10 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2025
    1. “[Weimar]… Yes, we all know how it ends. But its participants… could have no idea what was in store for them. Will we be any the wiser? I ask because Weimar now beckons us. But, not at all in the way we think. We think about Weimar only in terms of the weakening of American democracy. While we should really think about it in terms of the world."

      for - Charlie Angus - quoting Robert D. Kaplan - Weimar moment - SOURCE - Substack article - Weimar and the Super Bowl - Trump 2.0 - Weimar republic - rise of Hitler - Charlie Angus - 2025, Feb 7

      Comment - This is a very appropriate quote as it is not just a national threat, but a global one - Steve Bannon and others have been criss-crossing the globe priming other far-right movements - It is also the case that most people are underestimating the slippery slope we are sliding down, - just as the people supporting Hitler at the time of Hitler's ascendency were not aware that he was going to cause a genocide - Would these people have gone along with Hitler if they knew in the early days what we now know?

  2. Mar 2024
    1. n the second stage, which I call a Source Note, you’ll summarize and paraphrase the passage that grabbed your attention. Occasionally you might quote a line or two, if they seem to especially capture the thought. But the point is to begin the transition to your own words, which is the transition to your own thoughts.
  3. Sep 2023
  4. Mar 2023
  5. Jan 2022
    1. Below is a draft of the [[thought process]] that led me to decide adopting the practice of [[inserting wikilinks into quotes]].

      Very interesting, thank you! I enjoyed the format of exposition as well.

      I am biased though as I've been doing this so I'd naturally tend to want to justify it :) I somehow didn't realize it had these ramifications.

  6. Apr 2021
  7. Jun 2020
  8. Apr 2020
  9. Apr 2019