247 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2019
    1. The bill would require a van-accessible parking space served by electric vehicle service equipment and a van-accessible parking space intended as a future electric vehicle charging space to be counted as at least 2 standard automobile parking spaces for the purpose of complying with any applicable minimum parking requirements established by a local jurisdiction.

      Heck why not 3 spaces? I'm of the opinion that there should be no parking requirements.

    1. Introduced by Assembly Member Grayson


    2. to be apportioned by the Controller to cities and counties pursuant to a specified formula if those cities and counties are eligible to receive an apportionment pursuant to the local streets and roads program, and if those cities and counties have been certified by the Department of Housing and Community Development to have met their very low income housing goals or low-income housing goals

      Shouldn't it be that they get the funding if it will help them meet their goals? (If even that).

    3. local streets and roads program. Before receiving an apportionment of funds under the local streets and roads program from the Controller in a fiscal year, existing law requires an eligible city or county to submit to the California Transportation Commission a list of projects proposed to be funded with these funds. Existing law requires the commission to report to the Controller the cities and counties that have submitted a list of projects and requires the Controller, upon receipt of the report, to apportion funds to eligible cities and counties included in the report, as specified.

      All LSR fund projects go to CTC?

    4. The Planning and Zoning Law requires a planning agency, after a legislative body has adopted all or part of a general plan, to provide an annual report to the legislative body, the Office of Planning and Research, and the Department of Housing and Community Development on the status of the general plan and progress in meeting the community’s share of regional housing needs. Existing law requires a planning agency to include in its annual report specified information, known as a production report, regarding units of net new housing, including rental housing and for-sale housing that have been issued a completed entitlement, building permit, or certificate of occupancy.

      Are there any CURRENT goals for cities/counties? What is the current "stick".

    1. The bill would require a qualified taxpayer, in order to be eligible for the credit, to obtain 2 certifications from the appropriate jurisdiction with authority for local building code enforcement: one prior to seismic retrofit construction that certifies that the building is an at-risk property, and a second subsequent to construction that certifies that the completed construction is seismic retrofit construction, as defined, and specifies a dollar amount of qualified costs.

      Cities often don't have staff that with this ability. Why not just make it a PE, similar to what appraisers do?

    1. junior accessory dwelling units

      Definitiion of jADU in law?

    2. This bill would provide that, if a local agency imposes an owner-occupancy restriction, the monitoring for compliance shall not be more frequent than annually and be based on specified published documents. The bill would describe owner-occupant for purposes of that requirement.

      Seems like an odd requirement - not more than yearly?

    3. This bill would instead require a local agency to ministerially approve or deny a permit application for the creation of an accessory dwelling unit permit within 60 days of receipt.

      120 doesn't seem onerous to a submitter.

    1. vocabulary notes

      interpreting plot

      • title
      • subtitle
      • climax
      • denouement
      • exposition
      • frame narrative
      • in media res


      • introduction
      • main body
      • denouement
      • conclusion

      literaty terms

      • first person narrative
      • second person narrative
      • third person narrative
      • irony
      • satire
      • epithet
      • personification
    2. She felt out of place.

      Ей было не по себе.

    3. for starters orders

      сигналов стартеров

    4. Of course, we've had our ups and downs

      Конечно, у нас бывало то лучше, то хуже

    5. processed kind


    6. Jean put the ruler down on the conveyor belt.

      Джин положила линейку на конвейер. (Прим.: В западных супермаркетах для экономии времени несколько покупателей выгружают продук­ты на конвейер одновременно. Для того, чтобы кассир видела, где граница, покупатели кладут пластиковую линейку яркого цвета между своими и чужими покупками.)

    7. Think of all the oriental foods you can get into

      Как по­думаешь, каких только ни бывает восточных продуктов

    8. her individual yoghurt seemed to say it all

      казалось, что её единственная упаковка йогурта говорит сама за себя.

    9. a gross offish fingers

      оптовая закупка рыбных па­лочек

    10. You can always tell a person by their shopping

      Всегда можно определить, что за человек перед тобой, по его покупкам

    11. when I turned up?

      когда я бы вдруг пришла?

    12. a see-through tray of tomatoes which fell casualty to the rest.

      прозрачный лоток с помидорами, придавленный другими покупками.

    13. the quick till


    14. Jean felt her patience beginning to itch.

      Джин чувствовала, что её терпение заканчивается.

    15. giving an accompaniment of nods and headshaking at the appropriate parts.

      в такт словам то кивала, то качала го­ловой.

    16. why I should have to put up with her at family occasions.

      с какой стати я должна мириться с её присутствием на се­мейных праздниках.

  2. Feb 2019
    1. student union group kind of took it over

      See the February 11, 2019 article in The Caravan about the Student Union (SU's) lunch presentation which preceded the AUC Board of Trustees (BoT) letter of support for the AUC president.

    2. the vote of no confidence

      See the February 10, 2019 article in The Caravan about the AUC University Senate's 80% vote of no confidence in the AUC president and his administration.

    1. Initiatives such as Domain of One’s Own[22]

      I wish there were more examples here that one could readily adopt. This example is specific to one institution.

    1. Amazing Article great work go ahead yet hold up hold up pause... I have another article like this observe here

      Amazing Article great work go ahead yet hold up hold up pause... I have another article like this observe here

      Earn Robux.Today is a ROBUX earning website, where Roblox users can earn ROBUX for free!

    1. Disposición transitoria única. Reglas de afectación de las nuevas cuantías del salario mínimo interprofesional a las referencias contenidas en normas no estatales y relaciones privadas.

      Estas excepciones, aparecen referidas claramente para contratos de carácter privado, en ningún caso para relaciones laborales, como convenios, a diferencia de las interpretaciones interesadas que proliferan en muchas páginas de análisis económicos y de consumo habitual de empresarios o perfiles conservadores o liberales.

    2. Este real decreto entrará en vigor el día siguiente al de su publicación en el «Boletín Oficial del Estado» y surtirá efectos durante el período comprendido entre el 1 de enero y el 31 de diciembre de 2019, procediendo, en consecuencia, el abono del salario mínimo en el mismo establecido con efectos del 1 de enero de 2019
    3. para los trabajadores eventuales y temporeros y que incluye todos los conceptos retributivos, el salario mínimo de dichos empleados de hogar será de 7,04 euros por hora efectivamente trabajada.
    4. 1. Los trabajadores eventuales y temporeros cuyos servicios a una misma empresa no excedan de ciento veinte días percibirán, conjuntamente con el salario mínimo a que se refiere el artículo 1, la parte proporcional de la retribución de los domingos y festivos, así como de las dos gratificaciones extraordinarias a que, como mínimo, tiene derecho todo trabajador, correspondientes al salario de treinta días en cada una de ellas, sin que la cuantía del salario profesional pueda resultar inferior a 42,62 euros por jornada legal en la actividad.En lo que respecta a la retribución de las vacaciones de los trabajadores a que se refiere este artículo, dichos trabajadores percibirán conjuntamente con el salario mínimo interprofesional fijado en el artículo 1, la parte proporcional de este correspondiente a las vacaciones legales mínimas en los supuestos en que no existiera coincidencia entre el periodo de disfrute de las vacaciones y el tiempo de vigencia del contrato
    5. 1. La revisión del salario mínimo interprofesional establecida en este real decreto no afectará a la estructura ni a la cuantía de los salarios profesionales que viniesen percibiendo los trabajadores cuando tales salarios en su conjunto y en cómputo anual fuesen superiores a dicho salario mínimo.A tales efectos, el salario mínimo en cómputo anual que se tomará como término de comparación será el resultado de adicionar al salario mínimo fijado en el artículo 1 de este real decreto los devengos a que se refiere el artículo 2, sin que en ningún caso pueda considerarse una cuantía anual inferior a 12.600 euros
    6. El salario mínimo para cualesquiera actividades en la agricultura, en la industria y en los servicios, sin distinción de sexo ni edad de los trabajadores, queda fijado en 30 euros/día o 900 euros/mes, según que el salario esté fijado por días o por meses.En el salario mínimo se computa únicamente la retribución en dinero, sin que el salario en especie pueda, en ningún caso, dar lugar a la minoración de la cuantía íntegra en dinero de aquel.Este salario se entiende referido a la jornada legal de trabajo en cada actividad, sin incluir en el caso del salario diario la parte proporcional de los domingos y festivos. Si se realizase jornada inferior se percibirá a prorrata.
    7. En cumplimiento del mandato al Gobierno para fijar anualmente el salario mínimo interprofesional, contenido en el artículo 27.1 del texto refundido de la Ley del Estatuto de los Trabajadores aprobado por el Real Decreto Legislativo 2/2015, de 23 de octubre, se procede mediante este real decreto a establecer las cuantías que deberán regir a partir del 1 de enero de 2019, tanto para los trabajadores fijos como para los eventuales o temporeros, así como para los empleados de hogar.
  3. Jan 2019
    1. Chapter 1: THE NATURE OF SCIENCE

      Please review this article and comment /reply to at least 3 ideas that are new or which resonates with your experience.

    1. failing to recognize that my own identity was blinding me to opportunities that would allow my students’ identities to take center stage

      What are some ways I can help grad students at PSU see their blind spots?

    1. Encourage students to apply their expertise to serve their community. Partner with nonprofit organizations to create opportunities for students to apply their research or marketing skills.

      Service-learning approaches - real-life application of skills gained in class to make society better.

    2. human connections facilitated by technologies can help learners engage more fully with the knowledge and ideas that shape our world.
    3. the open license would allow students (and teaching faculty) to contribute to the knowledge commons, not just consume from it, in meaningful and lasting ways.