6 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2022
    1. Projects like the Open Journal System, Manifold or Scalar are based on a distributed model that allow anyone to download and deploy the software (Maxwell et al., 2019), offering an alternative to the commercial entities that dominate the scholarly communication ecosystem.

      Might Hypothes.is also be included with this list? Though it could go a bit further toward packaging and making it more easily available to self-hosters.

  2. Apr 2021
    1. DM gives you simple but/and powerful tools to mark up, annotate and link your own networked collections of digital images and texts. Mark up your image and text documents with highlights that you can then annotate and link together. Identify discreet moments on images and texts with highlight tools including dots, lines, rectangles, circles, polygons, text tags, and multiple color options. Develop your projects and publications with an unlimited number of annotations on individual highlights and entire image and text documents. Highlights and entire documents can host an unlimited number of annotations, and annotations themselves can include additional layers of annotations. Once you've marked up your text and image documents with highlights and annotations, you can create links between individual highlights and entire documents, and your links are bi-directional, so you and other viewers can travel back and forth between highlights. Three kinds of tools, entire digital worlds of possible networks and connections.

      This looks like the sort of project that @judell @dwhly @remikalir and the Hypothes.is team may appreciate, if nothing else but for the user interface set up and interactions.

      I'll have to spin up a copy shortly to take a look under the hood.

  3. Aug 2019
  4. Apr 2016
  5. Aug 2015
    1. The student account option provides a greater privacy for the user

      How exactly? No associated email? Limited visibility?

    2. Teacher Console, where the teacher can create and manage student accounts, with student email addresses being optional)

      2 things of import here:

      1.) teachers need to be able to create student account easily.

      doing so by listing a bunch of email addresses seems a first step.

      being able to sync with lists of students in school/LMS databases would be another feature down the road.

      2.) signing students up without email addresses would cover some concerns about privacy of student data schools have.