13 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2024
    1. Wspierając tę koncepcję, badania molekularne na zwierzętach i ludziach udokumentowały powiązania między aktywnością NE w locus coeruleus (LC) i przyśrodkowej korze przedczołowej (MPFC) a pędami do poszukiwania nowych i różnorodnych bodźców sensorycznych. Na przykład, neurony NE w LC u szczurów, kotów i małp są szczególnie wrażliwe na nową stymulację sensoryczną (Aston-Jones i in., 1991; Rasmussen i in., 1986; Sara i in., 1994), a farmakologiczna inhibicja poprzez klonidynę neuronów NE w LC znosi zachowania poszukiwania nowości u szczurów (Sara i in., 1995), sugerując, że aktywacja tych populacji neuronów jest niezbędna dla behawioralnej ekspresji pędów do poszukiwania nowości. Co ważne, rola NE w mediowaniu ekspresji pędów do poszukiwania nowych i różnorodnych bodźców sensorycznych nie jest niezależna od DA (i vice versa). NE jest neurotransmiterem pochodnym DA, a szczególnie w MPFC (który otrzymuje gęste projekcje NE z LC i przyczynia się do wykrywania nowości; Dias i Honey, 2002; Rebec i in., 1997) zewnątrzkomórkowy DA jest regulowany przez transporter NE. Chociaż NE i DA były tradycyjnie badane jako oddzielne systemy, nakładają się one w wielu domenach (np. niespecyficzność receptorów, powinowactwo transportera i szlaki sygnalizacyjne) (Ranjbar-Slamloo i Fazlali, 2020). Zatem prawdopodobne jest, że systemy NE i DA jednocześnie mediują pędy do poszukiwania nowych i różnorodnych bodźców sensorycznych.

      Neuronalne powiązanie w aktywności LC NE u szczurów w locus coeruleus (LC) i przyśrodkowej korze przedczołowej (MPFC) przy poszukiwania nowych i różnorodnych bodźców sensorycznych

  2. Sep 2024
  3. Sep 2023
    1. #3–#5

      There will be prompts for these posts. Use the prompts if you haven't decided on your foodways research topic. If you have your topic, play around with that.

    2. Introduction to Accessible Design

      The online materials will also go over memos (in case you were wondering when we'd talk about that component of P1!).

  4. Nov 2022
    1. Despite significant strides made regarding the creation of foster youth protections and rights, they are not consistently implemented nor regulated

      rights not implemented

    2. At the same time, foster youth become more at risk when social workers are poorly trained, endure poor working conditions, and are more focused on the bureaucracy of paperwork rather than working with clients

      Not supported from the system admin

    3. For example, foster children that are separated from their siblings are more likely to experience placement disruption (by 56 percent) than children kept with their siblings (36 percent; Leathers 2005).

      Separation of siblings

    4. They suggest that the system needs to provide more autonomy for foster youth in placement decisions and the need for caregivers to be more genuine, transparent, and supportive of the youth in their homes

      Study that supports miscare of caregivers in FH

  5. Mar 2022
    1. Significantly, the emergence of cooperatives does not depend upon the surrender of self-interest.  This would be as impossible at all other levels of organization as in human affairs.  As biologists have long known, organisms that take the benefits of cooperation without cooperating in return will generally out-compete those that cooperate.  Cooperation emerges only when evolution discovers a form of organization in which it pays to cooperate.  To an extent, this form of organization can be achieved through reciprocal exchanges between members.  Members will benefit from providing goods and services to others if they receive benefits in exchange.  In human societies these exchange processes take the form of economic markets.  But these processes alone will not align the interests of members with the organization—there is nothing to prevent members from taking benefits without reciprocating.  Those who cheat in this way tend to end up in front.  Cooperation will be undermined.  Furthermore, systems of reciprocal exchange are unable to deal effectively with goods and services whose benefits can be obtained freely by anyone—i.e. where the benefits cannot be restricted to the individuals participating in the exchange (the ‘public goods’ of human economic systems).  In these cases, ‘free riders’ will be able to obtain benefits without giving anything in return, again undermining cooperation. 

      So we acknowledge the free rider problem 👏

  6. Jun 2021
  7. Mar 2021
  8. Nov 2018
    1. “The day is upon us where we need to strongly consider nurse practitioners and physician assistants as equal in the field,” he says. “We’re going to find a much better continuity of care for all our patients at various institutions with hospital medicine and … a nurse practitioner who is at the top of their license.”

      Hospitalists as QB should play leadership role in integrating all members of care team

    2. Hospitalists were seen as people to lead the charge for safety because they were already taking care of patients, already focused on reducing LOS and improving care delivery—and never to be underestimated, they were omnipresent, Dr. Gandhi says of her experience with hospitalists around 2000 at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. “At least where I was, hospitalists truly were leaders in the quality and safety space, and it was just a really good fit for the kind of mindset and personality of a hospitalist because they’re very much … integrators of care across hospitals,” she says. “They interface with so many different areas of the hospital and then try to make all of that work better.”

      role of hospitalists in safety and quality