- Aug 2022
Atari, M., Reimer, N. K., Graham, J., Hoover, J., Kennedy, B., Davani, A. M., Karimi-Malekabadi, F., Birjandi, S., & Dehghani, M. (2021). Pathogens Are Linked to Human Moral Systems Across Time and Space. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/tnyh9
- loyalty
- cultural difference
- linguistics
- adaptive moral system
- care
- US
- research
- Pathogen Avoidance
- evolution
- infectious diseases
- moral behavior
- moral code
- purity
- cross-cultural psychology
- psychiatry
- pathogen
- moral foundation theory
- morality
- social and behavioral science
- computational linguistics
- is:preprint
- social and personality psycholgy
- COVID-19
- lang:en
- culture
- behavioral science
- cultural psychology
- Jul 2021
Bressan, P. (2021). Strangers look sicker (with implications in times of COVID-19). PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/x4unv
- family
- bias
- survival
- prejudice
- psychological adaptation
- infectious disease
- cognitive psychology
- behavioural science
- life science
- cross-cultural psychology
- behavioural immune system
- is:preprint
- facial resemblance
- emotion
- COVID-19
- emotion regulation
- lang:en
- framing
- heuristic
- pathogen avoidance
- outgroup
- social science
- ingroup
- cultural psychology
- Mar 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Gligorić, Vukašin, Allard Feddes, and Bertjan Doosje. ‘Political Bullshit Receptivity and Its Correlates: A Cross-Cultural Validation of the Concept’. PsyArXiv, 27 October 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/u9pe3.
- May 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Zmigrod, L., Ebert, T., Götz, F. M., & Rentfrow, J. (2020, April 11). The Psychological and Socio-political Consequences of Infectious Diseases. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/84qcm
- infection-avoidance
- authoritarianism
- ideology
- consequences
- cross-cultural
- research
- infectious disease
- disposition
- infection
- politics
- behavior
- attitude
- risk perception
- is:preprint
- public health
- COVID-19
- behavioral immune system
- lang:en
- socio-political
- psychology
- study
- government
- social psychology
- Apr 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Van Tongeren, D. R., DeWall, C. N., Chen, Z., Sibley, C. G., & Bulbulia, J. (2020, April 24). Van Tongeren et al. (2020) JPSP - Religious Residue. https://doi.org/10.1037/pspp0000288
- Jan 2019
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Although we believe that this study establishes the presence of g in data from these non-Western cultures, this study says nothing about the relative level of general cognitive ability in various societies, nor can it be used to make cross-cultural comparisons. For this purpose, one must establish measurement invariance of a test across different cultural groups (e.g., Holding et al., 2018) to ensure that test items and tasks function in a similar way for each group.
This is absolutely essential to understanding the implications of the article.
The mean sample size of the remaining data sets was 539.6 (SD = 1,574.5). The large standard deviation in relationship to the mean is indicative of the noticeably positively skewed distribution of sample sizes, a finding supported by the much smaller median of 170 and skewness value of 6.297. There were 16,559 females (33.1%), 25,431 males (48.6%), and 10,350 individuals whose gender was unreported (19.8%). The majority of samples—62 of 97 samples (63.9%)—consisted entirely or predominantly of individuals below 18. Most of the remaining samples contained entirely or predominantly adults (32 data sets, 33.0%), and the remaining 3 datasets (3.1%) had an unknown age range or an unknown mix of adults and children). The samples span nearly the entire range of life span development, from age 2 to elderly individuals.
My colleague, Roberto Colom, stated in his blog (link below) that he would have discarded samples with fewer than 100 individuals. This is a legitimate analysis decision. See his other commentary (in Spanish) at https://robertocolom.wordpress.com/2018/06/01/la-universalidad-del-factor-general-de-inteligencia-g/
Alternatively, one could postulate that a general cognitive ability is a Western trait but not a universal trait among humans, but this would require an evolutionary model where this general ability evolved several times independently throughout the mammalian clade, including separately in the ancestors of Europeans after they migrated out of Africa and separated from other human groups. Such a model requires (a) a great deal of convergent evolution to occur across species occupying widely divergent environmental niches and (b) an incredibly rapid development of a general cognitive ability while the ancestors of Europeans were under extremely strong selection pressures that other humans did not experience (but other mammal species or their ancestors would have experienced at other times). We find the more parsimonious model of an evolutionary origin of the general cognitive ability in the early stages of mammalian development to be the more plausible one, and thus we believe that it is reasonable to expect a general cognitive ability to be a universal human trait.
It was this reasoning that led to the decision to conduct this study. There is mounting evidence that g exists in other mammalian species, and it definitely exists in Western cultures. It seemed really unlikely that it would not exist in non-Western groups. But I couldn't find any data about the issue. So, time to do a study!
Panga Munthu test of intelligence
To me, this is the way to create tests of intelligence for non-Western cultures: find skills and manifestations of intelligence that are culturally appropriate for a group of examinees and use those skills to tap g. Cross-cultural testing would require identifying skills that are valued or developed in both cultures.
Berry (1986)
John W. Berry is a cross-cultural psychologist whose work stretches back over 50 years. He takes the position (e.g., Berry, 1986) that definitions of intelligence are culturally-specific and are bound up with the skills cultures encourage and that the environment requires people to develop. Therefore, he does not see Western definitions as applying to most groups.
After this study, my position is more nuanced approach. I agree with Berry that the manifestations of intelligence can vary from culture to culture, but that underneath these surface features is g in all humans.