64 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2020
  2. Feb 2020
  3. Mar 2019
    1. The quote, "Καὶ οἱ τρεῖς τὸ ἕν εἰσιν", is likely from the Comma rather than verse 8 because it lacks "εις (in)".

      But Athanasius' quote is not word-for-word from 1 John 5:7 since it is missing "outoi" and adds the definite article, which 1 John 5:8 contains. This is by no means a proven point.

  4. Nov 2017
  5. Oct 2017
    1. For more than 150 years, his body has been kept on public display in a glass case at University College London, however after a mummification mistake, his head was deemed too distasteful to show, and is now kept in safe where it is removed just once a year to check that skin and hair are not falling off.

      Comma Splice.

  6. May 2017
  7. Dec 2016
  8. Sep 2016
    1. regional, national, and global

      Comma pattern - x,y, and z

    2. relations, students

      dc, ic

    3. relations, students

      dc, ic

    4. practices, both

      ic, dc

    5. issues, Welch

      dc, ic

    6. be, union

      v, s

    7. are, or


    8. s teach-ers, social workers, healthcare providers, engineers, service workers, and technician

      x, y, and z

    9. Pains), since


    10. part, Welch

      Intro Element

    11. Era," Nancy

      DC, IC

    12. example, in

      Intro Element

    13. issues, including

      ic, dc

    14. In fact, it

      Intro, IC

    15. changes, or


    16. habit, not

      IC, FANBOY

    17. lace, crisis, and discourse

      X, Y, and Z

    18. Instead, I

      This is an intro, IC

    19. care, impact, memory, and decidability

      These are all x, y, and z commas.

    20. To better understand how judgment plays a role in the work of inquiry, consider how Quintilian discusses the various kinds of questions (indef-inite and definite) that rhetoricians take up (Institutes 3-5).

      Intro element, IC.

    21. The rhetor who collects, archives, traces, or inquires does not give up any claims to judgment (krisis).

      x,y, or z.

    22. "In chapter 1,..."

      Intro. element, I.C.

    23. have attempted to implement this kind of rhetorical approach in my own classroom, although the project is ongoing and far from perfect.
    24. However, we can imagine a dif-ferent kind of investment and care that is habituated in the work of inquiry, not in the work of feeling.
    25. Such a task is not possible, nor is it desirable.
    26. This is not to say that I imagine some way in which feeling is removed from the site of pedagogy or public rhetoric. Such a task is not possible, nor is it desirable.
    27. engagement, and while

      IC, fanboy IC

    28. As white students, they felt disconnected from the historical details contained in the archives.


    29. Students assured me that they were inter-ested and passionate about other subjects that could also be studied in the ar-chives: campus architecture, other student organizations, or even important historical figures who contributed to campus life.

      X,Y, and Z

    30. However, the conclusions themselves were troubling in the ways they reflected my peda-gogy.

      Intro Element: however

    31. xperiences, learns, understands, and invents

      x,y, and z

    32. The papers them-selves were well-written, creative, and visually masterful.

      X,Y, and Z

    33. Others, meanwhile, were visibly disappointed

      S, , V

    34. home, depending

      IC, IC

    35. During the next class, I once again announced that this focus would be our group's only task

      DC, IC

    36. theorist, Benjamin

      DC, IC

    37. , for


    38. , or


    39. However,

      Into element and transition

    40. This means that I must plan the classes at least a few days in advance, giving the administra-tive assistant time to copy the handout for me.

      IC, DC

    41. In my case

      Into element and transition

    42. Latour suggests that nonhuman actants can redistribute competencies, generate the potential for certain narrative frames, and even shift their own delegation of necessary action

      x, y, and z

    43. s,

      Introductory phrase. IC

    44. , and, consequently,

      IC, fanboys, interrupting phrase thing, DC

    45. ,

      Introductory phrase, IC

    46. , then,

      I don't exactly know what to call this comma pattern. Maybe it's an interrupting phrase? s,, v?

    47. ,

      IC, DC.

    48. ,

      DC, IC.

    49. , "

      DC, IC.

    50. In this case,

      Intro element

    51. Of course, none of us wanted

      Intro element, IC.

    52. Furthermore, each of us is situated

      Intro element, IC.