- Mar 2023
www.softphd.com www.softphd.com
Le langage induit par l’interface logicielle entraîne une déréalisation du monde, un rapport aux choses et aux êtres qui manque l’altérité constitutive de toute expérience authentiquement humaine.
On pense aux flèches prédéfinies, qu’on peut glisser-déposer à partir d’une barre de menu (toolbar); aux listes à puces, dont la prépondérance dans les gabarits incite à l’usage, lequel élimine dans l’usage courant le recours aux marqueurs de relation (composant essentiel au langage logique, permettant d’expliciter et d’articuler les liens entre les idées, de nommer les relations).
Le langage graphique (iconographique, de mise en forme et de mise en page, etc.), offert par le logiciel, fait office d’outillage intellectuel; et cet outillage intellectuel s’avère d’une importante pauvreté, si ce n’est d’une dangerosité (vies humaines dans la mission Challenger de la NASA (Franck Frommer, <cite>La pensée PowerPoint</cite>, 2010, p. 7-8), opérations militaires par l’armée américaine).
- May 2021
www.transperfect.com www.transperfect.com
1) Presenting training in a glorified PowerPoint format
Knew it wasn't "my line". Well, I've been using it since before this was published, especially about some SCORM packages.
- Oct 2020
support.microsoft.com support.microsoft.com
Si vous utilisez PowerPoint sur un seul ordinateur et que vous voulez afficher le mode Présentateur, dans l’affichage Diaporama, sur la barre de contrôle en bas à gauche, sélectionnez , puis Mode Présentateur.
- Jan 2020
vle.exeter.ac.uk vle.exeter.ac.uk
Also see slides 1-7 of the powerpoint HERE
Sorry, I forgot the link: HERE it is
- Nov 2019
Using Technology to Enhance Teaching & Learning
This website provides technology teaching resources as part of the Southern Methodist University (SMU) Center for Teaching Excellence. Users can find informational links to various technology tools that can be used for enhancing teaching and learning in online, hybrid, or face-to-face courses. On the right of the page under "Technology," users can click on the tech tools for additional resources/research on their implementation. Examples of these technologies include Blackboard LMS, PowerPoint presentation software, Google Suite products, blogs, and social media sites. Rating 8/10
- Apr 2017
community.canvaslms.com community.canvaslms.com
You may already provide students with your static PowerPoint presentations in the File section of your course. To make this content more engaging, you could take that same PowerPoint file and narrate the slides. It may be best to break up long slide decks into smaller files so you have shorter videos that are no longer than 10 minutes.
This a great, little tutorial that is perfect for the Windows-using faculty who want to quickly do a narrated presentation.
- Nov 2015
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
My friend also told me that when he removed PowerPoint from lecture theatres, his students demanded it back, because without it they had to organise their own notes.
Not for nothing did Brigadier General McMaster, of the US military, subsequently liken the proliferation of PP presentation in the military to an “internal threat”, saying: “It’s dangerous because it can create the illusion of understanding and the illusion of control. Some problems are not bullet-izable.”
Through PowerPoint, everything has a tendency to resemble a pitch rather than a discussion
- Sep 2015
PowerPointless 24.4k 3.5k 109 Digital slideshows are the scourge of higher education.