7 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2021
  2. Oct 2021
  3. Sep 2020
  4. Aug 2020
  5. Jul 2015
    1. Homeopathy, on the other hand, uses highly diluted and succussed doses of natural substances - usually plants and minerals.  It is this dilution that makes homeopathy safer than allopathy and herbalism, and the succussion that allows remedies to retain their effectiveness, despite their high dilution.  This ‘minimum dose’ concept is one of the key principles of homeopathy, also developed in the late 1800's.

      Surprisingly this author does not even seem to know the real history of homeopathy. It was invented in the late 18th century not the `late 1800's' (sic - incorrect use of apostrophe).

    2. Allopathy (pharmaceutical medicine) uses extracts of active ingredients, often sourced from the same plants used by herbalists and homeopaths, that are then reproduced synthetically and highly concentrated in laboratories for use as drugs.  This process is then patented, and was developed in the late 1800's. 

      This paragraph displays amazing ignorance of drug development. Firstly,`allopathy' is a pejorative term invented by homeopaths. It has no meaning in science or medicine.

      Whereas modern pharmacy grew out of certain historical practices such as herbal medicine, most modern drugs are designed from a detailed knowledge of biochemical mechanisms. They are not extracts, are not necessarily highly concentrated, and are formulated as a result of rigorous dose-ranging studies in human subjects. It is untrue to claim that the drug development process used today is similar to that used in the late 1800s.