10 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Private Equity-Gesellschaften investieren enorme Summen u.a. aus Pensionfonds von Angestellten des Public Service in den USA in Fossilenergien. Pro Jahr werden so 1,17 Gigatonnen CO2-Äquivalente an Emissionen finanziert. Private Equity-Unternehmen agieren intransparent und übernehmen oft schmutzige Assets, die von transparenteren Firmen abgestoßen werden. Eine Studie listet auf, für wieviele Emissionen die große Private Equity-Firmen verantwortlich sind. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/oct/01/private-equity-firms-us-pensions-fossil-fuel-projects

  2. Aug 2024
    1. Researchers assessed the climate credentials of Carlyle, Blackstone, Warburg Pincus, KKR, Ares, Brookfield/Oaktree, Apollo and TPG using publicly available information.
    2. More than three-quarters of Carlyle’s energy investments are in fossil fuels, and just over 60% of its 2022 first half profits came through its subsidiary NGP Energy Capital, which focuses almost exclusively on oil and gas projects.
    1. “Man is a Tool-using Animal (Handthierendes Thier). Weakin himself, and of small stature, he stands on a basis, at mostfor the flattest-soled, of some half square-foot, insecurelyenough; has to straddle out his legs, lest the very windsupplant him. Feeblest of bipeds! Three quintals are acrushing load for him; the Steer of the meadow tosses himaloft, like a waste rag. Nevertheless he can use Tools, candevise Tools: with these the granite mountain melts intolight dust before him; he kneads glowing iron, as if it weresoft paste; seas are his smooth highway, winds and fire hisunwearying steeds. Nowhere do you find him without Tools;without Tools he is nothing, with Tools he is all.”

      often shortened to:

      Man is a Tool-using Animal... Nowhere do you find him without Tools; without Tools he is nothing, with Tools he is all.”

      Link to:<br /> - Thoreau https://hypothes.is/a/vooPrPkwEe2r_4MIb6tlFw - Culkin https://hypothes.is/a/6Znx6MiMEeu3ljcVBsKNOw

    2. Carlyle, Thomas. Sartor Resartus. Edited by Kerry McSweeney and Peter Sabor. 1st ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.

  3. Aug 2022
    1. Selections from CarlyleEdited by H. W. BOYNTON. i2mo, cloth, 288 pages. Price, 75 cents.

      And here I was not knowing who Carlyle was just a day or two ago and now I'm seeing advertisements for collections of his work! 😁

      Apparently I've just been reading the wrong things and jumping back to the early 21st century is where it's all at.



    1. Imitation t o be avoided. Avoid the mannerisms andpersonal peculiarities of method or style of well-knownwriters, such as Carlyle or Macaulay.

      Enough time has passed that these references are lost to me.

      Were they so highly imitated at the time that they required a caution? (After almost no time lost on search, the answer is a resounding yes, particularly for Carlyle)

      These are references to Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881) and Thomas Babington Macaulay (1800-1859).



  4. Nov 2019