8 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. Pakistan hat zum ersten Mal mit chinesischen Yuan für russisches Erdöl bezahlt, das aufgrund der westlichen Sanktionen gegen Russland zu einem verbilligten Preis an die verbliebenen Abnehmerländer geliefert wird. Die Zahlung stellt das bisherige globale System der Bezahlung von Öl infrage, bei der immer der amerikanische Dollar als Währung verwendet wird. Standard-Artikel mit vielen Informationen zu den geo- und finanzpolitischen Hintergründen https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000174993/alternative-zum-dollar-pakistan-zahlt-erstmals-oel-in-yuan

  2. May 2021
  3. Jan 2021
    1. Wal-Mart, which in the late 1980s and early 1990s trumpeted its claim to “Buy American,” has doubled its imports from China in the past five years alone, buying some $12 billion in merchandise in 2002. That’s nearly 10% of all Chinese exports to the United States.
      • Wal-Mart touts they "buy american" but they doubled import from China in the last 5 years.
      • 10% of Chinese exports is to the US go to Wal-Mart
  4. Oct 2020
  5. Sep 2020
    1. In other words for those tools, you cannot create a package interface where const lib = require("your-lib") yields the same as import lib from "your-lib". With named export mode however, const {lib} = require("your-lib") will be equivalent to import {lib} from "your-lib".
  6. Dec 2015
    1. gives Chinese exporters a huge advantage


      "Some economists, such as Paul Krugman, argue that Chinese currency devaluation helps China by boosting its exports, and hurts the United States by widening its trade deficit. ... Krugman has suggested that the United States should impose tariffs on Chinese goods"


      "Greg Mankiw, on the other hand, asserts that U.S. protectionism via tariffs will hurt the U.S. economy far more than Chinese devaluation. Similarly, others have stated that the undervalued yuan has actually hurt China more in the long run insofar that the undervalued yuan doesn’t subsidize the Chinese exporter, but subsidizes the American importer."

      [Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Currency_intervention#Chinese_Yuan Retrieved December 9, 2015]