- Feb 2025
charlieangus.substack.com charlieangus.substack.com
As people stopped trusting in their shared common values and retreated into their silos, democratic society began to disintegrate.
Retreating in silo is actually a dualistic move. You stop to see idea's as ends of a spectrum and you are captivated in the silo.
- Jul 2024
www.holacracy.org www.holacracy.org
I don’t want to just have a voice — I want my voice to have value and impact.
From green to Yellow SD
- Jun 2024
www.socialeurope.eu www.socialeurope.eu
In essence, (contemporary) populism is an illiberal-democratic response to undemocratic liberalism. While populism supports the basic aspects of democracy—popular sovereignty and majority rule—it rejects some cornerstones of liberal democracy, notably minority rights, the rule of law and separation of powers. Its recent electoral success is a direct response to the barely controlled rise of undemocratic liberalism.
Populisme is cherrypicking on aspects of democracy. Their interpretation of democracy is something completely different.
falsabeh.medium.com falsabeh.medium.com
And this is, I believe, a scandal of the highest order.
How easy it is to fall in the same trap as the oppression ideology. This is a attempt not to understand it, put to oppose and to judge it.
Alternatively, a pro-choicer is a person who understands the abortion debate as a question of a woman’s autonomy and right to choose the fate of her own body. If anti-abortion legislation is a denial of this right, then abortion should be permitted; if it isn’t, then presumably abortion can be prohibited. Once again, we find that the people who frame the issue in this way do so in order to come to a specific conclusion: the pro-choice position is synonymous with the pro-abortion stance.
This is just one way to look at it. I don not agree with this framing. People do it for a personal reason, not because they are fighting against oppression. It is very unfortunate that the choice of the example exposes the writer, in this otherwise excellent analysis. A pity, I was with it til now.
A pro-lifer is a person who understands the abortion debate as a question of the fetus’s status as a human life. If it is a human life, then abortion should be prohibited; if it isn’t, then abortion is permitted. Of course, people who frame the issue in this way overwhelmingly come to the conclusion that it does constitute a life. For that reason, the pro-life position becomes synonymous with the anti-abortion stance.
I do not buy the notion of the digital choice between yes or no human life. It is a continuüm.
By serving as the foundational point of many other signifiers, the master-signifier comes to take a deep importance to the subject, who derives a great sense of meaning from it. When people speak of their commitment to ‘freedom’, ‘country’, or ‘truth’, we can reasonably suspect that a master-signifier is involved.
This is a web or meanings that is strengthened by a master signifier
The conservative author Thomas Sowell argues that attempts at so-called social justice — pursuits to alleviate supposed injustices in the social and political spheres — are today just veiled attempts at cosmic justice, seeking to eliminate the natural phenomenon of spontaneous oppression. Whereas the civil rights movement could point to a clear oppressor, contemporary movements which claim to follow in their spirit are simply targeting cosmic injustices without knowing it.
So it is important to distinguish the 2. That is the big pitfall of justice seeking. It needs a victim and a purpetrator.
The question of whether active oppression still exists in America today is largely a matter of perspective
Active oppression implies a motive and and intention to oppress.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Ms. Mann’s research has found that daydreaming — an inevitable effect of idleness — “literally makes us more creative, better at problem-solving, better at coming up with creative ideas.” For that to happen, though, total idleness is required.“Let the mind search for its own stimulation,” Ms. Mann said. “That’s when you get the daydreaming and mind wandering, and that’s when you’re more likely to get the creativity.”
The mind always finds it own stimulation, it does not need devices
www.psychologytoday.com www.psychologytoday.com
The combination of dopamine release in the brain plus a conditioned response with motor movement (the swipe with finger or thumb), makes this dopamine loop hard to stop. One way you can get some control is to create a counter-movement—a physical movement you do that becomes its own conditioned response
The motor movement accelerates the loop
But the dopamine wanting system is stronger than the liking system. You tend to seek more than you are satisfied. You can get into a dopamine loop. If your seeking isn't turned off at least for a little while, then you start to run in an endless loop.
The liking system stops when you are satisfied, the dopamine system never stops. It's never enough
It's not the reward itself that keeps the dopamine loop going; it's the anticipation of the reward.
There is a specific cue that sets off the loop. In fact it looks like the habit loop. There is a craving and a cue.
With every photo you scroll through, headline you read, or link you go to you are feeding the loop which just makes you want more.
Is a kind of monster that you are feeding.
- Jan 2024
jamesclear.com jamesclear.com
This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it’s a feather bed.”
Het gaat hierbij om de grote sprong. Leap of faith. The answer to how is yes.
jamesclear.com jamesclear.com
Winston Churchill once said, “It is not enough that we do our best; sometimes we must do what is required.” Think about what you are working toward this year. Are you doing what is required or are you looking for a shortcut?
This is the difference between acting excellence and purposeful.
When I am well rested and working on something I am genuinely excited about, finding time is rarely a problem
It is about energy and purpose, and not about time.
stevenpressfield.com stevenpressfield.com
What do these activities have in common? Why do they seem ideal candidates for a practice? All involve, as an aim or intention, the effacement of the ego. All require, to achieve their highest levels, a form of psychic surrender. All are—however we might define this—”spiritual.” The aim of a practice, in my view, is to seek the spirit by way of the body. In other words, using the physical to attempt to reach the ethereal.
We are spiritual beings in a material world. We are in the world, but not of the world
I’m trying produce a “work,” yes. And I want the work to be good and even to “succeed.” But the real intention is to seek a form of “the zone,” to achieve a state of “play” that is beyond effort and exertion and beyond the constraining and limiting ego.
This is the objective of work in flow. To merge the spiritual with the world.
- Dec 2023
geestelijkeverzorging.nl geestelijkeverzorging.nl
startpunt voor Geestelijke Verzorging in Nederland In gesprek over levensvragen
Misschien wel wat voor mij?
jamesclear.com jamesclear.com
Stop acting like there is infinite time. This—the way you are living right now—is your one life.”
Doet me denken aan 4000 weeks
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Ironically, most electoral arsonists never intended to start a wildfire. They merely wanted to modestly express their understandable dissatisfaction, which also entails expectations no government will ever be able to meet. Perhaps only a god could. But in the Netherlands and its surroundings, God has finally been declared dead, for ever.
Mensen willen gewoon even hun mening geven. Maar ze willen geen brand stichten. Dit is weer zo'n paradoxaal gevolg. Mensen stemmen niet op competentie, maar laten zich in de luren leggen. Het gebrek aan onderscheidingsvermogen
Het is hoog tijd om tricksters uit het centrum van de macht te halen. Dit vraagt een cultuur waarin we oneerlijkheid, gesjoemel en misleiding keihard afstraffen. In de politieke en bestuurlijke arena, aan talkshowtafels én keukentafels. Het grootste gevaar komt niet van mensen die trickstergedrag vertonen, maar van mensen die hier niet genoeg weerstand aan bieden.
De Johan Derksen van deze wereld. Of Fox news.
Het raakt me hoe vatbaar wij met z’n allen zijn voor bullshitverhalen, marketingtrucs, schone schijn, leugens, halve waarheden en wilde verhalen.
Doet me denken aan alle complot theorien. Het is interessant omdat de waarheid minder spannend lijkt te zijn. Dit is belangrijk omdat de waarheid subjectiveert, terwijl daarin ook weer een autoritair trekje is
jamesclear.com jamesclear.com
Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi on the value of daily surprises: “Try to be surprised by something every day. It could be something you see, hear, or read about. Stop to look at the unusual car parked at the curb, taste the new item on the cafeteria menu, actually listen to your colleague at the office. How is this different from other similar cars, dishes or conversations? What is its essence? Don’t assume that you already know what these things are all about, or that even if you knew them, they wouldn’t matter anyway. Experience this one thing for what it is, not what you think it is. Be open to what the world is telling you. Life is nothing more than a stream of experiences — the more widely and deeply you swim in it, the richer your life will be.” Source: Creativity
Reminds me of the quote of Einstein - you can act as if everything is a wonder, or nothing is a wonder. It is important because curiosity is really an energy that moves you beyond ego. It is interesting because the idea of life being a stream of experiences is a very nourishing idea.
- Oct 2023
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
One of the most widespread misunderstandings involving anger expression is the catharsis myth; many people believe that releasing anger via venting, physical actions, or writing is a healthy coping mechanism, despite a wide array of research stating otherwise (Lohr, Olatunji, Baumeister, & Bushman, 2007; Bushman, Baumeister, & Phillips, 2001). Bushman (2002) showed that venting was actually counterproductive, as it caused people to further ruminate about their anger rather than move on. Similarly, one study showed that anger actually increased when those listening reinforced participants’ venting behaviors, and decreased when the angering situation was reinterpreted by others (Parlamis, 2012). Additional research has shown that venting can be a healthy coping skill, but it must be used in a way that allows someone to release his or her anger and take a problem-solving approach to finding a solution for the cause of the anger. Nils & Rimé (2012) found that venting was only an effective coping method for dealing with anger when the person on the receiving end engaged in cognitive reframing directing the angered person toward problem-focused solutions
Reminds me of Boeddism and the work of Thich Nath Hanh