- Dec 2024
blogs.dickinson.edu blogs.dickinson.edu
Between the crosses, row on row,
"Between the crosses row on row"; more symbolism and an apparent theme, connected to the poppies in the previous line; the poppies grew in the place of where fallen soldiers had deceased and were buried. Their growth symbolizing potential hope and renewal in an otherwise sorrowful period of turmoil.
blogs.dickinson.edu blogs.dickinson.edu
Between the crosses, row on row,
"Between the crosses row on row"; more symbolism and an apparent theme, connected to the poppies in the previous line; the poppies grew in the place of where fallen soldiers had deceased and were buried. Their growth symbolizing potential hope and renewal in an otherwise sorrowful period of turmoil.
stylo.ecrituresnumeriques.ca stylo.ecrituresnumeriques.ca
The management and preservation of research data in the Humanities increasingly raises questions about its sustainability, sharing, and validation. In this context, Wikidata emerges as a powerful and collaborative tool. By challenging traditional models where researchers act as both producers and gatekeepers of authority, Wikidata redefines these issues and fosters new paradigms of distributed collaboration.
si c'est bien pour ADHO2025 : j'ajouterai que c'est un environnement/outil, comme toutes les déclinaisons wiki, qui se base sur l'idée d'une communauté de savoir, et d'un savoir citoyen (pour reprendre le thème du colloque)
- Sep 2024
thisibelieve.org thisibelieve.org
There are many pleasures in knowing another language — the warmth of a stranger’s face when you answer in her mother tongue, books as their authors wrote them, songs and films without liner notes and subtitles. But there’s also the joy of thinking and being in another language.
The author's primary theme is shown in this statement, as they truly desired to learn and even now desired to teach languages so others might get to explore the world in many different and unique ways.
iowareview.org iowareview.org
With an African woman called Rachel and her wedding to William Henry, half-English, half-Cherokee
This line was the start of the true poem, the idea of who Rachel was and why she was so relevant to the author's identity
- Aug 2024
inst-fs-pdx-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-pdx-prod.inscloudgate.netUntitled1
Theyemphasizethatallmenconstructtheirmasculinityinrelationnotonlytowomen,butalsoinrelationtoothermen,andthatgroupsofmenalsovarywidelyintheir abilitytoshapetheirownmasculinitydependingontheirpositioninracial,class,andotherpowerstructures.
That is insane to believe that they are much deeper than their generalization but to think that women have no sort of depth.
- May 2024
variety.com variety.com
Whenever I run into anyone involved in the film, we talk about inyeon. Obviously, it’s important to the film but we talk about having worked on the film as inyeon: How we are all tied together because of it and how special it feels. That’s how this movie can exist.
For Nora, what an amazing gift that her friend has brought her — she gets to know that her 12-year-old self was very much loved, and she has the opportunity to say good-bye to the girl she left behind. And Hae Sung wanted to meet the woman this 12-year-old girl became — and then he gets to close the door. And Arthur wants to know his wife better, so how wonderful he gets to meet his wife as a 12-year-old crybaby at the end of the film. So this visit is only a wonderful thing, it’s only a gift. I don’t see it as depressing; it’s meant to inspire people. We’ve all experienced that feeling of realizing we’re no longer 16. But in some ways, that 16-year-old is forever.
www.cbc.ca www.cbc.ca
Double Happiness
5:25. The film explores the theme of a young girl transitioning into womanhood, focusing on her developing sexuality in the presence of a father figure. This situation is challenging because it involves the discomfort of acknowledging sexual activity within the family dynamic, where neither parents nor children are comfortable with the other's sexual lives.
www.albany.edu www.albany.edu
In Japan, when a person is cremated, the body isn't reduced to ashes, as it is in the United States, but instead to a collection of bones. And so, when film maker Ruth Ozeki Lounsbury went to a bleak Tokyo suburb to collect her Japanese grandmother's remains, she found a fragment of skull, a bit of rib and another unidentified bone. In her wonderful new film Halving the Bones, …Lounsbury turns those bones into a metaphor for family legacy and memory, and offers a rich exploration of what it means to be a daughter and what it means to be of mixed blood.
She uses bones as a metaphor and explore themes of mixed blood.
- Jan 2024
github.com github.com
GJRobert commented May 31, 2023 Currently I'm building two Digital Gardens: https://aiuanyu.vercel.app (namely "Love for all languages in Taiwan", posts and notes for promoting knowledge about languages and writing) https://imazingrace.vercel.app (namely "Imazing Grace of information technology and internet", sharing posts and notes about softwares) Both in various languages in Taiwan, not only in Mandarin (Chinese), but also in Hakka, Taigi.
obsidian digital garden dark/light theme toggle successful example
- May 2023
www.sinema.sg www.sinema.sg
revolve around the themes of family, coming of age and friendship. Her films are about finding yourself and, despite the many challenges her heroines face, are nevertheless quietly encouraging to audiences watching.
- Apr 2023
www.pbs.org www.pbs.org
About the Documentary
The main character Lovey, a teenage girl who speaks pidgin English in the film, and often gets bullied into silence by her nemesis, and picked on by her teacher. A vivid account of challenges and daydreams of self discovery in a young girl's life in Hawai'i.
The world is much more harsh for girls, there are so many things that we have learned to consider as risky or dangerous. I wanted to show that it is possible for girls to go on an expedition at their own conditions, it doesn’t have to be dangerous and they can finish the trip safely, with some ‘miraculous help’. This trip is my gift to all those girls trying hard – and succeeding – to take charge of their own lives
The director said this film is for girls trying hard--and succeeding--to take charge of their own lives.
caamedia.org caamedia.org
Realities of time and a very limited budget also forced us to make other difficult decisions. Because this was the first film about the formative period of Hawai'i's multi-ethnic past, we naturally wanted to tell the stories of not only the Japanese, but the Filipinos, Koreans, Chinese, Portuguese and Hawaiians as well. However, rather than sacrificing depth for breadth, we made the decision to focus on one ethnic group with the hope that PICTURE BRIDE would inspire more stories from other ethnic perspectives. And in order to tell the story well, we tried to focus in on how the historical and social forces of an era affect a specific group on a personal level - in this case, the marriage between Riyo and Matsuji, and the friendship between Riyo and her best friend, Kana. What we ultimately learned in trying to combine history and fiction was that as long as we stayed true the essential spirit of the stories, we could strike the delicate balance and still tell a good story. PICTURE BRIDE is historically based, but ultimately, it is an artistic interpretation of history. Hopefully, we have succeeded in creating a film that stirs the imagination and leaves some questions unanswered, encouraging viewers to find out more on their own.
- Feb 2023
docs.google.com docs.google.com
I am the masses of my people and I refuse to be absorbed. I am Joaquín.The odds are greatbut my spirit is strong, my faith unbreakable, my blood is pure.I am Aztec prince and Christian Christ. I SHALL ENDURE! I WILL ENDURE!
The final stanza adequately represents the theme of "Yo Soy Joaquin", which is cultural identity. Joaquin represents his people and rejects assimilation into American society at large. Joaquin's pledge of endurance demonstrates his resolve to uphold his cultural identity in the face of any difficulties.
- Jan 2023
thedreammachine.substack.com thedreammachine.substack.com
i spend a lot of time thinking about time—how we conceptualize it, how we experience it, how it expands and contracts beneath different lenses. focus is about the ability to direct attention for a duration of time. boredom is about the discomfort that comes from a perceived slowness of time. having less mental space might be the outcome of consuming all this content, but wanting less time is the more explicit reason we do it.
Time is becoming the theme of 2023 -- everyone writing about it rn
www.poetryfoundation.org www.poetryfoundation.org
And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare As any she belied with false compare.
I read this poem as starting in an almost bitter fashion, with similes and seemingly straight insults towards his mistress. As the poem progresses to the final 4 lines however, I begin to see that the use of such bold terms of physical description are used to enhance the center message of the poem. To make the comparison of others in regards to physical attraction ignores the unique, emotional and unbiased connection between him and his love.
- Oct 2022
sites.google.com sites.google.com
tighter the woman would curl her fingers
"tighter" is an adverb, tightness connotes desperation and persistence. she cant afford to lose the argument with the man and therefore she puts all she has on the line. the tightness on her grip is symbolic to the effort she makes to keep what she has. it goes back to the theme of people fight harder for the less they have.
- Sep 2022
pressbooks.pub pressbooks.pubBeowulf1
the worse he knoweth not, 90 Till arrant arrogance inward pervading, Waxeth and springeth, when the warder is sleeping, The guard of the soul: with sorrows encompassed, Too sound is his slumber, the slayer is near him, Who with bow and arrow aimeth in malice.
This is really interesting. Hrothgar is waxing poetic about the wisdom of God to grant material wealth and pleasure to such an extent that one can become arrogant and ignorant. Does he consider Grendel's terror on Heorot a form of justified divine retribution?
- Apr 2022
npp-user-manual.org npp-user-manual.org
To create a new theme, copy an existing theme file to a new name in the same directory, reload Notepad++, and use the Style Configurator to edit the color and font settings (or edit the XML file directly, and reload).
To create notepad++ theme
www.gutenberg.org www.gutenberg.org
XERXES. Alas, the triple banks of oars and those who died thereby! CHORUS. Pass! I will lead you, bring you home, with many a broken sigh!
Xerxes sees the impact of his hubris, religion and fate are used as aids to feel better about mortal actions.
- Mar 2022
www.gutenberg.org www.gutenberg.org
Ah woe to us, ah joy to them who stood against our pride!
Fate as a tool to describe hubris' consequences
With plashing tears our sorrow’s tale, Lamenting for the loved and lost!
truth bending, expanding on fate
For Persia’s honour, pass’d away, For glory and heroic sway Mown down by Fortune’s hand to-day! Hark, how the kingdom makes its moan,
Bending the truth, fate as a tool
On Persia’s land what power of Fate Descends, what louring gloom of hate?
Political consequences, using fate as a tool instead an end in itself.
Zeus lours in wrath, exacting the account.
Zeus equated more toward idea of power than directly.
There is it fated for them to endure The very crown of misery and doom, Requital for their god-forgetting pride! For why? they raided Hellas, had the heart To wrong the images of holy gods, And give the shrines and temples to the flame!
Shame for evil punished, like flood in EoG, except here, the consequences are directed at political defeat instead of death.
Trusting random counsellors and hare-brained men of nought,
The Persian reason for fighting is stupidity and foolishness, another Greek virtue (modesty) broken.
EoG-no one is really punished for stupidity, but only concretely evil acts.
The only acting immortal here is the voice of a ghost and description of gods as more ideas than main characters (EoG-main characters were part gods themselves)
O Earth, and Hermes, and the king Of Hades, our Darius bring!
Greek gods used by Persians?
Also, gods seem to represent ideas rather than play a central role in the story. In EoG, the supernatural is directly addressed, such as when Gilgamesh crosses the lake of death to save Enkidu.
Spirit of Fate, too heavy were thy feet,
EoG-concept of fate introduced; shows Aeschylus building on it to prove a seperate point.
Who heretofore held lightly of the gods, Now crouched and proffered prayer to Earth and Heaven!
Appealing to deities as a result of mortal actions. While EoG characters also try to appeal to gods, it's in more a a fantastic realm than here. This signifies more of a differentiation between humans and gods than before.
Dead, sayest thou? by what fate overthrown?
Builds on description of death's inevitability seen in EoG, but expanded to illustrate a point rather than using the story itself to make it. Also, Aeschylus uses the idea of fate to mark the effects of a more culturally relevant sin (hubris) than to show fate itself.
And by thee let Darius’ soul be wistfully implored—
In EoG, sin is described more concretely to do evil, but in TP, this idea evolves into the central issue becoming a certain kind of sin (hubris), more ideological
Darius, in the old time, by aid of some Immortal,
Darius not immortal himself
See, yonder comes the mother-queen, Light of our eyes, in godlike sheen, The royal mother of the king!— Fall we before her! well it were That, all as one, we sue to her, And round her footsteps cling!
Also possibly emphasized the Persian importance on an absolute ruler (which may have been established in EoG) contrasted with an army of strong, democratically-backed individuals.
Masistes, Artembáres passed: Imaeus too, the bowman brave, Sosthánes, Pharandákes, drave— And others the all-nursing wave Of Nilus to the battle gave; Came Susiskánes, warrior wild, And Pegastágon, Egypt’s child:
Emphasis on mortal characters' strengths as Athens or those supporting Athens build support for democracy. Aeschylus may have known and fought alongside people with similar personalities, strength of individual mortals also emphasized (unlike one divine, absolute ruler in EoG).
Further, while EoG represents the rise of good to conquer evil, The Persians shows how one bad ruler (out of hubris and greed) of an otherwise good kingdom can become an antagonist -more complex setup than EoG
- Nov 2021
Local file Local file
Critiques community economic development's focus on local empowerment. Advances the argument that a local focus divorced from the broader political economy cannot tackle the larger governance and economic forces that create inequality, especially due to concentrated poverty in some jurisdictions that leaves local governments under-resourced due to a meager tax base.
Local file Local file
discuss the roles and challenges of “insider,”“indigenous,” or “native” research, which refersto conducting research with communities oridentity groups of which one is a member
What do "native" research do and what might their particular challenges be for research?
- Sep 2021
www.mdpi.com www.mdpi.com
This is in line with systems practice, which defines purpose in terms of longer term and more abstract aspirational states—“guiding stars”—and shorter term, more concrete desired outcomes—“near stars” (https://docs.kumu.io/content/Workbook-012617.pdf). We have come across two main sub-categories of purpose elements: ‘Themes’ and ‘Topics’ (guiding stars) and ‘Goals’ and ‘Plans’ (near stars).
Also see work on Futures Cones https://hack.allmende.io/s/SykyO7J6z
- Jan 2021
atomiks.github.io atomiks.github.ioThemes1
- Nov 2020
icla2020b.jonreeve.com icla2020b.jonreeve.com
reviewing all its familiar objects which she had dusted once a week for so many years, wondering where on earth all the dust came from
Familiarity and repetition is a common theme among many of the stories in Dubliners. Nothing changes, and there is a certain level of comfort in that stagnant familiarity. Although she dusted her home regularly, it always came back, representing stagnation as a systemic issue that cannot be solved by routine remedies.
- Oct 2020
icla2020b.jonreeve.com icla2020b.jonreeve.com
I may own the truth–with the quicksand waiting to hide me when the words are written.
Truth is obviously an important theme in a detective novel. Collins lays the metaphor thick here with the quicksand, conjuring imagery of truth lost in the muddy sands. Rosanna also mentions that she "may own" the truth - but is truth not objective fact? It emphasizes the question of perception versus reality and the epistemology of truth. For Rosanna, truth is what she believed to be true, her truth. She died due to the burden of this truth, fully believing in its validity.
The one interpretation that I could put on her conduct has, no doubt, been anticipated by everybody. I could only suppose that she was mad.
This passage highlights the subjectivity in these narratives as a whole. Franklin believes that everyone would interpret Lucy's actions as that of a madwoman, and it is certainly the case that those whom he surrounds himself with would agree. However, there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for Lucy's actions that only women of her and Rosanna's class would know - people who have no voice in these narratives.
- Sep 2020
icla2020b.jonreeve.com icla2020b.jonreeve.com
the fallen nature which we all inherit from Adam
Miss Clack already seems to be far more religious than Betteredge. I wonder if she is going to cite the Bible similarly to Betteredge with Robinson Crusoe. It also suggests that Clack will be conservative in her views of societal norms and traditions, and may have a strict, judgmental perspective in line with her Christian values.
The reference to Original sin also brings up the classic dichotomy of good vs evil, innocence vs guilt. Does Clack view knowledge of good and evil as a deficiency in human nature? Does she believe in free will? These factors bring may provide a basis for how her narrative may be skewed or unreliable. Even if she does not ponder these questions herself, Collins certainly posits them to the reader by invoking original sin here. Furthermore, this sets up a tension between western Christianity and eastern Hinduism, reinforcing the previously introduced conflict between domestic and foreign values.
I don’t want to force my opinion on you
This is false. Betteredge himself confesses during this conversation that his thoughts were "muddled" until "Mr. Franklin took them in hand, and pointed out what they ought to see". Furthermore, wasn't it Franklin who pushed Betteredge to write his recollection in the first place? Franklin's influence on the Betteredge is apparent, putting into question the reliability of his narrative as well as Franklin's motives.
It again brings up the dichotomy of opinion versus fact, subjective versus objective. This reminds me of "In a Grove" by Ryunosuke Akutagawa, which was adapted into the film "Rashomon" by Akira Kurosawa. Very similar themes and narrative structure.
to put the Person before the Thing, which is but common politeness
The capitalization of "Person" along with "Thing" leads me to believe that Rosanna may be a key character, especially as Betteredge describes her in great detail compared to the other characters he has introduced thus far. It's interesting that he quips it is "common politeness" to "put the Person before the Thing", when looking at the narrative as a whole, it is the "Thing" which comes before all else. This juxtaposition sets up a dichotomy of the personal versus the objective, which given the format of multiple narrators makes sense.
Also establishes Betteredge as someone who values social etiquette while subtly hinting that those who are obsessed with the Diamond are somehow indecent. Could that be a jab at the audience as well?
www.scientificamerican.com www.scientificamerican.com
The COVID-19 Pandemic Is Changing Our Dreams—Scientific American. (n.d.). Retrieved September 29, 2020, from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-covid-19-pandemic-is-changing-our-dreams/
- Aug 2020
Barnes, B. (2020, July 8). Disney World Draws Excitement and Incredulity as Reopening Nears. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/08/business/coronavirus-disney-world-reopening.html
- Mar 2020
sourcethemes.com sourcethemes.com
Create a course or documentation
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- Feb 2020
enlightenmens.lmc.gatech.edu enlightenmens.lmc.gatech.edu
I would like to see more on the general thematic content that is meant to be in this paragraph.
- Nov 2019
www.ag-grid.com www.ag-grid.comag-Grid1
Customize the Theme Look
- Oct 2019
canvas.uoregon.edu canvas.uoregon.edu
Turn it on like you always do. Be quick and efficient and impatient, which is the way you have always been. Start the water in the tub and scrub the kitchen floor while it is filling up. When the floor is done and the mop wrung out and hung in back to dry, the water is good, just the right depth. Like a clock you are. Not a second wasted.
Foreshadowing the caos of suicide when the house and floor is flooding. She was the the one to clean it at one point now mama is the one causing the mess.
- Sep 2019
www.poetryfoundation.org www.poetryfoundation.org
“i want to live in the unknowing where everything is possible,”
This sentence alludes to José Olivarez' mother, specifically his childhood with his mother where he doesn't know anything yet. Therefor, everything is possible. Aside from that, This also helps with understanding the content of the topic in which the three people are discussing.
- Aug 2019
hypothes.is hypothes.is
eCommerce Wordpress Theme is absolutely free and it can be installed on your website with ease and give you an impactful online presence. if you are looking to open online eCommerce Store using WooCommerce plugin, we put a list of the Best eCommerce Wordpress Themes.
- Dec 2018
gutenberg.net.au gutenberg.net.auSanditon8
buried two husbands
This is the first remarried woman in Austen's writing. While it was discussed in Persuasion, it was in much more generic terms, and mostly regarding men. This is an interesting dynamic.
poor Mr. Hollis
Lady Denham obviously favored her second husband over her first, even though Mr. Hollis left her with an inheritance, which is much more useful than a title.
the sublimities
The idea of the "sublime" was a major concept in Romanticism (and was also associated with grandeur). It was defined by many essayists as "an expression of great spirit," something that "excites the ideas of pain and spirit." Christian Hirshfield (1742-1792) identified it as "physical grandeur transformed into spiritual grandeur." Source).
The Romantic literary movement was obsessed with cottages: see William Wordsworth's poem "The Ruined Cottage" as an example.
This chapter has notably been full of references to health and anxiety. Austen notably presents these key issues of the novel in the first chapter, so this is not unexpected.
poor cousin living with her
I predict that this character will be relevant to the marriage plot. The idea of a young person in this kind of circumstance reminds us of the Crawfords or Catherine Moreland. Single individuals living with relatives have, in other Austen novels, been very relevant in the marriage plots.
Links to common words/themes throughout the annotations
first dip
Dipping in the sea was said to have healing properties.
"Jane Austen’s Sanditon, Doctors, and the Rise of Seabathing" http://jasna.org/publications/persuasions-online/volume-38-no-2/darcy/
- opinion
- history
- poetry
- plot
- tone
- persuasion
- Charlotte
- northanger abbey
- sense & sensibility
- Lady Denham
- emma
- sir edward
- predictions
- character
- Northanger Abbey
- Persuasion
- austen lore
- prose
- mansfield park
- reference
- women in history
- synopsis
- other Austen
- Mansfield Park
- health
- marriage plot
- theme
- romanticism
- vocab
- geography
- other austen
- mr parker
- lady denham
- pride & prejudice
- social commentary
- Oct 2018
www.poetryfoundation.org www.poetryfoundation.org
As virtuous men pass mildly away, And whisper to their souls to go, Whilst some of their sad friends do say The breath goes now, and some say, No: So let us melt, and make no noise, No tear-floods, nor sigh-tempests move; 'Twere profanation of our joys To tell the laity our love. Moving of th' earth brings harms and fears, Men reckon what it did, and meant; But trepidation of the spheres, Though greater far, is innocent. Dull sublunary lovers' love (Whose soul is sense) cannot admit Absence, because it doth remove Those things which elemented it. But we by a love so much refined, That our selves know not what it is, Inter-assured of the mind, Care less, eyes, lips, and hands to miss. Our two souls therefore, which are one, Though I must go, endure not yet A breach, but an expansion, Like gold to airy thinness beat. If they be two, they are two so As stiff twin compasses are two; Thy soul, the fixed foot, makes no show To move, but doth, if the other do. And though it in the center sit, Yet when the other far doth roam, It leans and hearkens after it, And grows erect, as that comes home. Such wilt thou be to me, who must, Like th' other foot, obliquely run; Thy firmness makes my circle just, And makes me end where I begun.
Structure- traditional 9 stanza quatrains Mood- sullen, solemn Tone- encouraging, pensive Theme- true love transcends time and space
- Sep 2018
www.poetryfoundation.org www.poetryfoundation.org
Scyld's origins as "feasceaft," destitute, contrast with his rich conquests later in life: the "meodosetla" he takes (5) and the "gomban" ("tribute," 11) he receives. The opening lines thus establish reversal of fortune as a theme while showing Scyld as a powerful warrior and successful war leader. Edward B. Irving describes how appropriate "the Scyld proem" (as he calls it, 44) is for the rest of the poem in foreshadowing what Beowulf will do and experience, A Reading of Beowulf, 2nd ed. (Provo, UT: The Chaucer Studio, 1999), 44–5. Francis Leneghan argues for the originality of the Scyld episode in “Reshaping Tradition" and argues that Scyld's status as a foundling in a ship and his climb to rule parallels Moses.
God's role in the reversal of fortune is explicit here: God sends Scyld as a comfort to the Danes for previous bad fortune (perhaps the rule of Heremod, which appears later in the poem, at 1709–24). The poet suggests that God protects even those who are not Christian, for we will see that the Danes are not, and some are even said to offer sacrifices to demons after Grendel's attack (175–88). On reversal of fortune as a structural device in the opening of the poem, see Irving, A Reading of Beowulf, 32.
Youth is contrasted with age ("ylde") two lines later: men must behave in certain ways in their youth to affect their later fortune. Fortune is not completely outside one's control.
brimes faroðe
Scyld came on a ship as an infant, and now his body will leave on a ship. The reversal of fortune motif comes full circle in a sense, for he leaves as he came. Yet a little after this passage, we do read of a difference: his arrival with nothing contrasts explicitly with his rich send-off (43–6).
"frofre" reappears just seven lines after its first appearance. Scyld had his comfort, but he also was comfort to the people. Again, reversal of fortune appears at the very start of the text.
- Aug 2018
course-computational-literary-analysis.netlify.com course-computational-literary-analysis.netlify.com
“But where?” asked Miss Ivors. “Well, we usually go to France or Belgium or perhaps Germany,” said Gabriel awkwardly. “And why do you go to France and Belgium,” said Miss Ivors, “instead of visiting your own land?” “Well,” said Gabriel, “it’s partly to keep in touch with the languages and partly for a change.” “And haven’t you your own language to keep in touch with—Irish?” asked Miss Ivors. “Well,” said Gabriel, “if it comes to that, you know, Irish is not my language.”
I think The Dead is a summary of Dubliners, because it contains so many themes that occur before The Dead . These sentences are a typical example. Their conversation shows their standard stereotype about nationality, which is similar to the theme of After the Race.
The piano had stopped; Villona must have gone up on deck. It was a terrible game. They stopped just before the end of it to drink for luck. Jimmy understood that the game lay between Routh and Segouin. What excitement! Jimmy was excited too; he would lose, of course. How much had he written away? The men rose to their feet to play the last tricks. talking and gesticulating. Routh won. The cabin shook with the young men’s cheering and the cards were bundled together. They began then to gather in what they had won. Farley and Jimmy were the heaviest losers.
Although Jammy is happy that he is allowed to play with the rich, he cannot afford their expenses. What's worse, he loses a lot of money through gambling. Jammy feel unconfident and inferior due to his nationality. I guess that the writer wants to reveal the facts that the inequality in the international world will cause inequality between people from different country.
He knew that he would regret in the morning but at present he was glad of the rest, glad of the dark stupor that would cover up his folly. He leaned his elbows on the table and rested his head between his hands, counting the beats of his temples. The cabin door opened and he saw the Hungarian standing in a shaft of grey light:
Although Jimmy is happy with being is allowed to play with the rich. He cannot afford their expenses. What's worse, he loses a lot of money in gambling. I think the story reflects the real frustration of the lower class. The inequality in international society will cause the inequality among people from different country.
- Jul 2018
course-computational-literary-analysis.netlify.com course-computational-literary-analysis.netlify.com
“long before that you’ll be sitting up there on the stage, looking on, in your nice black velvet. And these pretty arms will have turned into little short fat ones, and you’ll beat time with such a different kind of fan—a black bony one.” The fat man seemed to shudder. “And you’ll smile away like the poor old dears up there, and point to your daughter, and tell the elderly lady next to you how some dreadful man tried to kiss her at the club ball. And your heart will ache, ache”
A lot of Katherine Mansfield's stories seem to discuss the conflict between maturity and youthfulness of women, whether it's juxtaposing the delight and pain of a girl growing up or the male characters fantasizing women as young girls.
- Apr 2018
obscurata.org obscurata.org
She had found a jewel down inside herself and she had wanted to walk where people could see her and gleam it around.
Janie's self-reflection and searching beneath the veneer she had erected and maintained for so many years that has unearthed (recall she viewed herself as earth that absorbed urine and perfume with equal heedlessness) a precious commodity.
- Feb 2018
old.tg4.ie old.tg4.ie
Máire Ní Mhongáin
As Ciarán Ó Con Cheanainn writes in Leabhar Mór na nAmhrán, the oldest written version of this song dates to 1814, and is found in MS Egerton 117 in the British Library. Oral lore in Conneamara has it that Máire Ní Mhongáin’s three sons joined the British Army, and that Peadar deserted soon after joining, and emigrated to America. It seems probable that their involvement was in the French Revolutionary Wars or the Napoleonic Wars, the major conflicts fought by the British Army in the final decade of the eighteenth century and the first decade of the nineteenth respectively.
Máire Ní Mhongáin seems to have resonated among Irish emigrant communities in the United States. My evidence for this is that Micheál Ó Gallchobhair of Erris, County Mayo, collected songs from Erris emigrants living in Chicago in the 1930s, over a century after the occasion of ‘Amhrán Mháire Ní Mhongáin’s’ composition. It features in his collection, which you access via the following link: http://www.jstor.org.ucc.idm.oclc.org/stable/20642542?seq=2#page_scan_tab_contents
The virulent cursing of departed sons by the mother, named Máre, produces the effect of striking g contrasts with John Millington Synge’s bereaves mother, Old Maurya, in Riders to the Sea.
My Irish Studies blog features an in-depth account of typical features of the caoineadh genre to which Amhrán Mháire Ní Mhongáin belongs. You can access it via the following link: johnwoodssirishstudies.wordpress.com/2018/01/03/carraig-aonair-an-eighteenth-century-west-cork-poem/
old.tg4.ie old.tg4.ie
Bean an tSeanduine - Sean Nós 2
‘Bean an tSeanduine’ features all of the conventions of the malmariée genre we have previously encountered in ‘An Seanduine Cam’. Also, it is a good example of the speaker blaming her parents for her plight, which is another regular feature of this song type.
As well as being one of the finest examples of the genre, it is perhaps the most well-known and commonly sung, owing in large part to the simplicity and catchiness of its monosyllable end-rhymes.
As well as Ó Tuama, Meidhbhín Ní Úrdail has written about the common features of the chanson de la malmariée. Her article ‘The Representation of the Feminine: Some evidence from Irish language sources’ in Eighteenth-Century Ireland/Iris an Dá Chultúr is a rich source of information on the topic. In ‘Bean an tSeanduine’, we have a fine example of what Ní Úrdail calls the description of ‘the plight of a beautiful young woman, trapped in an unhappy marriage to an impotent elderly spouse who is ignorant of her mental and physical frustration’. However, when we consider the particular humour of this song, we can identify how it serves to empower the female speaker.
‘Bean an tSeanduine’ differs from ‘An Seanduine Cam’ in that there is no third-person narrator. Like ‘An Seanduine Cam’, the humour of the song relies on a ridiculing of the old man, although here the young woman herself is his detractor. Each of his brags meet a witty riposte. When he claims wealth, she calls him a miser, and when he wonders what would become of his if he died during the night, she jokes that death is an immanent danger. When mockery of this kind is voiced by the female speaker, it serves to empower her, and inspire in the listener a sense of sympathy and respect.
old.tg4.ie old.tg4.ie
An Seanduine Cam - Corn Uí Riada 2016
The song’s first two verses are spoken by a third-person narrator. In its humorous exaggeration, the first verse caricatures recognized conventions of arranged marriage. This narrative consciously situates itself in a genre whose familiarity to the listener is a necessary part of the humour. It addresses the economic incentives which were the major precipitating factors of marriage arrangements in rural Ireland during the eighteenth century. It also invokes the misery which such marriages often visited upon young women.
In his essay ‘Love in Irish Folksong’, Seán Ó Tuama identifies among typical features of the malmariée genre that ‘a young woman speaks (in the first person) of her anguish,’ that ‘the description of the husband can be unbelievably grotesque and ribald: he is humped, crippled; he coughs, grunts, whines at night; most of all, he is cold as lead, important, and completely fails to satisfy her desires’, and that ‘she discloses that she is going to leave him for a young man’ (149). ‘An Seanduine Cam’ provides clear examples of all of these traits.
Moreover, because these tendencies find expression in a debate form, and are redoubled in response to the unfeeling man, the resistant character of the put-upon young woman is strongly emphasized.
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- Dec 2017
- Apr 2017
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Next the Municipality called for tenders. A dozen contractors sent in their estimates, the lowest standing at fifty thousand rupees, for removing the statue and carting it to the Muncipal Office, where they were already worried about the housing of it. The Chairman thought it over and told me, ‘Why don’t you take it yourself? I will give you the statue free if you do not charge us anything for removing it.’ I had thought till then that only my municipal friends were mad, but now I found I could be just as mad as they. I began to calculate the whole affair as a pure investment. Suppose it cost me five thousand rupees to dislodge and move the statue (I knew the contractors were overestimating), and I sold it as metal for six thousand . . . About three tons of metal might fetch anything. Or I could probably sell it to the British Museum or Westminster Abbey. I saw myself throwing up the upcountry paper job.The Council had no difficulty in passing a resolution permitting me to take the statue away. I made elaborate arrangements for the task . . . I borrowed money from my father-in-law, promising him a fantastic rate of interest. I recruited a team of fifty coolies to hack the pedestal. I stood over them like a slave-driver and kept shouting instructions. They put down their implements at six in the evening and returned to their attack early next day. They were specially recruited from Koppal, where the men’s limbs were hardened by generations of teak-cutting in Mempi Forest.
Is the narrator suggesting that this whole fiasco is not really about a new political consciousness?
For the next few days his head was free from family cares. He was thinking intensely of his answers: whether it should be TALLOW or FOLLOW. Whether BAD or MAD or SAD would be most apt for a clue which said, ‘Men who are this had better be avoided.’ He hardly stopped to look at his wife and children standing in the doorway when he returned home in the evenings. Week after week he invested a little money and sent his solutions, and every week he awaited the results with a palpitating heart. On the day a solution was due he hung about the newsagent’s shop, worming himself into his favour in order to have a look into the latest issue of The Captain without paying for it. He was too impatient to wait till the journal came on the table in the Jubilee Reading Room. Sometimes the newsagent would grumble, and Rama Rao would pacify him with an awkward, affected optimism. ‘Please wait. When I get a prize I will give you three years’ subscription in advance . . .’ His heart quailed as he opened the page announcing the prize-winners. Someone in Baluchistan, someone in Dacca and someone in Ceylon had hit upon the right set of words; not Rama Rao. It took three hours for Rama Rao to recover from this shock. The only way to exist seemed to be to plunge into the next week’s puzzle; that would keep him buoyed up with hope for a few days more.
The detailed description conveys how deeply Rao is committed to the crossword puzzles. For his, it is an escapism from the reality of life. He seems to have abandoned both hope and responsibility.
On his way home he stopped for a moment at his hospital, called out his assistant and said, ‘That Lawley Extension case. You might expect the collapse any second now. Go there with a tube of———in hand, and give it in case the struggle is too hard at the end. Hurry up.’Next morning he was back at Lawley Extension at ten. From his car he made a dash for the sick bed. The patient was awake and looked very well. The assistant reported satisfactory pulse. The doctor put his tube to his heart, listened for a while and told the sick man’s wife, ‘Don’t look so unhappy, lady. Your husband will live to be ninety.’ When they were going back to the hospital, the assistant sitting beside him in the car asked, ‘Is he going to live, sir?’‘I will bet on it. He will live to be ninety. He has turned the corner. How he has survived this attack will be a puzzle to me all my life,’ replied the doctor.
Is it? Do you think it is the Doctor's word of hope that brought about his survival? The writer leaves hint at the beginning of this story. What is it that the Doctor does not understand about life and death?
- Jan 2017
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- Nov 2016
www.biography.com www.biography.com
taken prisoner by the Boers while on a scouting expedition. He made headlines when he escaped, traveling almost 300 miles to Portuguese territory in Mozambique. Upon his return to Britain, he wrote about his experiences in the book London to Ladysmith (1900).
- Taking A Stand?
- London to Ladysmith to-read
www.ushistory.org www.ushistory.org
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
This shows how the colonists were taking a stand against the tyranny inflicted by the motherland, England.
- Oct 2016
teaching.lfhanley.net teaching.lfhanley.net
A heap of broken images
I think this line refers to the poem itself. The poem is full of images as it moves, and often they feel disparate and negative, like "dead land" next to "breeding lilacs" in the opening two lines. The poem is a pile of fragments brought together. The fragments interact within the pile or the poem to create meaning.
A heap of broken images
The poem itself is a "heap of broken images." Hard to interpret but it seems as it's telling a story of from different perspectives. Maybe this means that in life we only experience these broken images in hope to interpret them.
for you know only A heap of broken images
This poem is all over the place and in this section it sets the tone, which will be reverberated with each book/stanza/line. Fragments, images, and phrases all scattered, leaving the reader with pieces to interpret and conclude.
Eliot pays homage to the past writers by using their stories of love and loss to highlight the relevance of human behavior and desire and the nature and state of the world. Also, the change of narratives, the different styles of verse and prose undoubtedly leaves the reader more distorted and confused than ever.
However, there is clarity between the lines of the dualities and complexities of the Waste Land.
- Feb 2016
learning.ccsso.org learning.ccsso.org
Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text; summarize the text.
A fourth grade student should be able to determine the theme or underlying message/moral of a story.
A good example of this would be the book the book Charlotte's Webb. This book would allow students to read carefully in order to pick out the underlying message the author is trying to portray as well as linking back to the third grade standard of being able to refer to certain parts of the text ("chapters" or "sections") in order to determine the theme and back it up with key details from the text.