- Last 7 days
Designed for both content-based websites and applications. Does not depend on a database.
- May 2024
- Feb 2024
shiken.ai shiken.ai
static electricity in photocopiers helps to create accurate, high-quality copies of documents
It is important to the processes of making documents.
static electricity projects a pattern of the image onto the positively charged photoreceptive drum below. The positively charged particles on the drum's surface are neutralized by the light
It can print using charges
Negatively charged toner particles are then attracted to these positive charges on the paper, and the toner is transferred to a positively charged sheet of paper.
It is transfer to traction and repelation.
static electricity plays a crucial role in the copying process.
It is required to photo copy
One effective way of preventing sparks is by connecting all objects to a conductor
Then it can flow proporly
Spark discharges occur when the charges accumulated on conductive objects create an electric field that exceeds the ambient atmosphere’s electric strength.
Static needs to stay in the correct conditions to not become harmful.
Sparks are responsible for most industrial fires and explosions as a result of static electricity.
Static can cause many fires and expolsions
Fires or explosions due to the ignition of flammable or explosive mixtures.
Static electricity causes sparks putting flammable materials at risk.
static electricity is far from other familiar electromagnetic manifestations of electricity. It can be as hazardous and requires well-planned protection against its threats.
Static electricity can be dangerous
www.britannica.com www.britannica.com
form of electricity resulting from the imbalance between positive and negative charges
Only from positive and negative charge.
www.google.com www.google.com
a stationary electric charge, typically produced by friction, which causes sparks or crackling or the attraction of dust or hair.
Oxford definition of static electricity
- Jan 2024
quantumgardener.blog quantumgardener.blogQuartz 41
customizations for Quartz 4
quartz.jzhao.xyz quartz.jzhao.xyz
The goal of Quartz is to make hosting your own public digital garden free and simple. You don’t even need your own website. Quartz does all of that for you and gives your own little corner of the internet. https://github.com/jackyzha0/quartz
Quartz runs on top of Hugo so all notes are written in Markdown .
- Dec 2023
eddieantonio.ca eddieantonio.ca
The true distinction: static vs. dynamic
The true distinction that we should be teaching students is the difference between properties of languages that can be determined statically—that is, by just staring at the code without running it—and properties that can only be known dynamically, during runtime.
Notice that I said “properties” and not “languages”. Every programming language chooses its own set of properties that can be determined either statically or dynamically, and taken together, this makes a language more “dynamic” or more “static”. Static versus dynamic is a spectrum, and yes, Python falls on the more dynamic end of the spectrum. A language like Java has far more static features than Python, but even Java includes things like reflection, which is inarguably a dynamic feature.
- Nov 2023
docsify.js.org docsify.js.orgDeploy1
A magical documentation site generator. Simple and lightweightNo statically built html filesMultiple themes
docdrop.org docdrop.org
well the real world of course isn't statically typed
- Jun 2023
blog.gurucomputing.com.au blog.gurucomputing.com.au
Setting up RedirectsOne last thing before we leave you, you’ll notice that you tend to get redirected to the blog as opposed to a wiki logon page. That’s done with one final caddy configuration, forcing you to read my blog if you try to go to an arbitrary URL (especially important if you are retiring old sites):NoneBashCSSCC#ElixirErlangGoGraphQLGroovyHaskellHTMLINIJavaJavaScriptJSONKotlinLispLuaMermaid DiagramNixObjective-COCamlPerlPHPPowershellPythonRubyRustScalaSQLSoliditySwiftTOMLTypeScriptVisual BasicYAMLZigKopierenkb.gurucomputing.com { @notBlog { not path /static* not path /doc* not path /s/* not path /auth* not path /realtime* not path /images* not path /locales* not path /api* not path /collaboration* not path /collection* } redir @notBlog /s/blog reverse_proxy http://outline }To get to the logon page, you instead navigate to a /doc or /collection subpath as opposed to the root of the site (and of course you still need authentication). And that’s how I made this blog.
learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com
It certainly would have by now,were it not for the multitude of volunteer sheriffs of the information highway who ride aroundpatrolling the thing day and night.
This piqued my interest because I wonder how there are so many volunteers on Wikipedia. It raises questions like, why are they willingly patrolling the site and making sure there is no vandalism or inaccurate information? What is in it for them? Since it says volunteers I assume there are so rewards for these people so is it just good morals or boredom? I attached a picture of a chart showing the increase in editors after COVID. I think during COVID many people were bored so they decided to take on volunteering on Wikipedia and afterwards maybe it became a hobby.
- Apr 2023
lauralisscott.com lauralisscott.com
Looks like an API based solution instead of webmention-based.
- Dec 2022
www.justingarrison.com www.justingarrison.com
- Sep 2022
github.com github.com
However, unevaluatedProperties has dynamic behavior, meaning that the set of properties to which it applies cannot be determined from static analysis of the schema (either the immediate schema object or any subschemas of that object).
annotation meta: may need new tag:
dynamic behavior vs. static analysis [not quite parallel]
or can we reuse something else like?: lexical semantics vs. run-time semantics
- Aug 2022
Summarization of Methods for Smart Contract Vulnerabilities Detection
great reference table for SC vulenrabilities detection
blog.mediocregopher.com blog.mediocregopher.com
- Jul 2022
minicomp.github.io minicomp.github.ioWax1
This web project was mentioned to me by Jim Groom.
See also: - https://mcgrawect.princeton.edu/tool/wax/
- Jun 2022
www.choosingeasy.com www.choosingeasy.com
Many are very proud of their digital gardens. Most topics relate to general knowledge and trivia, but some deep dive into technical areas.Many summarize books and post excerpts of books read on Kindle via apps such as Readwise. Most of the books being reviewed are on productivity, are in English, and are ranking high on Amazon, which is why most of the note sharers review exactly the same books (Almost inevitably we find Atomic Habits, Sapiens, Show Your Work and of course How to Take Smart Notes among others)Their websites have a very clean, minimalist look. Lately many are hosted on Ghost, or self-designed, and possibly looking like mine does now (I like the sleek design).
Anecdotal evidence of one person's experience within the realm of digital gardeners.
Odd that they indicate Ghost as a primary platform. That hasn't been my experience. Many seem to be using SSG platforms.
- May 2022
betterdatascience.com betterdatascience.com
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
it's not as simple as copying homepage.php to homepagenew.php, hacking on it until it works, and then renaming homepagenew.php to homepage.php
It actually can be easier than that if the only reason PHP is involved is for templating and you don't want CGI. (NB: This is admittedly contra "the mildly dynamic website" described in the article).
If you're Alice of alice.example.com, then you open up your local copy of e.g. https://alice.example.com/sop/pub.app.htm, proceed to start "hacking on it until it works", then rsync the output.
- Mar 2022
movement-ontology.brandazzle.net movement-ontology.brandazzle.net
Built using Markdown text files and PDFs using Obsidian, versioned through GitHub, and connected to a website through Netlify and Peter Yuen's Zola site project.
www.cs.cmu.edu www.cs.cmu.edu
● Static Linking○ Executable files and running memory images contain only the library code they actually use● Dynamic linking○ Executable files contain no library code○ During execution, single copy of library code can be shared across all executing processes
static linking 和 dynamic linking 分别是什么?
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Starts out with four and a half minutes of anti-crypto and Web3 material. Presumably most of her audience is in the web3 space.
Neocities: http://neocities.org
The Yesterweb: http://yesterweb.org
Marginalia Search: https://search.marginalia.nu/explore/random
It [the IndieWeb] is so so queer. Like it's super gay, super trans, super good.
The indie web also questions tech solutionism which often attempts to solve human problems by removing the human element. But easily the most remarkable and powerful thing about the internet is the ability it has to connect us with one another.
- Feb 2022
- Oct 2021
goran.krampe.se goran.krampe.se
I like minimal languages and I have dwelled in the realm of Smalltalk minimalism for a long time, and as a Smalltalker I am also accustomed to a very high level of productivity, interactivity and sophistication of development environment. Nim may be productive once you get going - in fact - many people say they indeed are. But when it comes to interactivity and development environment, its very … early in the game.
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
I no longer know how it works. I don't care to maintain it. It needs big changes to handle something like embedding a Jupyter notebook. And it depends on Python 2.6(!).With hundreds of pages, and its own custom URL layout that I don't want to break, I dread migrating
- Sep 2021
tailwindcss.com tailwindcss.com
Tailwind automatically removes all unused CSS when building for production
- May 2021
forestry.io forestry.io
these form handlers demonstrate that you can easily add dynamic behavior to your static site. The next time you decide that a static site is a bad choice for your use case, take a moment and consider: should your web frontend be responsible for this feature, or can you use some imagination and technical know-how to get the best of both worlds?
brainbaking.com brainbaking.com
go-jamming is a cool looking Webmention sender and receiver, particularly for SSGs. It can be used to service multiple websites as well.
Requires a bit of configuration and build into one's templates, but it looks pretty well documented.
- Mar 2021
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Holme, Petter, and Jari Saramäki. ‘Temporal Networks as a Modeling Framework’. ArXiv:2103.13586 [Physics], 24 March 2021. http://arxiv.org/abs/2103.13586.
darekkay.com darekkay.com
There's a notable omission from this page. Hypothes.is.
I watched Ru work incredibly hard and diligently over many months to implement what she'd done. I wish I could do half of it, but I can definitely commiserate.
Can't wait to see what you come up with in the coming year with the extra time you'll have gained not only from the switch, but everything else you've learned in the process.
- Jan 2021
blog.logrocket.com blog.logrocket.com
github.com github.com
- Dec 2020
doc.rust-lang.org doc.rust-lang.org
You might see suggestions to use the 'static lifetime in error messages. But before specifying 'static as the lifetime for a reference, think about whether the reference you have actually lives the entire lifetime of your program or not. You might consider whether you want it to live that long, even if it could. Most of the time, the problem results from attempting to create a dangling reference or a mismatch of the available lifetimes. In such cases, the solution is fixing those problems, not specifying the 'static lifetime.
github.com github.com
Huh, to be honest, I'd expect assigning multiple elements to the same slot to fail at compile time unless the multiples were inside mutually exclusive conditionals. If the multiples were outside statically resolvable mutually exclusive conditionals I'd expect to see a runtime error.
github.com github.com
- Oct 2020
github.com github.com
justintimecoder.com justintimecoder.com
Tree-shaking is the process of analyzing the code files that are required to run your application and then including only code that is actually used by your application.
- Sep 2020
medium.com medium.com
Because ESM is syntax, it’s very easy to statically analyze.
github.com github.com
Svelte started with no decoupling anywhere, with everything available at compile-time. Then <:Component> introduced separation at the component level -- but they're still coupled at properties. The spread feature would fill that gap. I see it as an intentional separation as opposed to an accidental shot at static analysis.
github.com github.com
The static analysis considerations make things like hero.enemies.map(...) a non-starter — the reason Svelte is able to beat most frameworks in benchmarks is that the compiler has a deep understanding of a component's structure, which becomes impossible when you allow constructs like that.
- Jul 2020
github.com github.com
sapper.svelte.dev sapper.svelte.dev
Like Gatsby.
blog.nicco.io blog.nicco.io
If you don’t know Sapper: It’s very similar to Nuxt or Next.js with the additional option to even export as static html, so the end result is similar to a Gatsby website.
- Jun 2020
notes.peter-baumgartner.net notes.peter-baumgartner.net
But it has as an external service several disadvantages which opposed the philosophy of static websites diametrically.
Jazayeri, A., & Yang, C. C. (2020). Motif Discovery Algorithms in Static and Temporal Networks: A Survey. ArXiv:2005.09721 [Physics]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2005.09721
- May 2020
medium.com medium.com
github.com github.com
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Li, A., Zhou, L., Su, Q., Cornelius, S. P., Liu, Y.-Y., Wang, L., & Levin, S. A. (2020). Evolution of cooperation on temporal networks. Nature Communications, 11(1), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-16088-w
www.netlifycms.org www.netlifycms.org
The folks at Netlify created Netlify CMS to fill a gap in the static site generation pipeline. There were some great proprietary headless CMS options, but no real contenders that were open source and extensible—that could turn into a community-built ecosystem like WordPress or Drupal. For that reason, Netlify CMS is made to be community-driven, and has never been locked to the Netlify platform (despite the name).
Kind of an unfortunate name...
www.staticgen.com www.staticgen.com
github.com github.com
jamstack.org jamstack.org
They might be built using sites built by hand, or with Jekyll, Hugo, Nuxt, Next, Gatsby, or another static site generator...
add0n.com add0n.com
Load requested features from GitHub
- Feb 2020
middlemanapp.com middlemanapp.com
- Dec 2019
- Sep 2019
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
You have to augment the DateConstructor interface to add static properties:
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Since TypeScript 1.4 static extensions can be added easily. The TypeScript team changed the lib.d.ts file to use interfaces for all static type definitions. The static type definitions are all named like [Type]Constructor: So if you want to add a static function to type Object, then add your definition to ObjectConstructor.
www.bennadel.com www.bennadel.com
Injecting the static method, Array.isEmpty
github.com github.com
- Feb 2018
www.jetbrains.com www.jetbrains.com
Static code analysis TeamCity uses a set of several hundred IntelliJ IDEA and ReSharper inspections to analyze your code and identify potential problems. If you prefer to use other tools, TeamCity supports FxCop out of the box. It can also import reports produced by PMD, PMD/CPD, FindBugs, Checkstyle or JSLint.
meta.discourse.org meta.discourse.org
- Jan 2018
ategroup.com ategroup.com
The Valence static charge meter is useful for measuring electrostatic charges. Our static charge meters are lightweight, accurate, and more. The V 300 is ideal for measuring electrostatic charges in plastic, paper, packaging, textile, food, pharmaceutical, electronic, and other industries.
- Mar 2017
blog.outsider.ne.kr blog.outsider.ne.kr
Prophet : Facebook에서 오픈 소스로 공개한 시계열 데이터의 예측 도구로 R과 Python으로 작성되었다.
python statics opensource, also can use R
- Aug 2016
lti.hypothesislabs.com lti.hypothesislabs.com
littleblack man—the smallest I have ever see
As shown in an example earlier, in which Holmes references a book for descriptions of various nationalities, this quote is another example of Doyle giving an idea of the diversity in London at this time. As also explained in the article I have attached, while many different nationalities had migrated to London at this time very few were of different appearance.
- Nov 2015
A roundup of API/widget services for adding dynamic elements to static sites. Useful!