19 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
  2. Mar 2024
    1. Epic Times

      for - Epic times - hypernormalization - definition - epic times - gestalt switch - Deep Humanity articulation - hypernormalization - epic times - Rapid whole system change - emptiness - epic times - adjacency - hypernormalization - epic times - Deep Humanity

      definition - epic times - In contrast to hypernormalization, which is the normalization of a state of affairs which is dysfunctional or absurd, epic times is the opposite. - Employing a deep time and space framing, epic times re-situates each of us as an integral, intertwingled component of the universe a cosmic gestalt, woven into the multi scale competency architecture of reality itself invoking feelings of: - awe, - the sacred, - the remarkable

      • In sharp contrast to hypernormalization,
        • where the absurdity or dysfunction of the present is
          • ignored,
          • obscured or
          • suppressed,
        • we can consider that we actually live in “Epic Times”.
        • The times we’re living in are in fact remarkable,
        • and we can play
          • a meaningful and
          • positive role
        • in this drama.
        • These Epic Times are calling forth
          • new ways of being and -new ways of doing
        • from us as
          • individuals and
          • communities.

      adjacency - between - hypernormalization - rapid whole system change - Deep Humanity - adjacency statement - Hypernormalization characterizes the poly-meta-perma-crisis of the anthropocene. - The GESTALT SWITCH in articulating from a hypernormalization to an epic time worldview is the essential meta reframing required to motivate the unprecedented cultural evolution transition modernity must undergo if our species is to reach the next stage of evolution

      reference - see the above annotation on "hypernormalization" - https://hyp.is/iO-mfuzLEe6SOON2-3dLqA/off-planet.medium.com/discovering-the-narratives-that-matter-to-us-327958a2daec

    2. hypernormalization

      for - definition - hypernormalisation - definition - epic times - paradigm shift - eco-anxiety - Deep Humanity articulation - hypernormalization - epic times - Rapid whole system change - emptiness - epic times - gestalt switch - epic times - adjacency - hypernormalization - epic times - Deep Humanity - Alexi Yurchak - hypernormalization

      definition - hypernormalization - the making normal of a state of affairs which is dysfunctional or absurd. - a term coined by the Russian scholar Alexi Yurchak

      adjacency - between - hypernormalization - rapid whole system change - Deep Humanity - adjacency statement - Hypernormalization characterizes the poly-meta-perma-crisis of the anthropocene. - We can articulate the open source Deep Humanity praxis currently under development in the terminology of hypernormalization and epic times: - One way to understand the open source Deep Humanity praxis currently under development is that - Deep Humanity offers a framework to become aware of the Hypernormalization within modernity - Employing an epic times perspective can help provide the necessary GESTALT SWITCH ( a term introduced by Gyuri Lajos) that shifts the current growing eco-anxiety-laden affective landscape from - fear - hopelessness - inaction - confusion - to a broader context which can inspire awe, wonder and resilient meaning

  3. Sep 2023
    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2U3lGD2mNRY

      Calling Homer "poetry" here may be slightly helpful, but modern baggage of the concept is unhelpful. It also leaves out the rich texture of orality inherent in Homer, which she only touches on briefly.

  4. Nov 2022
    1. There are student editions of the poems of Dafyd ap Gwilym, and of Y Gododdin, the strange, and rather difficult medieval Welsh epic poem about the battle of the men of the north at Catraeth, part of the Welsh contribution to Celtic Arthurian literature.
  5. Jul 2022
  6. bafybeibbaxootewsjtggkv7vpuu5yluatzsk6l7x5yzmko6rivxzh6qna4.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeibbaxootewsjtggkv7vpuu5yluatzsk6l7x5yzmko6rivxzh6qna4.ipfs.dweb.link
    1. An important aspect missing in typical flow models is that in order to produce enduringcommitment a goal should correspond to something truly valuable. For example, while the goal ofshooting a maximum number of spaceships in your game of Space Invaders may be clear, it doesnot satisfy any real needs. Therefore, playing games, however enjoyable at the time, if continuedlong enough will eventually leave you with the feeling of having wasted your time. One way gamedesigners try to overcome this limitation is by creating a sense of “epic meaning” (McGonigal,2011), i.e. situating the game action in a narrative context which implies that something truly greator valuable is being achieved (like saving the world from alien invaders).

      The epic meaning of "Bend the Curve" is saving civilization, co-creating a future worth living in the next few years, averting disaster.

      On a personal level the transformation of the individual also conveys epic meaning.

  7. Apr 2022
    1. Iliad was typical of early works such as the Epic of Gilgamesh of Mesopotamia or the Mayan Popol Vuh. This epic literature served as common reference points for entire cultures, telling their audiences where they came from and who they were.
  8. Jan 2022
    1. Like Fate in Greek tragedies, Destiny plays a significant role in Silappadikaram. As Ilango says, it announces itself in the yaazh (harp) that Kovalan plays, leading to his separation from Madhavi the courtesan and his subsequent death in Madurai, the Pandyan capital. Again, it is Destiny that visits the tongue of the Pandya king who, instead of saying ‘Bring the culprit, inquire, and if he is the one who stole the queen’s anklet, then kill him,’ blabbers without thinking, ‘Kill him if he has the anklet and bring it to me’.

      Final Destination in SIlappadikaram

    1. The Epic (metamodern maximalism) The Epic is a rebellion against postmodernism’s tendency to shame ebullient, unabashed self expression. I’m talking about extravagant performances, lush musical arrangements, cautionless embrace of technology, over-the-top sexuality, excesses that don’t stop at just being provocative, but engage grandiose, hero-filled storytelling. Metamodernism gives us permission for all of these things, but again, not toward a randomness or anarchic or destructive impulse. The Epic is metamodernism’s version of maximalism. Of course, metamodern work will often include The Epic and The Tiny, side-by-side in the same work, and that is, itself, an example of oscillation.

      6. Epic (Maximalsim) | அறக்கிளர்ச்சி | நுண்காவியம் |

  9. Nov 2021
    1. e spoke, and the river stayed his current, stopped the waves breaking,and made all quiet in front of him and let him get safelyinto the outlet of the river.

      An example of a figure calming waters in myth.

      cross reference: Moses and the parting of the Red Sea

      To what dates might we attribute these two texts? Which preceded the other? What sort of potential cultural influences would the original had on the subsequent?

      Also cross reference the many deluge/flood stories in ancient literatures including Genesis 6-9, The Epic of Gilgamesh, etc.

  10. Oct 2020
  11. Nov 2019
    1. program you wrote is not the program you wanted to write. The meaning of the program (its semantics) is wrong. Identifying semantic errors can be tricky because it requires you to work backward by looking at the output o

      Hi there i am epic

  12. Sep 2018
    1. BOOK 12 THE ARGUMENT The Angel Michael continues from the Flood to relate what shall succeed; then, in the mention of Abraham, comes by degrees to explain, who that Seed of the Woman shall be, which was promised Adam and Eve in the Fall; his Incarnation, Death, Resurrection, and Ascention; the state of the Church till his second Coming. Adam greatly satisfied and recomforted by these Relations and Promises descends the Hill with Michael; wakens Eve, who all this while had slept, but with gentle dreams compos'd to quietness of mind and submission. Michael in either hand leads them out of Paradise, the fiery Sword waving behind them, and the Cherubim taking thir Stations to guard the Place. AS one who in his journey bates at Noone, Though bent on speed, so heer the Archangel paus'd Betwixt the world destroy'd and world restor'd, If Adam aught perhaps might interpose; Then with transition sweet new Speech resumes. [ 5 ] Thus thou hast seen one World begin and end; And Man as from a second stock proceed. Much thou hast yet to see, but I perceave Thy mortal sight to faile; objects divine Must needs impaire and wearie human sense: [ 10 ] Henceforth what is to com I will relate, Thou therefore give due audience, and attend. This second sours of Men, while yet but few; And while the dread of judgement past remains Fresh in thir mindes, fearing the Deitie, [ 15 ] With some regard to what is just and right Shall lead thir lives and multiplie apace, Labouring the soile, and reaping plenteous crop, Corn wine and oyle; and from the herd or flock, Oft sacrificing Bullock, Lamb, or Kid, [ 20 ] With large Wine-offerings pour'd, and sacred Feast, Shal spend thir dayes in joy unblam'd, and dwell Long time in peace by Families and Tribes Under paternal rule; till one shall rise Of proud ambitious heart, who not content [ 25 ] With fair equalitie, fraternal state, Will arrogate Dominion undeserv'd Over his brethren, and quite dispossess Concord and law of Nature from the Earth, Hunting (and Men not Beasts shall be his game) [ 30 ] With Warr and hostile snare such as refuse Subjection to his Empire tyrannous: A mightie Hunter thence he shall be styl'd Before the Lord, as in despite of Heav'n, Or from Heav'n claming second Sovrantie; [ 35 ] And from Rebellion shall derive his name, Though of Rebellion others he accuse. Hee with a crew, whom like Ambition joyns With him or under him to tyrannize, Marching from Eden towards the West, shall finde [ 40 ] The Plain, wherein a black bituminous gurge Boiles out from under ground, the mouth of Hell; Of Brick, and of that stuff they cast to build A Citie and Towre, whose top may reach to Heav'n; And get themselves a name, least far disperst [ 45 ] In foraign Lands thir memorie be lost, Regardless whether good or evil fame. But God who oft descends to visit men Unseen, and through thir habitations walks To mark thir doings, them beholding soon, [ 50 ] Comes down to see thir Citie, ere the Tower Obstruct Heav'n Towrs, and in derision sets Upon thir Tongues a various Spirit to rase Quite out thir Native Language, and instead To sow a jangling noise of words unknown: [ 55 ] Forthwith a hideous gabble rises loud Among the Builders; each to other calls Not understood, till hoarse, and all in rage, As mockt they storm; great laughter was in Heav'n And looking down, to see the hubbub strange [ 60 ] And hear the din; thus was the building left Ridiculous, and the work Confusion nam'd. Whereto thus Adam fatherly displeas'd. O execrable Son so to aspire Above his Brethren, to himself assuming [ 65 ] Authoritie usurpt, from God not giv'n: He gave us onely over Beast, Fish, Fowl Dominion absolute; that right we hold By his donation; but Man over men He made not Lord; such title to himself [ 70 ] Reserving, human left from human free. But this Usurper his encroachment proud Stayes not on Man; to God his Tower intends Siege and defiance: Wretched man! what food Will he convey up thither to sustain [ 75 ] Himself and his rash Armie, where thin Aire Above the Clouds will pine his entrails gross, And famish him of Breath, if not of Bread? To whom thus Michael. Justly thou abhorr'st That Son, who on the quiet state of men [ 80 ] Such trouble brought, affecting to subdue Rational Libertie; yet know withall, Since thy original lapse, true Libertie Is lost, which alwayes with right Reason dwells Twinn'd, and from her hath no dividual being: [ 85 ] Reason in man obscur'd, or not obeyd, Immediately inordinate desires And upstart Passions catch the Government From Reason, and to servitude reduce Man till then free. Therefore since hee permits [ 90 ] Within himself unworthie Powers to reign Over free Reason, God in Judgement just Subjects him from without to violent Lords; Who oft as undeservedly enthrall

      Book XII: continues Michael's vision. Adam and Eve are comforted by hearing of the future redemption of their race. The poem ends as they wander forth out of Paradise and the door closes behind them.

  13. Aug 2018
    1. Say first, for Heav'n hides nothing from thy view Nor the deep Tract of Hell

      As in other epic poems, the author ask help, to reveal to him the details and the information, here ask nothing hide from him. It is an epic elemet.

  14. Mar 2018
  15. Nov 2017
  16. Jul 2017
    1. global dye-bias equalization step to control for the different average intensities in the red and green channels. This procedure scales the background-corrected intensities, dividing by the average intensity of the positive control probes in the same channel, red or green, and multiplying by the average intensity of all positive controls in a reference array.