- Dec 2024
www.techradar.com www.techradar.com
for - article - Techradar - Top AI researcher says AI will end humanity and we should stop developing it now — but don't worry, Elon Musk disagrees - 2024, April 7 - AI safety researcher Roman Yampolskiy disagrees with industry leaders and claims 99.999999% chance that AGI will destroy and embed humanity // - comment - another article whose heading is backwards - it was Musk who spoke it first, then AI safety expert Roman Yampolskiy commented on Musk's claim afterwards!
- article - Techradar - Top AI researcher says AI will end humanity and we should stop developing it now — but don't worry, Elon Musk disagrees - 2024, April 7
- AI safety researcher Roman Yampolskiy disagrees with industry leaders and claims 99.999999% chance that AGI will destroy and embed humanity
louisville.edu louisville.edu
for - progress trap - AI superintelligence - interview - AI safety researcher and director of the Cyber Security Laboratory at the University of Louisville - Roman Yampolskiy - progress trap - over 99% chance AI superintelligence arriving as early as 2027 will destroy humanity - article UofL - Q&A: UofL AI safety expert says artificial superintelligence could harm humanity - 2024, July 15
- progress trap - AI superintelligence - interview - AI safety researcher and director of the Cyber Security Laboratory at the University of Louisville - Roman Yampolskiy
- progress trap - over 99% chance AI superintelligence arriving as early as 2027 will destroy humanity
- article UofL - Q&A: UofL AI safety expert says artificial superintelligence could harm humanity - 2024, July 15
- Nov 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
0:50 "this is your last chance to change course"<br /> nah mate, youre spreading false hopes, cos you wanna be stupid and happy.<br /> you dont even believe in overpopulation, cos thats too "negative"...
- Sep 2024
bugs.ruby-lang.org bugs.ruby-lang.org
In practice when people use ||, they do mean ?? (whatever its spelling). It just so happens that most of the time, it does what you want, because you happen to not be dealing with Booleans. But the semantics you mean to express is not about "truthness", but about "nilness". And occasionally you get bitten because false does exist, and behaves differently.
- May 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
I don't think that anything can happen that influence Russian people to protest or to stand up to disagree whatever if they give their own children Sons with 00:45:48 their own hands
for - key insight - Russian oppression - zero chance of protest and uprising
key insight - Russian oppression - zero chance of protest and uprising - Putin is so ruthless as a dictator that anyone who protests risks death. - Under these conditions, noone dares to organize - If there is a synchronized movement, Putin can be overthrown, but Putin's brutality insures that no such synchronization can happen
to - Jake Broe interview - Russian citizen complacency - like German citizens allowing millions of Jews to die - https://hyp.is/sXpZth5fEe-Xtj_-DhT_BQ/docdrop.org/video/XX3zU5QNvCw/
organisms can actually go and use the chance and they're doing that all the time see the way our immune systems work shows that what happens when a new virus or new bacterium or new 00:02:56 anything else arrives
for - key insight - living systems use chance to adapt
key insight - living systems use chance to adapt - immune system defends against novel viruses - cancers grow - bacteria become resistant to antibiotics
- Dec 2023
climateuncensored.com climateuncensored.com
For a flip-of-a-coin chance of staying at or below 1.5°C we have, globally, just five to eight years of current emissions before we blow our carbon budget
for: 1.5 Deg C target - 50/50 chance
- What most people don't recognize and pay attention to is 50/50 chance that is part of the 1.5 Deg C target.
- The world is up in arms about the 1.5 Deg C target when it ONLY GIVES US A 50/50 CHANCE!
- These are not great odds! In fact, THESE ODDS ARE TERRIBLE! What if you were given those chances in your cancer treatment? You would be concerned, wouldn't you?
- So what would an intervention closer to 90% chance of staying under 1.5 Deg C look like? If people consider today's intervention impossible, then a 90% chance would be beyond impossible. This is the nature of the challenge we face!
braveneweurope.com braveneweurope.com
For a flip-of-a-coin chance of staying at or below 1.5°C we have, globally, just five to eight years of current emissions before we blow our carbon budget
for: do people know? - 50% chance, 1.5 Deg. C target - is still a crap shoot
new trailmark: do people know?
do people know?: 50% chance
- the well known 1.5 Deg C. target, which currently seems almost impossible to achieve, is still a crap shoot! There is a 50% chance that if be we achieve it, we can still trigger very harmful impacts like tipping points
- Jan 2023
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Finally, a culture that rewards big personal accomplishments over smaller social ones threatens to create a cohort of narcissists
- Dec 2022
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Aleatoric music (also aleatory music or chance music; from the Latin word alea, meaning "dice") is music in which some element of the composition is left to chance, and/or some primary element of a composed work's realization is left to the determination of its performer(s). The term is most often associated with procedures in which the chance element involves a relatively limited number of possibilities.
- Nov 2022
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
In 1971, Eno co-formed the glam and art rock band Roxy Music. He had a chance meeting with saxophonist Andy Mackay at a train station, which led to him joining the band. Eno later said: "If I'd walked ten yards further on the platform, or missed that train, or been in the next carriage, I probably would have been an art teacher now".[24]
How does idea density influence the rate of creativity?
What are the thermodynamics of creativity? I've probably got enough material for a significant book chapter if not perhaps a book on this topic.
May need a more public friendly name. Burning Creativity?
- May 2022
docdrop.org docdrop.org
In the case ofLévi-Strauss, meanwhile, the card index continued to serve inimportant ways as a ‘memory crutch’, albeit with a key differencefrom previous uses of the index as an aide-memoire. In Lévi-Strauss’case, what the fallibility of memory takes away, the card index givesback via the workings of chance. As he explains in an interview withDidier Erebon:I get by when I work by accumulating notes – a bitabout everything, ideas captured on the fly,summaries of what I have read, references,quotations... And when I want to start a project, Ipull a packet of notes out of their pigeonhole anddeal them out like a deck of cards. This kind ofoperation, where chance plays a role, helps merevive my failing memory. (Cited in Krapp, 2006:361)For Krapp, the crucial point here is that, through his use of indexcards, Lévi-Strauss ‘seems to allow that the notes may either restorememory – or else restore the possibilities of contingency which givesthinking a chance under the conditions of modernity’ (2006: 361).
Claude Lévi-Strauss had a note taking practice in which he accumulated notes of ideas on the fly, summaries of what he read, references, and quotations. He kept them on cards which he would keep in a pigeonhole. When planning a project, he would pull them out and use them to "revive [his] failing memory."
Questions: - Did his system have any internal linkages? - How big was his system? (Manageable, unmanageable?) - Was it only used for memory, or was it also used for creativity? - Did the combinatorial reshufflings of his cards provide inspiration a la the Llullan arts?
Link this to the ideas of Raymond Llull's combinatorial arts.
- Jan 2022
www.cnn.com www.cnn.com
Howard, J. (2022, January 21). Covid-19 vaccinations do not impair fertility in men or women, new study finds—CNN. CNN Health. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/01/20/health/covid-vaccine-fertility-study/index.html?utm_source=twCNN&utm_term=link&utm_medium=social&utm_content=2022-01-21T00%3A08%3A17
- Jan 2020
write.as write.as
small coins of possibility
- Feb 2018
hypothes.is hypothes.is
My daughter will be brought up to understand her true value. That’s a promise. As for all the little girls to be born around the world, the creation of these ads is an effort to show how imagination can change the conversation around their lives.
- Feb 2017
hokament.teamhokama.com hokament.teamhokama.com
there’s still a chance
This is important to remember because even when we think it might be too late to reach out to someone or that someone's opinions are too different from our own for them to listen--there's still a chance. There's still a chance for learning about each other. A chance to see a new perspective. Maybe even a chance that will change your own opinions. So give someone a chance, you never know what it could lead to or what it could mean, but what do you have to lose?
- Oct 2013
rhetoric.eserver.org rhetoric.eserver.org
The things that happen by chance are all those whose cause cannot be determined, that have no purpose, and that happen neither always nor usually nor in any fixed way.