23 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
  2. May 2023
  3. Mar 2023
    1. As director of special projects for Francis Ford Coppola’s company American Zoetrope, he produced movies like Paul Schrader’s “Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters” (1985), a complicated film about Yukio Mishima, the eccentric Japanese author who killed himself publicly in 1970 — a passion project that Mr. Schrader has described as “the definition of an unfinanceable project.” Mr. Luddy was its tireless booster and supporter, funding it early on with his American Express card.
  4. Dec 2021
  5. Nov 2021
  6. Oct 2021
  7. Feb 2021
  8. Oct 2020
  9. Sep 2020
  10. Jun 2020
    1. The section of code with exports.app = functions.https.onRequest(app); exposes your express application so that it can be accessed. If you don't have the exports section, your application won't start correctly
    2. n an enterprise environment, you would likely use the express router and the code would probably look a little less verbose
    3. Firebase Functions enables you to use the ExpressJS library to host a Serverless API. Serverless is just a term for a system that runs without physical servers. This is a bit of a misnomer because it technically does run on a server, however, you’re letting the provider handle the hosting aspect
  11. Dec 2018
    1. This image shows what appears to be a large patch of fresh, untrodden snow – a dream for any lover of the holiday season. However, it’s a little too distant for a last-minute winter getaway: this feature, known as Korolev crater, is found on Mars, and is shown here in beautiful detail as seen by Mars Express.

      P Martian permafrost. The outer world seen from a very short distance. The inner life of the Red Planet.

    1. Launched 15 years ago by the European Space Agency (ESA), Mars Express often focuses on glaciers and ice in the Martian polar regions. 

      How have I never heard of this before?

  12. Nov 2018
  13. Oct 2018
  14. Jun 2018
    1. app.use('/', indexRouter)

      The difference in this app.use() usage from here to the above usages is that in the above cases, its used to add middleware, where here its used to setup routing. If called with one parameter its as described above and if called with two its for routing?

    2. The next set of functions call app.use() to add the middleware libraries into the request handling chain

      This is how you'd add middlewares!

    3. Then we require() modules from our routes directory

      Routes are also a module. This 'module' is nothing more than a way to 'include' other file, so to speak in PHP terms. Its the ability to split code/functionality across multiple manageable files