7 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
    1. Sometimes the most important thing about a tool is not that it accomplishes its purpose—like every other typewriter will—, but how much you enjoy using it.<br /> —Lucas Dul, in The IBM Personal Typewriter and the Selectric 1 - IBMs Two Smallest Typewriters, timestamp 10:28

  2. Mar 2024
    1. Many of the commenters protested. As one reader asked: “Unless you’re actually having fun [with your work], why do it?” I think these commenters are worried about the conclusion that work should create suffering. Here’s the thing: I agree with their concerns, and this was not the point I was trying to make

      Newport his view that deliberate practice is hard cognitive work and that flow is not at the root of mastery can be perceived as "Why work when you have no enjoyment" Newport stated that this uncomfortable state was neither flow nor suffering.

    1. 56:00 The host presents an ultimate dilemma: between hard work and enjoyment in youth.

      For me, there is no dilemma. If one can tap into states of flow, work itself becomes enjoyable. And, it is reduced to like 3/4 hours. Hustle and grind is even counter productive to being productive.

  3. Jun 2023
    1. The author, Rediscovering Analog, reads a book at least twice, usually. He first reads it mainly for pleasure, just to enjoy it and to see what's in it. During the second time, if applicable, he goes through the book using intellectual (or learning) systems and methodologies to extract value from the book.

      The first pass, which the author terms Scouting, is thus namely for enjoyment, but keeping in mind what might be valuable or interesting that will be valuable in the future, basically an unguided open ear. He has a list of scouted books in each section of the Zettelkasten that might be relevant to the section. What he does is have a stack of physical cards there with just the name of the book and the author, without anything else. Then when author proceeds to extract value from the book, he takes the card out and puts it in the respective book. Afterwards throwing this particular card into the trash. It's a form of the Anti-Library.

      ( Personally, I would include an appropriate reading cost and a level on Adler's hierarchy of books. In addition, I would make sure that my process of orientation, in the Inquiry-Based Learning framework, has been completed before I put it as a book within the Anti-Library. )

      This may not be the most efficient for the purpose of acquiring value, but efficiency is not all there is. Enjoyment is a big part of intellectual work as well, as Antonin Sertillanges argues in his book The Intellectual Life: Its spirit, methods, conditions, as well as Mihaly Csikszentmihaliy in his book Flow.

  4. Aug 2022
    1. I stole the title from this Substack post. I cannot put this much better than them: “we’ve chosen to optimize for feelings— to bring the quirks and edges of life back into software. To create something with soul.” Enjoyment is an important component of my day to day. 

      Optimizing for feelings seems to be a broader generational movement (particularly for the progressive movement) in the past decade or more.

      https://browsercompany.substack.com/p/optimizing-for-feelings #wanttoread

  5. Aug 2020
  6. Mar 2017
    1. Meryl Streep Wins Supporting Actress: 1980 Oscars

      The material contained in this video are the contents of Meryl Streep's first Academy Award for Kramer vs Kramer in 1980.

      During her speech she gives praise and thanks to the director, crew members such as costume, lighting etc.

      She also goes on to thank her co-star Dustin Hoffman whom also wins for Best Actor this year.

      Meryl does not express any of her political concerns during this moment. A moment that will not compare to her future wins because nothing compares to your first.