- Nov 2024
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I'll stick my head out here and say that we are 80% certain of being able to create a mass movement 10 times the size of Extinction Rebellion using this method organizations that can compete with fascism with power by dissolving that power through the same mechanisms Rogers discovered through listening
for - fascism, polarization and climate crisis - climate communications - social intervention - new movement that can be 10x the size of Extinction Rebellion - apply Carl Rogers discovery of listening - Roger Hallam
- Jul 2024
gemini.google.com gemini.google.com
The song also touches upon personal growth and overcoming challenges. Patience plays a crucial role in learning from mistakes, developing resilience, and ultimately becoming a better person.
Patience as a Virtue is highly important to a journey of lifelong learning. Without patience you cannot be resilient. Without resilience, you cannot 10X yourself continuously, you cannot keep growing.
- May 2024
thedankoe.com thedankoe.com
It is the byproduct of knowing what you want and accepting nothing less from yourself. It is the byproduct of an ordered mind. That is, maintaining a clear vision for your future and filling clarity gaps with education and action. The reason people struggle with self-discipline is because they get distracted from what matters. They forget who they want to become. They forget what they are capable of. They forget the impact they want to have.
100X goals force one to filter action... Impossible goals = Mental Clarity of the HIGHEST degree.
100X come from vision which in turn comes from future identity (future-self)
- Jul 2023
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For any action, habit, and belief you have, ask yourself: "Does this help toward my goals and future self or not?", if the answer is no, it is a distraction and part of the 80% you need to let go in order to reach 10X
Your future self and 10X (or 100X) vision and goals serve as a massive filter for action and belief.
Note: You should not 10X everything! Just 3 priorities.
Counterintuitively, the 10X mindset and goal setting is not about goals. It is about identifying the essential PROCESSES that lead to significant progress.
What is the game you want to play? What is the game you could play? What is a game you could go all in on and succeed at and be really good at?
This defines your pathways and strategies within your 20%
The path can change and adjust over time.
Hope = 1. Clear and Committed Goal 2. Agency Thinking 3. Pathways Thinking
This turns into definite optimism.
To achieve goals, raise the floor, FOCUS on removing bottlenecks. Also create constraints by Schwerpunkt (primary objective), contrary to common wisdom, constraint actually gives freedom, it prevents analysis paralysis.
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Becoming wealthy means aiming high. You will not go higher than the goals you set. Aim for a crazy amount, and do the work it takes. It filters behavior down to the essentials.
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The four primary questions to ask yourself for a 100x 10-year vision:
- What is the commitment I desire to have?
- What are my hindrances (goal-conflicting actions or inactions)? -- Past-Based Actions/Behaviors
- What are my hidden commitments of my former self? (things that might've helped my past self but are not as helpful right now.) -- Past-Based Commitments/Identities
- What are my limiting beliefs or assumptions toward achieving this goal? -- Past-based Beliefs
Step 1 is to fill out these questions. Step 2 is to go backwards, and start identifying what is necessary, so what are the necessary beliefs to achieve this goal, what commitments must I make and thus what actions must I take?
The power of a 10-year vision is that you can go 100x. A bigger goal (vision) motivates way better than a small vision. Even if you fail, which you will, it's better to fail at a big goal than at a small goal... In addition, such a ginormous goal will act as a massive filter for action. It literally FORCES you to do only that which is ESSENTIAL.
Power of purpose: When the why is big enough, you can handle almost any how.
A belief is: "A thought or idea you trust to be true." Therefore a belief is made by reinforcing thought.
- Jun 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
One thing that I got from this video, implicitly, is that one shouldn't be restrained by (implicit) rules they set for themselves.
For example, I used to be enslaved by my love for data, which hindered me from learning efficiently by reading non-linearly... If I read non-linearly, I couldn't track my pages. So I had to let go of that to make progress. (10X mindset).
In the same way, don't be enslaved by tools, methods, and principles... Unless they have clear reasoning behind them, and even then you can break the "rules".
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Something to introduce into your yearly review is to reflect on the period and find out what your 10x cycles were.
A 10x mindset is defined by letting go of the 80% that isn't useful, and focusing on the 20% that is essential while building 80% new skills or standards that benefit your purpose. A lot of true progress requires sacrifice (stripping down that which is not beneficial or essential).
Related to what Mihaly Csikszentmihaliy, author of Flow, calls the Ulterior purpose, where the purpose serves as a big filter to focus on what actually matters. Antonin Sertillanges gives a similar account in The Intellectual Life
The solid maxim: Big change requires great sacrifice.""
Likely, identifying the essential 20% (and the 80% to learn) requires a lot of introspection and reflection. Something that will help significantly is Kolb's.