22 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2025
    1. Has anyone used a cartridge places in an air line? It claims to reduce dust on a finished product. When the air line is used to blow off the piece before spraying, elements in the cartridge charge the air, making it electrically conductive. In turn this charged air pulls the static electricity from the panel preventing dust to be attracted.
  2. Jun 2024
    1. How to display Typewriters properly?

      You can certainly keep them out on shelves and rely on occasional dusting.

      If they're in a dustier-than-typical room or you have compounding factors, like the presence of cats or dogs (like my German Shedder, I meant German Shepherd), and don't want to go the route of traditional fabric-like dust covers, you might consider doing a thicker plastic/acrylic cover which will give you a clear plastic layer of protection, but still show off your machines.

      I live in Los Angeles and there are half a dozen places that do this sort of custom plastic work all the time for very reasonable rates. Searching for "plastic fabricator memorabilia case" along with variations of plastics (acrylic, lucite, plexiglass) should get you what you want locally. (Here's a few examples I've used in Los Angeles before to give you an idea: https://solterplastics.com/, https://www.plasticfactoryinc.com/, https://www.customacrylicproducts.com/, https://plexidisplays.com/). Search for something similar in your area for easier communication and cheaper pick up/shipping.

      If you search around for companies that make plastic displays, particularly for memorabilia (baseball bats, baseball cards, etc.), you can have them design and make a custom sized clear plastic box/enclosure that will keep the dust and dirt out, but still allow you to see the machine inside. If done well it may actually make them appear more precious because you've taken the additional precaution.

      Enclosed glass shelving is also a potential solution as well, but requires a larger investment and also requires more work to rotate machines out for regular use.

      Most of my machines get daily use, so I'm not really using them for display or presentation purposes (except for one machine which sits on our library card catalog, but even then, it is frequently used as a standing desk, for occasional poetry by everyone in the family, or for guests who want to try their hand). I go through lots of index cards, so I'll usually temporarily protect against dust, dirt, and fur by slipping an index card on top of the hood or slightly into it to protect the segment.

      But at the end of the day, as long as you haven't used WD-40 or some other lubricant on your segment and typebars (and what typewriter monster would do such barbaric things?), you should easily be able to go long periods between dustings and still have a highly functional machine. After all, who hasn't bought a machine full of dirt, dust, White Out, and eraser shavings/crumbs that still works like a dream?

      It may bear brief mention for those who display their machines and forget, that you might also disengage the paper lock/paper release lever which will release the tension on your rubber rollers against the platen so that they don't go "flat" or become misshapen when not in use for long periods.

      Expansion of https://hypothes.is/a/NjoVMA1REe-f47d0T4ZOkg

      Reply to u/Styr0foam at https://www.reddit.com/r/typewriters/comments/1djgjv2/how_to_display_typewriters_properly/

  3. May 2024
    1. reply to u/FriendlyAd4234 at https://www.reddit.com/r/typewriters/comments/1cn004l/olympia_sg1_dust_cover/

      Other than the traditional fabric-like dust covers, you might consider doing a thicker plastic/acrylic cover, particularly if you've got several machines and are using them for display purposes. I live in Los Angeles and there are half a dozen places that do this sort of custom work all the time for very reasonable rates. Searching for "plastic fabricator memoriabilia case" along with variations of plastics (acrylic, lucite, plexiglass) should get you what you want locally. (Here's a few examples I've used in Los Angeles before to give you an idea: https://solterplastics.com/, https://www.plasticfactoryinc.com/, https://www.customacrylicproducts.com/, https://plexidisplays.com/). Search for something similar in your area for easier communication and pick up/shipping.

      If you search around for companies that make plastic displays, particularly for memorabilia (baseball bats, baseball cards, etc.), you can have them design and make a custom sized clear plastic box/enclosure that will keep the dust and dirt out, but still allow you to see the machine inside.

  4. Dec 2023
  5. Aug 2023
    1. I like their simplicity and cloth texture, but family members seem to think that my 1952 set of The Great Books of the Western World are a bit on the "dreary looking side" compared with the more colorful books in our home library. (It says something that the 12 year old thinks my yellow Springer graduate math texts are more inviting...) Has anyone else had this problem and solved it with custom printed dust jackets?

      • Has anyone seen them for sale?
      • Made their own?
      • Interested in commissioning some as a bigger group?
      • Used a third-party company to design and print something?

      In doing something like this for fun, I might hope that the younger kids in the house might show more interest in some more lively/colorful custom covers.

      I'm partially tempted to use a classical painting as a display across the spines (a la Juniper Books collections) perhaps using:

      Other thoughts? suggestions?

      Syndication link: https://www.reddit.com/r/ClassicalEducation/comments/15gv2cz/custom_dust_jackets_for_the_great_books_of_the/

  6. Aug 2022
  7. Mar 2022
    1. Carbohydrates contain sugar, starch, hydrogen and oxygen – so they make a good fuel source in the right circumstances. When flour particles have a very large surface area and when suspended in air, in the right mix,they have a large supply of yet more oxygen.
    1. Drum or bag – a mechanism that requires replacement of the drum or bag that collects the matter.
    2. The air to cloth ratio is the amount of air that passes through a square foot of the filter. The lower the ratio, the higher quality of the filtration system's efficiency.
    3. Though a fan or blower may have a simple design, when installed in a dust collection system, several factors have to be considered. First of those factors is the volume of air that needs to be moved. This is measured in cubic feet per minute (CFM). The next consideration is the static pressure throughout the whole system. Other variables are the temperature, substances in the air, and the level of moisture.
    4. Dust collection systems have ductwork to draw in the air, an air purifier, and receptable.

      I don't notice this on COG dust collection system.

    1. According to some reports, food processing is the largest category for combustible dust explosions in manufacturing, accounting for almost 25 percent of incidents.

      I should ask about this in our interview.

    1. properly sized and manifolded to maintain a consistent minimum air velocity required to keep the dust in suspension for conveyance to the collection device.

      Didn't thought about this. I should take a look at the ducting from the ribbon mixer to the tanks collecting the dusts.

    2. Dust collection systems work on the basic formula of capture, convey and collect.

      I need to see how this system works in unison.

    3. It can be as simple as a basic pass-through filter, a cyclonic separator, or an impingement baffle.

      I remember Carlo mention an inertial separator last meeting. It his the same thing? If so, do they use this for food dusts as well?

  8. Oct 2020
    1. The places migrants left behind never fully recovered. Eighty years later, Dust Bowl towns still have slower economic growth and lower per capita income than the rest of the country. Dust Bowl survivors and their children are less likely to go to college and more likely to live in poverty. Climatic change made them poor, and it has kept them poor ever since.

      Intergenerational social problems here; we should be able to learn from the past and not repeat our mistakes.