10 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. La emergencia del Internet ha contribuido a la proliferacién de narra-tivas que descentralizan el concepto de autoria tal cual es pensadopor el posestructuralismo, lo cual contribuye a una reformulaciénde la forma mas tradicional del género testimonial.

      El Internet ha transformado la manera en que compartimos y entendemos las narrativas. La autoría ya no es exclusiva de unos pocos; es un tejido colectivo de historias diversas. Ha democratizado la creación y distribución de historias. Ahora, más personas pueden compartir sus experiencias y perspectivas a través de blogs, redes sociales, videos y otros medios digitales. Aquí se cuestiona la noción tradicional de autoría. El posestructuralismo nos invita a considerar que la autoría no es un acto individual y absoluto, sino una construcción social y contextual. En el mundo digital, múltiples voces contribuyen a una narrativa. El género testimonial, que solía centrarse en voces autorizadas o expertas, ahora se amplía. Testimonios personales, relatos de vida y experiencias cotidianas encuentran espacio en línea, desafiando las estructuras convencionales.

    1. La performance de testimonioscomo forma potencial de resistencia –específicamente por mediodel método de la narrativa digital

      La narrativa testimonial se utiliza para capturar las voces de quienes son testigos y narradores de acontecimientos históricos y políticos.

      En América Latina, los testimonios han adquirido una impronta singular. Se centran en la perspectiva del actor, evidenciando el lugar político de su enunciación. Algunos desafíos en torno al uso de la narrativa testimonial en el enfoque cualitativo incluyen debates sobre el giro subjetivo y la fetichización del discurso testimonial.



  2. Oct 2020
  3. Sep 2020
  4. Aug 2020
  5. Jul 2020
  6. Jan 2019
    1. Sen. Chuck Schumer, who you will be hearing from later tonight, has repeatedly supported a physical barrier in the past along with many other Democrats.
    1. Senator Chuck Schumer, who you will be hearing from later tonight, has repeatedly supported a physical barrier in the past along with many other Democrats.
  7. Jan 2017
    1. Eric Poole – Age 33 Sales Manager – Visalia, CA Eric had only been working out sporadically off-and-on for a year. Nothing serious. Then he saw what I and some of my other clients had done with the Bulgarian system and he wanted to be a part of. When he began, he could only bench press 175 pounds for three reps maximum. Four weeks later, he was bench pressing 315 pounds! His squats went from 190 pounds (5 reps max) to 265 pounds.


    2. Bob Pierce – Age 20 College football player – Tulare, CA Bob started this program weighing 234 pounds (his heaviest weight ever), but he desperately needed to gain more weight for his lineman position on the football team. He had already tried lots of other systems for putting on weight and muscle mass, but nothing seemed to work. What's more, he had been training for over 5 years, which means his body was near its peak–and that's why he was having trouble putting on lean meat. (Or so he thought.) I put him on the Bulgarian system and in only 10 weeks, Bob gained 20 pounds of new muscle, with no increase in body fat! His bench press went from 315 pounds to 415 pounds in only 10 weeks. His legs don't fit into his old blue jeans anymore, and his friends at the gym swear he must be on steroids. (He's not. I don't allow any of my clients to use steroids.)
