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  1. Mar 2020
    1. Describe the skills they need to bring to the course to enable them to succeed. 

      discipline is a skill. Observational skills. Develop their patience.

    2. Step Five:  Develop a calendar.

      weekly events.

    3. Step Four:  Structuring the course to serve learner-centered goals: Building Lessons.

      Building lessons

    4. ifficult to obtain materials such are readings, complex charts, and graphs

      recommended readings, finished art work.

    5. course logistics (a particularly important element as we include more group work and out of class experiences)

      Suggested weekly schedules, forum participation, peer netiquette, instructor feedback, work expectations.

    6. standards and procedures for evaluation

      having described the concepts, the student will be judged on whether they apply those concepts correctly.

    7. clear statement of intended goals and student outcomes

      get them to be successful artists

    8. instructor's role and responsibility to the students

      prompt and thorough feedback

    9. Building your First Syllabus

      syllabus instructions

    1. Planning Your Course

      planning your course.

    2. Step 4. Arrange Course Content

      The website design plan gives us some arrangement ideas, but we need to work on ways to connect disparate videos with each other as well as their assignments.

    3. an introductory course for prospective majors

      An introductory course for artists?

      BIOL 1304 an introductory course for prospective majors

      ENG an advance course for majors in Writing.

    4. Step 1. Define Your View of the Purposes of Education



      So I'd say it is a little about making the world a better place. To give them vocational skills. And it demands a systemic instructional process.

    1. Ideally, students enrolled in an online course need to be competent in using computers and navigating the Internet.

      or provide the resources to do it.

    2. It is advisable that faculty first integrate technologies into face-to-face courses and become familiar with the online teaching environment before taking on the challenge of teaching mostly or totally online (Palloff & Pratt, 2001

      start embedding online components into your class then when you feel comfortable and ready, make the switch to fully online.

    3. new opportunities to build collaboration and creativity into the teaching and learning process

      What are the reasons for emphasizing collaborativeness and creativity? The need to innovate the economy out of its cyclical booms and busts? The idea of treating humans as creative and social animals?

    4. Instructional strategies bookmark

    1. reminder: go through and chunk info into smaller concept and their time stamps.

      M5 Instructional Strategies

      Notes and reflections

      What is an instructional strategy?

      A set of instructional and learning events appropriate for achieving a learning goal.

      An instructional strategy is a bigger picture of how your curriculum should be presented.

      Example: Project Based Learning

      Producing a PRODUCT

      Multiple lessons could be involved and various activities. Then you have multiple lessons with various group or individual activities. Various learning objectives, etc.

      Designing Strats for Distance Education.

      • Engage learners in active learning experiences.
      • Scaffold instruction to develop learner self-reliance.
      • Recognize prior learning experiences.
      • Facilitate learning as an active instructor.
      • Link learning from prior knowledge to new ideas.
      • Provide collaborative, respectful and informal setting.
      • Provide self-reflection opportunities throughout the learning experience.

      Teacher vs. Student Center

      Complete Transformation? not quite.

      Think of a good combination between teacher-centered to student-centered.

      Instructional Strategies

      Types of Activities

      Learning contracts


      • most frequently used
      • an efficient way of disseminating info.
      • laying foundations


      • interactive, participatory learning
      • Asynchronous and synchronous discussions

      Types of Tools

      Mailing lists

      Course LMS

      Social Media

      Web conferencing

      Chat rooms

      Small Group Work

      Discuss content, share ideas, solve problems.

      Less hassle with organizing for larger groups.

      Discussion, problem solving activity and role-playing.

      Game activities.


      Work on special interest topics

      Individual or group based

      Increased relevance to learner

      Actual products

      Critique on product is possible

      May involve other instructional strategies as well.

      Case Study

      Requires to draw upon prior knowledge and experience

      Need an appropriate real-world situation relevant to learners

      Problem based or expert case - the biggest issue is finding a good case study.

      Both individual and group-based.

      Additional research often needed.


      Series of presentations and follow-up discussions

      2 to 5 people discussing different aspects of the same theme.

      Exposure to various experts viewpoints.

      Format suitable to webinars (asynchronous & synchronous)

      Audience participation through Q&A

      A moderator is often needed.

    1. M5 Successful Online Instruction


      Basic Principles:

      View this from various perspectives (ID, Teacher, Student POV)

      • Communication with Students
      • Collaboration among students
      • High Expectations
      • Prompt Feedback
      • Active learning experiences
      • Respecting diversity

      structure of instruction

      • Organization
      • Syllabus facilitationinstructional materials *assessments
      • teaching and learning environments + tecvhnologies

      Teacher Roles

      • elaborating course content
      • supervising and moderating discussions
      • supervising indiv. and group projects.
      • grading assignments and providing feedbacks
      • answering all sorts of questions
      • helping students manage their study
      • motivating students Etc.

      Community of Learners

      Cultivate a community of learners and possible group of peers that they can rely on for feedback, sharing knowledge, critiques and fruitful interactions. Assessments would need to be criterion-based (rubric) and product-oriented. Environment has to be adaptable and technology-driven.


      Communication Very important, specially in fully online. You can create routines, correspondence time, and an open link for gathering around and meeting with the instructor.

      Assignments and grading They are useful to check in on progress. There is a debate on fewer vs. many. Have an expectation set in advance, like the use of rubrics. Provide examples or not?

      Reflection: For art classes a rubric would be good, but not examples. Examples can cause students to copy the example and you want to encourage them to do it well.

      Plagiarism: Teach students about copyright and fair use. Teach students how to cite and provide reference. Provide an institutional policy. Tracing = bad.

      Reflection: How big of a concern would plagiarism be in an art class?

      Review Other Elements in the textbook.

      reflection: Joshua might be fairly good with tech. We need to have some support for future instructors that might take over that class. Provide material for students and instructors on support.

    2. M5 Successful Instruction

      online instruction


      So she has Objc. and Assignments after a brief intro/overview. Then, she has 2 cells merged into an "Activity X" with the instructions and a video.


      We still have the upcoming course design template and syllabus draft.

      No reading check this week. Probably next week as we wait for feedback on all these things.

    1. Blocking In the Still Life Drawing with Christine Frerichs

      I want to be clear is still a great video. I learned quite a few new things.

      That said:

      They should chunk the video. If they are going to list materials, you should provide a "table of content" for video sections. The instructor lists all the materials. And how to make a viewfinder. Things that could have their own videos.

      She does not make use of the the video description.

      She uses word cues very well. At 1:20 she says "Create thumbnail drawings" and it appears in the video "white space".

      They edit video really well.

      They have interesting graphics that help represent certain concepts.

      There is a background music.

      I think there is a lot of CONTENT in this video that could have been split into small videos. Like tinting a bristol paper for the still life.

      They are using slightly different approaches to the measuring but all of it is fairly solid.

      On the whole, it does not ask any questions to prompt the student to reflect.

      She doesn't get into the point about lights, midtone and dark shapes, but I feel like if you have time to discuss how to do a proper sight technique, then you can briefly discuss that concept. It definitely had a bigger production value with multiple camera angles, a longer length, narration by the same artist. special effects, etc.

    1. Beginning Drawing Atelier #7: Blocking in Still Life

      Very brief intro

      no word cues

      no extraneous music

      it is chunked, very quick video 2mins 47 seconds total.

      Conversational tone, but quick and to the point.

      Credits at the end of the video.

    1. Share a video, app or website that helps you

      combine this into the "Lounge" Discussion Board. You can encourage students to share tools like quizlet. Download hypothes.is, for when they are other websites. Readings from the news, etc.

    2. Peer-to-Peer Chapter Review Assignment BIOL 1304

      Similar to the group wiki we want to establish. But with extra help. So that's nice.

    1. Introductory Videos

      table properties, you can create two columns, 1 row, merge the heading column. Modify the heading column size to be closer to the font size.

    1. writing intensive course (department designated)

      assist with providing rubrics and helping with linking to resources they deem necessary.

    2. covers theorie

      reading heavy course.

    3. CJ 3301 Criminology

      not a first year course

    4. Last Name Gehring First Name Krista

      OLC Student engagement, assessments, and ID.

      Designing courses with a multimodal approach

      Course entry stuff:

      making it more organized how to make modules alignment of learnings objectives and assignments

      May8th professional development completions

      Needs a softchalk license.

    5. rely on in the redesign of my course is the Writing & Reading Center

      providing direct links and resources to the Writing and Reading Center.


      Tutoring Locations and Hours

      Location: UHD, One Main Building (N925) Monday-Thursday: 9:00 am-7:00 pm Monday-Thursday: 7:00 pm-9:00 pm (Online Only) Friday: 9:00 am-2:00 pm Saturday: 9:00 am-3:00 pm

      Location: UHD Veteran Services (GSB 318) Tuesday: 10:00 am-2:00 pm

      Location: UHD-Northwest Campus (Building 12, Rm 333) Monday-Thursday: 3:30 pm-8:00 pm

      View our Spring 2020 schedule for tutor availability and to make an appointment. If you are unable to commute to the Downtown campus, schedule an online tutoring appointment.

      Not the tutoring hours you need? Please let us know by completing our online survey We'll use your feedback to improve our availability in the future.



    1. Furthermore, Haddix (2009) argued, deficit framings unfairly place the onus on individual Black males to succeed academically, without disrupting the institutional structuresthat shape their experiences in schools

      That's actually a really fair argument that ought to be in the forefront. We have systems that do not value black lives and their education, so we ought to be changing the system to see more improvements.

    2. ethnographic

      scientific description, observation and analysis of the customs of an individual peoples or culture.

    1. South Korea’s national college entrance exam has a notoriously difficult English section, a reflection of the extent to which the country’s economy is organized by US strategic and financial interests.

      Venezuela doesn't have that. But we definitely had a privileged upbringing by being enrolled in the Center for Venezuelan American Studies. We were taught English in a way that other kids would not.

    2. IMF in the aftermath of the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis

      Read David Graeber "5,000 Years of Debt"

      The Asian financial crisis was a period of financial crisis that gripped much of East Asia and Southeast Asia beginning in July 1997 and raised fears of a worldwide economic meltdown due to financial contagion.

      The crisis started in Thailand (known in Thailand as the Tom Yum Goong crisis; Thai: วิกฤตต้มยำกุ้ง) on July 2nd, with the financial collapse of the Thai baht after the Thai government was forced to float the baht due to lack of foreign currency to support its currency peg to the U.S. dollar. Capital flight ensued almost immediately, beginning an international chain reaction.

      Indonesia, South Korea, and Thailand were the countries most affected by the crisis. Hong Kong, Laos, Malaysia and the Philippines were also hurt by the slump. Brunei, mainland China, Singapore, Taiwan, and Vietnam were less affected, although all suffered from a loss of demand and confidence throughout the region. Japan was also affected, though less significantly.

      Foreign debt-to-GDP ratios rose from 100% to 167% in the four large Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) economies in 1993–96, then shot up beyond 180% during the worst of the crisis. In South Korea, the ratios rose from 13% to 21% and then as high as 40%, while the other northern newly industrialized countries fared much better. Only in Thailand and South Korea did debt service-to-exports ratios rise.[4]

      See more at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1997_Asian_financial_crisis

    3. Nearly half of South Korea’s workforce are irregular workers

      Marx talks about the creation of a surplus army of labor that is used for makeshift work and to keep the rest of the workers in line.

    4. As Korea’s present colonizer, the United States is implicated throughout Parasite.

      spoilers the sister pretends to have gone to a university in Illinois Chicago. The kid plays at cowboys and indians. The nuclear family of the rich is very reflective of Americaness.

    5. compradors

      com·pra·dor /ˌkämprəˈdôr/ plural noun: compradors

      a person within a country who acts as an agent for foreign organizations engaged in investment, trade, or economic or political exploitation. "the communist movement identified the new ruling class as bourgeois compradors allied with imperialists"

    6. chauvinism

      exaggerated or aggressive patriotism


      The course website design plan is due on March 15th, but the Syllabus is probably more difficult.

    2. 2. Select one production or creation tool that allows you to create the material. Introduce briefly about the tool.  Is it easy to create an instructional or learning material? How does this tool contribute to designing your material? How could this tool be used in your specific context other than creating this material? What would you add or omit to enhance this tool?

      1.Select one material that you may create for your A&E project and describe what that may be (e.g., type of material, how it is going to be used, why choose that material?). I expect each of you to create at least one material by yourself even if you are working as a team.

      2.Select one production or creation tool that allows you to create the material.

      • Introduce briefly about the tool.
      • Is it easy to create an instructional or learning material?
      • How does this tool contribute to designing your material?
      • How could this tool be used in your specific context other than creating this material?
      • What would you add or omit to enhance this tool?
    3. In Part 2 of Discussion 2, you will discuss both material and technology to create the material

      pick a material we will be creating for the A&E project and discuss the tool we are using

      Does the Google Sites count as material, or are we talking about written text, or an edited video?

    4. nderstanding visual design principles and multimedia theories, and testing materials for any errors in different platforms are all very crucial. 

      re-read the chapters in EDIT 5325 and watch some linkedin learning videos for a confidence boost and practice.

    5. Materials themselves without an instructor should engage learners/trainees and support learning.

      even if the instructor is not there, students should still find the material engaging and informative.

      What's more important, the informative part or the engaging part? obviously one would hope it's 50/50, but how do you deal with complex or difficult and dry subjects.

    6. him or herself

      just say they

    7. lease do read Chapter 8 from the textbook to gain more ideas on  material design and visualization.

      homework: read chapter 8

  2. Feb 2020
    1. “It’s a touchstone,” said Brendan McGillicuddy, 39, who teaches in the cultural studies department at the University of Minnesota. “At my workplace, everyone listens to it, even if you don’t like it.

      HA! Wow.

    2. Over the summer, the “Chapo Trap House” message board, which has nearly 153,000 members who chat about the news and memes of the day, was censured by Reddit, which hosts it. The page now has limited reach and is in a sort of digital purgatory, where it remains.

      lmao we made it.

    3. one for free and one for the nearly 38,000 people who pay $5 a month through the crowdfunding site Patreon.
    4. Dirtbag Left
    5. nother whose name cannot be printed

      it's Cumtown and they are not even that politically active or "left".

    6. “Chapo Trap House,” the Pied Pipers of the candidate’s online movement.

      They have explicitly said they are not affiliated with the bernie sander's campign

    7. Former Mayor Pete Buttigieg is “a bloodless asexual.”

      where's the lie.

    8. By Nellie Bowles

      She is dating Bari Weiss, the source of a lot of reading series and legit criticism from the Chapo Trap House hosts.

    9. Politesse, civility, even pleasure

      Pleasure is not something they necessary rail against. It's mostly the "polite" way you gotta treat neocons and lib ghouls.

    1. Novices need some guidance and structure to begin with. The teacher must act as a designer of the learning activities and the environment then guide the students in the use of wikis (Lund, 2006). The teacher should set the stage, trigger, initiate interactions, stimulate, monitor and guide online as well as offline activities conducive to learning (Lund, 2006; Lamb, 2004).

      So I would need to talk to the professors wanting to do this, that they need to be more involved in the process. Give them prompts, tasks, stimulate, monitor and guide the activities.

    2. When introducing wikis the launch activity should be motivating, easy and quickly achievable, with little emphasis on the quality of the writing (Notari, 2006). A good place to start is with Who’s Who page where students create their own home-page within the course site to introduce themselves to their peers (Guzdial et al., 2001, p. 22). This can function as a non-threatening way to introduce the technology and at the same time begin community building

      So perhaps, instead of a discussion post, they write about themselves?

    3. Teaching with any CSCL environment such as wikis, requires a cultural shift for everyone involved. It is important for the teacher to build trust in people and trust in the collaborative process (Fountain, 2006). The formation of social networks and a sense of connectedness comprise what has become known as social capital.

      there is gonna be a need to write or research about consensus and trust building.

    4. Brown & Campione had introduced the concept of a community of learners in 1990 and Lave & Wenger had used the term community of practice in 1991. By the 1990s Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) had emerged

      the concept of community of learners was developed in 1990

    5. The move toward social constructivist pedagogical models, initiated by researchers such as Piaget and Vygotsky, makes the wiki a potentially useful educational tool. The wiki can provide the medium by which learners communicate and negotiate in their efforts to reach a shared understanding of a problem (Bruns, 2005).

      Social constructivist pedagogical models make the wiki a useful tool. It provides a medium by which learners communicate and negotiate in their efforts to reach a common understanding.

    6. The wiki can be used as a semantic networking tool, a way to construct meaningful connections between topics, ideas or concepts. A semantic network is composed of nodes (such as wiki pages ) with meaningful links (hyperlinks) connecting them. A semantic network of wikis can help learners to organize their ideas and to convey that organisation of ideas to others (Jonassen et al, 1999, p.165)

      semantic networking tool: a way to construct meaningful connections between topics, ideas or concepts. A semantic network is composed of nodes (such as wiki pages) with meaningful links (hyperlinks) connecting them. The pages are nodes the hyperlinks are the meaningful links. You can also see how important a concept is by the times it appears in other pages.s

    7. The wiki can be used as a networking program allowing the students to actively participate in the construction of a collective knowledge repository.

      The student is taking an active role in the construction of a collective knowledge repository.

    8. A Wiki is a freely expandable collection of interlinked Web “pages”, a hypertext system for storing and modifying information – a database, where each page is easily editable by any user with a forms-capable Web browser client. (Leuf & Cunningham, 2001, p. 14)

      not just easily editable pages, but a collection of interlinked web pages. It gives a visual and conceptual expression of interconnectedness for concepts a student learns in class.

    9. Formatting text is done with wiki markup (a simplified version of HTML) such as an extra blank line for a new paragraph, _underlined_, ’’emphasized text’’, ’’’strong text’’’, —- horizontal rule, etc. A word with embedded capitals (CamelStyle) saved in an existing wiki page will create a link to a form for creating a new page. Adding pictures, movies or sounds can be achieved by including the URL of the file.

      Wiki markup, markdown, and other simplified versions of HTML are very important for future graduates. I had a friend in college who was asked to edit articles in wikipedia as an assignment and one of the extraneous loads on her cognitive processing power was learning simplified markdown. The use of bolding, italics, images, ordered and unordered lists are crucial for clear messaging and a person that struggles to do that in future careers would have an issue.

    10. Mind tools are computer-based tools and learning environments that have been adapted or developed to function as intellectual partners with the learner in order to engage and facilitate critical thinking and higher order learning. (Jonassen, 2000, p.9)
    11. Learning and Teaching with Wikis

      well-known examples of wikis: Fandom wikis, Wikipedia.

    1. Wikis allow for the editing of a page by a number of people. It allows you to sign up to get notification when changes are made, using email or RSS.

      Slavin (1995), in hisreview of cooperative learning and achievement, suggests that there is a broadconsensus among researchers about the positive effects of cooperative learning onachievement, despite ongoing debate about why and under what conditionscooperative peer-based learning is effective.

      Despite debating on why it is effective, there is a consensus that cooperative learning has positive effects.

    1. ikis are collaboratively authored, searchable docu ments linked internally and externally. For class room purposes, wikis are designed to be created by more than one student

      Wikis are designed with the intended purpose of being handled by more than 1 student.

    2. ikipedia, the online encyclopedia (www .wikipedia.org), is the most famous example of a wiki. But today, teachers and students are beginning to engage with this technology more and more, creat ing a variety of wiki types (see Table 1).

      Wikipedia is the most famous example, use that one. The way this technology and example shapes our understanding of wikis. We need to be aware of that.

    3. The project in volved students researching topics of their choice and creating online multimedia reports using the wiki technology to enhance collaboration between student peers, the classroom teacher, and the college students

      Wiki project that was intergenerational (?) and school-college partnership.

    1. Such a system only works with users serious about collaborating and willing to follow the groupconventions and practices. Of course, Wiki sites, like any pages on the Web, can be secured withpassword protection or other means, but wikis have built-in safeguards against malicious behavior (pagechanges are logged, page deletions must be seconded to take effect). The goal of Wiki sites is to become ashared repository of knowledge, with the knowledge base growing over time.

      Wikis can be fast due to all the collaboration and at the same time a bit slow to grow.

    2. there is anothercollaborative environment which is more naturally suited for collaborative on-line projects,WikiWikliWeb (wiki wiki is Hawaiian for "quick") or wikis. Like blogs, wikis have been around for sometime and are popular among technology buffs.

      Wiki means quick

    1. After reviewing the synchronous communication tools, you will engage in Discussion 2-1 - which asks you to explore a new technology. Here is what I expect from you: 1. Select ONE async or sync tool from Module 4 to test and report on its use. Do pick the one that is new to you. If you already know all of them, then find a completely new one!

      Discussion 2-1 pick one async or sync tool from module 4 to test and report on its use.

      1. Think about the following questions to post about the tool:
      • Introduce briefly about the tool.
      • Is it easy to setup and use?
      • What are some advantages/disadvantages in terms of its use in online environments?
      • How does this tool contribute to building interaction or allowing discussion of content in an education or training setting?
      • How does this tool permit the sharing and/or creation of content?
      • How could this tool be used in your specific context?
      • What would you add or omit to enhance this tool?

      syn·chro·nous /ˈsiNGkrənəs/ Learn to pronounce adjective 1.existing or occurring at the same time.


      a·syn·chro·nous /āˈsiNGkrənəs/ Learn to pronounce adjective 1.(of two or more objects or events) not existing or happening at the same time. 2.COMPUTING•TELECOMMUNICATIONS of or requiring a form of computer control timing protocol in which a specific operation begins upon receipt of an indication (signal) that the preceding operation has been completed.

      In telecommunications, asynchronous communication is transmission of data, generally without the use of an external clock signal, where data can be transmitted intermittently rather than in a steady stream. Any timing required to recover data from the communication symbols is encoded within the symbols.


    4. Album of Images

      Write an analysis when you get some time tomorrow.


      Review textbook chapter 4.

      model of communication

    1. Infographics, Online, Learning, Engagement, Visual

      research article

    2. Infographics: In Support of Online Visual Learning

      ugh this is kinda boring,

    3. Online faculty should aim to present course content succinctly and in a variety of modalities to support independent and diverse learning needs.

      find ways to show the same content in alternate modalities.

    4. Consider, that more data has been created in the past two years than in the entire previous history of humans (Marr, 2015) and infographics are valuable tools for condensing and managing volumes of complex information (Conner, 2017).

      Data tsunami. The data flood.

    5. visual are processed 60,000 times faster in the brain than text and visual aids in the classroom improve learning up to 400 percent. Ideas presented graphically are easier to understand and remember than those presented as words, (Kliegel et al., 1987).

      throw out this factoid when doing video?

    6. In 1983, psychologist Howard Gardner introduced his book, Frames of Mind. Dr. Gardner’s book presented his theory on multiple intelligences, the theory that people possess multiple types of intelligence and can learn through these various modalities. Among the seven intelligences, Gardner identified visual-spatial intelligence.

      visual-spatial intelligence (we might refer to this as a guiding factor in nma project?)

    1. References

      book mark references for infographics

    2. Figure2: Generated steps of the process of designing an infographic

    3. participantsidentifiedaspecificideaanddecidedtheirobjectiverelatedtotheirinfographic.Theyalsoevaluatedthemessagetheywantedtoportraytotheiraudience.Participantsalsoaddressedthemainconceptsthatwereincludedintheirinfographicalongwiththesourcestheywereusing.

      preparation by looking at the thesis, or main idea, the objective, the message, the sources and its audience.

    4. studentsoutlinedthevaluableandimportantinformationalongwiththevisualsketchoftheinfographic.

      outline and sketch the infographic

    5. Figure1: Theoretical Model for Infographic Design (Pettersson, 2009

      visual representation of the theoretical model for infographic design (pettersson, 2009).

    6. Thedevelopmentofstudents’cognitiveabilitiesthroughinternalizationandinterpretationalsopromotesself-dependenceandcreativitywithinstudentsandlearners.Thesequalitiescanbepromotedbyinfographics(Damyanov&Tsankov,2018)

      so yes, the use of infographics is argued to increase the creativity of the ones using them.

    7. “Similartoatraditionalresearchessay,aninfographicassignmentchallengesthe studenttovisuallycommunicateathesis,supportedbycitationsandstatisticssourcedfromscholarlyliterature...studentsmustdesignaninformationvisualizationtoillustratetheirargument”

      so it is the visual communication of a thesis. supported by citations and statistics sourced from scholarly literature.

      So think of the thesis for your infographic assignment.

    8. Lazard andAtkinson (2015) paper reported that learners’skills and knowledge develops with their exposure to the infographic in the learning practices. Therefore, there exists a need for the educational institute to utilize innovativestrategies for progressing the students’learning and improving their academic achievement.

      is this sentence about the learning from infographics or the exposure to infographics teaches students how to make them?

    9. TheDesignProcessandPerceptionofanInstructionalDesigner

      from the perspective of an instructional designer.

      putting out this type of content might be useful, specially for criminal justice (visualizing stats or concepts), comms (creating a timeline of events), and anatomy and physiology.

    10. Infographicisrecognizedasthevisualizationofdata,whichexhibitscomplexinformationinaneffectiveandclearmanner.

      so it kinda is that.

    1. I would explore all of the resources this center has to offer during the design period

      our online options for students to meet from distance?

    2. classroom to have face to face interactions to discuss concepts and provide examples, but an online environment can prove challenging to do this.


    3. designated). Student writing is assessed through various written assignments, online discussions, and reflection journals

      student writing can be done in the annotation of documents as well.

    4. classes

      classes being topic units?


    1. NURS 4210 - Information Management and Health Informatics

      nursing oooh


    1. I have tinkered with the idea of using VoiceThread, but I am not yet comfortable enough with the software to make assignments for it

      here i come

    2. . Finally, I provide a specific group activity that takes 15-20 minutes and lets them try out the analytic exercise without my guidance. I'm not entirely sure how to replicate that strategy online


    3. patterns

      detect patterns


    1. At the very least, it allows teachers and, more importantly, students to make connections across disciplines, creating an opportunity for greater depth and complexity.

      Things are more interconnected in reality than we like to think. We develop this tiny tracts of expertise in K-12 and college. But in reality a "good" worker, is often tasked with juggling so many different hats - now whether they get paid for each hat is a completely different matter, sadly.

    1. Not quite. New Mexico is now suing Google over Chromebooks

      privacy lawsuit.

    2. But underpinning all of this is a foundational issue: the steady creep of technology into every aspect of the classroom. 

      treated as a negative.

    3. The software came first. Initially, the effort was led by Jonathan Rochelle,now CPO at Zapier, who was in charge of product management for Google Drive Docs. Google rolled out Drive apps specifically tailored towards college students, which no one else was doing at the time. 

      google drive and google docs more specifically got me through college for sure.

    4. What they did was then bypass administrators and talk to teachers directly, a ready audience, who led to wider adoption across schools for GSuite, as this very good New York Times article from 2017 describes, 

      While it seems like an innovative approach, the problem is that some of those guidelines are there to protect current vendors, sure, but some might actually be there to protect students.

    1. Connected learning thrives in a socially meaningful and knowledge-rich ecology of ongoing participation, self-expression and recognition. In their everyday exchanges with peers and friends, young people fluidly contribute, share and give feedback.

      so for this aspect, you have to create guidelines and actively moderate forums to avoid the problem of cliques, bullying and other issues with communities.

    2. Connected learning prizes the learning that comes from actively producing, creating, experimenting and designing because it promotes skills and dispositions for lifelong learning and for making meaningful contributions to today’s rapidly changing work and social conditions.

      this is great since you now have a list of artifacts that help you prove not just to the institution but to yourself that you are capable of a variety of things. Great stuff.

    3. Interests foster the drive to gain knowledge and expertise. Research has repeatedly shown that when the topic is personally interesting and relevant, learners achieve much higher-order learning outcomes.

      Obviously the challenge here is getting the student to tell you what their interests area lies in, and finding ways to guide them successfully through the assignments. Or becoming a mentor, that can handle the academic questions while the student brings the rest of the knowledge to the table.

    4. “For more than a century, educators have strived to customize education to the learner. Connected Learning leverages the advances of the digital age to make that dream a reality — connecting academics to interests, learners to inspiring peers and mentors, and educational goals to the higher order skills the new economy rewards

      This is the result of the material conditions when you no longer have an industrialized system. The goal for education is to 'innovate" and to not created dislocated workers. Otherwise you'd have problems on your hands. The ability to tie academics to your interests is still mostly a bougie privilege.

    5. Connected Learning


    1. this approach leverages new media to broaden access to opportunity and meaningful learning experiences.[1][2]

      using a lot of the repositories of information available online to make meaningful learning opportunities.

    1. What Are The Common Infographic Sizes?

      Infographic article for the assignment.

      Work on the assignment today after the hypothesi.s meeting.

      Boom! why the heck have I been looking for images in google?! lol.

    1. On the other hand, mastery-oriented environ-ments reduce cheating naturally by reinforcingstudents’motivations to learn and developingtheir meta-cognitive skills, that is their self-awareness of the knowledge they have, the knowl-edge they need, and how they can develop newknowledge (Ambrose, Bridges, Lovett, Dipietro,&Norman,2010; Day, Hudson, Dobies, &Waris,2011;Lang,2013; Palazzo, Lee,Warnakulasooriya, & Pritchard,2010)

      Having mastery of skills encourages you and makes you less hesitant or prone to procrastination. Getting over the hurdle of starting an assignment makes it less likely students will engage in plagiarism or cheating.

    1. Multiple means of representation: Give learners various ways of acquiring information and knowledge

      something to keep in mind is if we are going to have an assigned reading or readings?

    1. Ginger Fisher and Susan Keenan (University of Northern Colorado, Greeley) write about making the syllabus more responsive to first-generation college students.

      read about first generation college students. Because if we have increased chances of accreditation, this is a selling point for institutions.

    2. It turns out if they have a say in deciding some things about the course, their commitment to it increases.

      Suggest the ability to annotate the syllabus as a way for students to interact with it and have some say and increase commitment.

    3. All the essential content is still included but the syllabus reads like an invitation to an interesting learning experience

      Work on making the syllabus have a welcoming and inviting tone. Maybe learn even just a tiny little bit before they are even done with the syllabus,

    4. I’ve really enjoyed looking at sample syllabi that were submitted.  I also reviewed some online syllabus collections—many of our professional association websites now host syllabus repositories.

      which professional associations?

    5. The syllabus—most of us use them, many of our students don’t read them. 

      We are going to make the syllabus available in Perusall (and for anyone else, Hypothesi.s)!

    6. Revisiting the Syllabus

      Syllabus article

    1. For example, a live online session is likely the best way to help students learn how to solve a novel and challenging problem for which the course content has given the tools, but collaboration with other students and/or guidance from the professor is needed to understand or “see” how to apply the tools.

      we need to have some activities the students can do in live online sessions. Make it worth their while.

    2. Adding a Live Online Class to Your Course
  3. www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
    1. M3 UMT

      what is the UMT?

      I fairly understood this intuitively and I read the book, but I guess I should review this just to be safe.

    1. Key Terms

      the difference between a camera script, full script, outline script and scene.

    2. Note final frames for continuity, log shot details (identification, duration), and label the recording

      for filming

    1. 8HowVideoUsageStylesAffectStudentEngagement?..

      Interpretation: 40% of people watch the full video without skipping 32% watch some parts of the video. 20% fast forward through the entire thing 8% only specific parts.

      32+8+20 is more than 40% who do so without skipping. So it would be highly encouraged to a table of content in the video description or in youtube videos that allow learners to skip and engage how they deem it necessary.

    2. users’engagement

      how the fuck is this IU?! lmao

    3. usagestyles


    4. Anotherimportantfactthatvideoproducersandinteractiondesignersshouldconsideristhatmanytimes,shortvideosarenotusedconsistently,resultinginloweradoption.Hence,althoughshortvideoshavemanyuses,studentengagementismanytimeslow.

      We gotta have relevant and redundant ways of providing that information. So students are not missing it if the engagement is low.

    5. Overhalfoftheusers(60%)werewatchingthefullvideolecture,whiletheremainders(40%)werewatchingspecificpartsofthevideo

      give students the ability to skip to specific areas. Carefully planning of the video is encouraged.

    6. Fortystudentswhohadusedhow-toandlecturevideosfromtwodifferentvideoplatformsresponded,basedontheirlongitudinalexperience.Oftherespondents,87.5%weremalesand12.5%werefemales,andallwereagedbetween20and23years(M=21.7,SD=1.12),withtheexceptionofone25yearsold.


    7. amplingThemethodologycomprisedaquestionnaireconductedattheendofafullsemestervideoexperience

      sampling process - students at the end of the full semester video experience.

    8. nothernoteworthyfindingisthatseventypercentoftheusersmentionedthatvideosshouldhavebeenconnectedtoaFacebookgroup.

      basically to have a place to talk about them as soon as you finish watching them.

    9. DaleandPymm[8]haveindicatedtheimportanceofrewinding,skipping,andothersimilaraffordancestonavigatevideocontent.Althoughresearchhasmen-tionedseveraldifferentwatchingintensitytypesandnavigation,thedifferencesbetweenthetwomainwatchingintensitytypes,userswhowatchthefullvideoandthosewhowatchonlypartofit,areyettobeexplored.Hence,inourresearch,wewanttoexaminewhetherthewatchingintensityaffectsusers’engagement.

      for those people that like to explore or skip around, provide a table of content for anything bigger than 10 minutes?

    10. Althoughvideosforlearning/traininghavebeenemployedintheindustryandeducationformanyyears,severalfactorsregardinglearners’engagementwithanduseofvideoshavechanged.Forexample,learnerscaninteractwiththecontentinvariousways,videorepositorieshaveadvanced(e.g.,iTunes,YouTube),andotherinteractiveandsmartvideo-basedsystemshaveappeared(MOOCs,InteractiveTV).

      for the activity, ask learners to pick a source of educational videos that they like, compare and contrast with another source. Or gage the effectiveness of that video based on what they learned.

    1. The optimal video length is 6 minutes or shorter — students watched most of the way through these short videos. In fact, the average engagement time of any video maxes out at 6 minutes, regardless of its length. And engagement times decrease as videos lengthen: For instance, on average students spent around 3 minutes on videos that are longer than 12 minutes, which means that they engaged with less than a quarter of the content.

      try and keep my video to 5 or 6 minutes.

    2. Optimal Video Length for Student Engagement

      Resource for the video script.

    1. Embed videos in a context of active learning by using guid-ing questions, interactive elements, or associated homework assignments.

      All of this cool stuff I should have already been doing, but I wasn't.

    2. Use signaling to highlight important ideas or concepts.

      Highlight, underline, pop in and fade important concepts.

    3. Use audio and visual elements to convey appropriate parts of an explanation; consider how to make these elements complementary rather than redundant

      don't read off the presentation slide.

    4. Use Guiding Questions

      questions that students can look for and answer while watching the video.

    5. One observation from their analysis of Khan Academy videos was that videos that offered the greatest benefits to students were highly relevant to associated exer-cises. This result is supported by results observed in a “teach-ing-as-research” project at Vanderbilt University

      videos only relevant to the assignment.

    6. ncorpo-rating prompts for students to engage in the type of cognitive activity necessary to process information—to engage in active learning—can help them build and test mental models, explic-itly converting video watching from a passive to an active-learn-ing event.

      incorporate prompts for students to interact with

    7. (Guo et al., 2014).

      include info about the shortness of videos - research further

    8. The first and most important guideline for maximizing stu-dent attention to educational video is to keep it short.
    9. Integrate questions into videos with HapYak or Zaption, as described by Obodo and Baskauf (2015)Follow short videos with interactive questions within an LMS,

      or embed them into the video themselves.

    10. Active learningConsider these strategies for promoting active learning:Packaging video with interactive questions

      active learning

    1. Two Instructors Share Their Perspective At the Instructor Insights page for 7.341 The Microbiome and Drug Delivery: Cross-species Communication in Health and Disease, you can find a video interview with the course’s instructors, Dr. Ali Beyzavi and Dr. Miguel Jimenez.

      Instructor insights

    2. The goal is for the students to be the ones actively propelling the discussion, with the instructor serving primarily as a facilitator and factual resource.  

      Get the students to actively lead the discussions.

    3. Class sessions are designed to be as interactive as possible.


      Reading assignments

      Submit 2 questions (could be blackboard, or by email).

      Be prepared to discuss and critique each paper.

      Assign each student a role in leading the class by explaining or interpreting info.

    4. The class size is limited to eight students to ensure as much interaction as possible between student and instructor. And the instructors for the seminars are typically postdoctoral research scientists with a strong interest in teaching; they’re thus uniquely qualified to help their students learn to read research articles and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the experiments presented.

      amazing, what a well funded institution can do!

    1. Release Notes for Ally for LMS

      Release notes for Ally

    2. Library reference A Library Reference could already be provided by instructors for scanned documents and untagged PDFs as a way to provide additional metadata for files where the instructor doesn’t have access to an original and has no other means of improving the accessibility of the file. Ally 1.36 introduces the ability for instructors to provide a Library Reference for all other PDFs.

      Interesting, how does this work?!

    3. Usage Reports

      institutional reports for how many alternative formats have been downloaded.

    4. Typically, HTML content is much more accessible in nature. This is especially true for WYSIWYG content in the LMS, as they are usually small and simple HTML fragments. Splitting out the scores in this way allows for a better distinction between content that tends to be more accessible in nature and content that tends to be less accessible in nature, allowing for a better understanding of the overall accessibility score and allowing for more informed training and remediation strategies to be identified.

      splitting content rankings for html vs other items.

    5. Accessibility Scoring

      good way to word it.

    1. Business Film BoothSubscribe1.3KSubscribed1.3KShareInclude playlistAn error occurred while retrieving sharing information. Please try again later.Switch camera0:001:330:31 / 1:33LiveScroll for details How and why to add timestamp links to your videos description

      Time Stamp

    1. Adding Quizzes to a Mediasite Presentation

      Give some kind of introduction and provide a description.

      add lessons and sync to each time stamp.

    1. This settlement was reached four years after this litigation began in 2015, when it was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Massachusetts as a class action lawsuit. The lawsuit was prompted by the recognition that, notwithstanding the description of MIT’s online resources as “open and available to the world,” many of its videos and audio recordings lacked captions or used inaccurate captions. MIT had no published policies in place to ensure these learning tools were accessible to people who are deaf and hard of hearing. In the United States alone, there are approximately 50 million deaf and hard of hearing people. 

      so stuff in OCW.MIT.EDU

    2. MIT, one of the most celebrated academic research institutes in the world, has agreed to provide industry standard captioning for publicly-available online content, including video and audio content posted on MIT.edu as well as MIT’s YouTube, Vimeo, and Soundcloud pages, certain live-streaming events and online courses such as Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs), MITx and MIT OpenCourseWare. 

      everything publicly facing and once has to assume it will be privately facing as well as this point. The need for live transcription, natural language processing, and all sorts of things to convert such massive outputs should be through the roof!

    1. I Annotate 2017 Day 1 Panel: Annotation in Journalism and Fact Checking

      fact checking using annotations in journalism

    1. The Four-Component Instructional Model (4C/ID) immediately grabbed my attention when looking at the various models we had available. The process involves (a) learning tasks, (b) part-task practice, (c) support information, and (d) procedural information. It seems simple enough but design guidelines laid out in the tables within Merriênboer (2019) provide very thorough suggestions and a constructivist approach. The end product for a curricula or course designed in this approach is one with fidelity to professional activity.

    2. Table 4:

      encourages metacognition and challenges conceptual and structural models.

    3. Table 3

      Encourages individualization, personalized learning tasks and self-directed learning. Shifts the responsibility over task selection from the teacher to the student (important!)

    4. Table 2:

      It's asking for thorough standards of acceptable performance to be set down, or made concrete by the instructor and ID, as a way to measure things effectively.

    5. Table 1: Design Principles for Learning Tasks

      one of the things I like about this model is that it is asking you from the get go to think of profession-related activities that can be designed or simulated for students to understand and relate the material.

    6. Instructional methods for part-task prac-tice aim at the strengthening of cognitive rules by extensive repetitive practice. Strengthening is a basic learning process that ultimately leads to fully automated cognitive schemas (Anderson, 1993

      Find the activities in a college class that require routines and rote learning, or cognitive schemas that require practice and "strengthen them"

    7. Procedural information (in Figure 1, the yellow beam with arrows pointing upwards to the learning tasks) helps students with performing the routine aspects of learning tasks, that is, aspects that are always per-formed in the same fashion.

      so break down a lecture theory session from a step by step session. Or a document that has theory information should have a clear divide when you get into the step by step process?

    8. sup-portive information in Figure 1 is not con-nected to individual learning tasks but to levels of complexity; it can be presented be-fore learners start to work on the learning tasks (under the motto ‘first the theory and only then start to practice’) and/or it can be consulted by learners who are already working on the learning tasks (under the motto ‘only consult the theory when needed’)

      The idea of providing this supplemental information as a way to check against their current cognitive models by referring to theory or let theory guide their attempt at a learning task. It doesn't dictate a rigid structure.

