41 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
    1. we are using set theory so a certain piece of reference text is part of my collection or it's not if it's part of my collection somewhere in my fingerprint is a corresponding dot for it yeah so there is a very clear direct link from the root data to the actual representation and the position that dot has versus all the other dots so the the topology of that space geometry if you want of that patterns that you get that contains the knowledge of the world which i'm using the language of yeah so that basically and that is super easy to compute for um for for a computer i don't even need a gpu

      for - comparison - cortical io / semantic folding vs standard AI - no GPU required

    1. So either you're back into the future  in a dead end, and you hit the wall, and it gets dark. or you transition  towards this more attractive future. And I think we need to start talking  about that attractive future

      for - planetary emergency - narrative shift required - from lack to building a better world

    1. catching a break is necessary in order to refill your mental capacities and as a rule of thumb you can say that it's it's five to one five parts of work one part of doing a break so 50 minutes working 10 minutes catching a break

      for - neuroscience - efficient work - relaxation rule

      neuroscience - efficient work - relaxation rule - It is necessary to build NO WORK time into effective work - 5 time units work - 1 time unit relaxation - It is necessary to step back from concentrating on a problem - for the brain to drift away from it and - relax from concentrating on the problem - so that new perspectives can develop that can be brought back to solve the problem

  2. Jul 2024
    1. the framing of problems as global suggests that they can be addressed with the tools we have at hand: modern political ideas and the architecture of global governance that has emerged since the Second World War

      for - quote - planetary governance is required - not global

      quote - planetary governance is required - not global - The framing of problems as global - suggests that they can be addressed with the tools we have at hand: - modern political ideas and the architecture of global governance that has emerged - since the Second World War. - But planetary problems cannot. - This helps to explain why decades of attempts to manage planetary problems with global institutions have failed.

    1. we have had a completely stable climate for more than 10 000 years in which to develop agriculture and probably 00:16:12 you can't develop agriculture if you're experiencing a great deal of climate fluctuation because your experiment will fail at some point due to frost or drought

      for - history - agriculture - Holocene required

      history - agriculture - Holocene required - Ronald Wright makes a good point, without a long stable climate period such as the Holocene, agricultural experimentation would not have succeeded

  3. Apr 2024
    1. Every p-block with a payment in r-coins by a correct trader p ̸ = ris eventually approved or disapproved by an r-block [provided p and r are friends or have acommon friend in SG(B)]a.

      Strange that you need to have a friend-path in order to use r's coins. I'd expect r to accept&approve a message from me, given I hold his coin (which he can see from my message).

  4. Jan 2024
    1. What is Avalanche Robinhood?

      Search results suggest this post as a good answer to the question, "what is Avalanche Robinhood?" However, I find that it doesn't even begin to answer that question. Because it is about a very specific part of the Robinhood app that is about Avalanche. And it offers no description of the Avalanche-Robinhood relationship.

      Also, I can't understand why there are no images in the original post. OK, it was never originally intended to answer the question that search engines have suggested. But it would have been very easy to take a screenshot of each question that the Original Poster provides answers for.

      So, I'm asking you to research the question properly. And include links to base information sources.

      By "base information sources", I mean original information. Not search results pages, or curation articles such as forums or encyclopedias. Because it is OK to use those services to find original sources. But in my opinion, it is very poor form to quote from them as if they have any authority.

      Your Avalanche Robinhood Research Rewards

      If you present your research as a post on the Hive blockchain, you become eligible for rewards from Shrewdies. Including extra payments during Hive Rewards Week. In addition to your usual rewards in the Hive Afterweek. Subject to my competition rules, below.

      To claim Hive Week Rewards, you must reply to this note with the link to your post on Shrewdies.com, on the day that you published your post. You will then gain an immediate boost of 1 HSBI. If more than 1 person claims this reward, I will start a competition that runs for 28 days from the first response. The prize for the competition will depend on the number of entrants.

      Your Avalanche Robinhood Competition Strategy

      This section is not part of the competition rules. Just my opinions about how you might approach the competition.

      Firstly, remember that everything in the Hive Afterweek depends on the quality of your content. So: - Write with a clear purpose - Structure your research findings logically - Check your writing with LanguageTool or similar. - Read your post aloud before publishing it. Or better still, get someone to read it to you.

      Strategically, you might consider encouraging other people to enter this competition first. But don't let them get too far ahead!

      I will be working hard to promote all competition entries to search engines. You can help yourself by posting links to your Shrewdies.com competition entry on social media and wherever else you can. You can also link to it in your other posts on Hive (old and new).

      Avalanche Robinhood Competition Rules

      Avalanche Robinhood Competition Entries

      • Your post title must include "What is Avalanche Robinhood". But you can include other words. E.g., "What is Avalanche Robinhood to Me" or "Why it's important to ask 'What is Avalanche Robinhood'".
      • You must include a link to this Hypothesis Annotation.
      • This is an English language competition. However, you can provide additional translations. As long as the English version is presented first.
      • Minimum of 250 words (as measured by LanguageTool Editor). I will only measure the main English article - ignoring translations, navigation links, signatures, etc.
      • Reply to this annotation with a link to your post on Shrewdies.com. Note that Shrewdies.com is a read-only portal to the Hive blockchain. So you can use Ecency, PeakD, or whichever Hive frontend you prefer. But the link to your post must be in the form shrewdies.com/post/yourname/yoururl. I strongly recommend that you visit your post on Shrewdies.com, then copy and paste the address from your browser.
      • You are allowed to edit your entry at any time. But the edited post must continue to meet the rules to remain eligible for rewards.

      Avalanche Robinhood Competition Rewards

      • Each entry will get a reward of 1 HSBI to be paid 1 week after posting.
      • The competition will run for 28 days. Starting on the day after publication of the second competition entry.
      • The competition prize will be based on the number of entrants. Being 1 HSBI per entrant. So if 10 people apply, the prize will be 10 HSBI.
      • The winner will be determined by the highest number of impressions recorded by Google Search Console during the 28-day competition period. I aim to post interim weekly numbers as replies here. But any such interim numbers are for information only. So the results depend entirely on the 28-day impression count.
      • I will only include genuine search queries. And any attempt to search for your own competition entry will be penalized.
      • I will pay the competition prize as soon as I assess the 28-day search query analysis.
  5. Dec 2023
    1. the changes that we need to make to our political system go well well 00:41:10 well beyond like having a better P party in changing who some of the MPS are and so on and so forth because it is structurally set up to insulate the ruling class from popular pressure
      • for: quote - political system change is required

      • quote

        • the changes that we need to make our political system go well beyond having a better party or changing who some of the MPS are and so on
          • because it is structurally set up to insulate the ruling class from popular pressure
    2. our posture as well 00:36:59 has to be like totally anti- systemic we're not coming in to try to get some reforms to try to amarate just some of the some of the crisis 00:37:11 because we it's actually not possible
      • for: anti-system posture - required for mass support

      • reference

        • see previous annotation
  6. Nov 2023
    1. For producers that choose to diversify and are looking to align with the aims of the Paris Agreement, our bottom-up analysis of cash flows in a 1.5 °C scenario suggests that a reasonable ambition is for 50% of capital expenditures to go towards clean energy projects by 2030, on top of the investment needed to reduce scope 1 and 2 emissions.
      • for: stats - oil and gas industry - required investments in clean energy

      • stats: oil and gas industry - required investments in clean energy

        • 50 % of capital expenditure by 2030 and reduction in scope 1 and 2 emissions
      • comment

        • Wow, is it really possible for the industry to spend 50 % of their budget on clean energy in 7 years? This would be unprecedented, given that greenwashing is all we've ever seen in the past.
  7. Jan 2022
    1. Yes, precisely because I've been involved in maintaining codebases built without real full stack frameworks is why I say what I said.The problem we have in this industry, is that somebody reads these blog posts, and the next day at work they ditch the "legacy rails" and starts rewriting the monolith in sveltekit/nextjs/whatever because that's what he/she has been told is the modern way to do full stack.No need to say those engineers will quit 1 year later after they realize the mess they've created with their lightweight and simple modern framework.I've seen this too many times already.It is not about gatekeeping. It is about engineers being humble and assume it is very likely that their code is very unlikely to be better tested, documented, cohesive and maintained than what you're given in the real full stack frameworks.Of course you can build anything even in assembler if you want. The question is if that's the most useful thing to do with your company's money.
  8. Oct 2021
  9. Mar 2021
    1. It comprises the collection of "mutual knowledge, mutual beliefs, and mutual assumptions" that is essential for communication between two people.

      I've seen a few people with websites that have a grouping of some of their past posts to help orient new readers into their way of thinking and understanding to help provide common grounding for new readers.

      Colin Walker is an example that has had one in the past, but it looks like the move from WordPress to his new system, the original link to that data is gone now. His page was called "required" and an archived version of his example(s) can be found archived here: https://web.archive.org/web/2020*/https://colinwalker.blog/required/

  10. Feb 2021
  11. Jan 2021
    1. Frankly, if the Ubuntu Desktop team “switch” from making a deb of Chromium to making a snap, I doubt they’d switch back. It’s a tremendous amount of work for developer(s) to maintain numerous debs across all supported releases. Maintaining a single snap is just practically and financially more sensible.
    2. This example of the chromium really shows that unless snaps or other similar format was used, applications would have to be sometime very heavily patched to work on older versions of systems to the point that it generates so much work that it would not be worth do to it otherwise, or at least not worth when the snap option exists and doesn’t require that much more work.
  12. Oct 2020
    1. Take responsibility for your outgoing network traffic If you install software that interacts with other sites over the network, you should be aware how it works and what kind of traffic it generates. If it has the potential to make thousands of requests to other sites, make sure it uses an HTTP cache to prevent inflicting abuse on other sites.
    1. It is not appropriate to use these document types for live content. These are made available only for download, to support local use in development, evaluation, and validation tools. Using these versions directly from the W3C server could cause automatic blockage, preventing them from loading. If it is necessary to use schemata in content, follow guidelines to avoid excessive DTD traffic. For instance, use caching proxies to avoid fetching the schema each time it is used, or ensure software uses a local cache, such as with XML catalogs.
  13. Sep 2020
    1. Mark the schema as required. All field values apart from undefined and null meet this requirement.
    2. The same as the mixed() schema required, except that empty strings are also considered 'missing' values.
  14. Jul 2020
    1. Beyond that, the core AMP library and built-in elements should aim for very wide browser support and we accept fixes for all browsers with market share greater than 1 percent.
  15. May 2020
    1. a person can withdraw from research at any point of time and it is no binding of participant to reveal the reason of discontinuation
  16. Apr 2020
    1. General surgeons in communities without emergency neurosurgical coverage should have a working knowledge of burr hole placement in the event that emergent evacuation is required for a life-threatening epidural hematoma
  17. Nov 2019
    1. Cabinet: one author or several; posts curated into particular collections or series’, often with thematic groupings, perhaps a “start here” page for new readers, or other pointers to specific reading sequences

      Colin Walker has suggested something like this in the past and implemented a "required reading" page on his website.

  18. Aug 2019
    1. Passion, character, and initiative are a requirement. A long resumé is not — as long as you care about the right things, we can help build your skillset. This is true for those we hire, and it is equally true for our apprentices.
  19. Apr 2019
  20. Feb 2019
    1. m. +

      didn't catch adding subfield here; our bad, but i feel like this should have been caught?

    2. 0 \0$aH

      The value in the original 490 is a 4XX in the provided series statement; it is incorrect, but that's not really Marcive's fault

    3. a. E

      this should have $l; could clean up locally, but shouldn't they be able to catch this?

  21. May 2018
    1. Overall, two-thirds of students said that they bought all of their required textbooks.  But the proportion who said they did fell fairly dramatically as the overall cost of buying textbooks increased.
  22. May 2017
    1. luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In ac dui quis mi consectetuer lacinia. Aliquam eu nunc.

      this is different thing than it should be