- Last 7 days
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Eine aufwändige Expedition erforscht, ob die Sedimente in den unteren Zonen eines großen grönländischen Gletschers Barrieren gegen warmes Meerwasser bilden, die den Prozess des Abschmelzens verlangsamen und sich vielleicht sogar verstärken lassen. Hauptziel ist, den unaufhaltsamen Anstieg des Meeresspiegels besser modellieren zu können. Ausführliche Reportage im Guardian
- Terminus project
- Sean Gullick
- Rutgers University
- sea level rise
- John Jaeger
- Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)
- Bridget Ovall
- Marcy Davis
- Kangerluarsuup Gletscher
- by: Damian Carrington
- Ginny Catania
- Mike Jakuba
- Gletscherschmelze
- Benjamin Keisling
- University of Texaa
- Molly Curran
- West Greenland
- Greenland
- Greenland ice sheet
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Die Fossilindustrie finanziert seit Jahrzehten Universitäten und fördert damit Publikationen in ihrem Interesse, z.B. zu false solutions wie #CCS. Hintergrundbericht anlässlich einer neuen Studie: https://www.theguardian.com/business/article/2024/sep/05/universities-fossil-fuel-funding-green-energy
Studie: https://doi.org/10.1002/wcc.904
- by: Dharma Noor
- negative emission technologies
- climate obstructionism in.higher education
- MIT Energy Initiative
- Data for Progress
- Favourability towards natural gas relates to funding source of university energy centres
- American Petroleum Institute
- Jennie Stephens
- Fossil fuel industry influence in higher education: A review and a research agenda
- Fossilindustrie
- disinformation
- Princeton University’s Carbon Mitigation Initiative
- Jake Lowe
- Accountable Allies: The Undue Influence of Fossil Fuel Money in Academia
- Campus Climate Network
- Geoffrey Supran
- BP
- Emily Eaton
- Exxon
- Aug 2024
www.systemiq.earth www.systemiq.earth
for - social tipping points - breakthrough effect - cascading tipping points - systemiq - Bezos Earth Fund -University of Exeter - social tipping points
report details - title - The Breakthrough Effect - How to trigger a cascade of tipping points to accelerate the net zero transition - authors - Mark Meldrum - Lloyd Pinnell - Katy Brennan - Mattia Romani - Simon Sharpe - Tim Lenton - date - january 2023 - publisher -
thesiswhisperer.com thesiswhisperer.comPodcasts1
https://thesiswhisperer.com/podcasts/<br /> On The Reg (OTR) is a podcast about Work, with an academic slant.
- Jul 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
insulin takes glucose from the blood and also fats from the blood in the form of triglyceride 00:03:11 and stuffs it in cells for a rainy day
for - health - insulin and insulin resistance - simple explanation - to - insulin resistance - clear and simple explainer video - Stanford University health - insulin - simple explanation - insulin stores sugars and tryglycerides floating around in the blood into cells. - more detailed explanation - when blood glucose rises, then beta cell of pancreas start to secrete insulin to bind to glucose and put into cells for storage - Watch this clear, short video explaining insulin resistance from Stanford University - https://hyp.is/4Ymu4D1ZEe-jFfeB23zicA/docdrop.org/video/U1cr14xffrk/
docdrop.org docdrop.org
for - explanation - insulin resistance - Stanford University
explanation - insulin resistance - Standard University - great explanation from Standford University
from - Prof. Emeritus Robert Lustig on root cause of insulin resistance - https://hyp.is/RFJQrj1aEe-nIQu5Sj1fyw/docdrop.org/video/WVFMyzQE-4w/
- Jun 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Adler first came into contact with the great books idea whenhe took John Erskine’s General Honors course at Columbia Universityin 1920.
- May 2024
Bassam Haddad@4BassamFounding Director of MidEast & Islamic Studies Program, George Mason University, Executive Director of http://ArabStudiesInstitute.org. Satire warning!jadaliyya.comJoined April 2009
Bassam Haddad Twitter Profile Aran Studies Institute Executive Director Twitter profile Jadaliyya
twitter.com twitter.com
OFFICIAL CUAD PRESS RELEASE: Occupation of Hamilton Hall
April 29, 2024 tweet/statement on takeover of Hamilton Hall
- Apr 2024
davekarpf.substack.com davekarpf.substack.com
The only thing university administrators had to do was NOTHING. by [[Dave Karpf]]
The way that administrators normally respond to a tactic like this is to just wait it out. Have campus security keep an eye on them to make sure things don’t get out of hand. Make vague statements to the campus paper. Schedule some meetings. Maybe declare that you’ll form a committee to look into things further.Traditionally, the weakness of this tactic is that it does little to expand the conflict.
www.nature.com www.nature.com
for - sustainable building - super insulator - window insulation film - transparent super insulator - aerogel alternative - university of Colorado - beer waste
John Barth, Writer Who Pushed Storytelling’s Limits, Dies at 93 by [[Michael T. Kaufman]], [[Dwight Garner]]
www.churchofjesuschrist.org www.churchofjesuschrist.org
Brigham Young Academy
it was academy before it was a university
- Feb 2024
Local file Local file
An image of the front of every card for Widener thus now exists onmicro che, available to users in a room o the lobby. (Anyinformation on the backs of the cards—and many notes do carryover—was not photographed
news.virginia.edu news.virginia.edu
The information neatly typed on the cards – which library workers sometimes supplemented with handwritten notes on front and back – includes details that in many cases are not typically part of the electronic catalog system, Virgo, that the University Library switched to in 1989. At the time, the catalog was transferred by scanning that captured only the front of the cards.
Libraries may have handwritten notes on the back of library card catalog cards in the 20th century, a practice which caused data loss in the case of the Alderman Library which only scanned the front of their cards in 1989 when they made the switch from physical cards to a digital catalog.
Created over a 50-year span from 1939 to 1989, that catalog grew to about 4 million cards in 65 cabinets with 4,000 drawers.
This is roughly 65 cabinets of 60 drawers each.
4 million cards over 50 years is approximately 220 cards per day. This isn't directly analogous to my general statistics on number of notes per day for individual people's excerpting practice, but it does give an interesting benchmark for a larger institution and their acquisitions over 50 years. (Be sure to divide by 3 for duplication over author/title/subject overlap, which would be closer to 73 per day)
Shifted from analog cards to digital version in 1989.
www.universityproducts.com www.universityproducts.com
www.stykka.com www.stykka.com
for - circular economy - design - furniture - circular economy - private - furniture
compare - Delft university - circular kitchen - Stykka
pressbooks.online.ucf.edu pressbooks.online.ucf.edu
Shall find it–being grown perfect–in himself. Believing, he receives it when the soul Masters itself, and cleaves to Truth, and comes– Possessing knowledge–to the higher peace,
Arjuna struggles with moral decisions while serving his country. Jnana Yoga, often known as the "Yoga of Knowledge," is a highly profound kind of yoga that emphasizes realizing one's own transience and pursuing self-realization. Arjuna's journey through this Yoga illustrates the transformational potential of knowledge by serving as a metaphor for the seeker's journey towards enlightenment. In the face of adversity facing the challenges of line ones Dharma must still be fulfilled. This understanding reveals the moral and ethical beliefs Hindu philosophies operated by. Nonetheless philosophy like this can be applied to our own lives. Regardless of the mountain present in front of us, it is important that we seek and fulfill our life's purpose. .
pressbooks.online.ucf.edu pressbooks.online.ucf.edu
ou wicked women, cease from juggling lies. You want your men. But what of them as well? They toss as sleepless in the lonely night, I’m sure of it. Hold out awhile, hold out, But persevere a teeny-weeny longer. An oracle has promised Victory
By refusing sexual connection, Lysistrata directs an unconventional attempt among women to put a stop to the Peloponnesian War. Lysistrata threatens gender norms by making us wonder who actually holds the power and what happens when the conventional is no longer seen as such. Consider the possible disruption of existing power systems and the social consequences of her scheme in a time period such as this where men obtained what seems as totalitarian power in comparison to woman.
- Jan 2024
cudl.lib.cam.ac.uk cudl.lib.cam.ac.uk
Some of Newton's other papers are held by The Morgan Library & Museum.
bavatuesdays.com bavatuesdays.com
read [[Jim Groom]] in [AI106: Long Live the New Flesh](https://bavatuesdays.com/ai106-long-live-the-new-flesh/comment-page-1/0
oblivion.university oblivion.university
ᔥ[[Jim Groom]] in AI106: Long Live the New Flesh
cuis-smalltalk.github.io cuis-smalltalk.github.io
Cuis-Smalltalk is a pure object oriented programming (OOP) language. All the entities in the language: integers, floats, rational numbers, strings, collections, blocks of code and so forth – every instance usable as a noun in Smalltalk – is an object.
ProtoObject new
enters an infinite loop in Cuis University 5981. Fixed in Cuis.
- Dec 2023
for: polycrisis, Thomas Homer-Dixon, Cascade Institute Royal Roads University - Changemakers Speakers Series, etymology - polylcrisis
Talk: Hope in the Polycrisis
- Speaker: Thomas Homer-Dixon
- Host: Royal Roads University - Changemakers Speakers Series
Date: 2023
- Thomas Homer-Dixon is a leading complex systems scientist and director of the Cascade Institute, which he co-founded at Royal Roads University in Victoria, B.C., Canada, to study the polycrisis and identify strategic high leverage interventions that could rapidly shift humanity's trajectory in the next few critical years.
- The talk, entitled "Hope in the polycriisis" chronicles Homer-Dixon's multi-decade journey to understand the convergence of crisis happening in the world today.
In a real sense, the evolution of his thinking on these complex problems are reflected in the series of books he has written over the years, culminating in the 2023 book "Commanding Hope", based on a theory of hope:
- Environment, Scarcity, and Violence (Princeton, 1999). - a book showing how other factors combine with environmental stress to produce violence.
- “The Ingenuity Gap: Can Poor Countries Adapt to Resource Scarcity?,” which appeared in Population and Development Review in 1995
- “Resource Scarcity and Innovation: Can Poor Countries Attain Endogenous Growth?" ?” coauthored with Edward Barbier, which appeared in Ambio (1999)
- The Upside of Down: Catastrophe, Creativity, and the Renewal of Civilization (2006), examined the threat to global stability of simultaneous and interacting demographic, environmental, economic, and political stresses. This led to examining energy as a major factor in our modern society.
- "Commanding Hope: The Power we have to Renew a World in Peril"
Homer-Dixon also talks about practical solutions, His team at Casacade Institute is researching a promising technology called ultra-deep geothermal, which could provide unlimted energy at energy densities comprable to fossil fuels.
- He finishes his talk with his theory of Hope and how a "Robust" hope can be the key to a successful rapid transition.
etymology - polycrisis
- https://polycrisis.org/lessons/where-did-the-term-polycrisis-come-from/
- Complexity theorists Edgar Morin and Anne Brigitte Kern first used the term polycrisis in their 1999 book, Homeland Earth, to argue that the world faces
- “no single vital problem, but many vital problems, and it is this complex intersolidarity of problems, antagonisms, crises, uncontrolled processes, and the general crisis of the planet that constitutes the number one vital problem" (p. 74).
- South African sociologist and sustainable transitions theorist Mark Swilling then adopted the term to capture
- “a nested set of globally interactive socio-economic, ecological and cultural-institutional crises that defy reduction to a single cause” (2013, p. 98).
- Climate change, rising inequality, and the threat of financial crises interact in complex ways that multiply their overall impact (Swilling 2013, 2019).
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
eddy7346<br /> 2 years ago<br /> To anyone in college:<br /> If your history/government professor is extremely patriotic, do not ask about war crimes by the US... unless you want to get failed.<br /> P.S: This is just my experience, so that might not happen to you. My prof just happened to be a piece of shit
the established "academia" is just another circlejerk, with teachers abusing their power as gatekeepers, to allow only "the good guys" to rise to power, and students cannot choose their teachers, because moving to a different school is expensive.<br /> this imbalance and injustice is so fundamental that it is "too big to fail". no matter what you do, the casino always wins...<br /> in my "crazy" hypothesis [1] i propose a radical solution for ths radical problem: all human relations must be balanced, so every one can live out his strength and delegate his weakspots to his friends.<br /> [1]: Pallas. Who are my friends. Group composition by personality type.<br /> github com milahu alchi
cuis-smalltalk.github.io cuis-smalltalk.github.io
You have noticed that text typed into the Workspace is colored and highlighted based on what you type. We will discuss this below when we talk about the Smalltalk language, but the idea is to be helpful. If you start to type a word the Cuis Workspace knows about, you can press the tab key and get a set of choices for completion of the word. Try typing Float epsi and pressing tab. You can then press enter and should see Float epsilon. Click elsewhere on the Workspace to make this menu go away.
Autocompletion is vastly improved by LiveTyping readly available in Cuis University.
- Nov 2023
digital.library.illinois.edu digital.library.illinois.edu
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Classical texts the green and yellows from Cambridge contain highly detailed introductions that don’t require any original language knowledge.
research.sociology.cam.ac.uk research.sociology.cam.ac.uk
Iris Pissaride (PhD student profile at University of Cambridge, Department of Sociology)
Contact Information: ip290@cam.ac.uk
Iris Pissaride's PhD research explores coloniality and identity in Cyprus, with a focus on colonial knowledge production within museum practice. Her research is funded by the ESRC DTP and the Cambridge Trust.
Iris was born and raised in Kaimakli, Cyprus. She holds a BA (Hons) in Politics, Psychology, Sociology, and an MPhil in Sociology from the University of Cambridge. Along with academic research, Iris also practices a more visual sociology through collaborative work. In 2016 she worked with the Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam as a guest-curator, and joined the editorial board of Kunstlicht — an academic journal for the arts affiliated with Vrije Universiteit. She was editor-in-chief of the journal from 2018-2019 where she oversaw the production of four thematic issues on the intersections of visual culture, contemporary art, and sociology. She organised events and collaborations with FramerFramed, SMBA, OT301, NieuwLand, Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art and the Tropen Museum’s Rituals Series. Her latest ongoing interdisciplinary work “Re-signifying views: an exercise in decolonising on/for/from Cyprus” was launched at Phaneromenis70 Cultural Research Foundation in Nicosia.
accessed:: 2023-11-25 17:35
research.sociology.cam.ac.uk research.sociology.cam.ac.uk
Simone Schneider (PhD student profile at University of Cambridge, Department of Sociology)
Contact Information: ss2633@cam.ac.uk
Simone Schneider is a PhD candidate in Sociology at the University of Cambridge with an interest in intimacy, sexuality, gender, and social theory. In her dissertation, Simone explores infidelity in intimate relationships.
Simone studied Sociology, European Ethnology and Cultural Analysis, and Communication Science at the University of Cambridge (MPhil), the University of Amsterdam (MSc), and the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (BA, BA). She is a first-gen student. Alongside her academic training, Simone gained experience in social research, including working for the Scottish Government, the Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy, and the Amsterdam Research Centre for Gender and Sexuality.
accessed:: 2023-11-25 17:30
research.sociology.cam.ac.uk research.sociology.cam.ac.uk
Rafael Barrio de Mendoza Zevallos
Contact Information: grb49@cam.ac.uk
Rafael is a PhD Student in the Sociology Department at the University of Cambridge. His work focuses on the emergence of experimental evidentiary practices in the context of environmental disasters. His project inquiries how the fishing communities impacted by the 2022 La Pampilla oil spill in Peru are repurposing sensing media and articulating epistemic habits to document the disaster, and in that way engage with regulatory agencies, the Peruvian administration and the private oil company to advance their claims. Hence, he seeks to interrogate how public matters regarding environmental harm evolve from the contentious assemblage of different technical, social and legal veridictions.
accessed:: 2023-11-25 17:20
research.sociology.cam.ac.uk research.sociology.cam.ac.uk
Scarlet Harris (profile at University of Cambridge)
Contact Information: sh2232@cam.ac.uk
Dr Scarlet Harris is a Teaching Associate in the department of Sociology.
She received her BA in Sociology from the University of Edinburgh and her MRes and PhD in Sociology from the University of Glasgow. Dr Harris has held various research posts at the University of Manchester, including with the Centre on the Dynamics of Ethnicity (CoDE).
She is currently writing a book based on her doctoral research, entitled 'Islamophobia, anti-racism and the British left', which will be published by Manchester University Press.
accessed:: 2023-11-25 17:10
ucmp.berkeley.edu ucmp.berkeley.edu
- Page
Forests. University of California Museum of Paleontology. https://ucmp.berkeley.edu/exhibits/biomes/forests.php Consultado: 11 nov. 2023
Outline: - The forest biome - Tropical forest - Temperature forest - Boreal forest (taiga)
Zwei neue Studien zeigen, dass in Grönland sowohl kleinere Gletscher außerhalb des großen Eisschilds als auch das Schelfeis viel schneller abschmelzen als im vergangenen Jahrhundert. Das Schelfeis s im Norden Grönland hat seit 1978/35% seines Volumens verloren. Wenn Abschnitte des shelf Eis kollabieren, was in diesem Jahrhundert bereits dreimal der Fall war, verdoppelt sich die Abschmelzgeschwindigkeit der Gletscher dahinter.
- expert: Laura Larocca
- expert: Twila Moon
- process: sea level rise
- expert: Romain Millan
- expert: Ginny Catania
- expert: Yarrow Axford
- expert: Anders Bjork
- region::Greenland
- institution: National Snow and Ice Data Center at the University of Colorado
- 2023-11-09
- process: glacier melting
www.loc.gov www.loc.gov
Arendt studied with Karl Jaspers at Heidelberg University
Did Karl Jaspers have a zettelkasten practice? Did he specifically pass it along to students, like Arendt?
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Photo of Richard Macksey's Library by Will Kirk
Re-read: 2023-11-10
Dwyer, Kate. “A Library the Internet Can’t Get Enough Of: Why Does This Image Keep Resurfacing on Social Media?” The New York Times, January 15, 2022, sec. Style. Https://web.archive.org/web/20230202131348/https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/15/style/richard-macksey-library.html. Internet Archive. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/15/style/richard-macksey-library.html.
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Wenige Tage nach dem „2023 State of the Climate report“ listet der „Interconnected Disaster Report“ der UN University sechs Bedrohungen für die lebenserhaltenden Systeme des Planeten auf, darunter Gletscherschmelze, Grundwasserverlust, Artensterben und Erhitzung. Nur ein transformativer Wandel statt aufschiebender Lösungen kann die wachsenden Risiken miteinander verbundener Katastrophen verringern. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/climat/climat-la-vie-sur-la-planete-terre-est-en-etat-de-siege-alertent-des-scientifiques-20231025_2MHSFZZWUNHZPPBONAUFLKKUZM/
Studie: https://interconnectedrisks.org/
Merh zum 2023 State of the Climate report: https://hypothes.is/search?q=tag%3A%22report%3A%202023%20state%20of%20the%20climate%20report%22
Vielle Aufforstungsprojkete, vor allem in den Tropen, schaden der Artenvielfalt und führen zu empfindlichen Monokulturen. Eine Studie untersucht die Funktioen tropischer Walt-Ökosysteme über die CO<sub>2</sub>-Speicherung hinaus. https://taz.de/Studie-ueber-Aufforstung/!5966549/
- Oct 2023
assets.pubpub.org assets.pubpub.org
Discussion of the paper:
Ghojogh B, Ghodsi A, Karray F, Crowley M. Theoretical Connection between Locally Linear Embedding, Factor Analysis, and Probabilistic PCA. Proceedings of the Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence [Internet]. 2022 May 27; Available from: https://caiac.pubpub.org/pub/7eqtuyyc
www.jstor.org www.jstor.org
Water immobilization is a cool thing! The simplest way to accomplish it is by freezing. But can you think of how water might be immobilized (so to speak) at temperatures above freezing, say at 50°F (10°C)? Think Jell-O and a new process that mimics caviar and you have two methods that nearly stop water in its tracks.
I learned that science and cooking is always connected. Even if we don't think about it in every day life like when water evaporates or freezes it is chemistry. But what I found most interesting that I learned is how water immobilization works, or to put it more simply the science behind Jell-O. When you add gelatin to water it traps the water molecules in place which creates the sort of liquid and solid hybrid we find with Jell-O.
Local file Local file
Warum sind Sie für die Selbstverwaltung an den Universitäten un-tauglich?Ich finde, daß man es in diesem Zusammenhang ausschließlich mitBagatellen zu tun hat, die ihre Bedeutung nur dadurch gewinnen,daß andere sich darüber aufregen. Man kann Entscheidungen nichtdelegieren. Eine Ausschußsitzung entsteht aus der anderen, undniemand glaubt einem, wenn man sagt, daß alles viel einfacher zuerledigen wäre.
Ha! Even university committee meetings in the late XX C were apparently as bad as they still are today.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Comments are turned off.
You wish. 🙄
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Spanish carrion Crews
for: crow communication, university of Lyon
- biologgers that record audio and movement
- question
- can the AI predict the vocal signals based on movement?
- Sep 2023
esearchers in 2019 did this at University of Tel Aviv and they took a primrose flower and they would play different sounds 00:06:03 to the flower and they would play you know like traffic noises low noises bat noises High noises and then the sounds of approaching pollinator and only when they approached or played the sounds of an approaching pollinator 00:06:15 did the flowers respond and they respond by producing more and sweeter nectar within just a couple of seconds right so the flowers hear the B through its petals 00:06:26 and get excited okay so plants can here
- for: example - animal-plant communication, bee-flower communication, bee - primrose flower communication, communication - animal - plant, communication - bee - flower, 2019 University of Tel Aviv study
onlinelibrary.wiley.com onlinelibrary.wiley.com
- for: example - animal-plant communication, bee-flower communication, bee - primrose flower communication, communication - animal - plant, communication - bee - flower, 2019 University of Tel Aviv study, education, education - climate change, education - climate departure, education - species extinction
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
yalebooks.yale.edu yalebooks.yale.edu
Ran into a copy of the collection at Pasadena City College Shatford Library on Friday 2023-09-09.
gothamist.com gothamist.com
Gould, Jessica. “Teachers College, Columbia U. Dissolves Program behind Literacy Curriculum Used in NYC Public Schools.” Gothamist, September 8, 2023. https://gothamist.com/news/columbia-university-dissolves-program-behind-literacy-curriculum-used-in-nyc-public-schools.
The Teachers College of Columbia University has shut down the Lucy Calkins Units of Study literacy program.
Missing from the story is more emphasis on not only the social costs, which they touch on, but the tremendous financial (sunk) cost to the system by not only adopting it but enriching Calkins and the institution (in a position of trust) which benefitted from having sold it.
cuis-smalltalk.github.io cuis-smalltalk.github.io
The code examples in the online version can be directly copied and pasted into Cuis-Smalltalk. This is why the assignment character “←” you see in the developer Cuis-Smalltalk window is printed as “:=” in the online version of the book. The same applies with the return character “↑” printed as “^” in the online version.
Cuis University differs from Cuis in that it disables the original left arrow assignment ← and return ↑ glyphs by default, preferring the ANSI Smalltalk syntax, namely
. In order to revert and display the arrow glyphs evaluateSmalltalk Preferences name: #showAssignmentAsLeftArrow category: #programming value: true
The two keystrokes:=
will be shown as ←. Note that typing the underscore character will still show a ← regardless of the setting.
- Aug 2023
sourcebooks.fordham.edu sourcebooks.fordham.edu
Medieval Sourcebook: Robert de Courçon: Statutes for the University of Paris, 1215 The basic course was in the arts. Of the other faculties theology was best represented at Paris, law at Bologna, and medicine at Salerno. Robert de Courçon's statutes lay down the course in arts and enumerate the books to be studied. Students were expect to be able to teach as well as learn.
agrilife.tamu.edu agrilife.tamu.edu
Printing Services
For print services, start here!
stephanus.tlg.uci.edu stephanus.tlg.uci.edu
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG) is a research center at the University of California, Irvine. The TLG was founded in 1972 by Marianne McDonald (a graduate student at the time and now a professor of theater and classics at the University of California, San Diego) with the goal to create a comprehensive digital collection of all surviving texts written in Greek from antiquity to the present era.
- Jul 2023
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
- Title
- Climate anxiety in children and young people and their beliefs about government responses to climate change: a global survey
- Authors
- Hickman et al.
- Date
- Dec 31, 2021
- Source
- Title
www.sciencedaily.com www.sciencedaily.com
Milena Büchs, Professor of Sustainable Welfare at the University of Leeds
- lead researcher
- Milena Büchs,
- Position
- Professor of Sustainable Welfare
- Institution
- University of Leeds
- lead researcher
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Robert Maynard Hutchins (January 17, 1899 – May 14, 1977) was an American educational philosopher. He was president (1929–1945) and chancellor (1945–1951) of the University of Chicago, and earlier dean of Yale Law School (1927–1929).
- Jun 2023
pages.jh.edu pages.jh.edu
One of Dale Keiger's favorite pieces of his own work.
- May 2023
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
Hans H. Wellisch died on 2004-02-06.
- Apr 2023
He earned a B.F.A. in musical theater from Syracuse University,
Aaron Sorkin earned a B.F.A. in musical theater from Syracuse University, but didn't really put it to use until his work on Camelot which opened in 2023.
certificates.creativecommons.org certificates.creativecommons.org
Recommended Resource:
I recommend adding this doctoral research article on developing open education practices (OEP) in British Columbia, Canada. The scholarly article is released by Open University, a U.K. higher education institution that promotes open education.
Paskevicius, M. & Irvine, V. (2019). Open Education and Learning Design: Open Pedagogy in Praxis. Open University, 2019(1). DOI: 10.5334/jime.51
A relevant excerpt from the article reveals the study results that show OEP enhances student learning:
"Furthermore, participants reflected on how inviting learners to work in the open increased the level of risk and/or potential reward and thereby motivated greater investment in the work. This was articulated by Patricia who suggested “the stakes might feel higher when someone is creating something that’s going to be open and accessible by a wider community” as well as Alice who stated “students will write differently, you know, if they know it’s not just going to their professor.” The practice of encouraging learners to share their work was perceived by Olivia to “add more value to their work,” by showing learners the work they do at university can “have an audience beyond their professors.”"
books.google.com books.google.comLIFE1
A staff of at least 26 created the underlying index that would lay at the heart of the Great Books of the Western World which was prepared in a rented old fraternity house on the University of Chicago campus. (p. 93)
- Mar 2023
scienceblog.com scienceblog.com
The advent of computer technology facilitated the assembly of the Demotic Dictionary, which unlike its older sister, the Chicago Assyrian Dictionary, could be organized electronically rather than on index cards.
The Chicago Demotic Dictionary compiled by the Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago was facilitated by computers compared with the Chicago Assyrian Dictionary which relied on index cards.
www.universityproducts.com www.universityproducts.com
In 2023, University Products offered catalog cards for printing, but no longer offers physical card catalogs.
ebooks.adelaide.edu.au ebooks.adelaide.edu.au
University of Adelaide digital collection of the Great Books of the Western World using public domain sources within their collection.
archives.yale.edu archives.yale.edu
Wilson Memindex Company (Rochester, N.Y.), 1922
The archives at Yale have Some trade catalogs of the Wilson Memindex Co. on file.
projects.propublica.org projects.propublica.org
University of California, Berkeley — The Repatriation Project<br /> by Ash Ngu, Andrea Suozzo
- Feb 2023
www.cyberneticforests.com www.cyberneticforests.com
Critical Topics: AI Images is an undergraduate class delivered for Bradley University in Spring 2023. It is meant to provide an overview of the context of AI art making tools and connects media studies, new media art, and data ethics with current events and debates in AI and generative art. Students will learn to think critically about these tools by using them: understand what they are by making work that reflects the context and histories of the tools.
www.kunsthalle-bielefeld.de www.kunsthalle-bielefeld.de
ᔥ[[Andreas Fasel]] in Niklas Luhmann: Ein Zettelkasten als zweites Gehirn at 2015-06-28<br /> (accessed:: 2023-02-13 11:45:39)
Entsprechend groß war die Neugier seiner Schüler und Kollegen, die den Kasten analysieren wollten. Doch jahrelang stritten Luhmanns Kinder vor Gericht um den wissenschaftlichen Nachlass, an eine Aufarbeitung war lange nicht zu denken. Erst 2011 konnte die Universität Bielefeld Luhmanns geistige Hinterlassenschaften kaufen. Und nun, seit Anfang des Jahres, wird tatsächlich erforscht, was es auf sich hat mit diesem Kasten, der in Soziologenkreisen schon mal als Heiliger Gral bezeichnet wird.
google translate:
The curiosity of his students and colleagues, who wanted to analyze the box, was correspondingly high. For years, however, Luhmann's children fought in court about the scientific legacy, and for a long time there was no question of a reappraisal. It was not until 2011 that the University of Bielefeld was able to buy Luhmann's intellectual legacies. And now, since the beginning of the year, research has actually been going on into what this box, which sociologists have sometimes referred to as the Holy Grail, is all about.
Bielefeld University sued Luhmann's estate (his children) over his intellectual legacy. In 2011 they were finally able to purchase his papers, but research on his papers and zettelkasten didn't begin until early 2015.
Als der so liebenswerte wie kauzige Universalgelehrte 1998 starb, hinterließ er nicht nur ein Werk von Weltrang, sondern eben auch jenen Zettelkasten, um den schon zu seinen Lebzeiten Legenden rankten.
google translate:
When the universal scholar, who was as lovable as he was odd, died in 1998, he not only left behind a work of world renown, but also that box of papers that was already the subject of legends during his lifetime.
This article indicates that Luhmann's zettelkasten was legendary during his lifetime, but was this really the case? Luhmann indicated people's disappointment in his own writing (ZKII 9/8,3), but is there other anecdotal evidence that this wasn't the case?
What does the lawsuit between the family and the Bielefeld over his papers indicate?
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Lüdecke, Daniel. “Introduction to Luhmann’s Zettelkasten - Thinking and Its Technical Implementation.” Presented at the Trier Digital Humanities Autumn School 2015, Trier University, October 1, 2015. https://strengejacke.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/introduction-into-luhmanns-zettelkasten-thinking.pdf..
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If you ask an elder about the work’s meaning, you may quickly find yourself enrolledin what Wardaman law man Yidumduma Bill Harney calls “Bush University”.
- Jan 2023
ssha.org ssha.org
Delicate and precise, neatly arranged in alphabetical lemmas. I stumbled across the manuscripts in the Special Collections of the Leiden University Library, where they were listed in the inventory as ‘Adversaria of mixed content’. Without further explanation, except that their author was Jan Wagenaar. This eighteenth-century author was a household name in his time, writing about history, theology, and politics. Now here I was, looking at the notes he had used to write all those books, sermons, and pamphlets.The four leather-bound volumes contained pages and pages of lemmas on a variety of topics, from ‘concubines’ to ‘thatched roofs in the cities of Holland’. The lemmas included excerpts from a variety of texts, including snippets in French, English and Hebrew. This was how Wagenaar tried to organise his information flows, subsequently using this information to produce new texts.
Jan Wagenaar's four leather-bound commonplace books are housed in the Special Collections of the Leiden University Library inventoried as "Adversaria of mixed content."
They contain excerpts in French, English, and Hebrew and are arranged by topical heading.
press.princeton.edu press.princeton.edu
This appears like Princeton University Press is publishing sections of someone's commonplace books as stand alone issues per heading where each chapter has a one or more selections (in the original language with new translations).
This almost feels like a version of The Great Books of the Western World watered down for a modern audience?
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The definitive scholarly edition of the Journal is being published insixteen volumes by Princeton University Press in their series TheWritings of Henry D. Thoreau. To date, seven volumes are in print,each costing around $100; the material not yet in book form isavailable online atwww.library.ucsb.edu/thoreau/writings_journals.html.
www.geschkult.fu-berlin.de www.geschkult.fu-berlin.de
The huge collection of lexicographical slips underlying this publication was produced in the '70s and '80s for Prof. Alexander Böhlig's loanword project at the University of Tuebingen.
Gertrud Bauer produced her zettelkasten as part of a loanword project overseen by professor Alexander Böhlig at the University of Tuebingen.
www.geschkult.fu-berlin.de www.geschkult.fu-berlin.de
Database and Dictionary of Greek Loanwords in Coptic (DDGLC) https://www.geschkult.fu-berlin.de/en/e/ddglc/index.html
hypothes.is hypothes.is
While reading https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/cambridge-archaeological-journal/article/an-upper-palaeolithic-protowriting-system-and-phenological-calendar/6F2AD8A705888F2226FE857840B4FE19, I came across a suggested Cambridge University Press Hypothes.is group. Oddly it only has one annotation fro February 2020.
Local file Local file
the majority of Geniza documents are found in the Taylor-Schechter (T-S) collection in the Cambridge University Library
- Dec 2022
ojs.stanford.edu ojs.stanford.edu
I had RSVPd to this, but the organizers totally blew it on sending out the proper zoom link.
Original event page: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/envisioning-paths-individual-collective-action-for-ethical-technology-tickets-466438639527
Description: https://events.stanford.edu/event/envisioning_paths_individual_and_collective_action_for_ethical_technology
- Nov 2022
www.fpnotes.io www.fpnotes.iofpnotes1
Forrest Perry, philosophy professor at Saint Xavier University
oer.pressbooks.pub oer.pressbooks.pub
Hello! Daisy Thomas is my name. I recently earned an Economics Ph.D. degree from the University of Arizona, Tucson, USA. I earned my CSET AND CBEST (Multiple Subjects) teaching certificates on the side and graduated with a 7.75 GPA! I am an expert in Economics, statistics and Money Market. I worked on this Economics Homework Help and for exam purpose take my economics exam website and my client was so impressed with my work and also gave me 9.2/10 ratings. If you want to me to work for you then you can hire me anytime, I will never disappoint you.
- Oct 2022
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Scholem’s, given their own reading room at the National Library of Israel.
Hebrew University Jewish mysticism scholar Gershom Scholem's zettelkasten has its own reading room at the National Library of Israel.
Gershom Scholem (1897-1982)
- Sep 2022
Mark Robert Rank
Herbert S. Hadley Professor of Social Welfare Washington University in Saint Louis,
Lawrence M. Eppard
Dr. Lawrence Eppard<br /> leeppard@ship.edu<br /> Grove Hall 437<br /> 717-477-1596<br /> Ph.D., University of Florida
Areas of specialization are social stratification and inequalities, poverty and social welfare, racial inequality, culture, sociology of families and social theory.
Heather E. Bullock
Heather E. Bullock is an American social psychologist. She is Professor of Psychology and Director of the Blum Center on Poverty, Social Enterprise, and Participatory Governance at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Bullock is known for her research on people's beliefs about economic disparities and the consequences of stereotypical beliefs about the poor on public policy. This includes work examining attributions about poverty made by news media, and how such attributions influence public support of welfare policies https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heather_E._Bullock
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
Maria Kozhevnikov, a neuroscientist at the National University of Singapore and Massachusetts General Hospital
!- reference : Maria Kozhevnikov - neuroscientist at National University of Singapore, Massachusetts General Hospital - Nangchen tow, Amdo region of Tibet - testing if g-tummo vase breathing technique could raise core body temperature. One monk raised body temp to that normally associated with a fever - published results in PLOS One
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
This year, the University of Southern California pulled its education school out of the rankings because of inaccuracies that went back five years.
oer.pressbooks.pub oer.pressbooks.pub
If you are looking for your statistics homework help visit the best website Statistics Homework Help, it has more than 300+ p.hD experts and they provide help with 24x7.
forum.zettelkasten.de forum.zettelkasten.de
Whoa, I just noticed that Manfred Kuehn's PhD is from McGill University, which is where Mario Bunge taught! I wonder if they crossed paths?
Mario Bunge September 21, 1919 – February 24, 2020
Manfred Kuehn August 19, 1947
www.preposterousuniverse.com www.preposterousuniverse.com
I have a long list of ideas I want to pursue in cosmology, quantum mechanics, complexity, statistical mechanics, emergence, information, democracy, origin of life, and elsewhere. Maybe we’ll start up a seminar series in Complexity and Emergence that brings different people together. Maybe it will grow into a Center of some kind.
Somehow I missed that Sean Carroll had moved to Johns Hopkins? Realized today when his next book showed up on my doorstep with his new affiliation.
- Aug 2022
jitsuvax.notion.site jitsuvax.notion.site
Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases. (n.d.). Notion. Retrieved 14 February 2022, from https://www.notion.so
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
rt.live rt.live
Rt COVID-19. (n.d.). Retrieved January 10, 2022, from https://rt.live/
occidental.substack.com occidental.substack.com
Malachy Walsh23 hr agoI'm 75 years old. Unfortunately I rejected the notecard method when it was taught in high school, instead choosing cumbersome notebooks all the way through graduate school...until Richard McKeon at University of Chicago recommended using notecards not only as a record of my reading and other experiences but also as a source of creative and rhetorical invention. This was a mind opening, life changing perspective. His only rule: each card or slip should pose and answer a single question. He recommended organizing all journal entries by one of the following topics: 1. By the so called great ideas in the Syntopticon. 2. By work or business projects, activities and events(I spent my life as an advertising man, juggling many assignments over 30 years, from Frosted Flakes to The Marines to Ford). 3. By great books worthy of Adler's analytical readings. 4. By everyday living topics like family, friends, health, wealth, politics, business, car, house, occasions, etc. This way of working has served me well. I believe a proper book case is half full of books and half full of boxes of notes about those books. Notice that McKeon's advice is not limited to writing and reflecting about the books we read. McKeown also encourages reflection on all areas of experience that are important to us. I guess I have an Aristotelian view that our lives consist of thinking, doing, making, and interacting and that writing offers us a way of connecting our thinking with these other activities. So, the nature, scope, and shape our "note system" should be designed to help us engage successfully in our day to day activities and long term enterprises. How should follow What and Why, connect with Who, and fit with When and Where. Any success I have had in business or personal life I attribute to McKeon's advice.
Richard McKeon's advice, as relayed by a student, on how to take notes using an index card based practice.
Does he have a written handbook or advice on his particular method?
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Empirical Measurementson Pricing Oracles andDecentralized Governancefor Stablecoins
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- Jul 2022
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They're drawing primarily from students with the following broad interests: - learning sciences / educational psychology - sociology of education (to influence policy/practice) - those with strong real-world experience (looking to apply it to a specific area)
tuition coverage & stipend<br /> must be based in Baltimore<br /> prefer one speaks to faculty members for alignment of research areas and mentorship prior to joining
evictionlab.org evictionlab.org
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
- Jun 2022
alanjreidphd.wixsite.com alanjreidphd.wixsite.com