4 Matching Annotations
- Jul 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
we have all sorts of stupid biases when it comes to leadership selection.
- facial bias
- experiments show that children and adults alike who didn't know any of the faces shown, chose actual election leaders and runner ups of elections to be their leaders
- China exploits the "white-guy-in- a-tie" problem to win deals.
- Companies hire a white person with zero experience to wear a nice suit and tie and pose as a businessman who has just flown in from Silicon Valley.
- facial bias
- Mar 2022
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Harp, N., Langbehn, A. T., Larsen, J., Niedenthal, P., & Neta, M. (2022). Facial coverings differentially alter valence judgments of emotional expressions. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/5a9fd
cacm.acm.org cacm.acm.org
computers might therefore easily outperform humans at facial recognition and do so in a much less biased way than humans. And at this point, government agencies will be morally obliged to use facial recognition software since it will make fewer mistakes than humans do.
Banning it now because it isn't as good as humans leaves little room for a time when the technology is better than humans. A time when the algorithm's calculations are less biased than human perception and interpretation. So we need rigorous methodologies for testing and documenting algorithmic machine models as well as psychological studies to know when the boundary of machine-better-than-human is crossed.
- Jul 2021
Bressan, P. (2021). Strangers look sicker (with implications in times of COVID-19). PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/x4unv
- psychological adaptation
- behavioural immune system
- emotion regulation
- lang:en
- behavioural science
- is:preprint
- survival
- cultural psychology
- cognitive psychology
- life science
- pathogen avoidance
- facial resemblance
- COVID-19
- prejudice
- infectious disease
- ingroup
- outgroup
- emotion
- heuristic
- family
- bias
- cross-cultural psychology
- framing
- social science