39 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. the concept of“defensive learning” is tailor-made for the problemsof schooling (e.g., the resistance of pupils against edu-cation), whereas “expansive learning” seems to be onlyits positive counterpart, but still conceived within thesame paradigm

      Scope of definition of defensive and expansive learning by Holzkamp, as interpreted by Ines Langemeyer

    2. the concept of expansive learningis an analytical rather than a descriptive or norma-tive one

      This smells like a strong warning on the scope of Holzkamps concept, but how exaclty - what does this really mean?

  2. Apr 2024
    1. Of students and teachers alike, it demands thatthey make themselves present, in attention and response, ratherthan hiding behind the technology of transmission.

      Not all technology promotes "hiding behind" - some promotes transparency and collaboration.

    2. embark the path

      better phrased as "embark on the path"

    3. reflecting

      seems more correct here to write "reflecting on".

    4. To give this process a name, I build onthe multiple world-exploring movements of the octopus with itstentacles, as well as on Donna Haraway’s concept of tentacularthinking (2016, pp. 30–57) and call it the tentacular learningmovement of learners

      Ok, so this theory explicitly, as here baptized, belongs to Ernst Schraube.

    5. https://www.ehea.info/Upload/document/ministerial_declarations/Budapest_Vienna_Declaration_598640.pdf

      Hyperlink is broken (links to front page of the website). Content link works.

    6. https:// ec.europa.eu/info/ research- and-innovat ion/ strat egy/ goals-resea rch- and- inn ovat ion- pol icy/ open- science/ open- access _ en

      Hyperlink is broken (links to front page of the website). Content link is broken as well (bogusly contains spaces).

    7. www.zeit.de/digi tal/2023-04/emily- bender-ki-gefahr-ethik/ komp lett ansi cht

      Hyperlink is broken (links to front page of the website). Content link is broken as well (bogusly contains spaces).

    8. Basedon the student reports, the potential of digital connectedness liesmainly in the operative dimension of the learning action

      Where the learners asked about potentials of digitalization in their own learning? Are the learners capable of identifying what is potential? Seems what was examined was not potentials but instead practices.

    9. since I type fast and can typewithout looking

      seems the reasons given are relates to fluency in using the tool, more than the tool being digital.

    10. I think it’s a shame when you don’t really get to the bottom ofthings. For example, we have a discussion, me, and my studymates. But not everyone is prepared to join in because some arecompletely absorbed by something else, like what’s happeningon Facebook.

      True, lack of focus is a "highly problematic phenomenon", and nowadays where most entertainment is digital, distractions are quite often digital. But it is not a problem of digitalization. If it were, then students would have generally been super focused back in the day before the rise of the internet.

    11. Another major problem identified by the students is thedifficulty of determining the substance and quality of the respectivematerial among the vast number of sources available

      The students identify a problem in navigating vast amount of information, but even if they mention "internet" they do not frame that as a problem of digitalization. Only the author frames it as such.

    12. Where exactly do I search in the digital space?

      Why scoping that challenge as being "in the digital space"? Do any of the students examined here (or anyone else) find it particularly confusing or in other ways hard to search "in the digital space" as opposed to outside of it?

      Search engines can be confusing to use effectively, especially as a new scholarly student, but I strongly doubt that many will find it harder than effectively using index cards.

    13. the difficulty of finding the needle in thedigital haystack

      Fun word play, but also deceptive: The haystack of finding relevant source material for covering a problem space is not a digital one. Jokingly framing it as such, exactly in the context of identifying problems with digitalization in learning, is quite problematic.

    14. Collaborative online learning is more aboutcooperation than collaboration.

      Check difference in-depth of those terms.

    15. There is akind of surveillance. When you write something, everyone inthe group can see what you write.

      Understandable that "Elaine" conflates an issue of peer pressure with a quite different issue of surveillance. But problematic that it is quoted in a context of understanding problems of digitalization, without defusing the obvious hyperbole. The word "surveillance" is commonly associated with control imposed by superior parties external to the (immediate, intended) dialogue (notably governments and multinational corporations). It is notably not commonly associated with kinds of the control the immediate group imposes on you when you expose your uncertainties in a collaborative learning process. Maybe "Elaine" really feels as strongly an oppression as if NSA of Google was puppetmastering her, but more likely she is sloppily describing "peer pressure" - which however does not as strongly give off a smell of being an issue with digitalization. In the context the quote is used to boost digitalization as a villain, which is not helpful.

    16. Some people feel that they are beingwatched and controlled when they write, so they write first ina document on their own computer and then, after they havewritten, they paste it into the shared digital document.

      Probably the same urge to do it privately first, before risking the exposure of the group, is the same for non-digital collaborative tools like a whiteboard or a blackboard.

    17. Because you use it all the time, it’salmost like a part of your body.

      So this digital tool (computers used for writing) is internalized (possibly as a result of schooling and/or peer pressure or other interactions in a previous part of life) compared to alternatives for the same task (pen and paper), so it is not a comparison between options in principle equal but one being digital and the other not, but instead options in principle equal but the other internalized and the other not.

    18. Based on the analysis of digital technology inthe last chapter, the potential of digital technology lies mainly inthe operative dimension of the learning action.

      Wait, what? Where in previous chapter was that concluded, rather than than just superficially mentioned?

    19. A serious problem is the intensification of the individualization oflearning in digital learning relations

      True that those digital tools intensifying individualization of learning is a serious problem for (expansive) learning. False (or unknown, however. that digital learning in general inherently is seriously problematic in this way. Reason is that only individualizing tools have so far been examined, and therefore only potential for individualization can be concluded.

    20. So far, my examinationhas shown that digital technologies cannot really contribute to thedevelopment of the content of learning

      Examinations so far have been biased: Not generally on digital tools, but highlighting problems by picking extreme tools. Problems exist, but examining the problematic part of a filed and concluding that the field is problematic is tautologic.

    21. why should thesevarious forms of individualizing and personalizing the practice oflearning be a problem? After all, learning is an individual act and,like all mental activities, it is tied to a concrete, unique individualsubject. Indeed, as explained earlier, the grounding of learningin the individual subject and his or her experience, action, andconduct of everyday life is an important insight, but as individualsubjects we are always social beings.

      Problem with tools like ChatGPT is not an inherent individualization, but that its lack of transparency hampers the ability for critical reasoning, including social collaborative reflection. Tools that present statements (words put together) without reference to the origins of presumed reasoning for concluding the statement, invites only for taking the statements as-is, not for reflecting and therefore do not stimulate a constructive learning process. But that is a criticism of tools lacking transparency, not of digitalization in general.

    22. Learning content requires active engagement,and as it becomes more complex, it requires collaboration anddialogue with others

      Tools supportive of this stimulate social interaction rather than isolation.

    23. digital technologies are not simplyneutral things, but forms of power and materialized action thatembody the possibility of a new quality of individualizing thepractice of learning.

      It is difficult not to read the text as arguing, that digitalization in general inherently is biased towards individualizing the practice of learning. Yes, there is potential for that quality, but no, it is neither general for digital tools nor unique for digital tools.

    24. a special doing of ChatGPT

      Right: This is something specific to ChatGPT - not general for digitalization.

    25. the term informationwould also be misleading

      Probably¹ the argument here is that words placed into sentences are merely building blocks for information - i.e. they can contain information but can also lack information, and ChatGPT by design lumps together pieces of information through through non-rational means: It hallucinates.

      ¹ The source Bender, 2023 is behind a paywall, so only guessing here.

    26. theproblem with digital systems like ChatGPT is that the responsesare generated in a completely disconnected way from the world

      This problem seems not tied to digitalization: Responses from a collection of books in a library is also "completely disconnected" from the world outside, due to books being static. ChatGPT being static is not rooted in it being digital but despite that: Generative artificial intelligence systems like ChatGPT can easily be designed to be connected, and ChatGPT specifically is deliberately crippled as a security mechanism - i.e. concerns by those producing the service over the lack of control over the conversations possible between the service and its consumer/learner. Arguably, books are inherently disconnected and ChatGPT is designed to mimick a similar disconnected model even though digitalization offers opportunity for letting go of that constraint.

    27. andgo on a digital search for knowledge turn on my device

      A comma is crucially missing after "knowledge", to make it clear that "turn on my device" is an action, rather than "knowledge turn" being a weird thing to search for on my device.



  3. Mar 2024
    1. the question of how the digitallyentangled practice of learning, can be appropriately shaped

      comma seems inappropriate here

    2. A theoryof technological politics must therefore include the dimension ofcreating and shaping alternative forms of technological practice.Forms that, from the first moment of production, are systematicallyimagined in their significance for human life and the world that donot consolidate one-sided interests, social injustice, and controlover others but seek to overcome them and embody a generalizedthinking, caring for the world and for the common good.

      This seems to imply - unsubstantiated! - that intended purpose of technologies is inherently about oppression, whereas unintended secondary uses of technology is where liberation from oppression should be sought.

    3. that digital technologies, ofall things, would represent such an Elysian province

      FastGPT was asked the following:

      which poetic significance might be hinted at in the phrase "provinces that are free of 48 The Politics of Digitalization self-contradiction and dialectics, and that digital technologies, of all things, would represent such an Elysian province"?

      The response was this:

      The phrase "provinces that are free of self-contradiction and dialectics" suggests territories or domains that are not subject to internal conflicts or opposing forces. The reference to such provinces as "Elysian" evokes the Greek mythological conception of Elysium as a paradise or ideal place of contentment. Seen in this light, describing digital technologies as representing "such an Elysian province" portrays them as seemingly offering a harmonious, contradiction-free realm. However, the passage may also hint that this portrayal is overly simplistic or even illusory, since all human creations and systems are subject to tensions between opposing elements or the potential for unintended consequences over time.¹

      ¹ [PDF] Reading Contemporary Performance | TDM CoLLab 2020

    4. the new situation they place us in our learning activity

      There is an "in" missing, as it is required both for what "they place us in" and also for how that placement is in our activity: "the new situation they placed us in in our learning activity".

    5. there is no fulfilling learning, no creativity, and innovative thought

      seems ambiguous to leave out negation for the last part of a repeated list. Also, feels confusing albeit technically correct to tie the parts with "and" when negated. Together, seems better to rephrase like this: "there is no fulfilling learning, <del>no</del> creativity, <del>and</del>or innovative thought". Alternatively, if the intent is to emphasize stronger each part, then it feels better to at least explicitly negate the last part, like this: "there is no fulfilling learning, no creativity, and no** innovative thought".

    6. that

      sentence seems incomprehensive - perhaps replace with "those", or is something else misread or wrong?

    7. can therefore, as Frigga Haug points out, maybe betterdescribed

      grammatical error: Change to either "is [...] described" or "can [...] be described".

    8. Digital technologies certainly offer new possibilities, for example,through the enormous world reach extension in screen-mediateddialogue with others. For the core of tentacular learning, however,for the development of attention, resonance, and affinitive self-organizing processes, they are insignificant

      Commonly, sure, but are digital technologies really categorically insignificant for tentacular learning?

      Seems that certain set of digital technologies are supportive of tentacular thinking by design, and thus potentially significant if used as per their intended design.

    9. worlding practice

      Constructivist thinking, introduced by Heidegger, according to UBC blog post

    10. Promethean devide

      seemingly more often labelled as Promethean gap

