- Oct 2024
www.instructure.com www.instructure.com
- Page 17: Top 5 most important factors for creating an effective teaching and learning ecosystem: Having a strong leadership and vision (45%) is the #1 (next highest is 15%)
- Page 20: *83% of higher education respondents said that it was important for institutions to provide studens with skills-based learning alongside their academic education. *
- Page 26: Participants identified several challenges in fostering a a culture of lifelong learning for professionals, including: 89% Clear learning objectives
- Page 7: Real-world experiential and work-based learning are no longer fringe; 4 in 5 see these as essential.
- Jul 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
( ~0:30 )
Good point; formal education should build up the skill of lifelong learning and not keep "spoon feeding"
At the end of formal education (preferably at the end of HS already) you should be able to learn independently the most complex of skills using evidence based/informed learning techniques.
Scaffold. Build up complexity over time.
gemini.google.com gemini.google.com
The song also touches upon personal growth and overcoming challenges. Patience plays a crucial role in learning from mistakes, developing resilience, and ultimately becoming a better person.
Patience as a Virtue is highly important to a journey of lifelong learning. Without patience you cannot be resilient. Without resilience, you cannot 10X yourself continuously, you cannot keep growing.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
According to Nishant, what I agree with, the truly successful people are MASTERS in their craft. They have committed to lifelong learning.
"Your learning capability decides your earning capacity."
See also: Ultralearning, Scott H. Young, and Deep Work, Cal Newport... The argument is the same: your ability to adapt in a complex rapidly changing information economy, and to master material determines how much you can earn.
- Jan 2024
Company with a web platform for managed online book clubs.
Found via Glendale Library book club solicitation: https://www.pbc.guru/glendalecalibrary
- Nov 2023
substack.com substack.com
Solitary study occupied four of the six days of the standard academic week at Wilhelmstein. In particular, Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays were set aside for meetings with tutors and the completion of projects assigned by tutors. On Wednesdays and Saturdays, students gathered in the library of the fortress, where they divided their time between group classes and self-directed study.
Self-directed study and occasional discussions with "tutors" seems like a model that could be applied to lifelong learning.
- Oct 2023
danallosso.substack.com danallosso.substack.com
Introducing Lifelong Learners!: A new Substack about Reading, Research, Making Notes, and Writing by Dan Allosso on OCT 22, 2023 https://danallosso.substack.com/p/introducing-lifelong-learners
- Sep 2023
bryanmmathers.com bryanmmathers.com
This is an idea I created a few years ago using the Visual Thinkery process with Educators.Coop and their collaborators focusing on the world of work.
- Aug 2023
unesdoc.unesco.org unesdoc.unesco.org
- Feb 2023
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
But the book’s enduring appeal—the reason it might interest someone whose life no longer demands the writing of anything longer than an e-mail—has little to do with the rigors of undergraduate honors requirements. Instead, it’s about what, in Eco’s rhapsodic and often funny book, the thesis represents: a magical process of self-realization, a kind of careful, curious engagement with the world that need not end in one’s early twenties.
- Nov 2022
delong.typepad.com delong.typepad.com
Weare on record as holding that unlimited educational opportunity-or, speaking practically, educational opportunity thatis limited only by individual desire, ability, and need-is themost valuable service that society can provide for its members.
This broadly applies to both oral and literate societies.
Desire, ability, and need are all tough measures however... each one losing a portion of the population along the way.
How can we maintain high proportions across all these variables?
- Oct 2022
Czech teacherComenius (1592–1670). He championed universal education, which hepromoted in his Didactica magna, arguing for the commonality of education—itwas for everyone, including, shockingly, females.
Comenius championed not only lifelong learning in Didactica magna, but he also argued for educating females, something not commonplace in the 17th century.
- Aug 2022
threadreaderapp.com threadreaderapp.com
Local file Local file
Gross, Ronald. The Independent Scholar’s Handbook. Ten Speed Press, 1993. http://archive.org/details/the-independent-scholars-handbook-how-to-turn-your-interest-in-any-subject-into-.
- Jun 2022
medium.com medium.com
when Britannica conducted followup research on whether or not the books were actually being read, they found that buyers who really read the books were the exception. The two largest sub-categories among buyers who were more likely to have read the books were housewives and men trained in some sort of technical profession.
Research by Britannica (source?) indicated that the Great Books of the Western World sold well but were not often read.
Link to: A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking Owen Gingerich Copernicus
- Jul 2021
www.scotthyoung.com www.scotthyoung.com
Open-ended activity often languishes from a lack of completeness
Unless it's something like learning in general, which is never complete.
- Dec 2020
leighblackall.blogspot.com leighblackall.blogspot.com
No escape plan was ever devised
Not for the institutions, nor for students, who have no way to export their learning data (content, connections, relationships with peers, etc.) out of the system in a way that could be integrated into something outside of the institution.
- Jul 2020
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Motivating Learners
Trajectory vs. fixed point Idea of play, how do we play with current knowledge/tech? Learners look at how can change what they are doing in order to make it better, constantly looking at change and able to embrace change Find communities of doers in what you are interested in Teach how to join Tinkering brings thought and action together
- Apr 2019
We welcome public feedback to strengthen our communique and potential calls to action. Thank you!
- Nov 2018
www.educationdive.com www.educationdive.com
The higher education industry is not yet designing its programming around what has been called the 60-year curriculum,
what about schools like University of Michigan who are offering LinkedIn Learning to all alumni?
- Nov 2016
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
expected to generate more questions than answers
I think any good course would do this. The deeper you look, the more there is to see.
lifelong learning skills will serve liberal arts graduates
Lifelong learning is essential for everyone, not just liberal arts grads. People in healthcare or engineering have to be able to adapt to changing times and technologies just like anyone else.
- Jul 2016
www.seattletimes.com www.seattletimes.com
Tyton’s Bryant sees LinkedIn, Lynda and Microsoft tapping into continuing and lifelong learning, an arena in which he thinks higher-ed institutions have done poorly.
medium.com medium.com
real learning that sticks with us over time
- Jun 2016
humanitiesinpractice.blogspot.com humanitiesinpractice.blogspot.com
the LMS is a platform students will never again use outside of school
Unless we integrate such a platform in something else.
- Mar 2016
hackeducation.com hackeducation.com
Do adults (and which adults) have the resources necessary to pursue learning opportunities?
An opportunity for library outreach? Public libraries offer access to lifelong learning resources already. Could they go further with offering assistance & promoting advantages?Problem is that their resources are very limited.