one kilogram of barbecues one needs only an area of 15 square meters, for the same amount of beef already 250 square meters. Also, the CO2 emissions in the crickets is many times smaller: for one kilogram it is only 0.27 kilos, for beef it is 27 kilos, so 100 times as much. In addition, crickets are healthy: Instinct contains all the essential amino acids and plenty of vitamin B12 - and the snacks are crystal sugar, gluten and lactose free
Instinct 's first organic- grade insect snack
infralab.berlin infralab.berlin
Perttu, co-founder of Radbahn , has presented the concept for the cycle path below the U1 in Berlin. The special feature of this line: over several kilometers, it does not run underground, but runs on a route made of steel. The space underneath is largely unused - ideal for creating a covered bicycle path that leads from the southeast of the city to the west . Cycle track is more than a bike path At selected locations, electricity is to be generated by means of photovoltaic elements or the kinetic energy of cars crossing the route. This is then available at charging stations for electric cars or bicycles. In addition, the median strip is to become an urban meeting place. VibRad has just won the "Radbahn + Innovators" competition. In their concept, tubes are suspended from the route on a partial section. By subway wagons and passing cars resulting vibration is thus converted into energy. This is fed into the circuit and also produces light at the ends of the tubes. Radbahn has already won prestigious awards, aroused great interest among German and international media and completed a successful crowdfunding campaign
Radbahn Berlin Future Visions for the Ecomobile City
www.emo-berlin.de www.emo-berlin.de
The DIGINET-PS research project involves the development and implementation of a connected urban infrastructure test field along a stretch of Straße des 17. Juni between Ernst-Reuter Platz and the Brandenburg Gate, designed to advance and validate automated and autonomous driving and its broad range of individual areas under real-life traffic circumstances. The test infrastructure is intended to provide central, regional and supra-regional companies and R&D institutes with the opportunity to field test automated driving within an authentic urban setting. This will establish Germany’s first pilot project to build a digital test field for automated driving in highly complex traffic situations. DIGINET-PS will contribute to implementing Berlin’s smart city strategy in the area of mobility and will also support the state’s Digital Agenda.
DIGINET-PS: The digitally connected protocol route – urban test field for automated and connected driving in Berlin
www.emo-berlin.de www.emo-berlin.de
The ELEKTRA research project seeks to develop an energy-efficient, hybrid-powered inland push boat. The project will demonstrate hydrogen and fuel cell technologies in combination with accumulators on inland waterway vessels in order to test the technology under operating conditions. Focus AreasElectric heavy-cargo shipsBZ drive
The ELEKTRA research project seeks to develop an energy-efficient, hybrid-powered inland push boat
www.emo-berlin.de www.emo-berlin.de
The research project eMobility-Scout deals with the conceptualization, implementation and testing of a cloud-based IT solution for the operation of electric vehicles and for sharing charging infrastructures among different businesses. In doing so, eMobility-Scout is considering the interest shown by many companies and institutions for simple and smart integration of electric vehicles into their fleets. Solutions for diverse areas of application in commercial mobility are being developed and tested, while taking logistical, economic and ecological aspects into account. Experienced project partners and affiliates, as well as renowned end users, are contributing extensive knowledge to the project. The results of the research project for IKT EM III should also gain substantial recognition in the public sphere.
eMobility-Scout - cloud-based IT solution for operating electric vehicles and sharing private charging infrastructures
www.emo-berlin.de www.emo-berlin.de
Berlin’s urban tourism sector has been growing for years. The demand for sustainable and green vehicle solutions for city tours is rising accordingly. Within this project, BCT City Tour GmbH and its subsidiary POKRA Omnibus Werkstatt GmbH is converting diesel-powered double-decker buses to exclusively electric drive systems.
Electrification of double-decker buses for tourism purposes
www.emo-berlin.de www.emo-berlin.de
A fully integrated logistics concept to establish environment and climate friendly supply chains in urban districts is going to evolve from the project. Co-creation processes, which are supported by online tools, are being used to develop the concept. The development and testing of sustainable business and deployment models is the goal of Distribut(e) and this will be addressed through the development of a shared e-logistics system in Klausenerplatz and at Mierendorff-Insel. The system will relate to a specific district (Kiez) in Berlin. A digital dialogue platform will be set up for the purpose of ordering local goods and for the booking of cargo bikes. Other low-threshold service offerings will be developed using Urban Design Thinking and will be integrated into the operating model.Focus Areas Integrated shared e-logistics at Mierendorff-Insel and at KlausenerplatzUrban Design Thinking: Formats for the co-creation process for sustainable urban district logisticsEfficiency enhancement in the delivery of goods in the ‘last mile’Mobile and online participation: Promotion of local production chains and activation of local stakeholders such as small to medium sized companies and local residentsIdentification of new sharing and value-in-use conceptsHigher standards in terms of the transparency, sovereignty, security and efficiency of data on the online platform
Distribut(e): Green city district (Kiez) supply chains for the city of tomorrow
www.emo-berlin.de www.emo-berlin.de
This campaign helps people experience what multimodal mobility is like when you don't have your own car. It is aimed at car owners who actually only need their car sporadically. During a four-week trial period, testers were able to try out a wide range of sponsored mobility solutions, all with the goal of making the transition to multimodal mobility easier. Focus Areas The project builds on the initial results of the New Mobility Berlin project which discovered that car owners will only switch to multimodal transportation and give up their own cars if they can first give it a trial run. In order to facilitate the switch, they need to experience the existing multimodal mobility offerings in Berlin. These offerings also need to be expanded locally as mobility-as-a-service (MaaS) adapted to the needs of users. A sponsored mobility package of Berlin public transport and the city's car sharing companies made it possible for car owners to try out living without a private car. The test also provided important information about user requirements for MaaS.
Your summer fleet: experience multimodal transport without your own car
www.emo-berlin.de www.emo-berlin.de
The project's objective is the introduction of electric vehicles featuring innovative charging techniques inpublic transport and the demonstration of the use of inductive charging technology during ongoing operations. Berlin's public transport association, the BVG, intends to establish an electric bus line including an inductivecharging infrastructure. The battery capacity in buses can be reduced to a size of 90 kWh, thanks to opportunity based charging.
E-Bus Berlin
daten.berlin.de daten.berlin.de
The new budget visualization of the Senate Department for Finance offers transparency and clarity . Interested parties can get a quick and easy overview of the financial years 2014 to 2019. New to the current visualization is the possibility of comparing setpoints and actual values as well as the display of the amount "per inhabitant". This creates even more transparency and traceability. The presentation also makes it possible to search for individual plans or policy areas, for Senate administrations or individual districts. The visualization of households has been carried out since 2012 in cooperation with the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany as part of the project Open Household Budget . The state of Berlin is the only federal state that presents its budget data in this comprehensive way.
Berlin State Budget
daten.berlin.de daten.berlin.de
The app "Berliner Badestellen" uses the bathing place data of the LaGeSo to provide an overview of the water quality, temperature and other data of the Berlin bathing lakes. The app also provides a link to a corresponding request in the LOB connection planner, as well as to a display of the bathing place in various map services.
Berlin Bath Place Quality
daten.berlin.de daten.berlin.de
Open data readable for man and machine. That is the goal.
Open Data Platform - Berlin
www.stromnetz.berlin www.stromnetz.berlin
Smart meter Smart electricity meters, so-called "smart meters", measure and document the energy used in real time and allow the customer individual energy management. Explore now consumer producer Storage Loaded unloaded Consume feeding to save Use energy To overview function getQueryVariable(variable) { if(window.location.search.length > 0) { var query = window.location.search.substring(1); var vars = query.split("&"); for (var i=0;i<vars.length;i++) { var pair = vars[i].split("="); if (pair[0] == variable) { return pair[1]; } } alert('Query Variable ' + variable + ' not found'); } } //var adobeEdgePage = 'overview'; var adobeEdgePage = 'smartmeter'; if(getQueryVariable('p') !== undefined) { adobeEdgePage = getQueryVariable('p'); } .edgeLoad-edgeStage { visibility:hidden; } AdobeEdge.loadComposition('https://www.stromnetz.berlin/resources/stromnetz-berlin/smartgrid/animations/'+adobeEdgePage, 'edgeStage', { scaleToFit: "width", centerStage: "horizontal", minW: "0", maxW: "924px", width: "924px", height: "680px" }, {"style":{"${symbolSelector}":{"isStage":"true","rect":["undefined","undefined","924px","680px"],"fill":["rgba(255,255,255,1)"]}},"dom":{}}, {"style":{"${symbolSelector}":{"isStage":"true","rect":["undefined","undefined","924px","643px"],"fill":["rgba(255,255,255,1)"]}},"dom":{}}); Smart meters can measure the used and the generated energy. The data is transmitted to the network operator so that they can be used in the billing of grid usage, feed-in and delivery by the electricity supplier. The measured values can also be accessed via various platforms, eg. Web pages and smart phone apps. The customer thus has an up-to-date overview of his electricity consumption and, if necessary, his generation. But the electricity supplier can also use the consumption data to design tailor-made power products, thereby optimizing power consumption and energy costs. Smart meters make the use of energy more transparent to the customer compared to today's measurement.
- Sep 2016
www.salon.com www.salon.com
the people and the ideas we’re challenging have taken it upon themselves to have exclusive rights to define what American is.
That's it. In a nutshell
- Jun 2016
www.lian-li.com www.lian-li.com
Two 140mm fan (front)
Why are the front fans not designed to be center aligned...