17 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2022
    1. Graft points or grafts enable two otherwise different lines of development to be joined together. It works by letting users record fake ancestry information for commits. This way you can make git pretend the set of parents a commit has is different from what was recorded when the commit was created.
  2. Aug 2022
    1. you can also replicate the bind:this syntax if you please: Wrapper.svelte <script> let root export { root as this } </script> <div bind:this={root} />

      This lets the caller use it like this: <Wrapper bind:this={root} />

      in the same way we can already do this with elements: <div bind:this=

  3. Nov 2021
  4. Sep 2021
  5. May 2021
    1. Familiarity: Volumes function as generic block devices, so you can treat attached volumes like locally connected storage drives. This lets you partition, format, and manage volumes with familiar tools and techniques.

      So block storage volumes are network-based block devices, but they appear in the OS the same as local block devices? Is it even possible to distinguish that they are not actually local?

  6. Apr 2021
    1. is a mechanism designed for creating an external host for character-mode subsystem activities that replace the user interactivity portion of the default console host window

      My paraphrase: A pseudoterminal replaces (fakes/pretends to be?) the user interactivity portion.

    1. faketty() { script -qfc "$(printf "%q " "$@")" /dev/null }
      faketty() {
          script --return -qfc "$(printf "%q " "$@")" /dev/null


      ⟫ faketty python -c "import sys; print sys.stdout.isatty(); exit(1)" ; echo $?
  7. Mar 2021
    1. One gripe I've had with this approach is that you lose the visual cues that you're passing children into the Box component; they now aren't nested within the Box when you render them like we're used to in HTML; it's now up to you to read the props and spot which ones are being used to provide children.
    1. If the only realistic consumer of a package is the monorepo, and you can’t realistically see normal users installing that 1 package out of 138 other packages in that repository, there’s probably no need to have it as a separate package. Ideally it would be better to let a user install 1 package that contains everything, and reduce the overhead.
    2. Very often in these monorepos, packages are so incredibly specific in functionality, the question then becomes why even have a separate package at all if it’s tightly coupled? Can you use these packages independently or are they tied to specific versions of other packages in the monorepo? It’ll probably be easier to remove the mask and just work as a monolith.
  8. Feb 2021
    1. So how are we going to create a model that doesn’t have a database table behind it? There are several potential solutions including various plugins but we’re going to use the method described in an entry on the Code Tunes blog. This shows a techinque that involves overriding a couple of methods in an ActiveRecord model and then manually defining the columns in the model file rather than in the database table. In our Recommendation model we’ll add in the two overridden methods and then use the column class method to define the columns in a similar way to how they’re defined in a migration file.

      Does this still work in Rails 6? I wonder.

  9. Jan 2021
    1. I'm still pretty proud of the project and I don't want to see it gone, so I want to keep updating it when needed. But on the other hand, the feature set is pretty stable and well working now (AFAIK) so I also don't see the need to pretend to be actively maintaining it.
  10. Dec 2020
    1. A simple, fake backend for your frontend React projects — It’s often nice to add the appearance of a backend/database to your frontend portfolio projects. The extra functionality will take your app to the next level, improve the user experience and impress potential employers.