38 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. Their mind is still programmed with beliefs that serve their outdated goals. It’s difficult for them to believe that your new endeavor will work out because all they know to be possible is what they’ve done.

      Such is the risk of limiting beliefs.

      "He who looks for external validation is not properly grounded in life." -- Marcus Aurelius (20 June 2024 future edit, this must be Epictetus)

      In other words, do not care about what others think... Heed their advice, take it into account, but ultimately you must make the decision yourself.

  2. May 2024
    1. While I enjoyed an excellent classical music education in London at the Royal College of Music I ventured later intopop, rock and other musical styles without abandoning my classical roots, and attempted to share the fruits of this Catholic musical perspective with audiences. They were perhaps not ready for pioneering efforts in bridging the gap between jazz and classical, then, and seemed to me sometimes to advocate a kind of ‘apartheid in music'(Reddy 2005a).
    2. This led him to createhis distinctive compositional style referred to as clazz.The name originated froman amalgamation of the words ‘classical’ and ‘jazz’. In reality, clazzcomprisesseveral musical genresincludingjazz, pop, Indian, world music, rock, Javanese gamelan music, South African mbaqanga,isicathamiya, and Western art music. Reddy’s political and philosophical beliefs are evident in clazz. By fusing different musical styles, he exhibitedhis humanitarianism, deeming all should be treated equally(Reddy 2007:11; Lucia 2010b:53; Van der Merwe 2016:71).
  3. Jul 2023
  4. Jun 2023
    1. For example, I might join a coaching program with the idea of trying it out, but not really sure if I can do it. Then when things start to get hard or overwhelming … I might be looking for the exit door, or hiding so I don’t have to be embarrassed. This is being halfway in, with an eye on the exit. Another example: I commit to meditating every day. Then when I’m meditating, instead of being fully in the meditation, maybe I’m waiting for it to be over, or giving myself reasons I should end early. Then two days into it, maybe I really don’t feel like it, so I skip it. Then I find reasons to keep skipping it. This is even less than halfway in.

      If I am being fully honest, I recognize myself in this with some aspects of my life, such as social things. I often find excuses as to why it's a positive thing to not do something. At times I might be right, but the underlying mindset is an issue.

      Though to be honest, this has been going better since I've committed to learning.

  5. Apr 2023
    1. All we make and offer up to each other freely is stolen ten times over by those who have much grander visions of enclosure.

      Ah, but we do have the grander visions of enclosure. "The economy is a wholly owned subsidiary of the environment, not the other way around." That's Earth Day founder Gaylord Nelson, from a few decades ago. But similar sentiments come from countless other sources, from Lakota "all our relations" to Amish sentiments toward technology, etc. Point is there are many, even just in the USA (which drives so much of this), peoples to ally with and sources to draw on in crafting a broader collective story (and thus practices and institutions) which place life's (including humans') needs at the center and economic "needs" in service to them, rather than the other way around.

  6. Jan 2023
    1. Hermeneutic circle   In traditional humanities scholarship, the hermeneutic circle refers to the way in which we understand some part of a text in terms of our ideas about its overall structure and meaning -- but that we also, in a cyclic fashion, update our beliefs about the overall structure and meaning of a text in response to particular moments.
  7. Apr 2022
  8. Sep 2021
  9. Jun 2021
  10. Apr 2021
    1. John Company offers players a new understanding of British history in the eighteenth and nineteenth century that reflects contemporary scholarship on the subject and extensive research into primary documents. John Company attempts to put the critical events of that time in their proper context and show how the imperial experience transformed the domestic culture of Britain. The East India Company lurked behind every building of a textile mill and every bit of wealth in a Jane Austen novel.  John Company is an uncompromising portrait of the people who made the Company and the British Empire what it was. It is as frank as it is cutting in its satire.  Accordingly, the game wrestles with many of the key themes of imperialism and globalization in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and how those developments were felt domestically. As such, this game might not be suitable for all players. Please make sure everyone in your group consents to this exploration before playing. 
  11. Mar 2021
  12. Feb 2021
    1. The popularity of the idea that simple ignorance lies at the heart of all this may itself be proof of the phenomenon these studies point to: Many people will believe what they want to believe in spite of available data and evidence.
  13. Jan 2021
  14. Oct 2020
    1. This study explores teacher beliefs and technology integration by giving a select group of teachers questionnaires about beliefs. The study group was chosen from teachers already involved in a project for the U.S. Department of Education and they taught elementary school. Results showed that the more sophisticated beliefs, the more student-centered the teaching, and the more likely it was that teachers used technology to enhance learning. Research about changing teacher beliefs is presented, indicating that teachers need to be given experiences before they will be able to change beliefs held. This study focused on elementary teachers and it would be interesting to see the same study conducted on teachers in higher education. 8/10

  15. Aug 2020
  16. May 2020
  17. Apr 2020
  18. Feb 2020
    1. I had created a bunch of annotations on: https://loadimpact.com/our-beliefs/ https://hyp.is/bYpY5lKoEeqO_HdxChFU0Q/loadimpact.com/our-beliefs/

      But when I click "Visit annotations in context"

      Hypothesis shows an error:

      Annotation unavailable The current URL links to an annotation, but that annotation cannot be found, or you do not have permission to view it.

      How do I edit my existing annotations for the previous URL and update them to reference the new URL instead?

  19. Aug 2019
    1. users on reddit will upvote content for performative reasons (in the sense that they do so to make a point). If users are aware that IncelTears and others who dislike them are watching, they will often upvote material that they think is unpopular with those users. Essentially, it’s “upvoting to trigger the libs”.

      awareness that outsiders are also watching, the desire to 'trigger' them is comparable to the cult mentality of aggressively rebutting any challenge to one's beliefs.

  20. Oct 2018
    1. Reality is nothing like this. As scholars Stephen Hawkins, Daniel Yudkin, Miriam Juan-Torres, and Tim Dixon argue in a report published Wednesday, “Hidden Tribes: A Study of America’s Polarized Landscape,” most Americans don’t fit into either of these camps. They also share more common ground than the daily fights on social media might suggest—including a general aversion to PC culture.
  21. Mar 2014
    1. Arion,

      1.24 Where else in the Mediterranean are we finding stories of a man being forced to leave the vessel and being saved by a water creature? The story of Jonah can be related to this story, which means how should we take this tale that Herodotus is telling. It is noted that there is a statue of Arion and his dolphin. But what is the overall importance of the story? How were stories at this time influencing the beliefs of people and how were they being assimilated into other societies? Why is Herodotus feel the need to write this story and not other ones?