- Jan 2025
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
- Apr 2024
and driven by data
This is insanity; to say turtl is the only 'content creation platform' that's 'backed by data' is complete hogwash.
This is marketing fluff at its worst: a lie.
Turtl is the only content creation platform backed by psychology
This is marketing fluff and hyperbole; I'll believe this claim when I see proof that they've examined every single 'content creation platform'.
For example, Microsoft Office apps could be considered part of a 'content creation platform'. They're partly built via UX research and feedback via people who are trained in psychology. This simple fact shows turtl as unreliable.
- Mar 2024
rnrsms.ac-creteil.fr rnrsms.ac-creteil.fr
- Apr 2023
Instead of richly growing over the years, your blog becomes more difficult to manage, and ultimately less useful.
This has personally been the direct opposite of my experience on Write.as, and I think it's largely to do with the fact that I am constrained to tagging.
If more management options helps anyone else feel more cohesively published, I am down to explore.
I suppose you could extrapolate on that and say... I think adapting to the Musing Studio suite was the best CMS thing that ever happened to me and it's helped tremendously... I feel I know it so well that it's actually hard to think of requests/suggestions lol.
But I think that function for me (and perhaps others who've been drawn here for similar reasons) has been served, past tense. The perspective/skills have been acquired and you should absolutely feel enabled to get complicated.
The only request I've come up with is.. perhaps an absorption of the
into the UI as settings.
- Sep 2022
metacake.com metacake.com
The Cons of Headless Commerce While diversity and flexibility are great, there are a few cons to consider with headless commerce as well: Complexity: With headless, you’ll be responsible for more infrastructure, so it will be more complex. This isn’t quite like it used to be in the pre-Shopify era when you needed a large team to build and maintain the website. But it is not as simple as setting things up on one platform. That means you’ll need strong partners or a larger in-house tech team. Cost: A headless site will cost more to build, manage, and maintain. You will have multiple platforms playing different roles for the store. This increases platform costs as well as the effort to build and manage it. Growing Pains: Since this is a new development in the ecommerce world, there will naturally be growing pains attached to jumping into this type of solution. Integrations: Integrations are required for platforms to play nicely together on a headless site. As more tech platforms adopt this concept, this will become less of an issue. But for now, you will be limited to the platforms that currently support headless sites.
www.niemanlab.org www.niemanlab.org
The editor’s still very good.
...bro. No.
- Sep 2021
hackernoon.com hackernoon.com
Hence, I have come up with 8 great alternatives to SharePoint. Switch to any one of these that meets your needs.
www.sanity.io www.sanity.io
- May 2021
agilitycms.com agilitycms.com
When you separate your content repository “body” from its presentation layer “head,” it becomes a headless CMS. What truly makes a headless CMS better than a traditional CMS is its content-first approach with full APIs to access and display content in any way desired.
- Apr 2021
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Manifold – Building an Open Source Publishing Platform
Zach Davis and Matthew Gold
Re-watching after the conference.
Use case of showing the process of making the book. The book as a start to finish project rather than just the end product.
They built the platform while eating their own cooking (or at least doing so with nearby communities).
Use for this as bookclubs. Embedable audio and video possibilities.
Use case where people have put journals on the platform and they've grown to add meta data and features to work for that.
They're allowing people to pull in social media pieces into the platform as well. Perhaps an opportunity to use Webmentions?
They support epub.
It can pull in Gutenberg texts.
Jim Groom talks about the idea of almost using Manifold as an LMS in and of itself. Centering the text as the thing around which we're gathering.
CUNY Editions of standard e-books with additional resources.Critical editions.
Using simple tools like Google Docs and then ingest them into Manifold using a YAML file.
TEI, LaTeX formats and strategies for pulling them in. (Are these actually supported? It wasn't clear.)
Reclaim Cloud has a container that will run Manifold.
Zach is a big believer in UX and design as the core of their product.
github.com github.com
Yunaru.com source code. Follow anyone. Blog anything.
www.digitalmappa.org www.digitalmappa.org
DM gives you simple but/and powerful tools to mark up, annotate and link your own networked collections of digital images and texts. Mark up your image and text documents with highlights that you can then annotate and link together. Identify discreet moments on images and texts with highlight tools including dots, lines, rectangles, circles, polygons, text tags, and multiple color options. Develop your projects and publications with an unlimited number of annotations on individual highlights and entire image and text documents. Highlights and entire documents can host an unlimited number of annotations, and annotations themselves can include additional layers of annotations. Once you've marked up your text and image documents with highlights and annotations, you can create links between individual highlights and entire documents, and your links are bi-directional, so you and other viewers can travel back and forth between highlights. Three kinds of tools, entire digital worlds of possible networks and connections.
This looks like the sort of project that @judell @dwhly @remikalir and the Hypothes.is team may appreciate, if nothing else but for the user interface set up and interactions.
I'll have to spin up a copy shortly to take a look under the hood.
- Mar 2021
valme.io valme.io
- Jan 2021
apostrophecms.com apostrophecms.com
- Dec 2020
mutabit.com mutabit.com
Sistema Gestor Contenidos (o CMS) desacoplado
Nos permite crear sitios web con funcionalidades y fuentes de datos diversas y lo clave es que brinda una interfaz de programación (API) que permite acceder a partes de su funcionalidad desde el código.
hacks.mozilla.org hacks.mozilla.org
Less developer maintenance burden: The existing (Kuma) platform is complex and hard to maintain. Adding new features is very difficult. The update will vastly simplify the platform code — we estimate that we can remove a significant chunk of the existing codebase, meaning easier maintenance and contributions.
- Nov 2020
css-tricks.com css-tricks.com
They are often cited as the first website to feature banner ads.
If, indeed, Wired invented the banner ad, it is also worth mentioning that wired.com was one of the last websites to be rendered completely unusable by them (when it was still running on the old CMS. idk about now.)
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>I love @LaurenGoode and find her insight very worthwhile even in this format, but I really wish the platform on which it now resides (Wired's CMS) wasn't *completely* and *entirely* broken. Chorus should've been a package deal. https://t.co/OweeG30jR6
— ※ David Blue ※ (@NeoYokel) July 13, 2019
blog.griddynamics.com blog.griddynamics.com
- Oct 2020
- Sep 2020
nystudio107.com nystudio107.com
Intro to using GraphQL with Craft CMS, using a practical example. Rather technical (many things I don't understand). But it gives a good idea of what is happening.
- May 2020
www.netlifycms.org www.netlifycms.org
The folks at Netlify created Netlify CMS to fill a gap in the static site generation pipeline. There were some great proprietary headless CMS options, but no real contenders that were open source and extensible—that could turn into a community-built ecosystem like WordPress or Drupal. For that reason, Netlify CMS is made to be community-driven, and has never been locked to the Netlify platform (despite the name).
Kind of an unfortunate name...
Netlify CMS vs. Netlify
www.civicuk.com www.civicuk.com
headlesscms.org headlesscms.org
github.com github.com
cms-demo.netlify.com cms-demo.netlify.com
github.com github.com
Traditional CMSes are "coupled", which means that the CMS also takes care of the presentation layer responsible for delivering the content to the clients. The content and the presentation are closely interlinked. Typically, content managers create and manage their content through tools like WYSIWYG editors. The CMS then delivers the content according to the front-end delivery layer built into the CMS. Typically, a traditional CMS supports your websites but not much else.
A pure headless CMS is different, because it offers no front-end capabilities at all, giving you full control of your customer experience via APIs. The CMS typically provides content managers with a presentation and channel agnostic way of managing content. It requires a front-end development team to manage the rest with the frameworks and tools they prefer: The content can be loaded by external applications which handle the content delivery to the client, meaning that the content can be (re-)used by multiple applications and channels (web, mobile app, audio guides, IOT).
jamstack.org jamstack.org
the expanding selection of CMS options for site generators remove the need to maintain a separate stack for content and marketing.
docs.google.com docs.google.com
github.com github.com
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
There is some confusion around what makes a headless CMS truly “headless”, as vendors use the term somewhat loosely to label their decoupled or hybrid CMS systems. But a true headless CMS is one that was built from the ground up to be API-first, not a full monolith CMS with APIs attached afterwards.
agilitycms.com agilitycms.com
- Mar 2020
github.com github.com
github.com github.com
bernardic.ca bernardic.ca
The popular question in my company these days is “Rails or WordPress?”, but I will probably touch upon the broader questions of “MVC or CMS?” and “Ruby or PHP?”, so you can often substitute “Rails” for “MVC framework” in the article.
- Jan 2020
www.roemin.com www.roemin.com
If you are in Perth, Karratha or Western Australia, contact us to learn more about how Roemin Creative Technology can help you design a custom CMS website. You can also write to us at info@roemin.com and one of our Customer Support Managers will get in touch with you.
- Sep 2019
www.4lifeinnovations.com www.4lifeinnovations.com
4Life Innovations web developers have the expertise and experience to advise you on the best CMS development services that should be integrated into your new or existing website. Contact us today!
4Life Innovations web developers have the expertise and experience to advise you on the best CMS development services that should be integrated into your new or existing website. Contact us today!
- Mar 2019
ineducation.ca ineducation.ca
Open Learning Network as a hybrid of the traditional Course Management System and Personal Learning Environment
- Feb 2019
www.bbc.com www.bbc.com
If you would like to comment on this story or anything else you have seen on BBC Culture, head over to our Facebook page or message us on Twitter.
So sad to see that they've abrogated their responsibility for comments on their site to Twitter and Facebook
- Dec 2018
www.niemanlab.org www.niemanlab.org
And while content analytics tools (e.g., Chartbeat, Parsely, Content Insights) and feedback platforms (e.g., Hearken, GroundSource) have thankfully helped close the gap, the core content management experience remains, for most of us, little improved when it comes to including the audience in the process.
- Nov 2017
www.educause.edu www.educause.edu
an environment unlike anything they will encounter outside of school
Hm? Aren’t they likely to encounter Content Management Systems, Enterprise Resource Planning, Customer Relationship Management, Intranets, etc.? Granted, these aren’t precisely the same think as LMS. But there’s quite a bit of continuity between Drupal, Oracle, Moodle, Sharepoint, and Salesforce.
- Jun 2015
docs.gatesfoundation.org docs.gatesfoundation.org
ability to deploy in a variety of learning environments due to the diversity of implementation approaches that schools utilize .
Again, LTI is key here. We want to be able to integrate/interoperate with lots of L/CMSs.
- Jan 2014
www.alfresco.com www.alfresco.com
Sing ho for Alfresco
lenya.apache.org lenya.apache.org
journal.paul.querna.org journal.paul.querna.org
We use @Caolan's excellent Async library. Our code is not 5 level deep nested callbacks. We currently have about 45,000 lines of Javascript in our main repository. In this code base, we have used the async library as our only flow control library. Our current use of the library in our code base: async.waterfall: 74 async.forEach: 55 async.forEachSeries: 21 async.series: 8 async.parallel: 4 async.queue: 3 I highly suggest, that if you are unsure about Node.js and are going to do an experiment project, make sure you use Async, Step, or one of the other flow control modules for your experiment. It will help you better understand how most larger Node.js applications are built.
Considerations for building on Node.js
We decided to make a spreadsheet of the possible environments we would consider using for our next generation product. The inputs were: Community Velocity Correctness (aka, static typing-like things) Debuggability/Tooling Downtime/Compile Time Libraries (Standard/External) Testability Team Experience Performance Production We setup the spreadsheet so we could change the weight of each category. This let us play with our feelings, what if we only cared about developer velocity? What if we only cared about testability?
Good considerations for selecting a platform.