16 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2024
    1. he very degree of wornness ofcertain cards that you once ipped to daily but now perhaps do not—since that author is drunk and forgotten or that magazine editorhas been red and now makes high-end apple chutneys inBinghamton—constitutes signicant information about what partsof the Rolodex were of importance to you over the years.

      The wear of cards can be an important part of your history with the information you handle.

      Luhmann’s slips show some of this sort of wear as well, though his show it to extreme as he used thinner paper than the standard index card so some of his slips have incredibly worn/ripped/torn tops more than any grime. Many of my own books show that grime layer on the fore-edge in sections which I’ve read and re-read.

      One of my favorite examples of this sort of wear through use occurs in early manuscripts (usually only religious ones) where readers literally kissed off portions of illuminations when venerating the images in their books. Later illuminators included osculation targets to help prevent these problems. (Cross reference: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/370119878_Touching_Parchment_How_Medieval_Users_Rubbed_Handled_and_Kissed_Their_Manuscripts_Volume_1_Officials_and_Their_Books)

      (syndication link: https://boffosocko.com/2024/02/04/55821315/#comment-430267)

  2. Jan 2024
    1. There are many weak and not-so weak signals from “small islands of coherence"; those thousands of entities on their sustainability paths that will eventually coalesce into the new Collaborative Commons sector
      • for: emergence - signs of
  3. Sep 2022
    1. we can kind of make an assumption that 00:04:22 complex brains and by extension complex intelligence should also be somewhat common in terms of evolutionary success and assuming that it's evolutionary preferential or basically that evolves many times throughout the history of the 00:04:35 planet we can then make a conjecture that it should exist somewhere out there where life exists on other planets okay just to rephrase this if we truly believe that extraterrestrial intelligence exists out there and that 00:04:48 it kind of evolved in the same way that it evolved here on planet earth it's pretty safe to assume that it might have evolved several times on the planet because we're making an assumption here that this is an evolutionary advantage 00:05:00 that all planets that potentially have life on them are going to end up with some kind of a species that's going to become super intelligent and that's going to be self-aware able to use technology and essentially kind of communicate in the same way that we 00:05:13 communicate using for example radio waves

      !- in other words : there should be signs of complex intelligence like ours in the paleontological records

  4. Jul 2022
    1. he um belt has two sides to it which are not separable in german they're the merkveld and the virgvelt the merkwelt is the umvelt considered 00:19:24 from the aspects of semiotics or signs or meaningful stimuli things to differentiations one might draw distinctions one might draw that are available to one the virgvelt is the same thing 00:19:37 considered under a different aspect which is the space of possible effective actions to draw a distinction is now to move in knowledge of that distinction 00:19:49 this notion of the virgvelt will will appear later in ecological psychology with the notion of affordance and and again a concept that follows totally nails long before it appears in the literature 00:20:02 so when you hear umwelt try not to think entirely visually but to recognize that we we're dealing here with a concept which must be understood as a sort of a stereoscopic fusion 00:20:14 of the idea of meaningful appearance meaningful showing up and capacity for action because of the difficulties in disciplining this view of this emerging 00:20:28 view of the subject you won't find it easy to interpret vulnerability in terms of personal experience he vacillates here and our vocabulary is still not great here but the umvelt has 00:20:40 this important character of being neither a theory of perception or theory of action in keeping with all embodied theories later perception and action are absolutely indistinguishable but we can characterize them in this 00:20:53 with this dual aspect manner so when you encounter sketches like this he's full of bold imaginative sketches in his work

      Uexkull decomposes the umwelt into two parts: 1. merkwelt (signs) 2. wirkwelt (effective action)

      An organism must decipher salience from its experiences and then take action that will increase its fitness based on the salience detected.

  5. Oct 2020
  6. Apr 2020
    1. Duration from onset of symptoms to radiological confirmation of pneumonia, days5 (3–9)5 (3–7)Duration from onset of symptoms to ICU admission, days9 (6–12)11 (7–14)Heart rate, beats per min89 (20)89 (15)Systolic blood pressure, mm Hg133 (20)140 (21)
  7. Sep 2018
    1. Examples of human trafficking can be found everywhere, but only if members of Utah's local communities know what to look for. At a Motel 6 in Taylorsville, one manager attended a training (provided by the hotel) about human trafficking. Once he returned, he became suspicious of a couple of occupants and was able to tip law enforcement off to a trafficker who had been prostituting two women out of his hotel room.

      Just because it isn't seen doesn't mean it isn't there. Education is a great way to increase awareness of signs and allows us to be one step closer to decreasing this social issue.

  8. May 2017
  9. Feb 2017
    1. Saussure stresses that signs arc arbitrary and without inherent meaning

      Saussure is that guy with the tree picture.

      You know . . .

      . . . that one. I figure this image is more important to knowing who he is than a picture of his face.

    1. we are finally seeing signsthat the core is beginning to crumble.

      And what are these sign of edupocalypse? Maybe this is just wishful thinking. Is this whitepaper a viable alternative? I will continue to read, but I worry that the name whitepaper might reveal how very unchallenging it might be. I hope they prove me wrong.

    1. But because he makes use of words only, as the signs of emotions, which it is impossible they can represent; and omiL<; the use of the true signs of the passions, which are, tones, looks, and gestures.

      This is reminiscent of something I remember from Jung's Man and His Symbols: The ability to recognize and communicate with signs, symbols, and gestures was "discarded in the process of evolving the very differentiated consciousness [the emergence of language] that alone could be aware of them."

    1. Moreover, complex ideas c...:,,..r<i-<.. ~~-tt.~"'O..., are formed by the connections among simple ideas; words are attached to these ) ' ' u•·. · ' complex ideas to keep the connections from being merely personal and ephemeral ·. ·~...,, : -· •• and lo allow us to communicate them to others.

      To jump on Kevin's earlier "Peirce bandwagon" (also learned from Juliana Chow) the search for mutual connection and understanding reminds me of this concept that Peirce calls the "commens" or the "commind." Essentially, there are three parts necessary for "signifying" something. You need an object, a sign, and an interpretant for both. Now, if the interpretant wishes to share the meaning of the sign and object with another interpretant, they must reach a level of shared context/culture/consciousness that Peirce calls the "commens." Basically it seems like Locke would agree with the theoretical model that Peirce laid out.

  10. Oct 2016
  11. Sep 2013
    1. Of Signs, one kind bears the same relation to the statement it supports as the particular bears to the universal, the other the same as the universal bears to the particular. The infallible kind is a "complete proof" (tekmerhiou); the fallible kind has no specific name.
    1. t is evident from what has been said that it is these three subjects, more than any others, about which the orator must be able to have propositions at his command. Now the propositions of Rhetoric are Complete Proofs, Probabilities, and Signs. Every kind of syllogism is composed of propositions, and the enthymeme is a particular kind of syllogism composed of the aforesaid propositions.

      As laid out and defined in detail, with relation to subject, each concerning time, purpose, goal, listener, and methods, and degrees, understand appropriateness of the propositions applying to each.