11 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2022
    1. Critical Ed Tech Scholars Alliance (CETSA), a grassroots group of educators working in higher ed

      Where exactly is this group? They don't seem to have an online presence.

  2. Sep 2021
  3. Apr 2020
    1. Scholars at research universities have the capacity to do this labor, the labor of cultural history, to document past precarities and their costs

      This seems like a weird throwaway sentence. Is this a call to do this kind of scholarship? Is this an admonishment that scholars aren't doing this work?

  4. Jun 2016
    1. Results of our analysis show that there has been a consistent growth in the number of articles published over the past decade; from 1.3 million in 2003 to 2.4 million in 2013 (see Figure 1). At the same time, the number of authorships has increased at a far greater rate from 4.6 million in 2003 to 10 million in 2013.

      authorships are growing at a much faster rate than articles (though interestingly, "unique authors" are also growing at a faster rate than authors... though I think what they mean is the number of unique individuals identified as authors, however many times they are identified (= unique authors) vs. "number of names appearing in bylines (=authorships).

  5. Jan 2016
    1. international law system

      Wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_legal_system

      Does an International legal informatics database exist yet?

    2. Promote a biocentric instead of and anthropocentric paradigms.

      Biocentric includes man and includes him in an appropriately prioritized order. An anthropocentric view should be a biocentric, ecocentric, charitable, human view simply because humans are (among other things) organisms, situated in ecosystems, capable of charity, love, humility and that is in fact what makes us human. What is best for the environment is what is best for humans and everything else.

    3. Ecocide

      Interesting idea. The only thing is that the science is not where we would like it to be. Most of the accusing will need to be done in retrospect. In that case, many will have lost culpability due to insufficient knowledge. I just wonder how this will hold up in a court of law for most practical cases. For some large-scale cases, I can see it working, as long as the effects are enormous.

    4. Land defenders are dying but the news don’t talk about this. Most of media and politics are owned by companies so, we have to force them to serve the people instead. We can’t depend on these guys.

      We need to recognize different values and think that people value land entitlements, family and community, the elderly, connectivity. If we value these, we will want to hear these things reported all the time. Marketing will follow suit. Perhaps marketing will be the first to move...

    5. Here is a video of paul Watson's talk: video

    6. Two great Mother Earth defenders were present on the last day of COP 21 in the public area.

      Is there any way of finding he transcripts for this day?

  6. Dec 2015
    1. has used annotations (and the related techniques of footnotes and citations) extensively for centuries

      In some non-trivial ways, this might be key to how people have defined “scholars”, including religious ones.