- Dec 2018
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For objections
Charlotte is surprised that Lady Denham's objections to having more people stay at her home are not based in her affection and duty toward Miss Clara, but because she doesn't want to pay her housemaids for doing the extra work involved.
poor Mr. Hollis
Lady Denham obviously favored her second husband over her first, even though Mr. Hollis left her with an inheritance, which is much more useful than a title.
fancy themselves equal
Highlights the slight strife between "old" and "new" money. Lady Denham's words seem reminiscent of Sir Walter Elliot's disdain for those who made their fortune instead of inheriting it in Persuasion.
Miss Diana Parker's request to ask Lady Denham for money for various people that she does not know from a woman she likely does not know very well seems very impolite. Also, considering how little Lady Denham likes to part with her money, Diana's comments would be particularly provoking.
remove suspicion
This suspicion is in reference to Lady Denham thinking Charlotte has a desire to pursue Sir Edward, or that Charlotte may be misinterpreting Sir Edward's behaviour towards her believing he is forming an attachment to her. Lady Denham clearly wants to convey the message that Sir Edward is not available.
an additional burden
This sentence is particularly cruel towards Clara, and represents a shift through free indiret discourse from the narrator's perspective to the perspectives of one of the characters. However, it is difficult to determine whether or not the opinion is that of Lady Denham or Mr. Parker.
Links to common words/themes throughout the annotations
This is a mischaracterization of Lady Denham because she is anxious about her finances. She is worried about her existing investment in Sanditon, and she believes that her heir needs find a wealthy spouse.
- mr parker
- mansfield park
- lady denham
- tone
- pride & prejudice
- persuasion
- northanger abbey
- marriage plot
- predictions
- vocab
- Diana Parker
- poetry
- charlotte
- Charlotte
- other austen
- sir walter elliot
- history
- austen lore
- theme
- sir edward
- plot
- clara
- social commentary
- emma
- health
- Lady Denham
- synopsis
- prose
- geography
- sense & sensibility
- character
- Opinion
- Sir Edward
- opinion
- reference