- Oct 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
1:06:53 The true constraints are the resources that are available (and if those resources will co-create together for the good of the WHOLE).
- Predatory Debt
- Water
- Co-creation
- The true constraints are the resources that are available (and if those resources will co-create together for the good of the WHOLE).
- People
- education
- parks
- Community Shadows
- unemployment
- trees
- shamans
- interns
- timebanks
- factories
- volunteers
- Predators
- Food
- informal time trading
- Healthcare
- technolgy
- playground
- gift economy
- carers
- Employees
- uneducation
- water
- Employers
- transporttation
- banks
- business
- employment
- credit unions
- Land
- community centres
- Co-operation
- barter
- Energy
- public transport
- shop
- Social Entrpreneurs
- Dec 2023
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Rupert Read has the best idea I have heard re international climate negotiations: countries that are serious should have their own conference where they collaborate on strong targets, plans, etc. Part of which should be recognising the dangers of remaining reliant on the petrostates, planning to transcend that reliance and sanctioning them
for: good idea - COP alternative, COP alternative - coalition of the willing, COP alternative - social tipping point, Rupert Read - alternative to COP
good idea: COP alternative
- This could work based on the principle of social tipping points
- The current COP pits the powerful incumbents of the old system delaying as long as possible rapid system change, these are the conservatives
- This puts the liberals at distinct disadvantage from the conservatives because in a consensus reached agreement, the conservatives can veto any strong and binding language that represents rapid system change
- In an alternative conference where the 100+ nation states are already in agreement, action in this smaller coalition OF THE WILLING, will lead to rapid action.
- This could lead to breaking the threshold of system change via reaching the 25% social tipping point threshold
question: alternative COP
- If an alternative COP was held, is the nation state the best level to approach?
- What about a city level COP?
- Rupert Read article on alternative COP
- Nov 2021
council.science council.science
Boulton, G. (2021, October). Science as a Global Public Good. International Science Council. https://council.science/publications/science-as-a-global-public-good/
- Oct 2021
publichealthcollaborative.org publichealthcollaborative.org
Misinformation Alerts - Public Health Communications Collaborative. (n.d.). Public Health Communication Collaborative. Retrieved September 24, 2021, from https://publichealthcollaborative.org/misinformation-alerts/
- Sep 2020
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Rostami-Tabar, B., Ali, M. M., Hong, T., Hyndman, R. J., Porter, M. D., & Syntetos, A. (2020). Forecasting for Social Good. ArXiv:2009.11669 [Cs]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2009.11669
- Aug 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Johnson, Samuel Gregory Blane. ‘Dimensions of Altruism: Do Evaluations of Prosocial Behavior Track Social Good or Personal Sacrifice?’ Preprint. PsyArXiv, 22 August 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/r85jv.
- Jun 2020
en.wikiquote.org en.wikiquote.org
Page tags
- Dec 2019
www.wilsoncenter.org www.wilsoncenter.org
Four databases of citizen science and crowdsourcing projects — SciStarter, the Citizen Science Association (CSA), CitSci.org, and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (the Wilson Center Commons Lab) — are working on a common project metadata schema to support data sharing with the goal of maintaining accurate and up to date information about citizen science projects. The federal government is joining this conversation with a cross-agency effort to promote citizen science and crowdsourcing as a tool to advance agency missions. Specifically, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), in collaboration with the U.S. Federal Community of Practice for Citizen Science and Crowdsourcing (FCPCCS),is compiling an Open Innovation Toolkit containing resources for federal employees hoping to implement citizen science and crowdsourcing projects. Navigation through this toolkit will be facilitated in part through a system of metadata tags. In addition, the Open Innovation Toolkit will link to the Wilson Center’s database of federal citizen science and crowdsourcing projects.These groups became aware of their complementary efforts and the shared challenge of developing project metadata tags, which gave rise to the need of a workshop.
Sense Collective's Climate Tagger API and Pool Party Semantic Web plug-in are perfectly suited to support The Wilson Center's metadata schema project. Creating a common metadata schema that is used across multiple organizations working within the same domain, with similar (and overlapping) data and data types, is an essential step towards realizing collective intelligence. There is significant redundancy that consumes limited resources as organizations often perform the same type of data structuring. Interoperability issues between organizations, their metadata semantics and serialization methods, prevent cumulative progress as a community. Sense Collective's MetaGrant program is working to provide a shared infastructure for NGO's and social impact investment funds and social impact bond programs to help rapidly improve the problems that are being solved by this awesome project of The Wilson Center. Now let's extend the coordinated metadata semantics to 1000 more organizations and incentivize the citizen science volunteers who make this possible, with a closer connection to the local benefits they produce through their efforts. With integration into Social impact Bond programs and public/private partnerships, we are able to incentivize collective action in ways that match the scope and scale of the problems we face.
- Sep 2018
forumpa-librobianco-innovazione-2018.readthedocs.io forumpa-librobianco-innovazione-2018.readthedocs.io
Bando "Blockchains for Social Good": links funzionanti:
Appare necessario, per quell’indispensabile ripristino delle condizioni della fiducia, avere la massima attenzione alle diversità di ogni tipologia di amministrazione, dal piccolo comune al grande ente centrale, mettendo in evidenza sempre le tante eccellenze presenti, nate spesso dell’impegno di una unità organizzativa e dei suoi dirigenti, che devono trovare pubblicità, apprezzamento dell’opinione pubblica, effettivi riconoscimenti da parte del governo centrale. Anche appoggiandosi a agenzie indipendenti, il governo dovrebbe curare un catalogo ricco e aggiornato di “buoni esempi”, che porti con sé anche la strumentazione amministrativa utile per replicarlo.
… Valorizzare le buone pratiche realizzate dagli enti italiani e promuoverne la diffusione dovrebbe essere un obiettivo prioritario utilizzando il bando Horizon 2020 "Blockchains for Social Good", links: [https://ec.europa.eu/research/eic/index.cfm?pg=prizes_blockchains] [https://ec.europa.eu/research/eic/pdf/infographics/eic_horizon-prize-blockchains.pdf] Il bando ha il seguente Timetable aggiornato a maggio 2018:<br> 16 May 2018 – contest opens ; 2 April 2019 – deadline for registration of interest ; 3 September 2019 – deadline to submit applications.<br> This prize aims to develop solutions to social innovation challenges using distribute ledger technology. The contest is open to individuals, groups, organisations and companies.