- Nov 2019
elearningindustry.com elearningindustry.com
How To Enhance Your Leadership Training With eLearning
This article first outlines specific challenges that businesses can face when designing and implementing leadership trainings. Pandey (2019) then recommends strategic eLearning tools and methods for overcoming these challenges and creating effective training. One challenge is that leaders lack the time to participate in trainings. Pandey suggests eLearning that is readily-accessible across numerous platforms, personalized, and self-paced. She also emphasizes the need for continuous training so that leaders' professional development is consistent and adapted to their advancement.
teachonline.asu.edu teachonline.asu.edu
Integrating Technology with Bloom’s Taxonomy
This article was published by a team member of the ASU Online Instructional Design and New Media (IDNM) team at Arizona State University. This team shares instructional design methods and resources on the TeachOnline site for online learning. "Integrating Technology with Bloom's Taxonomy" describes practices for implementing 6 principles of Bloom's Digital Taxonomy in online learning. These principles include Creating, Evaluating, Analyzing, Applying, Understanding, and Remembering. The purpose of implementing this model is to create more meaningful and effective experiences for online learners. The author guides instructors in the selection of digital tools that drive higher-order thinking, active engagmenent, and relevancy. Rating 9/10
www.opm.gov www.opm.gov
Training and Development Policy Wiki
This webpage, under the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) .gov site, provides an extensive list of technology resources that can be and have been implemented into a variety of employee deveolpment programs. These tools allow for more personalized learning, active participation, collaboration, and communication.In the first section of the site, examples of Web 2.0 tools are listed that can promote collaboration and constructive learning. You can also find technologies that are used in specific sectors, such as the Federal Government and the Private Sector. Clicking on the links redirects you to additional resources on the tech tools, including how to use them effectively and professionally for employee training. Rating 10/10
Using Technology to Enhance Teaching & Learning
This website provides technology teaching resources as part of the Southern Methodist University (SMU) Center for Teaching Excellence. Users can find informational links to various technology tools that can be used for enhancing teaching and learning in online, hybrid, or face-to-face courses. On the right of the page under "Technology," users can click on the tech tools for additional resources/research on their implementation. Examples of these technologies include Blackboard LMS, PowerPoint presentation software, Google Suite products, blogs, and social media sites. Rating 8/10
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Empowering Education: A New Model for In-service Training of Nursing Staff
This research article explores an andragogical method of learning for the in-service training of nurses. In a study of a training period for 35 nurses, research found an empowering model of education that was characterized by self-directed learning and practical learning. This model suggests active participation, motivation, and problem-solving as key indicators of effective training for nurses. Rating 8/10
lincs.ed.gov lincs.ed.gov
Digital Literacy Initiatives
This website outlines digital literacy initiatives provided by the Literacy Information and Communication System (LINCS). The U.S. Department of Education, Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE) implements these intitatives to aid adult learners in the successful use of technology in their education and careers. Students have free access to learning material on different subjects under the "LINCS Learner Center" tab. Teachers and tutors also have access to resoruces on implementing educational technology for professional development and effective instruction. Rating 8/10
digitalcommons.macalester.edu digitalcommons.macalester.edu
1Engaging Adults Learners with TechnologyThrough
Instruction Librarians from the Twin Cities Campus Library created this instructional gudie as a workshop for implementing technology for adult learning. First, the authors describe key characteristics of adult learners as identified in the theory of andragogy. Examples of these characteristics include the need to know, learner responsibility, past experiences, and motivation to learn. The authors then suggest instructional practices and activities to meet the needs of adult learners, Finally, they provide examples of technology tools for effectively engaging adult learners. Rating 10/10
www.iste.org www.iste.org
ISTE Standards Transform learning and teaching.
This resource is the website for the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), which serves educators and professionals in the implementation of technology in education. The site provides open access readings, learning guides, and membership material for educators' development with technology. You can also find ISTE Standards for teachers, students, technology coaches, and educational leaders/administrators. These standards serve as the skills and knowledge each group should obtain for effective teaching and learning with technology.
www.citejournal.org www.citejournal.org
This article, developed by faculty members at NAU, provides research behind and practices for technology-infused professional development (PD) programs. The authors first emphasize the importance of designing professional development for teachers around how they and their students learn best. Many approaches to PD have taken a one-size-fits-all approach in which learners take a more passive role in absorbing standardized information. The authors in this article suggest the need for a more effective model, one in which teachers play an active role in learning in ways that they find most effective for them and their students. Technology can support this PD through interactive and learner-centered instruction. Rating: 9/10
www.nap.edu www.nap.edu
Advantages of Online Professional Development
This chapter, "Advantages of Online Professional Development" describes the benefits of online teacher professional development (OTPD), which implements technology to deliver training and learning in an online environment. OTPD allows teachers to participate in a flexible, self-directed, and collaborative learning community. They can interact with other teachers synchronously and asynchronously, or take professional development courses at their own schedule.
www.advanc-ed.org www.advanc-ed.org
Training for Transformation: Teachers, Technology, and the Third Millennium
This article emphasizes the importance of preparing educators for the effective implementation of technology in a rapidly advancing digital society. Institutions have taken measures to ensure that students are prepared to use educational technology and how that can supplement and enhance learning. However, it is also just as important to ensure that teachers are prepared and to consider how these tools impact their practices. This article outlines examples of training programs and models that teachers can use for technology implementation professional development. Rating: 9/10
www.angelo.edu www.angelo.edu
Section 1.3 Theories of Education and the Online Environment
This website is part of Angelo State University's online teaching training course for faculty members. This section outlines three prominent theories of education-Behaviorism, Social Cognitive Theory, and Constructivism-and applies them to online learning. Instructional Designers and course instructors can use this guide for the construction of meaningful and active learning environment for students. Rating: 10/10
- educational theories
- adult education
- instructional design
- active learning
- online instruction
- collaborative learning
- online teaching
- professional development
- e-learning
- technology integration
- self-directed learning
- Constructivism
- etcnau
- Social Cognitive Theory
- higher education
- etc556
- Angelo State University
- edtech
- andragogy
- Behaviorism
- adult learning
www.angelo.edu www.angelo.edu
Section 1.5 Online Learner Characteristics, Technology and Skill Requirements
This website outlines Section 1.5 of Angelo State University's guide to instructional design and online teaching. Section 1.5 describes key characteristics of online learners, as well as the technology and computer skills that research has identified as being important for online learners. Successful online learners are described as self-directed, motivated, well-organized, and dedicated to their education. The article also notes that online learners should understand how to use technology such as multimedia tools, email, internet browsers. and LMS systems. This resource serves as a guide to effective online teaching. Rating 10/10
www.learning-theories.com www.learning-theories.com
E-Learning Theory (Mayer, Sweller, Moreno)
This website outlines key principles of the E-Learning Theory developed by Mayer, Sweller, and Moreno. E-Learning Theory describes how the implementation of educational technology can be combined with key principles of how we learn for better outcomes. This site describes those principles as a guide of more effective instructional design. Users can also find other learning theories under the "Categories" link at the top of the page. Examples include Constructivist theories, Media & Technology theories, and Social Learning theories. Rating: 8/10
www.instructionaldesign.org www.instructionaldesign.org
Learning Domains
This website provides several examples of domains adults may learn in or engage with. By clicking on each type, you are redirected to a detailed description of the domain. Descriptions include, but are not limited to, definitions, theories and research behind the topic, and real-world examples. You can also find references used in the description, which can be helpful for further exploration. This InstructionalDesign.org website also provides extensive lists of learning concepts (i.e. motivation, personalized learning, storyboard, etc.) and theories (i.e. Adult Learning Theory, Social Learning, Constructivism, etc.). Each learning theory link provides a theoretical definition, applications, examples, key principles, references, and related websites. Rating 10/10.
ignitedlabs.education.asu.edu ignitedlabs.education.asu.edu
Tech Literacy Resources
This website is the "Resources" archive for the IgniteED Labs at Arizona State University's Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College. The IgniteED Labs allow students, staff, and faculty to explore innovative and emerging learning technology such as virtual reality (VR), artifical intelligence (AI), 3-D printing, and robotics. The left side of this site provides several resources on understanding and effectively using various technologies available in the IgniteED labs. Each resources directs you to external websites, such as product tutorials on Youtube, setup guides, and the products' websites. The right column, "Tech Literacy Resources," contains a variety of guides on how students can effectively and strategically use different technologies. Resources include "how-to" user guides, online academic integrity policies, and technology support services. Rating: 9/10
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
Using Technology to Help First-Gen Students
This article highlights the need for and benefits of implementing more technology tools to support first-generation college students' learning, engagement, and success. For many first-gen students, especially those from low-income backgrounds, the transition to college can be challenging; this leads to lower retention rates, performance, and confidence. The authors, drawing off of research, suggest mobile devices and Web 2.0 technologies to prevent these challenges. Example of such tools include dictionary and annotation apps that are readily-accessible and aid in students' understanding of material. Fist-gen students can also use social media apps (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) to maintain supportive connections with family, peers, and mentors. Rating: 8/10
www-chronicle-com.libproxy.nau.edu www-chronicle-com.libproxy.nau.edu
This website explores technology news within the field of higher education. The site contains a wide variety of news articles on current issues, trends, and research surrounding the integration of technology in universities and colleges. This includes technology's prevalence in teaching and learning, institutional decisions, and societal trends of higher education. The articles are published by authors for "The Chronicle of Higher Education," a leading newspaper and website for higher education journalism. Rating: 7/10
education.asu.edu education.asu.edu
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
This site is the homepage of the Tech Infusion program at Arizona State University (ASU). Housed within ASU's Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, Tech Infusion is a technology integration curriculum for Pre-K-12 teacher candidates. Through coursework and hands-on practices, teacher candidates are prepared to use technology fluently and innovatively for teaching and learning. The program integrates research, ISTE Standards, and the TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) framework around effective technology integration. This website provides technology-infusion resources for course developers, instructors, and current and future educators. Examples include research articles, edtech tool tutorials, lesson plans, and outlines of the curriculum. Rating: 9/10
journals.uair.arizona.edu journals.uair.arizona.edu
Issues and Trends in Learning Technologies
This website covers "Issues and Trends in Learning Technologies (ITLT)," a peer-reviewed open-access journal published by the University of Arizona's Learning Technology program. This online journal features articles that explore theories, practices, and research surrounding educational technology. This includes discourse around the application and assessment of various learning technologies in educational settings. The "Archives" tab at the top of the site each volume ITLT, which feature articles such as research, reviews, and graduate student work. As an online publication, each article is accessible in PDF and HTML format free of charge. "Rating: 10/10"