250 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2020
    1. the spelling "Web site" (and the less questionable "web site") is an anachronism from the 1990s that is still in use by the NYT and some other conservative print media in the US while most others (including the online sections of the NYT!) today use "website".
    2. English tends to build new compound nouns by simply writing them as separate words with a blank. Once the compound is established (and the original parts somewhat "forgotten"), it's often written as one word or hyphenated. (Examples: shoelaces, aircraft...)
    3. Web site / website seems to be somewhat in a transitional stage, being seen as an "entity" that web page hasn't reached yet. Depending on which dictionary you check you will find web site and website, but only web page, not webpage.
    1. Because treatment must be instituted during the latent period between injury and onset of neurologic sequelae, diagnostic imaging is performed based on identified risk factors (Fig. 7-55).91 After identification of an injury, antithrombotics are administered if the patient does not have contraindications (intracranial hemorrhage, falling hemoglobin level with solid organ injury or complex pelvic fractures). Heparin, started without a loading dose at 15 units/kg per hour, is titrated to achieve a PTT between 40 and 50 seconds or antiplatelet agents are initiated (aspirin 325 mg/d or clopidogrel 75 mg/d). The types of antithrombotic treatment appear equivalent in published studies to date, and the duration of treatment is empirically recommended to be 6 months.

      diagnostic imaging before onset of neurologic complications while taking

    2. Early recognition and management of these injuries is paramount because patients treated with antithrombotics have a stroke rate of <1% compared with stroke rates of 20% in untreated patients.

      antithrombotics for blunt inj of carotid and vertebral art decreases stroke rates from 20 to 1%

    3. Patients with open or depressed skull fractures, with or without sinus involvement, may require operative intervention.
  2. Mar 2020
  3. Feb 2020
    1. With k6, our goal has always been to create the best load testing tool for the modern working developer and that we do this in collaboration with the k6 community. Our revenue will not come from k6 directly, but from premium value creating offers based on k6. These offers will be made available at https://loadimpact.com. Load Impact premium offers will have focus on providing further simplicity, productivity and ease to use functionality.
    2. We believe the key to Load Impact’s long-term success as a Company is to foster an active community of users around k6 as an open source project. To achieve this long-term goal, it is vital that we do not withhold new features from k6 based on whether or not they compete with our SaaS offering.
  4. Jan 2020
  5. Nov 2019
  6. Sep 2019
  7. Sep 2018
  8. Aug 2018
    1. He with his whole posteritie must dye, Dye hee or Justice must; unless for him [ 210 ]

      We, Indians can't understand how "his whole posteritie must dye"? We believe in the theory of rebirth and therefore have infinite scope to be liberated. Above all one does not suffer due to others fault. Scripture does not contradict reason.

  9. Jul 2018
    1. “I support a social transition for a kid who is in distress and needs to live in a different way. And I do so because I am very focused on what the child needs at that time,” said Johanna Olson-Kennedy, medical director of the Center for Transyouth Health and Development at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, the largest transgender youth clinic in the United States with some 750 patients. A social transition to the other gender helps children learn, make friends, and participate in family activities. Some will decide later they are not transgender, but Olson-Kennedy says the potential harm in such cases may be overstated.

      This is one of the major problems in how so many approach this whole issue weather as a topic or in deciding a course of action for their own child. Furthermore the possibility of that happiness now rests on either on secrecy and passing or as is more often the case today it rests on the cooperation and orchestration of a comprehensive enough segment of the total people with whom your child is interacting to support this transition. What if we did that for gay kids. How much different would things be if tital 9 applied to all gender nonconforming kids even those who identified as gay? What if 12 states didn't have laws against speaking positively about gay as an identity in schools. What if parents where expected to do the work to insure that a self identified gay student was provided a social network for similarly identified adults and young people. And for just about any teen how might life be different emotionally speaking if we had been chemically castrated during our teen years. What if gay kids had the same wealth of support materials - public discourse etc. The reaason they don't is because we can not deal with their difference and we can not deal with it being about their sexual desire because we are unnerved by a the fact that children can identify and feel and act on sexual interests at a very young age. Gay kids know this and that is a big hurdle to comming out. I wished so much to have a boyfirend then I felt I could come out because it wouldn't mean telling my parents that I think about boys in a sexual way but I love this boy and won't deny him to anyone. No sad to say as was noted when oposition was initially raised amoung APA members over the introduction of GID to the DSM when they stated that it may just be that gay is a normal healthy worthy course of human development that as part of that process involves being in some way emotionally maimed by which they meant that there are certain painfull encounters with being different than ones own parents and most people in your community that gay people by dfinitioon must edure and untill society changes being gay is known to be a bad undesirable thing by children at a tremendously young age. So to be and develop as a person who is homosexual is not going to happen without certain paiuns and obsticles that others can easily avoid and mostly do.

  10. May 2018
    1. The literature shows that the vast majority of students report open textbooks to be of the same or better quality than the commercial textbooks they have used.
    2. Fischer, Hilton, Robinson, & Wiley (2015) studied a large sample of students from six colleges and four community colleges in the US. Students in the treatment group (N=1087) used an open textbook or other OER in their courses, and students in the control group (N=9264) were asked to purchase traditional textbooks for different sections of the same courses. The authors found that the students using OER did just as well or better in most of the courses studied in terms of course grades and completion rates.
  11. Feb 2018
    1. or

      "I have, in the following little volume, collected a few of these, the Love-Songs of a single province merely, which I either took down in each county of Connacht from the lips of the Irish-speaking peasantry - a class which is disappearing with most alarming rapidity - or extracted from MSS, in my own possession, or from some lent to me, made by different scribes during this century, or which I came upon while examining the piles of modern manuscript Gaelic literature that have found their last resting-place on the shelves of the Royal Irish Academy." (iv)

      The way Hyde makes reference to sources is casual and non-specific. It would be difficult for a reader to access his sources. Because we have such little insight, it is important to be alert to potential biases in the collecting and editing process.

      If we can identify consistencies among the anthologized songs in terms of their depiction of love and lovers, and/or among songs which are excluded from the anthology, we will have reason to regard the very partial disclosure of sources with suspicion.

      As I have already noted, part of Hyde’s project is to bring the reader into contact with language which has an ‘unbounded’ power to excite the Irish Muse. Perhaps part of the way he contrives this encounter is to control the kind of subject matter that will appear to the reader as that which occurs most naturally in the Irish language.

  12. Dec 2017
    1. Phil Devin Consultants Review - 6 måter å velge riktig eiendomsmegler på

      Å få service av en eiendomsmegler er sterkt fordelaktig for deg når du kjøper eller selger en bolig. Imidlertid er hver agent forskjellig fra hverandre og å finne den som passer best for dine behov, vil ikke være en veldig enkel oppgave, men bekymre deg ikke mer siden denne artikkelen laget av Phil Devin Consultants vil tjene som en guide for å lete etter den rette agent for deg.

      Å holde en pålitelig og god agent med deg, vil sikkert hjelpe deg med å oppnå de resultatene du søker. Det vil også være lettere for deg å forstå trinnene som er involvert i prosessen med kompetanse fra en agent, hvor han vil forklare alt for deg på den måten du lett kan forstå, og slik profesjonell kan ta vare på den tekniske, taktiske, og økonomiske aspekter inkludert i din eiendomsmegling innsats. Velg noen som er i stand til å håndtere inn og ut av boligmarkedet i ditt område også.

      Sørg for gode oppføringer

      Ved å søke etter riktig eiendomsmegler, gjør det til en vane å gjøre noen undersøkelser. Finn ut om agenten har et godt antall oppføringer i ditt nabolag, og om han også har vært involvert i ulike vellykkede eiendomsprosjekter fra mange kunder. Agenten må gi like muligheter og oppmerksomhet til alle sine klienter; ikke vær med noen som er veldig forutinntatt på hans beslutninger.

      Merk ærlige henvisninger

      Du kan få ærlige vurderinger og meninger fra personer du er i nærheten av som familiemedlemmer, venner og arbeidskamerater eller til og med fra nabo i mange år. Med sin tidligere erfaring fra en bestemt klient, er de klar over profesjonelle gode poeng og noen dårlige poeng også. Du bør bedre notere den typen informasjon og lage en liste over kandidatene som sannsynligvis vil bli din eiendomsmegler. Å ha disse notatene med deg kan hjelpe deg bedre å velge hvilken som er best for deg og dine eiendomsbehov.

      Hvis du for tiden har en pålitelig eiendomsmegler med deg, men du vil snart flytte til et nytt sted, kan det være litt av et problem siden du ikke vil kunne få sin tjeneste og kontakte ham lenger for din fremtidige eiendomsproblemer. Men Phil Devin Consultants vil ikke at du skal bekymre deg for mye om denne saken, så gruppen foreslår at du spør din nåværende eiendomsmegler for henvisninger i stedet. Flertallet av eiendomsmeglere har mange tilkoblinger og nettverk i bransjen, og det er derfor mulig at de også er kunnskapsrike om andre gode agenter på forskjellige områder.

      Lei en flyttespesialist

      Hvis du flytter til et fjernt sted uten å anta hvem du skal ansette som eiendomsmegler, så få bedre service av en flyttingsekspert. Du kan avhenge av spesialisten siden han har et stort nettverk med tilknytning til agenter også i en bestemt region eller et land. Han har også tilgang til agentens ytelses- og produksjonsrapporter, slik at han kan hjelpe deg med å finne agenten som passer best for dine behov og bekymringer.

      Lær om samfunnets lederskap

      Noen som også bryr seg om hans nabolag kan være en fordel for deg når du planlegger å selge en eiendom innenfor dette området i fremtiden. Det ville være en bonus hvis agenten har et godt fellesskapsledelse også. Annet enn resultatnumrene, inkludere dette på listen over dine krav til din potensielle eiendomsmegler. Lær om agentens engasjement i samfunnet og om han hadde deltatt i lokale skoler, stigende bedrifter eller veldedige organisasjoner, eller gjort noen investeringer.

      Finn de trekkene du foretrekker

      Du vil være den som skal håndtere eiendomsmegler, så sørg for at han har de egenskapene du personlig foretrekker med en profesjonell. Lag en liste over kvaliteter du leter etter i en god eiendomsmegler. Dine synspunkter og meninger kan være forskjellige fra andre, så samsvar med egenskapene til agenten med dine personlige krav for å sikre et komfortabelt og profesjonelt forhold til profesjonelle.

      Bekreft en oppdatert lisens

      Eiendomsmegler må ha en lisens som er oppdatert. Aldri signere en kontrakt med en agent uten å sjekke først troverdigheten til hans lisens. Du kan gå til eiendomsavdelingen nettsted av staten din for å bekrefte om lisensen er aktuell.

      Phil Devin Real Estate foreslår endelig å "stole på intuisjonen din, den ligger aldri." Stol på ditt første tarminstinkt, og hvis du føler at noe er galt med agenten, så ikke velg ham. Du bør ikke velge noen hvis du føler noen tvil om ham - uansett størrelsen på det. Å være i tvil er det første tegn på at du ikke er en kamp med agenten. "Vær forsiktig med hvem du stoler på. Salt og sukker er begge hvite. "

    2. Phil Devin Consultants Review - Het vinden van een goede vastgoedmakelaar voor uw behoeften

      Als u momenteel van plan bent om een onroerende goederen te kopen of te verkopen, dan wordt het geadviseerd voor u om de dienst van een professionele onroerende goederenagent te krijgen. Maar het vinden van de juiste is voor uw behoeften misschien niet gemakkelijk op alle, maar dit bericht gemaakt door Phil Devin consultants zal u helpen in een dergelijke hachelijke situatie.

      U er zeker van een goed resultaat in uw onroerend goed venture als u een vertrouwde agent met je. Het kiezen van een goede agent kan bespaart u de moeite van het begrijpen van elke stap opgenomen in het hele proces, omdat de agent in staat is de behandeling van het samen met het aanpakken van de technische, tactische en financiële zaken die betrokken zijn bij een project. Zorg ervoor dat u ook werken met een Professional die kan omgaan met de ins en outs van de woningmarkt in uw omgeving.


      Het eerste wat je moet overwegen is de agent het aantal aanbiedingen in uw regio. Bepaal of de agent had ervaring met veel klanten en als zijn eerdere projecten werden gelabeld succes door zijn klanten. Zorg ervoor dat de agent geeft gelijke aandacht en het beheer van elke klant waar je geen spoor van vriendjespolitiek te vinden op alle.


      Beter krijgen die goede aanbevelingen van uw familieleden, vrienden, of zelfs van uw collega's en buren. Met deze, u gebruik maken van hun ervaring als leidraad bij het kiezen van de betere agent. Neem nota van hun adviezen en suggesties, en benadruk de kenmerken u nuttig van elke agent vond die zij zouden voorstellen. U ook ervan overtuigd zijn dat je eerlijk beoordelingen kreeg van die mensen, die zeer gunstig is voor uw zoektocht van de agent te vertrouwen.

      Echter, voor die personen met een goede makelaars vandaag, maar is verhuizen naar een ander land of een verre plaats snel, dan zou het niet meer mogelijk om een goede communicatie met uw huidige agent hebben. Phil Devin Real Estate consultants suggereert om de verwijzing van die vorige agent van jou van een nieuwe agent in uw nieuwe plaats. Met hun brede netwerk van professionele verbindingen binnen de onroerende goederenindustrie, hebben de onroerende goederenagenten zeker goede informatie van andere goed-presterende agenten ook op andere gebieden.

      Verhuizing specialist

      U ook het huren van een verhuizing specialist, vooral als je verhuizen naar een nieuwe buurt. Het is begrijpelijk dat u geen idee van de goede agenten in dat specifieke gebied hebt, in het bijzonder als u geen ervaring met een onroerende goederenagent in de eerste plaats hebt. Hebben een verhuizing specialist aan uw zijde, omdat deze Professional heeft een goed netwerk van verbinding met agenten in een bepaald land. Hij of zij heeft een goede toegang tot de prestaties van een agent en de productie verslagen ook. Indien ooit, kan de specialist ook de capaciteiten van een bepaalde agent aan het bezit aanpassen u zoekt.


      Kies iemand die ook Gemeenschaps leiderschap bezit. Het is inderdaad een plus factor als de agent sterk zorgt voor zijn of haar gemeenschap. Het zien van briljante prestaties nummers over een agent is goed, maar het zou leuk zijn om te zien dat hij of zij is ook toegewijd aan de Gemeenschap. Zoek uit of de agent geïnvesteerd in het gebied en was betrokken bij lokale scholen, het ontwikkelen van bedrijven, of liefdadigheidsinstellingen.

      Wenselijke kenmerken

      Welke goede kwaliteiten u van een agent in uw inspanning verwacht van het kopen van of het verkopen van een onroerende goederen? Je moet jezelf afvragen uw eigen definitie van een "goede makelaar". Uw mening zal anders zijn dan anderen, dus wat is geweldig voor hen misschien niet aan u, omdat het afhangt van uw eisen. U zou de agent met de kwaliteiten of de kenmerken moeten zoeken u persoonlijk zoekt. Heeft u liever iemand ethisch over iemand met een grote verkoopvolume? Hou je van iemand met veel ervaring over een Professional die de leiding neemt van meestal alles? Of wil je werken met een deskundige die zal ingaan op elk van uw zorgen? Je bent degene die zou kunnen beantwoorden dergelijke vragen dus wees zeer voorzichtig bij het kiezen van wie te vertrouwen. Selecteer degene die voldoet aan de meeste van uw gewenste kwaliteiten van een agent, zodat u er zeker van een comfortabele en een professionele relatie tussen jou en hem.


      De licentie van de agent moet up-to-date zijn. Voordat u een contract met een agent ondertekent, moet u ervoor zorgen dat u zijn of haar licentie tweemaal hebt gecontroleerd. U een bezoek van uw staat onroerend goed afdeling website om te valideren als de licentie was echt bijgewerkt.

      Met al die genoemde richtlijnen, Phil Devin consultants begrijpt als je ook gaat om je intuïtie toe te voegen in uw besluitvorming. Vertrouw op je gevoelens en vraag jezelf vele malen indien nodig als je echt zeker bent met uw definitieve beslissing. Niet versnellen het proces van het kiezen, maar neem de tijd en zorgvuldig genoeg.

  13. Sep 2017
    1. a reading group is a common activity amongresearch labs. The purpose of a reading group is to stay on topof newly published research in a specific field. In most formats,one student is selected to present a research paper to the restof the group. Most reading group formats meet weekly from30 minutes to an hour.
  14. Apr 2017
    1. Ye say that the interest of the master is a sufficient protection to the slave. In the fury of man’s mad will, he will wittingly and with open eyes sell his own soul to the Devil to get his ends; and will he be more careful of his neighbor’s body?

      Having a master's favor could mean a much better life, and since Legree hated Tom it meant that he wanted to kill him even though it likened him to sin.

  15. Jan 2017
  16. Dec 2016
  17. Jun 2016
    1. What Is The Primordial Reference For The Phrase 'Publish Or Perish'?

      Garfield, Eugene. 1996 “What Is The Primordial Reference For The Phrase ‘Publish Or Perish’?” The Scientist 10:12. 11.

    1. Did you know“Publish or perish” has been worrying researchers for 60 years Publish. Or. Perish. These three little words describe the constant pressure on academics to publish their research and make their name. But this is not a new phenomenon; these three words have been keeping researchers awake for over 60 years. The phrase was coined in 1950 by Kimball C. Atwood III, a geneticist at Columbia University (1). Although never written down, it struck a chord with researchers, and, so legend has it, it was just a month before the phrase found its way back to Atwood, in an address given by a visiting lecturer. Despite the long history of “Publish or Perish”, it is likely to ring around the halls of the world’s research institutes as long as competition among researchers for limited funds and positions continues to intensify. Reference (1) Sojka, R.E. and Mayland, H.F. (1991) Driving Science With One Eye On the Peer Review Mirror

      Publish or perish origins

    1. The phenomenon has become a focus of academic research itself, as a search for the phrase in Scopus retrieved 305 documents published on the topic from 1962 to date. On average, more than 20 articles per year were published on the topic over the past 5 years (2009 – 2013), with 37 articles alone published in 2013.

      publish or perish is the focus of lots of study.

    2. A 1996 article by Eugene Garfield (3) traces the phrase back to at least 1942,

      bibliography on "publish or perish"

    1. Two images of the same message. America is the way, the truth and the how. The first image shows how nurturing the United States can be, giving the people who are defenseless and feeble creatures a new take on life and feeding them some well deserve knowledge and information while their former way of living will lead to death. Quite arrogant of America to have this way of thinking but it was completely normal in this setting and time period. To the right is America being stern showing that we can offer a more sophisticated way to be. As you see what is presumed to be the european students learning, you see the african, native american and asian counterparts all in lesser positions in relation to their current living arrangements. Two extreme interpretations and only time can tell what is best for those individuals. The way that the world has evolved, it is hard to argue if that it was best for those countries to conform but as America has grown and become political aware, we are one of the better countries for anyone to be apart of.

  18. Mar 2016
  19. Feb 2016
    1. After administering the marijuana, the research team gauged each participant’s ability to complete cognitive tasks that included two types of creative thinking. The first task: "Think of as many uses as you can for a pen"

      After reading what these researchers think is a test of the creative thinking that is the subject of this study, I can think of one use for the pen that involves the phrase, "...and put it where the sun don't shine!"

      P.S. And as a proud owner of a Mya-Moe ukulele, I am disturbed at the article's theme-image implication that we ukulele players are a bunch of joint-honking, creativity-lacking slackers, the Millennial equivalent of Beat Poets!

      P.P.S. Upon further reflection, it has been brought to my attention that the tiny instrument in the article's theme image has, in fact, six strings not four. This then puts into question the appropriateness of my outrage over the article's apparent disparagement of ukulele players. Fair enough, it may be a small bodied guitar. But it may also be a six-string ukulele, depending on its tuning.

      I am inclined to go with it being a six-string uke, but am reserving my outrage until we have further evidence to go on.

      If you have an opinion about whether said instrument is guitar or ukulele... OR if you'd care to comment on whether creativity can be measured by things like the "pen use test," annotate away in response, please.