16 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. “Axios! ” he called out three times (“He is worthy”), and each time the faithful repeated after him in unison: “Axios! ”

      Hadn't thought of it before, but how was the news outlet Axios named?

  2. Feb 2022
  3. Jun 2021
  4. May 2021
  5. Jan 2021
  6. Nov 2020
  7. Oct 2020
    1. You can set options.params to a POJO as shown above, or to an instance of the JavaScript's built-in URLSearchParams class. const params = new URLSearchParams([['answer', 42]]); const res = await axios.get('https://httpbin.org/get', { params });
  8. Dec 2019
  9. Sep 2018
  10. www.axios.com www.axios.com
    1. This video, of Google's top executives emotionally discussing their opposition to Trump, makes that case harder to make. The

      You are wrong and are falling victim. They're not saying it's bad because Republicans won. They're saying they understand, as immigrants of color, that this election of TRUMP is dangerous and something different. And Google should defend this and Axios should make that clear.