- Jul 2020
asutechwebs.blogspot.com asutechwebs.blogspot.com
“Consider, Read, Elucidate hypotheses, Analyze and interpret data, Think of the next Experiment”
A contrasting relationship occurs when you combineseparate typefaces and elements that are clearly distinct fromeach other. The visually appealing and exciting designs thatattract your attention typically have a lot of contrast built in,and those contrasts are emphasized
we gotta aim for contrasting type relationships.
Body copy, body text, or sometimes just plain body or text refers to themain block of text that you read, as opposed to headlines, subheads, titles,etc. Body text is usually set between 9- and 12-point type with 20 percentadded space between the lines.
body copy, body text
A dingbat is a small, ornamental character, like this: . Youmight have the fonts Zapf Dingbats or Wingdings, which are made up ofdingbats.
Or use a character from a dingbat orornament font, as you can see in this bulleted list you are readingright now (you might need to make the ornament larger or smallerthan the text, depending on the dingbat you choose).
you can also use a dingbat font for decoration/ornament font. Might need to make it larger.
Use bullets or ornaments in a list, not hyphens: When listingitems, please don’t use hyphens.
bullets or ornaments not hyphens
• = Option 8 on a Mac
first paragraph following a headingor subhead does not need an indent. Ever.
first paragraph does not need an indent, ever.
Paragraph indent or extra space between paragraphs:
An indent or extra space between paragraph, but not both
Paragraph indents:
One em dash and an em space is equal to the point size of the type you are using. Thus if you are using 12-point type, the paragraph indent is 12 points or about to Spacebar spaces.
Punctuation in parentheses: Just in case you are not clear onwhether punctuation goes inside or outside parentheses, here is thegrammatical rule.
punctuation goes inside if it's own standalone sentence, and not a part of the original sentence.
Punctuation following styled text: If you have a word styled inbold or italic or a different font, the punctuation immediatelyfollowing the last character should be in the same style.
punctuation following a styled text should match
This is a short list of professional typographic niceties which, if youfollow, will prevent your work from looking amateurish.
"typographic niceties"
When the last line of a paragraph has fewer than seven (more or less,depending on the length of the line) characters, that last line is a widow.Worse than leaving one word as the last line is leaving part of a word, theother part being hyphenated on the line above. Don’t ever do that!
Do not leave a widow or hyphenated word as the last thing in a paragraph
Kerning is the process of removing tiny units of space between charactersto create visually consistent letterspacing
info on kerning
However, you have several other options for emphasis that aremore professional: try bold type, larger type, a different font, color, or acombination.
ways to emphasize words.
Bold, #larger, a different font, color, or a combination
Shortcuts for symbols.
résumé niña niño
Check your punctuation style manual for the exact use of the em dash.
so now i need a punctuation style manual?!
Use it betweenwords that indicate a duration, such as hourly time or months or years. Useit where you would otherwise use the word “to.”
En Dash guidelines
The em dash is twice as long as the en dash, approximately the width of acapital letter M.
Em dash guidelines
You know what a hyphen is, that tiny little dash that belongs in somewords such as daughter-in-law or in phone numbers. It is also used to breaka word at the end of a line, of course.
He loves cookies _n_ cream milkshakes.
He loves cookies ’n’ cream milkshakes
We all wore bellbottoms in the _60s.
We all wore bellbottoms in the ’60s.
She went fishin_ again last night.
She went fishin’ again last night.
Mom _n_ Pop
Mom ’n’ Pop
Dearie, ____ too late for that.
Look out! ____ headed this way!”
Finding himself impaled upon the horns of adilemma, the yellow-bellied marmot hoisted ____ flagand left.
Plutarch asks, “If a ship is restored over time byreplacing every one of ____ wooden parts, is it still thesame ship?”
The mob lost ____ momentum.
___ my birthday
If more than one paragraph is quoted, the double quotation mark is set atthe beginning of each paragraph, but only at the end of the final one.
quotation guidelines.
Colons and semicolons go outside the quotation marks.A question mark or exclamation point goes inside the quotation marks ifit belongs to the quotation: She hollered, “Get out of my reality!”The question mark or exclamation point goes outside the quotation marksif it does not belong to the quoted phrase: Can you believe he replied, “Iwon’t do it”?
punctuation rules to keep in mind.
In the United States, commas and periods are always inside the quotationmarks. Always. Really. (In the U.K., they can go in or out.)
nother glaring mistake of amateur designers is the use of typewriterquotation marks instead of typographer quote marks.
Use typographer quote marks.
One space after punctuation
important typographic guideline
Name at least five other repetitiveelements on this little card.
- the color is orange and teal
- the heading for each item
- text is center aligned
- there is a top and bottom line.
This is an actual ad from an event program. It has manyproblems, of course, including the copy, but you can probablyimmediately notice that it does not take advantage of the Principleof Proximity.
Left off.
Chapter 3.Alignment
Left off.
The idea of proximity doesn’t mean that everything is closer together; itmeans elements that are intellectually connected, those that have some sortof communication relationship, should also be visually connected. Otherseparate elements or groups of elements should not be in close proximity.The closeness or lack of closeness indicates the relationship.
things need to be intellectually connected as well as close together graphically.
When grouping items into close proximity, you typically need to makesome changes, such as in the size or weight or placement of text or graphics.Body copy (the main bulk of reading text) does not have to be 12 point!
Now the proximity of these two people makes it clear there issome sort of relationship between them. This same thing happenson the page.Take a look at this typical business card layout, below. How manyseparate elements do you see in that small space? That is, how many timesdoes your eye stop to look at something?Does your eye stop five times? Of course—there are fiveseparate items on this little card
yes actually
Now that there are two bold phrases, where do you begin? Doyou start in the upper left? Do you start in the center
gotta trust your initial instincts when you come into a piece of crap visual.
How manyseparate elements do you see in that small space?
5 separate elements.
Well, uh,there is a memorable—but rather inappropriate—acronym. Sorry.
Items relating to each other should be grouped close together. Whenseveral items are in close proximity to each other, they become one visualunit rather than several separate units.
On proximity
Every element shouldhave some visual connection with another element on the page. This createsa clean and sophisticated look.
On alignment
Repeat visual elements of the design throughout the piece. You canrepeat colors, shapes, textures, spatial relationships, line thicknesses, fonts,sizes, graphic concepts, etc. This develops the organization and strengthensthe unity.
On repetition
Contrast is often the mostimportant visual attraction on a page—it’s what makes a reader look at thepage in the first place. It also clarifies the communication.
on contrast
I wantto tell you a little story that made me realize the importance of being able toname things, since naming these principles is the key to having power overthem.
Name of the Wind fan, I see.
Access. The future of education.
"Access to healthcare" :eye-roll:
ttu.blackboard.com ttu.blackboard.com
Blank box or placeholder text (i.e., Lorem ipsum) is not acceptable
why is it not acceptable? oh my goooood
onlinexperiences.com onlinexperiences.com
Get Ready for the Freshman Class of Tomorrow
Dr. Julie A. Evans, thought leader & influencer, Brown Univ. Educational Leadership Doctorate from UC San Diego.
A survey of future freshmen.
Research findings for K-12 students Digital Lives today
Learning happens everywhere.
I really doubt video games are the way of the future.
Blackboard Influences: A Group of Faculty that Promotes a Scaffolded Approach to Bb
Bb Ally Roadmap
5.Reporting at the Departmental Lvl -- For learn this will require Learn SaaS
4.Arabic translation to documents.
3.Content created for the LMS
2.Major, for second half of the year: Now also provide alternative content and instructor feedback. Ally will include live scoring while editing. Adding support for Excel Documents. Text spacing, line spacing, stuff in WCAG that affects legibility and mobile functionality. Major push for audio and video sources and instructor feedback. Integrated Captioning and auto-captioning (third party).
1.Audio alternative format specifically. Supporting audio alternative format for documents over 1,000 characters. Diving documents automatically based on heading structure. The audio format can be combined with a text format, and make it easier to follow.
Once we stretch the space-time horizon of our observations and theoretical conjectures in this way, tenderides that seemed novel and unpredictable begin to look familiar.
Once we look far enough back, we realize that the crisis of post-fordism into capital financialization is part of a longer cycle and they are just being manifested in its new time and space.
posed serious difficulties for theories of any sort .... The only general point of agreement is that something significant has changed in the way capitalism has been working since about 1970. (Harvey 1989: 173)
A) Gotta read Harvey
B) what are the difficulties? what theories?
David Harvey
my guy
an increasing spatial and functional deconcentra tion and decentralization of corporate powers, which leaves processes of capital accumulation in a state of seemingly irremediable "disorganiza-. "
the Ubers and other SV companies of the world.
By the time I was writing the last draft' he had completed his tesi di laurea in philosophy at the Universita' Statale in Milan.
holy shit
Fernand Bra udel's trilogy, Capitalism and Civilization,
harles Tilly
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Beginning Graphic Design: Color
Color can draw your eye to an image, evoke a mood or emotion.
Which colors look together and which do not? Color Theory.
the basics
Primary and Secondary Colors
Color Wheel
Additionally, there's Hue, Saturation and Value,
Formula | Monochromatic
Pick a spot in the color wheel and use your knowledge of saturation and value.
Formula | Analogous
Colors that are near each other.
Formula | Complementary
Colors that are opposite from each other in the color wheel.
Famous examples are blue and orange, and classic red and green.
Formula | Split Complementary
Uses the colors at either side of the compliment, gives you more contrast and more colors to work with.
Formula | Triadic
Evenly space color schemes.
Formula | Tetradic
Forms a rectangle on the wheel. This formula works best if you let one color dominate and use others as accents.
Dos & Don'ts
IF you have colors that vibrate next to each other, lower the value/saturation. It can help the process.
Readability is very important. Do not use color for every little single thing.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Liquid Margins 2 | Good Writing Starts in the Margins: Annotation in the Composition Classroom
Showing the reading process, as a mirroring tool.
Why are we talking about reading, if what you teach is writing?
Anna Mills: Most composition teachers like the idea we are teaching writing as a conversation. We are joining the conversation and not just coming up the ideas in a vacuum. The ideas are a response to what we encounter in the text.
Chris Gillard: It shows the students the process of how much of what you read is an interplay of a lot of different voices and feedback.
35 mins in..Anna Mills mentions that shier students are writing more and in the process participating. We had a very similar experience with Perusall!
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Resume 5 Tips for Designers
he is using Illustrator, which is a good sign, lmao.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Tips for Writing the Academic Synthesis
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
How to Design Your Resume
www.kickresume.com www.kickresume.com
Kick Resume Examples
jobmob.co.il jobmob.co.il
36 Beautiful Resume Ideas That Work
Zety - Resume Design
plato.stanford.edu plato.stanford.edu
The Economic Matrix: The Theory of Dependence.
Reading recommendation
Carlos Beorlegui, a historian of Latin American philosophy
reading recommendation
Cultural Identity and Social Liberation in Latin American Thought
reading recommendation
Filosofía de la liberación latinoamericana (Philosophy of Latin American Liberation) (2006)
Reading recommendation
plato.stanford.edu plato.stanford.edu
Red Skin, White Masks: Rejecting the Colonial Politics of Recognition
nice homage to Fanon!
In Wasáse: Indigenous Pathways to Action and Freedom (2005) Taiaiake Alfred argues that meaningful change to the colonial condition requires a lasting transformation of society through Indigenous resurgence. According to Alfred, Indigenous reintegration cannot take place within the Western liberal framework because the imperatives of capitalism contrast sharply with those of the Indigenous ways of life. Therefore, liberal attempts at reconciliation will always run counter to the self-determination efforts of Indigenous communities. In Dancing on Our Turtle’s Back: Stories of Nishnaabeg Re-Creation, Resurgence and a New Emergence (2011) Leanne Betasamosake Simpson points out that rebuilding needs to start from within, and Indigenous people require not only the re-establishment of pre-colonial history and customs but also the reintroduction of Indigenous traditions of governance and culture through the oral tradition of story-telling as a framework to inform social experience.
Lots of reading recommendations.
Marx predicted that the bourgeoisie would continue to create a global market and undermine both local and national barriers to its own expansion.
Cite in the paper. It wasn't just a prediction, you could already see it at the time of his work.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Design principles: Visual hierarchy — The Freelancer's Journey (Part 12 of 43)
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
MASTER Contrast To WOW Design Clients
Contrasting graphic design requires that differences are obvious to the viewer.
Reasons for using contrast:
Size Contrast examples
Dark Light Contrast
Color Contrast
Typography Contrast
- Bold font and a thin font.
- Serif & Sans Serif contrasted
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Design principles: Repetition — The Freelancer's Journey (Part 13 of 43)
So I probably need to watch the other videos in this series. But for this one in particular is about the element of repetition, how that reduces cognitive overload, while at the same time letting you highlight certain content for viewing or the main attention.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Beginning Graphic Design: Fundamentals
Literally the same as the composition class!
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
this is the same thing as the original article but in video form. Thanks, I guess.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
How to moderate the discussion
How to prepare: Read the article and stay in contact with your group from start to finish. Read the assigned reading, annotate, ask questions, try to understand the article backwards and forwards.
Questions: Describe, explain, why, how and "what do you think about..."
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Liquid Margins Episode 1 | Piloting in a Storm: Adopting New Practices in a Pinch
Show notes:
www.propublica.org www.propublica.org
The decision, they say, flies in the face of recommendations from the legal and education communities that have urged leniency and a prioritization of children’s health and safety amid the crisis. The case may also reflect, some experts and Grace’s mother believe, systemic racial bias
You don't fucking say!
libcom.org libcom.org
My disillusionment in Russia - Emma Goldman
www.toptal.com www.toptal.com
Exploring the Gestalt Principles of Design
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
The Gestalt Principles | Basics for Beginners
Nice to know I am not the only one using the "|" to separate things.
Gestalt | Definition
General Rules:
- Objects will be perceived in their simplest form.
- Human naturally follow lines or curves.
- The mind will attempt to fill in detail that isn't actually there.
Occurs when the eye is compelled to move through one object and continue to another object. Often this is used in typography based logos.
Fig. 1
Occurs when an element is incomplete or a space is not totally enclosed. If enough of the shape is indicated or hinted at, the viewer will subconsciously fill in the missing information.
Fig. 2
Occurs when objects look similar to one another. The viewer will perceived them as a group or pattern. These similarities in colour, shape, texture, or any other design element
Fig. 3
Occurs when elements are placed close to each other. The position of these elements helps to portray a relationship between the separate parts. The opposite is also true.
Fig. 4
Elements that are symmetrical to each other tend to be perceived as a unified group. The opposite is also true.
Fig. 5
Figure & Ground
The eye differentiates an object from its surrounding area. A form, or shape is perceived as a figure, while the surrounding area is perceived as a ground.
Balancing figure and ground is an art form in itself, but rules were made to be broken.
Fig. 6
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Hypothes.is #ianno19 presentation: Arti Walker-Peddakotla
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Essay 1 Explainer | Dagmar Scharold
Local file Local file
The state allowed John and Margaret to live in their house (but not to bequeath it). When Margaret died in 1860, it became the property of the state of Oregon
They rounded up students-to-be, not extremely young children but older ones and adolescents, from reservations all over the United States and brought them by freight train to Pennsylvania. Many died of disease and homesickness. A few committed suicide rather than become “a white man's Indian.
Nazis took inspiration from the genocide of Native Americans.
Sitting Bull
Sitting Bull (Lakota: Tȟatȟáŋka Íyotake [tˣaˈtˣə̃ka ˈi.jɔtakɛ];[2] nicknamed Húŋkešni [ˈhʊ̃kɛʃni] or "Slow"; c. 1831 – December 15, 1890)[3] was a Hunkpapa Lakota leader who led his people during years of resistance against United States government policies. He was killed by Indian agency police on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation during an attempt to arrest him, at a time when authorities feared that he would join the Ghost Dance movement.[4]
Before the Battle of the Little Bighorn, Sitting Bull had a vision in which he saw many soldiers, "as thick as grasshoppers," falling upside down into the Lakota camp, which his people took as a foreshadowing of a major victory in which many soldiers would be killed.[5] About three weeks later, the confederated Lakota tribes with the Northern Cheyenne defeated the 7th Cavalry under Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer on June 25, 1876, annihilating Custer's battalion and seeming to bear out Sitting Bull's prophetic vision. Sitting Bull's leadership inspired his people to a major victory. In response, the US government sent thousands more soldiers to the area, forcing many of the Lakota to surrender over the next year. Sitting Bull refused to surrender, and in May 1877, he led his band north to Wood Mountain, North-Western Territory (now Saskatchewan). He remained there until 1881, at which time he and most of his band returned to US territory and surrendered to U.S. forces.
After working as a performer with Buffalo Bill's Wild West show, Sitting Bull returned to the Standing Rock Agency in South Dakota. Due to fears that he would use his influence to support the Ghost Dance movement, Indian Service agent James McLaughlin at Fort Yates ordered his arrest. During an ensuing struggle between Sitting Bull's followers and the agency police, Sitting Bull was shot in the side and head by Standing Rock policemen Lieutenant Bull Head (Tatankapah, Lakota: Tȟatȟáŋka Pȟá) and Red Tomahawk (Marcelus Chankpidutah, Lakota: Čhaŋȟpí Dúta), after the police were fired upon by Sitting Bull's supporters. His body was taken to nearby Fort Yates for burial. In 1953, his Lakota family exhumed what were believed to be his remains, reburying them near Mobridge, South Dakota, near his birthplace.
Battle of Little Bighor
The Battle of the Little Bighorn, known to the Lakota and other Plains Indians as the Battle of the Greasy Grass[12] and also commonly referred to as Custer's Last Stand, was an armed engagement between combined forces of the Lakota, Northern Cheyenne, and Arapaho tribes and the 7th Cavalry Regiment of the United States Army. The battle, which resulted in the defeat of U.S. forces, was the most significant action of the Great Sioux War of 1876. It took place on June 25–26, 1876, along the Little Bighorn River in the Crow Indian Reservation in southeastern Montana Territory.[13]
The fight was an overwhelming victory for the Lakota, Northern Cheyenne, and Arapaho, who were led by several major war leaders, including Crazy Horse and Chief Gall, and had been inspired by the visions of Sitting Bull (Tȟatȟáŋka Íyotake). The U.S. 7th Cavalry, a force of 700 men, suffered a major defeat while under the command of Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer (formerly a brevetted major general during the American Civil War). Five of the 7th Cavalry's twelve companies were annihilated and Custer was killed, as were two of his brothers, a nephew and a brother-in-law. The total U.S. casualty count included 268 dead and 55 severely wounded (six died later from their wounds),[14]:244 including four Crow Indian scouts and at least two Arikara Indian scouts.
Public response to the Great Sioux War varied in the immediate aftermath of the battle. Libbie Custer, Custer's widow, soon worked to burnish her husband's memory, and during the following decades Custer and his troops came to be considered iconic, even heroic, figures in American history. The battle, and Custer's actions in particular, have been studied extensively by historians.[15] Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument honors those who fought on both sides.
“There’s something wrong with every one of them,” HBC governor Sir George Simpson said of mixed-bloods, he who had many Indian children by many different Indian women, most of whom he did not acknowledge and did nothing for.
I remembered a book my mother had owned, a biography of Gram’s granddad, Dr. John McLoughlin, and his brother and sister, entitled The McLoughlin Empire and Its Rulers.
the caucasity.
Gram Sullivan was the only nonwhite wife in that society. She didn’t participate in any of it, Mom said. She had no friends. When her husband and children went to the wakes and parties and dances and feasts. Gram stayed home alone.
Reminds me of my dad.
Mom didn’t expect to be chosen—partly because she didn't believe she was beautiful, ever, no matter what anyone said, and because she was years younger than the girls, of marriageable age, who did expect to be chosen
a little creepy.
No one there has ever asked me. as I’ve often been asked in New York and San Francisco, “What is your ethnic background?” They know what it is
Back when I first arrived, people use to be able to clock I was from somewhere. It was particularly because of the way I spoke.
“I want you to watch your aunts and listen to them. Observe them very carefully. You know why? Because the way those women are ... that’s just exactly the way women should not be.” I could learn a lot from them, Dad said.
The organic intellectual that observes how the oppressors are oppressing themselves.
She also had a reputation for not liking us, the children of my mother’s second marriage. (She remained on friendly terms with my mother's ex-husband, who was white, and saw the children—a boy and a girl—from this marriage regularly.)
Several years before Gram Sullivan was born, General Sheridan had made his famous remark regarding the only good Indian being a dead Indian. I didn’t care to be a good Indian.
"this is why "kill the indian and save the man" sounds progressive."
“Don’t touch,” my mother warned me. “Don’t touch a thing, you hear?”
incredible even tho that's their stuff.
I would say, sooner than bring upon my offspring suchfoul corruption, sooner than bring into being the offspring of such a curse.H. H. Bancroft, The History of Oregon, 1884
hat greater benefit to mankind than noble children.I never could understand how such men as fohn McLoughlin and James Douglascould endure the thought of having their name and honors descend to a degenerate posterity.
Lmao racist pos
Hudson’s BayCompany
After incorporation by English royal charter in 1670, the company functioned as the de facto government in parts of North America for nearly 200 years until the HBC sold the land it owned (the entire Hudson Bay drainage basin, known as Rupert's Land) to Canada in 1869 as part of the Deed of Surrender,[8][9] authorized by the Rupert's Land Act 1868. During its peak, the company controlled the fur trade throughout much of the English- and later British-controlled North America. By the mid-19th century, the company evolved into a mercantile business selling a wide variety of products from furs to fine homeware in a small number of sales shops (as opposed to trading posts) across Canada.[10][11] These shops were the first step towards the department stores the company owns today.[12]
The Only Good Indian - Janet Campbell Hale | notes
1.How do you react to, understand, and feel about the title?
- Notice how the narrator's and her mother's interpretation of their famous white ancestors differ. Since Janet Campbell Hale tells of those interpretations, she must find them significant. Why, do you think she does?
3.The assimilation motto of the director of the Carlslile Indian Industrial School was "Kill the Indian and Save the Man". Why might Hale describe this saying as "humane and progressive"?
4.One of the editors not only taught Hale's work but taught Hale herself. He had read of Hale's ancestry in Bloodlines: Odyssey of a Native Daughter (1993), the source of this essay, and had also heard in the classroom her thinking about solidarity or oneness. What did you think about this oneness, especially in Hale's telling of her relation to Gram?
My writing Process:
actually followed the instructions...my god.
bb2.uhd.edu bb2.uhd.edu
The Only Good Indian - Janet Campbell Hale | notes
1.How do you react to, understand, and feel about the title?
- Notice how the narrator's and her mother's interpretation of their famous white ancestors differ. Since Janet Campbell Hale tells of those interpretations, she must find them significant. Why, do you think she does?
3.The assimilation motto of the director of the Carlslile Indian Industrial School was "Kill the Indian and Save the Man". Why might Hale describe this saying as "humane and progressive"?
4.One of the editors not only taught Hale's work but taught Hale herself. He had read of Hale's ancestry in Bloodlines: Odyssey of a Native Daughter (1993), the source of this essay, and had also heard in the classroom her thinking about solidarity or oneness. What did you think about this oneness, especially in Hale's telling of her relation to Gram?
ttu.blackboard.com ttu.blackboard.com
ypefaces designed specifically for screen readinglike Verdana, Tahoma, Georgia, or Azuro.
screen reading typefaces
Strategies for readable text
Readable text strats
Stick to Relevant Graphics
The elements in TABLE 5.1 are recognized by the brain in under a second.
Whether the same color is described as brown or orange,green or gray—even black or white
That blue and black or white and gold dress meme!
But what does this mean for educational design? It means that by knowing how our brains huntand focus, you can better guide learner brains in the right direction. For example, knowing thatour brains are designed to look for edges, movement, and specific colors, you can direct focusthrough content by strategically employing these features.
pictorial depth, used by artists and set designers, like vanishing points, occlusion, and shadow,help us navigate the third dimension.
Hello! there's my hobby.
Designing for Perception and Visual ThinkingIt turns out that most of us are fairly deluded about how the whole vision thing works. Weassume that we look around and see our rich world in impressive detail, like some HD panoramiccamera.
Your brain fills in a lot of the missing information as a way of rendering things quickly.
People who get turned on by data,
Therefore, it’s not so much that an appealing design makes an interface more effective, but that itmakes humans more effective. Thus, the human and the computer function better as a whole.This relationship between interface attractiveness and improved usability is known as theaesthetics-usability effect.
Don Norman explains that this has to do with how emotionsaffect our ability to solve problems. Finding something attractive is pleasant. When we’re in amore positive mood, we’re more forgiving of interface obstacles, and we’re better able to solveproblems creatively.
Who is deciding the Facebook changes then?
“It seems thatperfection is reached not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to takeaway.”
different strokes for different folks.
Save this for later reading - note to self: downloaded to the computer already.
Guiding notes from the instructor:
Here is the list of strategies from the chapter.
Strategies to reduce overload
- Stick to relevant graphics
- Simplify explanatory visuals
- Use thoughtful reduction to design data visualization
- Group images and text together
- Design text for comfortable reading
- Use layers and hotspots to manage levels of detail
- Use negative affordances to rule out options for learners Strategies to guide attention
- Support learning with visual hierarchy
- Support learner attention with conscious signals
- Use rules and rapid recognition Strategies to support visual perception
- Avoid color and texture faux pas
- Use luminance for visual detail
- Use depth selectively
- Support learning and learnability with color-coding Strategies to promote visual learning
- Translate large data sets into abstract graphics
- Stay clear of the lie factor
- Use segmenting, sequencing, and layering to tame complexity
- Avoid interference
- Use multiple representations
- Use a systematic approach
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Remi Khalil??
I needed in order to not be further behind on my graduation date. I am just planning to take this course and earn an A or B to satisfy my course requirements. Along the way I will learn many things like I did in my previous classes. I’m going to be honest, it's just to fill my course requirements. Usually when the semester rolls on I get interested in the class and learn many new things. So my hope for this course is to earn a good grade and to be more informed when it comes to anything that pertains to this course.
Forgetting About the Medium
ugh so many rules.
Lack of Negative Space
this one is a pain.
Mismatching Fonts
2-3 Fonts MAX.
Another common mistake is to attempt to fit too many words into one line of text. For readability purposes, 50 to 60 characters per line is the ideal length.
ideal length of a line.
Bookmark EDIT 5322
Examples of beautiful color combinations
color.adobe.com color.adobe.com
ttu.blackboard.com ttu.blackboard.com
I know that this course specifically doesn't teach us how to use design apps, but I hope throughout the course I can build up my design skills through the various projects.
Post in the Q&A forum small tutorials you find useful.
I grew up as a military child, so I have lived all over. For the past two years I have been a Pre-K teacher at a local charter school, but this upcoming year I have a new job at Fort Sam Houston ISD as a third grade teacher.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Discussion Instructions
You will not be able to see the other posts until you submit yours. Start a new thread, using your name. In your posting, structure your post using the following headings.
1) My Writing Process-- you will describe your own writing process, from start to finish. Do not be general here. What do you need to get started? Total quiet or background noise? Write out by hand or use a computer? You get the idea... be descriptive and be reflective.
2) Similarities and Differences to Jonathan's Process -- Describe how your process for writing a paper is similar to Jonathan's for writing a blog and how it is different.
3) Revising My Process -- Was there anything that Jonathan offered in the video that you will adopt into your writing process? If so, what was it and why is it appealing to you? If you will not adopt anything from the video, explain why?
Your posting should be no less than 200-250 words, using academic writing (but it can be longer-- just not shorter). Be thoughtful and be descriptive. Push yourself to be reflective. It will pay off at the end of the semester because you will return to this post for your final. When you reference Jonathan's process, don't assume that I know the video "by heart. " Be sure to summarize and/or describe his ideas, thoroughly. Show me how you develop your ideas when presented with information from a "source."
You will also read and reply to one (1) of your peers. Your response should be about 50 words, and you can use informal prose.
Writing Process
Useful strategies on what makes for a better writer.
For me:
- Emails
- Bug reports, tickets.
- Research
- Journals
Get comfortable and minimize distractions.
- Make a timeline
- Select a topic
- Create an outline
Video Example:
Note: Write down your goals and your progress as you go so you can make revisions for the next time you write.
- 5 high quality sources => Take notes and outline your writing.
Good outlines make for good quality writing. Maybe show the outline?!
Topic sentences... which would be the questions you had and how they are answered by your research.
Research Pointers Head to the source
Does the content of this site pass by an editor before I saw it? Is the person that wrote this credible?
Take good notes and add to the outline. You might update your outline as well.
Write the bulk of your post for the rough draft.
Start setting goals for each sections. Look at the notes and re-arrange sentences. Write something down, no matter how bad the effort.
Talk yourself out-loud, give yourself encouragement, and while writing constantly monitor your progress.
After finishing your draft, you are way too attached to it, so sleep on it.
Does the order make sense?
T.opic<br> R.easons<br> E.xamine<br> E.nding
D.evelop a topic sentence<br> A.dd supporting ideas.<br> R.eject opposing arguments.<br> E.nd with a conclusion.
Drill down into the paragraphs and sentences and look at them closely.
MY biggest problem is "how do I diagnose the problem in the first place?"
Add images, figures, and formatting at the end.
Finally, proofread the post to make sure everything is done. After you read it, have a friend read it.
Visualize your own topic of interest.
Read the moderator research paper and write some notes.
Read the Learning Visual and Book Chapter.
Make note for everyone's introductions to the class.
bb2.uhd.edu bb2.uhd.edu
Read the attached PDF by Winograd, from pg. 61-67. You will have the opportunity to lead one of our discussions this semester. This article will help prepare you to be a successful discussion leader.
After you have read the section assigned, go to the discussion forum, How to be a Great Moderator. You will post something that you learned from the article about how to moderate an online discussion. In this discussion forum, you will not be able to read anyone's posting until you post your advice/tip first. Create a thread, using your name.
DO NOT copy and paste ANYTHING from the article. Show me your summary skills.
They suggested that participation account for 30% of the course grade. It hasalso been proposed that the amount and quality of participation should be ableto raise or lower assessment by a full letter grade (Cifuentes et al., 1997).
In aconference with little participation, Hacker and Wignall (1997) observed thatparticipation of students with low degrees of computer experience declinedsignificantly over time.
As a technical support member, I can provide faculty with instructions and resolutions to their issues. As a future instructional designer, I should be helping them plan a way for them to walk students through the tools that they are using for discussion and communication.
In a conference where posting is voluntary, it is common for only about20% of the participants to post even one message (Green, 1998; Rubin, 1996)
Aaahhhh so frustrating.
when interaction between learners is taken into account,Vrasidas and McIsaac (1999) found that structure tends to increase interaction;therefore, creating structure is one of the main tasks of a moderator.
You could have moderators in a Teams group and rotate them, but make them part of controlling or guiding the conversation and grade them for it.
Saba and Shearer (1994) maintained that, in a distance education course,structure is in opposition to dialogue.
Yeah it is hard to have a dialogue from so far away.
A moderator should find multiple methods of creat-ing salience, such as arranging comfortable electronic spaces for purely socialpurposes (Bull et al., 1992).
Am I overthinking this, but how do you set this up?
Do not lecture (Berge, 1995; Collins & Berge, 1996; Harasim et al.,1995; Paulsen, 1995)
When I ran that book club meeting, I totally messed that part up.
Model the intellectual tone for the conference (Bull, Harris, & Drucker,1992; Hiemstra, 1992). This cannot be stressed highly enough. Noviceusers of computer conferencing want to know exactly what is expectedof them and modeling the expected discourse with a well-crafted wel-come message at the start of a conference, goes a long way toward re-lieving the uncertainty of writing and posting messages.
I think I am doing ok in that regard.
Rheingold (1998) contended that “communities can’t bemanufactured, but you can design the conditions under which they are mostlikely to emerge, and encourage their growth when they do” (p. 2). In an edu-cationally oriented computer conference, although it is not a given that com-munity will occur, the chances are quite good because the community derives agood deal of its purpose, importance, and identity from the context of thecourse it supports.
I guess I should step up a little in the discord
Organizational Functions of a ModeratorThis set of functions is concerned with getting a conference established andcontinuing with functions that would help the conference run smoothly. Thislist starts with items that are important during the first few weeks of the confer-ence when problems are inevitable and solutions must quickly be found.
I should review this again when we have the TTLC conference.
Hark! Take note.
In one case, when later askedwhy the course was dropped, the student explained that after she posted her in-troductory message, she expected the group to comment on what she had said.When this failed to happen, she became disheartened and left the group(Palloff & Pratt, 1999)
Folks gotta, not just respond, but respond enthusiastically in order to keeping you coming.
ROLES OF A MODERATORIn a survey of 156 moderators of online newsgroups, Collins and Berge(1997) found that they categorized their roles as follows
Oh god, I did this at /r/ChapoTraphouse.
A moderator provides motivation and inertia to an asynchronous computerconference, encouraging interaction between participants while creating asupportive and comfortable environment for discussion.
So re-starting the conversation where it might have stalled. This might require asking questions or possibly adding on to the topic. In other places, the same process of questioning something might cause people to slow down. You can say, let's reflect on the statement, or can we have a source and maybe interpret this in another manner?
My biggest joy came from going to concerts, I would go to concerts constantly whether they were close or far.
what bands?
I should be graduating with a bachelor’s in psychology next summer.
She 4 years old, has the energy of monkey and talks all day nonstop. During this pandemic, the only way to keep her calm is by watching Disney movies all day. While she is entertained with princess movies, I clean, cook, catch up with my Netflix shows on my phone, and do homework.
I know that feeling!
urrently with CPS for whom I've been with for almost 6 years in August. I feel that working for CPS put into perspective exactly what I needed to go to school for.
My parents are foster parents!
I have participated in zines where a group of creators collaborates to design a miniature magazine set on a topic and goal.
Now, I study social work full time so that I can represent my community rather than corporations. I intend to graduate in December of 2021 so that I can continue into graduate school where I will study social work on a master's level.
there's that word!
I had the aspirations for formal education on a graduate level. After oscillating between Creative Writing, Psychology, and Nursing, I finally decided on the professional degree of Social Work.
feels like a combination of all of these?
quizlet.com quizlet.com
Land Acknowledgement Statement I would like to acknowledge the ancestral, unceded, and stolen territory of the Akokisa, Atakapa, and the Karankawa peoples-- Indigenous people who populated what is now known as Houston, Texas.
✅ Watched the Welcome Video
✅ Read and created reminders for upcoming assignments and dates.
Riley Mukavetz defines Relationality as follows: "Like all indigenous theories, relationality is not a new idea but old. To practice relationality is to understand one's position in the world, one's relationship to land, space, ideas, people, and living beings, and to understand how these relationships have been and will always be at play with each other.
Dialectics comes from the Greek dialego, to discourse, to debate. In ancient times dialectics was the art of arriving at the truth by disclosing the contradictions in the argument of an opponent and overcoming these contradictions. There were philosophers in ancient times who believed that the disclosure of contradictions in thought and the clash of opposite opinions was the best method of arriving at the truth. This dialectical method of thought, later extended to the phenomena of nature, developed into the dialectical method of apprehending nature, which regards the phenomena of nature as being in constant movement and undergoing constant change, and the development of nature as the result of the development of the contradictions in nature, as the result of the interaction of opposed forces in nature.
Riley Mukavetz defines Relationality as follows: "Like all indigenous theories, relationality is not a new idea but old. To practice relationality is to understand one's position in the world, one's relationship to land, space, ideas, people, and living beings, and to understand how these relationships have been and will always be at play with each other.
Contrary to metaphysics, dialectics does not regard nature as an accidental agglomeration of things, of phenomena, unconnected with, isolated from, and independent of, each other, but as a connected and integral whole, in which things, phenomena are organically connected with, dependent on, and determined by, each other.
The dialectical method therefore holds that no phenomenon in nature can be understood if taken by itself, isolated from surrounding phenomena, inasmuch as any phenomenon in any realm of nature may become meaningless to us if it is not considered in connection with the surrounding conditions, but divorced from them; and that, vice versa, any phenomenon can be understood and explained if considered in its inseparable connection with surrounding phenomena, as one conditioned by surrounding phenomena.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Annotations for English 3305
Objectives: Essay Writing to advance writing skills.
CV: Writing Center director for 17 years; Composition Rhetoric and Native American study. Specialization in Distance Learning (Online).
Teaching Philosophy: Social constructionism & liberatory pedagogy.
- Student is not an empty vessel and the construction of knowledge is done as a group.
nkjemisin.com nkjemisin.com
Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw (born 1959) is an American lawyer, civil rights advocate, philosopher, and a leading scholar of critical race theory who developed the theory of intersectionality. She is a full-time professor at the UCLA School of Law and Columbia Law School, where she specializes in race and gender issues.[1] Crenshaw is also the founder of Columbia Law School's Center for Intersectionality and Social Policy Studies (CISPS) and the African American Policy Forum (AAPF), as well as the president of the Berlin-based Center for Intersectional Justice (CIJ).[2] Crenshaw is known for the introduction and development of intersectionality, the theory of how overlapping or intersecting social identities, particularly minority identities, relate to systems and structures of oppression, domination, or discrimination.[3] Her scholarship was also essential in the development of intersectional feminism which examines the overlapping systems of oppression and discrimination to which women are subject due to their ethnicity, sexuality and economic background.[4]
Congo Square
Congo Square is an open space, now within Louis Armstrong Park, which is located in the Tremé neighborhood of New Orleans, Louisiana, just across Rampart Street north of the French Quarter. The Tremé neighborhood is famous for its history of African American music.
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erranova’s work on free labor and the digital economy is an essential background in our political economy approach to prac-tices that produce not just a concrete product but a culture as well. Terranova argues that “free labor” is an undervalued trait of the cultural economy at large and a force in advanced capitalist societies.
Reddit also benefits from the free labor of its content producers. It is a vicious cycle that the creators of racist content, cp, violent content and all other problematic content can also be the "free labor backbone" of the website. With "power users" modding major subreddits, accrueing hundreds or millions of karma points from submissions, and yielding the website free money in gifting awards.
ecentralization and networking of firms both internally and in their relationship to other firms; considerable empowering of capital vis-à-vis labor, with the concomitant decline in the influence of labor movements; increasing individualization and diversification of working relations
In reddit we see the decentralization from single source of entertainment and the building of niche communities, which gives rise to racist, misogynistic, homophobic, fatphobic content. The company can deny responsibility as it shits the blame to the individual(s). Despite the fact, you can easily make statements of solidarity and enforce rules that would prohibit such content.
At the time, the movement encour-aged its followers to become what Turner calls the New Communalists—groups of young people forming communes that “turned away from political action and toward technology and the transformation of consciousness as the primary sources of social change”
Because Silicon Valley is both a technology industry and a cultural force, there is a need for a systematic critique of the discourses and practices that emerge out of and about the Valley because they influence the way people think about technology, politi-cal change, and economic development. This issue provides a space for such critiques.
- Jun 2020
www.marxists.org www.marxists.org
This is the knot of the problem, which is in a complete tangle
I like this figure of speech!
This pessimism is closely linked to the current situation in which our country finds itself; the situation explains it to a certain extent, but, of course, does not justify it.
The material conditions for a country do have psychic influence on people.
Read Gramsci "Against Pessimism"
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Sketcho Frenzy: The Basics of Visual Note-taking
www.cultofpedagogy.com www.cultofpedagogy.com
7 Easy Ways to Support Student Writing
www.cultofpedagogy.com www.cultofpedagogy.com
Student-Made E-books
www.cultofpedagogy.com www.cultofpedagogy.com
Cult of Pedagogy - Listen some time today
8. Handwritten notes may be more powerful than digital notes, but digital note-taking can be fine-tuned.
I think the problem here is that students do not use the full capabilities of digital note taking, in a way that is crucial for success. First off, they think note taking should be an exact transcription of the material. That's not always ideal, or will succeed.
Where digital annotations can succeed over handwritten is the ability to bring in multimedia content, images, and web resources. Even just quick searches for definitions that would, if done with a handwritten note, take significantly more time.
I also think with the latest technology of crowd-sourcing documents. You can find yourself a solid team of classmates that actively work together and can succeed, in a way most people don't think about.
Allowing students to choose a note-taking format that works best for them would also boost student motivation for taking the notes.
The first day of class should be a day where students talk and reflect about their own learning approach with the instructor providing information from previous classes, and what the most successful students in those classes looked like.
Research has shown that when we give students complete, well-written, instructor-prepared notes to review after they take their own notes, they learn significantly more than with their own notes alone (Kiewra, 1985).
So students complete their own notes, and then are provided instructor-prepared notes to review afterwards.
Good for comparing with their notes
Gives additional information
Revises their notes
In the meantime, you can add another layer of scaffolding by simply adding more verbal cues to your learning experiences (Kiewra, 2002). Research shows that simply saying things like, “This is an important point,” or “Be sure to add this to your notes,” instructors can ensure that students include key ideas in their notes. Providing written cues on the board or a slideshow can also help students structure their notes and decide what information to include.
Verbal cues
*this is an important point
*add this to your notes
- this will be in the test (?)
Writing cues are equally important and can be added to the slides or images you provide, or written on the board.
Reynolds’ students have had strong positive reactions to this style of notes and consistently attribute the notes as a key factor in their engagement and learning in the course (Reynolds & Tackie, 2016).
Read Reynolds and Tackie, 2016
I study these notes, the more I see how useful they are, and how well they balance the efficiency offered by guided notes with the need for students to actively participate in the encoding process.
Example notes
Diagrams are pre-drawn, but some key numbers are left out for students to fill in during the lecture. These notes consolidate all the technical material for a lecture into a single document, and the information is organized to align with the lecture.
This is where instructional designers with a good eye for graphic design and organization could come in to provide students key scaffolded resources.
a style developed by engineering professor Susan Reynolds to accompany her lectures
note taking resource
substantially increase student achievement across all grade levels (elementary through college) and with students who present with various disabilities (Haydon, Mancil, Kroeger, McLeskey, & Lin, 2011).
Scaffolded notes have been shown to be successful in all levels.
When students are given the opportunity to revise, add to, or rewrite their notes, they tend to retain more information. And when that revision happens during deliberate pauses in a lecture or other learning experience, students remember the information better and take better notes than if the revision happens after the learning experience is over.
A synchronous meeting where a student is tasked with being the "note taker" for the class inside of a shared word document that everyone has pulled up. You mark the changes of topic with a brief moment to revise and collectively look at the notes and decides what ought to be included. Maybe go so far as a back up person taking notes, to prevent "afk" people from ruining the flow.
The active note taking and the time of revision means everyone in the class learns from the process, can contribute their two cents, and have a thorough set of notes by the end of the lesson.
Revising with partners show better scores in post-tests.
getting trained in specific note-taking strategies can significantly improve the quality of notes and the amount of material they remember later. (Boyle, 2013; Rahmani & Sadeghi, 2011; Robin, Foxx, Martello, & Archable, 1977).
Let me dive into these articles.
Rahmani & Sadeghi, 2011 found that teaching Iranian EFL students how to take notes using graphic organizers, the experiment group did better in recall and comprehension tests.
Boyle, 2013 used a method called "strategic note taking" which performed better than regular note-taking methods. What does regular and strategic note taking measures mean?
Boyle's paper goes over strategic and guided note-taking.
guided notes
Guided Notes are teacher-prepared handouts that outline lectures, audiovisual presentations, or readings, but leave blank space for students to fill in key concepts, facts, definitions, etc. Guided Notes promote active engagement during lecture or independent reading, provide full and accurate notes for use as a study guide, and help students to identify the most important information covered.
strategic note taking
Before the lecture begins, the students identify the lecture topic and relate it to what they already know. This helps to activate prior knowledge and make information more meaningful.
During the lecture, the students record notes by clustering three to six main points (or related pieces of information) and immediately summarizing them for each section of the lecture. Typically, this process will be repeated multiple times throughout the lecture. The clustering of ideas helps students remember the information, and summarizing helps them to monitor comprehension and store the information in long-term memory. To effectively teach students how to record important information, and summarize the content, the teacher can introduce the students to the CUES strategy. The teacher should do this while teaching students how to effectively use the strategic note-taking paper, making sure to emphasize that the C (Cluster) and U (Use) steps should be used when listing lecture points in the section titled “Name 3 to 6 main points with details as they are being discussed,” the E (Enter) step should remind them to enter vocabulary terms in the section titled “New Vocabulary or Terms,” and the S (Summarize) step should be used to quickly summarize the clustered lecture points under the “Summary” section. In addition, it is important that teachers encourage students to use abbreviations as they often do while texting to help them to record notes quickly.
At the end of the lecture, the students should always list and describe five important lecture points that they remember. Although this serves as a quick review of the lecture, students should review their notes to help them retain and recall the information presented during the lecture.
Obviously, some students are going to be faster note-takers than others, and this will allow them to take more complete notes. But you can do quite a bit to help all students get more information into their notes
My opinion has always been to encourage group note taking! Hypothes.is is great for this. Perusall is good if you are annotating a book. And I'd recommend Google Docs/O365 for in class lecture notes.
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Paul Gauguin
French artist
Eugène Henri Paul Gauguin was a French Post-Impressionist artist. Unappreciated until after his death, Gauguin is now recognized for his experimental use of color and Synthetist style that were distinct from Impressionism. Toward the end of his life, he spent ten years in French Polynesia.
Cindy Crawford
seraphic, a tawny lanugo coating
lmao why so much annoying vocab.
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Practical Art Advice from an Oil Painter - Cornelia Hernes Interview
It is essential to be working from life, so you can learn how sight works.
Advice for getting good as possible
Select your teacher well, be critical with whom you train with, and be open minded to their advice.
Different teachers in the same program, you get different and sometimes contradictory advice, teacher A says X and teacher B says Y, who is right? It doesn't matter who is right or wrong, but it shows that there are different approaches and ways to solving a problem.
Creating a structure, consistency and familiarity with key concepts.
www.houstonchronicle.com www.houstonchronicle.com
Cyclists explore historic Emancipation Trail from Galveston to Houston
Juneteenth related
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only two research-based note-taking tech-niques are available in the literature: guided notes and strategic note-taking.
guided notes
Guided Notes are teacher-prepared handouts that outline lectures, audiovisual presentations, or readings, but leave blank space for students to fill in key concepts, facts, definitions, etc. Guided Notes promote active engagement during lecture or independent reading, provide full and accurate notes for use as a study guide, and help students to identify the most important information covered.
strategic note taking
Before the lecture begins, the students identify the lecture topic and relate it to what they already know. This helps to activate prior knowledge and make information more meaningful.
During the lecture, the students record notes by clustering three to six main points (or related pieces of information) and immediately summarizing them for each section of the lecture. Typically, this process will be repeated multiple times throughout the lecture. The clustering of ideas helps students remember the information, and summarizing helps them to monitor comprehension and store the information in long-term memory. To effectively teach students how to record important information, and summarize the content, the teacher can introduce the students to the CUES strategy. The teacher should do this while teaching students how to effectively use the strategic note-taking paper, making sure to emphasize that the C (Cluster) and U (Use) steps should be used when listing lecture points in the section titled “Name 3 to 6 main points with details as they are being discussed,” the E (Enter) step should remind them to enter vocabulary terms in the section titled “New Vocabulary or Terms,” and the S (Summarize) step should be used to quickly summarize the clustered lecture points under the “Summary” section. In addition, it is important that teachers encourage students to use abbreviations as they often do while texting to help them to record notes quickly.
At the end of the lecture, the students should always list and describe five important lecture points that they remember. Although this serves as a quick review of the lecture, students should review their notes to help them retain and recall the information presented during the lecture.
There are six adaptation strate-gies . . .”) is also used by teachers to help students organize lecture content by providing a framework for subsequent lecture points, as well as to help them discern important from less important lecture content
Hey this is gonna be helpful for me as well for improving my lecturing technique.