4 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2025
  2. Jan 2025
    1. for - meaning crisis - 50 episodes - John Vervaeke - meaning crisis - summary table of 50 episodes

      meaning crisis - summary table of the title of 50 episodes - 1: Introduction - 2: Flow, Metaphor, and the Axial Revolution - 3: Continuous Cosmos and Modern World Grammar - 4: Socrates and the Quest for Wisdom - 5: Plato and the Cave - 6:Aristotle, Kant, and Evolution - 7: Aristotle's World View and Erich Fromm - 8: The Buddha and "Mindfulness" - 9: Insight - 10: Consciousness - 11: Higher States of Consciousness, Part 1 - 12: Higher States of Consciousness, Part 2 - 13: Buddhism and Parasitic Processing - 14: Epicurians, Cynics, and Stoics - 15: Marcel Aurelius and Jesus - 16:Christianity and Agape - 17:Gnosis and Existential Inertia - 18: Plotinus and Neoplatonism - 19: Augustine and Aquinas - 20: Death of the Universe - 21: Martin Luther and Descartes - 22: Descartes vs. Hobbes - 23: Romanticism - 24: Hegel - 25: The Clash - 26: Cognitive Science - 27:Problem Formulation - 28: Convergence to Relevance Realization - 29: Getting to the Depths of Relevance Realization - 30: Relevance Realization Meets Dynamical Systems Theory - 31: Embodied-Embedded RR as Dynamical-Developmental GI - 32: in the Brain, Insight, and Consciousness - 33: The Spirituality of RR: Wonder/Awe/Mystery/Sacredness - 34: Sacredness: Horror, Music, and the Symbol - 35: The Symbol, Sacredness, and the Sacred - 36: Religio/Perennial Problems/Reverse Eng. Enlightenment - 37: Reverse Engineering Enlightenment: Part 2 - 38: Agape and 4E Cognitive Science - 39: The Religion of No Religion - 40: Wisdom and Rationality? - 41: What is Rationality? - 42: Intelligence, Rationality, and Wisdom - 43: Wisdom and Virtue - 44: Theories of Wisdom - 45: The Nature of Wisdom - 46: Conclusion and the Prophets of the Meaning Crisis - 47: Heidegger - 48: Corbin and the Divine Double - 49: Corbin and Jung - 50: Tillich and Barfield

  3. Aug 2022
  4. Jul 2020