- Oct 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Earth just one of millions of similar experiments
I have been shown in sacred ceremony that this is the case. That there are an unlimited number of parallel universes operating in real time in one 3D space which we call earth.
And which other parallel universes call something else in their dimensions.
- Dec 2023
www.collapsemusings.com www.collapsemusings.com
for: climate crisis - multiple dimensions, polycrisis - multiple dimensions, climate crisis - good references, polycrisis - good references, polycrisis - comprehensive map, power to the people, climate change - politics, climate crisis - politics
comment / summary
- The content on this website may be what some call "doomers" that support a narrative of unavoidable catastrophe and civilization collapse
- The author does an excellent job of drawing together many scientifically validated research papers and news media stories on various crisis and integrates them together to support his narrative.
- As the author states, it is still incomplete but it is comprehensive and detailed enough to use as a starting foundation to build a complex polycrisis map upon. becaues it shows the complexities of the interwoven nexus of problems we face and the massive network of feedbacks between them that makes solving any one of them alone in isolation an impossibility
- The Cascade Institute focuses on social tipping points, complexity and polycrisis. We could synthesis a number of tools to map out and reveal effective mitigation strategies including:
- Cascade Institute tools
- Social tipping point tools
- SRG mapping tool along with Indyweb / Indranet
- Culture hacking tools
- SIMPOL strategy
- Downscaled Earth System Boundary tools
- SRG Deep Humanity BEing journey tools
- James Hansen's recommendation that the biggest leverage point is new form of governance
- We need to rapidly emerge a new global third political party that does not take money from special interest groups
- Progressive International comes to the same conclusion as James Hansen, that the key leverage point for rapid whole system change is radically new governance that puts power back to the hands of the people - power to the people
- Indyweb's people-centered, interpersonal methodology is a perfect match for SONEC circle-within-circles fractal structure
- mention to @Gyuri
- I've seen this circle-within-circle fractal, holonic group idea with Tim's software as well as Roberto's
- Feebate from local governance groups (from another Doomer site - Arctic Emergency)
- What the author's narrative shows is
- how precarious our situation is
- how many trends are getting far worse in the immediate future
- how we are already undercapacitated to deal with existing crisis so how will we deal with new ones that are exponentially worse?
- all these crisis will impact our supply chains. Why are these important? Our reliance on technology is dangerous and makes us very vulnerable
- Think of your laptop, cellphone or other electronic device that relies on a vast, complex and globally operational internet. Imagine that tidal surges wipes out the globally critical data centers located in New York. Or imagine electronic factories in China and Taiwan are wiped out due to extreme weather. How will you get or fix a broken piece of electronic equipment? We rely on each millions of specialized jobs all working smoothly in order for our laptop to continue working and communicating with each other.
- recommendation for new Indyweb / Indranet tools
- independent time and date stamp tool for every online, virtual sentence we write so we recognize in a long composition when we inserted a new idea
- ability to trace rapid trains of thought to reveal how new insights emerge from within our consciousness
- While writing this, I just recalled that we should have a way to time and date stamp every single virtual online action, like in this annotation because recall happens so nonlinearly and we won't have a hope to trace and trailmark without it. Hypothesis doesn't have time and date stamps of every sentence available to the user. So we don't know what nonlinear memory recall led to a specific sentence in an annotation. We need some independent Indyweb / Indranet tool that will do this universally. Trains of thoughts are so fragile we can forget the quick cascades very easily.
- Oct 2022
Local file Local file
here are several ways I havefound useful to invite the sociological imagination:
C. Wright Mills delineates a rough definition of "sociological imagination" which could be thought of as a framework within tools for thought: 1. Combinatorial creativity<br /> 2. Diffuse thinking, flâneur<br /> 3. Changing perspective (how would x see this?) Writing dialogues is a useful method to accomplish this. (He doesn't state it, but acting as a devil's advocate is a useful technique here as well.)<br /> 4. Collecting and lay out all the multiple viewpoints and arguments on a topic. (This might presume the method of devil's advocate I mentioned above 😀)<br /> 5. Play and exploration with words and terms<br /> 6. Watching levels of generality and breaking things down into smaller constituent parts or building blocks. (This also might benefit of abstracting ideas from one space to another.)<br /> 7. Categorization or casting ideas into types 8. Cross-tabulating and creation of charts, tables, and diagrams or other visualizations 9. Comparative cases and examples - finding examples of an idea in other contexts and time settings for comparison and contrast 10. Extreme types and opposites (or polar types) - coming up with the most extreme examples of comparative cases or opposites of one's idea. (cross reference: Compass Points https://hypothes.is/a/Di4hzvftEeyY9EOsxaOg7w and thinking routines). This includes creating dimensions of study on an object - what axes define it? What indices can one find data or statistics on? 11. Create historical depth - examples may be limited in number, so what might exist in the historical record to provide depth.
- flâneur
- The Sociological Imagination
- thinking routines
- abstraction
- dialogues
- building blocks
- sociological imagination
- diffuse thinking
- opposites
- taxonomies
- information visualization
- generalization
- browsing
- dimensions
- definitions
- categorization
- devil's advocate
- historical context
- compass points
- terms
- trend analysis
- historical perspective
- combinatorial creativity
- Jan 2021
svelte.dev svelte.dev
- Aug 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Johnson, Samuel Gregory Blane. ‘Dimensions of Altruism: Do Evaluations of Prosocial Behavior Track Social Good or Personal Sacrifice?’ Preprint. PsyArXiv, 22 August 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/r85jv.
- Feb 2019
books.openedition.org books.openedition.org
savoirs et savoir-faire
on ajoute parfois un troisième pan au triptyque des "savoirs" = les savoirs, le savoir-faire et le faire-savoir, qui rencontre un écho dans le graphique du chapitre suivant dans les trois dimensions du document. Les savoirs sont la dimension historique, le savoir-faire le juridique et enfin, et surtout, le faire-savoir, la dimension pédagogique
- Jul 2018
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
~32:00 What about the domain of the function being effectively lower dimensional, rather than a strongly regularity assumption? That would also work, right? Could this be the case for images? (what's the dimensionality of the manifold of natural images?)
Nice. I like the idea of regularity <> low dimensional representation. I guess by that general definition, the above is a form of regularity..
He comments about this on 38:30
- Jun 2017
www.newsweek.com www.newsweek.com
Scientists studying the brain have discovered that the organ operates on up to 11 different dimensions, creating multiverse-like structures that are “a world we had never imagined.”
Very cool!
- Oct 2015
christmind.info christmind.info
Paul, it is not as hard as you think. I have said that all of you is always present. I have pointed out to you that the first two dimensions are included in the third; the first three dimensions are included in the Fourth; and I have told you that the Fourth Dimension is the governing dimension.
How dimensions are organized...
- May 2015
caseyboyle.net caseyboyle.net
We arc looking at only one dimension of reality
This argument reminds me of Miegakure, a four-dimensional game I can't understand but enjoy trying to.