9,926 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2024
    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The work by Varadharajan et. al. explored a previously known genetic variant and its pathophysiology in the development of alcohol-associated liver injury. It provides a plausible mechanism for how varying levels of MBOAT7 could impact the lipid metabolomics of the cell, leading to a deleterious phenotype in MBOAT7 knockout. The authors further characterized the impact of the lipidomic changes and raised lysosomal biogenesis and autophagic flux as mechanisms of how MBOAT7 deletion causes the progression of ALD.


      Connecting the GWAS data on MBOAT7 variants with plausible pathophysiology greatly enhances the translational relevance of these findings. The global lipidomic profiling of ALD mice is also very informative and may lead to other discoveries related to lipid handling pathways.


      The rationale of why MBOAT7 metabolites are lower in heavy drinkers than in normal individuals is not well explained. MBOAT7 loss of function drives ALD, but unclear if MBOAT7 deletion also drives preference for alcohol or if alcohol inhibits MBOAT7 function. Presuming most individuals studied here were WT and expressed an appropriate level of MBOAT7?

      Also, discussion of mechanisms of MBOAT7-induced dysregulation of lysosomal biogenesis/autophagy, while very interesting, seems incomplete. It is not clear how MBOAT7 an enzyme involved in membrane phospholipid remodeling increases mTOR which leads to decreased TFEB target gene transcription. Furthermore, given the significant disturbances of global lipidomic profiling in MBOAT7 knockout, many pathways are potentially affected by this deletion. Further in vivo modeling that specifically addresses these pathways (TFEB targeting, mTOR inhibitor) would help strengthen the conclusions of this paper.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The Meiri group previously showed that Notch1-activated human T-ALL cell lines are sensitive to a cannabis extract in vitro and in vivo (Ref. 32). In that article, the authors showed that Extract #12 reduced NICD expression and viability, which was partially rescued by restoring NICD expression. Here, the authors have identified three compounds of Extract #12 (CBD, 331-18A, and CBDV) that are responsible for the majority of anti-leukemic activity and NICD reduction. Using a pharmacological approach, the authors determined that Extract #12 exerted its anti-leukemic and NICD-reducing affects through the CB2 and TRPV1 receptors. To determine mechanism, the authors performed RNA-seq and observed that Extract #12 induces ER calcium depletion and stress-associated signals -- ATF4, CHOP, and CHAC1. Since CHAC1 was previously shown to be a Notch inhibitor in neural cells, the authors assume that the cannabis compounds repress Notch S1 cleavage through CHAC1 induction. The induction of stress-associated signals, Notch repression, and anti-leukemic effects were reversed by the integrated stress response (ISR) inhibitor ISRIB. Interestingly, combining the 3 cannabinoids gave synergistic anti-leukemic effects in vitro and had growth inhibitory effects in vivo.


      (1) The authors show novel mechanistic insights that cannabinoids induce ER calcium release and that the subsequent integrated stress response represses activated NOTCH1 expression and kills T-ALL cells.

      (2) This report adds to the evidence that phytocannabinoids can show a so-called "entourage effect" in which minor cannabinoids enhance the effect of the major cannabinoid CBD.

      (3) This report dissects out the main cannabinoids in the previously described Extract #12 that contribute to T-ALL killing.

      (4) The manuscript is clear and generally well-written.

      (5) The data are mostly high quality and with adequate statistical analyses.

      (6) The data generally support the authors' conclusions. The main exception is the experiments related to Notch.

      (7) The authors' discovery of the role of the integrated stress response might explain previous observations that SERCA inhibitors block Notch S1 cleavage and activation in T-ALL (Roti Cancer Cell 2013). The previous explanation by Roti et al was that calcium depletion causes Notch misfolding, which leads to impaired trafficking and cleavage. Perhaps this explanation is not entirely sufficient?


      (1) Given the authors' previous Cancer Communications paper on the anti-leukemic effects and mechanism of Extract #12, the significance of the original manuscript was reduced. To increase significance, the authors provided a new Fig. S7 in the revision showing that Extract #12 inhibits PDX growth in vivo. This experiment is nicely supportive of the anti-leukemic effects of Extract #12, raising the significance of their previous Cancer Communication paper by using in vivo patient-derived cells. However, this reviewer had suggested testing the combination of 333-18A+CBVD+CBD since the combination is the focus of the current manuscript. For unclear reasons, the combination was not tested.

      (2) It would be important to connect the authors' findings and a wealth of literature on the role of ER calcium/stress on Notch cleavage, folding, trafficking, and activation. The several references suggested by this reviewer were not included in the revised manuscript for unclear reasons. These references are important to show the current status of the field and help readers appreciate what this manuscript brings that is new to T-ALL. In particular, Roti et al (Cancer Cell 2013) showed that SERCA inhibitors like thapsigardin reduce ER calcium levels and block Notch signaling by inhibiting NOTCH1 trafficking and inhibiting Furin-mediated (S1) cleavage of Notch1 in T-ALL. Multiple EGF repeats and all three Lin12/Notch repeats in the extracellular domains of Notch receptors require calcium for proper folding (Aster Biochemistry 1999; Gordon Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 2007; Hambleton Structure 2004; Rand Protein Sci 1997). Thus, Roti et al concluded that ER calcium depletion blocks NOTCH1 S1 cleavage in T-ALL. This effect seems to be conserved in Drosophila as Periz and Fortiin (EMBO J, 1999) showed impaired Notch cleavage in Ca2+/ATPase-mutated Drosophila cells.

      (3) There is an overreliance of the data on single cell line -- MOLT4. MOLT4 is a good initial choice as it is Notch-mutated, Notch-dependent, and representative of the most common T-ALL subtype -- TAL1. However, there is no confirmatory data in other TAL1-positive T-ALLs or interrogation of other T-ALL subtypes. While this reviewer appreciates that the authors showed that multiple T-ALL cell lines were killed in response to Extract #12 in a previous study, the current manuscript is a separate study that should stand on its own. T-ALLs can be killed by multiple mechanisms. It would be important to show a few pieces of key data illustrating that the mechanism of killing found in MOLT4 applies to other T-ALLs.

      (4) Fig. 6H. The effects of the cannabinoid combination might be statistically significant but seems biologically weak.

      (5) Fig. 3. Based on these data, the authors conclude that the cannabinoid combination induces CHAC1, which represses Notch S1 cleavage in T-ALL cells. The concern is that Notch signaling is highly context dependent. CHAC1 might inhibit Notch in neural cells (Refs. 34-35), but it might not do this in a different context like T-ALL. It would be important to show evidence that CHAC1 represses S1 cleavage in the T-ALL context. More importantly, Fig. 3H clearly shows the cannabinoid combination inducing ATF4 and CHOP protein expression, but the effects on CHAC1 protein do not seem to be satisfactory as a mechanism for Notch inhibition. Perhaps something else is blocking Notch expression?

      In the rebuttal, the two references provided by the authors do not alleviate concern that CHAC1 might not be acting as a Notch cleavage inhibitor in the T-ALL context. The Meng et al paper studied B-ALL not T-ALL and did not evaluate CHAC1 as a possible Notch cleavage inhibitor. Likewise, the Chang et al paper did not evaluate CHAC1 as a possible Notch cleavage inhibitor. Therefore, whether CHAC1 is a Notch cleavage inhibitor in the T-ALL context remains an open question. While the authors are correct that Supplementary Fig. S4G-I show that Extract #12 clearly induces CHAC1 protein expression, Main Fig. 3H shows that the extract combination 333-18A+CBVD+CBD, which is the focus of this manuscript, has unclear effects. If the extract combination has no effect on CHAC1 but has the same effects on Notch1 expression as the full extract, then there is reduced support for the authors' conclusion that the full extract and the 333-18A+CBVD+CBD combination inhibit Notch through CHAC1 induction.

      (6) The authors provide a new figure on page 5 of the rebuttal that was not requested. It is supposed to show that CHAC1 loss protects T-ALL cells from Extract #12-induced cell population decline. Unfortunately, this figure is not conclusive. The empty vector PLKO is not an appropriate negative control. The field uses non-targeting shRNA controls like pLKO-luciferase to control for induction of the RNA interference pathway. Further, the viability data in panel B is normalized such that the effect of shCHAC1 on viability is masked. Showing non-normalized data is important, because if shCHAC1 impairs viability compared to control shRNA, then CHAC1might have effects on non-Notch pathways, which would reinforce the above concern in Point #5 that CHAC1 might not act as a Notch inhibitor in the T-ALL context. Separately, if this experiment had tested whether CHAC1 knockdown increases Notch cleavage and Notch target gene expression like DTX1, HES1 and MYC, then such data would have helped address Point #5.

      (7) Fig. 4B-C/S5D-E. These Western blots of NICD expression are consistent with the cannabinoid combination blocking Furin-mediated NOTCH1 cleavage, which is reversed by ISR inhibition. However, there are many mechanisms that regulate NICD expression. To support their conclusion that the effects are specifically Furin-medated, the authors should probe full length (uncleaved) NOTCH1 in their Western blots. While the authors showed that the full extract (#12) increased uncleaved NOTCH1 expression in their Cancer Communications paper, a major conclusion of the manuscript is that the cannabinoid combination 333-18A+CBVD+CBD reproduces the effect of the full extract (#12). To support this conclusion, the authors should probe key blots for full-length Notch to show that the cannabinoid combination increases uncleaved NOTCH1 just like Extract #12 did in the authors' Cancer Communications paper.

      (8) Fig. S4A-B. While these pharmacologic data are suggestive that Extract #12 reduces NICD expression through the CB2 receptor and TRPV1 channel, the doses used are very high (50uM). To exclude off-target effects, these data should be paired with genetic data to support the authors' conclusions. In the rebuttal, the authors provide dose response cell viability curves of the CB2 and TRPV1 inhibitors. These curves do not exclude the possibility that 50uM has off-target effects. This reviewer notes that Reviewer #1 had similar concerns and that both reviewers requested genetic validation of the pharmacological data. These data were not provided in the revision.

      (9) Since the authors have performed gene expression profiling, an orthogonal test to confirm that Extract #12 acts through the Notch pathway is to perform enrichment analysis using Notch target gene signatures in T-ALL (e.g. Wang PNAS 2013). In contrast to the authors' rebuttal, this reviewer does not see any enrichment analysis (e.g. GSEA plots) performed on the microarray data to show that Extract #12 inhibits the Notch pathway.

      (10) The revised manuscript still retains references that microarray data are "RNA-seq" data, which is inaccurate (see page 10, line 160; Figure 3 legend; page 12, line 169; page 27, line 428; page 36, line 741)

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Weinberger et al. use different fate-mapping models, the FIRE model and PLX-diet to follow and target different macrophage populations and combine them with single-cell data to understand their contribution to heart regeneration after I/R injury. This question has already been addressed by other groups in the field using different models. However, the major strength of this manuscript is the usage of the FIRE mouse model that, for the first time, allows specific targeting of only fetal-derived macrophages.

      The data show that the absence of resident macrophages is not influencing infarct size but instead is altering the immune cell crosstalk in response to injury, which is in line with the current idea in the field that macrophages of different origins have distinct functions in tissues, especially after an injury.

      To fully support the claims of the study, specific targeting of monocyte-derived macrophages or the inhibition of their influx at different stages after injury would be of high interest.

      In summary, the study is well done and important for the field of cardiac injury. But it also provides a novel model (FIRE mice + RANK-Cre fate-mapping) for other tissues to study the function of fetal-derived macrophages while monocyte-derived macrophages remain intact.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Klupt, Fam, Zhang, Hang, and colleagues present a novel study examining the function of sagA in E. faecium, including impacts on growth, peptidoglycan cleavage, cell separation, antibiotic sensitivity, NOD2 activation, and modulation of cancer immunotherapy. This manuscript represents a substantial advance over their prior work, where they found that sagA-expressing strains (including naturally-expressing strains and versions of non-expressing strains forced to overexpress sagA) were superior in activating NOD2 and improving cancer immunotherapy. Prior to the current study, an examination of sagA mutant E. faecium was not possible and sagA was thought to be an essential gene.

      The study is overall very carefully performed with appropriate controls and experimental checks, including confirmation of similar densities of ΔsagA throughout. Results are overall interpreted cautiously and appropriately.

      I have only two comments that I think addressing would strengthen what is already an excellent manuscript.

      In the experiments depicted in Figure 3, the authors should clarify the quantification of peptidoglycans from cellular material vs supernatants. It should also be clarified whether the sagA need to be expressed endogenously within E. faecium, and whether ambient endopeptidases (perhaps expressed by other nearby bacteria or recombinant enzymes added) can enzymatically work on ΔsagA cell wall products to produce NOD2 ligands?

      In the murine experiments depicted in Figure 4, because the bacterial intervention is being performed continuously in the drinking water, the investigators have not distinguished between colonization vs continuous oral dosing of the mice peptidoglycans. While I do not think additional experimentation is required to distinguish the individual contributions of these 2 components in their therapeutic intervention, I do think the interpretation of their results should include this perspective.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This study unveils a novel role for ferritin in Drosophila larval brain development. Furthermore, it pinpoints that the observed defects in larval brain development resulting from ferritin knockdown are attributed to impaired Fe-S cluster activity and ATP production. In addition, knocking down ferritin genes suppressed the formation of brain tumors induced by brat or numb RNAi in Drosophila larval brains. Similarly, iron deficiency suppressed glioma in the mice model. Overall, this is a well-conducted and novel study.

      Strengths:<br /> Thorough analyses with the elucidation of molecular mechanisms.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Some of the conclusions are not well supported by the results presented.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors have created a system for designing and running experimental pipelines to control and coordinate different programs and devices during an experiment, called Heron. Heron is based around a graphical tool for creating a Knowledge Graph made up of nodes connected by edges, with each node representing a separate Python script, and each edge being a communication pathway connecting a specific output from one node to an input on another. Each node also has parameters that can be set by the user during setup and runtime, and all of this behavior is concisely specified in the code that defines each node. This tool tries to marry the ease of use, clarity, and self-documentation of a purely graphical system like Bonsai with the flexibility and power of a purely code-based system like Robot Operating System (ROS).

      Strengths:<br /> The underlying idea behind Heron, of combining a graphical design and execution tool with nodes that are made as straightforward Python scripts seems like a great way to get the relative strengths of each approach. The graphical design side is clear, self-explanatory, and self-documenting, as described in the paper. The underlying code for each node tends to also be relatively simple and straightforward, with a lot of the complex communication architecture successfully abstracted away from the user. This makes it easy to develop new nodes, without needing to understand the underlying communications between them. The authors also provide useful and well-documented templates for each type of node to further facilitate this process. Overall this seems like it could be a great tool for designing and running a wide variety of experiments, without requiring too much advanced technical knowledge from the users.

      The system was relatively easy to download and get running, following the directions and already has a significant amount of documentation available to explain how to use it and expand its capabilities. Heron has also been built from the ground up to easily incorporate nodes stored in separate Git repositories and to thus become a large community-driven platform, with different nodes written and shared by different groups. This gives Heron a wide scope for future utility and usefulness, as more groups use it, write new nodes, and share them with the community. With any system of this sort, the overall strength of the system is thus somewhat dependent on how widely it is used and contributed to, but the authors did a good job of making this easy and accessible for people who are interested. I could certainly see Heron growing into a versatile and popular system for designing and running many types of experiments.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The number one thing that was missing from the paper was any kind of quantification of the performance of Heron in different circumstances. Several useful and illustrative examples were discussed in depth to show the strengths and flexibility of Heron, but there was no discussion or quantification of performance, timing, or latency for any of these examples. These seem like very important metrics to measure and discuss when creating a new experimental system.

      After downloading and running Heron with some basic test Nodes, I noticed that many of the nodes were each using a full CPU core on their own. Given that this basic test experiment was just waiting for a keypress, triggering a random number generator, and displaying the result, I was quite surprised to see over 50% of my 8-core CPU fully utilized. I don't think that Heron needs to be perfectly efficient to accomplish its intended purpose, but I do think that some level of efficiency is required. Some optimization of the codebase should be done so that basic tests like this can run with minimal CPU utilization. This would then inspire confidence that Heron could deal with a real experiment that was significantly more complex without running out of CPU power and thus slowing down.

      I was also surprised to see that, despite being meant specifically to run on and connect diverse types of computer operating systems and being written purely in Python, the Heron Editor and GUI must be run on Windows. This seems like an unfortunate and unnecessary restriction, and it would be great to see the codebase adjusted to make it fully cross-platform-compatible.

      Lastly, when I was running test experiments, sometimes one of the nodes, or part of the Heron editor itself would throw an exception or otherwise crash. Sometimes this left the Heron editor in a zombie state where some aspects of the GUI were responsive and others were not. It would be good to see a more graceful full shutdown of the program when part of it crashes or throws an exception, especially as this is likely to be common as people learn to use it. More problematically, in some of these cases, after closing or force quitting Heron, the TCP ports were not properly relinquished, and thus restarting Heron would run into an "address in use" error. Finding and killing the processes that were still using the ports is not something that is obvious, especially to a beginner, and it would be great to see Heron deal with this better. Ideally, code would be introduced to carefully avoid leaving ports occupied during a hard shutdown, and furthermore, when the address in use error comes up, it would be great to give the user some idea of what to do about it.

      Overall I think that, with these improvements, this could be the beginning of a powerful and versatile new system that would enable flexible experiment design with a relatively low technical barrier to entry. I could see this system being useful to many different labs and fields.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this study by Yaghmaeian Salmani et al., the authors performed single-nuclei RNA sequencing of a large number of cells (>70,000) in the ventral midbrain. The authors focused on cells in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and substantia nigra (SN), which contain heterogeneous cell populations comprising dopaminergic, GABAergic, and glutamatergic neurons. Dopamine neurons are known to consist of heterogeneous subtypes, and these cells have been implicated in various neuropsychiatric diseases. Thus, identifying specific marker genes across different dopamine subpopulations may allow researchers in future studies to develop dopamine subtype-specific targeting strategies that could have substantial translational implications for developing more specific therapies for neuropsychiatric diseases.

      A strength of the authors' approach compared to previous work is that a large number of cells were sequenced, which was achieved using snRNA-seq, which the authors found to be superior compared to scRNA-seq for reducing sampling bias. A weakness of the study is that relatively little new information is provided as the results are largely consistent with previous studies (e.g., Poulin et al., 2014). Nevertheless, it should be noted that the authors found some more nuanced subdivisions in several genetically identified DA subtypes.

      Lastly, the authors performed molecular analysis of ventral midbrain cells in response to 6-OHDA exposure, which leads to the degeneration of SN dopamine neurons, whereas VTA dopamine neurons are largely unaffected. Based on this analysis, the authors identified several candidate genes that may be linked to neuronal vulnerability or resilience.

      Overall, the authors present a comprehensive mouse brain atlas detailing gene expression profiles of ventral midbrain cell populations, which will be important to guide future studies that focus on understanding dopamine heterogeneity in health and disease.

      Comments on the revised version

      The authors have addressed all of my concerns.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This is a short self-contained study with a straightforward and interesting message. The paper focuses on settling whether PKA activation requires dissociation of the catalytic and regulatory subunits. This debate has been ongoing for ~ 30 years, with renewed interest in the question following a publication in Science, 2017 (Smith et al.). Here, Xiong et al demonstrate that fusing the R and C subunits together (in the same way as Smith et al) prevents the proper function of PKA in neurons. This provides further support for the dissociative activation model - it is imperative that researchers have clarity on this topic since it is so fundamental to building accurate models of localised cAMP signalling in all cell types. Furthermore, their experiments highlight that C subunit dissociation into spines is essential for structural LTP, which is an interesting finding in itself. They also show that preventing C subunit dissociation reduces basal AMPA receptor currents to the same extent as knocking down the C subunit. Overall, the paper will interest both cAMP researchers and scientists interested in fundamental mechanisms of synaptic regulation.


      The experiments are technically challenging and well executed. Good use of control conditions e.g untransfected controls in Figure 4.


      The novelty is lessened given the same team has shown dissociation of the C subunit into dendritic spines from RIIbeta subunits localised to dendritic shafts before (Tillo et al., 2017). Nevertheless, the experiments with RII-C fusion proteins are novel and an important addition.

    1. Reviewer # 1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The paper nicely confirms the phenotype of Lama2 knockout mice and extends the phenotypic description with a set of new molecular studies (transcriptomics) that might serve as a resource for other scientists interested in the LAMA2-MD.

      Strengths:<br /> Set of new molecular studies (transcriptomics) that might serve as a resource for other scientists interested in the LAMA2-MD.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Some of the figures are of rather poor quality. For example, the H&E and Sirius Red stainings in Figures 3 and 4 are quite poor so it is difficult to see what is going on in the muscles. The authors should take note of another publication on dy3K/dy3K mice of similar age (PMID: 31586140) where such images are of much higher quality. Similarly, the Western blot for laminin-alpha2 (Figure 4B) of the wild-type mouse needs improvement. If the single laminin-alpha2 protein is not detected, there is an issue with the denaturation buffer used to load the protein.

      My biggest concern is, however, the many overstatements in the manuscript and the over-interpretation of the data. This already starts with the first sentence in the abstract where the authors write: "Understanding the underlying pathogenesis of LAMA2-related muscular dystrophy (LAMA2-MD) have been hampered by lack of genuine mouse model." This is not correct as the dy3K/dy3K, generated in 1997 (PMID: 9326364), are also Lama2 knockout mice; there are also other strains (dyW/dyW mice) that are severely affected and there are the dy2J/dy2J mice that represent a milder form of LAMA2-MD.

      Similarly, the last two sentences of the abstract "This is the first reported genuine model simulating human LAMA2-MD. We can use it to study the molecular pathogenesis and develop effective therapies." are a clear overstatement. The mechanisms of the disease are well studied and the above-listed mouse models have been amply used to develop possible treatment options.

      The overinterpretation concerns the results from transcriptomics. The fact that Lama2 is expressed in particular cell types of the brain does not at all imply that Lama2 knockout mice have a defect in the blood-brain barrier as the authors state. If there are no functional data, this cannot be stated. Indications for a blood-brain barrier defect come from work in dy3K/dy3K mice (PMID: 25392494) and this needs to be written like this.

      Finally, the bulk RNA-seq data also needs to be presented in a disease context. The authors, again, mix up changes in expression with functional impairment. All gene expression changes are interpreted as direct evidence of an involvement of the cytoskeleton. In fact, changes in the cytoskeleton are more likely a consequence of the severe muscle phenotype and the delay in muscle development. This is particularly possible as muscle samples from 14-day-old mice are compared; a stage at which muscle still develops and grows tremendously. Thus, all the data need to be interpreted with caution.

      In summary, the authors need to improve data presentation and, most importantly, they need to tone down the interpretation and they must be fully aware that their work is not as novel as they present it.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, the authors investigated the dynamics of a neural network model characterized by sparsely connected clusters of neuronal ensembles. They found that such a network could intrinsically generate sequence preplay and place maps, with properties like those observed in the real-world data. Strengths of the study include the computational model and data analysis supporting the hippocampal network mechanisms underlying sequence preplay of future experiences and place maps.

      Previous models of replay or theta sequences focused on circuit plasticity and usually required a pre-existing place map input from the external environment via upstream structures. However, those models failed to explain how networks support rapid sequential coding of novel environments or simply transferred the question to the upstream structure. On the contrary, the current proposed model required minimal spatial inputs and was aimed at elucidating how a preconfigured structure gave rise to preplay, thereby facilitating the sequential encoding of future novel environments.

      In this model, the fundamental units for spatial representation were clusters within the network. Sequential representation was achieved through the balance of cluster isolation and their partial overlap. Isolation resulted in a self-reinforced assembly representation, ensuring stable spatial coding. On the other hand, overlap-induced activation transitions across clusters, enabling sequential coding.

      This study is important when considering that previous models mainly focused on plasticity and experience-related learning, while this model provided us with insights into how network architecture could support rapid sequential coding with large capacity, upon which learning could occur efficiently with modest modification via plasticity.

      I found this research very inspiring and, below, I provide some comments aimed at improving the manuscript. Some of these comments may extend beyond the scope of the current study, but I believe they raise important questions that should be addressed in this line of research.

      (1) The expression 'randomly clustered networks' needs to be explained in more detail given that in its current form risks to indicate that the network might be randomly organized (i.e., not organized). In particular, a clustered network with future functionality based on its current clustering is not random but rather pre-configured into those clusters. What the authors likely meant to say, while using the said expression in the title and text, is that clustering is not induced by an experience in the environment, which will only be later mapped using those clusters. While this organization might indeed appear as randomly clustered when referenced to a future novel experience, it might be non-random when referenced to the prior (unaccounted) activity of the network. Related to this, network organization based on similar yet distinct experiences (e.g., on parallel linear tracks as in Liu, Sibille, Dragoi, Neuron 2021) could explain/configure, in part, the hippocampal CA1 network organization that would appear otherwise 'randomly clustered' when referenced to a future novel experience.

      (2) The authors should elaborate more on how the said 'randomly clustered networks' generate beyond chance-level preplay. Specifically, why was there preplay stronger than the time-bin shuffle? There are at least two potential explanations:

      (1) - When the activation of clusters lasts for several decoding time bins, temporal shuffle breaks the continuity of one cluster's activation, thus leading to less sequential decoding results. In that case, the preplay might mainly outperform the shuffle when there are fewer clusters activating in a PBE. For example, activation of two clusters must be sequential (either A to B or B to A), while time bin shuffle could lead to non-sequential activations such as a-b-a-b-a-b where a and b are components of A and B;

      (2) - There is a preferred connection between clusters based on the size of overlap across clusters. For example, if pair A-B and B-C have stronger overlap than A-C, then cluster sequences A-B-C and C-B-A are more likely to occur than others (such as A-C-B) across brain states. In that case, authors should present the distribution of overlap across clusters, and whether the sequences during run and sleep match the magnitude of overlap. During run simulation in the model, as clusters randomly receive a weak location cue bias, the activation sequence might not exactly match the overlap of clusters due to the external drive. In that case, the strength of location cue bias (4% in the current setup) could change the balance between the internal drive and external drive of the representation. How does that parameter influence the preplay incidence or quality?

      (3). The manuscript is focused on presenting that a randomly clustered network can generate preplay and place maps with properties similar to experimental observations. An equally interesting question is how preplay supports spatial coding. If preplay is an intrinsic dynamic feature of this network, then it would be good to study whether this network outperforms other networks (randomly connected or ring lattice) in terms of spatial coding (encoding speed, encoding capacity, tuning stability, tuning quality, etc.)

      (4) The manuscript mentions the small-world connectivity several times, but the concept still appears too abstract and how the small-world index (SWI) contributes to place fields or preplay is not sufficiently discussed.

      For a more general audience in the field of neuroscience, it would be helpful to include example graphs with high and low SWI. For example, you can show a ring lattice graph and indicate that there are long paths between points at opposite sides of the ring; show randomly connected graphs indicating there are no local clustered structures, and show clustered graphs with several hubs establishing long-range connections to reduce pair-wise distance.

      How this SWI contributes to preplay is also not clear. Figure 6 showed preplay is correlated with SWI, but maybe the correlation is caused by both of them being correlated with cluster participation. The balance between cluster overlap and cluster isolation is well discussed. In the Discussion, the authors mention "...Such a balance in cluster overlap produces networks with small-world characteristics (Watts and Strogatz, 1998) as quantified by a small-world index..." (Lines 560-561). I believe the statement is not entirely appropriate, a network similar to ring lattice can still have the balance of cluster isolation and cluster overlap, while it will have small SWI due to a long path across some node pairs. Both cluster structure and long-range connection could contribute to SWI. The authors only discuss the necessity of cluster structure, but why is the long-range connection important should also be discussed. I guess long-range connection could make the network more flexible (clusters are closer to each other) and thus increase the potential repertoire.

      (5) What drives PBE during sleep? Seems like the main difference between sleep and run states is the magnitude of excitatory and inhibitory inputs controlled by scaling factors. If there are bursts (PBE) in sleep, do you also observe those during run? Does the network automatically generate PBE in a regime of strong excitation and weak inhibition (neural bifurcation)?

      (6) Is the concept of 'cluster' similar to 'assemblies', as in Peyrache et al, 2010; Farooq et al, 2019? Does a classic assembly analysis during run reveal cluster structures?

      (7) Can the capacity of the clustered network to express preplay for multiple distinct future experiences be estimated in relation to current network activity, as in Dragoi and Tonegawa, PNAS 2013?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Animals in natural environments need to identify predator-associated cues and respond with the appropriate behavioral response to survive. In rodents, some chemical cues produced by predators (e.g., cat saliva) are detected by chemosensory neurons in the vomeronasal organ (VNO). The VNO transmits predator-associated information to the accessory olfactory bulb, which in turn projects to the medial amygdala and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, two regions implicated in the initiation of antipredator defensive behaviors. A downstream area to these two regions is the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH), which has been shown to control both active (i.e., flight) and passive (i.e, freezing) antipredator defensive responses via distinct efferent projections to the anterior hypothalamic nucleus or the periaqueductal gray, respectively. However, whether differences in predator-associated sensory information initially processed in the VNO and further conveyed to the VMH can trigger different types of behavioral responses remained unexplored. To address this question, here the authors investigated the behavioral responses of mice exposed to either fresh or old cat saliva, and further compared the underlying neural circuits that are activated by cat saliva with different freshness.

      The scientific question of the study is valid, the experiments were well-performed, and the statistical analyses are appropriate. However, there are some concerns that may directly affect the main interpretation of the results.

      Major Concerns:

      (1) An important point that the authors should clarify in this study is whether mice are detecting qualitative or quantitative differences between the fresh and old cat saliva. Do the environmental conditions in which the old saliva was maintained cause a degradation of Fel d 4, the main protein known for inducing a defensive response in rodents? (see Papes et al, 2010 again). If that is the case, one would expect that a lower concentration of Fel d 4 in the old saliva after protein degradation would result in reduced antipredator responses. Alternatively, if the authors believe that different proteins that are absent in the old saliva are contributing to the increased defensive responses observed with the fresh saliva, further protein quantification experiments should be performed. An important experiment to differentiate qualitative versus quantitative differences between the two types of saliva would be diluting the fresh saliva to verify if the amount of protein, rather than the type of protein, is the main factor regulating the behavioral differences.

      (2) The authors claim that fresh saliva is recognized as an immediate danger by rodents, whereas old saliva is recognized as a trace of danger. However, the study lacks empirical tests to support this interpretation. With the current experimental tests, the behavioral differences between animals exposed to fresh vs. old saliva could be uniquely due to the reduced amount of the exact same protein (e.g., Fel d 4) in the two samples of saliva.

      (3) In Figure 4H, the authors state that there were no significant differences in the number of cFos-positive cells between the two saliva-exposed groups. However, this result disagrees with the next result section showing that fresh and old saliva differentially activate the VMH. It is unclear why cFos quantification and behavioral correlations were not performed in other upstream areas that connect the VNO to the VMH (e.g., BNST, MeA, and PMCo). That would provide a better understanding of how brain activity correlates with the different types of behaviors reported with the fresh vs. old saliva.

      (4) The interpretation that fresh and old saliva activates different subpopulations of neurons in the VMH based on the observation that cFos positively correlates with freezing responses only with the fresh saliva lacks empirical evidence. To address this question, the authors should use two neuronal activity markers to track the response of the same population of VHM cells within the same animals during exposure to fresh vs. old saliva. Alternatively, they could use single cell electrophysiology or imaging tools to demonstrate that cat saliva of distinct freshness activates different subpopulations of cells in the VMH. Any interpretation without a direct within-subject comparison or the use of cell-type markers would become merely speculative. Furthermore, the authors assume that differential activations of mitral cells between fresh and old saliva result in the differential activation of VMH subpopulations (page 13, line 3). However, there are intermediate structures between the mitral cells and the VMH, which are completely ignored in this study (e.g., BNST, medial amygdala).

      (5) The authors incorrectly cited the Papes et al., 2010 article on several occasions across the manuscript. In the introduction, the authors cited the Papes et al 2010 study to make reference to the response of rodents to chemical cues, but the Papes et al. study did not use any of the chemical cues listed by the authors (e.g., fox feces, snake skin, cat fur, and cat collars). Instead, the Papes et al. 2010 article used the same chemical cue as the present study: cat saliva. The Papes et al. 2010 article was miscited again in the results section where the authors cited the study to make reference to other sources of cat odor that differ from the cat saliva such as cat fur and cat collars. Because the Papes et al. 2010 article has previously shown the involvement of Trpc2 receptors in the VNO for the detection of cat saliva and the subsequent expression of defensive behaviors by using Trpc2-KO mice, the authors should properly cite this study in the introduction and across the manuscript when making reference to their findings.

      (6) In the introduction, the authors hypothesized that the VNO detects predator cues and sends sensory signals to the VMH to trigger defensive behavioral decisions and stated that direct evidence to support this hypothesis is still missing. However, the evidence that cat saliva activates the VMH and that activity in the VMH is necessary for the expression of antipredator defensive response in rodents has been previously demonstrated in a study by Engelke et al., 2021 (PMID: 33947849), which was entirely omitted by the authors.

      (7) In the discussion, the authors stated that their findings suggest that the induction of robust freezing behavior is mediated by a distinct subpopulation of VMH neurons. The authors should cite the study by Kennedy et al., 2020 (PMID: 32939094) that shows the involvement of VMH in the regulation of persistent internal states of fear, which may provide an alternative explanation for why distinct concentrations of saliva could result in different behavioral outcomes.

      (8) The anatomical connectivity between the olfactory system and the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) in the abstract is unclear. The authors should clarify that the VMH does not receive direct inputs from the vomeronasal organ (VNO) nor the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) as it seems in the current text.


      In this revised version of the manuscript, the authors have made important modifications in the text, inserted new references, and incorporated additional quantifications of cFos immunolabeling in three brain regions, as recommended by the reviewers. While these modifications have significantly improved the quality of the manuscript, other critical concerns raised during the initial submission of the manuscript (Major concerns 1, 2, and 4; some of them also raised by the other reviewers) were not properly addressed by the authors. On several occasions, the authors recognize the importance of clarifying the points for the correct interpretation of the results but opt for leaving the open questions to be addressed during future studies. Therefore, the authors might consider adding a new section at the end of the manuscript to include all the caveats and future directions.

      In addition to these unaddressed concerns, some new issues have emerged in the new version of the manuscript. For example, the following paragraph introduced in the discussion section is not supported by the experimental findings.

      "We assume that such differential activations of the mitral cells between fresh and old saliva result in the differential activation of targeting neural substrates, possibly MeApv, which results in differential activation of VMH neurons (Figure 7)."

      Although the authors did not observe statistical differences in cFos expression in the pvMeA among groups, they claim that the differences in cFos expression in the VMH between fresh vs. old saliva are mediated by differential activation of upstream neurons in the MeApv. The lack of statistical differences may be caused by the reduced number of subjects in each group, as recognized in the text by the authors. Moreover, the authors propose that in addition to fel d 4, multiple molecules present in the cat saliva can be inducing distinct defensive responses in the animals, but they do not provide any reference to support their claim.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, Lee et al. compared encoding of odor identity and value by calcium signaling from neurons in the ventral pallidum (VP) in comparison to D1 and D2 neurons in the olfactory tubercle (OT).


      They utilize a strong comparative approach, which allows the comparison of signals in two directly connected regions. First, they demonstrate that both D1 and D2 OT neurons project strongly to the VP, but not the VTA or other examined regions, in contrast to accumbal D1 neurons which project strongly to the VTA as well as the VP. They examine single unit calcium activity in a robust olfactory cue conditioning paradigm that allows them to differentiate encoding of olfactory identity versus value, by incorporating two different sucrose, neutral and air puff cues with different chemical characteristics. They then use multiple analytical approaches to demonstrate strong, low-dimensional encoding of cue value in the VP, and more robust, high-dimensional encoding of odor identity by both D1 and D2 OT neurons, though D1 OT neurons are still somewhat modulated by reward contingency/value. Finally, they utilize a modified conditioning paradigm that dissociates reward probability and lick vigor to demonstrate that VP encoding of cue value is not dependent on encoding of lick vigor during sucrose cues, and that separable populations of VP neuros encode cue value/sucrose probability and lick vigor. Direct comparisons of single unit responses between the two regions now utilize linear mixed effects models with random effects for subject,


      The manuscript still includes mention of differences in effect size or differing "levels" of significance between VP and OT D1 neurons without reports of a direct comparisons between the two populations. This is somewhat mitigated by the comprehensive statistical reporting in the supplemental information, but interpretation of some of these results is clouded by the inclusion of OT D2 neurons in these analyses, and the limited description or contextualization in the main text.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This study investigated Fragile X Messenger Ribonucleoprotein (FMRP) protein impact on neuroblast tangential migration in the postnatal rostral migratory stream (RMS). Authors conducted a series of live-imaging on organotypic brain slices from Fmr1-null mice. They continued their analysis silencing Fmr1 exclusively from migrating neuroblasts using electroporation-mediated RNA interference method (MiRFmr1 KD). These impressive approaches show that neuroblasts tangential migration is impaired in Fmr1-null mice RMS and these defects are mostly recapitulated in the MiRFmr1neuroblasts. This nicely supports the idea that FMRP have a cell autonomous function in tangentially migrating neuroblasts. Authors also confirm that FMRP mRNA target Microtubule Associated Protein 1B (MAP1B) is overexpressed in the Fmr1-null mice RMS. They successfully use electroporation-mediated RNA interference method to silence Map1b in the Fmr1-null mice neuroblasts. This discreet and elaborate experiment rescues most of the migratory defects observed both in Fmr1-null and MiRFmr1neuroblasts. Altogether, these results strongly suggest that FMRP-MAP1B axis has an important role in regulation of the neuroblasts tangential migration in the RMS. Neurons move forward in cyclic saltatory manner which includes repeated steps of leading process extension, migration of the cell organelles and nuclear translocation. Authors reveal by analyzing the live-imaging data that FMRP-MAP1B axis is affecting movement of centrosome and nucleus during saltatory migration. An important part of the centrosome and nucleus movement is forces mediated by microtubule dynamics. Authors propose that FMRP regulate tangential migration via microtubule dynamics regulator MAP1B. This work provides valuable new information on regulation of the neuroblasts tangential saltatory migration. These findings also increase and improve our understanding of the issues involved in Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) disorders. The conclusions of this work are supported by the presented data.

      The current version of the study has improved substantially. Authors have enhanced the material and methods section including a more detailed section on the neuronal migration analysis. This amendment is a very valuable addition and strengthens the interpretation of the results, analysis and conclusions. Authors also have strengthened and clarified their results providing a more profound analysis of the migration directionality between controls, Fmr1-null, MiRFmr1 KD and MiRMap1b KD neuroblasts. They have incorporated new results in the study which elaborate FMRP and MAP1B participation in microtubule organization during tangential migration. Authors show that FMRP-MAP1B axis act on microtubule cage surrounding the nucleus. Microtubule cage participate on proper nuclear movement during neuron migration. These results emphasize more the interplay between FMRP, MAP1B, and the microtubule cytoskeleton. The authors have successfully expanded both the introduction and discussion sections of the manuscript.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Oemisch and Seo use sophisticated reinforcement learning (RL) modeling to show that acute ketamine reduces the strength impact of losses vs neutral/gains on the subsequent trial performance of a token-based biased matching-pennies task. In this version, the authors make more measured interpretations about the potential relevance of their results to ketamine's antidepressant effects for the most part.

      My prior review emphasized what I considered to be an over-interpretation of the relevance of their data (that I find interesting and of value) to mechanisms of action of ketamine's antidepressant effects. The authors have corrected those excesses exception for the last sentence of the introduction, which continues to suggest they are studying both mechanisms of antidepressant actions as well as the pathophysiology of depression.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors present a study of visuo-motor coupling primarily using wide-field calcium imaging to measure activity across the dorsal visual cortex. They used different mouse lines or systemically injected viral vectors to allow imaging of calcium activity from specific cell-types with a particular focus on a mouse-line that expresses GCaMP in layer 5 IT (intratelencephalic) neurons. They examined the question of how the neural response to predictable visual input, as a consequence of self-motion, differed from responses to unpredictable input. They identify layer 5 IT cells as having a different response pattern to other cell-types/layers in that they show differences in their response to closed-loop (i.e. predictable) vs open-loop (i.e. unpredictable) stimulation whereas other cell-types showed similar activity patterns between these two conditions. They also analyzed the responses to visuomotor prediction errors obtained by briefly pausing the display while the mouse is running, causing a negative prediction error, or by presenting an unpredicted visual input causing a positive prediction error. Surprisingly, they find that presentation of a visual grating actually decreases the responses of L5 IT cells in V1. They interpret their results within a predictive coding framework that the last author has previously proposed. The response pattern of the L5 IT cells leads them to propose that these cells may act as 'internal representation' neurons that carry a representation of the brain's model of its environment. Though this is rather speculative. They subsequently examine the responses of these cells to anti-psychotic drugs (e.g. clozapine) with the reasoning that a leading theory of schizophrenia is a disturbance of the brain's internal model and/or a failure to correctly predict the sensory consequences of self-movement. They find that anti-psychotic drugs strongly enhance responses of L5 IT cells to locomotion while having little effect on other cell-types. Finally, they suggest that anti-psychotics reduce long-range correlations between (predominantly) L5 cells and reduce the propagation of prediction errors to higher visual areas and suggest this may be a mechanism by which these drugs reduce hallucinations/psychosis.

      This is a large study containing a screening of many mouse-lines/expression profiles using wide-field calcium imaging. Wide-field imaging has its caveats, including a broad point-spread function of the signal and susceptibility to hemodynamic artifacts, which can make the interpretation of results difficult. The authors acknowledge these problems and directly address the hemodynamic occlusion problem. It was reassuring to see supplementary 2-photon imaging of soma to complement this data-set, even though this is rather briefly described in the paper. Some comparisons in the paper are underpowered as a result of including only a small number of mice (e.g. the PV, Ntsr1 and Cux2 mice) and results involving these mice should be cautiously interpreted, but in general the results are robust. Overall the paper's strengths are its identification of a very different response profile in the L5 IT cells compared to other layers/cell-types which suggests an important role for these cells in handling integration of self-motion generated sensory predictions with sensory input. The interpretation of the responses to anti-psychotic drugs is more speculative but the result appears robust and provides an interesting basis for further studies of this effect with more specific recording techniques and possibly behavioral measures.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This study by Adelus et al. profiled the transcriptome and chromatin accessibility in cultured human aortic endothelial cells (ECs) at single-cell resolution. They also stimulated these cells with EC-activating agents, such as IL1b, TGFB2, or si-EGR, to knock down this master transcription factor in ECs. The results show a subpopulation, EC3, with the highest plasticity and sensitivity to perturbations. The authors also reviewed and meta-analyzed three independent publicly available scRNA-seq datasets, identifying two distinct EC subpopulations. Additionally, they aligned CAD-related SNPs with open chromatin regions in EC subpopulations. This study provides fundamental evidence to enrich our understanding of vascular ECs and highlights potential subpopulations that may contribute to health and diseases. The work exhibits the potential impact in the field.

      Comments on revised version:

      I appreciate their revision, which addressed all my concerns. I understand the current technique's limitation in distinguishing bona fide cell lineages from human tissue explants, but it merits further investigation. This is because EC4 may also be involved in critical pathological processes. Again, this work established a solid foundation for exploring endothelial cell plasticity.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors describe the discovery of a filovirus neutralizing antibody, AF03, by phage display, and its subsequent improvements to include NPC2 that resulted in greater breadth of neutralization. Overall, the manuscript is much improved from first review.

      While the authors only use docking studies and this does not convincingly map the AF03 epitope, they do provide compelling evidence that residues Q128, N129, and possibly C226 are part of the epitope or at least close enough to affect binding and neutralisation. This is not conclusive support for their assumption that AF03 targets the NPC1 binding site. However, the authors do show that AF03 competes for MR78 binding to its epitope (in the NPC1 binding site), and this is enough to roughly place the epitope in this region (barring the possibility of an adjacent binding site with steric occlusion of the MR78 epitope).<br /> The authors provide evidence for broad neutralisation, and also provide good support for the internalization of AF03-NL as the mechanism for improved breadth over the original AF03 antibody.

      Strengths:<br /> This study shows convincing binding to Marburgvirus GP and neutralization of Marburg viruses by AF03, as well as convincing neutralization of Ebolaviruses by AF03-NL. While there is not good separation of PE-stained populations by FACS in figure 5A, the cell staining data in Figure 5C are compelling to a non-expert in endosomal staining like myself. The control experiments in Figure 7 are compelling showing neutralization by AF03-NL but not AF03 or NPC2 alone or in combination. Altogether these data support the internalisation and stabilisation mechanism that is proposed for the gain in neutralization breadth observed for Ebolaviruses by AF03-NL over AF03 alone.

      Weaknesses:<br /> To support their affinity measurements, the authors argue that they show GP is a monomer in Figure 1A by SDS-PAGE. SDS-PAGE cannot be used to assess oligomerisation of GP. Native PAGE or size exclusion profiles would have been better suited to this purpose. If affinity was calculated on a 1GP:2IgG binding sites as the authors imply, then the affinity data are incorrect due to avidity effects. As suggested by a previous reviewer, using monomeric Fab would solve this problem.

      The information for figure 2 states: "we investigated if this mutated MARV species was STILL sensitive o AF-03 treatment". But, "we sought to determine whether AF-03 could impede pseudotyped MARV viral entry" only happens in Figure 3. This information for figure 3 has now already been determined in Figure 2 where wildtype MARV is neutralised (black curves) introducing redundancy. The authors should first show that AF-03 can neutralise MARV pseudotyped virus, and then assess whether mutants are STILL sensitive to AF-03.

      Figure 1: The visualisation of AF03 modelling and docking is better on a white background, but still difficult to interpret as currently presented. The labels of predicted contact residues are still impossible to read, and the yellow text does not show. As suggested previously, a zoom-in showing predicted co-location with Q128 and N129 would show these data better. It would also be useful to orient the reader with respect to trimeric membrane bound GP.

      Figure 2: The presentation of these data is much improved and support the text.

      Figure 3: The presentation of these data is much improved and support the text.

      Figure 4: The presentation of these data is much improved and support the text.

      Figure 5: The presentation of these data is much improved and support the text.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Aiming at the problem that Staphylococcus aureus can cause apoptosis of macrophages, the authors found and verified that drug (R)-DI-87 can inhibit mammalian deoxycytidine kinase (dCK), weaken the killing effect of staphylococcus aureus on macrophages, and reduce the apoptosis of macrophages. And increase the infiltration of macrophages to the abscess, thus weakening the damage of Staphylococcus aureus to the host. This work provides new insights and ideas for understanding the effects of Staphylococcus aureus infection on host immunity and discovering corresponding therapeutic interventions. This work is important and groundbreaking.

      Comments on revised version:

      The changes made by the authors addressed my previous concerns about the manuscript and greatly improved the quality of the article.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The manuscript focuses on comparison of two PLP-dependent enzyme classes that perform amino acyl decarboxylations. The goal of the work is to understand the substrate specificity and factors that influence catalytic rate in an enzyme linked to theanine production in tea plants.


      The work includes x-ray crystal structures of modest resolution of the enzymes of interest. These structures provide the basis for design of mutagenesis experiments to test hypotheses about substrate specificity and the factors that control catalytic rate. These ideas are tested via mutagenesis and activity assays, in some cases both in vitro and in plants.


      Although improved in a revision, the manuscript could be more clear in explaining the contents of the x-ray structures and how the complexes studied relate to the reactant and product complexes. The manuscript could also be more concise, with a discussion section that is largely redundant with the results and lacking in providing scholarly context from the literature to help the reader understand how the current findings fit in with work to characterize other PLP-dependent enzymes or protein engineering efforts. Some of the figures lack sufficient clarity and description. Some of the claims about the health benefits of tea are not well supported by literature citations.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The authors investigated the antigenic diversity of recent (2009-2017) A/H3N2 influenza neuraminidases (NAs), the second major antigenic protein after haemagglutinin. They used 27 viruses and 43 ferret sera and performed NA inhibition. This work was supported by a subset of mouse sera. Clustering analysis determined 4 antigenic clusters, mostly in concordance with the genetic groupings. Association analysis was used to estimate important amino acid positions, which were shown to be more likely close to the catalytic site. Antigenic distances were calculated and a random forest model used to determine potential important sites.

      This revision has addressed many of my concerns of inconsistencies in the methods, results and presentation. There are still some remaining weaknesses in the computational work.


      (1) The data cover recent NA evolution and a substantial number (43) of ferret (and mouse) sera were generated and titrated against 27 viruses. This is laborious experimental work and is the largest publicly available neuraminidase inhibition dataset that I am aware of. As such, it will prove a useful resource for the influenza community.

      (2) A variety of computational methods were used to analyse the data, which give a rounded picture of the antigenic and genetic relationships and link between sequence, structure and phenotype.

      (3) Issues raised in the previous review have been thoroughly addressed.


      (1) Some inconsistencies and missing data in experimental methods<br /> Two ferret sera were boosted with H1N2, while recombinant NA protein for the others. This, and the underlying reason, are clearly explained in the manuscript. The authors note that boosting with live virus did not increase titres. Additionally, one homologous serum (A/Kansas/14/2017) was not generated, although this would not necessarily have impacted the results.

      (2) Inconsistency in experimental results<br /> Clustering of the NA inhibition results identifies three viruses which do not cluster with their phylogenetic group. Again this is clearly pointed out in the paper and is consistent with the two replicate ferret sera. Additionally, A/Kansas/14/2017 is in a different cluster based on the antigenic cartography vs the clustering of the titres

      (3) Antigenic cartography plot would benefit from documentation of the parameters and supporting analyses<br /> a. The number of optimisations used<br /> b. The final stress and the difference between the stress of the lowest few (e.g. 5) optimisations, or alternatively a graph of the stress of all the optimisations. Information on the stress per titre and per point, and whether any of these were outliers<br /> c. A measure of uncertainty in position (e.g. from bootstrapping)

      (4) Random forest<br /> The full dataset was used for the random forest model, including tuning the hyperparameters. It is more robust to have a training and test set to be able to evaluate overfitting (there are 25 features to classify 43 sera).

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The investigators employed multi-omics approach to show the functional impact of partial chemical reprogramming in fibroblasts from young and aged mice.


      Multi-omics data was collected, including epigenome, transcriptome, proteome, phosphoproteome, and metabolome. Different analyses were conducted accordingly, including differential expression analysis, gene set enrichment analysis, transcriptomic and epigenetic clock-based analyses. The impact of partial chemical reprogramming on aging was supported by these multi-source results.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The authors identified that genetically and pharmacological inhibition of CERS1, an enzyme implicated in ceramides biosynthesis worsen muscle fibrosis and inflammation during aging.


      The study points out an interesting issue on excluding CERS1 inhibition as a therapeutic strategy for sarcopenia. Overall, the article it's well written and clear.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      In this manuscript, the authors used machine learning algorithm to analyze published exosome datasets to find biomarkers to differentiate exosomes of different origin. By applying the method to "exosomes" sample, the author discovered common exosome markers and cancer-type specific markers.


      The performance of the algorithm are generally of good quality.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This paper describes the role of WRNIP1 AAA+ ATPase, particularly its UBZ domain for ubiquitin-binding, but not ATPase, to prevent the formation of the R-loop when DNA replication is mildly perturbated. By combining cytological analysis for DNA damage, R-loop and chromosome aberration with the proximity ligation assay for colocalization of various proteins involved in DNA replication and transcription, the authors provide solid evidence to support the claim. The authors also revealed a distinct role of WRNIP1 in the prevention of R-loop-induced DNA damage from FANCD2, which is inconsistent with the known relationship between WRNIP1 and FANCD2 in the repair of crosslinks.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In chicken embryos, the counter-rotating migration of epiblast cells on both sides of the forming primitive streak (PS), a process referred to as polonaise movements, has attracted longstanding interest as a paradigm of morphogenetic cell movements. However, the association between these cell movements and PS development is still controversial. This study investigated PS development and polonaise movements separately at their initial stage, showing that both could be uncoupled (at least at the initial phase), being activated via Vg1 signaling.

      Strengths of this study

      Polonaise movements, i.e., the circular cell migration of epiblast cells on both sides of the forming PS in avian embryos, have been the subject of research through live imaging and promoted the development of new tools to analyze quantitatively such movements. However, conclusions from previous studies remain controversial, at least partly due to the nature of perturbations to PS development and polonaise movements.

      This study performed the challenging technique of electroporation to successfully mark and manipulate Wnt/PCP pathways in unincubated chicken embryo cells at the initiation phase of these two processes. In addition, the authors separately altered PS development and polonaise movements: PS development was perturbed by inhibiting either the Wnt/PCP pathway or DNA synthesis using aphidicolin, while polonaise movements were modified by the development of a second PS after engrafting Vg1-expressing COS cells located at the opposite end of the blastoderm. The study concluded that Vg1 elicits both PS development and polonaise movements, which occur in a parallel and are not inter-dependent.

      To support these conclusions, particle image velocimetry (PIV) of cell trajectories captured by live imaging was performed. These tools delineated visually appealing cell movements and gave rise to vorticity profiles, adding more value to this study.

      Weaknesses of this study

      Engrafted Vg1-expressing COS cells located at the anterior end of the blastoderm elicited both the development of a second PS and marked bilateral polonaise movements while perturbing these movements along the original PS. How do polonaise movements along the second PS dominate over those along the normal PS? The authors suggested a model in which Vg1 acts in a graded or dose-dependent manner since engrafted COS cells over-expressed Vg1. This model can be tested by reducing the mass of engrafted COS cells. Although the authors propose performing this analysis in further investigations, it would be preferable to incorporate into this study for better consistency.

      Thank you for indicating that this will be a focus of future studies.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      As a pathogen, S. aureus has evolved strategies to evade the host's immune system. It effectively remains 'under the radar' in the host until it reaches high population densities, at which point it triggers virulence mechanisms, enabling it to spread within the host. The agr quorum sensing system is central to this process, as it coordinates the pathogen's virulence in response to its cell density.

      In this study, Podkowik and colleagues suggest that cells activating agr signaling also benefit from protection against H2O2 stress, whereas inactivation of agr increases cell death. The underlying cause of this lack of protection is tied to an ATP deficit in the agr mutant, leading to increased glucose consumption and NADH production, ultimately resulting in a redox imbalance. In response to this imbalance, the agr mutant increases respiration, resulting in the endogenous production of ROS which synergizes with H2O2 to mediate killing of the agr mutant. Suppressing respiration in the agr mutant restored protection against H2O2 stress.

      Additionally, the authors establish that agr-dependent protection against oxidative stress is also linked to RNAIII activation, and the subsequent block of Rot translation. However, the specific protective genes regulated by Rot remain unidentified. Thus, according to the evidence provided, agr triggers intrinsic mechanisms that not only decrease harmful ROS production within the cell but also alleviate its detrimental effects.

      Interestingly, these protective mechanisms are long-lived, and guard the cells against external oxidative stressors such as H2O2, even after the agr system has been 'turned off' in the population.

      While the study offers valuable insight into how agr signaling protects cells against H2O2 stress, a reevaluation of the interpretation of redox imbalance is warranted.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In a study by Shen et al.. al., the authors investigated YAP/TAZ target genes that play a role in the formation of processing bodies (P-bodies). P-bodies are membraneless cytoplasmic granules that contain translationally repressed mRNAs and components of mRNA turnover. GO enrichment analysis of the RNA-Seq data of colorectal cancer cells (HCT116) after YAP/TAZ knockdown showed that the downregulated genes were enriched in P-body resident proteins. Overexpression, knockdown, and ChIP-qPCR analyses showed that SAMD4A, PNRC1, AJUBA, and WTIP are YAP-TEAD target genes that also play a role in P-body biogenesis. Using P-body markers such as DDX6 and DCP1A, the authors showed that knockdown of YAP in the HCT116 cell line causes a reduction in the number of P-bodies. Similarly, overexpression of constitutively active YAP (YAP 5SA) increased the P-body number. The YAP-TEAD target genes SAMD4A and AJUBA positively regulate P-body formation, because lowering their expression levels using siRNA reduces the number of P-bodies. The other YAP target gene, PNRC1, is a negative regulator of P-body biogenesis and consistently YAP suppresses its expression through the recruitment of the NuRD complex. YAP target genes that modulate P-body formation play prominent roles in oncogenesis. PNRC1 suppression is key to YAP-mediated proliferation, colony formation, and tumorigenesis in HCT116 xenografts. Similarly, SAMD4 and AJUBA knockdown abrogated cell viability. In summary, this study demonstrated that SAMD4, AJUBA, WTIP, and PNRC1 are bona fide YAP-TEAD target genes that play a role in P-body formation, which is also linked to the oncogenesis of colon cancer cells.

      Major Strengths:

      The majority of the experiments were appropriately planned so that the generated data could support the conclusions drawn by the authors. The phenotype observed with YAP/TAZ knockdown correlated inversely with YAP5SA overexpression, which is complementary. Where possible, the authors also used point mutations that selectively disrupt protein-protein interactions, such as YAP S94A and PNRC1 W300A. The CRC cell line HCT116 was used throughout the study; additionally, data from other cancer cell lines were used to support the generality of the findings.


      The authors did not elucidate the mechanistic link between P-body formation and oncogenesis; therefore, it is unclear why an increase in the number of P-bodies is pro-tumorigenic. The authors extrapolated and suggested that PNRC1 expression could be exploited therapeutically, without providing much detail. How do they plan to stimulate the expression of PNRC1? It is not necessary for every scientific finding to lead to a therapeutic benefit; therefore, they can tone down such statements if therapeutic exploitation is not realistic. The authors elucidated a mechanism for PNRC1 repression and one wonders why no attempts were made to understand the mechanism of activation of SAMD4, AJUBA, and WTIP expression.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this study, the authors investigate the role of triglycerides in spermatogenesis. This work is based on their previous study (PMID: 31961851) on triglyceride sex differences in which they showed that somatic testicular cells play a role in whole body triglyceride homeostasis. In the current study, they show that lipid droplets (LDs) are significantly higher in the stem and progenitor cell (pre-meiotic) zone of the adult testis than in the meiotic spermatocyte stages. The distribution of LDs anti-correlates with the expression of the triglyceride lipase Brummer (Bmm), which has higher expression in spermatocytes than early germline stages. Analysis of a bmm mutant (bmm[1]) - a P-element insertion that is likely a hypomorphic - and its revertant (bmm[rev]) as a control shows that bmm acts autonomously in the germline to regulate LDs. In particular, the number of LDs is significantly higher in spermatocytes from bmm[1] mutants than from bmm[rev] controls. Testes from males with global loss of bmm (bmm[1]) are shorter than controls and have fewer differentiated spermatids. The zone of bam expression, typically close to the niche/hub in WT, is now many cell diameters away from the hub in bmm[1] mutants. There is an increase in the number of GSCs in bmm[1] homozygotes, but this phenotype is probably due to the enlarged hub. However, clonal analyses of GSCs lacking bmm indicate that a greater percentage of the GSC pool is composed of bmm[1]-mutant clones than of bmm[rev]-clones. This suggests that loss of bmm could impart a competitive advantage to GSCs, but this is not explored in greater detail. Despite the increase in number of GSCs that are bmm[1]-mutant clones, there is a significant reduction in the number of bmm[1]-mutant spermatocyte and post-meiotic clones. This suggests that fewer bmm[1]-mutant germ cells differentiate than controls. To gain insights into triglyceride homeostasis in the absence of bmm, they perform mass spec-based lipidomic profiling. Analyses of these data support their model that triglycerides are the class of lipid most affected by loss of bmm, supporting their model that excess triglycerides are the cause of spermatogenetic defects in bmm[1]. Consistent with their model, a double mutant of bmm[1] and a diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 1 called midway (mdy) reverts the bmm-mutant germline phenotypes.

      There are numerous strengths of this paper. First, the authors report rigorous measurements and statistical analyses throughout the study. Second, the authors utilize robust genetic analyses with loss-of-function mutants and lineage-specific knockdown. Third, they demonstrate the appropriate use of controls and markers. Fourth, they show rigorous lipidomic profiling. Lastly, their conclusions are appropriate for the results. In other words, they don't over-state the results. Overall, the rigorously quantified results support the major aim that appropriate regulation of triglycerides are needed in a germline cell-autonomous manner for spermatogenesis.

      This paper should have a positive impact on the field. First and foremost, there is limited knowledge about the role of lipid metabolism in spermatogenesis. The lipidomic data will be useful to researchers in the field who study various lipid species. Going forward, it will be very interesting to determine what triglycerides regulate in germline biology. In other words, what functions/pathways/processes in germ cells are negatively impacted by elevated triglycerides. And as the authors point out in the discussion, it will be important to determine what regulates bmm expression such that bmm is higher in later stages of germline differentiation.

  2. Feb 2024
    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This research used cell-based signaling assay and Gaussian-accelerated molecular dynamics (GaMD) to study peptide-mediated signaling activation of Polycystin-1 (PC1), which is responsible for the majority of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) cases. Synthetic peptides of various lengths derived from the N-terminal portion of the PC1 C-terminal fragment (CTF) were applied to HEK293T cells transfected with stalkless mouse CTF expression construct. It was shown that peptides including the first 7, 9, and 17 residues of the N-terminal portion could activate signaling to the NFAT reporter. To further understand the underlying mechanism, docking and peptide-GaMD simulations of peptides composed of the first 9, 17, and 21 residues from the N-terminal portion of the human PC1 CTF were performed. These simulations revealed the correlation between peptide-CTF binding and PC1 CTF activation characterized by the close contact (salt bridge interaction) between residues R3848 and E4078. Finally, a Potts statistical model was inferred from diverged PC1 homologs to identify strong/conserved interacting pairs within PC1 CTF, some of which are highly relevant to the findings from the peptide GaMD simulations. The peptide binding pockets identified in the GaMD simulations may serve as novel targets for the design of therapeutic approaches for treating ADPKD.

      Strengths:<br /> (1) The experimental and computational parts of this study complement and mostly support each other, thus increasing the overall confidence in the claims made by the authors.

      (2) The use of exogenous peptides and a stalkless CTF in the GaMD is a step forward compared to earlier simulations using the full CTF, CTF mutants, or the stalkless CTF alone. And it led to findings of novel binding pockets.

      (3) Since the PC1 shares characteristics with the Adhesion class of GPCRs, the approaches used in this work may be extended to other similar systems.

      Weaknesses:<br /> (1) The GaMD simulations all include the exogenous peptides, thus lacking a control where no such peptide is present (and only stalkless CTF). An earlier study (PNAS 2022 Vol. 119 No. 19 e2113786119) covered this already but it should be mentioned here that there was no observation of close/activation for the stalkless CTF.

      (2) Although 5 independent trajectories were generated for each peptide, the authors did not provide sufficient details regarding the convergence of the simulation. This leaves some uncertainties in their results. Given that the binding poses changed relative to the starting docked poses for all three peptides, it is possible that some other binding pockets and/or poses were not explored.

      (3) The free energy profiles (Figures 2 to 4) based on the selected coordinates provide important information regarding binding and CTF conformational change. However, it is a coarse-grained representation and complementary analysis such as RDFs, and/or contact maps between the peptide and CTF residues might be helpful to understand the details of their interactions. These details are currently only available in the text.

      (4) The use of a stalkless CTF is necessary for studying the functions of the exogenous peptides. However, the biological relevance of the stalkless CTF to ADPKD was not clearly explained, if any.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The authors show that upon treatment with Doxorubicin (Doxo), there is an increase in senescence and inflammatory markers in the muscles. They also show these genes get upregulated in C2C12 myoblasts when treated with conditioned media or 15d-PGJ2. 15dPGJ2 induces cell death in the myoblasts, decreases proliferation (measured by cell numbers), and decreases differentiation and fusion. 15d-PGJ2 modified Cys184 of HRas, which is required for its activation as indicated by the FRET analysis with RAF RBD. They also showed that 15d-PGJ2 activates ERK signaling, but not Akt signaling, through the electrophilic center. 15d-PGJ2 inhibits Golgi localization of HRAS (only WT, not C181 or C184 mutant). They also showed that expressing the WT HRas followed by 15d-PGJ2 treatment led to a decrease in the levels of MHC mRNA and protein, and this defect is dependent on C184. This is a well-written manuscript with interesting insights into the mechanism of action of 15d-PGJ2. However, some clarification and experiments will help the paper advance the field significantly.


      The data clearly shows that 15d-PGJ2 has a negative role in the myoblast cells and that it leads to modification of HRas protein. Moreover, the induction of biosynthetic enzymes in the PGD2 pathway also supports the induction of 15d-PGJ2 in Doxorubicin-treated cells. Both conditioned media experiments and the 15d-PGJ2 experiments show that 15d-PGJ2 could be the active component secreted by the senescent myoblasts.


      The genes that are upregulated in the muscles upon injection with Doxo are also markers for inflammation. Since Doxo is also known to induce systemic inflammation, it is important to delineate these two effects (inflammatory cells vs senescent cells). The expression of beta Gal and other markers of senescence in the tissue sections will help to delineate these.

      In Figure 2, where the defect in the differentiation of myoblasts upon treatment with 15d-PGJ2 is shown, most of the cells die within 48 hours at higher concentrations, making it difficult to perform the experiments. This also shows that 15d-PGJ2 was toxic to these cells. Lower concentrations show a decrease in the differentiation based on the lower number of nuclei in fibers and low expression of MyoD, MyoG, and MHC. However, it is unclear if this is due to increased cell death or defective differentiation. It would be a lot more informative if the cell count, cell division, and cell death could be plotted for these concentrations of the drug during the experiment. Also, in the myoblast experiments, are the effects of treatment with Dox reversible?

      In Figure 3, most of the experiments are done at a high concentration, which induces almost complete cell death within 48 hours. Even at such a high concentration of 15dPGJ2, the increase in ERK phosphorylation is minimal.

      The experiment Figure 4C shows that C181 and C84 mutants of the HRas show higher levels in Golgi compared with WT. However, this could very well be due to the defect in palmitoylation rather than the modification with 15d-PGJ2. Though the authors allude to the possibility that intracellular redistribution of HRas by 15d-PGJ2 requires C181 palmitoylation, the direct influence of C184 modification on C181 palmitoylation is not shown. To have a meaningful conclusion, the authors need to compare the palmitoylation and modification with 15d-PGJ2.

      To test if the inhibition of myoblast differentiation depends on HRas, they overexpressed the HRas and mutants in the C2C12 lines. However, this experiment does not take the endogenous HRAs into consideration, especially when interpreting the C184 mutant. An appropriate experiment to test this would be to knock down or knock out HRas (or make knock-in mutations of C184) and show that the effect of 15d-PGJ2 disappears. Moreover, in this specific experiment, it is difficult to interpret without a control with no HRas construct and another without the 15d-PGJ2 treatment.

      Moreover, the overall study does not delineate the toxic effects of 15d-PGJ2 from its effect on the differentiation.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This study makes an interesting finding: a polyunsaturated fatty acid, Lin-Glycine, increases the conductance of KCNQ1/KCNE1 channels by stabilizing a state of the selectivity filter that allows K+ conduction. The stabilization of a conducting state appears well supported by single-channel analysis, though some method details are missing. The linkage to PUFA action through the selectivity filter is supported by the disruption of PUFA effects by mutation of residues which change conformation in two KCNQ1 structures from the literature. Claims about differences in Lin-Glycine binding to these two structural conformations seem to lack clear support, thus the claim seems speculative that PUFAs increase Gmax by binding to a crevice in the pore domain. A potentially definitive functional experiment is conducted by single-channel recordings with selectivity filter domain mutation Y315F which ablates the Lin-Glycine effect on Gmax. However, this appears to be an n=1 experiment. Overall, the major claim of the abstract is supported: "... that the selectivity filter in KCNQ1 is normally unstable ... and that the PUFA-induced increase in Gmax is caused by a stabilization of the selectivity filter in an open-conductive state." However, the claim in the abstract that selectivity filter instability "explains the low open probability" seems too general.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This study provides the detailed molecular mechanism of how OGT, an O-GlcNac transferase, promotes cancer progression. Using loss-of-function OGT models, the authors demonstrated that OGT cleaves HCF-1, an important guardian of genomic stability. The resulting genomic instability in OGT-knockout tumors leads to cytosolic DNA accumulation, the activation of cGAS-mediated type I IFN responses, and increased CD8+ T cell infiltration into the tumors. Moreover, treatment with OGT inhibitor synergized with anti-PDL1 immune-checkpoint blockade.


      Novel findings of how OGT promotes tumor progression.


      (1) Some of the data is problematic and does not always support the authors' conclusions.<br /> (2) The writing needs significant improvement. In places, it is hard to understand or could mislead the readers.<br /> (3) Figure legends are minimalistic and do not provide sufficient information.<br /> (4) Discussion does not put the findings of this study into a broader context of the field but merely restates them.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Wu et al. explores the role of the histone reader protein SntB in Aspergillus flavus, claiming it to be a key regulator of development and aflatoxin biosynthesis. While the study incorporates various techniques, including gene deletion, ChIP-seq, and RNA-seq, several concerns and omissions in the paper raise questions about the validity and completeness of the presented findings.

      (1) Omissions of Prior Work:<br /> The authors fail to acknowledge and integrate prior research by Pfannenstiel et al. (2018) on the sntB gene in A. flavus, which covered phenotypic changes, RNA-seq data, and histone modifications. This omission raises concerns about the transparency and completeness of the current study.

      The absence of reference to studies by Karahoda et al. (2022, 2023) revealing SntB's involvement in the KERS complex in A. flavus and A. nidulans is a major oversight. This raises questions about the specificity of SntB's regulatory functions, as it may be part of a larger complex. The authors should clarify why these studies were omitted and how they ensure that SntB alone, and not the entire KERS complex, is responsible for the observed effects.

      (2) Transparency and Accessibility of Data:<br /> The lack of accessibility and visualization tools for ChIP-seq and RNA-seq data poses a challenge for independent verification and in-depth analysis. The authors should address this issue by providing more accessible data or explaining the limitations of data availability. A critical component missing from the paper is a detailed presentation of ChIP-seq data, specifically demonstrating SntB binding patterns on key promoters. This omission weakens the link between SntB and the mentioned regulatory genes. The authors should include these crucial data visualizations to strengthen their claims.

      (3) SntB Binding Sites and Consensus Sequence:<br /> The study mentions several genes upregulated in the sntB mutant without demonstrating SntB binding sites on their promoters. A detailed analysis of SntB binding maps is necessary to establish a direct link between SntB and these regulatory genes.

      (4) Mechanistic Insight into Peroxisome Biogenesis:<br /> If SntB indeed regulates peroxisome biogenesis, the absence of markers for peroxisomes and the localization of peroxisomes in the sntB mutant vs. WT strains is a significant gap. Providing evidence for peroxisome regulation is crucial for understanding the proposed mechanism and validating the study's claims.

      In summary, while the manuscript presents intriguing findings regarding SntB's role in A. flavus, the omissions of prior work, lack of transparency in data accessibility, and insufficient mechanistic insights call for revisions and additional experimental evidence to strengthen the validity and impact of the study. Addressing these concerns will enhance the manuscript's contribution to the field.

      Additionally, the way the English language is used could be improved.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      In their manuscript, Yu et al. describe the chemotactic gradient formation for CCL5 bound to - i.e. released from - glycosaminoglycans. The authors provide evidence for phase separation as the driving mechanism behind chemotactic gradient formation. A conclusion towards a general principle behind the finding cannot be drawn since the work focuses on one chemokine only, which is particularly prone to glycan-induced oligomerisation.


      The principle of phase separation as a driving force behind and thus as an analytical tool for investigating protein interactions with strongly charged biomolecules was originally introduced for protein-nucleic acid interactions. Yu et al. have applied this in their work for the first time for chemokine-heparan sulfate interactions. This opens a novel way to investigate chemokine-glycosaminoglycan interactions in general.


      As mentioned above, one of the weaknesses of the current work is the exemplification of the phase separation principle by applying it only to CCL5-heparan sulfate interactions. CCL5 is known to form higher oligomers/aggregates in the presence of glycosaminoglycans, much more than other chemokines. It would therefore have been very interesting to see, if similar results in vitro, in situ, and in vivo could have been obtained by other chemokines of the same class (e.g. CCL2) or another class (like CXCL8).

      In addition, the authors have used variously labelled CCL5 (like with the organic dye Cy3 or with EGFP) for various reasons (detection and immobilisation). In the view of this reviewer, it would have been necessary to show that all the labelled chemokines yield identical/similar molecular characteristics as the unlabelled wildtype chemokine (such as heparan sulfate binding and chemotaxis). It is well known that labelling proteins either by chemical tags or by fusion to GFPs can lead to manifestly different molecular and functional characteristics.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The authors performed two-sample MR combined with sensitivity analyses and colocalization to test the effect of PUFA on cerebral aneurysms. They found that genetically predicted omega-3 and DHA decreased the risk for intracranial aneurysm (IA) and subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) but not for unruptured IA (uIA).


      PUFA on the risk of cerebral aneurysms is of clinical importance; the authors performed multiple sensitivity analyses to ensure MR fulfills its assumptions.


      In my opinion, the major weakness is the selection of IVs, the same IVs should be used for each exposure, especially when the outcomes (IA, SAH, and uIA) are closely related. The removal of IVs was inconsistent, for example, why was LPA rs10455872 removed for SAH but not for uIA? (significantly more IVs were used for uIA). The authors should provide more details for the justification of the removal of IVs other than only indicating "confounder" in supplementary tables. The authors should also perform additional analyses including all IVs and IVs from other PUFA GWAS.

      In addition, it seems that the SNPs in the FADS locus were driving the MR association, while FADS is a very pleiotropic locus associated with many lipid traits, removing FADS could attenuate the MR effect. The authors should perform a sensitivity analysis to remove this locus.

      Instead of removing multiple "confounder" IVs which I think may bias the MR results due to very closely related lipid traits, the authors should perform multivariable MR to identify independent effects of PUFAs to IA, conditioning on other PUFAs and/or other lipids.

      Colocalization was not well described, the authors should include the colocalization results for each locus in a supplementary table. They also mentioned "a large PP for H4 (PP.H4 above 0.75) strongly supports shared causal variants affecting both gene expression and phenotype". The authors should make sure that the colocalization was performed using the expression data of each gene or using the GWAS summary of each PUFA locus.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This study provides valuable and comprehensive information about the SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence during 2021 and 2022 in different regions of Bolivia. Moreover, data on immune responses against the SARS-CoV-2 variants based on neutralization tests denotes the presence of several virus variants circulating in the Bolivian population. Evidence for seroprevalence data provided by the authors is solid, across the study period, while data regarding variant circulation is limited to the early stages of the pandemic.


      The major strength of this study is that it provided nationwide seroprevalence estimates from infection and/or vaccination based on antibodies against both spike and the nucleocapsid protein in a large representative sample of sera collected at two time-points from all departments of Bolivia, gaining insight into COVID-19 epidemiology. On the other hand, data from virus neutralization assays inferred the circulation during the study period of four SARS-CoV-2 variants in the population. Overall, the study results provide an overview of the level of viral transmission and vaccination and insights into the spread across the country of SARS-CoV-2 variants.


      The assessment of a Lambda variant that circulated in several neighboring countries (Peru, Chile, and Argentina), which had a significant impact on the COVID-19 pandemic in the region, may have strengthened the study to contrast Gamma spread. In addition, even though neutralizing antibodies can certainly reveal previous infections of SARSCOV2 variants in the population, it is of limited value to infer from this information some potential timing estimates of specific variant circulation, considering the heterogeneous effects that past infections, vaccinations, or a combination of both could have on the level of variant-specific neutralizing antibodies and/or their cross-neutralization capacity.

      An appraisal of whether the authors achieved their aims, and whether the results support their conclusions:

      The conclusions of this paper are well supported by data, particularly regarding seroprevalence that reliably reflects the epidemiology of COVID-19 in Bolivia, and seroprevalence trends in other low- and middle-income countries.

      A discussion of the likely impact of the work on the field, and the utility of the methods and data to the community:

      Since this is the first study that has been conducted to assess indicators of immunity against SARS-CoV-2 in the population of Bolivia at a nationwide scale, seroprevalence data provided by geographic regions at two time-points can be useful as a reference for potential retrospective global meta-analysis and further explore and compare the risk factors for infection, variant distribution, and the impact on infection and vaccination, gaining deeper insights into understanding the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic in Bolivia and in the region.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review)


      The authors are trying to find out whether the levels of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids in the blood are linked to the likelihood of dying from anything, of dying from cancer and of dying from cardiovascular disease. They use a large dataset called UKBiobank where fatty acid levels were measured in blood at the start of the study and what happened to the participants over the following years (average of 12.7 years) was followed. They find that both omega-6 AND omega-3 fatty acids were linked with less likelihood of dying from anything, from cancer and from cardiovascular disease. The effects of omega-3s were stronger. They then made a ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids and found that as that ratio increased risk of dying also increased. This supports the idea that omega-3s have stronger effects than omega-6s.


      This is a large study (over 85,000 participants) with a good follow up period (average 12.7 years). Using blood levels of fatty acids is superior to using estimated dietary intakes. The authors take account of many variables that could interfere with the findings (confounding variables) - they do this using statistical methods.


      UKBioBank is not entirely representative of the UK population.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Honzejkova K., et al. resolved the structure of one of the MAP3K proteins. Apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 (ASK1) is one of the main crucial stress sensors, which directs cells toward differentiation, and apoptosis. As a result, ASK1 dysregulation has been associated with a multitude of diseases like neurodegenerative, cardiovascular, and cancer. Understanding the structural-functional interplay of ASK1 would help researchers target this member of the MAP3K proteins to develop therapeutic interventions for these disorders.


      Major strengths:<br /> • Structure of the C-terminal truncated ASK1 protein.

      Weaknesses:<br /> • Lack of ASK1:TRX1 complex structure. The authors used instead SV AUC and HDX-MS techniques to compensate for the inability to get a sufficiently stable ASK1:TRX complex.<br /> • There is not enough information about Cryo-EM data processing like 2D classification averages, local resolution of the EM map, or FSC figures.<br /> • You can't reliably report the presence of a hydrogen bond with a 3.7Å resolution.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Lu et al aims to study the effects of tubulin post-translational modification in C. elegans touch receptor neurons. Authors use gene editing to engineer various predicted PTM mutations in a-tubulin MEC-12 and b-tubulin MEC-7. Authors generate and analyze an impressive battery of mutants in predicted phosphorylation site and acetylation site of b-tubulin MEC-7, K40 acetylation site in a-tubulin MEC-12, enzymatic site of the a-tubulin acetyltransferase MEC-17, and PTM sites in the MEC-12 and MEC-7 C-tails (glutamylation, detyrosination, delta-tubulin). This represents a lot of work, and will appeal to a readership interested in C. elegans touch receptor neurons. The major concern/criticism of this manuscript is whether the introduced mutation(s) directly affects a specific PTM or whether the mutation affects gene expression, protein expression/stability/localization, etc. As such, this work does convincingly demonstrate, as stated in the title, that "Editing of endogenous tubulins reveals varying effects of tubulin posttranslational modifications on axonal growth and regeneration."

      For example, the authors manipulate the C-terminal tail of MEC-12 and MEC-7, to test the idea that polyglutamylation may be an important PTM. These mutants displayed subtle phenotypes. The authors show that branch point GT335 and polyglutamyation polyE recognizing antibodies stain cultured embryonic touch receptor neurons (TRNs), but did not examine staining in C. elegans TRNs in situ. To my knowledge, these antibodies have not been shown to stain the TRNs in any published papers, raising the question of how these "glutamylation" mutations are affecting mec-12 and -7. The rationale for using cultured embryonic TRNs and the relevance of the data and its interpretation are not clear.

      The final paragraph of the discussion is factually incorrect. The C. elegans homologs of the CCP carboxypeptidases are called CCPP-1 and CCPP-6. There are several publications on their functions in C. elegans.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In their revised manuscript Hijaze et al. adequately addressed the majority of my previous concerns in a satisfactory manner. In particular, they validated their morpholino knock-down experiments by explaining how they determined the optimal concentrations and provided an immunohistological evidence for the reduction in ROCK protein abundance. The authors also added new antibody stainings providing evidence that ROCK and F-actin do not interact directly but likely through other kinases that modulate f-actin, and that the localization of f-actin at the spicule tips remains unaffected by the knock-down. In addition, the authors revised their discussion to not overstate their observations, and by focusing on the potential mechanisms by which ROCK may affect biomineralization (i.e. mechano sensing and exocytosis of vesicles). Here I would like to add, that f-actin mediated exocytosis does not necessarily target mineral baring vesicles but may also promote the exocytosis of matrix proteins that are essential for the normal formation of the spicules and that are an integral component of other biominerals, as well. I strongly encourage the authors to continue on this exciting research, including the development of methods to analyze the molecular mechanisms that control vesicular trafficking in mineralizing systems.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The OSCA/TMEM63 channels have recently been identified as mechanosensitve channels. In a previous study, the authors found that OSCA subtypes (1, 2, and 3) respond differently to stretch and poke stimuli. For example, OSCA1.2 is activated by both poke and stretch, while OSCA3.1, responds strongly to stretch but poorly to poke stimuli. In this study the authors use cryo-EM, mutagenesis, and electrophysiology to dissect the mechanistic determinants that underlie the channels' ability to respond to poke and stretch stimuli.

      The starting hypothesis of the study is that the mechanical activation of OSCA channels relies on the interactions between the protein and the lipid bilayer and that the differential responses to poke and stretch might stem from variations in the lipid-interacting regions of OSCA proteins. The authors specifically identify the amphipathic helix (AH), the fenestration, and the Beam Like Domain (BLD) as elements that might play a role in mechanosensing.

      The authors use solid methodology to show that poke and stretch responses likely use different mechanisms in OSCA channels and that the poke response can be uncoupled from the stretch response in OSCA1.2 by mutations in the AH and the positively charged residues in the fenestration. However, the study falls short of explaining why OSCA3.1 does not respond efficiently to poke stimuli. This question is particularly important as the AH residues that are important for the poke response in OSCA1.2 are present in OSCA3.1.

      Unfortuntately, due to staffing issues, the authors were unable to perform additional experiments that would address some of the critical issues that were brought up during peer review. Nevertheless, the structural and functional data presented is of high quality and the findings on OSCA1.2 will be of interest to anyone working in the fields of mechanosensation, sensory biology, and ion channels.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      In the current manuscript, the authors find distinct roles for the calcium sensors Syt7 and Doc2alpha in the regulation of asynchronous release and calcium-dependent synaptic vesicle docking in hippocampal neurons. The authors data indicate that Doc2 functions in activating a component of asynchronous release beginning with the initial stimulus, while Syt7 does not appear to have a role at this early stage. A role for Syt7 in supporting both synchronous and asynchronous release appears during stimulation trains, where Syt7 is proposed to promote synaptic vesicle docking or capture during stimulation. Doc2 mutants show facilitation initially during a train and display higher levels of synchronous release initially, before reaching a similar plateau to controls later in the train. The authors contribute the increased synchronous release in Doc2 mutants to Syt1 having access to more SVs that can fuse synchronously. In contrast, Syt7 mutants show depression during a train, and continue to decline during stimulation. The authors contribute this to a role for Syt7 in promoting calcium-dependent SV docking and capture that feeds SVs to both synchronous and asynchronous fusion pathways. Importantly, phenotypes of a double Doc2/Syt7 mutant collapse onto the Doc2 phenotype, suggesting the two proteins are not additive in their role in supporting distinct aspects of SV release. Rapid freeze EM after stimulation provides support for a role for Syt7 in SV docking/capture at release sites, as they display less docked SVs after stimulation. In the case of Doc2, EM reveals fewer SVs fusion pits later during a stimulation, consistent with fewer asynchronous fusion events. The authors also provide modeling that supports aspects of their conclusions from the experimental data. I cannot evaluate the modeling data or the specific experimental subtlities of the GluSnFR quantification approach, as these are outside of my reviewer expertise.


      The use of multiple approaches (optical imaging, physiology, rapid freeze EM, modeling, double mutant analysis) provides compelling support for distinct roles of the two proteins in regulating SV release.


      Some of the phenotypes for both Doc2 and Syt7 mutants have been reported in the authors' prior publications. It is not clear how well the GluSnFR approach is for accurately separating synchronous versus asynchronous release kinetics. The authors also tend to overstate the significance of the two proteins for asynchronous release in general, as a significant fraction of this release component is still intact in the double mutant, indicating these two proteins are only part of the asynchronous release mechanism.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This fascinating paper by A.L. Schneider et al. describes voyAGEr, a shiny-based interface for easy exploration of the GTEx dataset by non- or novice programmers. Importantly, voyAGEr is open source and available from github, which could greatly accelerate additional development and further uses of this interesting tool.

      The authors developed a pipeline for modeling age-related changes in gene expression in the GTEx data called ShARP-LM, fitting a linear model for age, sex and age&sex interaction terms. This pipeline underlies the later analyses that can be applied within voyAGEr. These analyses are labeled by tissue so that users can easily begin a query based on a tissue or a gene of possible interest.

      voyAGEr implements many kinds of interesting R-based tools such as pathway overrepresentation analysis and gene co-expression module analysis, in a way that akes these approaches accessible to non-bioinformaticist aging researchers.

      As the tidal wave of publicly available large, high-dimensional datasets such as transcriptomes continues to grow exponentially, the usefulness of tools such as voyAGEr will only increase. While test users may be able to imagine features or refinements they wish were already present, due to the open source approach they or anyone else including but not limited to the present authors can implement additional features in the future. I look forward to using this tool and to staying abreast of its future development.

      Overall, this study describes a new tool of interest to the field. The manuscript is clearly written overall, with a few minor suggested corrections, as noted below. The figures and supplementary information are all clear and all add to the manuscript.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary: In the revised manuscript, the authors aim to investigate brain-wide activation patterns following administration of the anesthetics ketamine and isoflurane, and conduct comparative analysis of these patterns to understand shared and distinct mechanisms of these two anesthetics. To this end, they perform Fos immunohistochemistry in perfused brain sections to label active nuclei, use a custom pipeline to register images to the ABA framework and quantify Fos+ nuclei, and perform multiple complementary analyses to compare activation patterns across groups.

      In the latest revision, I am happy to say that the authors have greatly improved their manuscript. The data are now well analyzed and the experiments fully described. They addressed all of my concerns. It is an interesting study.

    1. Dr. Koichi Kawakami (National Institute of Genetics, Japan)ZFIN: ZDB-ALT-100915-1

      DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2024.02.003

      Resource: (ZFIN Cat# ZDB-ALT-100915-1,RRID:ZFIN_ZDB-ALT-100915-1)

      Curator: @abever99

      SciCrunch record: RRID:ZFIN_ZDB-ALT-100915-1

      What is this?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      In the paper "Disentangling the relationship between cancer mortality and COVID-19", the authors study whether the number of deaths in cancer patients in the USA went up or down during the first year (2020) of the COVID-19 pandemic. They found that the number of deaths with cancer mentioned on the death certificate went up, but only moderately. In fact, the excess with-cancer mortality was smaller than expected if cancer had no influence on the COVID mortality rate and all cancer patients got COVID with the same frequency as in the general population. The authors conclude that the data show no evidence of cancer being a risk factor for COVID and that the cancer patients were likely actively shielding themselves from COVID infections.


      The paper studies an important topic and uses sound statistical and modeling methodology. It analyzes both, deaths with cancer listed as the primary cause of death, as well as deaths with cancer listed as one of the contributing causes. The authors argue, correctly, that the latter is a more important and reliable indicator to study relationships between cancer and COVID. The authors supplement their US-wide analysis by analysing three states separately.


      The main findings of the paper can be summarized as six numbers. Nationally, in 2022, multiple-cause cancer deaths went up by 2%, Alzheimer's deaths by 31%, and diabetes deaths by 39%. At the same time, assuming no relationship between these diseases and either Covid infection risk or Covid mortality risk, the deaths should have gone up by 7%, 46%, and 28%. The authors focus on cancer deaths and as 2% < 7%, conclude that cancer is not a risk factor for COVID and that cancer patients must have "shielded" themselves against Covid infections.

      However, I did not find any discussion of the other two diseases. For diabetes, the observed excess was 39% instead of "predicted by the null model" 28%. I assume this should be interpreted as diabetes being a risk factor for Covid deaths. I think this should be spelled out, and also compared to existing estimates of increased Covid IFR associated with diabetes.

      And what about Alzheimer's? Why was the observed excess 31% vs the predicted 46%? Is this also a shielding effect? Does the spring wave in NY provide some evidence here? Why/how would Alzheimer's patients be shielded? In any case, this needs to be discussed and currently, it is not.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This manuscript from Mukherjee et al examines potential connections between telomere length and tumor immune responses. This examination is based on the premise that telomeres and tumor immunity have each been shown to play separate, but important, roles in cancer progression and prognosis as well as prior correlative findings between telomere length and immunity. In keeping with a potential connection between telomere length and tumor immunity, the authors find that long telomere length is associated with reduced expression of the cytokine receptor IL1R1. Long telomere length is also associated with reduced TRF2 occupancy at the putative IL1R1 promoter. These observations lead the authors towards a model in which reduced telomere occupancy of TRF2 - due to telomere shortening - promotes IL1R1 transcription via recruitment of the p300 histone acetyltransferase. This model is based on earlier studies from this group (i.e. Mukherjee et al., 2019) which first proposed that telomere length can influence gene expression by enabling TRF2 binding and gene transactivation at telomere-distal sites. Further mechanistic work suggests that G-quadruplexes are important for TRF2 binding to IL1R1 promoter and that TRF2 acetylation is necessary for p300 recruitment. Complementary studies in human triple-negative breast cancer cells add potential clinical relevance but do not possess a direct connection to the proposed model. Overall, the article presents several interesting observations, but disconnection across central elements of the model and the marginal degree of the data leave open significant uncertainty regarding the conclusions.

      Strengths:<br /> Many of the key results are examined across multiple cell models.

      The authors propose a highly innovative model to explain their results.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Although the authors attempt to replicate most key results across multiple models, the results are often marginal or appear to lack statistical significance. For example, the reduction in IL1R1 protein levels observed in HT1080 cells that possess long telomeres relative to HT1080 short telomere cells appears to be modest (Supplementary Figure 1I). Associated changes in IL1R1 mRNA levels are similarly modest.

      Related to the point above, a lack of strong functional studies leaves an open question as to whether observed changes in IL1R1 expression across telomere short/long cancer cells are biologically meaningful.

      Statistical significance is described sporadically throughout the paper. Most major trends hold, but the statistical significance of the results is often unclear. For example, Figure 1A uses a statistical test to show statistically significant increases in TRF2 occupancy at the IL1R1 promoter in short telomere HT1080 relative to long telomere HT1080. However, similar experiments (i.e. Figure 2B, Figure 4A - D) lack statistical tests.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This manuscript presents an extremely exciting and very timely analysis of the role that the nucleosome acidic patch plays in SWR1-catalyzed histone exchange. Intriguingly, SWR1 loses activity almost completely if any of the acidic patches are absent. To my knowledge, this makes SWR1 the first remodeler with such a unique and pronounced requirement for the acidic patch. The authors demonstrate that SWR1 affinity is dramatically reduced if at least one of the acidic patches is absent, pointing to a key role of the acidic patch in SWR1 binding to the nucleosome. The authors also pinpoint a specific subunit - Swc5 - that can bind nucleosomes, engage the acidic patch, and obtain a cryo-EM structure of Swc5 bound to a nucleosome. They also identify a conserved arginine-rich motif in this subunit that is critical for nucleosome binding and histone exchange in vitro and for SWR1 function in vivo. The authors provide evidence that suggests a direct interaction between this motif and the acidic patch.

      Strengths:<br /> The manuscript is well-written and the experimental data are of outstanding quality and importance for the field. This manuscript significantly expands our understanding of the fundamentally important and complex process of H2A.Z deposition by SWR1 and would be of great interest to a broad readership.

    1. A useful model for note-taking is that of system 1 and 2 thinking. Try to do as much as possible in system 1. So, most work is done without much work and effort. Chris places his hypothesis.is workflow within system 1.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This work shows, based on basic laboratory investigations of in-vitro-grown bacteria as well as human bone samples, that conventional bacterial culture can substantially underrepresent the quantity of bacteria in infected tissues. This has often been mentioned in the literature, however, relatively limited data has been provided to date. This manuscript compares culture to a digital droplet PCR approach, which consistently showed greater levels of bacteria across the experiments (and for two different strains).

      Strengths:<br /> Consistency of findings across in vitro experiments and clinical biopsies. There are real-world clinical implications for the findings of this study.

      Weaknesses:<br /> No major weaknesses. Only three human samples were analyzed, although the results are compelling.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This study, titled "Enhancing Bone Regeneration and Osseointegration using rhPTH(1-34) and Dimeric R25CPTH(1-34) in an Osteoporotic Beagle Model," provides valuable insights into the therapeutic effects of two parathyroid hormone (PTH) analogs on bone regeneration and osseointegration. The research is methodologically sound, employing a robust animal model and a comprehensive array of analytical techniques, including micro-CT, histological/histomorphometric analyses, and serum biochemical analysis.


      The use of a large animal model, which closely mimics postmenopausal osteoporosis in humans, enhances the study's relevance to clinical applications. The study is well-structured, with clear objectives, detailed methods, and a logical flow from introduction to conclusion. The findings are significant, demonstrating the potential of rhPTH(1-34) and dimeric R25CPTH(1-34) in enhancing bone regeneration, particularly in the context of osteoporosis.


      There are no major weaknesses.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      • A summary of what the authors were trying to achieve.

      The authors cultured pre- and Post-vaccine PBMCs with overlapping peptides encoding S protein in the presence of IL-2, IL-7, and IL-15 for 10 days, and extensively analyzed the T cells expanded during the culture; by including scRNAseq, scTCRseq, and examination of reporter cell lines expressing the dominant TCRs. They were able to identify 78 S epitopes with HLA restrictions (by itself represents a major achievement) together with their subset, based on their transcriptional profiling. By comparing T cell clonotypes between pre- and post-vaccination samples, they showed that a majority of pre-existing S-reactive CD4+ T cell clones did not expand by vaccinations. Thus, the authors concluded that highly-responding S-reactive T cells were established by vaccination from rare clonotypes.

      • An account of the major strengths and weaknesses of the methods and results.


      • Selection of 4 "Ab sustainers" and 4 "Ab decliners" from 43 subjects who received two shots of mRNA vaccinations.<br /> • Identification of S epitopes of T cells together with their transcriptional profiling. This allowed the authors to compare the dominant subsets between sustainers and decliners.

      Weaknesses were properly addressed in the revised manuscript, and I do not have any additional concerns.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In the present study, the authors carefully evaluated the metabolic effects of intermittent fasting on normal chow and HFD fed mice and reported that intermittent fasting induces beiging of subcutaneous white adipose tissue. By employing complementary mouse models, the authors provided compelling evidence to support a mechanism through ILC3/IL-22/IL22R pathway. They further performed comprehensive single-cell sequencing analyses of intestinal immune cells from lean, obese, obese undergone intermittent fasting mice and revealed altered interactome in intestinal myeloid cells and ILC3s by intermittent fasting via activating AhR. Overall, this is a very interesting and timely study uncovering a novel connection between intestine and adipose tissue in the context of executing metabolic benefits of intermittent fasting.

      (1) The authors showed increased plasma IL-22 and its expression in intestine. Are intestinal ILC3s the main source of plasma IL-22?

      (2) The authors transplanted intestinal ILC3s from NCD mice to DIO mice and showed significant metabolic improvements. However, in Fig. 1, intermittent fasting increased IL-22-positive ILC3s proportion rather than changing the total number. Please clarify whether this transplantation is due to increasing ILC3s number or introducing more IL-22 positive ILC3s (which are decreased in DIO). Are these transplanted ILC3s by default homing to intestine rather than to other tissues?

      (3) The authors adopted cold challenge at 4 degree for 6 hours to assess beiging in subcutaneous WAT and showed difference in core temperature. However, thermogenesis in this acute cold challenge is mainly by brown adipose tissue. Beiging is a chronic and adaptive response. Based on the data in WAT, there is a beiging phenotype, but the core body temperature in acute cold challenge is not an accurate readout. It would be a missed opportunity by not evaluating thermogenic activity in BAT.<br /> More browning genes should be included to strengthen the beiging phenotype of WAT. Moreover, inflammation in WAT can be examined to provide a whole picture of adipose tissue remodeling through this pathway.

      (4) For the SVF beige adipocyte differentiation, 100 ng/mL IL-22 was used. This is highly above the physiological concentration at ~5 pg/mL. Please justify this high concentration used.

      The authors showed increased Ucp1 and Cidea expression by IL-22 treatment in SVFs. Please be aware that these increases are likely due to boosted adipogenesis as told by the morphology. Please examine more adipogenic markers to confirm. Is this higher adipogenesis caused by the high concentration of IL-22?<br /> In line 201, the authors drew the conclusion that IL-22 increased SVF beige differentiation. To fully support this conclusion, the authors should assure adipogenesis at the same baseline and then compare beiging, or examine the effect of IL-22 on normal adipogenesis to compare with beige differentiation.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this study, Maestri et al. use an integrative framework to study the evolutionary history of coronaviruses. They find that coronaviruses arose recently rather than having undergone ancient codivergences with their mammalian hosts. Furthermore, recent host switching has occurred extensively, but typically between closely related species. Humans have acted as an intermediate host, especially between bats and other mammal species.

      Strengths:<br /> The study draws on a range of data sources to reconstruct the history of virus-host codivergence and host switching. The analyses include various tests of robustness and evaluations through simulation.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The analyses are limited to a single genetic marker (RdRp) from coronaviruses, but using other sections of the genome might lead to different conclusions. The genetic marker also lacks resolution for recent divergences, which precludes the detailed examination of recent host switches. Careful and detailed reconstruction of the timescale would be helpful for clarifying the evolutionary history of coronaviruses alongside their hosts.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Lim W et al. investigated the mechanisms underlying doxorubicin resistance in triple negative breast cancer cells (TNBC). They use a new multifluidic cell culture chamber to grow MB-231 TNBC cells in the presence of doxorubicin and identify a cell population of large, resistant MB-231 cells they term L-DOXR cells. These cells maintain resistance when grown as a xenograft model, and patient tissues also display evidence for having cells with large nuclei and extra genomic content. RNA-seq analysis comparing L-DOXR cells to WT MB-231 cells revealed upregulation of NUPR1. Inhibition or knockdown of NUPR1 resulted in increased sensitivity to doxorubicin. NUPR1 expression was determined to be regulated via HDAC11 via promoter acetylation. The data presented could be used as a platform to understand resistance mechanisms to a variety of cancer therapeutics.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Xie and Colleagues propose here to investigate the mechanism by which exercise inhibits bone metastasis progression. The authors describe that osteocyte, sensing mechanical stimulation generated by exercise, inhibit NSCLC cell proliferation and sustain the dormancy thereof by releasing sEVs with tumor suppressor microRNAs. Furthermore, mechanical loading of the tibia inhibited the bone metastasis progression of NSCLC. Interestingly, exercise preconditioning effectively suppressed bone metastasis progression.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> TRIP13/Pch2 is a conserved essential regulator of meiotic recombination from yeast to humans. In this manuscript, the authors generated TRIP13 null mice and Flag-tagged TRIP13 knock-in mice to study its role in meiosis. They demonstrate that TRIP13 regulates MORMA domain proteins and is essential for meiotic completion and fertility. The main impact of this manuscript is its clarification of the in vivo function of TRIP13 during mouse meiosis and previously unrecognized role as a dose-sensitive regulator of meiosis.

      Strengths:<br /> Two previously reported Trip13 mutations in mice are both hypomorphic alleles with distinct phenotypes, precluding a conclusion on its function. This study for the first time generated the TRIP13 null mice, definitively revealed the function of TRIP13 in meiosis. The authors also show novel localization of TRIP13 at SC and its independence from the axial element components. The finding of dose-sensitive regulation of meiosis by TRIP13 has implication in understanding human meiosis and disease phenotypes.

      The results support the main conclusions and advance the understand of meiosis in the germline.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In previous work, the Elias group has shown that leptin-sensing PMv neurons make connections with the neuroendocrine reproductive axis and are involved in reproductive function/s. Sáenz de Miera et al. build on this body of work to investigate the sufficiency of leptin sensing PMv neurons to evoke the release of luteinizing hormone. The team further investigates how glutamate signaling from leptin-sensing neurons can influence pubertal timing in females, along with mature estrous cycles. Genetic ablation of Slc17a6 (Vglut2) from LepRb-expressing cells resulted in a delay of the first estrus cycle post-pubertal transition, along with a significantly lengthened estrous cycle in mature females. However, this deficit did not lengthen the latency to the birth of the first litter in experimental dams. Restoration of leptin signaling in LepRb PMv neurons was previously shown to induce puberty and instate reproductive function in LepRb knock-out female mice (Mahany et al., 2018). Here, Sáenz de Miera et al. use a combined genetic and viral strategy to demonstrate that glutamate signaling in LepRb PMv neurons is required for sexual maturation in LepRb knock-out female mice.

      Strengths:<br /> Most of the experiments performed in this manuscript are well-justified and rigorously tested. The genetic method to simultaneously remove glutamate signaling and restore the leptin receptor in LepRb PMv neurons was well executed and showed that glutamate signaling in LepRb PMv neurons is necessary for leptin-dependent fertility.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Analysis of experimentally induced luteinizing hormone release could be confounded by spontaneous pulses of luteinizing hormone that are independent of LepRb PMv neurons.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors employed a combinatorial CRISPR-Cas9 knockout screen to uncover synthetically lethal kinase genes that could play a role in drug resistance to kinase inhibitors in triple-negative breast cancer. The study successfully reveals FYN as a mediator of resistance to depletion and inhibition of various tyrosine kinases, notably EGFR, IGF-1R, and ABL, in triple-negative breast cancer cells and xenografts. Mechanistically, they demonstrate that KDM4 contributes to the upregulation of FYN and thereby is an important mediator of drug resistance. All together, these findings suggest FYN and KDM4A as potential targets for combination therapy with kinase inhibitors in triple-negative breast cancer. Moreover, the study may also have important implications for other cancer types and other inhibitors, as the authors suggest that FYN could be a general feature of drug-tolerant persister cells.

      Strengths:<br /> (1) The authors used a large combination matrix of druggable tyrosine kinase gene knockouts, enabling studying of co-dependence of kinase genes. This approach mitigates off-target effects typically associated with kinase inhibitors, enhancing the precision of the findings.

      (2) The authors demonstrate the importance of FYN in drug resistance in multiple ways. They demonstrate synergistic interactions using both knockouts and inhibitors, while also revealing its transcriptional upregulation upon treatment, strengthening the conclusion that FYN plays a role in the resistance.

      (3) The study extends its impact by demonstrating the potent in vivo efficacy of certain combination treatments, underscoring the clinical relevance of the identified strategies.

      Weaknesses:<br /> (1) The methods and figure legends are incomplete, posing a barrier to the reproducibility of the study and hindering a comprehensive understanding and accurate interpretation of the results.

      (2) The authors make use of a large quantity of public data (Fig. 2D/E, Fig. 3F/L/M, Fig 4C, Fig 5B/H/I), whereas it would have strengthened the paper to perform these experiments themselves. While some of this data would be hard to generate (e.g. patient data) other data could have been generated by the authors. The disadvantage of the use of public data is that it merely comprises associations, but does not have causal/functional results (e.g. FYN inhibition in the different cancer models with various drugs). Moreover, by cherry-picking the data from public sources, the context of these sources is not clear to the reader, and thus harder to interpret correctly. For example, it is not directly clear whether the upregulation of FYN in these models is a very selective event or whether it is part of a very large epigenetic re-programming, where other genes may be more critical. While some of the used data are from well-known curated databases, others are from individual papers that the reader should assess critically in order to interpret the data. Sometimes the public data was redundant, as the authors did do the experiments themselves (e.g. lung cancer drug-tolerant persisters), in this case, the public data could also be left out.

      More importantly, the original sources are not properly cited. While the GEO accession numbers are shown in a supplementary table, the articles corresponding to this data should be cited in the main text, and preferably also in the figure legend, to clarify that this data is from public sources, which is now not always the case (e.g. line 224-226). If these original papers do already mention the upregulation of FYN, and the findings from the authors are thus not original, these findings should be discussed in the Discussion section instead of shown in the Results.

      (3) The claim in the abstract (and discussion) that the study "highlights FYN as broadly applicable mediator of therapy resistance and persistence", is not sufficiently supported by the results. The current study only shows functional evidence for this for an EGFR, IGF1R, and Abl inhibitor in TNBC cells. Further, it demonstrates (to a limited extent) the role of FYN in gefitinib and osimertinib resistance (also EGFR inhibitors) in lung cancer cells. Thus, the causal evidence provided is only limited to a select subset of tyrosine kinase inhibitors in two cancer types. While the authors show associations between FYN and drug resistance in other cancer types and after other treatments, these associations are not solid evidence for a causal connection as mentioned in this statement. Epigenetic reprogramming causing drug resistance can be accompanied by altered gene expression of many genes, and the upregulation of FYN may be a consequence, but not a cause of the drug resistance. Therefore, the authors should be more cautious in making such statements about the broad applicability of FYN as a mediator of therapy resistance.

      (4) The rationale for picking and validating FYN as the main candidate gene over other genes such as FGFR2, FRK2, and TEK is not clear.<br /> a. While gene pairs containing FGFR2 knockouts seemed to be equally effective as FYN gene pairs in the primary screening, these could not be validated in the validation experiment. It is unclear whether multiple individual or a pool of gRNAs were used for this validation, or whether only 1 gRNA sequence was picked per gene for this validation. If only 1 gRNA per gene was used, this likely would have resulted in variable knockout efficiencies. Moreover, the T7 endonuclease assay may not have been the best method to check knockout efficiency, as it only implies endonuclease activity around a gene (but not to the extent of indels that can cause frameshifts, such as by TIDE analysis, or extent of reduction in protein levels by western blot).<br /> b. Moreover, FRK2 and TEK, also demonstrated many synergistic gene pairs in the primary screen. However, many of these gene pairs were not included in the validation screening. The selection criteria of candidate gene pairs for validation screening is not clear. Still, TEK-ABL2 was also validated as a strong hit in the validation screen. The authors should better explain the choice of FYN over other hits, and/or mention that TEK and FRK2 may also be important targets for combination treatment that can be further elucidated.

      (5) On several occasions, the right controls (individual treatments, performed in parallel) are not included in the figures. The authors should include the responses to each of the single treatments, and/or better explain the normalization that might explain why the controls are not shown.<br /> a. Figure 2G: The effect of PP2 treatment, without combined treatment, is not shown.<br /> b. Figure 2H/3G: The effect of the knockouts on growth alone, compared to sgGFP, is not demonstrated. It is unclear whether the viability of knockouts is normalized to sgGFP, or to each untreated knockout.<br /> c. Figure 2L: The effect of SB203580 as a single treatment is not shown.

      (6) The study examines the effects at a single, relatively late time point after treatment with inhibitors, without confirming the sequential impact on KDM4A and FYN. The proposed sequence of transcriptional upregulation of KDM4A followed by epigenetic modifications leading to FYN upregulation would be more compellingly supported by demonstrating a consecutive, rather than simultaneous, occurrence of these events. Furthermore, the protein level assessment at 48 hours (for RNA levels not clearly described), raises concerns about potential confounding factors. At this late time point, reduced cell viability due to the combination treatment could contribute to observed effects such as altered FYN expression and P38 MAPK phosphorylation, making it challenging to attribute these changes solely to the specific and selective reduction of FYN expression by KDM4A.

      (7) The cut-off for considering interactions "synergistic" is quite low. The manual of the used "SynergyFinder" tool itself recommends values above >10 as synergistic and between -10 and 10 as additive (https://synergyfinder.fimm.fi/synergy/synfin_docs/). Here, values between 5-10 are also considered synergistic. Caution should be taken when discussing those results. Showing the actual dose response (including responses to each single treatment) may be required to enable the reader to critically assess the synergy, along with its standard deviation.

      (8) As the effect size on Western blots is quite limited and sometimes accompanied by differences in loading control, these data should be further supported by quantifications of signal intensities of at least 3 biological replicates (e.g. especially Figure 3A/5A). The figure legends should also state how many independent experiments the blots are representative of.

      (9) While the article provides mechanistic insights into the likely upregulation of FYN by KDM4A, this constitutes only a fragment of the broader mechanism underlying drug resistance associated with FYN. The study falls short in investigating the causes of KDM4A upregulation and fails to explore the downstream effects (except for p38 MAPK phosphorylation, which may not be complete) of FYN upregulation that could potentially drive sustained cell proliferation and survival. These omissions limit the comprehensive understanding of the complete molecular pathway, and the discussion section does not address potential implications or pathways beyond the identified KDM4A-FYN axis. A more thorough exploration of these aspects would enhance the study's contribution to the field.

      (10) FYN has been implied in drug resistance previously, and other mechanisms of its upregulation, as well as downstream consequences, have been described previously. These were not evaluated in this paper, and are also not discussed in the discussion section. Moreover, the authors did not investigate whether any of the many other mechanisms of drug resistance to EGFR, IGF1R, and Abl inhibitors that have been described, could be related to FYN as well. A more comprehensive examination of existing literature and consideration of alternative or parallel mechanisms in the discussion would enhance the paper's contribution to understanding FYN's involvement in drug resistance.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this study, Li et al., report that FBXO24 contributes to sperm development by modulating alternative mRNA splicing and MIWI degradation during spermiogenesis. The authors demonstrated that FBXO24 deficiency impairs sperm head formation, midpiece compartmentalization, and axonemal/peri-axonemal organization in mature sperm, which causes sperm motility defects and male infertility. In addition, FBXO24 interacts with various mRNA splicing factors, which causes altered splicing events in Fbxo24-null round spermatids. Interestingly, FBXO24 also modulates MIWI levels via its polyubiquitination in round spermatids. Thus, the authors address that FBXO24 modulates global mRNA levels by regulating piRNA-mediated MIWI function and splicing events in testicular haploid germ cells.

      This study is performed with various experimental approaches to explore and elucidate underlying molecular mechanisms for the FBXO24-mediated sperm defects during germ cell development. Overall, the experiments were designed properly and performed well to support the authors' observation in each part. In addition, the findings in this study are useful for understanding the physiological and developmental significance of FBXO24 in the male germ line, which can provide insight into impaired sperm development and male infertility.

      In the revised manuscript, the authors address most of the concerns raised in the previous review. The following are representative remaining points.

      • Quantification of the defective, vacuolar mitochondria (80%) and missing annulus (30%) was not shown in the figures or described in the results as well as in a few other figures.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors assess the effectiveness of electroporating mRNA into male germ cells to rescue the expression of proteins required for spermatogenesis progression in individuals where these proteins are mutated or depleted. To set up the methodology, they first evaluated the expression of reporter proteins in wild-type mice, which showed expression in germ cells for over two weeks. Then, they attempted to recover fertility in a model of late spermatogenesis arrest that produces immotile sperm. By electroporating the mutated protein, the authors recovered the motility of ~5% of the sperm, although the sperm regenerated was not able to produce offspring using IVF.

      This is a comprehensive evaluation of the mRNA methodology with multiple strengths. First, the authors show that naked synthetic RNA, purchased from a commercial source or generated in the laboratory with simple methods, is enough to express exogenous proteins in testicular germ cells. The authors compared RNA to DNA electroporation and found that germ cells are efficiently electroporated with RNA, but not DNA. The differences between these constructs were evaluated using in vivo imaging to track the reporter signal in individual animals through time. To understand how the reporter proteins affect the results of the experiments, the authors used different reporters: two fluorescent (eGFP and mCherry) and one bioluminescent (Luciferase). Although they observed differences among reporters, in every case expression lasted for at least two weeks.

      The authors used a relevant system to study the therapeutic potential of RNA electroporation. The ARMC2-deficient animals have impaired sperm motility phenotype that affects only the later stages of spermatogenesis. The authors showed that sperm motility was recovered to ~5%, which is remarkable due to the small fraction of germ cells electroporated with RNA with the current protocol. The 3D reconstruction of an electroporated testis using state-of-the-art methods to show the electroporated regions is compelling.

      The main weakness of the manuscript is that although the authors manage to recover motility in a small fraction of the sperm population, it is unclear whether the increased sperm quality is substantial to improve assisted reproduction outcomes. The quality of the sperm was not systematically evaluated in the manuscript, with the endpoints being sperm morphology and sperm mobility.

      Some key results, such as the 3D reconstruction of the testis and the recovery of sperm motility, are qualitative given the low replicate numbers or the small magnitude of the effects. The presentation of the sperm motility data could have been clearer as well. For example, on day 21 after Armc2-mRNA electroporation, only one animal out of the three tested showed increased sperm motility. However, it is unclear from Figure 11A what the percentage of sperm motility for this animal is since the graph shows a value of >5% and the reported aggregate motility is 4.5%. It would have been helpful to show all individual data points in Figure 11A.

      The expression of the reporter genes is unambiguous; however, better figures could have been presented to show cell type specificity. The DAPI staining is diffused, and it is challenging to understand where the basement membranes of the tubules are. For example, in Figures 7B3 and 7E3, the spermatogonia seems to be in the middle of the seminiferous tubule. The imaging was better for Figure 8. Suboptimal staining appears to lead to mislabeling of some germ cell populations. For example, in Supplementary Figure 4A3, the round spermatid label appears to be labeling spermatocytes. Also, in some instances, the authors seem to be confusing, elongating spermatids with spermatozoa, such as in the case of Supplementary Figures 4D3 and D4.

      The characterization of Armc2 expression could have been improved as well. The authors show a convincing expression of ARMC2 in a few spermatids/sperm using a combination of an anti-ARMC2 antibody and tubules derived from ARMC2 KO animals. At the minimum, one would have liked to see at least one whole tubule of a relevant stage.

      Overall, the authors show that electroporating mRNA can improve spermatogenesis as demonstrated by the generation of motile sperm in the ARMC2 KO mouse model.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Asymptomatic malaria infections are frequent during the dry season and have been associated with lower cytoadherence of P. falciparum parasites and lower expression of variant surface antigens. The mechanisms underlying parasite adaptation during the low transmission season remain poorly understood. The authors previously established that members of the non-coding RNA RUF6 gene family, transcribed by RNA pol III, are required for expression of the main variant surface antigens in P. falciparum, PfEMP1, which drive parasite cytoadherence and pathogenicity. In this study, the authors investigated the contribution of RNA pol III transcription in the regulation of PfEMP1 expression in different clinical states, either symptomatic malaria cases during the wet season or asymptomatic infections during the dry season.

      By reanalyzing RNAseq data from a previous study in Mali, complemented with RT-qPCR on new samples collected in The Gambia, the authors first report the down-regulation of RNA pol III genes (tRNAs, RUF6) in P. falciparum isolates collected from asymptomatic individuals during the dry season, as compared to isolates from symptomatic (wet season) individuals. They also confirm the down-regulation of var (DBLalpha) gene expression in asymptomatic infection as compared to symptomatic malaria. Plasma analysis in the two groups in the Gambian study reveals higher Magnesium levels in the dry season as compared to wet season samples, pointing at a possible role of external factors. The authors tested the effect of MgCl2 supplementation on cultured parasites, as well as three other stimuli (temperature, low glucose, Ile deprivation), and showed that Ile deprivation and MgCl2 both induce down-regulation of RNA pol III transcription but not pol I or pol II (except the active var gene). Using RNAseq, they show that MgCl2 supplementation predominantly inhibits RNA pol III-transcribed genes, including the entire RUF6 family. Conditional depletion of Maf1 leads to the up-regulation of RNA pol III gene transcription, confirming that Maf1 is a RNA pol III inhibitor in P. falciparum, as described in other organisms. Quantitative mass spectrometry shows that Maf1 interacts with RNA pol III complex in the nucleus, and with distinct proteins including two phosphatases in the cytoplasm. Using the Maf1 cKD parasites, the authors document that the down-regulation of RNA pol III by MgCl2 is dependent on Maf1. Finally, they show that MgCl2 results in decreased cytoadherence of infected erythrocytes, associated with reduced PfEMP1 expression.


      -The work is very well performed and presented.<br /> -The study uncovers a novel regulatory mechanism relying on RNA pol III-dependent regulation of variant surface antigens in response to external signals, which could contribute to parasite adaptation during the low transmission season.<br /> -Potential regulators of Maf1 were identified by mass spectrometry, including phosphatases, paving the way for future mechanistic studies.


      -The signaling pathway upstream of Maf1 remains unknown. In eukaryotes, Maf1 is a negative regulator of RNA pol III and is regulated by external signals via the TORC pathway. Since TORC components are absent in the apicomplexan lineage, one central question that remains open is how Maf1 is regulated in P. falciparum. Magnesium is probably not the sole stimulus involved, as suggested by the observation that Ile deprivation also down-regulates RNA pol III activity.<br /> -The study does not address why MgCl2 levels vary depending on the clinical state. It is unclear whether plasma magnesium is increased during asymptomatic malaria or decreased during symptomatic infection, as the study does not include control groups with non-infected individuals. Along the same line, MgCl2 supplementation in parasite cultures was done at 3mM, which is higher than the highest concentrations observed in clinical samples.<br /> -Although the study provides biochemical evidence of Maf1 accumulation in the parasite nuclear fraction upon magnesium addition, this is not fully supported by the immunofluorescence experiments.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This manuscript presents the development of a new microscope method termed "open-top two-photon light sheet microscopy (OT-TP-LSM)". While the key aspects of the new approach (open top LSM and Two-photon microscopy) have been demonstrated separately, this is the first system of integrating the two. The integration provides better imaging depth than a single-photon excitation OT-LSM.

      Strengths:<br /> - Use of liquid prism to minimize the aberration induced by index mismatching is interesting and potentially helpful to other researchers in the field.<br /> - Use of propidium iodide (PI) provided a deeper imaging depth.

      Weaknesses:<br /> -None noted.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This study examines whether the human brain uses a hexagonal grid-like representation to navigate in a non-spatial space constructed by competence and trustworthiness. To test this, the authors asked human participants to learn the levels of competence and trustworthiness for six faces by associating them with specific lengths of bar graphs that indicate their levels in each trait. After learning, participants were asked to extrapolate the location from the partially observed morphing bar graphs. Using fMRI, the authors identified brain areas where activity is modulated by the angles of morphing trajectories in six-fold symmetry. The strength of this paper lies in the question it attempts to address. Specifically, the question of whether and how the human brain uses grid-like representations not only for spatial navigation but also for navigating abstract concepts, such as social space, and guiding everyday decision-making. This question is of emerging importance.

      I acknowledge the authors' efforts to address the comments received. However, my concerns persist:

      (1) The authors contend that shorter reaction times correlated with increased distances between individuals in social space imply that participants construct and utilize two-dimensional representations. This method is adapted from a previous study by Park et al. Yet, there is a fundamental distinction between the two studies. In the prior work, participants learned relationships between adjacent individuals, receiving feedback on their decisions, akin to learning spatial locations during navigation. This setup leads to two different predictions: If participants rely on memory to infer relationships, recalling more pairs would be necessary for distant individuals than for closer ones. Conversely, if participants can directly gauge distances using a cognitive map, they would estimate distances between far individuals as quickly as for closer ones. Consequently, as the authors suggest, reaction times ought to decrease with increasing decision value, which, in this context, corresponds to distances. However, the current study allowed participants to compare all possible pairs without restricting learning experiences, rendering the application of the same methodology for testing two-dimensional representations inappropriate. In this study, the results could be interpreted as participants not forming and utilizing two-dimensional representations.

      (2) The confounding of visual features with the value of social decision-making complicates the interpretation of this study's results. It remains unclear whether the observed grid-like effects are due to visual features or are genuinely indicative of value-based decision-making, as argued by the authors. Contrary to the authors' argument, this issue was not present in the previous study (Constantinescu et al.). In that study, participants associated specific stimuli with the identities of hidden items, but these stimuli were not linked to decision-making values (i.e., no image was considered superior to another). The current study's paradigm is more akin to that of Bao et al., which the authors mention in the context of RSA analysis. Indeed, Bao et al. controlled the length of the bars specifically to address the problem highlighted here. Regrettably, in the current paradigm, this conflation remains inseparable.

      (3) While the authors have responded to comments in the public review, my concerns noted in the Recommendation section remain unaddressed. As indicated in my recommendations, there are aspects of the authors' methodology and results that I find difficult to comprehend. Resolving these issues is imperative to facilitate an appropriate review in subsequent stages.

      Considering that the issues raised in the previous comments remain unresolved, I have retained my earlier comments below for review.

      The weak points of this paper are that its findings are not sufficiently supporting their arguments, and there are several reasons for this:

      (1) Does the grid-like activity reflect 'navigation over the social space' or 'navigation in sensory feature space'? The grid-like representation in this study could simply reflect the transition between stimuli (the length of bar graphs). Participants in this study associated each face with a specific length of two bars, and the 'navigation' was only guided by the morphing of a bar graph image. Moreover, any social cognition was not required to perform the task where they estimate the grid-like activity. To make social decision-making that was conducted separately, we do not know if participants needed to navigate between faces in a social space. Instead, they can recall bar graphs associated with faces and compute the decision values by comparing the length of bars. Notably, in the trust game in this study, the competence and trustworthiness are not equally important to make a decision (Equation 1). The expected value is more sensitive to one over the other. This also suggests that the space might not reflect social values but the perceptual differences.

      (2) Does the brain have a common representation of faces in a social space? In this study, participants don't need to have a map-like representation of six faces according to their levels of social traits. Instead, they can remember the values of each trait. The evidence of neural representations of the faces in a 2-dimensional social space is lacking. The authors argued the relationship between the reaction times and the distances between faces provides evidence of the formation of internal representations. However, this can be found without the internal representation of the relationships between faces. If the authors seek internal representations of the faces in the brain, it would be important to show that this representation is not simply driven by perceptual differences between bar graphs that participants may recall in association with each face.

      Considering these caveats, it is hard for me to agree if the authors provide evidence to support their claims.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this systematic and elegant structure-function analysis study, the authors delve into the intricate involvement of syntaxin 1 in various pivotal stages of synaptic vesicle priming and fusion. The authors use an original and fruitful approach based on the side-by-side comparison of the specific contributions of the two isoforms syntaxin 1 and syntaxin 2, and their respective SNARE domains, in priming, spontaneous and Ca2+-dependent glutamate release. The experimental approach, mastered by the authors, offers an ideal means of unraveling the molecular roles played by syntaxins. Although it is not easy to come up with a model explaining all the observed phenotypes, the authors carefully restrict their conclusions to the role of the C-terminal half of the syntaxin1 C-terminal SNARE domain in the maintenance of the RRP and the clamping of neurotransmitter release. The study is carefully carried out, the conclusions are supported by high quality data and the manuscript is clearly written. In addition, the study clearly set new questions than open new paths for future experimental work.

    1. Reviewer 1 Public Review:


      The authors set out to clarify the molecular mechanism of endocytosis (re-uptake) of synaptic vesicle (SV) membrane in the presynaptic terminal following release. They have examined the role of presynaptic actin, and of the actin regulatory proteins diaphanous-related formins ( mDia1/3), and Rho and Rac GTPases in controlling the endocytosis. They successfully show that presynaptic membrane-associated actin is required for normal SV endocytosis in the presynaptic terminal, and that the rate of endocytosis is increased by activation of mDia1/3. They show that RhoA activity and Rac1 activity act in a partially redundant and synergistic fashion together with mDia1/3 to regulate the rate of SV endocytosis. The work adds substantially to our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of SV endocytosis in the presynaptic terminal.


      The authors use state-of-the-art optical recording of presynaptic endocytosis in primary hippocampal neurons, combined with well-executed genetic and pharmacological perturbations to document effects of alteration of actin polymerization on the rate of SV endocytosis. They show that removal of the short amino-terminal portion of mDia1 that associates with the membrane interrupts the association of mDia1 with membrane actin in the presynaptic terminal. They then use a wide variety of controlled perturbations, including genetic modification of the amount of mDia1/3 by knock-down and knockout, combined with inhibition of activity of RhoA and Rac1 by pharmacological agents, to document the quantitative importance of each agent, and their synergistic relationship in regulation of endocytosis.

      The analysis is augmented by ultrastructural analyses that demonstrate the quantitative changes in numbers of synaptic vesicles and in uncoated membrane invaginations that are predicted by the optical recordings.<br /> The manuscript is well-written and the data are clearly explained. Statistical analysis of the data is strengthened by the very large number of data points analyzed for each experiment.


      There are no major weaknesses.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Visual Perceptual Learning (VPL) results in varying degrees of generalization to tasks or stimuli not seen during training. The question of which stimulus or task features predict whether learning will transfer to a different perceptual task has long been central in the field of perceptual learning, with numerous theories proposed to address it. This paper introduces a novel framework for understanding generalization in VPL, focusing on the form invariants of the training stimulus. Contrary to a previously proposed theory that task difficulty predicts the extent of generalization - suggesting that more challenging tasks yield less transfer to other tasks or stimuli - this paper offers an alternative perspective. It introduces the concept of task invariants and investigates how the structural stability of these invariants affects VPL and its generalization. The study finds that tasks with high-stability invariants are learned more quickly. However, training with low-stability invariants leads to greater generalization to tasks with higher stability, but not the reverse. This indicates that, at least based on the experiments in this paper, an easier training task results in less generalization, challenging previous theories that focus on task difficulty (or precision). Instead, this paper posits that the structural stability of stimulus or task invariants is the key factor in explaining VPL generalization across different tasks

      Strengths:<br /> - The paper effectively demonstrates that the difficulty of a perceptual task does not necessarily correlate with its learning generalization to other tasks, challenging previous theories in the field of Visual Perceptual Learning. Instead, it proposes a significant and novel approach, suggesting that the form invariants of training stimuli are more reliable predictors of learning generalization. The results consistently bolster this theory, underlining the role of invariant stability in forecasting the extent of VPL generalization across different tasks.

      - The experiments conducted in the study are thoughtfully designed and provide robust support for the central claim about the significance of form invariants in VPL generalization.

      Weaknesses:<br /> - The paper assumes a considerable familiarity with the Erlangen program and the definitions of invariants and their structural stability, potentially alienating readers who are not versed in these concepts. This assumption may hinder the understanding of the paper's theoretical rationale and the selection of stimuli for the experiments, particularly for those unfamiliar with the Erlangen program's application in psychophysics. A brief introduction to these key concepts would greatly enhance the paper's accessibility. The justification for the chosen stimuli and the design of the three experiments could be more thoroughly articulated.

      - The paper does not clearly articulate how its proposed theory can be integrated with existing observations in the field of VPL. While it acknowledges previous theories on VPL generalization, the paper falls short in explaining how its framework might apply to classical tasks and stimuli that have been widely used in the VPL literature, such as orientation or motion discrimination with Gabors, vernier acuity, etc. It also does not provide insight into the application of this framework to more naturalistic tasks or stimuli. If the stability of invariants is a key factor in predicting a task's generalization potential, the paper should elucidate how to define the stability of new stimuli or tasks. This issue ties back to the earlier mentioned weakness: namely, the absence of a clear explanation of the Erlangen program and its relevant concepts.

      - The paper does not convincingly establish the necessity of its introduced concept of invariant stability for interpreting the presented data. For instance, consider an alternative explanation: performing in the collinearity task requires orientation invariance. Therefore, it's straightforward that learning the collinearity task doesn't aid in performing the other two tasks (parallelism and orientation), which do require orientation estimation. Interestingly, orientation invariance is more characteristic of higher visual areas, which, consistent with the Reverse Hierarchy Theory, are engaged more rapidly in learning compared to lower visual areas. This simpler explanation, grounded in established concepts of VPL and the tuning properties of neurons across the visual cortex, can account for the observed effects, at least in one scenario. This approach has previously been used/proposed to explain VPL generalization, as seen in (Chowdhury and DeAngelis, Neuron, 2008), (Liu and Pack, Neuron, 2017), and (Bakhtiari et al., JoV, 2020). The question then is: how does the concept of invariant stability provide additional insights beyond this simpler explanation?

      - While the paper discusses the transfer of learning between tasks with varying levels of invariant stability, the mechanism of this transfer within each invariant condition remains unclear. A more detailed analysis would involve keeping the invariant's stability constant while altering a feature of the stimulus in the test condition. For example, in the VPL literature, one of the primary methods for testing generalization is examining transfer to a new stimulus location. The paper does not address the expected outcomes of location transfer in relation to the stability of the invariant. Moreover, in the affine and Euclidean conditions one could maintain consistent orientations for the distractors and targets during training, then switch them in the testing phase to assess transfer within the same level of invariant structural stability.

      - In the section detailing the modeling experiment using deep neural networks (DNN), the takeaway was unclear. While it was interesting to observe that the DNN exhibited a generalization pattern across conditions similar to that seen in the human experiments, the claim made in the abstract and introduction that the model provides a 'mechanistic' explanation for the phenomenon seems overstated. The pattern of weight changes across layers, as depicted in Figure 7, does not conclusively explain the observed variability in generalizations. Furthermore, the substantial weight change observed in the first two layers during the orientation discrimination task is somewhat counterintuitive. Given that neurons in early layers typically have smaller receptive fields and narrower tunings, one would expect this to result in less transfer, not more.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This paper presents valuable findings that gustation and feeding state influence the preferred environmental temperature preference in flies. Interestingly, the authors showed that by refeeding starved animals with the non-nutritive sugar sucralose, they are able to tune their preference towards a higher temperature in addition to nutrient-dependent warm preference. The authors show that temperature-sensing and sweet-sensing gustatory neurons (SGNs) are involved in the former but not the latter. In addition, their data indicate that peptidergic signals involved in internal state and clock genes are required for taste-dependent warm preference behavior.

      The authors made an analogy of their results to the cephalic phase response (CPR) in mammals where the thought, sight, and taste of food prepare the animal for the consumption of food and nutrients. They further linked this behavior to core regulatory genes and peptides controlling hunger and sleep in flies having homologues in mammals. These valuable behavioral results can be further investigated in flies with the advantage of being able to dissect the neural circuitry underlying CPR and nutrient homeostasis.

      Strengths:<br /> (1) The authors convincingly showed that tasting is sufficient to drive warm temperature preference behavior in starved flies and that it is independent of nutrient-driven warm preference.

      (2) By using the genetic manipulation of key internal sensors and genes controlling internal feeding and sleep states such as DH44 neurons and the per genes for example, the authors linked gustation and temperature preference behavior control to the internal state of the animal.

      Weaknesses:<br /> (1) The title is somewhat misleading, as the term homeostatic temperature control linked to gustation only applies to starved flies.

      (2) The authors used a temperature preference assay and refeeding for 5 minutes, 10 minutes, and 1 hour. Experimentally, it makes a difference if the flies are tested immediately after 10 minutes or at the same time point as flies allowed to feed for 1 hour. Is 10 minutes enough to change the internal state in a nutrition-dependent manner? Some of the authors' data hint at it (e.g. refeeding with fly food for 10 minutes), but it might be relevant to feed for 5/10 minutes and wait for 55/50min to do the assays at comparable time points.

      (3) A figure depicting the temperature preference assay in Figure 1 would help illustrate the experimental approach. It is also not clear why Figure 1E is shown instead of full statistics on the individual panels shown above (the data is the same).

      (4) The authors state that feeding rate and amount were not changed with sucralose and glucose. However, the FLIC assay they employed does not measure consumption, so this statement is not correct, and it is unclear if the intake of sucralose and glucose is indeed comparable. This limits some of the conclusions.

      (5) The authors make a distinction between taste-induced and nutrient-induced warm preference. Yet the statistics in most figures only show the significance between the starved and refed flies, not the fed controls. As the recovery is in many cases incomplete and used as a distinction of nutritive vs non-nutritive signals (see Figure 1E) it will be important to also show these additional statistics to allow conclusions about how complete the recovery is.

      (6) The starvation period used is ranging from 1 to 3 days, as in some cases no effect was seen upon 1 day of starvation (e.g. with clock genes or temperature sensing neurons). While the authors do provide a comparison between 18-21 and 26-29 hours old flies in Figure S1, a comparison for 42-49 and 66-69 hours of starvation is missing. This also limits the conclusion as the "state" of the animal is likely quite different after 1 day vs. 3 days of starvation and, as stated by the authors, many flies die under these conditions.

      (7) In Figure 2, glucose-induced refeeding was not tested in Gr mutants or silenced animals, which would hint at post-ingestive recovery mechanisms related to nutritional intake. This is only shown later (in Figure S3) but I think it would be more fitting to address this point here. The data presented in Figure S3 regarding the taste-evoked vs nutrient-dependent warm preference is quite important while in some parts preliminary. It would nonetheless be justified to put this data in the main figures. However, some of the conclusions here are not fully supported, in part due to different and low n numbers, which due to the inherent variability of the behavior do not allow statistically sound conclusions. The authors claim that sweet GRNs are only involved in taste-induced warm preference, however, glucose is also nutritive but, in several cases, does not rescue warm preference at all upon removal of GRN function (see Figures S3A-C). This indicates that the Gal4 lines and also the involved GRs are potentially expressed in tissues/neurons required for internal nutrient sensing.

      (8) In Figure 4, fly food and glucose refeeding do not fully recover temperature preference after refeeding. With the statistical comparison to the fed control missing, this result is not consistent with the statement made in line 252. I feel this is an important point to distinguish between state-dependent and taste/nutrition-dependent changes.

      (9) The conclusion that clock genes are required for taste-evoked warm preference is limited by the observation that they ingest less sucralose. In addition, the FLIC assay does not allow conclusions about the feeding amount, only the number of food interactions. Therefore, I think these results do not allow clear-cut conclusions about the impact of clock genes in this assay.

      (10) CPR is known to be influenced by taste, thought, smell, and sight of food. As the discussion focused extensively on the CPR link to flies it would be interesting to find out whether the smell and sight of food also influence temperature preference behavior in animals with different feeding states.

      (11) In the discussion in line 410ff the authors claim that "internal state is more likely to be associated with taste-evoked warm preference than nutrient-induced warm preference." This statement is not clear to me, as neuropeptides are involved in mediating internal state signals, both in the brain itself as well as from gut to brain. Thus, neuropeptidergic signals are also involved in nutrient-dependent state changes, the authors might just not have identified the peptides involved here. The global and developmental removal of these signals also limits the conclusions that can be drawn from the experiments, as many of these signals affect different states, circuits, and developmental progression.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Duan et al analyzed brain imaging data in UKBK and found a pattern in brain structure changes by aging. They identified two patterns and found links that can be differentiated by the categorization.

      Strengths:<br /> This discovery harbors a substantial impact on aging and brain structure and function.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Therefore, the study requires more validation efforts. Most importantly, data underlying the stratification of the two groups are not obvious and lack further details. Can they also stratified by different methods? i.e. PCA?

      Are there any external data that can be used for validation?

      Other previous discoveries or claims supporting the results of the study should be explored to support the conclusion.

      Sex was merely used as a covariate. Were there sex differences during brain aging? What was the sex ratio difference in groups 1 and 2?

      Although statistically significant, Figure 3 shows minimal differences. LTL and phenoAge are displayed in adjusted values but what are the actual values that differ between patterns 1 and 2?

      It is not intuitive to link gene expression results shown in Figure 8 and brain structure and functional differences between patterns 1 and 2. Any overlap of genes identified from analyses shown in Figure 6 (GWAS) and 8 (gene expression)?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors are trying to develop a microscopy system that generates data output exceeding the previous systems based on huge objectives.

      Strengths:<br /> They have accomplished building such a system, with a field of view of 1.5x1.0 cm2 and a resolution of up to 1.2 um. They have also demonstrated their system performance on samples such as organoids, brain sections, and embryos.

      Weaknesses:<br /> To be used as a volumetric imaging technique, the authors only showcase the implementation of multi-focal confocal sectioning. On the other hand, most of the real biological samples were acquired under wide-field illumination, and processed with so-called computational sectioning. Despite the claim that it improves the contrast, sometimes I felt that the images were oversharpened and the quantitative nature of these fluorescence images may be perturbed.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      In their study, Petersen et al. investigated the relationship between parameters of metabolic syndrome (MetS) and cortical thickness using partial least-squares correlation analysis (PLS) and performed subsequently a group comparison (sensitivity analysis). To do this, they utilized data from two large-scale population-based cohorts: the UK BioBank (UKB) and the Hamburg City Health Study (HCHS). They identified a latent variable that explained 77% of the shared variance, driven by several measures related to MetS, with obesity-related measures having the strongest contribution. Their results highlighted that higher cortical thickness in the orbitofrontal, lateral prefrontal, insular, anterior cingulate, and temporal areas is associated with lower MetS severity. Conversely, the opposite pattern was observed in the superior frontal, parietal, and occipital regions. A similar pattern was then observed in the sensitivity analysis when comparing two groups (MetS vs. matched controls) separately.

      Interestingly, after including HbA1c (a blood glycemic marker, which reflects insulin resistance much better than non-fasting glucose) in their revision, the authors identified a second latent variable accounting for 22% of shared variance mostly driven by HbA1c and blood glucose. The authors conclude that the distinct covariance profile of this variable likely indicates a separate pathological mechanistic connection between MetS components and brain morphology.

      They then mapped local cellular and network topological attributes to the observed cortical changes associated with MetS. This was achieved using cell-type-specific gene expressions from the Allen Human Brain Atlas and the group consensus functional and structural connectomes of the Human Connectome Project (HCP), respectively. This contextualization analysis allowed them to identify potential cellular contributions in these structures driven by endothelial cells, microglial cells, and excitatory neurons. It also indicated functional and structural interconnectedness of areas experiencing similar MetS effects.


      The effects of metabolic syndrome on the brain are still incompletely understood, and such multi-scale analyses are important for the field. Despite the study's sole 'correlation-based' nature, it yields valuable results, including several scales of brain parameters (cortical thickness, cellular, and network-based). The results are robust and benefit from two 'large-scale' datasets, resulting in highly powered statistics


      The weakness of this study lies mostly on the non-causative approach used here. Nevertheless, the authors are aware of the limitations of the study and carefully frame their language accordingly.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This is a well-designed study that explores the BEF relationships in fragmented landscapes. Although there are massive studies on BEF relationships, most of them were conducted at local scales, few considered the impacts of landscape variables. This study used a large dataset to specifically address this question and found that habitat loss weakened the BEF relationships. Overall, this manuscript is clearly written and has important implications for BEF studies as well as for ecosystem restoration.

      I have read the response letter provided by the authors and think they have done a great job in addressing my concerns.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This paper is of importance to scientists interested in molecular mechanisms by which actin point mutations affect its function to ultimately lead to disease states. This work thoroughly characterizes the effect of the E334Q mutation in cytoplasmic gamma-actin on two binding partners: cofilin and myosin (non-muscle myosin 2 and myosin 5). Overall, the data showing effects on cofilin function and myosin binding are convincing and the experiments performed expertly using state-of-the art approaches. Additional binding partners of actin that were not examined here may also have altered function when interacting with the mutant actin.

      Comments on revised version:

      The authors seem to have done a pretty thorough job with the rebuttal.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors deploy a combination of their own previously developed computational methods and databases (SIGNOR and CellNOptR) to model the FLT3 signaling landscape in AML and identify synergistic drug combinations that may overcome the resistance AML cells harboring ITD mutations in the TKI domain of FLT3 to FLT3 inhibitors. I did not closely evaluate the details of these computational models since they are outside of my area of expertise and have been previously published. The manuscript has significant issues with data interpretation and clarity, as detailed below, which, in my view, call into question the main conclusions of the paper.

      The authors train the model by including perturbation data where TKI-resistant and TKI-sensitive cells are treated with various inhibitors and the activity (i.e. phosphorylation levels) of the key downstream nodes are evaluated. Specifically, in the Results section (p. 6) they state "TKIs sensitive and resistant cells were subjected to 16 experimental conditions, including TNFa and IGF1 stimulation, the presence or absence of the FLT3 inhibitor, midostaurin, and in combination with six small-molecule inhibitors targeting crucial kinases in our PKN (p38, JNK, PI3K, mTOR, MEK1/2 and GSK3)". I would appreciate more details on which specific inhibitors and concentrations were used for this experiment. More importantly, I was very puzzled by the fact that this training dataset appears to contain, among other conditions, the combination of midostaurin with JNK inhibition, i.e. the very combination of drugs that the authors later present as being predicted by their model to have a synergistic effect. Unless my interpretation of this is incorrect, it appears to be a "self-fulfilling prophecy", i.e. an inappropriate use of the same data in training and verification/test datasets.

      My most significant criticism is that the proof-of-principle experiment evaluating the combination effects of midostaurin and SP600125 in FLT3-ITD-TKD cell line model does not appear to show any synergism, in my view. The authors' interpretation of the data is that the addition of SP600125 to midostaurin rescues midostaurin resistance and results in increased apoptosis and decreased viability of the midostaurin-resistant cells. Indeed, they write on p.9: "Strikingly, the combined treatment of JNK inhibitor (SP600125) and midostaurin (PKC412) significantly increased the percentage of FLT3ITD-TKD cells in apoptosis (Fig. 4D). Consistently, in these experimental conditions, we observed a significant reduction of proliferating FLT3ITD- TKD cells versus cells treated with midostaurin alone (Fig. 4E)." However, looking at Figs 4D and 4E, it appears that the effects of the midostaurin/SP600125 combination are virtually identical to SP600125 alone, and midostaurin provides no additional benefit. No p-values are provided to compare midostaurin+SP600125 to SP600125 alone but there seems to be no appreciable difference between the two by eye. In addition, the evaluation of synergism (versus additive effects) requires the use of specialized mathematical models (see for example Duarte and Vale, 2022). That said, I do not appreciate even an additive effect of midostaurin combined with SP600125 in the data presented.

      In my view, there are significant issues with clarity and detail throughout the manuscript. For example, additional details and improved clarity are needed, in my view, with respect to the design and readouts of the signaling perturbation experiments (Methods, p. 15 and Fig 2B legend). For example, the Fig 2B legend states: "Schematic representation of the experimental design: FLT3 ITD-JMD and FLT3 ITD-JMD cells were cultured in starvation medium (w/o FBS) overnight and treated with selected kinase inhibitors for 90 minutes and IGF1 and TNFa for 10 minutes. Control cells are starved and treated with PKC412 for 90 minutes, while "untreated" cells are treated with IGF1 100ng/ml and TNFa 10ng/ml with PKC412 for 90 minutes.", which does not make sense to me. The "untreated" cells appear to be treated with more agents than the control cells. The logic behind cytokine stimulation is not adequately explained and it is not entirely clear to me whether the cytokines were used alone or in combination. Fig 2B is quite confusing overall, and it is not clear to me what the horizontal axis (i.e. columns of "experimental conditions", as opposed to "treatments") represents. The Method section states "Key cell signaling players were analyzed through the X-Map Luminex technology: we measured the analytes included in the MILLIPLEX assays" but the identities of the evaluated proteins are not given in the Methods. At the same time, the Results section states "TKIs sensitive and resistant cells were subjected to 16 experimental conditions" but these conditions do not appear to be listed (except in Supplementary data; and Fig 2B lists 9 conditions, not 16). In my subjective view, the manuscript would benefit from a clearer explanation and depiction of the experimental details and inhibitors used in the main text of the paper, as opposed to various Supplemental files/figures. The lack of clarity on what exactly were the experimental conditions makes the interpretation of Fig 2 very challenging. In the same vein, in the PCA analysis (Fig 2C) there seems to be no reference to the cytokine stimulation status while the authors claim that PC2 stratifies cells according to IGF1 vs TNFalpha. There are numerous other examples of incomplete or confusing legends and descriptions which, in my view, need to be addressed to make the paper more accessible.

      I am not sure that I see significant value in the patient-specific logic models because they are not supported by empirical evidence. Treating primary cells from AML patients with relevant drug combinations would be a feasible and convincing way to validate the computational models and evaluate their potential benefit in the clinical setting.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This study reports a long-term, multisite study of tropical herbivory on Piper plants. The results are clear that lack of water leads to lower plant survival and altered herbivory. The results varied substantially among sites. The caveats are that ecosystem processes beyond water availability are not investigated although they are brought into play in the title and in the paper, that herbivory beyond leaf damage was not reported (there might be none, reader needs to be shown the evidence for this), that herbivore diversity is defined by leaf damage (authors need to give evidence that this is a valid inference), that the plots were isolated from herbivores beyond their borders, that the effects of extreme climate events were isolated to Peru, that intraspecific variation in the host plants needs to be explained and interpreted in more detail, the results as reported are extremely complicated, the discussion is overly long and diffuse.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this study, the authors aimed to investigate how cells respond to dynamic combinations of two stresses compared to dynamic inputs of a single stress. They applied the two stresses - carbon stress and hyperosmotic stress - either in or out of phase, adding and removing glucose and sorbitol.

      Both a strength and a weakness is that the cells' hyperosmotic response strongly requires glucose. For in-phase stress, cells are exposed to hyperosmotic shock without glucose, limiting their ability to respond with the well-studied HOG pathway; for anti-phase stress, cells do have glucose when hyperosmotically shocked, but experience a hypo-osmotic shock when both glucose and sorbitol are simultaneously removed. Responding with the HOG pathway and so amassing intracellular glycerol amplifies the impact of this hypo-osmotic shock. Counterintuitively then, it is the presence of glucose rather than the stress of its absence that is deleterious for the cells.

      The bulk of the paper supports these conclusions with clean, compelling time-lapse microscopy, including extensive analysis of gene deletions in the HOG network and measurements of both division and death rates. The methodology the authors develop is powerful and widely applicable.

      The authors' findings demonstrate the tight links that can exist between metabolism and the ability to respond to stress and the novel insights that can be gained using multiple dynamic inputs.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Recently discovered extrachromosomal DNA (ecDNA) provides an alternative non-chromosomal means for oncogene amplification and a potent substrate for selective evolution of tumors. The current work aims to identify key genes whose expression distinguishes ecDNA+ and ecDNA- tumors and the associated processes to shed light on the biological mechanisms underlying ecDNA genesis and their oncogenic effects. This is clearly an important question and through detailed analysis this work points to specific GO processes associated (up and down) with ecDNA+ tumors, namely, specific DNA damage repair processes and specific oncogenic processes.

      In the initial submission I had commented on lack of clarity of method, potential biases, and in some cases inappropriate interpretation. In the revised version, the authors have addressed all my comments satisfactorily and I think this is an important work furthering our understanding of mechanisms underlying ecDNA+ tumors.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors developed an extension to the pairwise sequentially Markov coalecent model that allows to simultaneously analyze multiple types of polymorphism data. In this paper, they focus on SNPs and DNA methylation data. Since methylation markers mutate at a much faster rate than SNPs, this potentially gives the method better power to infer size history in the recent past. Additionally, they explored a model where there are both local and regional epimutational processes.

      Integrating additional types of heritable markers into SMC is a nice idea which I like in principle. However, a major caveat to this approach seems to be a strong dependence on knowing the epimutation rate. In Fig. 6 it is seen that, when the epimutation rate is known, inferences do indeed look better; but this is not necessarily true when the rate is not known. (See also major comment #1 below about the interpretation of these plots.) A roughly similar pattern emerges in Supp. Figs. 4-7; in general, results when the rates have to be estimated don't seem that much better than when focusing on SNPs alone. This carries over to the real data analysis too: the interpretation in Fig. 7 appears to hinge on whether the rates are known or estimated, and the estimated rates differ by a large amount from earlier published ones.

      Overall, this is an interesting research direction, and I think the method may hold more promise as we get more and better epigenetic data, and in particular better knowledge of the epigenetic mutational process. At the same time, I would be careful about placing too much emphasis on new findings that emerge solely by switching to SNP+SMP analysis.

      Major comments:<br /> - For all of the simulated demographic inference results, only plots are presented. This allows for qualitative but not quantitative comparisons to be made across different methods. It is not easy to tell which result is actually better. For example, in Supp. Fig. 5, eSMC2 seems slightly better in the ancient past, and times the trough more effectively, while SMCm seems a bit better in the very recent past. For a more rigorous approach, it would be useful to have accompanying tables that measure e.g. mean-squared error (along with confidence intervals) for each of the different scenarios, similar to what is already done in Tables 1 and 2 for estimating $r$.

      - 434: The discussion downplays the really odd result that inputting the true value of the mutation rate, in some cases, produces much worse estimates than when they are learned from data (SFig. 6)! I can't think of any reason why this should happen other than some sort of mathematical error or software bug. I strongly encourage the authors to pin down the cause of this puzzling behaviour. (Comment addressed in revision. Still, I find the explanation added at 449ff to be somewhat puzzling -- shouldn't the results of the regional HMM scan only improve if the true mutation rate is given?)

      - As noted at 580, all of the added power from integrating SMPs/DMRs should come from improved estimation of recent TMRCAs. So, another way to study how much improvement there is would be to look at the true vs. estimated/posterior TMRCAs. Although I agree that demographic inference is ultimately the most relevant task, comparing TMRCA inference would eliminate other sources of differences between the methods (different optimization schemes, algorithmic/numerical quirks, and so forth). This could be a useful addition, and may also give you more insight into why the augmented SMC methods do worse in some cases. (Comment addressed in revision via Supp. Table 7.).

      - A general remark on the derivations in Section 2 of the supplement: I checked these formulas as best I could. But a cleaner, less tedious way of calculating these probabilities would be to express the mutation processes as continuous time Markov chains. Then all that is needed is to specify the rate matrices; computing the emission probabilities needed for the SMC methods reduces to manipulating the results of some matrix exponentials. In fact, because the processes are noninteracting, the rate matrix decomposes into a Kronecker sum of the individual rate matrices for each process, which is very easy to code up. And this structure can be exploited when computing the matrix exponential, if speed is an issue.

      - Most (all?) of the SNP-only SMC methods allow for binning together consecutive observations to cut down on computation time. I did not see binning mentioned anywhere, did you consider it? If the method really processes every site, how long does it take to run?

      - 486: The assumed site and region (de)methylation rates listed here are several OOM different from what your method estimated (Supp. Tables 5-6). Yet, on simulated data your method is usually correct to within an order of magnitude (Supp. Table 4). How are we to interpret this much larger difference between the published estimates and yours? If the published estimates are not reliable, doesn't that call into question your interpretation of the blue line in Fig. 7 at 533? (Comment addressed in revision.)

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary: This study examines the role of host blood meal source, temperature, and photoperiod on the reproductive traits of Cx. quinquefasciatus, an important vector of numerous pathogens of medical importance. The host use pattern of Cx. quinquefasciatus is interesting in that it feeds on birds during spring and shifts to feeding on mammals towards fall. Various hypotheses have been proposed to explain the seasonal shift in host use in this species but have provided limited evidence. This study examines whether the shifting of host classes from birds to mammals towards autumn offers any reproductive advantages to Cx. quinquefasciatus in terms of enhanced fecundity, fertility, and hatchability of the offspring. The authors found no evidence of this, suggesting that alternate mechanisms may drive the seasonal shift in host use in Cx. quinquefasciatus.

      Strengths: Host blood meal source, temperature, and photoperiod were all examined together.

      Weaknesses: The study was conducted in laboratory conditions with a local population of Cx. quinquefasciatus from Argentina. I'm not sure if there is any evidence for a seasonal shift in the host use pattern in Cx. quinquefasciatus populations from the southern latitudes.

      Comments on the revision:

      Overall, I am not quite convinced about the possible shift in host use in the Argentinian populations of Cx. quinquefasciatus. The evidence from the papers that the authors cite is not strong enough to derive this conclusion. Therefore, I think that the introduction and discussion parts where they talk about host shift in Cx. quinquefasciatus should be removed completely as it misleads the readers. I suggest limiting the manuscript to talking only about the effects of blood meal source and seasonality on the reproductive outcomes of Cx. quinquefasciatus.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In their manuscript, Laporte et al. analyze the process of formation of the quiescent-cell nuclear microtubule (Q-nMT) bundle, a set of parallel MTs that emanate from the nuclear side of the spindle pole bodies (SPBs) upon the entry of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells in quiescence. Based on their results, the authors propose that Q-nMT bundle formation is a multistep process that comprises three distinct sequential phases. The authors further evaluate the role of different factors during the growth of the Q-nMT bundle upon quiescence entry, as well as during the disassembly of this structure once the cells resume their proliferation.

      The Q-nMT is an interesting cellular structure whose physiological function is still widely unknown. Hence, providing new insights into the dynamics of Q-nMT bundle formation and identifying new factors involved in this process is an interesting topic of relevance in the field. The authors made a substantial effort in order to evaluate Q-nMT bundle establishment and provide a considerable amount of data, mainly obtained from microscopy analyses. Overall, the experiments are mostly well described and properly executed, and the data in the manuscript are clearly presented. Despite the interest of the study, nonetheless, there are several issues that could affect the validity of some conclusions drawn. In this way, regarding the analysis of the dynamics of Q-nMT bundle formation, the described experimental setup raises certain concerns, which mostly derive from the use of the microtubule-depolymerizing agent nocodazole as the only approach to evaluate this process. Also, regarding the factors involved in Q-nMT formation, the differences in microtubule length with the wild type strain, despite being statistically significant, are really subtle for many of the mutants analyzed (e.g., bir1, slk19, etc.). Furthermore, it is also puzzling that an effect on Q-nMT formation is proposed for meiosis-specific factors such as Mam1, which might as well be present during quiescence, but seems to be also detected in proliferating cells. Lastly, the evidence shown are insufficient to provide a direct link between defects in cell viability and aberrant Q-nMT formation.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The study presented in this manuscript presents very convincing evidence that purifying selection is the main force shaping the landscape of TE polymorphisms in B. distachyon, with only a few putatively adaptive variants detected, even though most conclusions are based on the 10% of polymorphisms contributed by retrotransposons. That first conclusion is not novel, however, as it had already been clearly established in natural A. thaliana strains (Baduel et al. Genome Biol 2021) and in experimental D. simulans lines (Langmüller et al. NAR 2023). In contrast to the conclusions reached in A. thaliana, however, Horvath et al. report here a seemingly deleterious effect of TE insertions even very far away from genes (>5kb), a striking observation for a genome of relatively similar size. However, SNPs within these regions show similar allele frequency deviations, suggesting this effect may be due to mapping quality artefacts in gene poor regions of the genome. An additional caveat of this study is the lack of orthogonal benchmarking of the TE polymorphisms calls by a pipeline known for a high rate of false positives (see detailed Private Recommendations #1). The authors note that their conclusions are still valid using only the highest covered samples (>20x), yet this coverage threshold is relatively low and higher coverage would mostly reduce the rate of false negatives.

      Nonetheless, this set of observations makes an important addition to the knowledge of TE dynamics in the wild and questions our understanding of the main molecular mechanisms through which TEs can impact fitness.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Many drugs have off-target effects on the gut microbiota but the downstream consequences for drug efficacy and side effect profiles remain unclear. Herein, Wang et al. use a mouse model of liver injury coupled to antibiotic and microbiota transplantation experiments. Their results suggest that metformin-induced shifts in gut microbial community structure and metabolite levels may contribute to drug efficacy. This study provides valuable mechanistic insights that could be dissected further in future studies, including efforts to identify which specific bacterial species, genes, and metabolites play a causal role in drug response. Importantly, although some pilot data from human subjects is shown, the clinical relevance of these findings for liver disease remain to be determined.

      Comments on revised version:

      The authors have now addressed my original concerns.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The work by Ohigashi and colleagues addresses the developmental and lineage relationship of a newly characterized thymus epithelial cell (TEC) progenitor subset. The authors take advantage of an elegant and powerful set of experimental approaches to demonstrate that CCL21-expressing TECs appear early in thymus organogenesis and that these cells, which are centrally located, go on to give rise to medullary (m)TECs. What makes the findings intriguing is that these CCL21-expressing mTECs are a distinct subset, which do not express RANK or AIRE, and transcriptomic and lineage tracing approaches point to these cells as potential mTEC progenitor-like cells. Of note, using in vitro and in vivo precursor-product cell transfer experiments, the authors show that this subset has a developmental potential to give rise to AIRE+ self-antigen-displaying mTECs, revealing that CCL21-expressing mTECs can give rise to distinct mTEC subsets. This functional duality provides an attractive rationale for the necessary function of mTECs, which is to attract CCR7+ thymocytes that have just undergone positive selection in the thymus cortex to enter the medulla to undergo tolerance-induction against self-antigen-displaying mTECs. Overall, the work is well supported and offers new insights into the diverse functions of the medullary compartment, and how two distinct subsets of mTECs can achieve it.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this study, Wu et al. investigated the microbiome in the rhizosphere and roots of plant species along an elevational gradient. They found that: (i) plants with higher root nitrogen ("fast" strategy) were more likely to be associated with saprotrophic fungi, plant pathogenic fungi, and AM fungi, but plants with lower root nitrogen ("slow" strategy) were more likely to be associated with ectomycorrhizal fungi; (ii) bacterial functional guilds were associated with root-zone pH but not root traits.

      Strengths:<br /> This study is novel in the sense that it revealed the associations between microbiome and trait dimensions of plants. This has been rarely explored even though we acknowledge the importance of plant-microbe interactions.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The authors tried to include the relative abundances of bacterial and fungal guilds into the root economics framework, which I disagree with because they are just associated with the root economics framework. The title also states that the authors' aim is to link microbial functional guilds to root economics. Therefore, I would suggest that the analyses should be redone to elaborate on the relationships between microbiome and root functional traits.

      Below I provide some critiques and comments that outline my concerns and provide recommendations to hopefully improve the current manuscript.

      -Figures 2 and 3: The authors included soil properties, relative abundances of bacterial or fungal guilds, and root traits in the root economics spectrum. However, soil properties and relative abundances of bacterial or fungal guilds are not root traits, they are just associated with root traits. These bacterial or fungal guilds are the consequence of root traits. Also, the authors did not elaborate on the root trait dimensions of the plants. The only trait dimension they discussed is the "fast-slow" axis. Therefore, I would suggest the authors first analyze the trait dimensions of plants by only using the root traits (PCA), and then explore how the soil properties and relative abundances of bacterial or fungal guilds are associated with the trait dimensions (e.g., envfit in the vegan package).

      -When exploring the associations between microbial functional guilds and root traits, it is unnecessary to analyze the bacterial and fungal functional guilds separately. The bacterial and fungal functional guilds can be included in the same models, and their relative importance and patterns can be compared.

      -For fungi, the authors used FUNGuild to infer functional guilds from taxonomy. qPCR was also performed to validate the results of AMF. This is fantastic. For bacteria, the authors used FAPROTAX to infer functional guilds from taxonomy. However, archaea are also considered in some functions in FAPROTAX. For example, both bacteria (ammonia-oxidizing bacteria) and archaea (ammonia-oxidizing archaea) play critical roles in nitrification. I would assume the authors have removed archaea from the dataset because they stated that the functions of bacteria are inferred from FAPROTAX. Therefore, the importance of nitrification might be underestimated.

      -Key methodological details are missing. First, maps of the sampling site and plots are missing. It would be great if the authors provided maps showing the location of the sampling site and the spatial distribution of the 11 plots. Second, in lines 304-306 the authors claimed that they sampled the most common species in the plots, but they did not provide the coverage or relative abundances of plant species in the plots.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This study used a multi-day learning paradigm combined with fMRI to reveal neural changes reflecting the learning of new (arbitrary) shape-sound associations. In the scanner, the shapes and sounds are presented separately and together, both before and after learning. When they are presented together, they can be either consistent or inconsistent with the learned associations. The analyses focus on auditory and visual cortices, as well as the object-selective cortex (LOC) and anterior temporal lobe regions (temporal pole (TP) and perirhinal cortex (PRC)). Results revealed several learning-induced changes, particularly in the anterior temporal lobe regions. First, the LOC and PRC showed a reduced bias to shapes vs sounds (presented separately) after learning. Second, the TP responded more strongly to incongruent than congruent shape-sound pairs after learning. Third, the similarity of TP activity patterns to sounds and shapes (presented separately) was increased for non-matching shape-sound comparisons after learning. Fourth, when comparing the pattern similarity of individual features to combined shape-sound stimuli, the PRC showed a reduced bias towards visual features after learning. Finally, comparing patterns to combined shape-sound stimuli before and after learning revealed a reduced (and negative) similarity for incongruent combinations in PRC. These results are all interpreted as evidence for an explicit integrative code of newly learned multimodal objects, in which the whole is different from the sum of the parts.

      The study has many strengths. It addresses a fundamental question that is of broad interest, the learning paradigm is well-designed and controlled, and the stimuli are real 3D stimuli that participants interact with. The manuscript is well written and the figures are very informative, clearly illustrating the analyses performed.

      There are also some weaknesses. The sample size (N=17) is small for detecting the subtle effects of learning. Most of the statistical analyses are not corrected for multiple comparisons (ROIs), and the specificity of the key results to specific regions is also not tested. Furthermore, the evidence for an integrative representation is rather indirect, and alternative interpretations for these results are not considered.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The hypothesis that the MA myristyl switch is a trigger for M-PMV maturation is derived from previously published findings, and is well supported by the data presented in this manuscript. The results suggest a new function for the myristyl switch, one that could perhaps be relevant for other proteins. Below are some suggestions for improving the MS.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This study demonstrates that Langerhans ADAM17 is lower in nonlesional skin and type I interferons have effects on ADAM17. ADAM17 releases EGFR ligands that preserve epidermal integrity. LC ROS is lower with high type I interferons, accompanied by reduced epidermal EGFR phosphorylation in nonlesional skin in SLE. The authors did an outstanding job with data from 3 animal models and human lupus skin to demonstrate their findings.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The work by Porciello and colleagues provides scientific evidence that the acidic content of the stomach covaries with the experienced level of disgust and fear evoked by disgusting videos. The working of the inside of the gut during cognitive or emotional processes have remained elusive due to the invasiveness of the methods to study it. The major strength of the paper is the use of the non-invasive smart pill technology, which senses changes in Ph, pressure and temperature as it travels through the gut, allowing authors to investigate how different emotions induced with validated video clips modulate the state of the gut. The experimental paradigm used to evoke distinct emotions was also successful, as participants reported the expected emotions after each emotion block. While the reported evidence is correlational in nature, I believe these results open up new avenues for studying brain-body interactions during emotions in cognitive neuroscience, and future causal manipulations will shed more insight on this phenomena. Indeed, this is the first study to provide evidence for a link between gastric acidity and emotional experience beyond single patient studies, and it has major implications for the advancement of our understanding of disorders with psycho-somatic influences, such as stress and it's influence of gastritis.

      As for the limitations, little insight is provided on the mechanisms, time scales, and inter-individual variability of the link between gastric Ph and emotional induction. Since this is a novel phenomena, it would be important to further validate and characterize this finding. On this line, one of the most well known influences of disgust on the gut is tachygastria, the acceleration of the gastric rhythm. It would be important to understand how acid secretion by disgusting film is related to tachygastria, but authors only examine the influence of disgusting film on the normogastric frequency range. Additionally, only one channel of the electrogastrogram (EGG) was used to measure the gastric rhythm, and no information is provided on the quality of the recordings. With only one channel of EGG, it is often impossible to identify the gastric rhythm as the position of the stomach varies from person to person, yielding inaccurate estimates of the frequency of the gastric rhythm. Finally, I believe that the results do not show evidence in favor of the discrete nature of emotions theory as they claim in the discussion. Authors chose to use stimuli inducing discrete emotions, and only asked subjective reports of these same discrete emotions, so these results shed no light on whether emotions are represented discretely vs continuously in the brain.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This manuscript describes the results of closed-loop SWR disruption in rats experiencing a short-term memory task that they previously acquired successfully. The authors aim to show that SWRs are dispensable for STM tasks requiring multiple match-to-sample trial rules, single-trial non-match-to-sample rules, and spatial sequence memory. In all cases, the analysis and intervention were performed at the higher standards, providing a clear proof-of-principle of appropriate detection and the necessary control. I found the experiments well executed and analyzed. Results may help to advance our understanding of the role of awake SWRs in STM. However, since the results consist of a lack of evidence there is a need for some additional positive controls to fully support the main claim of the study.

    1. Ausführlicher Bericht über die neue Studie zum Zustand des Amazonas-Regenwalds. Bis 2050 drohen 10-47% einen Kipppunkt zu erreichen, jenseits dessen sie ihre jetzigen Funktionen für Kohlenstoff- und Wasser Zyklen verloren. Die Studie beschäftigt sich mit 5 Treibern für Wasser-Stress. Um den Regenwald sicher zu erhalten, ist der Verzicht auf jede weitere Entwaldung und das Einhalten der 1,5°-Grenze nötig. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/feb/14/amazon-rainforest-could-reach-tipping-point-by-2050-scientists-warn

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary: Zai et al test if songbirds can recover the capacity to sing auditory targets without singing experience or sensory feedback. Past work showed that after the pitch of targeted song syllables are driven outside of birds' preferred target range with external reinforcement, birds revert to baseline (i.e. restore their song to their target). Here the authors tested the extent to which this restoration occurs in muted or deafened birds. If these birds can restore, this would suggest an internal model that allows for sensory-to-motor mapping. If they cannot, this would suggest that learning relies entirely on feedback dependent mechanisms, e.g. reinforcement learning (RL). The authors find that deafened birds exhibit moderate but significant restoration, consistent with the existence of a previously under-appreciated internal model in songbirds.


      The experimental approach of studying vocal plasticity in deafened or muted birds is innovative, technically difficult and perfectly suited for the question of feedback-independent learning. The finding in Figure 4 that deafened birds exhibit subtle but significant plasticity toward restoration of their pre-deafening target is surprising and important for the songbird and vocal learning fields, in general.

      In this revision, the authors suitably addressed the confusion about some statistical methods related to Fig. 4, where the main finding of vocal plasticity in deafened birds was presented.

      There remain minor issues in the presentation early in the results section and in Fig. 4 that should be straightforward to clarify in revision.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> By examining the prevalence of interactions with ancient amino acids of coenzymes in ancient versus recent folds, the authors noticed an increased interaction propensity for ancient interactions. They infer from this that coenzymes might have played an important role in prebiotic proteins.

      Strengths:<br /> (1) The analysis, which is very straightforward, is technically correct. However, the conclusions might not be as strong as presented.

      (2) This paper presents an excellent summary of contemporary thought on what might have constituted prebiotic proteins and their properties.

      (3) The paper is clearly written.

      Weaknesses:<br /> (1) The conclusions might not be as strong as presented. First of all, while ancient amino acids interact less frequently in late with a given coenzyme, maybe this just reflects the fact that proteins that evolved later might be using residues that have a more favorable binding free energy.

      (2) What about other small molecules that existed in the probiotic soup? Do they also prefer such ancient amino acids? If so, this might reflect the interaction propensity of specific amino acids rather than the inferred important role of coenzymes.

      (3) Perhaps the conclusions just reflect the types of active sites that evolved first and nothing more.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this study, Hunt et al investigated the role of the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme UBE2D/effete (eff) in maintaining proteostasis during aging. Utilizing Drosophila as a model, the researchers observed diverse roles of E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes in handling the aggregation-prone protein huntingtin-polyQ in the retina. While some E2s facilitated aggregate assembly, UBE2D/eff and other E2s were crucial for degradation of htt-polyQ. The study also highlights the significance of UBE2D/eff in skeletal muscle, showing that declining levels of eff during aging correlate with proteostasis disruptions. Knockdown of eff in muscle led to accelerated accumulation of poly-ubiquitinated proteins, shortened lifespan, and mirrored proteomic changes observed in aged muscles. The introduction of human UBE2D2, analogous to eff, partially rescued the deficits in lifespan and proteostasis caused by eff-RNAi expression in muscles.

      The conclusions of this paper are mostly well supported by data, although a more precise mechanistic explanation of phenotypes associated with UBE2D/eff deficiency would have strengthened the study. Additionally, some aspects of image quantification and data analysis need to be clarified and/or extended.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This study explores the relationship between neurodegeneration's most common spatial patterns and the density of different cell types in the cerebral cortex. The authors present data showing that atrophy patterns in Alzheimer's disease and Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) strongly associated with the abundance of astrocytes and microglia. This work (the original manuscript and the revision) takes a step in the right direction by emphasizing the critical role that cells other than neurons play in the degeneration patterns observable with neuroimaging.

      Comments on revised version:

      I appreciate the revisions the authors made to address my main comments:<br /> - adding whole-brain maps showing cellular abundance and atrophy<br /> - stratifying the FTD group into the three clinically defined categories bvFTD (behavior-variant), nfvPPA (nonfluent/agrammatic-variant primary progressive aphasia), and svPPA (semantic-variant primary progressive aphasia).

      I reiterate my agreement with the authors that this work demonstrates the need to "surpass the current neuro-centric view of brain diseases and the imperative for identifying cell-specific therapeutic targets in neurodegeneration".

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      In this paper, Ruggiero, Leite and colleagues assess the effects of early life seizures on a large number of anatomical, physiological, behavioral and neurochemical measures. They find that prolonged early life seizures do not lead to obvious cell loss, but lead to astrogliosis, working memory deficits on the radial arm maze, increased startle response, decreased paired pulse inhibition, and increased hippocampal-PFC LTP. There was a U-shaped relationship between LTP and cognitive deficits. There is increased theta power during the awake state in ELS animals but reduced PFC theta-gamma coupling and reduced theta HPC-PFC coherence. Theta coherence seems to be similar in ACT and REM states in ELS animals while in decreases in active relative REM in controls.


      The main strength of the paper is the number of convergent techniques used to understand how hippocampal PFC neural dynamics and behavior change after early life seizures. The sheer scale, breadth and reach of the experiments are praiseworthy. It is clear that the paper is a major contribution to the field as far as understanding the impact of early life seizures. The LTP findings are robust and provide an important avenue for future study. The experiments are performed carefully and the analysis is appropriate. The paper is well-written and the figures are clear.


      The main weakness of the paper remains the lack of causal manipulations to determine whether prevention or augmentation of any of the findings have any impact on behavior or cognition. Alternatively, if other manipulations would enhance working memory in ELS animals, it would have been interesting to see the effects on any of these parameters measured in the paper. The authors now discuss the lack of causal manipulations in the discussion but have not performed new experiments to address this weakness. Also, I find the sections where correlations and dimensionality reduction techniques are used to compare all possible variables to each other less compelling than the rest of the paper (with the exception of the findings of U shaped relationship of cognition to LTP). In fact, I think these sections take away from the impact of the actual findings. The rationale for the apomorphine experiments are now explained more fully.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The manuscript examines an important question, namely how the brain associates events spaced in time. It uses a variety of neural methods including fiber photometry as well as area-specific and pathway-silencing methods with the exquisite dissociation of norepinephrine and dopamine. The data show that neurons in the locus coeruleus (LC) respond to auditory cue onset, offset, and shock. These responses are stronger if the cue is paired with shock in a trace procedure. Optogenetic stimulation similar to the neural response captured by fiber photometry enhances associative learning. LC terminals in the dorsal hippocampus also showed phasic responses during fear conditioning and drove dopamine and norepinephrine responses. Pharmacological methods revealed that dopamine and not norepinephrine are critical for fear learning.


      The examination of the neural signal to different tone intensities, different shock intensities, repeated tone presentation (habituation), and conditioning, offers an unprecedented account of the neural signal to non-associative and associative processes. This kind of deconstruction of the elements of conditioning offers a strong account of how the brain processes the stimuli used and their interaction during learning.

      Excellent use of data acquired with fiber photometry in the optogenetic interrogation study.

      The use of pharmacology to disentangle dopamine and norepinephrine was excellent.

      Comments on revised version:

      The authors have thoroughly and thoughtfully addressed my prior concerns.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The authors conducted two tasks at 300 days separation. First, a social perception task, where Ps responded whether a pictured person either deserved or needed help. Second, an altruism task, where Ps are offered monetary allocations for themselves and a partner. Ps decide whether to accept, or a default allocation of 20 dollars each. The partners differed in perceived merit, such that they were highly deserving, undeserving or unknown. This categorisation was decided on the basis of a prisoners dilemma game the partner played beforehand. "Need" was also manipulated, by altering the probability that the partner must have their hand in cold water at the end of the experiment and this partner can use the money to buy themselves out. These two tasks were conducted to assess the perception of need/merit in the first instance, and how this relates to social behaviour in the second. fMRI data were collected alongside behavioural.

      The authors present many analyses of behaviour (including DDM results) and fMRI. E.g., they demonstrate that they could decode across the mentalising network whether someone was making a need or deserving judgement vs control judgements but couldn't decode need vs deserving. And that brain responses during merit inferences (merit - control) systematically covaried with participants' merit sensitivity scores in the rTPJ. They also found relationships between behaviour and rTPJ in the altruism task. And that merit sensitivity in the perception task predicted influence of merit on social behaviour in the altruism task.


      This manuscript represents a sensible model to predict social perceptions and behaviours, and a tidy study design with interesting findings. The introduction introduced the field especially brilliantly for a general audience.


      These are small samples. This is especially the case for the correlational questions. The limitation is acknowledged, but does mean that we cannot conclude much from absent relationships, where the likelihood of Type II error is high.

      Decoding analyses. The authors decode need vs merit, and need+merit vs control, not the content of these inferences. The logic of these analyses implies that there is a distributed representation of merit that does not relate to its content but is an abstracted version that applies to all merit judgements. However, these analyses are not central to the authors' aims and conclusions, so this is just a minor point.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> A long literature in cognitive neuroscience studies how humans and animals adjudicate between conflicting goals. However, despite decades of research on the topic, a clear computational account of control has been difficult to pin down. In this project, Petri, Musslick, & Cohen attempt to formalize and quantify the problem of control in the context of toy neural networks performing conflicting tasks.

      This manuscript builds on the formalism introduced in Petri et al (2021), "Topological limits to the parallel processing capability of network architectures", which describes a set of tasks as a graph in which input nodes (stimuli) are connected to output nodes (responses). Each edge in this graph links an input node to an output node, representing a "task"; i.e. a word reading task connects the input node "word" to the output node "read". Cleverly, patterns of interference and conflict between tasks can be quantified from this graph. In the current manuscript, the authors extend this framework by converting these graphs into neural networks and a) allowing edges to be continuous rather than binary; b) introducing "hidden layers" of units between input and output nodes; and c) introducing a "control" signal that modulates edge weights. The authors then examine how, in such a network, optimal behavior may involve serial versus parallel execution of different sets of tasks.

      Strengths:<br /> There is a longstanding belief in cognitive neuroscience that "control" manages conflicts by scheduling tasks to be executed in parallel versus serially; I applaud the efforts of the authors to give these intuitions a more concrete computational grounding.

      My main scientific concern is that the authors focus on what seems like an arbitrary set of network architectures. The networks considered here are derived by converting task graphs, which represent a multitasking problem, into networks for _performing_ that multitasking problem. Frankly, these networks do not look like any neural network a computer scientist would use to actually solve a problem, nor do they seem biologically realistic. Furthermore, adding hidden layers to these networks only ever seems to make performance worse (Figures 4, 11), introducing unnecessary noise and interference; it would seem more useful to study a network architecture in which hidden layers fulfilled some useful purpose (as they do in the brain and machine learning).

      However, this scientific concern is secondary to the major problem with this paper, which is clarity.

      Major problem: A lack of clarity

      I found this paper extremely difficult to read. To illustrate my difficulty, I will describe a subset of my confusion.

      The authors define the "entropy" of an action in equation 1, but the content of the equation gives what is sometimes referred to as the "surprisal" of the action. Conventionally (as per Wikipedia and any introductory textbook I am familiar with), entropy is the "expected surprisal" of a random variable, not the surprisal of a single action. This creates immediate confusion going into the results. Furthermore, defining "entropy" this way means that "information" is functionally equivalent to accuracy for the purposes of this paper, in which case I do not know what has been gained by this excursion into (non-standard) information-theoretic terminology.

      They next assert that equation 1 is the information _cost_ of an action. No motivation is given for this statement and I do not know what it means. In what sense is a "cost" associated with the negative logarithm of a probability?

      In the next section II.B, the authors introduce a new formalism in which responses are represented by task graph nodes _R_. What is the relationship between an action _a_ and the responses _R_? Later, in section II.C, edges _f_ in the task graph are used as seemingly drop-in replacements for actions _a_.

      I simply have no idea what is going on in equations 31 through 33. Where are the functions _R_ (not to be confused with the response nodes _R_) and _S_ defined? Or how are they approximated? What does the variable _t_ mean and why does it appear and disappear from equations seemingly at random?

      Response times seem to be important, but as far as I can tell, nowhere do the authors actually describe how response times are calculated for the simulated networks.

      Similar issues persist through the rest of the paper: unconventional formalism is regularly introduced using under-explained notation and without a clear relationship to the scientific questions at hand. As a result, the content and significance of the findings are largely inscrutable to me, and I suspect also to the vast majority of readers.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The manuscript describes a series of experiments using human intracranial neural recordings designed to evaluate the processing of self-generated speech in the setting of feedback delays. Specifically, the authors aim to address the question about the relationship between speech-induced suppression and feedback sensitivity in the auditory cortex, whose relationship has been conflicting in the literature. They found a correlation between speech suppression and feedback delay sensitivity, suggesting a common process. Additional controls were done for possible forward suppression/adaptation, as well as controlling for other confounds due to amplification, etc.

      Strengths:<br /> The primary strength of the manuscript is the use of human intracranial recording, which is a valuable resource and gives better spatial and temporal resolution than many other approaches. The use of delayed auditory feedback is also novel and has seen less attention than other forms of shifted feedback during vocalization. Analyses are robust, and include demonstrating a scaling of neural activity with the degree of feedback delay, and more robust evidence for error encoding than simply using a single feedback perturbation.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Some of the analyses performed differ from those used in past work, which limits the ability to directly compare the results. Notably, past work has compared feedback effects between production and listening, which was not done here. There were also some unusual effects in the data, such as increased activity with no feedback delay when wearing headphones, that the authors attempted to control for with additional experiments, but remain unclear. Confounds by behavioral results of delayed feedback are also unclear.

      Overall the work is well done and clearly explained. The manuscript addresses an area of some controversy and does so in a rigorous fashion, namely the correlation between speech-induced suppression and feedback sensitivity (or lack thereof). While the data presented overlaps that collected and used for a previous paper, this is expected given the rare commodity these neural recordings represent. Contrasting these results to previous ones using pitch-shifted feedback should spawn additional discussion and research, including verification of the previous finding, looking at how the brain encodes feedback during speech over multiple acoustic dimensions, and how this information can be used in speech motor control.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> I really enjoyed this manuscript from Torsekar et al on "Contrasting responses to aridity by different-sized decomposers cause similar decomposition rates across a precipitation gradient". The authors aimed to examine how climate interacts with decomposers of different size categories to influence litter decomposition. They proposed a new hypothesis: "The opposing climatic dependencies of macrofauna and that of microorganisms and mesofauna should lead to similar overall decomposition rates across precipitation gradients".

      This study emphasizes the importance as well as the contribution of different groups of organisms (micro, meso, macro, and whole community) across different seasons (summer with the following characteristics: hot with no precipitation, and winter with the following characteristics: cooler and wetter winter) along a precipitation gradient. The authors made use of 1050 litter baskets with different mesh sizes to capture decomposers contribution. They proposed a new hypothesis that was aiming to understand the "dryland decomposition conundrum". They combined their decomposition experiment with the sampling of decomposers by using pittfall traps across both experiment seasons. This study was carried out in Israel and based on a single litter species that is native to all seven sites. The authors found that microorganism contribution dominated in winter while macrofauna decomposition dominated the overall decomposition in summer. These seasonality differences combined with the differences in different decomposers groups fluctuation along precipitation resulted in similar overall decomposition rates across sites.<br /> I believe this manuscript has a potential to advance our knowledge on litter decomposition.

      Strengths:<br /> Well design study with combination of different approaches (methods) and consideration of seasonality to generalize pattern.<br /> The study expands to current understanding of litter decomposition and interaction between factors affecting the process (here climate and decomposers).

      Weaknesses:<br /> The study was only based on a single litter species.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this article, the authors investigate whether the connectivity of the hippocampus is altered in individuals with aphantasia ¬- people who have reduced mental imagery abilities and where some describe having no imagery, and others describe having vague and dim imagery. The study investigated this question using a fMRI paradigm, where 14 people with aphantasia and 14 controls were tested, and the researchers were particularly interested in the key regions of the hippocampus and the visual-perceptual cortices. Participants were interviewed using the Autobiographical Interview regarding their autobiographical memories (AMs), and internal and external details were scored. In addition, participants were queried on their perceived difficulty in recalling memories, imagining, and spatial navigation, and their confidence regarding autobiographical memories was also measured. Results showed that participants with aphantasia reported significantly fewer internal details (but not external details) compared to controls; that they had lower confidence in their AMs; and that they reported finding remembering and imagining in general more difficult than controls. Results from the fMRI section showed that people with aphantasia displayed decreased hippocampal and increased visual-perceptual cortex activation during AM retrieval compared to controls. In contrast, controls showed strong negative functional connectivity between the hippocampus and the visual cortex. Moreover, resting state connectivity between the hippocampus and visual cortex predicted better visualisation skills. The authors conclude that their study provides evidence for the important role of visual imagery in detail-rich vivid AM, and that this function is supported by the connectivity between the hippocampus and visual cortex. This study extends previous findings of reduced episodic memory details in people with aphantasia, and enables us to start theorising about the neural underpinnings of this finding.

      The data provided good support for the conclusion that the authors draw, namely that there is a 'tight link between visual imagery and our ability to retrieve vivid and detail-rich personal past events'. However, as the authors also point out, the exact nature of this relationship is difficult to infer from this study alone, as the slow temporal resolution of fMRI cannot establish the directionality between the hippocampus and the visual-perceptual cortex. This is an exciting future avenue to explore.

      Weaknesses:<br /> A weakness of the study is that some of the questions used are a bit vague, and no objective measure is used, which could have been more informative. For example, the spatial navigation question (reported as 'How difficult is it typically for you to orient you spatially?' - a question which is ungrammatical, but potentially reflects a typo in the manuscript) could have been more nuanced to tap into whether participants relied mostly on cognitive maps (likely supported by the hippocampus) or landmarks. It would also have been interesting to conduct a spatial navigation task, as participants do not necessarily have insight into their spatial navigation abilities (they could have been overconfident or underconfident in their abilities). Secondly, the question 'how difficult is it typically for you to use your imagination?' could also be more nuanced, as imagination is used in a variety of ways, and we only have reason to hypothesise that people with aphantasia might have difficulties in some cases (i.e. sensory imagination involving perceptual details). It is unlikely that people with aphantasia would have more difficulty than controls in using their imagination to imagine counterfactual situations and engage in counterfactual thought (de Brigard et al., 2013, https://doi.org/10.1016%2Fj.neuropsychologia.2013.01.015) due to its non-sensory nature, but the question used does not distinguish between these types of imagination. Again, this is a ripe area for future research. The general phrasing of 'how difficult is [x]' could also potentially bias participants towards more negative answers, something which ought to be controlled for in future research.

      Strengths:<br /> A great strength of this study is that it introduces a fMRI paradigm in addition to the autobiographical interview, paralleling work done on episodic memory in cognitive science (e.g. Addis and Schacter, 2007, https://doi.org/10.1016%2Fj.neuropsychologia.2006.10.016 ), which has examined episodic and semantic memory in relation to imagination (future simulation) in non-aphantasic participants as well as clinical populations. Future work could build on this study, and for example use the recombination paradigm (Addis et al. 2009, 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2008.10.026 ), which would shed further light on the ability of people with aphantasia to both remember and imagine events. Future work could also build on the interesting findings regarding spatial navigation, which together with previous findings in aphantasia (e.g. Bainbridge et al., 2021, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cortex.2020.11.014 ) strongly suggests that spatial abilities in people with aphantasia are unaffected. This can shed further light on the different neural pathways of spatial and object memory in general. In general, this study opens up a multitude of new avenues to explore and is likely to have a great impact on the field of aphantasia research.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This manuscript from Park et al examines the molecular, anatomical and functional properties of a subset of wide-field amacrine cell (WAC) types in mouse retina. More than 60 mouse amacrine cell types have been identified by single-cell transcriptomic studies (Yan et al., 2020, PMID: 32457074), but the functions of most of these are unknown and WACs are particularly understudied. The authors use intersectional genetics to target a subset of mouse WACs that co-express Bhlhe22 and the kappa opioid receptor (referred to as B/K WACs). They used electrophysiological and anatomical approaches to determine how WACs contribute to neural computations in the retina.


      Overall, the paper presents a technically impressive set of experiments that build strong evidence for the presence of at least 3 discrete WAC types in the B/K transgenic line. These cells vary with respect to their morphology, dendritic stratification, response polarity (On vs Off) and resting membrane potentials. All types have long, monostratified dendrites and appear to lack axons. Electrophysiological recordings establish that these WACs are non-spiking, while calcium imaging revealed orientation selectivity in dendritic segments with tuning that correlates strongly with dendritic orientation. The authors go on to use optogenetics to show that WACs provide strong GABA-A receptor mediated inhibitory input to OFF and ON alpha sustained RGCs. This connectivity is further substantiated, at least for the OFF sustained alpha RGCs, by connectomic analyses from serial block face EM volumes. The use of the APEX2 reporter system to label the B/K cells in one of the EM volumes is particularly nice, making identification of the B/K WACs unambiguous. The conclusions are largely well supported by the experimental data. The study provides novel insights into the structure and function of specific WACs that will provide a foundation for further studies investigating the role of these amacrine cells in retinal circuits.


      A limitation of the study is that the B/K WAC types described here could not be aligned to specific transcriptomic identities. The authors show more than 15 GABA expressing ACs express Bhlhe22 in the transcriptomic dataset, but it is unclear which of these also express the kappa opioid receptor (Opkr1).

      The optogenetic evidence suggests that WACs provide GABA-A receptor mediated inhibitory input to both the sustained OFF and ON alpha RGCs. However, at least in the examples shown, there appears to be a dramatic difference in the timecourse of the rising phase of the inhibitory inputs to these two cell types, with the inputs to the ON sustained alpha RGCs appearing slower than those in the OFF sustained and OFF transient alpha RGCs. This apparent temporal difference was accompanied by a relatively lower sensitivity to light stimulation for the ON sustained cells. The slow timecourse seems unexpected for a direct GABA-A mediated synaptic connections between the WACs and ON alpha sustained cells. Moreover, since the connectomic analyses do not examine inputs to ON RGC types, the direct synaptic connection between B/K WACs and On alpha RGC is less well substantiated.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The thalamus is a central subcortical structure that receives anatomical connections from various cortical areas, each displaying a unique pattern. Previous studies have suggested that certain cortical areas may establish more extensive connections within the thalamus, influencing distributed information flow. Despite these suggestions, a quantitative understanding of cortical areas' anatomical connectivity patterns within the thalamus is lacking. In this study, the researchers addressed this gap by employing diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) on a large cohort of healthy adults from the Human Connectome Project. Using brain-wide probabilistic tractography, a framework was developed to measure the spatial extent of anatomical connections within the thalamus for each cortical area. Additionally, the researchers integrated resting-state functional MRI, cortical myelin, and human neural gene expression data to investigate potential variations in anatomical connections along the cortical hierarchy. The results unveiled two distinct cortico-thalamic tractography motifs: 1) a sensorimotor cortical motif featuring focused thalamic connections to the posterolateral thalamus, facilitating fast, feed-forward information flow; and 2) an associative cortical motif characterized by diffuse thalamic connections targeting the anteromedial thalamus, associated with slower, feed-back information flow. These motifs exhibited consistency across human subjects and were corroborated in macaques, underscoring cross-species generalizability. In summary, the study illuminates differences in the spatial extent of anatomical connections within the thalamus for sensorimotor and association cortical areas, potentially contributing to functionally distinct cortico-thalamic information flow.

      Strengths:<br /> * Quantitative Approach: The study employs diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) and probabilistic tractography on a substantial sample size of 828 healthy adults, providing a robust quantitative analysis of anatomical connectivity patterns within the thalamus.

      * Multi-Modal Integration: By incorporating resting-state functional MRI, cortical myelin, and human neural gene expression data, the study offers a comprehensive approach to understanding anatomical connections, enriching the interpretation of findings and enhancing the study's overall validity.

      * Cross-Species Generalizability: The identification of consistent cortico-thalamic tractography motifs in both human subjects and macaques demonstrates the robustness and cross-species generalizability of the findings, strengthening the significance and broader applicability of the study.

      * Supplementary Analyses: There are numerous, excellent examples of clear surrogates used to test the major claims of the paper. This is exemplary work.

      Weaknesses:<br /> * Indirect Estimates of White Matter Connections: While dMRI is a valuable tool, it inherently provides indirect and inferred information about neural pathways. The accuracy and specificity of tractography can be influenced by various factors, including fiber crossing, partial volume effects, and algorithmic assumptions. A potential limitation in the accuracy of indirect estimates might affect the precision of spatial extent measurements, introducing uncertainty in the interpretation of cortico-thalamic connectivity patterns. Addressing the methodological limitations associated with indirect estimates and considering complementary approaches could strengthen the overall robustness of the findings.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Wilmes and colleagues present a computational model of a cortical circuit for predictive processing which tackles the issue of how to learn predictions when different levels of uncertainty are present for the predicted sensory stimulus. When a predicted sensory outcome is highly variable, deviations from the average expected stimulus should evoke prediction errors that have less impact on updating the prediction of the mean stimulus. In the presented model, layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons represent either positive or negative prediction errors, SST neurons mediate the subtractive comparison between prediction and sensory input, and PV neurons represent the expected variance of sensory outcomes. PVs therefore can control the learning rate by divisively inhibiting prediction error neurons such that they are activated less, and exert less influence on updating predictions, under conditions of high uncertainty.

      Strengths:<br /> The presented model is a very nice solution to altering the learning rate in a modality and context-specific way according to expected uncertainty and, importantly, the model makes clear, experimentally testable predictions for interneuron and pyramidal neuron activity. This is therefore an important piece of modelling work for those working on cortical and/or predictive processing and learning. The model is largely well-grounded in what we know of the cortical circuit.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Currently, the model has not been challenged with experimental data, presumably because data from an adequate paradigm is not yet available. I therefore only have minor comments regarding the biological plausibility of the model:

      Beyond the fact that some papers show SSTs mediate subtractive inhibition and PVs mediate divisive inhibition, the selection of interneuron types for the different roles could be argued further, given existing knowledge of their properties. For instance, is a high PV baseline firing rate, or broad sensory tuning that is often interpreted as a 'pooling' of pyramidal inputs, compatible with or predicted by the model?

      On a related note, SSTs are thought to primarily target the apical dendrite, while PVs mediate perisomatic inhibition, so the different roles of the interneurons in the model make sense, particularly for negative PE neurons, where a top-down excitatory predicted mean is first subtractively compared with the sensory input, s, prior to division by the variance. However, sensory input is typically thought of as arising 'bottom-up', via layer 4, so the model may match the circuit anatomy less in the case of positive PE neurons, where the diagram shows 's' arising in a top-down manner. Do the authors have a justification for this choice?

      In cortical circuits, assuming a 2:8 ratio of inhibitory to excitatory neurons, there are at least 10 pyramidal neurons to each SST and PV neuron. Pyramidal neurons are also typically much more selective about the type of sensory stimuli they respond to compared to these interneuron classes (e.g., Kerlin et al., 2012, Neuron). A nice feature of the proposed model is that the same interneurons can provide predictions of the mean and variance of the stimulus in a predictor-dependent manner. However, in a scenario where you have two types of sensory stimulus to predict (e.g., two different whiskers stimulated), with pyramidal neurons selective for prediction errors in one or the other, what does the model predict? Would you need specific SST and PV circuits for each type of predicted stimulus?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Heer and Sheffield used 2 photon imaging to dissect the functional contributions of convergent dopamine and noradrenaline inputs to the dorsal hippocampus CA1 in head-restrained mice running down a virtual linear path. Mice were trained to collect water rewards at the end of the track and on test days, calcium activity was recorded from dopamine (DA) axons originating in the ventral tegmental area (VTA, n=7) and noradrenaline axons from the locus coeruleus (LC, n=87) under several conditions. When mice ran laps in a familiar environment, VTA DA axons exhibited ramping activity along the track that correlated with distance to reward and velocity to some extent, while LC input activity remained constant across the track, but correlated invariantly with velocity and time to motion onset. A subset of recordings taken when the reward was removed showed diminished ramping activity in VTA DA axons, but no changes in the LC axons, confirming that DA axon activity is locked to reward availability. When mice were subsequently introduced to a new environment, the ramping to reward activity in the DA axons disappeared, while LC axons showed a dramatic increase in activity lasting 90 s (6 laps) following the environment switch. In the final analysis, the authors sought to disentangle LC axon activity induced by novelty vs. behavioral changes induced by novelty by removing periods in which animals were immobile and established that the activity observed in the first 2 laps reflected novelty-induced signal in LC axons.


      The results presented in this manuscript provide insights into the specific contributions of catecholaminergic input to the dorsal hippocampus CA1 during spatial navigation in a rewarded virtual environment, offering a detailed analysis of the resolution of single axons. The data analysis is thorough and possible confounding variables and data interpretation are carefully considered.


      Aspects of the methodology, data analysis, and interpretation diminish the overall significance of the findings, as detailed below.

      The LC axonal recordings are well-powered, but the DA axonal recordings are severely underpowered, with recordings taken from a mere 7 axons (compared to 87 LC axons). Additionally, 2 different calcium indicators with differential kinetics and sensitivity to calcium changes (GCaMP6S and GCaMP7b) were used (n=3, n=4 respectively) and the data pooled. This makes it very challenging to draw any valid conclusions from the data, particularly in the novelty experiment. The surprising lack of novelty-induced DA axon activity may be a false negative. Indeed, at least 1 axon (axon 2) appears to be showing a novelty-induced rise in activity in Figure 3C. Changes in activity in 4/7 axons are also referred to as a 'majority' occurrence in the manuscript, which again is not an accurate representation of the observed data.

      The authors conducted analysis on recording data exclusively from periods of running in the novelty experiment to isolate the effects of novelty from novelty-induced changes in behavior. However, if the goal is to distinguish between changes in locus coeruleus (LC) axon activity induced by novelty and those induced by motion, analyzing LC axon activity during periods of immobility would enhance the robustness of the results.

      The authors attribute the ramping activity of the DA axons to the encoding of the animals' position relative to reward. However, given the extensive data implicating the dorsal CA1 in timing, and the remarkable periodicity of the behavior, the fact that DA axons could be signalling temporal information should be considered.

      The authors should explain and justify the use of a longer linear track (3m, as opposed to 2m in the DAT-cre mice) in the LC axon recording experiments.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This is a short but important study. Basically, the authors show that α-synuclein overexpression's negative impact on synaptic vesicle recycling is mediated by its interaction with E-domain containing synapsins. This finding is highly relevant for synuclein function as well as for the pathophysiology of synucleinopathies. The data is clear, functional analysis is highly adequate.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Neurons are not static-their activity patterns change as the result of learning, aging, and disease. Reliable tracking of activity from individual neurons across long time periods would enable studies of these important dynamics. For this reason, the authors' efforts to track electrophysiological activity across days without relying on matching neural receptive fields (which can change due to learning, aging, and disease) is very important.

      By utilizing the tightly-spaced electrodes on Neuropixels probes, they are able to measure the physical distance and the waveform shape 'distance' between sorted units recorded on different days. To tune the matching algorithm and to validate the results, they used the visual receptive fields of neurons in the mouse visual cortex (which tend to change little over time) as ground truth. Their approach performs quite well, with a high proportion of neurons accurately matched across multiple weeks.

      This suggests that the method may be useable in other cases where the receptive fields can't be used as ground truth to validate the tracking. This potential extendibility to tougher applications is where this approach holds the most promise. However, the study only looks at one brain area (visual cortex), in one species (mouse), using one type of spike sorter (Kilosort), and one type of behavioral prep (head-fixed). While the authors suggest methods to generalize their technique to other experimental conditions, no validation of those generalizations was done using data from different experimental conditions. Anyone using this method under different conditions would therefore need to perform such validation themselves.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary: Nuclear depletion and cytoplasmic mislocalization/aggregation of the DNA and RNA binding protein TDP-43 are pathological hallmarks of multiple neurodegenerative diseases. Prior work has demonstrated that depletion of TDP-43 from the nucleus leads to alterations in transcription and splicing. Conversely, cytoplasmic mislocalization/aggregation can contribute to toxicity by impairing mRNA transport and translation as well as miRNA dysregulation. However, to date, models of TDP-43 proteinopathy rely on artificial knockdown- or overexpression-based systems to evaluate either nuclear loss or cytoplasmic gain of function events independently. Few model systems authentically reproduce both nuclear depletion and cytoplasmic miscloalization/aggreagtion events. In this manuscript, the authors generate novel iPSC-based reagents to manipulate the localization of endogenous TDP-43. This is a valuable resource for the field to study pathological consequences of TDP-43 proteinopathy in a more endogenous and authentic setting. However, in the current manuscript, there are a number of weaknesses that should be addressed to further validate the ability of this model to replicate human disease pathology and demonstrate utility for future studies.

      Strengths: The primary strength of this paper is the development of a novel in vitro tool.

      Weaknesses: There are a number of weaknesses detailed below that should be addressed to thoroughly validate these new reagents as more authentic models of TDP-43 proteinopathy and demonstrate their utility for future investigations.

      (1) The authors should include images of their engineered TDP-43-GFP iPSC line to demonstrate TDP-43 localization without the addition of any nanobodies (perhaps immediately prior to addition of nanobodies). Additionally, it is unclear whether simply adding a GFP tag to endogenous TDP-43 impact its normal function (nuclear-cytoplasmic shuttling, regulation of transcription and splicing, mRNA transport etc).

      (2) Can the authors explain why there is a significant discrepancy in time points selected for nanobody transduction and immunostaining or cell lysis throughout Figure 1 and 2? This makes interpretation and overall assessment of the model challenging.

      (3) The authors should further characterize their TDP-43 puncta. TDP-43 immunostaining is typically punctate so it is unclear if the puncta observed are physiologic or pathologic based on the analyses carried out in the current version of this manuscript. Additionally, do these puncta co-localize with stress granule markers or RNA transport granule markers? Are these puncta phosphorylated (which may be more reminiscent of end-stage pathologic observations in humans)?

      (4) The authors should include multiple time points in their evaluation of TDP-43 loss of function events and aggregation. Does loss of function get worse over time? Is there a time course by which RNA misprocessing events emerge or does everything happen all at once? Does aggregation get worse over time? Do these neurons die at any point as a result of TDP-43 proteinopathy?

      (5) Can the authors please comment on whether or not their model is "tunable"? In real human disease, not every neuron displays complete nuclear depletion of TDP-43. Instead there is often a gradient of neurons with differing magnitudes of nuclear TDP-43 loss. Additionally, very few neurons (5-10%) harbor cytoplasmic TDP-43 aggregates at end-stage disease. These are all important considerations when developing a novel authentic and endogenous model of TDP-43 proteinopathy which the current manuscript fails to address.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Functionally important alternative isoforms are gold nuggets found in a swamp of errors produced by the splicing machinery.

      The architecture of eukaryotic genomes, when compared with prokaryotes, is characterised by a preponderance of introns. These elements, which are still present within transcripts, are rapidly removed during the splicing of messenger RNA (mRNA), thus not contributing to the final protein. The extreme rarity of introns in prokaryotes, and the elimination of these introns from mRNAs before translation into protein, raises questions about the function of introns in genomes. One explanation comes from functional biology: introns are thought to be involved in post-transcriptional regulation and in the production of translational variants. The latter function is possible when the positions of the edges of the spliced intron vary. While some light has been shed on specific examples of the functional role of alternative splicing, to what extent are they representative of all introns in metazoans?

      In this study, the hypothesis of a functional role for alternative splicing, and therefore to a certain extent for introns, is evaluated against another explanation coming from evolutionary biology: isoforms are above all errors of imprecision by the molecular machinery at work during splicing. This hypothesis is based on a principle established by Motoo Mikura, which has become central to population genetics, explaining that the evolutionary trajectory of a mutation with a given effect is intimately linked to the effective population size (Ne) where this mutation emerges. Thus, the probability of fixation of a weakly deleterious mutation increases when Ne decreases, and the probability of fixation of a weakly advantageous mutation increases when Ne increases. The genomes of populations with low Ne are therefore expected to accumulate more weakly deleterious mutations and fewer weakly advantageous mutations than populations with high Ne. In this framework, if splicing errors have only small effects on the fitness of individuals, then natural selection cannot increase the precision of the splicing machinery, allowing tolerance for the production of alternative isoforms.

      In the past, the debate opposed one-off observations of effectively functional isoforms on the one hand, to global genomic quantities describing patterns without the possibility of interpreting them in detail. The authors here propose an elegant quantitative approach in line with the expected continuous variation in the effectiveness of selection, both between species and within genomes. The result describing the inter-specific pattern on a large scale confirms what was already known (there is a negative relationship between effective size and average alternative splicing rate). The essential novelty of this study lies in 1) the quantification, for each intron studied, of the relative abundance of each isoform, and 2) the analysis of a relationship between this abundance and the evolutionary constraints acting on these isoforms.

      What is striking is the light shed on the general very low abundance of alternative isoforms. Depending on the species, 60% to 96% of cases of alternatively spliced introns lead to an isoform whose abundance is less than 5% of the total variants for a given intron.

      In addition to the fact that 60%-96% of the total isoforms are more than 20 times less abundant than their majority form, this large proportion of alternative isoforms exhibit coding-phase shift at rates similar to what would be expected by chance, i.e. for a third of them, which reinforces the idea that there is no particular constraint on these isoforms.

      The remaining 4%-40% of isoforms see their coding-phase shift rate decrease as their relative abundance increases. This result represents a major step forward in our understanding of alternative splicing and makes it possible to establish a quantitative model directly linking the relative abundance of an isoform with a putative functional role concerning only those isoforms produced in abundance. Only the (rare) isoforms which are abundantly produced are thought to be involved in a biological function.

      Within the same genome, the authors show that only highly expressed genes, i.e. those that tend to be more constrained on average, are also the genes with the lowest alternative splicing rates on average.

      The comparison between species in this study reveals that the smaller the effective size of a species, the more its genome produces isoforms that are low in abundance and low in constraint. Conversely, species with a large effective size relatively reduce rare isoforms, and increase stress on abundant isoforms.

      To sum up:<br /> • the higher the effective size of a species, the fewer introns are spliced.<br /> • highly expressed genes are spliced less.<br /> • when splicing occurs, it is mainly to produce low-abundance isoforms.<br /> • low-abundance isoforms are also less constrained.

      Taken together, these results reinforce a quantitative view of the evolution of alternative splicing as being mainly the product of imprecision in the splicing machinery, generating a great deal of molecular noise. Then, out of all this noise, a few functional gold nuggets can sometimes emerge. From the point of view of the reviewer, the evolutionary dynamics of genomes are depressing. The small effective population sizes are responsible for the accumulation of multiple slightly deleterious introns. Admittedly, metazoan genomes try to get rid of these introns during RNA maturation, but this mechanism is itself rendered imprecise by population sizes.

      Strengths:<br /> • The authors simultaneously study the effects of effective population size, isoform abundance, and gene expression levels on the evolutionary constraints acting on isoforms. Within this framework, they clearly show that an isoform becomes functionally important only under certain rare conditions.<br /> • The authors rule out an effect putatively linked to variations in expression between different organs which could have biased comparisons between different species.

      Weaknesses:<br /> • While the longevity of organisms as a measure of effective size seems to work overall, it may not be relevant for discriminating within a clade. For example, within Hymenoptera, we might expect them to have the same overall longevity, but that effective size would be influenced more by the degree of sociality: solitary bees/ants/wasps versus eusocial. I am therefore certain that the relationship shown in Figure 4D is currently not significant because the measure of effective size is not relevant for Hymenoptera. The article would have been even more convincing by contrasting the rates of alternative splicing between solitary versus social hymenopterans.<br /> • When functionalist biologists emphasise the role of the complexity of living things, I'm not sure they're thinking of the comparison between "drosophila" and "homo sapiens", but rather of a broader evolutionary scale. Which gives the impression of an exaggeration of the debate in the introduction.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Fang Huang et al found that RBM7 deficiency promotes metastasis by coordinating MFGE8 splicing switch and NF-kB pathway in breast cancer by utilizing clinical samples as well as cell and tail vein injection models.

      Strengths:<br /> This study uncovers a previously uncharacterized role of MFGE8 splicing alteration in breast cancer metastasis, and provides evidence supporting RBM7 function in splicing regulation. These findings facilitate the mechanistic understanding of how splicing dysregulation contributes to metastasis in cancer, a direction that has increasingly drawn attention recently, and provides a potentially new prognostic and therapeutic target for breast cancer.

      Weaknesses:<br /> This study can be strengthened in several aspects by additional experiments or at least by further discussions. First, how RBM7 regulates NF-kB, and how it coordinates splicing and canonical function as a component of NEXT complex should be clarified. Second, although the roles of MFGE8 splicing isoforms in cell migration and invasion have been demonstrated in transwell and wound healing assays, it would be more convincing to explore their roles in vivo such as the tail vein injection model. Third, the clinical significance would be considerably improved, if the therapeutic value of targeting MFGE8 splicing could be demonstrated.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The study by Valles-Marti et al. was aimed at elucidating mechanisms of high-dose vitamin C (Ascorbate) sensitivity using proteomics of a large panel of cancer cell lines. The study is primarily based on correlating protein expression to vitamin C sensitivity based on IC50 from cell viability studies. As expected, cancer type-specific proteome patterns emerge and the authors conclude that some pan-cancer pathways, such as proliferation correlate with high sensitivity to VitC. In a subset of PDAC cells proteomics and phospho proteomics were also carried out following vitamin C treatment, albeit those studies did not identify significant changes in response to treatment.

      Strengths:<br /> The premise for the work is of interest as high dose vitamin C is in clinical trials and thus studies investigating mechanisms of sensitivity and potential resistance mechanisms to this therapy are of interest to the field. The authors have collected large proteomic datasets on some of the most common cancer cells used and these data may be a useful resource for others when made publicly available. Although this is not necessarily novel, since proteomics data sets for some of the included cell lines are already available.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The title suggests that the proteomics data presented "underscores high-dose vitamin C as a potent anti-cancer agent" However, while the proteomic data are extensive, it is my assessment that without further validation there are no clear pathways identified by the presented proteomics data that conclusively determine vitamin C sensitivity.

      A major question arising from this work is how specific the proteomics data reflect sensitivity to vitamin C over general sensitivity to other cytotoxic agents. It would be of interest to compare the correlation of proteomic data and ascorbate sensitivity to the sensitivity of cell lines to other cytotoxic agents. (e.g. comparison to NCI-60 growth inhibition data). In other words, do the proteomic data that correlate with ascorbate sensitivity simply reflect susceptibility to other cytotoxic agents? The comments that vitamin C toxicity is not dependent on underlying histological or genetic subtypes of cancers ("one size fits all") suggest this.

      The genetic backgrounds of tumor cells have not been taken into consideration in the analysis and how this may influence VitC susceptibility. An example that comes to mind is KEAP1/Nrf2 aberrations in lung cancer.

      The study would be significantly strengthened if some of the proteins identified were further validated in eliciting low or high sensitivity to Vitamin C. Of particular interest are proteins that have functions related to known mechanisms of action of Vitamin C toxicity, such as iron homeostasis. Some of the metabolic-related protein changes are also of interest. For example, HCCS expression is mentioned several times as being associated with lower sensitivity to ascorbate. Providing experimental evidence that this protein is of significance to Vitamin C sensitivity and if this is due to its effects on iron and subsequent generation of ROS in response to VitC would be of significance.

      Similarly, an interesting aspect of the findings is the authors' conclusion that proliferation is associated with Vitamin C sensitivity. The authors propose in their discussion that Vitamin C may be an attractive alternative to treat heavily pretreated and chemoresistant cancers. Thus it would be important to know which of the highly proliferative cell lines tested have a chemoresistance phenotype and are also more susceptible to Vitamin C toxicity. Perhaps partitioning the cells further into chemoresistant and sensitive cell lines to standard chemotherapy and then assessing which protein signatures are associated with Vitamin C sensitivity will allow for better elucidation of sensitivity mechanisms that are more relevant to using Vitamin C as an alternate therapy for chemoresistant tumors.

      Following on from this, there is an interesting mechanistic question as to why more proliferative cells are more sensitive to vitamin C, and whether this is related to changes in metabolism and underlying changes in their steady-state levels of ROS. Further investigating this mechanistically based on the identified proteomic signatures could make the findings more significant.

      Vitamin C can also generate H2O2 extracellularly in the presence of iron. Thus, Vitamin C toxicity could be affected by different abilities of the tumor cells to scavenge extracellular H2O2, such as different expression levels of extracellular antioxidant enzymes. Judging from the methods section, it does not appear that proteomic data include secreted proteins. Can the authors comment on how this may be a potential caveat?

      In light of this, the strong effects of exogenous catalase addition on cell viability suggest that H2O2 may be produced by ascorbate in the media.

      Similarly, can the authors comment on the cell culture conditions used to compare IC50s between cell lines, specifically if different media and FBS batches were used, as these have the potential to vary in metal/iron concentrations that might influence the pro-oxidant generation by high dose ascorbate in media. Specifically, have the authors looked into the iron content and how these different conditions may be contributing to intracellular H2O2 and extracellular H2O2 (AmplexRed) production in response to Vitamin C.

      Other comments relate to methods:

      How was ascorbate prepared? There is no mention of degassing of H2O and ensuring that H2O does not have mental impurities, which can lead to auto-oxidation.

      The OxiSelect probe is based on DCFDA, which is an oxidant-sensitive probe that has been described to be fraught with artifacts. Thus it is advised to mention the caveats associated with the use of this probe (as outlined in PMCID: PMC3911769) and consider backing up these experiments with additional Oxidant probes.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This manuscript proposes a complex incoherent model involving Ca2+ signaling in inflammasome activation. The experimental approaches used to study the calcium dynamics are highly problematic and the results shown are of very poor quality.

      Major concerns:

      (1) The analysis of lysosomal Ca2+release is being carried out after many hours of treatment. Such evidence is not meaningful to claim that PA activates Ca2+ efflux from lysosome and even if this phenomenon was robust, it is not doubtful that such kinetics are meaningful for the regulation of inflammasome activation. Furthermore, the evidence for lysosomal Ca2+ release is indirect and relies on a convoluted process that doesn't make any conceptual sense to me. In addition to these major shortcomings, the indirect evidence of perilysosomal Ca2+ elevation is also of very poor quality and from the standpoint of my expertise in calcium signaling, the data are incredulous. The use of GCaMP3-ML1, *transiently transfected* into BMDMs is highly problematic. The efficiency of transfection in BMDMs is always extremely low and overexpression of the sensor in a few rare cells can lead to erroneous observations. The overexpression also results in gross mislocalization of such membrane-bound sensors. The accumulation of GCaMP3-ML1 in the ER of these cells would prevent any credible measurements of perilysosomal Ca2+ signals. A meaningful investigation of this process in primary macrophages requires the generation of a mouse line wherein the sensor is expressed at low levels in myeloid cells, and shown to be localized almost exclusively in the lysosomal membrane. The mechanistic framework built around these major conceptual and technical flaws is not especially meaningful and since these are foundational results, I cannot take the main claims of this study seriously.

      A few transfected cells may overexpress the protein through a strong promoter but this is not ideal. For reliable Ca2+ measurements, one needs low expression of the sensor in a substantially high percentage of cells. This can only be demonstrated by showing the time lapse of Ca2+ responses in the macrophages. More generally, I have nearly 2 decades of experience working with primary BMDMs and it is widely known that primary BMDMs are incredibly difficult to transfect - it is the nature of these cells. The claim that they get high efficiency of transfection is frankly too incredulous to take seriously.

      (2) The cytosolic Ca2+ imaging shown in figure 1C doesn't make any sense. It looks like a snapshot of basal Ca2+ many hours after PA treatment - calcium elevations are highly dynamic. Snapshot measurements are not helpful and analyses of Calcium dynamics requires a recording over a certain timespan. Unfortunately, this technical approach has been used throughout the manuscript. Also, BAPTA-AM abrogates IL-1b secretion because IL-1b transcription is Ca2+ dependent - the result shown in figure 1D does not shed light on anything to do with inflammasome activation and it is misleading to suggest that.

      (3) Trpm2-/- macrophages are known to be hyporesponsive to inflammatory stimuli - the reduced secretion of IL-1b by these macrophages is not novel. From a mechanistic perspective, this study does not add much to that observation and the proposed role of TRPM2 as a lysosomal Ca2+ release channel is not substantiated by good quality Ca2+ imaging data (see point 3 above). Furthermore, the study assumes that TRPM2 is a lysosomal ion channel. One paper reported TRPM2 in the lysosomes but this is a controversial claim, with no replication or further development in the last 14 years. This core assumption can be highly misleading to readers unfamiliar with TRPM2 biology and it is necessary to present credible evidence that TRPM2 is functional in the lysosomal membrane of macrophages. Ideally, this line of investigation should rest on robust demonstration of TRPM2 currents in patch-clamp electrophysiology of lysosomes. If this is not technically feasible for the authors, they should at least investigate TRPM2 localization on lysosomal membranes of macrophages.

      In the revised manuscript, authors showed TRPM2 localization but these results are problematic. The authors provide no information on what TRPM2 antibody they used for this study and whether it has been validated by use of knockouts. The staining shows very high amounts of TRPM2 all across the cell - even more than LAMP2. In reality, TRPM2 expression in macrophages is very low. Are the authors overexpressing TRPM2? These data only add to my concerns about this manuscript.

      (4) Apigenin and Quercetin are highly non-specific and their effects cannot be attributed to CD38 inhibition alone. Such conclusions need strong loss of function studies using genetic knockouts of CD38 - or at least siRNA knockdown. Importantly, if indeed TRPM2 is being activated downstream of CD38, this should be easily evident in whole cell patch clamp electrophysiology. TRPM2 currents can be resolved using this technique and authors have Trpm2-/- cells for proper controls. Authors attempted these experiments but the results are of very poor quality. If the TRPM2 current is being activated through ADPR generated by CD38 (in response to PA stimulation), then it is very odd that authors need to include 200 uM cADPR to see TRPM2 current (Fig. 3A). Oddly, even these data cast great doubt on the technical quality of the electrophysiology experiments. Even with such high concentrations of cADPr, the TRPM2 current is tiny and Trpm2-/- controls are missing. The current-voltage relationship is not shown, and I feel that the results are merely reporting leak currents seen in measurements with substandard seals. Also 20 uM ACA is not a selective inhibitor of TRPM2 - relying on ACA as the conclusive diagnostic is problematic.

      (5) TRPM2 is expressed in many different cell lines. The broad metabolic differences observed by the authors in the Trpm2-/- mice cannot be attributed to macrophage-mediated inflammation. Such a conclusion requires the study of mice wherein Trpm2 is deleted selectively in macrophages or at least in the cells of the myeloid lineage.

      (6) The ER-Lysosome Ca2+ refilling experiments rely on transient transfection of organelle-targeted sensors into BMDMs. See point #1 to understand why I find this approach to be highly problematic. Furthermore the data procured are also not convincing and lack critical controls (localization of sensors has not been demonstrated and their response to acute mobilization of Ca2+ has not been shown inspire any confidence in these results).

      (7) Authors claim that SCOE is coupled to K+ efflux. But there is no credible evidence that SOCE is activated in PA stimulated macrophages. The data shown in Fig 4 supp 1 do not investigate SOCE in a reliable manner - the conclusion is again based on snapshot measurements and crude non-selective inhibitors. The correct way to evaluate SOCE is to record cytosolic Ca2+ elevations over a period of time in absence and presence of extracellular Ca2+. However, even such recordings can be unreliable since the phenomenon is being investigated hours after PA stimulation. So, the only definitive way to demonstrate that Orai channels are indeed active during this process is through patch clamp electrophysiology of PA stimulated cells.

      Authors failed to respond to these concerns in a credible manner and simply tried to obfuscate the matters with extraneous arguments and wild claims. The revised manuscript was not a significant improvement. I have major concerns with this manuscript and let it be on record that this is very poor-quality science.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary: The study is titled "Leading an urban invasion: risk-sensitive learning is a winning strategy", and consists of three different parts. First, the authors analyse data on initial and reversal learning in Grackles confronted with a foraging task, derived from three populations labeled as "core", "middle" and "edge" in relation to the invasion front. The suggested difference between study populations does not surface, but the authors do find support for a difference between male and female individuals. Secondly, the authors confirm that the proposed mechanism can actually generate patterns such as observed in the Grackle data through agent-based forward simulations. In the third part, the authors present an evolutionary model, in which they show that learning strategies, as observed in male Grackles, do evolve in simplified urban conditions including different levels of environmental stability and environmental stochasticity.

      Strengths: The manuscript's strength is that it combines real learning data collected across different populations of the Great-tailed grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus) with theoretical approaches to better understand the processes with which grackles learn and how such learning processes might be advantageous during range expansion and invasion. Furthermore, the authors also take sex into account revealing that males, the dispersing sex, show better reversal learning through higher reward-payoff sensitivity. I also find it refreshing to see that the authors took the time to preregister their study to improve transparency especially regarding data analysis.

      Weakness: The small sample size of grackles across populations increases uncertainty as to parameter estimates and the conclusions drawn from these estimates.

      After revision, the introduction is appropriate, and in the methods, the authors take great care in explaining the rational behind decisions as to the selection of analysis methods and parameters. I very much appreciate that the authors took such care in revising their paper, the quality of which has now greatly improved.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The manuscript titled 'Rab7 dependent regulation of goblet cell protein CLCA1 modulates gastrointestinal 1 homeostasis' by Gaur et al discusses the role of Rab7 in the development of ulcerative colitis by regulating the lysosomal degradation of Clca1, a mucin protease. The manuscript presents interesting data, and provides a potential molecular mechanism for the pathological alterations observed in ulcerative colitis.


      The manuscript used a multi-pronged approach and compares patient samples, mouse models of DSS and protocols that allow differentiation of goblet cells. They also use a nanogel-based delivery system for siRNAs, which is ideal for knockdown of specific genes in the gut.


      The manuscript should also mention the limitations of the study.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors compared four types of hiPSCs and four types of hESCs at the proteome level to elucidate the differences between hiPSCs and hESCs. Semi-quantitative calculations of protein copy numbers revealed increased protein content in iPSCs. Particularly in iPSCs, proteins related to mitochondrial and cytoplasmic were suggested to reflect the state of the original differentiated cells to some extent. However, the most important result of this study is the calculation of the protein copy numbers per cell, and the validity of this result is problematic. In addition, several experiments need to be improved, such as using cells of different genders (iPSC: female, ESC: male) in mitochondrial metabolism experiments.

      Strengths:<br /> The focus on the number of copies of proteins is exciting and appreciated if the estimated calculation result is correct and biologically reproducible.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The proteome results in this study were likely obtained by simply looking at differences between clones, and the proteome data need to be validated. First, there were only a few clones for comparison, and the gender and number of cells did not match between ESCs and iPSCs. Second, no data show the accuracy of the protein copy number per cell obtained by the proteome data.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this study by Zhou, Wang, and colleagues, the authors utilize biventricular electromechanical simulations to illustrate how different degrees of ionic remodeling can contribute to different ECG morphologies that are observed in either acute or chronic post-myocardial infarction (MI) patients. Interestingly, the simulations show that abnormal ECG phenotypes - associated with a higher risk of sudden cardiac death - are predicted to have almost no correspondence with left ventricular ejection fraction, which is conventionally used as a risk factor for arrhythmia.

      Strengths:<br /> The numerical simulations are state-of-the-art, integrating detailed electrophysiology and mechanical contraction predictions, which are often modeled separately. The simulation provides mechanistic interpretation, down to the level of single-cell ionic current remodeling, for different types of ECG morphologies observed in post-MI patients. Collectively, these results demonstrate compelling and significant evidence for the need to incorporate additional risk factors for assessing post-MI patients.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The study is rigorous and well-performed. However, some aspects of the methodology could be clearer, and the authors could also address some aspects of the robustness of the results. Specifically, does variability in ionic currents inherent in different patients, or the location/size of the infarct and surrounding remodeled tissue impact the presentation of these ECG morphologies?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Herzog and colleagues investigated the interactions between working memory (WM) task condition (updating, maintenance) and BMI (body-mass-index), while considering selected dopaminergic genes (COMT, Taq1A, C957T, DARPP-32). Emerging evidence suggests that there might be a specific negative association with BMI in the updating but not maintenance condition, with potential bearings to reversal reward learning in obesity. The inclusion of multiple dopaminergic genes is a strength in the present study, considering the complexity of the interactions between tonic and phasic dopamine across the brain that may distinctly associate with the component processes of WM. Here, the finding was that BMI was negatively associated with WM performance regardless of the condition (updating, maintenance), but in models including moderation by either Taq1A or DARPP-32 (but not by COMT and C957T) an interaction by task condition was observed. Furthermore, a two-way interaction effect between BMI and genotype was observed exclusively in the updating condition. These findings are in line with the accounts by which striatal dopamine as reflected by Taq1A and DARPP-32 play an important role in working memory updating, while cortical dopamine as reflected by COMT is mainly associated with maintenance. The authors conclude that the genetic moderation reflects a compound negative effect of having high BMI and a risk allele in Taq1A or DARPP-32 to working memory updating specifically.

      These data increment the accumulating evidence that the dopamine system may play an important role in obesity, but some of the claims in the present work are not entirely supported by the data and analysis presented. In particular, theoretical analysis of the extant evidence and formulation of the hypothesis remains elusive in terms of the potential mechanisms of updating/maintaining balance in obesity, and as such the interpretation of the present findings in the light of dopaminergic moderation warrants some caution. The result that Taq1A and DARPP-32 moderated the interaction between WM condition and BMI requires intricate post hoc analysis to understand the bearings to update. The authors found that Taq1A or DARPP-32 genotype moderated the negative association between BMI and WM exclusively in the update condition (significant two-way interaction effect), suggesting that the BMI-WM associations in other conditions were similar across genotypes. Importantly, visual inspection of the relationship between WM and BMI (Fig 4 & 5) suggests more prevalent positive effects of the putatively advantageous Taq1A-A1 and DARPP-32-AA genotypes to the overall negative relationship between WM and BMI in updating, but not in the other conditions. Given that an overall negative relationship was statistically supported across all conditions (model 1), a plausible interpretation would be that the updating condition stands out in terms of a positive moderation by putative advantageous genotypes, rather than compound negative consequences of BMI and genotype in updating. Critically, this interpretation stands in stark contrast with the interpretation put forth by the authors suggesting a specifically negative association between BMI and WM updating.

      In conclusion, in its current form the title of the present work is ambivalent in terms of 1) the use of the term "impaired" in the context of cognitively normal individuals, 2) a BMI group difference specifically in the updating condition, and 3) the dopaminergic mechanisms based on observational data.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Drawing on insights from preceding studies, the researchers pinpointed mutations within the spag7 gene that correlate with metabolic aberrations in mice. The precise function of spag7 has not been fully described yet, thereby the primary objective of this investigation is to unravel its pivotal role in the development of obesity and metabolic disease in mice. First, they generated a mice model lacking spag7 and observed that KO mice exhibited diminished birth size, which subsequently progressed to manifest obesity and impaired glucose tolerance upon reaching adulthood. This behaviour was primarily attributed to a reduction in energy expenditure. In fact, KO animals demonstrated compromised exercise endurance and muscle functionality, stemming from a deterioration in mitochondrial activity. Intriguingly, none of these effects was observed when using a tamoxifen-induced KO mouse model, implying that Spag7's influence is predominantly confined to the embryonic developmental phase. Explorations within placental tissue unveiled that mice afflicted by Spag7 deficiency experienced placental insufficiency, likely due to aberrant development of the placental junctional zone, a phenomenon that could impede optimal nutrient conveyance to the developing fetus. Overall, the authors assert that Spag7 emerges as a crucial determinant orchestrating accurate embryogenesis and subsequent energy balance in the later stages of life.

      The study boasts several noteworthy strengths. Notably, it employs a combination of animal models and a thorough analysis of metabolic and exercise parameters, underscoring a meticulous approach. Furthermore, the investigation encompasses a comprehensive evaluation of fetal loss across distinct pregnancy stages, alongside a transcriptomic analysis of skeletal muscle, thereby imparting substantial value. Upon addressing the previously mentioned aspects, the study is poised to exert a substantial influence on the field, its significance reverberating significantly. The methodologies and data presented undoubtedly hold the potential to facilitate the community's deeper understanding of the ramifications stemming from disruptions during pregnancy, shedding light on their enduring impact on the metabolic well-being of subsequent generations.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Plant roots grow following the gravity vector. Changes in the direction of gravity can be sensed in the root tip by specialized cells that hold starch granules. These starch granules act as levels. Movement and settling of the granules at the bottom of these specialized cells initiates an imbalanced distribution of auxin, a key hormone for plant development. Consequently, this leads to a reorientation of root growth towards the newly established gravity vector. This work provides new insights into granules' relocalization, the proteins associated with them, and the molecular processes triggered downstream.

      Comments on revised submission:

      In the previous review round, the reviewers noted that the authors had missed an opportunity to discuss the results presented in two recently published articles closely related to the topic of their manuscript. The authors have now referenced these articles in the current version of the manuscript, but the discussion remains rather brief. It would have been beneficial to summarize, identify, and highlight the similarities among these studies in a more comprehensive manner.

      In Figure 1, it would have been more informative if the authors had provided specific information concerning the key time-points described in the graphs to visually illustrate the dynamics of PIN3 localization, intracellular calcium transients, and auxin reporter DII Venus. Including these images would have perfectly complemented panels E, F, and G.

      The authors expressed concerns about overcrowding the figure. If the aesthetics of the figure were their primary concern, they could have included essential image frames for the data represented in the graphs in a supplementary figure. Alternatively, a detailed description of supplementary movie 3, highlighting the specific frames quantified in the graphs (Figure 1), could have sufficed.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This work demonstrates a new technique to characterize the interaction between a crawling larva and the substrate on which it is crawling, at much higher temporal speed and spatial resolution than previously possible. While I have some questions about the interpretation of the data, both the demonstration of WARP microscopy to characterize small animal behavior and the discovery of new crawling-associated anatomical features and motor patterns make the paper worthy of attention.

      I thank the authors for providing data underlying the figures. In these uncropped data sets, the deformation of the substrate due to the surface tension of an adhering water layer is visible. I would hope the authors would provide a subset of these images and some of the accompanying information (e.g. that the deformation of the gel due to the water layer cannot be accurately calculated due to too-rapid phase wrapping in the interferogram) as supplements to the text, to aid in interpretation and understanding of the data. It is also worth noting that in the data provided, under the larva, the integral of the stress on the gel is upward, despite the downward force exerted by the protopodia.

      Future work using this exciting technique might address the role of surface tension and the balance of forces and might also produce direct evidence to show that the protopodia serve to "anchor" segments of the larva not in motion. Indeed, the most exciting aspect of this work is the number of new questions it both raises and provides a technological pathway towards resolving.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Understanding the ecology including the dietary ecology of enantiornithines is challenging by all means. This work explores the possible trophic diversity of the "opposite-bird" enantiornithines by referring to the body mass, jaw mechanical advantage, finite element analysis of the jaw bones, and morphometrics of the claws and skull of both fossil and extant avian species. By incorporation the dietary information of longipterygids and pengornithinds, the authors predicted a wide variety of foods for enantiornithine ancestors. This indicates the evolutionary successes of enantiornitine during Cretaceous is very likely to have been driven by the wide range of recipes. I believe this work represented the most comprehensive analysis of enantiornithines' diet and trophic diversity by far and the first systematic dietary analysis of bohaiornithids, though the analysis themselves are largely based on the indirect evidence including jaw bone morphologies and claw and skull morphometrics. Anyway, I believe the authors did most the paleontologists could do, and I do not know whether the conclusions could be further supported by incorporating some geochemical data, as most of the specimens the authors analyzed were recovered from a small geographic area. The results also indicate that the developmental trajectories of enantiornithines, at least for jaw bones, might also have been diverse to some extent in response to the diverse ecological niches they adapted. My only concern regarding the analysis is to what extent the conclusions are convincing by comparing specimens representing various ontogenetic stages. This concern has been addressed in the revised manuscript. I believe the authors have almost exhausted all available methods, and I congratulate the authors for the detailed study they conducted.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this work, the authors set out to ask whether the MYRF family of transcription factors, represented by myrf-1 and myrf-2 in C. elegans, have a role in the temporally controlled expression of the miRNA lin-4. The precisely timed onset of lin-4 expression in the late L1 stage is known to be a critical step in the developmental timing ("heterochronic") pathway, allowing worms to move from the L1 to the L2 stage of development. Despite the importance of this step of the pathway, the mechanisms that control the onset of lin-4 expression are not well understood.

      Overall, the paper provides convincing evidence that MYRF factors have a role in the regulation of lin-4 expression. Using state-of-the-art techniques (knock-in reporters and conditional alleles), the authors show that MYRF factors are essential for lin-4 activation and act cell-autonomously. While there are some minor concerns about the use of unusual gain-of-function alleles, these are mitigated by consistent results using other approaches. The authors also provide evidence that MYRF factors activate lin-4 by directly activating its promoter. While their results are certainly consistent with this possibility, they rely on indirect measurements and are therefore not definitive. Further experiments will be necessary to determine whether this model is accurate.

      Some details about the relative roles of the two C. elegans MYRF factors, myrf-1 and myrf-2, remain unclear. myrf-1 clearly seems to play the more important role lin-4 activation and the regulation of developmentally timed processes. However, there are numerous hints that myrf-2 may act in the opposite direction, either by inhibiting myrf-1 itself or its ability to activate its targets. Further work will be necessary to understand the genetic and mechanistic relationships between these two genes.

      Overall, the findings in this paper are convincing, and the results will be of interest to a wide range of developmental biologists.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors suggest that the African trypanosome endomembrane system has unusual organisation, in that the entire system is a single reticulated structure. It is not clear if this is thought to extend to the lysosome or MVB. There is also a suggestion that this unusual morphology serves as a trans-(post)Golgi network rather than the more canonical arrangement.

      The updated manuscript is significantly improved. I remain at slight odds with the author's push for the lack of generality as important, and the new cell biology that we have been on the verge of for decades. However, that is a scholarly issue and is not grounds for any further revision of the present manuscript.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This fascinating paper by M. Alfatah et al. describes work to uncover novel genes affecting lifespan in the budding yeast S. cerevisiae, eventually identifying and further characterizing a gene, YBR238C, now named AAG1 by the authors.<br /> The authors began by considering published gene sets pulled from the Saccharomyces genome database that described increases or decreases in either chronological lifespan or replicative lifespan in yeast. They also began with gene sets known to be downregulated upon treatment with the lifespan-extending TOR inhibitor rapamycin.

      YBR283C was unique in being largely uncharacterized, downregulated upon rapamycin treatment and linked to both increased replicative lifespan and increased chronological lifespan upon deletion.

      The authors show that YBR283C may act to negatively regulate mitochondrial function, in ways that are both dependent on and independent of the stress-responsive transcription factor Hap4, largely by looking at relative expression levels of relevant mitochondrial genes.

      In a hard to fully interpret but well documented series of experiments the authors not that the two paralogues YBR283C and RMD9 (which have ~66% similarity) (a) have opposite effects when acting alone, and (b) appear to interact in that some phenotypes of ybr283c are dependent on RMD9.

      A particularly interesting finding in light of the current literature and of the authors' strategy in identifying YBR283C is that changes in electron transport chain genes upon rapamycin treatment appear to be effected via YBR283C.<br /> Based on a series of experiments the authors move to conclude the existence of "a feedback loop between TORC1 and mitochondria (the TORC1-Mitochondria-TORC1 (TOMITO) signaling process) that regulates cellular aging processes."


      Overall, this study describes a great deal of new data from a large number of experiments, that shed light on the potential specific roles of YBR238C and its paralog RMD9 in aging in yeast, and also underscore the potential of an approach looking for "dark matter" such as uncharacterized genes when seining the increasing deluge of published datasets for new hypotheses to test. This work when revised will become a valuable addition to the field.


      A paralog of YBR283C, RMD9, also exists in the yeast genome. While the authors indicate that part of their interest in YBR283C lies in its uncharacterized nature, its paralogue, RMD9, is not uncharacterized but is named due to its phenotype of Required for Meiotic nuclear Division, which is not mentioned or discussed anywhere in the manuscript currently.

      In the context of the current work, in addition to the cited Hillen, H.S et al. and Nouet C. et al, the authors might be very interested in the 2007 Genetics paper "Translation initiation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondria: functional interactions among mitochondrial ribosomal protein Rsm28p, initiation factor 2, methionyl-tRNA-formyltransferase and novel protein Rmd9p" (PMID: 17194786), which does not appear to be cited or discussed in the current version of the manuscript.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This important study nicely integrates a breadth of experimental and computational data to address fundamental aspects of RNA methylation by an important for biology and health RNA methyltransferases (MTases). 

      Strengths: The authors offer compelling and strong evidence, based on carefully performed with appropriate and well-established techniques to shed light on aspects of the methyl transfer mechanism of the methyltransferase-like protein 3 (METTL3), which is part of the methyltransferase-like proteins 3 & 14 (METTL3-14) complex. 

      There are no weaknesses that we identified in the revised version.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This paper provides strong evidence for the roles of JH in an ametabolous insect species. In particular, it demonstrates that:<br /> • JH shifts embryogenesis from a growth mode to a differentiation mode and is responsible for terminal differentiation during embryogenesis. This, and other JH roles, are first suggested as correlations, based on the timing of JH peaks, but then experimentally demonstrated using JH antagonists and rescue thereof with JH mimic. This is a robust approach and the experimental results are very convincing.<br /> • JH redirects ecdysone-induced molting to direct formation of a more mature cuticle<br /> • Kr-h1 is downstream of JH in Thermobia, as it is in other insects, and is a likely mediator of many JH effects<br /> • The results support the proposed model that an ancestral role of JH in promoting and maintaining differentiation was coopted during insect radiations to drive the evolution of metamorphosis. However, alternate evolutionary scenarios should also be considered.


      Overall, this is a beautiful, in-depth student. The paper is well-written and clear. The background places the work in a broad context and shows its importance in understanding fundamental questions about insect biology. The researchers are leaders in the field, and a strength of this manuscript is their use of a variety of different approaches (enzymatic assays, gene expression, agonists & antagonists, analysis of morphology using different types of microscopy and detection, and more) to attack their research questions. The experimental data is clearly presented and carefully executed with appropriate controls and attention to detail. The 'multi-pronged' approach provides support for the conclusions from different angles, strengthening conclusions. In sum, the data presented are convincing and the conclusions about experimental outcomes are well-justified based on the results obtained.


      This paper provides more detail than is likely needed for readers outside the field but also provides sufficient depth for those in the field. This is both a strength and a weakness. I would suggest the authors shorten some aspects of their text to make it more accessible to a broader audience. In particular, the discussion is very long and accompanied by two model figures. The discussion could be tightened up and much of the text used for a separate review article (perhaps along with Figure 11) that would bring more attention to the proposed evolution of JH roles.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The basic approach is that the authors first train an RBM on all MprF sequences, and then use this analysis to identify a subset of the family that catalyzes the addition of amino acids to PG. Then a second RBM is trained on this subset.

      In the initial RBM training a particular hidden unit is identified that has a sparse and bimodal activation in response to the input sequences. The contribution of individual resides is shown in Figure 3c, which highlights one of the strengths of this RBM implementation - it is interpretable in a physically meaningful way. However, there are several decisions here, the justification of which is not entirely clear.

      i) Some of the residues in Fig 3c are stated as "relevant" for aminoacylated PG production. But is this the only such hidden unit? Or are there others that are sparse, bimodal, and involve "relevant" AA?<br /> ii) In order to filter the sequences for the second stage, only those that produce an activation over +2.0 in this particular hidden unit were taken. How was this choice made?<br /> iii) How many sequences are in the set before and after this filtering? On the basis of the strength of the results that follow I expect that there are good reasons for these choices, but they should be more carefully discussed.<br /> iv) Do the authors think that this gets all of the aminoacylated PG enzymes? Or are some missed?

      The authors show that they can classify members of the family by training a second RBM on the filtered sequences. They do this by identifying two hidden unit activations in particular (Figure 5b) which seem to be useful for determining lipid substrate specificity, and they test several variants that obtain different responses of these two hidden units by experimentally determining what lipids they produce (Table 2). However, some similar criticisms from the last point occur here as well, namely the selection of which weights should be used to classify the enzymes' function. Again the approach is to identify hidden unit activations that are sparse (with respect to the input sequence), have a high overall magnitude, and "involve residues which could be plausibly linked to the lipid binding specificity."

      i) Two hidden units are identified as useful for classification, but how many candidates are there that pass the first two criteria? Indeed, how many hidden units are there?<br /> ii) The criterion "involve residues which could be plausibly linked to the lipid binding specificity" is again vague. Do all of the other candidate hidden units *not* involve significant contributions from substrate-binding residues? Maybe one of the other units does a better job of discriminating substrate specificity. (As indicated in Figure 8, there are examples of enzymes that confound the proposed classification.) Why combine the activations of two units for the classification, instead of 1 or 3 or...?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This paper describes a new method for sequence-based remote homology detection. Such methods are essential for the annotation of uncharacterized proteins and for studies of protein evolution.

      The main strength and novelty of the proposed approach lies in the idea of combining state-of-the-art sequence-based (HHpred and HMMER) and structure-based (Foldseek) homology detection methods with protein language models (the ESM2 model was used). The authors show that high-dimensional, information-rich representations extracted from the ESM2 model can be efficiently combined with the aforementioned tools.

      The benchmarking of the new approach is convincing and shows that it is suitable for homology detection at very low sequence similarity. The method is also fast because it does not require the computation of multiple sequence alignments for profile calculation or structure prediction.

      Overall, this is an interesting and useful paper that proposes an alternative direction for the problem of distant homology detection.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The study tests the conservation of imprinting of the ZBDF2 locus across mammals. ZDBF2 is known to be imprinted in mice, humans, and rats. The locus has a unique mechanism of imprinting: although imprinting is conferred by a germline DMR methylated in oocytes, the DMR is upstream to ZDBF2 (at GPR1) and monoallelic methylation of the gDMR does not persist beyond early developmental stages. Instead, a lncRNA (GPR1-AS, also known as Liz in mouse) initiating at the gDMR is expressed transiently in embryos and sets up a secondary DMR (by mechanisms not fully elucidated) that then confers monoallelic expression of ZDBF2 in somatic tissues.

      In this study, the authors first interrogate existing placental RNA-seq datasets from multiple mammalian species, and detect GPR1-AS1 candidate transcripts in humans, baboons, macaques and mice, but not in about a dozen other mammals. Because of the varying depth, quality, and nature of these RNA-seq libraries, the ability to definitely detect the GPR1-AS1 lncRNA is not guaranteed; therefore, they generate their own deep, directional RNA-seq data from tissues/embryos from five species, finding evidence of GPR1-AS in rabbits and chimpanzees, but not bovine animals, pigs or opossums. From these surveys, the authors conclude that the lncRNA is present only in Euarchontoglires mammals. To test the association between GPR1-AS and ZDBF2 imprinting, they perform RT-PCR and sequencing in tissue from wallabies and cattle, finding biallelic expression of ZDBF2 in these species that also lack a detected GPR1-AS transcript. From inspection of the genomic location of the GPR1-AS first exon, the authors identify an overlap with a solo LTR of the MER21C retrotransposon family in those species in which the lncRNA is observed, except for some rodents, including mice. However, they do detect a degree of homology (46%) to the MER21C consensus at the first exon on Liz in mouse. Finally, the authors explore public RNA-seq datasets to show that GPR1-AS is expression transiently during human preimplantation development, an expression dynamic that would be consistent with the induction of monoallelic methylation of a somatic DMR at ZDBF2 and consequent monoallelic expression.

      Strengths:<br /> -The analysis uncovers a novel mechanism by which a retrotransposon-derived LTR may be involved in genomic imprinting.<br /> -The genomic analysis is very well executed.<br /> -New directional and deeply-sequenced RNA-seq datasets from the placenta or the trophectoderm of five mammalian species and marsupial embryos, that will be of value to the community.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Although the genomic analysis is very strong, the study remains entirely correlative. All of the data are descriptive, and much of the analysis is performed on RNA-seq and other datasets from the public domain; a small amount of primary data is generated by the authors.<br /> Evidence that the residual LTR in mouse is functionally relevant for Liz lncRNA expression is lacking.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The current manuscript focusses on the adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (Aprt) and how the lack of its function affects nervous system function. It puts it into the context of Lesch-Nyhan disease, a rare hereditary disease linked to hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HGPRT). Since HGPRT appears absent in Drosophila, the study focusses initially on Aprt and shows that aprt mutants have a decreased life-span and altered uric acid levels (the latter can be attenuated by allopurinol treatment). Moreover, aprt mutants show defects in locomotor reactivity behaviors. A comparable phenotype can be observed when specifically knocking down aprt in dopaminergic cells (in an adult-specific fashion). Interestingly, also glia-specific knock-down caused a similar behavioral defect, which could not be restored when re-expressing UAS-aprt, while neuronal re-expression did restore the mutant phenotype. Moreover, mutants, pan-neuronal and glia-specific RNAi for aprt caused sleep-defects. Based on immunostainings Dopamine levels are increased; UPLC shows that adenosine levels are reduced and PCR showed in increase of Ent2 levels are increased (but not AdoR). Moreover, aprt mutants display seizure-like behaviros, which can be partly restored by purine feeding (adenosine and N6-methyladenosine). Finally, expression of the human HGPRT also causes locomotor defects.

      The authors provide a wide range of genetic experimental data to assess behavior and some molecular assessment on how the defects may emerge. It is clearly written, and the arguments follow the experimental evidence that is provided.

      The findings provide a new example of how manipulating specific genes in the fruit fly allow the study of fundamental molecular processes that are linked to a human disease.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this study, Clark et. al. used electrophysiology approaches to measure MEC neuron activity while mice performed spatial memory tasks in one-dimensional virtual tracks, where the mice must stop in a specific reward zone for a reward. The authors identified that grid cell activity could either be anchored to the track reference frame ('task-anchored') or can maintain a periodic firing pattern independent of the track reference frame ('task-independent'). They found that in the task that requires path integration, good task performance is specifically associated with task-anchored grid cell activity.

      Strength:<br /> This study took advantage of the variation in neural activity and navigation task behaviors to answer an important question: how grid cell activity is associated with performance of spatial tasks. The mice performed individual trials where they must stop in a specific reward zone for a reward. Individual behavioral sessions could include three types of trials: (1) a visual cue at the reward location (beaconed trials), (2) no cue at the reward location (non-beaconed trials), and (3) no cue and no reward regardless of stopping (probe trials). The authors found that, interestingly, grid cell activity pattern could be anchored to task reference frame or maintain a periodic pattern independent of the reference frame. The anchoring of activity patterns could switch within a behavioral session. On the other hand, spatial firing of non-grid cells was either coherent with the grid population or was stably anchored to the task reference frame. Combining grid cell activity feature with task behaviors, they uncovered an association between the task-anchoring of grid cell activity with good performance in spatial navigation tasks that requires path integration (non-beaconed and probe trials). This work suggests the contribution of grid firing to path integration-dependent navigation.

      Weakness:<br /> It would be interesting to find out that on the trial-by-trial basis, whether the activity anchoring switched first, or the task behaviors altered first, or whether they happened within the same trial. This will potentially determine whether the encoding is causal for the behavior, or the other way around. However, based the authors explanation, their experimental design lacks sufficient statistical power to address the timing of mode switches within a trial, because task mode switching is relatively infrequent (so the n for switching is low) and only a subset of trials are uncued (making the relevant n even lower), while at a trial level the behavioral outcome is variable (increasing the required n for adequate power).

      In addition, the authors reported that the activity anchoring of some non-grid cells coherently switched with grid cells, while others do not. They propose that the MEC implement multiple coding schemes. However, it is unclear whether and how the coding scheme is associated with behavior. It would be interesting to further investigate this question.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This paper presents a compelling and comprehensive study of decision-making under uncertainty. It addresses a fundamental distinction between belief-based (cognitive neuroscience) formulations of choice behaviour with reward-based (behavioural psychology) accounts. Specifically, it asks whether active inference provides a better account of planning and decision-making, relative to reinforcement learning. To do this, the authors use a simple but elegant paradigm that includes choices about whether to seek both information and rewards. They then assess the evidence for active inference and reinforcement learning models of choice behaviour, respectively. After demonstrating that active inference provides a better explanation of behavioural responses, the neuronal correlates of epistemic and instrumental value (under an optimised active inference model) are characterised using EEG. Significant neuronal correlates of both kinds of value were found in sensor and source space. The source space correlates are then discussed sensibly, in relation to the existing literature on the functional anatomy of perceptual and instrumental decision-making under uncertainty.

      Strengths:<br /> The strengths of this work rest upon the theoretical underpinnings and careful deconstruction of the various determinants of choice behaviour using active inference. A particular strength here is that the experimental paradigm is designed carefully to elicit both information-seeking and reward-seeking behaviour; where the information-seeking is itself separated into resolving uncertainty about the context (i.e., latent states) and the contingencies (i.e., latent parameters), under which choices are made. In other words, the paradigm - and its subsequent modelling - addresses both inference and learning as necessary belief and knowledge-updating processes that underwrite decisions.

      The authors were then able to model belief updating using active inference and then look for the neuronal correlates of the implicit planning or policy selection. This speaks to a further strength of this study; it provides some construct validity for the modelling of belief updating and decision-making; in terms of the functional anatomy as revealed by EEG. Empirically, the source space analysis of the neuronal correlates licences some discussion of functional specialisation and integration at various stages in the choices and decision-making.

      In short, the strengths of this work rest upon a (first) principles account of decision-making under uncertainty in terms of belief updating that allows them to model or fit choice behaviour in terms of Bayesian belief updating - and then use relatively state-of-the-art source reconstruction to examine the neuronal correlates of the implicit cognitive processing.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The main weaknesses of this report lies in the communication of the ideas and procedures. Although the language is generally excellent, there are some grammatical lapses that make the text difficult to read. More importantly, the authors are not consistent in their use of some terms; for example, uncertainty and information gain are sometimes conflated in a way that might confuse readers. Furthermore, the descriptions of the modelling and data analysis are incomplete. These shortcomings could be addressed in the following way.

      First, it would be useful to unpack the various interpretations of information and goal-seeking offered in the (active inference) framework examined in this study. For example, it will be good to include the following paragraph:

      "In contrast to behaviourist approaches to planning and decision-making, active inference formulates the requisite cognitive processing in terms of belief updating in which choices are made based upon their expected free energy. Expected free energy can be regarded as a universal objective function, specifying the relative likelihood of alternative choices. In brief, expected free energy can be regarded as the surprise expected following some action, where the expected surprise comes in two flavours. First, the expected surprise is uncertainty, which means that policies with a low expected free energy resolve uncertainty and promote information seeking. However, one can also minimise expected surprise by avoiding surprising, aversive outcomes. This leads to goal-seeking behaviour, where the goals can be regarded as prior preferences or rewarding outcomes.

      Technically, expected free energy can be expressed in terms of risk plus ambiguity - or rearranged to be expressed in terms of expected information gain plus expected value, where value corresponds to (log) prior preferences. We will refer to both decompositions in what follows; noting that both decompositions accommodate information and goal-seeking imperatives. That is, resolving ambiguity and maximising information gain have epistemic value, while minimising risk or maximising expected value have pragmatic or instrumental value. These two kinds of values are sometimes referred to in terms of intrinsic and extrinsic value, respectively [1-4]."

      The description of the modelling of choice behaviour needs to be unpacked and motivated more carefully. Perhaps along the following lines:

      "To assess the evidence for active inference over reinforcement learning, we fit active inference and reinforcement learning models to the choice behaviour of each subject. Effectively, this involved optimising the free parameters of active inference and reinforcement learning models to maximise the likelihood of empirical choices. The resulting (marginal) likelihood was then used as the evidence for each model. The free parameters for the active inference model scaled the contribution of the three terms that constitute the expected free energy (in Equation 6). These coefficients can be regarded as precisions that characterise each subjects' prior beliefs about contingencies and rewards. For example, increasing the precision or the epistemic value associated with model parameters means the subject would update her beliefs about reward contingencies more quickly than a subject who has precise prior beliefs about reward distributions. Similarly, subjects with a high precision over prior preferences or extrinsic value can be read as having more precise beliefs that she will be rewarded. The free parameters for the reinforcement learning model included..."

      In terms of the time-dependent correlations with expected free energy - and its constituent terms - I think the report would benefit from overviewing these analyses with something like the following:

      "In the final analysis of the neuronal correlates of belief updating - as quantified by the epistemic and intrinsic values of expected free energy - we present a series of analyses in source space. These analyses tested for correlations between constituent terms in expected free energy and neuronal responses in source space. These correlations were over trials (and subjects). Because we were dealing with two-second timeseries, we were able to identify the periods of time during decision-making when the correlates were expressed.

      In these analyses, we focused on the induced power of neuronal activity at each point in time, at each brain source. To illustrate the functional specialisation of these neuronal correlates, we present whole-brain maps of correlation coefficients and pick out the most significant correlation for reporting fluctuations in selected correlations over two-second periods. These analyses are presented in a descriptive fashion to highlight the nature and variety of the neuronal correlates, which we unpack in relation to the existing EEG literature in the discussion. Note that we did not attempt to correct for multiple comparisons; largely, because the correlations observed were sustained over considerable time periods, which would be almost impossible under the null hypothesis of no correlations."

      There was a slight misdirection in the discussion of priors in the active inference framework. The notion that active inference requires a pre-specification of priors is a common misconception. Furthermore, it misses the point that the utility of Bayesian modelling is to identify the priors that each subject brings to the table. This could be easily addressed with something like the following in the discussion:

      "It is a common misconception that Bayesian approaches to choice behaviour (including active inference) are limited by a particular choice of priors. As illustrated in our fitting of choice behaviour above, priors are a strength of Bayesian approaches in the following sense: under the complete class theorem [5, 6], any pair of choice behaviours and reward functions can be described in terms of ideal Bayesian decision-making with particular priors. In other words, there always exists a description of choice behaviour in terms of some priors. This means that one can, in principle, characterise any given behaviour in terms of the priors that explain that behaviour. In our example, these were effectively priors over the precision of various preferences or beliefs about contingencies that underwrite expected free energy."

      (1) Oudeyer, P.-Y. and F. Kaplan, What is intrinsic motivation? a typology of computational approaches. Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 2007. 1: p. 6.<br /> (2) Schmidhuber, J., Formal Theory of Creativity, Fun, and Intrinsic Motivation (1990-2010). Ieee Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development, 2010. 2(3): p. 230-247.<br /> (3) Barto, A., M. Mirolli, and G. Baldassarre, Novelty or surprise? Front Psychol, 2013. 4: p. 907.<br /> (4) Schwartenbeck, P., et al., Computational mechanisms of curiosity and goal-directed exploration. Elife, 2019. 8: p. e41703.<br /> (5) Wald, A., An Essentially Complete Class of Admissible Decision Functions. Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 1947. 18(4): p. 549-555.<br /> (6) Brown, L.D., A Complete Class Theorem for Statistical Problems with Finite-Sample Spaces. Annals of Statistics, 1981. 9(6): p. 1289-1300.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors report here interesting data on the interactions mediated by the SH3 domain of BIN1 that expand our knowledge on the role of the SH3 domain of BIN1 in terms of mediating specific interactions with a potentially high number of proteins and how variants in this region alter or prevent these protein-protein interactions. These data provide useful information that will certainly help to further dissect the networks of proteins that are altered in some human myopathies as well as the mechanisms that govern the correct physiological activity of muscle cells.

      The work is mostly based on improved biochemical techniques to measure protein-protein interaction and provide solid evidence that the SH3 domain of BIN1 can establish an unexpectedly high number of interactions with at least a hundred cellular proteins, among which the authors underline the presence of other proteins known to be causative of skeletal muscle diseases and not known to interact with BIN1. This represents an unexpected and interesting finding relevant to better define the network of interactions established among different proteins that, if altered, can lead to muscle disease. An interesting contribution is also the detailed identification of the specific sites, namely the Proline-Rich Motifs (PRMs) that in the interacting proteins mediate binding to the BIN1 SH3 domain. Less convincing, or too preliminary in my opinion, are the data supporting BIN1 co-localization with PRC1. Indeed, the affinity of PRC1 is significantly lower than that of DNM2, an established BIN1 interacting protein. Thus, this does not provide compelling evidence to support PRC1 as a significant interactor of BIN1. Similarly, the localization data appears somewhat preliminary to substantiate a role of BIN1 in mitotic processes. These findings may necessitate additional experimental work to be more convincing.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This technical report by Kugler et al., expands the application of a fluorescence-based reporter to study the conformational state of various kinases. This reporter, named KinCon (Kinase Conformation), interrogates the conformational state of a kinase (i.e., active vs. inactive) based on engineering complementary fusion proteins that fluoresce upon interaction. This assay has several advantages as it allows studying full-length kinases, that is, the kinase domain and regulatory domains, inside the cell and under various experimental conditions such as the presence of inhibitors or activator proteins, and in wildtype and mutants involved in disease states.


      One major strength of this study is that it is quite comprehensive. The authors use KinCon for four different kinases, BRAF, LKB1, RIP, and CDK4/6. These kinases have very different regulatory elements and associated proteins, which the authors explore to study their conformational state. Moreover, they use small molecule inhibitors or mutations to further dissect how the conformational state of the kinase in disease states. The collective set of results strongly suggests that KinCon is a versatile tool that can be used to study many kinases of biomedical and fundamental importance. Given that kinases are extensively studied by researchers in academia or industry, KinCon could have a broad impact as well.

      Weaknesses:<br /> This manuscript, however, also has several weaknesses. These include:

      - The manuscript is exceedingly long. For instance, the introduction provides background information for each kinase that is further expanded in the results section. I think the background information for each kinase in the Introduction and Results sections could be significantly reduced to highlight the major points. Otherwise, not only does the manuscript become too long, but the main points get diluted.

      - The figure legends are very long, providing information that is already in the main text or Methods. In the legend, the authors should provide only the essential information to understand the figure.

      - A major concern throughout the manuscript is the use of the word "dynamics," which is used in the text in various contexts. The authors should clarify what they understand about the dynamics of conformation. Are they measuring how the time-dependent process by which the kinase is interconverting between active and inactive states? It seems to me that the assays in this report evaluate a population of kinases that are in an open or close conformation (i.e., a particular state in each experimental condition) but there is no direct information on how the kinase goes from one state to the other. In that sense, the use of the word dynamics is unclear. Also, the use of the word dynamics in different sentences is ambiguous.

      - There are various other issues with terminology and presentation that also affect the overall level of impact of the manuscript.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This study provides convincing data showing that expression of the PIK3R1(delta Exon11) dominant negative mutation in Activated PI3K Delta Syndrome 1/2 (APDS1/2) patient-derived cells reduces AKT activation and p110δ protein levels. Using a 3T3-L1 model cell system, the authors show that overexpressed p85α delta Exon 11) displays reduced association with the p110α catalytic subunit but strongly interacts with Irs1/2. Overexpression of PIK3R1 dominant negative mutants inhibits AKT phosphorylation and reduces cellular differentiation of preadipocytes. The strength of this article is the clear results derived from Western blots analysis of cell signaling markers (e.g. pAKT1), and co-immunoprecipitation of PI3K holoenzyme complexes and associated regulatory factors (e.g. Irs1/2). The experimental design, interpretation, and quantification broadly support the authors' conclusions.

      Strengths:<br /> The authors analyze a variety of PIK3R1 mutants (i.e. delta Exon11, E489K, R649W, and Y657X), which reveals a range of phenotypes that support the proposed model for dominant negative activity. The use of clonal cell lines with doxycycline-induced expression of the PIK3R1 mutants (Exon 11, R649W, and Y657X) provides convincing experimental data concerning the relationship between p85α mutant expression and AKT phosphorylation in vivo. The authors convincingly show that p85α delta Exon11, R649W, or Y657X) is unable to associate with p110α but instead more strongly associates with Irs1/2 compared to wild type p85α. This helps explain why the authors were unable to purify the recombinant p110α/p85α delta Exon 11) heterodimeric complex from insect cells.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Future experimentation will be needed to reconcile the cell type specific differences (e.g. APDS2 patient-derived cells vs. the 3T3-L1 cell model system) in PIK3R1 mutant behavior reported by the authors. An unbiased proteomic study that broadly evaluates the cell signaling landscape could provide a more holistic understanding of the APDS2 and SHORT mutants compared to a candidate-based approach. Additional biochemical analysis of p110α/p85α delta Exon 11) complex is needed to explain why this mutant regulatory subunit does not strongly associate with the p110 catalytic subunit. It remains unclear why p85α delta Exon 11) expression reduces p110δ protein levels in APDS2 patient-derived dermal fibroblasts. This study would benefit from a more comprehensive biochemical analysis of the described p110α/p85α, p110β/p85α, and p110δ/p85α mutant protein complexes. The current limitation of this study to the use of a single endpoint assay to measure PI3K lipid kinase activity in the presence of a single regulatory input (i.e. RTK-derived pY peptide). A broader biochemical analysis of the mutant PI3K complexes across the canonical signaling landscape will be important for establishing how competition between wild-type and mutant regulatory subunits is regulated in different cell signaling pathways.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This study is valuable in that it may lead to the discovery of future OA markers, etc., in that changes in glycan metabolism in chondrocytes are involved in the initiation of cartilage degeneration and early OA via hypertrophic differentiation of chondrocytes. However, more robust results would be obtained by analyzing the mechanisms and pathways by which changes in glycosylation lead to cartilage degeneration.

      Strengths:<br /> This study is important because it indicates that glycan metabolism may be associated with pre-OA and may lead to the elucidation of the cause and diagnosis of pre-OA.

      Weaknesses:<br /> More robust results would be obtained by analyzing the mechanism by which cartilage degeneration induced by changes in glycometabolism occurs.

    1. Review #1 (Public Review)

      Single-molecule visualization of chromatin remodelers on long chromatin templates-a long sought-after goal-is still in its infancy. This work describes the behaviors of two remodelers RSC and ISW2, from SWI/SNF and ISWI families respectively, with well-conducted experiments and rigorous quantitative analysis, thus representing a significant advance in the field of chromatin biology and biophysics.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary: Here, the authors were attempting to use molecular simulation or probe the nature of how lipids, especially PIP lipids, bind to a medically-important ion channel. In particular, they look at how this binding impacts the function of the channel.

      Strengths: The study is very well written and composed. The techniques are used appropriately, with plenty of sampling and analysis. The findings are compelling, and provide clear insights into the biology of the system.

      Weaknesses: A few of the analyses are hard to understand/follow, and rely on "in house" scripts. This is particularly the case for the lipid binding events, which can be difficult to compute accurately. However the provision of these scripts on github means that these can be assessed by the reader if desired. Additionally, a lack of experimental validation, or coupling to existing experimental data, limits the study.

      It is my view that the authors have achieved their aims, and their findings are compelling and believable. Their findings should have impacts on how researchers understand the functioning of the Nav1.4 channel, as well as on the study of other ion channels and how they interact with membrane lipids.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Cyclic Nucleotide Binding (CNB) domains are pervasive structural components involved in signaling pathways across eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Despite their similar structures, CNB domains exhibit distinct ligand-sensing capabilities. The manuscript offers a thorough and convincing investigation that clarifies numerous puzzling aspects of nucleotide binding in Trypanosoma.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary of Author's Objectives:<br /> The authors aimed to explore JMJD6's role in MYC-driven neuroblastoma, particularly in the interplay between pre-mRNA splicing and cancer metabolism, and to investigate the potential for targeting this pathway.

      Strengths:<br /> (1) The study employs a diverse range of experimental techniques, including molecular biology assays, next-generation sequencing, interactome profiling, and metabolic analysis. Moreover, the authors specifically focused on gained chromosome 17q in neuroblastoma, in combination with analyzing cancer dependency genes screened with Crispr/Cas9 library, analyzing the association of gene expression with prognosis of neuroblastoma patients with large clinical cohort. This comprehensive approach strengthens the credibility of the findings. The identification of the link between JMJD6-mediated pre-mRNA splicing and metabolic reprogramming in MYC-driven cancer cells is innovative.<br /> (2) The authors effectively integrate data from multiple sources, such as gene expression analysis, RNA splicing analysis, JMJD6 interactome assay, and metabolic profiling. This holistic approach provides a more complete understanding of JMJD6's role.<br /> (3) The identification of JMJD6 as a potential therapeutic target and its correlation with the response to indisulam have significant clinical implications, addressing an unmet need in cancer treatment.

      Weaknesses:<br /> It would be beneficial to explore whether treatment with JMJD6 inhibitors, both in vitro and in vivo, can effectively target the enhanced pre-mRNA splicing of metabolic genes in MYC-driven cancer cells. However, the authors have noted that there are currently no potent and selective JMJD6 inhibitors available.

      Appraisal of Achievement and Conclusion Support:<br /> The authors have effectively met their objectives by offering valuable insights into JMJD6's role in MYC-driven neuroblastoma. The results robustly underpin their conclusions about JMJD6's contribution to metabolic reprogramming through alternative splicing and its connection to the therapeutic response to indisulam.

      Likely Impact on the Field and Utility of Methods/Data:<br /> The study's findings have the potential to significantly impact the field of cancer research by identifying JMJD6 as a promising therapeutic target for MYC-driven cancers. The methods and data presented in the manuscript offer valuable resources to the research community for further investigations into cancer metabolism and splicing regulation.

      Additional Context for Interpretation:<br /> Understanding the complex interplay between cancer metabolism and splicing regulation is crucial for developing effective cancer treatments. This study sheds light on a previously poorly understood aspect of MYC-driven cancers and opens new avenues for targeted therapies. However, the transition from preclinical findings to clinical applications may face challenges, which should be considered in future research and clinical trials.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors of this study seek to visualize NS1 purified from dengue virus infected cells. They infect vero cells with DV2-WT and DV2 NS1-T164S (a mutant virus previously characterized by the authors). The authors utilize an anti-NS1 antibody to immunoprecipitate NS1 from cell supernatants and then elute the antibody/NS1 complex with acid. The authors evaluate the eluted NS1 by SDS-PAGE, Native Page, mass spec, negative-stain EM, and eventually Cryo-EM. SDS-PAGE, mas spec, and native page reveal a >250 Kd species containing both NS1 and the proteinaceous component of HDL (ApoA1). The authors produce evidence to suggest that this population is predominantly NS1 in complex with ApoA1. This contrasts with recombinantly produced NS1 (obtained from a collaborator) which did not appear to be in complex with or contain ApoA1 (Figure 1C). The authors then visualize their NS1 stock in complex with their monoclonal antibody by CryoEM. For NS1-WT, the major species visualized by the authors was a ternary complex of an HDL particle in complex with an NS1 dimer bound to their mAB. For their mutant NS1-T164S, they find similar structures, but in contrast to NS1-WT, they visualize free NS1 dimers in complex with 2 Fabs (similar to what's been reported previously) as one of the major species. This highlights that different NS1 species have markedly divergent structural dynamics. It's important to note that the electron density maps for their structures do appear to be a bit overfitted since there are many regions with electron density that do not have a predicted fit and their HDL structure does not appear to have any predicted secondary structure for ApoA1. The authors then map the interaction between NS1 and ApoA1 using cross-linking mass spectrometry revealing numerous NS1-ApoA1 contact sites in the beta-roll and wing domain. The authors find that NS1 isolated from DENV infected mice is also present as a >250 kD species containing ApoA1. They further determine that immunoprecipitation of ApoA1 out of the sera from a single dengue patient correlates with levels of NS1 (presumably COIPed by ApoA1) in a dose-dependent manner.

      In the end, the authors make some useful observations for the NS1 field (mostly confirmatory) providing additional insight into the propensity of NS1 to interact with HDL and ApoA1. The study does not provide any functional assays to demonstrate activity of their proteins or conduct mutagenesis (or any other assays) to support their interaction predications. The authors assertion that higher-order NS1 exists primarily as a NS1 dimer in complex with HDL is not well supported as their purification methodology of NS1 likely introduces bias as to what NS1 complexes are isolated. While their results clearly reveal NS1 in complex with ApoA1, the lack of other NS1 homo-oligomers may be explained by how they purify NS1 from virally infected supernatant. Because NS1 produced during viral infection is not tagged, the authors use an anti-NS1 monoclonal antibody to purify NS1. This introduces a source of bias since only NS1 oligomers with their mAb epitope exposed will be purified. Further, the use of acid to elute NS1 may denature or alter NS1 structure and the authors do not include controls to test functionality of their NS1 stocks (capacity to trigger endothelial dysfunction or immune cell activation). The acid elution may force NS1 homo-oligomers into dimers which then reassociate with ApoA1 in a manner that is not reflective of native conditions. Conducting CryoEM of NS1 stocks only in the presence of full-length mAbs or Fabs also severely biases what species of NS1 is visualized since any NS1 oligomers without the B-ladder domain exposed will not be visualized. If the residues obscured by their mAb are involved in formation of higher-order oligomers then this antibody would functionally inhibit these species from forming. The absence of critical controls, use of one mAb, and acid elution for protein purification severely limits the interpretation of these data and do not paint a clear picture of if NS1 produced during infection is structurally distinct from recombinant NS1. Certainly there is novelty in purifying NS1 from virally infected cells, but without using a few different NS1 antibodies to purify NS1 stocks (or better yet a polyclonal population of antibodies) it's unclear if the results of the authors are simply a consequence of the mAb they selected.

      Data produced from numerous labs studying structure and function of flavivirus NS1 proteins provide diverse lines of evidence that the oligomeric state of NS1 is dynamic and can shift depending on context and environment. This means that the methodology used for NS1 production and purification will strongly impact the results of a study. The data in this manuscript certainly capture one of these dynamic states and overall support the general model of a dynamic NS1 oligomer that can associate with both host proteins as well as itself but the assertions of this manuscript are overall too strong given their data, as there is little evidence in this manuscript, and none available in the large body of existing literature, to support that NS1 exists only as a dimer associated with ApoA1. More likely the results of this paper are a result of their NS1 purification methodology.

      Comments on revised version:

      The authors have not adequately addressed my concerns from the original review. My major concerns are that the binding modality of NS1 to ApoA1/HDL was not validated using a mutagenesis approach and that the overarching conclusion drawn by the authors, that the major species of NS1 in vivo is a dimer in complex with ApoA1, is not supported by the data in this study given the methodology of using a single monoclonal antibody to immunoprecipitate NS1. Certainly, the structures in this manuscript are valuable in confirming that NS1 interacts with HDL and captures a snapshot of NS1/HDL interaction dynamics, but the use of only a single antibody is a major source of bias that makes it challenging to draw conclusions about the oligomeric state of NS1. Further on this point, a critically important control that is missing from this study is to determine if the anti-NS1 mAb 56.2 prevents NS1 from interacting with cells, triggering the release of proinflammatory cytokines from immune cells, or mediating endothelial dysfunction of endothelial cells. If this antibody inhibits these NS1-triggered events (linked to pathogenesis), it would suggest that the NS1 within this ternary complex is not active. Presumably some protective anti-NS1 antibodies may function by modulating the oligomeric state of NS1.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary<br /> In this study, Xu et al. provide insights into the substrate divergence of caspase 3 and 7 (CASP3 and CASP7) for gasdermin E (GSDME) cleavage and activation during evolution in vertebrates. Using a diverse set of biochemical assays, domain swapping, site-directed mutagenesis, and bioinformatics tools, the authors demonstrate that the human GSDME C-terminal region and the S234 residue of human CASP7 are the key determinants that impede the cleavage of human GSDME by human CASP7. Their findings suggest that mutations affecting the function of caspases have enabled the functional divergence of distinct caspase family members to specialize in controlling complicated cellular functions in mammals.

      Strengths<br /> The authors made an important contribution to the field by demonstrating how human CASP7 has functionally diverged to lose the ability to cleave GSDME and showing that reverse-mutations in CASP7 can restore GSDME cleavage. The use of multiple methods to support their conclusions strengthens the authors' findings. The unbiased mutagenesis screen performed to identify S234 in huCASP7 as the determinant of its GSDME cleavability is also a strength.

      Weaknesses<br /> While the authors employed a comprehensive experimental setup to investigate the CASP7-mediated GSDME cleavage across evolution, future studies will be required to fully understand the physiological implications of this evolutionary divergence.

    1. Joint Public Review:

      Previous findings by authors show that heliomycin induces autophagy to inhibit cancer progression, while its water-soluble analogs induce apoptosis. Here, they show that one of the analogs, 4-dmH, binds to tNOX, a NADH oxidase which supports SirT1 activity, in addition to SirT1, while heliomycin only binds to SirtT1 but not tNOX, using CETSA and in silico molecular docking studies, in human oral cancer cells. The additional binding activity of 4-dmH to tNOX might explain the different biological outcome from heliomycin. 4-dmH induces ubiquitination and degradation of tNOX protein, in dependent of p53 status. The tumor suppressive effect of 4-dmH (by intra-tumoral injections) is better than heliomycin. TCGA data base analysis suggests that high tNOX mRNA expression is correlated with poor prognosis of oral cancer patients.

      This group has been a leading lab of chemical and biological characterization of heliomycin and its analogs. Their findings are interesting and advance their previous findings. The revised manuscript well responded to the reviewers' concerns.

    1. l’article L.121-1 du code del’éducationa prévu que les établissements scolaires «assurent une mission d’information sur les violences et une éducation à la sexualité ainsi qu’une obligation de sensibilisation des personnelsenseignants aux violences sexistes et sexuelles et à la formation au respect du non-consentement29»
    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      - The paper is clearly written, and all the conclusions stem from a set of 3 principles: circular topology, rotational symmetry, and noise minimization. The derivations are sound and such rigor by itself is commendable.

      - The authors provide a compelling argument on why evolution might have picked an eight-column circuit for path-integration, which is a great example of how theory can inform our thinking about the organization of neural systems for a specific purpose.

      - The authors provide a self-consistency argument on how cosine-like activity supports cosine-like connectivity with a simple Hebbian rule. However, their framework doesn't answer the question of how this system integrates angular velocity with the correct gain in the absence of allothetic cues to produce a heading estimate (more on that on point 3 below).


      - The authors make simplifying assumptions to arrive at the cosine activity/cosine connectivity circuit. Among those are the linear activation function, and cosine driving activity u. The authors provide justification for the linearization in methods 3.1, however, this ignores the well-established fact that bump amplitude is modulated by angular velocity in the fly head direction system (Turner-Evans et al 2017). In such a case, nonlinearities in the activation function cannot be ignored and would introduce harmonics in the activity. Furthermore, even though activity has been reported to be cosine-like, in fact in the fruit fly it takes the form of a somewhat concentrated activity bump (~80-100 degrees, Seelig & Jayaraman 2015; Turner-Evans et al 2017), and one has to take into account the smoothing effect of calcium dynamics too which might make the bump appear more cosine-like. So in general, it would be nice to see how the conclusions extend if the driving activity is more square-like, which would also introduce further harmonics. Overall, it would be interesting to see whether, despite the harmonics introduced by these two factors interacting in the learning rule, Oja's rule can still pick up the "base" frequency and produce sinusoidal weights (as mentioned in methods 3.8). At this point, the examples shown in Figure 5 (tabula rasa and slightly perturbed weights) are quite simple. Such a demonstration would greatly enhance the generality of the results.

      - The match of the theoretical prediction of cosine-like connectivity profiles with the connectivity data is somewhat lacking. In the locust the fit is almost perfect, however, the low net path count combined with the lack of knowledge about synaptic strengths makes this a motivating example in my opinion. In the fruit fly, the fit is not as good, and the function-fitting comparison (Methods Figure 6) is not as convincing. First, some function choices clearly are not a good fit (f1+2, f2). Second, the profile seems to be better fit by a Gaussian or other localized function, however the extra parameter of the Gaussian results in the worst AIC and AICc. To better get at the question of whether the shape of the connectivity profile matches a cosine or a Gaussian, the authors could try for example to fix the width of the Gaussian (e.g. to the variance of the best-fit cosine, which seems to match the data very well even though it wasn't itself fit), and then fit the two other parameters to the data. In that case, no AIC or AICc is needed. And then do the same for a circular distribution, e.g. von Mises. In addition, the theoretical prediction of cosine-like connectivity is not clearly stated in the abstract, introduction, or discussion. As a prediction, I believe it should be center forward, as it might be revisited again in the future in lieu of e.g. new experimental data.

      - I find the authors' claim that Oja's rule suffices to learn the insect head direction circuit (l. 273-5) somewhat misleading/vague. The authors seem to not be learning angular integration here at all. First, it is unclear to me what is the form of u(t). Is it the desired activity in the network at time t given angular velocity? This is different than modelling a population of PEN neurons jointly tuned to head direction and angular velocity, and learning weights so as to integrate angular velocity with the correct gain (Vafidis et al 2022). The learning rule here establishes a self-consistency between sinusoidal weights and activity, however, it does not learn the weights from PEN to EPG neurons so as to perform angular integration. Similar simple Hebbian rules have been used before to learn angular integration (Stringer et al 2002), however, they failed to learn the correct gain. Therefore, the authors should limit the statement that their simpler learning rule is enough to learn the circuit (l. 273-5), making sure to outline differences with the current literature (Vafidis et al 2022).

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Wang and co-workers characterise the fossil of Beretella spinosa from the early Cambrian, Yanjiahe Formation, South China. Combining morphological analyses with phylogenetic reconstructions, the authors conclude that B. spinosa is closely related to Saccorhytus, an enigmatic fossil recently ascribed to Ecdysozoa, or moulting animals, as an extinct "basal" lineage. Finding additional representatives of the clade Saccorhytida strengthens the idea that there existed a diversity of body plans previously underappreciated in Ecdysozoa, which may have implications for our understanding of the earliest steps in the evolution of this major animal group.

      Strengths:<br /> I'm not a paleobiologist; therefore, I cannot give an expert opinion on the descriptions of the fossils. However, the similarities with Saccorhytus seem evident, and the phylogenetic reconstructions are adequate. Evolutionary interpretations are generally justified, and the consolidation of Saccorhytida as the extinct sister lineage to extant Ecdysozoans will have significant implications for our understanding of this major animal clade.

      Weaknesses:<br /> While I generally agree with the author's interpretations, the idea of Saccorhytida as a divergent, simplified off-shot is slightly contradictory with a probably non-vermiform ecdysozoan ancestor. The author's analyses do not discard the possibility of a vermiform ecdysozoan ancestor (importantly, Supplementary Table 4 does not reconstruct that character), and outgroup comparison with Spiralia (and even Deuterostomia for Protostomia as a whole) indicates that a more or less anteroposteriorly elongated (i.e., vermiform) body is likely common and ancestral to all major bilaterian groups, including Ecdysozoa. Indeed, Figure 4b depicts the potential ancestor as a "worm". The authors argue that the simplification of Saccorhytida from a vermiform ancestor is unlikely "because it would involve considerable anatomical transformations such as the loss of vermiform organization, introvert, and pharynx in addition to that of the digestive system". However, their data support the introvert as a specialisation of Scalidophora (Figure 4a and Supplementary Table 4), and a pharyngeal structure cannot be ruled out in Saccorhytida. Likewise, loss of an anus is not uncommon in Bilateria. Moreover, this can easily become a semantics discussion (to what extent can an animal be defined as "vermiform"? Where is the limit?). Therefore, I suggest to leave the evolutionary scenario more open. Supporting Saccorhytida as a true group at the early steps of Ecdysozoa evolution is important and demonstrates that animal body plans are more plastic than previously appreciated. However, with the current data, it is unlikely that Saccorhytida represents the ancestral state for Ecdysozoa (as the authors admit), and a vermiform nature is not ruled out (and even likely) in this animal group. Suggesting that the ancestral Ecdysozoan might have been small and meiobenthic is perhaps more interesting and supported by the current data (phylogeny and outgroup comparison with Spiralia).

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The evolution of non-shivering thermogenesis is of fundamental importance to understand. Here, in small mammals, the contractile apparatus of the muscle is shown to increase energy expenditure upon a drop in ambient temperature. Additionally, in the state of torpor, small hibernators did not show an increase in energy expenditure under the same challenge.

      Strengths:<br /> The authors have conducted a very well-planned study that has sampled the muscles of large and small hibernators from two continents. Multiple approaches were then used to identify the state of the contractile apparatus, and its energy expenditure under torpor or otherwise.

      Weaknesses:<br /> There was only one site of biopsy from the animals used (leg). It would be interesting to know if non-shivering thermogenesis is something that is regionally different in the animal, given the core body and distal limbs have different temperatures.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Ps observed 24 objects and were asked which afforded particular actions (14 action types). Affordances for each object were represented by a 14-item vector, values reflecting the percentage of Ps who agreed on a particular action being afforded by the object. An affordance similarity matrix was generated which reflected similarity in affordances between pairs of objects. Two clusters emerged, reflecting correlations between affordance ratings in objects smaller than body size and larger than body size. These clusters did not correlate themselves. There was a trough in similarity ratings between objects ~105 cm and ~130 cm, arguably reflecting the body size boundary. The authors subsequently provide some evidence that this clear demarcation is not simply an incidental reflection of body size, but likely causally related. This evidence comes in the flavour of requiring Ps to imagine themselves as small as a cat or as large as an elephant and showing a predicted shift in the affordance boundary. The manuscript further demonstrates that ChatGPT (theoretically interesting because it's trained on language alone without sensorimotor information; trained now on words rather than images) showed a similar boundary.

      The authors also conducted a small MRI study task where Ps decide whether a probe action was affordable (graspable?) and created a congruency factor according to the answer (yes/no). There was an effect of congruency in posterior fusiform and superior parietal lobule for objects within body size range, but not outside. No effects in LOC or M1.

      The major strength of this manuscript in my opinion is the methodological novelty. I felt the correlation matrices were a clever method for demonstrating these demarcations, the imagination manipulation was also exciting, and the ChatGPT analysis provided excellent food for thought. These findings are important for our understanding of the interactions between action and perception, and hence for researchers from a range of domains of cognitive neuroscience.

      The major element that limits conclusions is that an MRI study with 12 P in this context can really only provide pilot data. Certainly the effects are not strong enough for 12 P to generate much confidence. The others of my concerns have been addressed in the revision.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors sought to understand the stage-dependent regulation of exophergenesis, a process thought to contribute to promoting neuronal proteostasis in C. elegans. Focusing on the ALMR neuron, they show that the frequency of exopher production correlates with the timing of reproduction. Using many genetic tools, they dissect the requirements of this pathway to eventually find that occupancy of the uterus acts as a signal to induce exophergenesis. Interestingly, the physical proximity of neurons to the egg zone correlates with exophergenesis frequency. The authors conclude that communication between the uterus and proximal neurons occurs through the sensing of mechanic forces of expansion normally provided by egg occupancy to coordinate exophergenesis with reproduction.

      Strengths:<br /> The genetic data presented is thorough and solid, and the observation is novel.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The main weakness of the study is that the detection of exophers is based on the overexpression of a fluorescent protein in touch neurons, and it is not clear whether this process is actually stimulated in wild-type animals, or if neurons have accumulated damaged proteins in relatively young day 2 animals.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Kimura et al performed a saturation mutagenesis study of CDKN2A to assess the functionality of all possible missense variants and compare them to previously identified pathogenic variants. They also compared their assay result with those from in silico predictors.

      Strengths:<br /> CDKN2A is an important gene that modulates cell cycle and apoptosis, therefore it is critical to accurately assess the functionality of missense variants. Overall, the paper reads well and touches upon major discoveries in a logical manner.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The paper lacks proper details for experiments and basic data, leaving the results less convincing. Analyses are superficial and do not provide variant-level resolution.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In the manuscript entitled "Differential conformational dynamics in two type-A RNA-binding domains drive the double-stranded RNA recognition and binding," Chugh and co-workers utilize a suite of NMR relaxation methods to probe the dynamic landscape of the TAR RNA binding protein (TRBP) double-stranded RNA-binding domain 2 (dsRBD2) and compare these to their previously published results on TRBP dsRBD1. The authors show that, unlike dsRBD1, dsRBD2 is a rigid protein with minimal ps-ns or us-ms time scale dynamics in the absence of RNA. They then show that dsRBD2 binds to canonical A-form dsRNA with a higher affinity compared to dsRBD1 and does so without much alteration in protein dynamics. Using their previously published data, the authors propose a model whereby dsRBD2 recognizes dsRNA first and brings dsRBD1 into proximity to search for RNA bulge and internal loop structures.

      Strengths:<br /> The authors expertly use a variety of NMR techniques to probe protein motions over six orders of magnitude in time. Other NMR titration experiments and ITC data support the RNA-binding model.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The data collection and analysis are sound. The only weakness in the manuscript is the lack of context with the much broader field of RNA-binding proteins. For example, many studies have shown that RNA recognition motif (RRM) domains have similar dynamic characteristics when binding diverse RNA substrates. Furthermore, there was no discussion about the entropy of binding derived from ITC. It might be interesting to compare with dynamics from NMR.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This study investigated the co-option of IGF2BP2, an RNA-binding protein by ZIKV proteins. Designed experiments evaluated if IFG2BP2 co-localized to sites of viral RNA replication, interacted with ZIKV proteins, and how ZIKV infection changed the IGF2BP2 interactome.

      Strengths:<br /> The authors have used multiple interdisciplinary techniques to address several questions regarding the interaction of ZIKV proteins and IGF2BP2.<br /> The findings could be exciting, specifically regarding how ZIKV infection alters the interactome of IGF2BP2.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Significant concerns regarding the current state of the figures, descriptions in the figure legends, and the quality of the immunofluorescence and electron microscopy exist.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The issue:<br /> The ciliates are a zoo of genetic codes, where there have been many reassignments of stop codons, sometimes with conditional meanings which include retention of termination function, and thus > 1 meaning. Thus ciliate coding provides a hotspot for the study of genetic code reassignments.

      The particular issue here is the suggestion that translation of a stop (UGA) in Blastocritihidia has been attributed to a joint change in the protein release factor that reads UGA's and also breaking a base pair at the top of the anticodon stem of tRNATrp (Nature 613, 751, 2023).

      The work:<br /> However, Swart, et al have looked into this suggestion, and find that the recently suggested mechanism is overly complicated.

      The broken pairing at the top of the anticodon stem of tRNATrp indeed accompanies the reading of UGA as Trp as previously suggested. It changes the codon translated even though the anticodon remains CCA, complementary to UGG. A compelling point is that this misreading matches previous mutational studies of E coli tRNA's, in which breaking the same base pair in a mutant tRNATrp suppressor tRNA stimulated the same kind of miscoding.

      But the amino acid change in release factor eRF1, the protein that catalyzes termination of protein biosynthesis at UGA is broadly distributed. There are about 9 organisms where this mutation can be compared with the meaning of UGA, and the changes are not highly correlated with a change in the meaning of the codon. Therefore, because UGA can be translated as Trp with or without the eRF1 mutation, Swart et al suggest that the tRNA anticodon stem change is the principal cause of the coding change.

      The review:<br /> Swart et al have a good argument. I would only add that eRF1 participation is not ruled out, because finding that UGA encodes Trp does not distinguish between encoding Trp 90% of the time and encoding it 99% of the time. The release factor could still play a measurable quantitative role, but the major inference here seems convincing.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary: In this manuscript, the authors performed single nucleus RNA-seq for perirenal adipose tissue (PRAT) at different ages. They concluded a distinct subpopulation of adipocytes arises through beige-to-white conversion and can convert to a thermogenic phenotype upon cold exposure.

      Strengths: PRAT adipose tissue has been reported as an adipose tissue that undergoes browning. This study confirms that beige-to-white and white-to-beige conversions also exist in PRAT, as previously reported in the subcutaneous adipose tissue.

      Weaknesses:<br /> (1) There is overall a disconnection between single nucleus RNA-seq data and the lineage chasing data. No specific markers of this population have been validated by staining.<br /> (2) It would be nice to provide more evidence to support the conclusion shown in lines 243 to 245 "These results indicated that new BAs induced by cold exposure were mainly derived from UCP1- adipocytes rather than de novo ASPC differentiation in puPRAT". Pdgfra-negative progenitor cells may also contribute to these new beige adipocytes.<br /> (3) The UCP1Cre-ERT2; Ai14 system should be validated by showing Tomato and UCP1 co-staining right after the Tamoxifen treatment.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In their revised manuscript, the authors analyze the evolution of the gasdermin family and observe that the GSDMA proteins from birds, reptiles and amphibians does not form a clade with the mammalian GSDMAs. Moreover, the non-mammalian GSDMA proteins share a conserved caspase-1 cleavage motif at the predicted activation site. The authors provide several series of experiments showing that the non-mammalian GSDMA proteins can indeed be activated by caspase-1 and that this activation leads to cell death (in human cells). They also investigate the role of the caspase-1 recognition tetrapeptide for cleavage by caspase-1 and for the pathogen-derived protease SpeB.

      Strengths:<br /> The evolutionary analysis performed in this manuscript appears to use a broader data basis than what has been used in other published work. An interesting result of this analysis is the suggestion that GSDMA is evolutionary older than the main mammalian pyroptotic GSDMD, and that birds, reptiles and amphibians lack GSDMD but use GSDMA for the same purpose. The consequence that bird GSDMA should be activated by an inflammatory caspase (=caspase1) is convincingly supported by the experiments provided in the manuscript.

      The changes made by the authors in response to the previous reviewer comments are (in my opinion) sufficient.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Spinal cord injury (SCI) causes immediate and prolonged bladder dysfunction, for which there are poor treatments. Following up on evidence that AMPA glutamatergic receptors play a key role in bladder function, the authors induced spinal cord injury and its attendant bladder dysfunction and examined the effects of graded doses of allosteric AMPA receptor activators (ampakines). They show that ampakines ameliorate several prominent derangements in bladder function resulting from SCI, improving voiding intervals and pressure thresholds for voiding and sphincter function.


      Well performed studies on a relevant model system. The authors induced SCI reproducibly and showed that they had achieved their model. The drugs revealed clear and striking effects. Notably, in some mice which had such bad SCI that they could not void, the drug appeared to restore voiding function.


      The studies are well conducted, but it would be helpful to include information on the kinetics of the drugs used, their half-life and how long they are present in rats after administration. What blood levels of the drugs are achieved after infusion? How do these compare with blood levels achieved when these drugs are used in humans?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Chen and colleagues first compared the cartilage tissues collected from OA and HA patients using histology and immunostaining. Then, a genome-wide DNA methylation analysis was performed, which informed the changes of a novel gene, TNXB. IHC confirmed that TNXB has a lower expression level in HA cartilage than OA. Next, the authors demonstrated that TNXB levels were reduced in the HA animal model, and intraarticular injection of AAV carrying TNXB siRNA induced cartilage degradation and promoted chondrocyte apoptosis. Based on KEGG enrichment, histopathological analysis, and western blot, the authors also showed the relationship between TNXB and AKT phosphorylation. Lastly, AKT agonist, specifically SC79 in this study, was shown to partially rescue the changes of in vitro-cultured chondrocytes induced by Tnxb knock-down. Overall, this is an interesting study and provided sufficient data to support their conclusion.

      Strengths:<br /> (1) Both human and mouse samples were examined.<br /> (2) The HA model was used.<br /> (3) Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis was performed.

      Weaknesses:<br /> (1) In some experiments, the selection of the control groups was not ideal.<br /> (2) More details on analyzing methods and information on replicates need to be included.<br /> (3) Discussion can be improved by comparing findings to other relevant studies.<br /> (4) The use of transgenic mice with conditional Tnxb depletion can further define the physiological roles of Tnxb.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The manuscript by Morel et al. aims at identifying some potential mechano-regulators of transendothelial cell macro-aperture (TEM). Guided by the recognized role of caveolar invaginations in buffering the membrane tension of cells, the authors focused on caveolin-1 and associated regulator PTRF. They report a comprehensive in vitro work based on siRNA knockdown and optical imaging approach complemented with an in vivo work on mice, a biophysical assay allowing to measure the mechanical properties of membranes and a theoretical analysis inspired from soft matter physics.

      The authors should be complimented for this multi-facetted and rigorous work. The accumulation of pieces of evidence collected from each type of approach makes very convincing the conclusion drawn by the authors on the new role of cavolin-1 as an individual protein instead of the main molecular component of caveolae. On a personal note, I was very impressed by the quality of STORM images (Fig. 2) which are very illuminating and useful, in particular for validating some hypotheses of the theoretical analysis.

      While this work pins down the key role of caveolin-1, its mechanism remains to be further investigated. The hypotheses proposed by the authors in the discussions about the link between caveolin and lipids/cholesterol are very plausible though challenging. Even though we may feel slightly frustrated by the absence of data in this direction, the quality and merit of this paper remain.

      The analogy with dewetting processes drawn to derive the theoretical model is very attractive. However, and although part of the model has already been published several times by the same group of authors, the validity of the Helfrich formalism is a key assumption that has to be explained clearly. Here, for the first time, thanks to these STORM analysis, the authors show that HUVECs intoxicated by ExoC3 exhibit a loose and defective cortex with a significantly increase mesh size, which supports this hypothesis.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary<br /> A new method, tCFS, is introduced to offer richer and more efficient measurement of interocular suppression. It generates a new index, the suppression depth, based on the contrast difference between the up-ramped contrast for the target to breakthrough suppression and the down-ramped contrast for the target to disappear into suppression. A uniform suppression depth regardless of image types (e.g., faces, gratings and scrambles) was discovered in the paper, favoring an early-stage mechanism involving in CFS. Discussions about claims of unconscious processing and the related mechanisms.

      Strength<br /> The tCFS method adds to the existing bCFS paradigms by providing the (re-)suppression threshold and thereafter the depression depth. Benefiting from adaptive procedures with continuous trials, the tCFS is able to give fast and efficient measurements. It also provides a new opportunity to test theories and models about how information is processed outside visual awareness.

      Weakness:<br /> This paper reports the surprising finding of uniform suppression depth over a variety of stimuli. This is novel and interesting. But given the limited samples being tested, the claim of uniformity suppression depth needs to be further examined, with respect to different complexities and semantic meanings.<br /> From an intuitive aspect, the results challenged previous views about "preferential processing" for certain categories, though it invites further research to explore what exactly could suppression depth tell us about unconscious visual processing. The authors discussed about the possibility of gaining awareness according to different CRF functions in V1 and V4 neurons. But it confuses me about how the logic goes, especially from Line 713 to Line 718.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This manuscript introduces an exciting way to measure SARS-CoV-2 aerosolized shedding using a disposable exhaled breath condensate collection device (EBCD). The paper draws the conclusion that the contagious shedding of the virus via aerosol route persists at a high level 8 days after symptoms.


      The methodology is potentially of high importance and the paper is clearly written. The study design is clever. If aerosolized viral load kinetics truly differed from those of nasal swabs, then this would be a very important finding.


      The study conclusions are not entirely supported by the data for several reasons:

      (1) Most data points in the study are relatively late during infection when viral loads from other compartments (nasal and oral swabs) are typically much lower than peak viral loads which often occur in the pre-symptomatic or early symptomatic phase of infection. Moreover, the generation time for SARS-CoV-2 has been estimated to be 3-4 days on average meaning that most infections occur before or very early during symptoms. Therefore, the available epidemiologic data does not support 12 days of infection (day 8 symptoms) as important for most transmissions. Therefore, many of the measurement timepoints in this study may not be relevant for transmission.

      (2) Fig 1A would be more powerful as a correlation plot between viral load from nasal samples (x-axis) and aerosol (y-axis). One would expect at least a rough correlation (as has been seen between viral loads in oral and nasal samples) and deviations from this correlation would provide crucial information about how and when aerosol shedding is discordant from nasal samples (ie early vs late time points, low versus high viral loads< etc...). It is too strong to state correspondence is 100% when viral load is only measured in one compartment and nasal swabs are reduced to the oversimplified "positive or negative".

      (3) Results are reported in RNA copies which is fine but particle-forming units (pfu, or quantitative culture) are likely a more accurate surrogate of infectivity. It is quite possible that all of these samples would have been negative for pfu given that the ratio of RNA: pfu is often >1000 (though also dynamic over time during infection). This could be another indicator that most samples in the study were collected too late during infection to represent contagious time points.

      (4) Individual kinetic curves should be shown for participants with more than three time points to demonstrate whether there are clear kinetic trends within individuals that would help further validate this approach. The inclusion of single samples from individuals is less informative.

      (5) The S-shaped model in 2A is somewhat misleading as it is fit to means but there is tremendous variability within the data. Therefore the 8-day threshold should be listed clearly as a mean but not a rule for all individuals. The statement that viral RNA copies do not decrease until 8 days from symptom onset is unlikely to be true for all infected people and can't be made based on the available data in this study given that many people contributed only one datapoint.

      (6) The incubation period for SARS-CoV-2 is highly variable. Therefore duration of symptoms is a rather poor correlate of the duration of infection. This further diminishes the interpretive value of positive samples from individuals who were only sampled once.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This manuscript uses 3 large neuroimaging datasets - which together span childhood to late adulthood - to model the relationship between birthweight (BW) and cortical anatomy over time. The authors separately consider BW associations with the "height" of cortical anatomy trajectories (intercept effects) vs. BW associations with trajectory shape. They authors also distinguish between BW associations with cortical surface area (SA) and cortical thickness (CT), which together determine cortical volume (CV). Prior studies have firmly established robust positive associations between BW and cortical SA, but this study adds evidence for the protracted lifespan persistence of these associations, and the degree to which BW associations with cortical change over time are much weaker.

      The study has several strengths including: clearly motivation of this work in the Introduction and contextualization of the results in Discussion; use of three large neuroimaging datasets; inclusion of sensible sensitivity analyses; disambiguation of SA and CT findings; and use of formal spatial analysis to quantify the reproducibility of effects across cohorts.

      The primary way in which this work seeks to extend beyond established findings is to determine if BW is associated with differences in cortical change over time. The results presented clearly establish that such BW-change associations are much more localized and less consistent across cohorts that BW-intercept associations. The authors use multiple complementary approaches to verify the robustness of this inference to dataset subsampling and variation in statistical methods.

      Overall, this work provides a valuable new data point in our understanding of the profound and protracted influences that prenatal developmental features can have on postnatal outcomes.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Wang and colleagues recently demonstrated the essential role of RBM24 (RNA-binding motif protein 24a) in the development of mouse hair cells (source: https://doi.org/10.1002/jcp.31003). In this study, they further expand on their findings by revealing that Rbm24 expression is absent in Pou4f3 mutant mice but not in Gfi1 mutant mice. This observation suggests that POU4F3 acts as an upstream regulator of Rbm24. The researchers effectively demonstrate that POU4F3 can bind to and regulate Rbm24 through three distant enhancers, which are located in open chromatin regions and are bound by POU4F3. Lastly, Wang and colleagues discovered that ectopic expression of Rbm24 was unable to prevent the degeneration of POU4F3 null hair cells.

      The findings in this manuscript hold great significance as they provide additional insights into the transcriptional cascades crucial for hair cell development. The discovery of enhancers capable of driving transgene expression specifically in hair cells holds promising therapeutic implications. The figures presented in the study are of excellent quality, the employed techniques are state-of-the-art, the data are accurately represented without exaggeration, and the study demonstrates a high level of rigor.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary: This is a very meticulous and precise anatomical description of the external sensory organs in Drosophila larvae. It generates an integral and accurate map. The authors revise all the data for the abdominal and thoracic segments and describe in detail, for the first time, the head and tail segments.

      Strengths: It is a very thorough anatomical description of the external sensory organs of the genetically amenable fruitfly. This study represents a very useful tool for the research community that will definitely be used it as a reference paper. It will allow us to investigate sensory processing in depth. The discussion places the anatomical data into a functional and developmental frame.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This study by Paoli et al. used a resonant scanning multiphoton microscope to examine olfactory representation in the projection neurons (PNs) of the honeybee with improved temporal resolution. PNs were classified into 9 groups based on their response patterns. Authors found that excitatory repose in the PNs precedes the inhibitory responses for ~40ms, and ~50% of PN responses contain inhibitory components. They built the neural circuit model of the mushroom body (MB) with evolutionally conserved features such as sparse representation, global inhibition, and a plasticity rule. This MB model fed with the experimental data could reproduce a number of phenomena observed in experiments using bees and other insects, including dynamical representations of odor onset and offset by different populations of Kenyon cells, prolonged representations of after-smell, different levels of odor-specificity for early/delay conditioning, and shift of behavioral timing in delay conditioning. The trace conditioning was not modeled and tested experimentally. Also, the experimental result itself is largely confirmatory to preceding studies using other organisms. Nonetheless, the experimental data and the model provide a solid basis for future studies.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The present manuscript investigates the implication of locus coeruleus-noradrenaline system in the stress-induced transcriptional changes of dorsal and ventral hippocampus, combining pharmacological, chemogenetic, and optogenetic techniques. Authors have revealed that stress-induced release of noradrenaline from locus coeruleus plays a modulatory role in the expression of a large scale of genes in both ventral and dorsal hippocampus through activation of β-adrenoreceptors. Similar transcriptional responses were observed after optogenetic and chemogenetic stimulation of locus coeruleus. Among all the genes analysed, authors identified the most affected ones in response to locus coeruleus-noradrenaline stimulation as being Dio2, Ppp1r3c, Ppp1r3g, Sik1, and Nr4a1. By comparing their transcriptomic data with publicly available datasets, authors revealed that these genes were upregulated upon exposure to different stressors. Additionally, authors found that upregulation of Ppp1r3c, Ppp1r3g, and Dio2 genes following swim stress was sustained from 90 min up to 2-4 hours after stress and that it was predominantly restricted to hippocampal astrocytes, while Sik1 and Nr4a1 genes showed a broader cellular expression and a sharp rise and fall in expression, within 90 min of stress onset.

      The paper is well written and provides a useful inventory of dorsal and ventral hippocampal gene expression upregulated by activation of LC-NA system, which can be used as starting point for more functional studies related to the effects of stress-induced physiological and pathological changes. Sex-differences were also explored which represents a strength of the study.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary: This paper suggests to apply intrinsically-motivated exploration for the discovery of robust goal states in gene regulatory networks.

      Strengths:<br /> The paper is well written. The biological motivation and the need for such methods are formulated extraordinarily well. The battery of experimental models is impressive.

      Weaknesses:<br /> (1) The proposed method is compared to the random search. That says little about the performance with regard to the true steady-state goal sets. The latter could be calculated at least for a few simple ODE (e.g., BIOMD0000000454, `Metabolic Control Analysis: Rereading Reder'). The experiment with 'oscillator circuits' may not be directly interpolated to the other models.

      The lack of comparison to the ground truth goal set (attractors of ODE) from arbitrary initial conditions makes it hard to evaluate the true performance/contribution of the method. A part of the used models can be analyzed numerically using JAX, while there are models that can be analyzed analytically.

      "...The true versatility of the GRN is unknown and can only be inferred through empirical exploration and proxy metrics....": one could perform a sensitivity analysis of the ODEs, identifying stable equilibria. That could provide a proxy for the ground truth 'versatility'.

      (2) The proposed method is based on `Intrinsically Motivated Goal Exploration Processes with Automatic Curriculum Learning', which assumes state action trajectories [s_{t_0:t}, a_{t_0:t}], (2.1 Notations and Assumptions' in the IMGEP paper). However, the models used in the current work do not include external control actions, but rather only the initial conditions can be set. It is not clear from the methods whether IMGEP was adapted to this setting, and how the exploration policy was designed w/o actual time-dependent actions. What does "...generates candidate intervention parameters to achieve the current goal...."<br /> mean considering that interventions 'Sets the initial state...' as explained in Table 2?

      (3) Fig 2 shows the phase space for (ERK, RKIPP_RP) without mentioning the typical full scale of ERK, RKIPP_RP. It is unclear whether the path from (0, 0) to (~0.575, ~3.75) at t=1000 is significant on the typical scale of this phase space. is it significant on the typical scale of this phase space?

      (4) Table 2:<br /> a. Where is 'effective intervention' used in the method?<br /> b. in my opinion 'controllability', 'trainability', and 'versatility' are different<br /> terms. If their correspondence is important I would suggest to extend/enhance the column "Proposed Isomorphism". otherwise, it may be confusing. I don't see how this table generalizes generalizes "concepts from dynamical complex systems and behavioral sciences under a common navigation task perspective".

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Jiang et al. demonstrated that ablating Neurexins results in alterations to glycinergic transmission and its calcium sensitivity, utilizing a robust experimental system. Specifically, the authors employed rAAV-Cre-EGFP injection around the MNTB in Nrxn1/2/3 triple conditional mice at P0, measuring Glycine receptor-dependent IPSCs from postsynaptic LSO neurons at P13-14. Notably, the authors presented a clear reduction of 60% and 30% in the amplitudes of opto- and electric stimulation-evoked IPSCs, respectively. Additionally, they observed changes in kinetics, alterations in PPR, and sensitivity to lower calcium and the calcium chelator, EGTA, indicating solid evidence for changes in presynaptic properties of glycinergic transmission.

      Furthermore, the authors uncovered an unexpected increase in sIPSC frequency without altering amplitude. Despite the reduction in evoked IPSC, immunostaining revealed an increase in GlyT2 and VGAT in TKO mice, supporting the notion of an increase in synapse number. However, the reviewer expresses caution regarding the authors' conclusion that "glycinergic neurotransmission likely by promoting the synapse formation/maintenance, which is distinct from the phenotypes observed in glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons (Chen et al., 2017; Luo et al., 2021)", as outlined in lines 173-175. The reviewer suggests that this statement may be overstated, pointing out the authors' own discussion in lines 254-265, which acknowledges multiple possibilities, including the potential that the increase in synapses is a consequence rather than a causal effect of Nrxn deletion.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Compared with conventional SQUID-MEG, OPM-MEG offers theoretical advantages of sensor configurability (that is, sizing to suit the head size) and motion tolerance (the sensors are intrinsically in the head reference frame). This study purports to be the first to experimentally demonstrate these advantages in a developmental study from age 2 to age 34.

      In short, while the theoretical advantages of OPM-MEG are attractive - both in terms of young child sensitivity and in terms of motion tolerance - neither was in fact demonstrated in this manuscript. We are left with a replication of SQUID-MEG observations, which certainly establishes OPM-MEG as "substantially equivalent" to conventional technology but misses the opportunity to empirically demonstrate the much-discussed theoretical advantages/opportunities.

      Strengths:<br /> A replication of SQUID-MEG observations, which certainly establishes OPM-MEG as "substantially equivalent" to conventional technology but misses the opportunity to empirically demonstrate the much-discussed theoretical advantages/opportunities.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The authors describe 64 tri-axial detectors, which they refer to as 192 channels. This is in keeping with some of the SQUID-MEG description, but possibly somewhat disingenuous. For the scientific literature, perhaps "64 tri-axial detectors" is a more parsimonious description.

      A small fraction (<20%) of trials were eliminated for analysis because of "excess interference" - this warrants further elaboration.

      Figure 3 shows a reduced beta ERD in the youngest children. Although the authors claim that OPM-MEG would be similarly sensitive for all ages and that SQUID-MEG would be relatively insensitive to young children, one trivial counterargument that needs to be addressed is that OPM has NOT in fact increased the sensitivity to young child ERD. This can possibly be addressed by analogous experiments using a SQUID-based system. An alternative would be to demonstrate similar sensitivity across ages using OPM to a brain measure such as evoked response amplitude. In short, how does Figure 3 demonstrate the (theoretical) sensitivity advantage of OPM MEG in small heads ?

      The data do not make a compelling case for the motion tolerance of OPM-MEG. Although an apparent advantage of a wearable system, an empirical demonstration is still lacking. How was motion tracked in these participants?

      Furthermore, while the introduction discusses at some length the phenomenon of PMBR, there is no demonstration of the recording of PMBR (or post-sensory beta rebound). This is a shame because there is literature suggesting an age-sensitivity to this, that the optimal sensitivity of OPM-MEG might confirm/refute. There is little evidence in Figure 3 for adult beta rebound. Is there an explanation for the lack of sensitivity to this phenomenon in children/adolescents ? Could a more robust paradigm (button-press) have shed light on this?

      Data on functional connectivity are valuable but do not rely on OPM recording. They further do not add strength to the argument that OPM MEG is more sensitive to brain activity in smaller heads - in fact, the OPM recordings seem plagued by the same insensitivity observed using conventional systems.

      The discussion of burst vs oscillations, while highly relevant in the field, is somewhat independent of the OPM recording approach and does not add weight to the OPM claims.

      In short, while the theoretical advantages of OPM-MEG are attractive - both in terms of young child sensitivity and in terms of motion tolerance, neither was in fact demonstrated in this manuscript. We are left with a replication of SQUID-MEG observations, which certainly establishes OPM-MEG as "substantially equivalent" to conventional technology but misses the opportunity to empirically demonstrate the much-discussed theoretical advantages/opportunities.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In the manuscript titled "Coevolution due to physical interactions is not a major driving force behind evolutionary rate covariation" by Little et al., explores the potential contribution of physical interaction between correlated evolutionary rates among gene pairs. They find that physical interaction is not the main driving of evolutionary rate covariation (ECR). This finding is similar to a previous report by Clark et al. (2012), Genome Research, wherein the authors stated that "direct physical interaction is not required to produce ERC." The previous study used 18 Saccharomycotina yeast species, whereas the present study used 332 Saccharomycotina yeast species and 11 outgroup taxa. As a result, the present study is better positioned to evaluate the interplay between physical interaction and ECR more robustly.

      Strengths & Weaknesses:<br /> Various analyses nicely support the authors' claims.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Park et. al. examines the interaction of macrophages with SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and subsequent inflammatory reactions. The authors demonstrate that following intranasal delivery of spike it rapidly accumulates in alveolar macrophages. Inflammation associated with internalized spike recruits neutrophils to the lung, where they undergo a cell death process consistent with NETosis. The authors demonstrate that modifications spike to contain high mannose reduces uptake of spike protein and limits the inflammation induced. This finding could have implications for vaccine development, as vaccines containing modified spike could be safer and better tolerated.

      The authors use a number of different techniques, including in vivo modeling, imaging, human and murine systems to interrogate their hypotheses. These systems provide robust supporting information for their conclusions. There are two key aspects from the current manuscript which would add key evidence. The authors suggest that neutrophils exposed to spike protein undergo a process of NETosis. To confirm this hypothesis inhibitors of NETosis should be used to demonstrate that the cell death is prevented. Additionally, vaccination of a murine model with the modified spike protein would add additional support to the conclusion that modified spike protein would be less inflammatory while maintaining its utility as a vaccine antigen.

    1. Joint Public Review:

      Using Ts65Dn - the most commonly used mouse model of Down syndrome (DS) - the goal of this study is two-pronged: 1) to conduct a thorough assessment of DS-related genotypic, physiological, behavioral, and phenotypic measures in a longitudinal manner; and 2) to measure the effects of chronic GTE-EGCG on these measures in the Ts65Dn mouse model. Corroborating results from several previous studies on Ts65Dn mice, findings of this study show confirm the Ts65Dn mouse model exhibits the suite of traits associated with DS. The findings also suggest that the mouse model might have experienced drift, given the milder phenotypes than those reported by earlier studies. Results of the GTE-EGCG treatment do not support its therapeutic use and instead show that the treatment exacerbated certain DS-related phenotypes.


      The authors performed a rigorous assessment of treatment and examined treatment and genotypic alterations at multiple time points during growth and aging. Detailed analysis shows differences in genotype during aging as well as genotype with treatment. This study is solid in the overarching methodological approach (with the exception of RNAseq, described below). The biggest strength of the study is its approach and dataset, which corroborate results from a multitude of past studies on Ts65Dn mice, albeit on adult specimens.

      Comments on revised submission:

      The authors have made numerous changes to address the concerns of the reviewers. The strengths remain: a large, longitudinal data set for the Ts65Dn mouse model across multiple organ systems. The results also clearly show the impact of GTE-EGCG treatment and do not support its therapeutic use.

      The authors should report their a priori power calculations that they used when designing their experiment. This should be added to either the Animals or Statistics subsections of the Methods.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this study, Yan et al. investigate the molecular bases underlying mating type recognition in Tetrahymena thermophila. This model protist possesses a total of 7 mating types/sexes and mating occurs only between individuals expressing different mating types. The authors aimed to characterize the function of mating type proteins (MTA and MTB) in the process of self- and non-self recognition, using a combination of elegant phenotypic assays, protein studies, and imaging. They showed that the presence of MTA and MTB in the same cell is required for the expression of concavalin-A receptors and for tip transformation - two processes that are characteristic of the costimulation phase that precedes cell fusion. Using protein studies, the authors identify a set of additional proteins of varied functions that interact with MTA and MTB and are likely responsible for the downstream signaling processes required for mating. This is a description of a fascinating self- and non-self-recognition system and, as the authors point out, it is a rare example of a system with numerous mating types/sexes. This work opens the door for the further understanding of the molecular bases and evolution of these complex recognition systems within and outside protists.

      The results shown in this study point to the unequivocal requirement of MTA and MTB proteins for mating. Nevertheless, some of the conclusions regarding the mode of functioning of these proteins are not fully supported and require additional investigation.

      Strengths:<br /> (1) The authors have established a set of very useful knock-out and reporter lines for MT proteins and extensively used them in sophisticated and well-designed phenotypic assays that allowed them to test the role of these proteins in vivo.

      (2) Despite their apparent low abundance, the authors took advantage of a varied set of protein isolation and characterization techniques to pinpoint the localization of MT proteins to the cell membrane, and their interaction with multiple other proteins that could be downstream effectors. This opens the door for the future characterization of these proteins and further elucidation of the mating type recognition cascade.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The manuscript is structured and written in a very clear and easy-to-follow manner. However, several conclusions and discussion points fall short of highlighting possible models and mechanisms through which MT proteins control mating type recognition:

      (1) The authors dismiss the possibility of a "simple receptor-ligand system", even though the data does not exclude this possibility. The model presented in Figure 2 S1, and on which the authors based their hypothesis, assumes the independence of MTA and MTB proteins in the generation of the intracellular cascade. However, the results presented in Figure 2 show that both proteins are required to be active in the same cell. Coupled with the fact that MTA and MTB proteins interact, this is compatible with a model where MTA would be a ligand and MTB a receptor (or vice-versa), and could thus form a receptor-ligand complex that could potentially be activated by a non-cognate MTA-MTB receptor-ligand complex, leading to an intracellular cascade mediated by the identified MRC proteins. As it stands, it is not clear what is the proposed working model, and it would be very beneficial for the reader for this to be clarified by having the point of view of the authors on this or other types of models.

      (2) The presence of MTA/MTB proteins is required for costimulation (Figure 2), and supplementation with non-cognate extracellular fragments of these proteins (MTAxc, or MTBxc) is a positive stimulator of pairing. However, alone, these fragments do not have the ability to induce costimulation (Figure 5). Based on the results in Figures 5 and 6 the authors suggest that MT proteins mediate both self and non-self recognition. Why do MTAxc and MTBxc not induce costimulation alone? Are any other components required? How to reconcile this with the results of Figure 2? A more in-depth interpretation of these results would be very helpful, since these questions remain unanswered, making it difficult for the reader to extract a clear hypothesis on how MT proteins mediate self- and non-self-recognition.

    1. Langes Interview mit Hans Joachim Schellnhuber im Standard, under anderem zu Kipppunkten und der Möglichkeit, dass wir uns schon auf dem Weg in ein „neues Klimaregime“ befinden. Schellnhuber geht davon aus, dass auch das 2°-Ziel überschritten werden wird. Der „Königsweg“, um der Atmosphäre danach wieder CO<sub>2</sub> zu entziehen, sei der weltweite Ersatz von Zement durch Holz beim Bauen, den er als Direktor des IIASA vor allem erforschen wolle. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit dafür, dass „noch alles gutgehen" werde, sei gering. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000204635/klimaforscher-schellnhuber-werden-auch-ueber-das-zwei-grad-ziel-hinausschiessen

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The manuscript, titled "Allosteric Modulation of the CXCR4:CXCL12 Axis by Targeting Receptor Nanoclustering via the TMV-TMVI Domain," presents a compelling investigation into the development of a potential anti-cancer therapeutic agent. The study focuses on targeting specific CXCR4 intermolecular interactions via an allosteric antagonist which binds proximal to the orthosteric ligand binding site. The novel compounds developed aim to mitigate tumor dissemination, proliferation, and metastasis in transgenic Zebrafish models implanted with HeLa cells.

      Strengths:<br /> The study holds significant promise, offering a novel approach to addressing the targeted modulation of CXCR4. The multidisciplinary methodology employed is commendable, providing a comprehensive understanding of the underlying molecular interactions. The proposed workflow, although requiring some adjustments, is reasonable and has the potential to make a substantial impact in the field.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Despite the brilliance of the concept and its potential impact, the computational approach appears somewhat superficial and lacks essential considerations. A comprehensive revision of the computational methodology is strongly recommended, with a focus on addressing key points. Additionally, the experimental section should be modified accordingly to align with the refined results. While the study's foundations are promising, its current state warrants a thorough revision to enhance its scientific rigor and overall robustness.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This study presents fundamental new insights into vesicular monoamine transport and the binding pose of the clinical drug tetrabenazine (TBZ) to the mammalian VMAT2 transporter. Specifically, this study reports the first structure for the mammalian VMAT (SLC18) family of vesicular monoamine transporters. It provides insights into the mechanism by which this inhibitor traps VMAT2 into a 'dead-end' conformation. The structure also provides some evidence for a novel gating mechanism within VMAT2, which may have wider implications for understanding the mechanism of transport in the wider SLC18 family.


      The structure is high quality, and the method used to determine the structure via fusing mVenus and the anti-GFP nanobody to the amino and carboxyl termini is novel. The binding and transport data are convincing and provide new insights into the role of conserved side chains within the SLC18 members. The binding position of TBZ is of high value, given its role in treating Huntington's chorea and for being a 'dead-end' inhibitor for VMAT2.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Jin et al. investigated how the bacterial DNA damage (SOS) response and its regulator protein RecA affect the development of drug resistance under short-term exposure to beta-lactam antibiotics. Canonically, the SOS response is triggered by DNA damage, which results in the induction of error-prone DNA repair mechanisms. These error-prone repair pathways can increase mutagenesis in the cell, leading to the evolution of drug resistance. Thus, inhibiting the SOS regulator RecA has been proposed as a means to delay the rise of resistance.

      In this paper, the authors deleted the RecA protein from E. coli and exposed this ∆recA strain to selective levels of the beta-lactam antibiotic, ampicillin. After an 8-hour treatment, they washed the antibiotic away and allowed the surviving cells to recover in regular media. They then measured the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of ampicillin against these treated strains. They note that after just 8-hour treatment with ampicillin, the ∆recA had developed higher MICs towards ampicillin, while by contrast, wild-type cells exhibited unchanged MICs. This MIC increase was also observed in subsequent generations of bacteria, suggesting that the phenotype is driven by a genetic change.

      The authors then used whole genome sequencing (WGS) to identify mutations that accounted for the resistance phenotype. Within resistant populations, they discovered key mutations in the promoter region of the beta-lactamase gene, ampC; in the penicillin-binding protein PBP3 which is the target of ampicillin; and in the AcrB subunit of the AcrAB-TolC efflux machinery. Importantly, mutations in the efflux machinery can impact the resistance towards other antibiotics, not just beta-lactams. To test this, they repeated the MIC experiments with other classes of antibiotics, including kanamycin, chloramphenicol, and rifampicin. Interestingly, they observed that the ∆recA strains pre-treated with ampicillin showed higher MICs towards all other antibiotics tested. This suggests that the mutations conferring resistance to ampicillin are also increasing resistance to other antibiotics.

      The authors then performed an impressive series of genetic, microscopy, and transcriptomic experiments to show that this increase in resistance is not driven by the SOS response, but by independent DNA repair and stress response pathways. Specifically, they show that deletion of the recA reduces the bacterium's ability to process reactive oxygen species (ROS) and repair its DNA. These factors drive the accumulation of mutations that can confer resistance to different classes of antibiotics. The conclusions are reasonably well-supported by the data, but some aspects of the data and the model need to be clarified and extended.

      Strengths:<br /> A major strength of the paper is the detailed bacterial genetics and transcriptomics that the authors performed to elucidate the molecular pathways responsible for this increased resistance. They systemically deleted or inactivated genes involved in the SOS response in E. coli. They then subjected these mutants to the same MIC assays as described previously. Surprisingly, none of the other SOS gene deletions resulted in an increase in drug resistance, suggesting that the SOS response is not involved in this phenotype. This led the authors to focus on the localization of DNA PolI, which also participates in DNA damage repair. Using microscopy, they discovered that in the RecA deletion background, PolI co-localizes with the bacterial chromosome at much lower rates than wild-type. This led the authors to conclude that deletion of RecA hinders PolI and DNA repair. Although the authors do not provide a mechanism, this observation is nonetheless valuable for the field and can stimulate further investigations in the future.

      In order to understand how RecA deletion affects cellular physiology, the authors performed RNA-seq on ampicillin-treated strains. Crucially, they discovered that in the RecA deletion strain, genes associated with antioxidative activity (cysJ, cysI, cysH, soda, sufD) and Base Excision Repair repair (mutH, mutY, mutM), which repairs oxidized forms of guanine, were all downregulated. The authors conclude that down-regulation of these genes might result in elevated levels of reactive oxygen species in the cells, which in turn, might drive the rise of resistance. Experimentally, they further demonstrated that treating the ∆recA strain with an antioxidant GSH prevents the rise of MICs. These observations will be useful for more detailed mechanistic follow-ups in the future.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Throughout the paper, the authors use language suggesting that ampicillin treatment of the ∆recA strain induces higher levels of mutagenesis inside the cells, leading to the rapid rise of resistance mutations. However, as the authors note, the mutants enriched by ampicillin selection can play a role in efflux and can thus change a bacterium's sensitivity to a wide range of antibiotics, in what is known as cross-resistance. The current data is not clear on whether the elevated "mutagenesis" is driven ampicillin selection or by a bona fide increase in mutation rate.

      Furthermore, on a technical level, the authors employed WGS to identify resistance mutations in the treated ampicillin-treated wild-type and ∆recA strains. However, the WGS methodology described in the paper is inconsistent. Notably, wild-type WGS samples were picked from non-selective plates, while ΔrecA WGS isolates were picked from selective plates with 50 μg/mL ampicillin. Such an approach biases the frequency and identity of the mutations seen in the WGS and cannot be used to support the idea that ampicillin treatment induces higher levels of mutagenesis.

      Finally, it is important to establish what the basal mutation rates of both the WT and ∆recA strains are. Currently, only the ampicillin-treated populations were reported. It is possible that the ∆recA strain has inherently higher mutagenesis than WT, with a larger subpopulation of resistant clones. Thus, ampicillin treatment might not in fact induce higher mutagenesis in ∆recA.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this study, the researchers aimed to investigate the cellular landscape and cell-cell interactions in cavernous tissues under diabetic conditions, specifically focusing on erectile dysfunction (ED). They employed single-cell RNA sequencing to analyze gene expression patterns in various cell types within the cavernous tissues of diabetic individuals. The researchers identified decreased expression of genes associated with collagen or extracellular matrix organization and angiogenesis in several cell types, including fibroblasts, chondrocytes, myofibroblasts, valve-related lymphatic endothelial cells, and pericytes. They also discovered a newly identified marker, LBH, that distinguishes pericytes from smooth muscle cells in mouse and human cavernous tissues. Furthermore, the study revealed that pericytes play a role in angiogenesis, adhesion, and migration by communicating with other cell types within the corpus cavernosum. However, these interactions were found to be significantly reduced under diabetic conditions. The study also investigated the role of LBH and its interactions with other proteins (CRYAB and VIM) in maintaining pericyte function and highlighted their potential involvement in regulating neurovascular regeneration. Overall, the manuscript is well-written and the study provides novel insights into the pathogenesis of ED in patients with diabetes and identifies potential therapeutic targets for further investigation.

      Comments on revised version:

      For Figure 4, immunofluorecent staining of LBH following intracavernous injections with lentiviruses is required to justify overexpression and tissue specificity.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors utilize fluid-structure interaction analyses to simulation fluid flow within and around the Cambrian cnidarian Quadrapyrgites to reconstruct feeding/respiration dynamics. Based on vorticity and velocity flow patterns, the authors suggest that the polyp expansion and contraction ultimately develop vortices around the organism that are like what modern jellyfish employ for movement and feeding. Lastly, the authors suggest that this behavior is likely a prerequisite transitional form to swimming medusae.

      Strengths:<br /> While fluid-structure-interaction analyses are common in engineering, physics, and biomedical fields, they are underutilized in the biological and paleobiological sciences. Zhang et al. provide a strong approach to integrating active feeding dynamics into fluid flow simulations of ancient life. Based on their data, it is entirely likely the described vortices would have been produced by benthic cnidarians feeding/respiring under similar mechanisms. However, some of the broader conclusions require additional justification.


      1. The claim that olivooid-type feeding was most likely a prerequisite transitional form to jet-propelled swimming needs much more support or needs to be tailored to olivooids. This suggests that such behavior is absent (or must be convergent) before olivooids, which is at odds with the increasing quantities of pelagic life (whose modes of swimming are admittedly unconstrained) documented from Cambrian and Neoproterozoic deposits. Even among just medusozoans, ancestral state reconstruction suggests that they would have been swimming during the Neoproterozoic (Kayal et al., 2018; BMC Evolutionary Biology) with no knowledge of the mechanics due to absent preservation.<br /> 2. While the lack of ambient flow made these simulations computationally easier, these organisms likely did not live in stagnant waters even within the benthic boundary layer. The absence of ambient unidirectional laminar current or oscillating current (such as would be found naturally) biases the results.<br /> 3. There is no explanation for how this work could be a breakthrough in simulation gregarious feeding as is stated in the manuscript.

      Despite these weaknesses the authors dynamic fluid simulations convincingly reconstruct the feeding/respiration dynamics of the Cambrian Quadrapyrgites, though the large claims of transitionary stages for this behavior are not adequately justified. Regardless, the approach the authors use will be informative for future studies attempting to simulate similar feeding and respiration dynamics.

      The following text is directly in response to the revised version of the manuscript.<br /> Dynamic simulations of feeding and respiration of the early Cambrian periderm-bearing cnidarian polyps

      Revision 1

      I think this manuscript has been improved by the authors, and I appreciate their time and effort in considering my earlier comments. While most of my line by line comments have been incorporated, I do feel that some of my larger points have been insufficiently addressed. Those are repeated with additional clarifications below.

      Original comment: The claim that olivooid-type feeding was most likely a prerequisite transitional form to jet-propelled swimming needs much more support or needs to be tailored to olivooids. This suggests that such behavior is absent (or must be convergent) before olivooids, which is at odds with the increasing quantities of pelagic life (whose modes of swimming are admittedly unconstrained) documented from Cambrian and Neoproterozoic deposits. Even among just medusozoans, ancestral state reconstruction suggests that they would have been swimming during the Neoproterozoic (Kayal et al., 2018; BMC Evolutionary Biology) with no knowledge of the mechanics due to absent preservation.

      Author response: Thanks for your suggestions. Yes, we agree with you that the ancestral swimming medusae may appear before the early Cambrian, even at the Neoproterozoic deposits. However, discussions on the affinities of Ediacaran cnidarians are severely limited because of the lack of information concerning their soft anatomy. So, it is hard to detect the mechanics due to absent preservation. Olivooids found from the basal Cambrian Kuanchuanpu Formation can be reasonably considered as cnidarians based on their radial symmetry, external features, and especially the internal anatomies (Bengtson and Yue 1997; Dong et al. 2013; 2016; Han et al. 2013; 2016; Liu et al. 2014; Wang et al. 2017; 2020; 2022). The valid simulation experiment here was based on the soft tissue preserved in olivooids.

      Reviewer response: This response does not sufficiently address my earlier comment. While the authors are correct that individual Ediacaran affinities are an area of active research and that Olivooids can reasonably be considered cnidarians, this doesn't address the actual critique in my comment. Most (not all) Ediacaran soft-bodied fossils are considered to have been benthic, but pelagic cnidarian life is widely acknowledged to at least be present during later White Sea and Nama assemblages (and earlier depending on molecular clock interpretations). The authors have certainly provided support for the mechanics of this type of feeding being co-opted for eventual jet-propulsion swimming in Olivooids. They have not provided sufficient justifications within the manuscript for this to be broadened beyond this group.

      Original comment: There is no explanation for how this work could be a breakthrough in simulation gregarious feeding as is stated in the manuscript.

      Author response: Thanks for your suggestion. We revised the section "Perspectives for future work and improvements" (lines 396-404 in our revised version of MS). Conducting simulations of gregarious active feeding behavior generally need to model multi (or clustered) organisms, which is beyond the present computational capability. However, exploiting the simulation result and thus building a simplified model can be possible to realize that, as we may apply an inlet or outlet boundary condition to the peridermal aperture of Quadrapyrgites with corresponding exhale or inhale flow velocity profiles collected in this work. By doing this we can obtain a simplified version of an active feeding Quadrapyrgites model without using computational expensive moving mesh feature. Such a model can be used solely or in cluster to investigate gregarious feeding behavior incorporated with ambient current. Those above are explicit explanations for how this work could be a "breakthrough" in simulation gregarious feeding. However, we modified the corresponding description in section "Perspectives for future work and improvements" to make it more appropriate.

      Reviewer response: I think I understand where the authors are trying to take this next step. If the authors were to follow up on this study with the proposed implementation of inhalant/exhalent velocities profiles (or more preferably velocity/pressure fields), then that study would be a breakthrough in simulating such gregarious feeding. Based on what has been done within the present study, I think the term "breakthrough" is instead overly emphatic.<br /> An additional note on this. The authors are correct that incorporating additional models could be used to simulation a population (as has been successfully done for several Ediacaran taxa despite computational limitations), but it's not the only way. The authors might explore using periodic boundary conditions on the external faces of the flow domain. This could require only a single Olivooid model to assess gregarious impacts - see the abundant literature of modeling flow through solar array fields.

      Original comment: L446: two layers of hexahedral elements is a very low number for meshing boundary layer flow

      Author response: Many thanks for your question. We agree that an appropriate hexahedral elements mesh for boundary layer is essential to recover boundary flow, especially in cases where turbulence model incorporated with wall function is adopted such as the standard k-epsilon model. In this case, the boundary flow is not the main point since the velocity profile was collected above periderm aperture rather than near no-slip wall region. What else, we do not need drag (related to sheer stress and pressure difference) computations in this case, which requires a more accurate flow velocity reconstruction near no-slip walls as what previous palaeontological CFD simulations have done. Thus, we think two layers of hexahedral elements are enough. What else, hexahedral elements added to periderm aperture domain, as illustrated in figure below, can let the velocity near wall vary smoothly and thus can benefit the convergency of simulations.

      Reviewer response: As the authors point out in the main text, these organisms are small (millimeters in scale) and certainly lived within the boundary layer range of the ocean. While the boundary layer is not the main point, it still needs to be accurately resolved as it should certainly affect the flow further towards the far field at this scale. I'm not suggesting the authors need to perfectly resolve the boundary layer or focus on using turbulence models more tailored to boundary layer flows (such as k-w), but the flow field still needs sufficient realism for a boundary bounded flow. The authors really should consider quantitatively assessing the number of hexahedral elements within their mesh refinement study.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The goal of Pawel et al. is to provide a more rigorous and quantitative approach for judging whether or not an initial null finding (conventionally with p >= 0.05) has been replicated by a second similarly null finding. They discuss important objections to relying on the qualitative significant/non-significant dichotomy to make this judgement. They present two complementary methods (one frequentist and the other Bayesian) which provide a superior quantitative framework for assessing the replicability of null findings.

      Strengths:<br /> Clear presentation; illuminating examples drawn from the well-known Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology data set; R-code that implements suggested analyses. Using both methods as suggested provides a superior procedure for judging the replicability of null findings.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The frequentist and the Bayesian methods can be used to make binary assessments of an original finding and its replication. The authors clarify, though, that they can also be used to make continuous quantitative judgements about strength of evidence. I believe that most will use the methods in a binary fashion, but the availability of more nuanced assessments is welcome. This revision has addressed what I initially considered a weakness.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Theriot et al. are proposing here a technically very impressive screening method. Their optimization of single-cell sgRNA barcode sequencing/reading is fundamental progress towards the use of CRISPRi technology in phenotypic screening.

      The biology side of the manuscript focuses on cell morphology and cytoskeleton. For this, others are also proposing innovative methods for phenotypic quantification and analysis. The output of the phenotypic analysis shows interesting hit correlations between the methods used and identifies well-known hit genes. Nevertheless, the strength and the validity of the results are yet difficult to assess. The complexity and the amount of features extracted from the cell images do not always seem justified. Indeed, the visual conclusion from the authors at the end mostly refers to basic features (cell size, shape, nuclear localization, actin network polarity), which in my opinion could be quantified in a more straightforward way, which then would facilitate the ultimate goal of such a work, which is the biological interpretation of the screening campaign.

      Strengths:<br /> A very impressive technology work on molecular biology, microscopy, image analysis, and data analysis. The investment of such efforts seems fundamental for the development of phenotypic and CRISPR screens.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The phenotypic analysis method seems too complex in regard to the actual output. The biological interpretation of the screen is therefore suffering from this complexity. Having said that the quantification of cell morphology and actin network phenotype is a very risky and complex task.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this study, the authors investigate the tolerance of aminoglycosides in E. coli mutants deleted in the Krebs cycle and respiratory chain enzymes. The motivation for this study is unclear. Transport of aminoglycosides is pmf-dependent, as the authors correctly note, and knocking out energy-producing components leads to tolerance of aminoglycosides, this has been well established. In S. aureus, clinically relevant "small colony" strains selected for in the course of therapy with aminoglycosides acquire null mutations in the biosynthesis of heme or ubiquinone, and have been studied in detail. In E. coli, such knockouts have not been reported in clinical isolates, probably due to severe fitness costs. At the same time, single-cell analysis has shown that individual cells with a decrease in the expression of Krebs cycle enzymes are tolerant of antibiotics and have lower ATP (Manuse et al., PLoS Biol 19: e3001194). The authors of the study under review report that knocking out ICD, isocitrate dehydrogenase that catalyzes the rate-limiting step in the Krebs cycle, has little effect on aminoglycoside tolerance and actually leads to an increase in the level of ATP over time. This observation does not seem to make much sense and contradicts previous reports, specifically that E. coli ICD is tolerant of antibiotics and, not surprisingly, produces Less ATP (Kabir and Shimizu, Appl Micro-biol Biotechnol. 2004; 65(1):84-96; Manuse et al., PLoS Biol 19: e3001194). Mutations in other Krebs cycle enzymes, unlike ICD, do lead to a dramatic increase in tolerance of aminoglycosides according to the paper under review. This is all very confusing.

      Apart from the confusing data, it is not clear what useful information may be obtained from the choice of the experimental system. The authors examine exponentially growing cells of E. coli for tolerance of aminoglycosides. The population at this stage of growth is highly susceptible to aminoglycosides, and only some rare persister cells can survive. However, the authors do not study persisters. A stationary population of E. coli is tolerant of aminoglycosides, and this is clinically relevant, but this is not the subject of the study.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This is well-performed research with solid results and thorough controls. The authors did a good job of finding the relationship between the 5-HT1A receptor and megakaryocytopoiesis, which demonstrated the potential of vilazodone in the management of thrombocytopenia. The paper emphasizes the regulatory mechanism of 5-HT1A receptor signaling on hematopoietic lineages, which could further advance the field of thrombocytopenia for therapeutic purposes.

      Strengths:<br /> This is comprehensive and detailed research using multiple methods and model systems to determine the pharmacological effects and molecular mechanisms of vilazodone. The authors conducted in vitro experiments using HEL and Meg-01 cells and in vivo experiments using Zebrafish and Kunming-irradiated mice. The experiments and bioinformatics analysis have been performed with a high degree of technical proficiency. The authors demonstrated how vilazodone binds to 5-HTR1A and regulates the SRC/MAPK pathway, which is inhibited by particular 5-HTR1A inhibitors. The authors determined this to be the mechanistic underpinning for the effects of vilazodone in promoting megakaryocyte differentiation and thrombopoiesis.

      Weaknesses:<br /> 1. Which database are the drug test sets and training sets for the creation of drug screening models obtained from? What criteria are used to grade the results?

      2. What is the base of each group in Figure 3b for the survival screening of zebrafish? The positivity rate of GFP-labeled platelets is too low, as indicated by the quantity of eGFP+ cells. What gating technique was used in Figure 3e?

      3. In Figure 4C, the MPV values of each group of mice did not show significant downregulation or upregulation. The possible reasons for this should be explained.

      4. The PPI diagram and the KEGG diagram in Figure 6 both provide a possible mechanism pathway for the anti-thrombocytopenia effect of vilazodone. How can the authors analyze the differences in their results?

      5. 5-HTR1A protein expression is measured only in the Meg-01 cells assay. Similar quantitation through western blot is not shown in other cell models.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors attempt to understand how cells forage for spatially heterogeneous complex polysaccharides. They aimed to quantify the foraging behavior and interrogate its genetic basis. The results show that cells aggregate near complex polysaccharides, and disperse when simpler byproducts are added. Dispersing cells tend to move towards the polysaccharide. The authors also use transcriptomics to attempt to understand which genes support each of these behaviors - with motility and transporter-related genes being highly expressed during dispersal, as expected.

      Strengths:<br /> The paper is well written and builds on previous studies by some of the authors showing similar behavior by a different species of bacteria (Caulobacter) on another polysaccharide (xylan). The conceptual model presented at the end encapsulates the findings and provides an interesting hypothesis. I also find the observation of chemotaxis towards the polysaccharide in the experimental conditions interesting.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Much of the genetic analysis, as it stands, is quite speculative and descriptive. I found myself confused about many of the genes (e.g., quorum sensing) that pop up enriched during dispersal quite in contrast to my expectations. While the authors do mention some of this in the text as worth following up on, I think the analysis as it stands adds little insight into the behaviors studied. However, I acknowledge that it might have the potential to generate hypotheses and thus aid future studies. Further, I found the connections to the carbon cycle and marine environments in the abstract weak --- the microfluidics setup by the authors is nice, but it provides limited insight into naturalistic environments where the spatial distribution and dimensionality of resources are expected to be qualitatively different.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Questions and concerns:

      The abstract is hard to follow. The authors there refer to a previous experiment showing that "overnight fasting diminishes excessive avoidance and speeds up fear extinction by decreasing subjective relief during threat omissions" (L26). They go on to say that "relief tracks the reward prediction error signal that governs safety learning" (L28). This is puzzling. While getting less relief/safety from avoidance actions will surely diminish avoidance (because avoidance actions are less reinforced), getting less relief/safety from omissions of an unconditioned stimulus (US) in fear extinction should slow down (not speed up) fear extinction. In the same vein, why are "lower activations [in fMRI] in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens in response to threat omissions signaled by a safe cue" (L34) associated with "increased effective avoidance and sped up fear extinction" (L33)? This clearly goes against the existing literature on reward prediction errors (PEs) in fear learning paradigms, where these PEs in the mesolimbic dopamine system drive extinction, that is, they are associated with better extinction (and should therefore also be associated with more avoidance). For instance, in the rodent, Luo et al., 2018 (DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-04784-7) and Salinas-Hernandez et al., 2018 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.388181 of 25RESEARCH ARTICLE) and 2023 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2023.08.025ll) have in various constellations optogenetically enhanced and diminished, respectively, the PE signal at the time of US omission in extinction in either VTA or nucleus accumbens and thereby sped up and slowed down, respectively, extinction learning. If the results of the current experiment contradict established knowledge, the reader must be clearly informed about this. By contrast, the abstract gives the impressions as if the current results were to be expected and in line with the literature ("since relief tracks the reward prediction error signal ..., we hypothesized ...").

      It would also help the reader if it was clarified that the finding of "increased effective avoidance" (L33) went counter to the hypothesis, e.g., by saying "Contrary to our hypothesis, we observed ...".


      L51: The presentation of exposure therapy is a bit misleading and may create confusion. While it is probably correct that exposure works by "promoting safety learning", this is generally thought to be the case only for Pavlovian associations (CS-US), that is, for extinction (where safety learning creates the new association of CS and "no US"). It is, however, not generally considered to be the case for the instrumental action-outcome associations that underlie avoidance learning ("I do this or that, then I do not have to experience the feared object or situation"). Therapists try to prevent this type of learning from happening, exactly by promoting the confrontation with fear objects or situations in the absence of any avoidance action.

      Generally, I think the introduction suffers from the absence of a short explanation of what avoidance and extinction learning are, behaviorally, and what types of mechanisms are believed to drive them, and that the one (avoidance) is thought to contribute to the maintenance of fears whereas the other (extinction) reduces fear. The non-specialist reader is somehow left in the dark.

      In the same vein, on L63, presenting the results of their previous fasting study that serves as a discovery study for the present experiment, the authors make a distinction between "unnecessary avoidance during a signal of safety" and "effective avoidance during a signal of upcoming threat". It is really expecting too much from the reader that they will understand at this stage that a CS can become a signal of safety through extinction or that a CS not paired with a US during conditioning (a "CS-") is a safety signal and that it is not necessary to avoid such a signal, whereas a non-extinguished CS (signaling threat) may well be avoided. (At least, this is how I understood the distinction.)

      I was then really confused by the following statement (L65) that "the decrease in unnecessary avoidance was mediated by lower levels of relief ... during omissions of threat". If a CS is already extinguished (has no remaining or only little threat value, that is, is a safety stimulus), there is no longer threat omission when the US does not occur, and no relief. There should also be no relief to US omission after a CS-. More importantly even, if fasted participants reported lower levels of relief from threat omission, why did they not also show less effective avoidance (which is driven by the reinforcement provided by the relief that occurs when a successful avoidance action has prevented a US from occurring after or during the CS)?

      L69: Also the statement "a faster decline in relief ... ratings during ... extinction, suggesting faster decrease of threat expectancies" can only be understood by the reader if they already know what a PE is and by what rules PE-driven learning is governed (that is, essentially, if they know Rescorla-Wagner). I think the authors must explain, in order to allow a non-specialist reader to follow their text, that the PE (supposed to be indexed by the relief rating) reflects the discrepancy between the magnitude of an outcome expectation (e.g., here, expectation of the US) and the obtained outcome (here, US or not); that, therefore, a PE is generated when a subject expects a US (as a result of prior conditioning) but does not get it; that this leads to a proportional update (reduction) of the US expectation in the next trial; and that this in turn leads to a diminished PE when the US again does not occur. Notably, the reader must be made aware that the higher the PE, the higher the reduction and the faster the extinction (proportionality).

      The reader must also be made aware that the update is additionally determined by some multiplicatory "transmission" function or constant (e.g., learning rate in Rescorla-Wagner) that defines the size of the relationship between the magnitude of the PE and the magnitude of the update (reduction). Hence, in two individuals, even if the magnitude of the PE is identical, the magnitude of the update may differ because of individual differences in the learning rate (to take the Rescorla-Wagner implementation). The authors, however, seem to ignore the possibility that fasting changes the learning rate.

      Both the dynamics of the PE and the learning rate, of course, add complexity to the interpretation of the past and present data. But I think the authors cannot avoid this when they want to make sense of a treatment (fasting) that they believe affects safety learning. Speaking of "lower levels of relief" (L66) must be qualified by whether these lower ratings were observed initially (when the first PEs were registered at initial threat omissions, meaning that safety learning should be relatively slowed down by fasting) or on average or later during a safety learning experiment (which could indicate that learning under fasting was relatively quicker/more successful).

      Following upon this, in L74, the conclusion from observations of lower levels of relief during avoidance and faster decline in relief during extinction in the previous study that "overnight fasting decreased the reward value of safety (less relief pleasantness)" may be wrong if the faster decline and the resulting lower average levels of relief were the consequence of a higher initial PE in the fasting group, as would be expected from the Rescorla-Wagner rule. If the latter were the case, this would suggest that subjects actually registered more safety (a higher discrepancy to their threat expectation) in early trials. This could also explain why fasting sped up extinction in that study (see Abstract). It might also explain why "effective avoidance" (L64) was at least maintained (although it should actually also be sped up). It might make less parsimonious explanations ("fasting biases .. to focus on food at the expense of safety", L79), requiring the presence of a food source and a utility function of accepting a threat in the obtainment of food, unnecessary.

      All this, however, rests on whether I think I have understood what the authors want to say about their relief measurements and the way the operationalized avoidance in the previous study.

      More unclarities due to not giving full information: L91: "... extinction and avoidance learning. Accordingly, human fMRI studies have found ... activations in the ventral striatum and the VTA during threat omissions that might contribute to establishing a new safety CS-->noUS memory that reduces the initial fear response." However, in avoidance, it is an action that is reinforced by the US omission and hence an action-->noUS memory that is being formed. The CS keeps its threat value acquired during the preceding conditioning phase, and the reduction of fear during CS presentations is contingent upon the exertion of the avoidance action.

      L99: "Because overnight fasting decreased relief rating particularly during omissions after safety signals". Again, if a US is omitted after a safety signal (an extinguished CS or a CS-), there should be no PE and no relief. If there were still relief ratings at US omission after a safety signal, this would suggest extinction did not fully work or differential conditioning was not successful. In any case, it is not clear at all why relief was specifically decreased during omissions after safety signals and not (and much more so) during omissions after threat signals, where there is clearly a PE. If this was not the case, one has to wonder if something went wrong in the discovery study.

      The paragraph starting L103 and the associated figure 1 could be a bit more precise and give a bit more information in order to provide the reader a proper understanding of key experimental manipulations, in particular the ART task. Please define abbreviations "CS+unav", "CS+av". L108 ff.: One gets the impression there is only one CS+, whereas there are two. Say explicitly that one CS+ remains unavoidable during the Avoidance phase (CS+unav). What is the purpose of this stimulus? Do participants learn during the Avoidance phase that the CS+unav is unavoidable and the CS+av is avoidable or is this instructed? Do participants have to press the button within a certain time after CS+unav onset in order to avoid the US, or with a certain force? Is avoidance in case of successful button pressing deterministic or probabilistic? Say that the frame with the non-lit lamp is the ITI.

      Relief ratings (Figure 1b): The rating says "How pleasant was the relief that you felt?". That is, the experimenter insinuates that the participant will have felt relief and only wants to know how pleasant that relief was. The subjects has no chance to indicate there was no relief. This may be the reason why, in the discovery study, subjects indicated relief to safe stimuli, see above. Why did the authors not simply ask about the degree of relief felt, which would give a subject the chance to say there was no relief? I think this is a major flaw.

      L119: "We previously found that overnight fasting reduces avoidance and relief mostly to a safe CS-." If this is really the only thing that the authors found, then the fasting manipulation in their previous study failed to modulate avoidance of CS+s and the PE signaling at the time of US omissions after CS+s, that is, after actual threat stimuli. The procedure then clearly is not suited to study influences of fasting on avoidance learning. Whatever it does manipulate, it is not relief-based avoidance learning.

      L130: It makes absolutely no sense to hypothesize that a manipulation reducing relief in extinction learning will decrease activation in the neural PE circuitry at the time of US omission more after the CS- than after the CS+. Of course, the PE is highest when the US is not given after the CS+, and this is where any relief manipulation should have an effect. As said above, the authors must also specify their hypothesis with respect of timing (early or late extinction? See the animal papers cited above.)

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The formation of long-term memory representations requires the continuous updating of ongoing representations. Various studies have shown that the left angular gyrus (AG) may support this cognitive operation. However, this study demonstrates that this brain region plays a causal role in the formation of long-term memory representations, affecting both the neural and behavioural measures of information binding.

      A significant strength of this work is that it is the first one to test the hypothesis that the left angular gyrus has a causal role in the reconfiguration and binding of long-term memory representations by comparing when insights are primarily derived from direct observation versus imagination. Consequently, the results from this manuscript have the potential to be informative for all areas of cognitive research, including basic perception, language cognition and memory.

      Furthermore, this study presents a comprehensive set of measurements on the same individuals, encompassing various task-related behavioural measures, EEG data, and questionnaire responses.

      A weakness of the manuscript is the use of different groups of participants for the key TMS intervention.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This manuscript reports on the behavior of participants playing a game to measure exploration. Specifically, participants completed a task with blocks of exploratory choices (choosing between two 'tables', and within each table, two 'card decks', each of which had a specific probability of showing cards with one color versus another) and test choices, where participants were asked to choose which of the two decks per table had a higher likelihood of one color. Blocks differed on how long (how many trials) the exploration phase lasted. Participants' choices were fit to increasingly complex models of next-trial exploration. Participants' choices were best fit by an intermediate model where the difference in uncertainty between tables influenced the choice. Next, the authors investigated factors affecting whether participants sought out or avoided uncertainty, their choice reaction times, and the relationship of these measures with performance during the test phase of each block. Participants were uncertainty-seeking (exploratory) under most levels of overall uncertainty but became less uncertainty-seeking at high levels of total uncertainty. Participants with a stronger tendency to approach uncertainty at lower levels of total uncertainty were more accurate in the test phase, while the tendency to avoid uncertainty when total uncertainty was high was also weakly positively related to test accuracy. In terms of reaction times, participants whose reaction times were more related to the level of uncertainty, and who deliberated longer, performed better. The individual tendency to repeat choices was related to avoidance of uncertainty under high total uncertainty and better test performance. Lastly, choices made after a longer lag were less affected by these measures.

      The authors note that their paradigm, which does not provide immediate rewarding feedback, is novel. However, the resulting behavior appears similar to other exploratory learning tasks, so it's unclear what this task design adds - besides perhaps showing that exploratory behavior is similar across types of reward environments. Several papers have shown that cognitive constraints modulate exploration (PMIDs: 30667262, 24664860, 35917612, 35260717); although this paper provides novel insights, it does not situate its findings in the context of this prior literature. As a result, what it adds to the literature is difficult to discern.

      Other methodological questions include whether the same model provides the best fit for all participants and whether possible individual differences in models used relate to individual differences in exploration and performance; how some analyses were carried out that currently lack sufficient detail in the manuscript; and how the two stages of choice behavior (tables versus card decks) were accounted for in the analyses.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this paper, the effects of two sensory stimuli (visual and somatosensory) on fMRI responsiveness during absence seizures were investigated in GEARS rats with concurrent EEG recordings. SPM analysis of fMRI showed a significant reduction in whole-brain responsiveness during the ictal period compared to the interictal period under both stimuli, and this phenomenon was replicated in a structurally constrained whole-brain computational model of rat brains.

      The conclusion of this paper is that whole-brain responsiveness to both sensory stimuli is inhibited and spatially impeded during seizures.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this manuscript, Rohde et al. discuss how single cells isolated from the presomitic mesoderm of the zebrafish embryo follow a cell-autonomous differentiation "programme", which is dependent on the initial anteroposterior position in the embryo.

      Strengths:<br /> This work and in particular the comparison to cellular behaviour in vivo presents a detailed description of the oscillatory system that brings the developmental biology forward in their understanding of somitogenesis.<br /> The main novelty lies in the direct comparison of these isolated single cells to single cells tracked within the developing embryo. This allows them to show that isolated cells follow a similar path of differentiation without direct contact to neighbours or the presence of external morphogen gradients. Based on this, the authors propose an internal timer that starts ticking as cells traverse the presomitic mesoderm, while external signals modify this behaviour.

      Weaknesses:<br /> There are a few things that would clarify the current statement or might be added in a reasonable amount of time to further increase the relevance of this study:<br /> - My main point of concern is the precision of dissection. The authors distinguish cells isolated from the tailbud and different areas in the PSM. They suggest that the cell-autonomous timer is initiated, as cells exit the tailbud.<br /> This is also relevant for the comparison of single cells isolated from the embryo and cells within the embryo. The dissection will always be less precise and cells within the PSM4 region could contain tailbud cells (as also indicated in Figure 1A), while in the analysis of live imaging data cells can be selected more precisely based on their location. This could therefore contribute to the difference in noise between isolated single cells and cells in the embryo. This could also explain why there are "on average more peaks" in isolated cells (p. 6, l. 7).<br /> This aspect should be considered in the interpretation of the data and mentioned at least in the discussion.<br /> (It does not contradict their finding that more anterior cells oscillate less often and differentiate earlier than more posterior ones.)

      - Here, the authors focus on the question of how cells differentiate. The reverse question is not addressed at all. How do cells maintain their oscillatory state in the tailbud? One possibility is that cells need external signals to maintain that as indicated in Hubaud et al. 2014. In this regard, the definition of tailbud is also very vague. What is the role of neuromesodermal progenitors? The proposal that the timer is started when cells exit the tailbud is at this point a correlation and there is no functional proof, as long as we do not understand how cells maintain the tailbud state. These are points that should be considered in the discussion.

      - The authors observe that the number of oscillations in single cells ex vivo is more variable than in the embryo. This is presumably due to synchronization between neighbouring cells via Notch signalling in the embryo. Would it be possible to add low doses of Notch inhibitor to interfere with efficient synchronization, while at the same time keeping single cell oscillations high enough to be able to quantify them?

      In the same direction, it would be interesting to test if variation is decreased, when the number of isolated cells is increased, i.e. if cells are cultured in groups of 2,3 or 4 cells, for instance.

      - It seems that the initiation of Mesp2 expression is rather reproducible and less noisy (+/- 2 oscillation cycles), while the number of oscillations varies considerably (and the number of cells continuing to oscillate after Mesp2 expression is too low to account for that). How can the authors explain this apparent discrepancy?

      - The observation that some cells continue oscillating despite the upregulation of Mesp2 should be discussed further and potential mechanism described, such as incomplete differentiation.

      - Fig. 3 supplement 3 B missing

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The authors present a neural network (NN)-based approach to computationally cheaper emulation of simulations of biophysically relatively detailed cardiac cell models based on systems of ordinary differential equations. Relevant case studies are used to demonstrate the performance in prediction of standard action potentials, as well as action potentials manifesting early depolarizations. Application to the "reverse problem" (inferring the effect of pharmacological compounds on ion channels based on action potential data before and after drug treatment) is also explored, which is a task of generally high interest.


      This is a well-designed study, which explores an area that many in the cardiac simulation community will be interested in. The article is well written and I particularly commend the authors on transparency of methods description, code sharing, etc. - it feels rather exemplary in this regard and I only wish more authors of cardiac simulation studies took such an approach. The training speed of the network is encouraging and the technique is accessible to anyone with a reasonably strong GPU, not needing specialized equipment.


      Below are several points that I consider to be weaknesses and/or uncertainties of the work:

      1. The scope for acceleration of single cell simulations is not vast, as it is easy to simulate tens of thousands of cells per day on a workstation computer, using simulation conditions similar to those of the authors. While this covers a large part of what is needed in the field, I agree with the authors that there are applications where the presented technology is helpful. In such cases, e.g., in uncertaintly quantification, it will enable studies that would be difficult to carry out previously. In addition, any application involving long-term pre-pacing of a large number of cells will benefit greatly from the reported tool.

      An area which is definitely in need of acceleration is simulations of whole ventricles or hearts, but it is not clear how much potential for speedup would the presented technology bring there. I can imagine interesting applications of rapid emulation in such a setting, some of which could be hybrid in nature (e.g. using simulation for the region around the wavefront of propagating electrical waves, while emulating the rest of the tissue, which is behaving more regularly/predictable, and is likely to be emulated well), but this is definitely beyond of the scope of this article.

      2. The exact speed-up achieved by the NN emulation is somewhat context-dependent. In particular, the reported speedup critically depends on the number of beats in the simulation. The emulator learns to directly estimate the state of the cell after X beats (where X is decided by the operator of training). The speedup appears to be relatively marginal when a single beat is simulated versus emulated - but when 1000 beats are simulated, this takes 1000fold more time for simulation, but unchanged time for emulation.

      While the initial submission did not communicate the practical speedup entirely clearly, this was addressed well by the authors in the revised version.

      3. It appears that the accuracy of emulation drops off relatively sharply with increasing real-world applicability/relevance of the tasks it is applied to. That said, the authors are to be commended on declaring this transparently, rather than withholding such analyses. I particularly enjoyed the discussion of the not always amazing results of the inverse problem on the experimental data. The point on low parameter identifiability is an important one, and serves as a warning against overconfidence in our ability to infer cellular parameters from action potentials alone. On the other hand, I'm not that sure the difference between small tissue preps and single cells which authors propose as another source of the discrepancy will be that vast beyond the AP peak potential (probably much of the tissue prep is affected by the pacing electrode?), but that is a subjective view only. The influence of coupling could be checked if the simulated data were generated from 2D tissue samples/fibres, e.g. using the Myokit software.

      In summary, I believe the range of tasks where the emulator provides a major advance is relatively narrow, particularly given the relatively limited need for further speedup compared to simulations. However, this does not make the study uninteresting in the slightest - on the contrary, it explores something that many of us are thinking about, and it is likely to stimulate further development in the direction of computationally efficient emulation of relatively complex simulations.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      There is a long-believed dogma in the malaria field; a mosquito infected with a single oocyst is equally infectious to humans as another mosquito with many oocysts. This belief has been used for goal setting (and modeling) of malaria transmission-blocking interventions. While recent studies using rodent malaria suggest that the dogma may not be true, there was no such study with human P. falciparum parasites. In this study, the numbers of oocysts and sporozoite in the mosquitoes and the number of expelled sporozoites into artificial skin from the infected mosquito was quantified individually. There was a significant correlation between sporozoite burden in the mosquitoes and expelled sporozoites. In addition, this study showed that highly infected mosquitoes expelled sporozoites sooner.


      • The study was conducted using two different parasite-mosquito combinations; one was lab-adapted parasites with Anopheles stephensi and the other was parasites, which were circulated in infected patients, with An. coluzzii. Both combinations showed statistically significant correlations between sporozoite burden in mosquitoes and the number of expelled sporozoites.

      • Usually, this type of study has been done in group bases (e.g., count oocysts and sporozoites at different time points using different mosquitoes from the same group). However, this study determined the numbers in individual bases after multiple optimization and validation of the approach. This individual approach significantly increases the power of correlation analysis.


      • In a natural setting, most mosquitoes have less than 5 oocysts. Thus, the conclusion is more convincing if the authors perform additional analysis for the key correlations (Fig 3C and 4D) excluding mosquitoes with very high total sporozoite load (e.g., more than 5-oocyst equivalent load).

      • As written as the second limitation of the study, this study did not investigate whether all expelled sporozoites were equally infectious. For example, Day 9 expelled sporozoites may be less infectious than Day 11 sporozoites, or expelled sporozoites from high-burden mosquitoes may be less infectious because they experience low nutrient conditions in a mosquito. Ideally, it is nice to test the infectivity by ex vivo assays, such as hepatocyte invasion assay, and gliding assay at least for salivary sporozoites. But are there any preceding studies where the infectivity of sporozoites from different conditions was evaluated? Citing such studies would strengthen the argument.

      • Since correlation analyses are the main points of this paper, it is important to show 95%CI of Spearman rank coefficient (not only p-value). By doing so, readers will understand the strengths/weaknesses of the correlations. The p-value only shows whether the observed correlation is significantly different from no correlation or not. In other words, if there are many data points, the p-value could be very small even if the correlation is weak.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This is a manuscript describing outbreaks of Pseudomonas aeruginosa ST 621 in a facility in the US using genomic data. The authors identified and analysed 254 P. aeruginosa ST 621 isolates collected from a facility from 2011 to 2020. The authors described the relatedness of the isolates across different locations, specimen types (sources), and sampling years. Two concurrently emerged subclones were identified from the 254 isolates. The authors predicted that the most recent common ancestor for the isolates can be dated back to approximately 1999 after the opening of the main building of the facility in 1996. Then the authors grouped the 254 isolates into two categories: 1) patient-to-patient; or 2) environment-to-patient using SNP thresholds and known epidemiological links. Finally, the authors described the changes in resistance gene profiles, virulence genes, cell wall biogenesis, and signaling pathway genes of the isolates over the sampling years.

      Strengths:<br /> The major strength of this study is the utilisation of genomic data to comprehensively describe the characteristics of a long-term Pseudomonas aeruginosa ST 621 outbreak in a facility. This fills the data gap of a clone that could be clinically important but easily missed from microbiology data alone.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The work would further benefit from a more detailed discussion on the limitations due to the lack of data on patient clinical information, ward movement, and swabs collected from healthcare workers to verify the transmission of Pseudomonas aeruginosa ST 621, including potential healthcare worker to patient transmission, patient-to-patient transmission, patient-to-environment transmission, and environment-to-patient transmission. For instance, the definition given in the manuscript for patient-to-patient transmission could not rule out the possibility of the existence of a shared contaminated environment. Equally, as patients were not routinely swabbed, unobserved carriers of Pseudomonas aeruginosa ST 621 could not be identified and the possibility of misclassifying the environment-to-patient transmissions could not be ruled out. Moreover, reporting of changes in rates of resistance to imipenem and cefepime could be improved by showing the exact p-values (perhaps with three decimal places) rather than dichotomising the value at 0.05. By doing so, readers could interpret the strength of the evidence of changes.

      Impact of the work:<br /> First, the work adds to the growing evidence implicating sinks as long-term reservoirs for important MDR pathogens, with direct infection control implications. Moreover, the work could potentially motivate investments in generating and integrating genomic data into routine surveillance. The comprehensive descriptions of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa ST 621 clones outbreak is a great example to demonstrate how genomic data can provide additional information about long-term outbreaks that otherwise could not be detected using microbiology data alone. Moreover, identifying the changes in resistance genes and virulence genes over time would not be possible without genomic data. Finally, this work provided additional evidence for the existence of long-term persistence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa ST 621 clones, which likely occur in other similar settings.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors have generated a set of yeast S. cerevisiae strains containing different numbers of chromosomes.<br /> Elimination of telomerase activates homologous recombination (HR) to maintain telomeres in cells containing the original 16 chromosomes. However, elimination of telomerase leads to circularization of cells containing a single or two chromosomes. The authors examined whether the subtelomeric sequences X and Y' promote HR-mediated telomere maintenance using the strain SY12 carrying three chromosomes. They found that the subtelomeric sequences X and Y' are dispensable for cell proliferation and HR-mediated telomere maintenance in telomerase-minus SY12 cells. They conclude that subtelomeric X and Y' sequences do not play essential roles in both telomerase-proficient and telomerase-null cells and propose that these sequences represent remnants of genome evolution.<br /> Interestingly, telomerase-minus SY12 generate survivors that are different from well-established Type I or Type II survivors. The authors uncover atypical telomere formation which does not depend on the Rad52 homologous recombination pathway.

      Strengths: The authors examined whether the subtelomeric sequences X and Y' promote HR-mediated telomere maintenance using the strain SY12 carrying three chromosomes. They show that subtelomeres do not have essential roles in telomere maintenance and cell proliferation.

      Weaknesses:<br /> It is not fully addressed how atypical survivors are generated independently of Rad52-mediated homologous recombination.<br /> It remains possible that X and Y elements influence homologous recombination, type 1 and type 2 (type X), at telomeres. In particular, the presence of X and Y elements appears to be important for promoting type 1 recombination, although the authors conclude "Elimination of subtelomeric repeat sequences exerts little effect on telomere functions".

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The current manuscript by Hajra et al deals with the role of the prominent Sirtuins SIRT1 and -3 during infection of macrophages with Salmonella Typhimurium (ST). Apparently, ST infection induces upregulation of host cell SRTs to aid its own metabolism during the intracellular lifestyle and to help reprogramming macrophage polarization. The manuscript has two parts, namely one part that deals with Salmonella infection in cells, where RAW 264.7 murine macrophage-like cells, sharing some features with primary macrophages, were employed. Infected RAW cells displayed a tendency to polarize towards wound-healing M2 and not inflammatory M1 macrophages, which was dependent on SRT. Consequently, the inflammatory response in RAW was more robust in the absence of SRT. Moreover, loss of SRTs leads to impaired bacterial proliferation in these cells, which was attributed to defects in metabolic adaption of the bacteria in the absence of SRT-activity and to the increased M1 inflammatory response.

      Unfortunately, the line of argumentation remains incomplete because corresponding assays in mice showed the opposite result as compared to the experiments using RAW 264.7 cells. i.e. loss of SRTs leads to increased bacterial load in animals (versus impaired proliferation in RAW 264.7 cells). The authors cannot explain this discrepancy.

      Strengths:<br /> Extensive analysis of Salmonella infection in RAW macrophage-like cells and mice in the context of SRT1/3 function.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Lack of connection between the cell-based and organismic data, which are not supportive of each other.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Pathogenic mutations of mTOR pathway genes have been identified in patients with malformation of cortical development and intractable epilepsy. Nguyen et al., established an in vivo rodent model to investigate the impact of different mTOR pathway gene dysfunction on neuronal intrinsic membrane excitability and cortical network activity. The results demonstrate that activation of mTORC1 activators or inactivation of mTORC1 repressors leads to convergent mTOR pathway activation and alterations of neuronal morphology, the key pathological feature of human FCD and hemimegalencephaly. However, different mTOR pathway gene mutations also exhibited variations in modulating Ih current and synaptic activity in rodent cortical neurons. These findings provide novel insights into the mechanism of seizure generation associated with cortical malformation.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors aimed to investigate the microbiota present in the fallopian tubes (FT) and its potential association with ovarian cancer (OC). They collected swabs intraoperatively from the FT and other surgical sites as controls to profile the FT microbiota and assess its relationship with OC.

      They observed a clear shift in the FT microbiota of OC patients compared to non-cancer patients. Specifically, the FT of OC patients had more types of bacteria typically found in the gastrointestinal tract and the mouth. In contrast, vaginal bacterial species were more prevalent in non-cancer patients. Serous carcinoma, the most common OC subtype, showed a higher prevalence of almost all FT bacterial species compared to other OC subtypes.

      The strengths of the study include its large sample size, rigorous collection methods, and use of controls to identify the possible contaminants. Additionally, the study employed advanced sequencing techniques for microbiota analysis. However, there are some weaknesses to consider. The study relied on swabs collected intraoperatively, which may not fully represent the microbiota in the FT during normal physiological conditions. The study also did not establish causality between the identified bacteria and OC but rather demonstrated an association. Regardless, the findings are important and these questions need to be addressed by future studies. A few additions in data representation and analysis are instead recommended.

      Overall, the authors achieved their aims of identifying the FT microbiota and assessing its relationship with OC. The results support the conclusion that there is a clear shift in the FT microbiota in OC patients, paving the way for further investigations into the role of these bacteria in the pathogenesis of ovarian cancer.

      The identification of specific bacterial species associated with OC could contribute to the development of novel diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. The study design and the data generated here can be valuable to the research community studying the microbiota and its impact on cancer development. However, further research is needed to validate these findings and elucidate the underlying mechanisms linking the FT microbiota shift and OC.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Sun and colleagues followed on their previous findings on the tumor suppressive role of PDLIM2 in lung cancer. They further investigated various mechanisms, including epigenetic modification, copy number variation and LOH, that led to the decrease expression of PDLIM2 in human lung cancer. Next, they used nanoparticle-based approach to specifically restore the expression in mouse lung tumors. They showed that over-expression PDLIM2 in lung cancer repressed its progression in vivo. Also, this treatment could synergize with chemotherapy and checkpoint inhibitor anti-PD-1. Overall, the results were quite promising and convincing, using a treatment combination that would appear to have potential for clinical implementation.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In the article "Temporal transcriptomic dynamics in developing macaque neocortex", Xu et al. analyze the cellular composition and transcriptomic profiles of the developing macaque parietal cortex using single-cell RNA sequencing. The authors profiled eight prenatal rhesus macaque brains at five timepoints (E40, E50, E70, E80, and E90) and obtained a total of around 53,000 high-quality cells for downstream analysis. The dataset provides a high-resolution view into the developmental processes of early and mid-fetal macaque cortical development and will potentially be a valuable resource for future comparative studies of primate neurogenesis and neural stem cell fate specification. Their analysis of this dataset focused on the temporal gene expression profiles of outer and ventricular radial glia and utilized pesudotime trajectory analysis to characterize the genes associated with radial glial and neuronal differentiation. The rhesus macaque dataset presented in this study was then integrated with prenatal mouse and human scRNA-seq datasets to probe species differences in ventricular radial glia to intermediate progenitor cell trajectories. Additionally, the expression profile of macaque radial glia across time was compared to those of mouse apical progenitors to identify conserved and divergent expression patterns of transcription factors.

      The main findings of this paper corroborate many previously reported and fundamental features of primate neurogenesis: deep layer neurons are generated before upper layer excitatory neurons, the expansion of outer radial glia in the primate lineage, conserved molecular markers of outer radial glia, and the early specification of progenitors. Furthermore, the authors show some interesting divergent features of macaque radial glial gene regulatory networks as compared to mouse. Overall, despite some uncertainties surrounding the clustering and annotations of certain cell types, the manuscript provides a valuable scRNA-seq dataset of early prenatal rhesus macaque brain development. The dynamic expression patterns and trajectory analysis of ventricular and outer radial glia provide valuable data and lists of differentially expressed genes (some consistent with previous studies, others reported for the first time here) for future studies.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary<br /> Liao et al leveraged two powerful genomics techniques-CUT&RUN and RNA sequencing-to identify genomic regions bound by and activated or inactivated by SMAD1, SMAD5, and the progesterone receptor during endometrial stromal cell decidualization. Additionally, the authors generated novel knock-in HA-SMAD1 and PA-SMAD5 tagged mice to combat antibody issues facing the field, generating a novel model to advance the study of BMP signaling in the female reproductive tract. During decidualization in a murine model, SMAD1/5 are bound to many genomic sites of genes important in decidualization and pregnancy and coregulated responses with progesterone receptor signaling.

      Strengths<br /> The authors utilized powerful next generation sequencing and identified important transcriptional mechanisms of SMAD1/5 and PGR during decidualization in vivo.

      Weaknesses<br /> None.

      Overall, the manuscript and study are well structured and provide critical mechanistic updates on the roles of SMAD1/5 in decidualization and preparation of the maternal endometrium for pregnancy.