31 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
  2. Nov 2024
    1. The good news comes from Joe Kelly, who investigated the large “ultrafast” response ofEarth’s energy imbalance (EEI) to a 2×CO2 forcing in the GISS (2020) GCM. Specifically,we reported in Pipeline that the initial 4 W/m2 imbalance dropped by about 30% (to 2.7W/m2) in year 1 after the forcing was imposed.

      for - more research on - Joe Kelly - climate crisis - cloud behavior - Jim Hansen

    2. The fossil fuelindustry is a significant contributor to the Big Green organizations, and many of theseorganizations are financially invested in renewables and fossil fuels, so they do not want tosee nuclear power as a competitor.

      for - climate crisis - large green organizations in bed with fossil fuel companies - to squeeze out nuclear - question - Can Jim Hansen name names? - Jim Hansen

    3. annual reports of Lovins’ RockyMountain Institute include Shell and BP among corporate donors providing minimum annualsupport of $500,000 each
      • climate crisis - greenwashing - Amory Lovins - Rocky Mountain Institute - 500,000 USD donations from Shell Oil and BP - Jim Hansen
    4. Lovins’ later book, Reinventing Fire,48 has a fawning Foreword writtenby the President of Shell Oil Company, which is not surprising since Lovins had adjusted hisgraphs so that fossil fuel phaseout was moved to 2050

      for - climate crisis - greenwashing - Amory Lovins - Rocky Mountain Institute - book - Reinventing Fire - forward by Shell Oil president - Jim Hansen

    5. The potential political power of young people has been demonstrated

      for - climate crisis - leverage point - the youth - voting examples - Jim Hansen

    6. By thenscientists need to have improved their communication with the public, especially with youngpeople

      for - climate crisis - leverage point - the youth - Jim Hansen

    7. What is a realistic timeframe on which “the point of no return” should be understood muchbetter and its implications communicated?

      for - quote - at what date will current "hopium" approach of net zero delay be revealed to be ineffective? - 2030 - Jim Hansen

    8. GCM-dominated approach allows censorship of alternative perspectives,when the models have a common, or at least widespread, problem: lack of realistic sensitivityto injection of freshwater into the upper layers of the ocean.

      for - climate crisis - Global Climate Models (GCM) limitation - do not allow alternative perspectives - unrealistic sensitivity to injection of fresh water into upper layers of the ocean - Jim Hansen

    9. We concluded in our IceMelt paper,14 based on observed rates of ice shelf melting, that the world is nearing shutdownof the Atlantic Overturning Meridional Circulation (AMOC) and shutdown of deepwaterformation near Antarctica (which we term SMOC for its analogy to the Northern Hemisphereprocess), if the rate of ice melt continues to grow.

      for - question - climate crisis - AMOC - does Jim Hansen consider shutdown of AMOC irreversible?

    10. for - climate crisis - article - Global Warming Acceleration: Hope vs Hopium - Jim Hansen et al., 2024, Mar 29

  3. May 2024
  4. Apr 2024
    1. Bei der CERAWeek energy conference in Houston hat Aramco-Chef Amin Nasser unter Applaus dazu aufgerufen, die „Phantasie des Ausstiegs aus Öl und Gas“ aufzugeben. Die Energeiwende versage offensichtlich an den meisten Fronten. Das editoral board der Financial Times hält ihm die Temeperatur-Anomalien von 2023 entgegegen und verweist auf die Vermutung des NASA-Klimwissenschaftlers Gavin Schmidt, dass die Temeperaturentwicklungen seit 2023 auf eine nie dagewesenen Wissenslücke verweise und möglicherweise eine noch schnellere Erwärmung als bisher angenommen drohe. https://www.ft.com/content/6f858196-0a9c-4f0f-9720-a0a81849a998?accessToken=zwAAAY5x7Qlrkc9vhYGWCpxPD9OXIKCoGEmpmA.MEYCIQD3Tlyt5FrtHJnm7VkPQE0XYlj70r33jdeNBKWwre8I6AIhAP4kgVxDwXt_B_DxPSCCh_SLm696XOrWhri3AqJc8ZQG&segmentId=e95a9ae7-622c-6235-5f87-51e412b47e97&shareType=enterprise

  5. Oct 2023
  6. Aug 2023
    1. Der Brite Jim Skea wurde zum neuen Vorsitzenden des IPCC gewählt. In einem Spiegel-Interview wiederholte er das Statement, dass das Überschreiten des 1,5°-Ziels nicht das Ende der Menschheit bedeute. Skea bezog sich auf die Aussage des IPCC, dass das 1,5° Ziel nur nach einem zeitweisen Überschreiten durch Entfernung von CO<sub>2</sub> aus der Atmosphäre erreicht werden kann. Er betonte wiederum, dass jedes Zehntelgrad weniger Temperaturerhöhung von enormer Relevanz ist. https://taz.de/15-Grad-Ziel-in-Klimadebatte/!5948023/

    1. Der Guardian hat Fachleute zu Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) befragt. Die britische Regierung legitimiert neue Öl- und Gasbohrlizenzen mit gleichzeitigen CCS-Projekten. Einige Experten sind nach ersten Erfahrungen sehr skeptisch, was die grundsätzliche Realisierbarkeit von CCS an vielen Stellen der Erde angeht. CCS werde vor allem zur Dekarbonisierung von Industrien gebraucht werden, die bisher nicht CO<sub>2</sub>-frei betrieben werden können, es sei aber keine Rechtfertigung für neue fossile Entwicklungsprojekte. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/aug/01/is-carbon-capture-and-storage-really-a-silver-bullet-for-the-climate-crisis

  7. Feb 2023
  8. Oct 2022
  9. Aug 2022
  10. Jul 2022
    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7s4xx_muNcs

      Don't recommend unless you have 100 hours to follow up on everything here that goes beyond the surface.

      Be aware that this is a gateway for what I'm sure is a relatively sophisticated sales funnel.

      Motivational and a great start, but I wonder how many followed up on these techniques and methods, internalized them and used them every day? I've not read his book, but I suspect it's got the usual mnemonic methods that go back millennia. And yet, these things are still not commonplace. People just don't seem to want to put in the work.

      As a result, they become a sales tool with a get rich quick (get smart quick) hook/scheme. Great for Kwik's pocketbook, but what about actual outcomes for the hundreds who attended or the 34.6k people who've watched this video so far?

      These methods need to be instilled in youth as it's rare for adults to bother.

      Acronyms for remembering things are alright, but not incredibly effective as most people will have issues remembering the acronym itself much less what the letters stand for.

      There seems to be an over-fondness for acronyms for people selling systems like this. (See also Tiago Forte as another example.)

  11. Apr 2021
    1. “I’m not a musician. I don’t mean that in a derogatory way. But I mean, I wasted a lot of my life playing instruments, which was foolish,” O’Rourke told the newsletter Tone Glow in an interview published in May 2020. “I have no interest in anything being a vessel for expressing something . . . I always like to say, ‘I do stuff.’ ”

      I have no interest in being a vessel for expressing something...

      Something fascinating about this perspective.

  12. Jan 2021
  13. Oct 2017
  14. Apr 2017
    1. I think the locking down of open is dangerous. I think it draws lines where they need not be, and it reconsolidates power for those who define it. More than that, the power around open has been pretty focused on a few people for too long, and I count myself amongst them.


  15. Oct 2016
    1. Oklahoma Correctional Industries; workers scan the original photos and prepare metadata

      We can make the argument here that the University of North Texas, the Oklahoma Historical Society, and the Ethics in Journalism Foundation support de facto slave labor. Let's be honest here: "workers" = "prisoners"

  16. May 2016
    1. "Historic police records showing Connolly and Larkin arrests found in skip," Irish Independent (2016-05-11) http://www.independent.ie/irish-news/historic-police-records-showing-connolly-and-larkin-arrests-found-in-skip-34707471.html

      The four missing volumes of 'Prisoner Books' listing the arrests of more than 30,000 people between 1905 and 1918 include the "crimes" of labour leaders Jim Larkin (seditious conspiracy), James Connolly (incitement to crime), revolutionary Maud Gonne MacBride (defence of the realm) and suffragette Hanna Sheehy Skeffington, (glass-breaking with other suffragettes).