- Nov 2024
www.familytreenow.com www.familytreenow.com
Research your family tree and genealogy for free!
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
2023 wurde mit 55,5 Milliarden Fass Öläquivalent so viel Öl und Gas gefördert wie nie zuvor. 578 Unternehmen arbeiten daran, durch zusätzliche Förderstätten weitere 240 Milliarden Fass zu produzieren, obwohl zur Einhaltung des 1,5 Grad-Ziels keine Förderkapazitäten mehr aufgebaut werden dürfen. Zu den Unternehmen mit den größten Expansionsplänen gehört die an der OMV beteiligte Adnoc. Die Zahlen sind - neben vielen weiteren z.B. zur LNG-Expansion - in der aktualisierten Global Oil & Gas Exit List (Gogel) der NGO Urgewald enthalten https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000244513/weltweite-oel-und-gasfoerderung-erreichte-2023-ein-allzeithoch
- Tree Energy Solution
- Petrobras
- Snam
- Romgaz
- Conoco-Phillips
- Urgewald
- date:: 2024-11-12
- Gas Connect Austria
- Global Oil & Gas Exit List (Gogel)
- GRTgaz
- Total Energies
- Deutsche Energy Terminal
- LNG Expansion
- ExxonMobil
- Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA)
- New Fortress Energy
- Gazprom
- Aramco
- OMV Petrom
- author:: Günther.Strobl
- Qatar Energy
- 2023
- Willow Project
- Adnoc
- Nils Bartsch
- Sep 2024
themercury.com themercury.com
Louis Vieux Elm intentionally set on fire by [[The Mercury]]
www.flickr.com www.flickr.com
pob.tauycreek.com pob.tauycreek.com
This photo of the Louis Vieux Elm Tree was taken by Willard Balderson, Wamego, in 1986. The tree stood 90 feet high with a crown spread of 104 feet, and a trunk circumference of 317 inches. For several years the Louis Vieux Elm Tree held the title of U.S. Champion. The estimated age of the elm tree was 300 years and since 1986 succumbed to age, weather, and disease leaving only a stump. In 2011, even the stump, which the Pottawatomie County Historical Society attempted to save, protect and shelter, was burned down, leaving nothing but a pile of ashes.
- Aug 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Typewriter Tool Kit from the DOLLAR TREE by [[Just My Typewriter]]
Overview of cheap tools for typewriters available at Dollar Tree and similar dollar stores.
- microfiber cloths
- q-tips
- LA's Totally Awesome cleaner
- Silly Putty
- toothbrushes
- allen wrenches
- wire bristle brushes
- hook and pick kit
- screwdrivers and sets
- extendable mini mirror
- rubber gloves
- flashlights
- magnets to hold screws
- Jul 2024
paddyleflufy.substack.com paddyleflufy.substack.com
However, each of those people so intrinsically similar to you might be very different to you in many respects in their actual lives, because our cultural and environmental surroundings have an enormous influence on who we become.
for - example - Tree metaphor of - Deep Humanity
- Jun 2024
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
Die globale Erhitzung zwingt Baumarten in den nördlichen Wäldern dazu, neue Habitate aufzusuchen, deren Böden oft weniger nährstoffreich sind. Ein Hauptgrund dafür, den eine neue Studie untersucht, sind die Bedürfnisse von Pilzen, mit denen diese Bäume in Symbiose leben.
- Apr 2024
www.bilibili.com www.bilibili.com
- Mar 2024
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Planting trees, often championed as a solution to combat climate change, may have unintended consequences
for - progress traps - tree planting - climate change
- Feb 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Besprechung des illustrierten Buchs Wilding: How to Bring Wildlife Back – An Illustrated Guide über das Rewilding einer ehemaligen Milchproduktions-Farm in England durch Isabella Tree und ihnen Mann. Ein Ergebnis ist, dass der in Ruhe gelassene Boden nach etwa 20 Jahren allein so viel CO2 aufnimmt wie es sonst gepflanzte Bäume tun würden. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/feb/25/rewilding-climate-change-biodiversity-isabella-tree-nature-planet-farming
docdrop.org docdrop.org
for - living building - growing a building - living trees for building framework - living tree building - baubotanik
git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all
show commits of git as a tree
To show the last 2 commits use this!
git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all HEAD~2..HEAD
git config --global alias.tree 'log --oneline --graph --decorate --all'
configuration to make a shortcut to show commits of git as a tree
- Jan 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Lima, Manuel. The Power of Networks. RSA ANIMATE, 2012. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJmGrNdJ5Gw.
You know XGBoost, but do you know NGBoost? I'd passed over this one, mentioned to me by someone wanting confidence intervals in their classification models. This could be an interesting paper to add to the ML curriculum.
- Dec 2023
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
better described by a phylogenetic network than a bifurcating tree.[1] Reticulate patterns can be found in the phylogenetic
for: salience mismatch - comparison - phylogenetic network - bifurcating tree
salience mismatch: comparison - phylogenetic network - bifurcating tree
- Dec 11, 2023
- I need examples of both applied to indyweb / Indranet to see pros and cons
- I don't yet appreciate the meaning of phylogenetic network
- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phylogenetic_network
- Dec 12, 2023
- Salience mismatch lifting. I think you are applying biomimcry here but the comarison between
- evolution of living systems and
- evolution of ideas
- Two (or more) ideas can interact and give rise to a new idea
- So at the very least, at least 3 ideas can exist autonomously, each being a source for new ideas.
- Salience mismatch lifting. I think you are applying biomimcry here but the comarison between
- Dec 11, 2023
- Sep 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
the conjunction of those two claims the properties exist even when they're not perceived even when they're not measured and they have influences that propagate no faster 00:06:57 than the speed of light that's local realism and local realism is false
- for: objectivism, materialism, question, question - materialism, question - objectivism, if a tree falls in the forest
- question
- How would Donald respond to the question:
- If a tree falls in the forest, does anyone hear?
- Does he hold the same view as modern consensus of quantum physics?
- How would Donald respond to the question:
- Aug 2023
www.lesswrong.com www.lesswrong.com
I could continue a thread anywhere, rather than always picking it up at the end. I could sketch out where I expected things to go, with an outline, rather than keeping all the points I wanted to hit in my head as I wrote. If I got stuck on something, I could write about how I was stuck nested underneath whatever paragraph I was currently writing, but then collapse the meta-thoughts to be invisible later -- so the overall narrative doesn’t feel interrupted.
Notes about what you don't know (open questions), empty outline slots, red links as [[wikilinks]], and other "holes" in tools for thought provide a bookmark for where one may have quit exploring, but are an explicit breadcrumb for picking up that line of thought and continuing it at a future time.
Linear writing in one's notebooks, books they're reading, and other places doesn't always provide an explicit space which invites the reader or writer to fill them in. One has to train themselves to annotate in the margins to have a conversation with the text. Until one sees these empty spaces as inviting spaces they can be invisible to the eye.
- Mar 2023
www.npr.org www.npr.org
They both talk, though, about going over material again and again. The process of writing an article involves putting words in chronological order, but also creating branching, sub-dividing trees of syntax and semantics.
Interesting to see a reference the branching nature of the meanings of an individual word which has multiple ways of being categorized.
The TLL categorizes words alphabetically first and then by chronologically second. The rest of the structure shakes out from there as editors write articles for each of the words.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Michael Kropat put together a set of decision charts that helps determine the best status code for each situation. See the following for 4xx status codes:
- Feb 2023
forum.zettelkasten.de forum.zettelkasten.de
fz is less about the tree (though that is important) and more about the UX.
I do like the framing of folgezettel as a benefit with respect to user experience.
There is a lot of mention of the idea of trees within the note taking and zettelkasten space, but we really ought to be looking more closely at other living systems models like rhizomes and things which have a network-like structure.
cmap.ihmc.us cmap.ihmc.us
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>u/New-Investigator</span> in Concepts maps and Zettelkasten : Zettelkasten (<time class='dt-published'>02/07/2023 10:12:44</time>)</cite></small>
- Nov 2022
medium.com medium.com
The only diagram or image in The Origin of Species, a tree depicting divergence (source)
Darwin's On the Origin of Species only contains one diagram, a branching tree diagram which shows divergence of species.
he was working on the same theme with Stefanie Posavec. They completed their piece some time later, depicting the changes as lovely branching trees — a kind of homage to Darwin’s lone diagram in the book.
Greg McInerny of Microsoft Research and Stefanie Posavek created a version of Darwin's On the Origin of Species that displayed variations between the editions as a branching tree diagram, a nod to the only diagram which appeared in Darwin's original work. .
github.com github.com
git_workspace/ ├── .vscode │ └── settings.json # global settings, my preferred ones ├── my-personal-projects/ │ └── project1/ │ └── .git/ └── company-projects/ ├── .vscode │ └── settings.json # local settings, overrides some of my personal ones ├── project2/ │ └── .git/ └── project3/ └── .git/
- Sep 2022
www.rfc-editor.org www.rfc-editor.org
It is often the case that a group or "tree" of documents has been constructed to serve a common purpose, wherein the vast majority of URI references in these documents point to resources within the tree rather than outside it. Similarly, documents located at a particular site are much more likely to refer to other resources at that site than to resources at remote sites. Relative referencing of URIs allows document trees to be partially independent of their location and access scheme.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
additionalProperties applies to all properties that are not accounted-for by properties or patternProperties in the immediate schema.
annotation meta: may need new tag: applies to siblings only or applies to same level only
- Aug 2022
www.levenger.com www.levenger.com
Interesting piece of material culture hearkening back to an older analog era, but compatible with new digital technology (note the cut out for a power cord with use of a tablet or other digital reading/display device.)
- Jul 2022
press.uchicago.edu press.uchicago.edu
https://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/chicago/L/bo63098990.html Lines of Thought: Branching Diagrams and the Medieval Mind by Ayelet Even-Ezra
Mentioned during Tinderbox Meetup: https://forum.eastgate.com/t/tagging-meetup-saturday-august-7/4841
They apparently discussed the book last week. (May be able to find the video of the discussion)
docdrop.org docdrop.org
let me comment on your quantum physics i have only one objection please i think it's uh uh it's 01:01:21 what you said about the two uh sort of prototypical uh quantum puzzles which is schrodinger the double slit experiment uh it's uh it's perfect um my only objection is that in my book 01:01:34 i described of course i had a chapter about schrodinger cat but i don't use a situation in which the cat is dead or alive 01:01:46 i prefer a situation in which the cat is asleep or awake just because i don't like killing cats even in in in in mental experiments so after that 01:01:58 uh uh replacing a sleep cut with a dead cat i think uh i i i i completely agree and let me come to the the serious part of the answer um 01:02:10 what you mentioned as the passage from uh the third and the fourth um between among the the sort of the versions of 01:02:25 wooden philosophy it's it's exactly what i what i think is relevant for quantum mechanics for this for the following reason we read in quantum mechanics books 01:02:37 that um we should not think about the mechanical description of reality but the description reality with respect to the observer and there is always this notion in in books that there's observer or there are 01:02:50 paratus that measure so it's a uh but i am a scientist which view the world from the perspective of 01:03:02 modern science where one way of viewing the world is that uh there are uh you know uh billions and billions of galaxies each one with billions and billions of 01:03:14 of of of stars probably with planets all around and uh um from that perspective the observer in any quantum mechanical experiment is just one piece in the big story 01:03:28 so i have found the uh berkeley subjective idealism um uh profoundly unconvincing from the point 01:03:39 of view of a scientist uh because it there is an aspect of naturalism which uh it's a in which i i i grew up as a scientist 01:03:52 which refuses to say that to understand quantum mechanics we have to bring in our mind quantum mechanics is not something that has directly to do with our mind has not 01:04:05 something directly to do about any observer any apparatus because we use quantum mechanics for describing uh what happened inside the sun the the the reaction the nuclear reaction there or 01:04:18 galaxy formations so i think quantum mechanics in a way i think quantum mechanics is experiments about not about psychology not about our mind not about consciousness not 01:04:32 about anything like that it has to do about the world my question what we mean by real world that's fine because science repeatedly was forced to change its own ideas about the 01:04:46 real world so if uh if to make sense of quantum mechanics i have to think that the cat is awake or asleep only when a conscious observer our mind 01:05:00 interacts with this uh i say no that's not there are interpretations of quantum mechanics that go in that direction they require either am i correct to say the copenhagen 01:05:14 school does copenhagen school uh talk about the observer without saying who is what is observed but the compelling school which is the way most 01:05:27 textbooks are written uh describe any quantum mechanical situation in terms okay there is an observer making a measurement and we're talking about the outcome of the measurements 01:05:39 so yes it's uh it assumes an observer but it's very vague about what what an observer is some more sharp interpretation like cubism uh take this notion observer to be real 01:05:54 fundamental it's an agent somebody who makes who thinks about and can compute the future so it's a it's a that's that's a starting point for for doing uh for doing the rest i was 01:06:07 i've always been unhappy with that because things happen on the sun when there is nobody that is an observer in anything and i want to think to have a way of thinking in the world that things happen there 01:06:20 independently of me so to say is they might depend on one another but why should they depend on me and who am i or you know what observers should be a you know a white western scientist with 01:06:32 a phd i mean should we include women should we include people without phd should we include cats is the cat an observer should we fly i mean it's just not something i understand
Carlo goes on to address the fundamental question which lay at the intersection of quantum mechanics and Buddhist philosophy: If a tree falls in the forest, does anybody hear? Carlo rejects Berkeley's idealism and states that even quantum mechanical laws are about the behavior of a system, independent of whether an observer is present. He begins to invoke his version of the Schrödinger cat paraodox to explain.
- Apr 2022
www.cambialtd.co.uk www.cambialtd.co.uk
We are Cambia! Tree Surgeon experts throughout Luton and Dunstable. We provide tree removal, Landscaping & Fencing. we’re VAT registered, fully insured, and licensed to carry waste too.
- Dec 2021
www.thisamericanlife.org www.thisamericanlife.org
I grew up in a small town called Surry on the coast of down-east Maine. At Christmas, most everyone in our town bought their trees at Jordan's Tree Farm. $5 per tree, cut at your own risk. Thinking back, it seems funny to me now, since after all, this is rural Maine, the pine tree state. And you'd think everyone could cut their own trees on their own land. And it's not like the trees at the Jordan farm were so special. Pretty much everyone called them Charlie Brown trees. People came because of Robert Jordan. They were loyal to him, and they figured he could use the money.
- Aug 2021
www.botsquad.com www.botsquad.com
metamaps.cc metamaps.cc
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
See the video abstract on the GigaScience youtube channel: https://youtu.be/29vOiwQwj_U
papress.com papress.com
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>@vaultofculture</span> in Vault of Culture on Twitter: "@ChrisAldrich @gipperfish @jdconnor @AnneGanzert See also the work of Manuel Lima (@mslima), in particular The Book of Trees: https://t.co/30jJu1xOrY" / Twitter (<time class='dt-published'>08/08/2021 15:43:42</time>)</cite></small>
from its roots
prov.vic.gov.au prov.vic.gov.au
- Jun 2021
www.tutorialspoint.com www.tutorialspoint.com
A tree with ‘n’ vertices has ‘n-1’ edges.
The edges of a tree are known as branches. Elements of trees are called their nodes. The nodes without child nodes are called leaf nodes.
www.cs.sfu.ca www.cs.sfu.caTrees1
A tree is a particular kind of graph.
- May 2021
www.kevinslin.com www.kevinslin.com
Vannevar Bush's original vision - to build a tool of thought that can give humanity "access to and command over the inherited knowledge of the ages".
- Mar 2021
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
In computer science, a tree is a widely used abstract data type that simulates a hierarchical tree structure
a tree (data structure) is the computer science analogue/dual to tree structure in mathematics
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Mathematically, a hierarchical taxonomy is a tree structure of classifications for a given set of objects.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Title: "goal the use case is trying to satisfy"[23]:101 Main Success Scenario: numbered list of steps[23]:101 Step: "a simple statement of the interaction between the actor and a system"[23]:101 Extensions: separately numbered lists, one per Extension[23]:101 Extension: "a condition that results in different interactions from .. the main success scenario". An extension from main step 3 is numbered 3a, etc.
Not sure why I find this example so interesting.
Probably because it is a human-readable outline that uses machine-readable (programming language source code) constructs, namely loops/iteration.
The format in which this is written in, then, is itself a kind of (high-level, human-oriented) programming language.
- numbered list of steps [introduces/names the loop/iterator/enumeration being done]
- Step: "a simple statement of the interaction between the actor and a system" [defines the inner part of the loop that gets "executed" once per iteration]
- numbered list of steps [introduces/names the loop/iterator/enumeration being done]
medium.com medium.com
There’s typically a complex tree of dependencies, where packages all tend to rely on each other in order to function.
jangawolof.org jangawolof.orgPhrases2
Fibar bi jàngal na taawan bu góor ni ñuy dagge reeni aloom.
Le guérisseur a appris à son fils aîné comment on coupe les racines du Diospyros.
fibar -- (fibar bi? the healer? as in feebar / fièvre / fever? -- used as a general term for sickness).
bi -- the (indicates nearness).
jàngal v. -- to teach (something to someone), to learn (something from someone) -- compare with jàng (as in janga wolof) and jàngale.
na -- pr. circ. way, defined, distant. How? 'Or' What. function indicator. As.
taaw+an (taaw) bi -- first child, eldest. (taawan -- his eldest).
bu -- the (indicates relativeness).
góor gi -- man; male.
ni -- pr. circ. way, defined, distant. How? 'Or' What. function indicator. As.
ñuy -- they (?).
dagg+e (dagg) v. -- cut; to cut.
reen+i (reen) bi -- root, taproot, support.
aloom gi -- Diospyros mespiliformis, EBENACEA (tree).
Dafa ànd ak moroom yi àll ba, fori aloom.
Il est allé dans la brousse ramasser des fruits de Diospyros avec ses camarades.
dafa -- he/she.
ànd v. / ànd bi -- to be together, to go together; copulate; going together, fellowship; placenta.
ak -- and, with, etc.
moroom mi -- comrade of the same age group, equal, companion, neighbor.
yi -- the (plural).
àll bi -- large expanse of uninhabited land, bush; distant, as opposed to home.
ba -- the (indicates distance).
for+i (for) v. -- to pick up.
aloom bi -- edible fruit of Diospyros mespiliformis (aloom gi for the tree).
- and
- dagg
- for
- wolof
- ak
- teach
- eldest
- ànd
- fibar
- diospyros
- collect
- first
- reeni
- what
- moroom
- sickness
- jàngal
- ñuy
- fever
- comrades
- how
- àll
- fori
- placenta
- mespiliformis
- taught
- feebar
- reen
- yi
- jàngale
- tree
- the
- male
- taawan
- comrade
- equal
- healer
- they
- -e
- son
- bu
- ni
- went
- distant
- of
- aloom
- mi
- she
- fruit
- dafa
- dagge
- copulate
- neighbor
- jàng
- companion
- roots
- -an
- child
- bush
- together
- janga
- gi
- to
- man
- góor
- with
- he
- taproot
- -i
- into
- support
- cut
- na
- bi
- taaw
- ba
- land
- ebenacea
- pick up
- uninhabited
- learn
- fièvre
- as
- his
- fellowship
- Feb 2021
github.com github.com
Tree Navigation
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
rkill command from pslist package sends given signal (or SIGTERM by default) to specified process and all its descendants:
- Dec 2020
github.com github.com
- Nov 2020
github.com github.com
Another difference is that context in Svelte does not insert anything into the visual component tree. There is no <Context.Provider> element like in React
github.com github.com
With the advent of JavaScript modules (import and export), it's possible to build libraries that are tree-shakeable. This means that a user of your library can import just the bits they need, without burdening their users with all the code you're not using.
If tree-shaking still fails, it's because Rollup thinks that there are side-effects somewhere in your code.
Avoid transpilers like Babel and Bublé (and if you're using TypeScript, target a modern version of JavaScript)
Don't create instances of things on initial evaluation — instantiate lazily, when the functions you export are called
- Oct 2020
medium.com medium.com
There is a killer feature of vDOM that Svelte has nothing to replace with. It is the ability to treat component hierarchy as an object.
recoiljs.org recoiljs.org
Recoil defines a directed graph orthogonal to but also intrinsic and attached to your React tree.
justintimecoder.com justintimecoder.com
Tree-shaking is the process of analyzing the code files that are required to run your application and then including only code that is actually used by your application.
- Sep 2020
react-spectrum.adobe.com react-spectrum.adobe.com
Provides state management for tree-like components. Handles building a collection of items from props, item expanded state, and manages multiple selection state.
snarp.github.io snarp.github.io
My first thought was that the house had caught fire, and I would arrive only to a scorched ruin and blackened bone, but as we got closer I could see that it was a single tree that was burning. A gnarled and ancient elm, that sat removed from the rest of the forest. A small crowd surrounded the spectacle. One man, who I took to be a groundskeeper, stood closer than the others, with a lit torch in his hand. On my instruction, the driver pulled closer, though the horses were nervous, and I asked the man why they were burning the tree, when the rain was coming down so heavily. Surely it could have waited for drier weather. The man simply shrugged. My German is… fine, though I have had little cause to use it of late, but his accent was thick, and all that I could get from him was a sense of… resignation, and the insistence that his master, who I took to be Albrecht, wanted the tree dead. I’m sure that he used that word, though. Not burned, not removed, or destroyed. Dead. I resolved to ask Albrecht about it when I saw him.
Creepy tree! Maybe similar to the HTR tree?
eclass.srv.ualberta.ca eclass.srv.ualberta.ca
Tree of Life
The 'Tree of Life' has been present throughout many cultures and religions across history. It has been known by many different names but the meaning is always a source of life or a creator. The ancient Egyptians, Christians, Myahs, and Assyrians all believed in this 'Tree of Life.'
onlinelibrary-wiley-com.ezproxy.rice.edu onlinelibrary-wiley-com.ezproxy.rice.edu
The neighbour‐joining tree was prepared with the R package {Ape} (Paradis, Claude, & Strimmer, 2004) and visualized using the R package {ggtree} (Yu, Smith, Zhu, Guan, & Lam, 2017).
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Let's say you import { Interface } from "api/interfaces", from source file /src/views/View.ts. Typescript would then look for the module in the following paths: /src/views/api/interfaces.ts /src/api/interfaces.ts /api/interfaces.ts
Can you try to delete node_modules folder and package-lock.json file.
clean node_modules
Between each step I did rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json && npm i. Just to be sure
- Jul 2020
adoptingerlang.org adoptingerlang.org
mark the workers as permanent or transient, so that if they fail they get restarted
defines when a terminated child process must be restarted.- A
child process is always restarted. - A
child process is never restarted (even when the supervisor's restart strategy isrest_for_one
and a sibling's death causes thetemporary
process to be terminated). - A
child process is restarted only if it terminates abnormally, that is, with another exit reason thannormal
, or{shutdown,Term}
. https://erlang.org/doc/man/supervisor.html
- A
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Bae, J.-M. (2014). The clinical decision analysis using decision tree. Epidemiology and Health, 36. https://doi.org/10.4178/epih/e2014025
- Jun 2020
rickneff.github.io rickneff.github.io
Start the branching with 4 powers of 2: 20, 21, 22 and 23
We branch with these powers because the prime factorization has \(2^3\). If it were instead \(2^5\), we would branch with \(2^0\), \(2^1\), \(2^2\), \(2^3\), \(2^4\), and \(2^5\), and we would have a branching factor of 6.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Lunn, P. D., Timmons, S., Julienne, H., Belton, C., Barjaková, M., Lavin, C., & McGowan, F. P. (2020). Using Decision Aids to Support Self-Isolation During the COVID-19 Pandemic [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/fngx5
- May 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Zinn, S., & Gnambs, T. (2020, April 18). Analyzing nonresponse in longitudinal surveys using Bayesian additive regression trees: A nonparametric event history analysis. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/82c3w
- Apr 2020
ruby.libhunt.com ruby.libhunt.com
Remove upper bound in our dependencies Doing this we are only asking people to fork our gem or open issues when they want to use a new version of the dependency and we still didn't tested with it.
- Dec 2019
github.com github.com
You can create sub-projects (or sub-contexts) by adding a backslash
Double click on a project/context select all there sub-projects/contexts, therefore show their tasks
First sighting of word arborescence. I thought they were just doing that for fun, as a play on "tree", but I guess it's a real graph theory concept (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arborescence_(graph_theory)).
Vim does not only offer unlimited undo levels, later releases support an undo tree. It eventually gives the editor VCS-like features.
- Nov 2019
github.com github.com
Not clear whether it could (easily) be used "standalone" — without any child checkboxes.
rsuite.github.io rsuite.github.io
- Oct 2019
typeocaml.com typeocaml.com
In order to maintain this property, each node has a rank, which indidates the length of the path between the node and the right most leaf. For example,
Rank - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leftist_tree#S-value
Rank of a node, is the distance from that node to the nearest leaf in the subtree rooted at that node.
github.com github.com
- Sep 2019
codeburst.io codeburst.io
mobx.js.org mobx.js.org
Anything that can be derived from the application state, should be derived. Automatically.
microsoft.github.io microsoft.github.io
- Aug 2019
material-ui.com material-ui.com
github.com github.com
Let's briefly look at the libraries, use cases, and factors that might help in deciding which is right for you. Here's a high-level decision tree: If you want fast and easy setup and integration, then component-playground may be the ticket! If you want a smaller bundle, SSR, and more flexibility, then react-live is for you! Here are the various factors at play:
joepuzzo.github.io joepuzzo.github.io
react-hook-form.com react-hook-form.comAPI1
reactresources.com reactresources.com
- Jul 2019
www.christianscience.com www.christianscience.com
Knowledge gained from material sense is figuratively represented in Scripture as a tree, bearing the fruits of Knowledge and Truthsin, sickness, and death.
- Dec 2018
Fowler’s snouted tree frog
Charles Darwin Foundation site on the Fowler's snouted tree frog.
www.treeinstitute.org www.treeinstitute.org
- Feb 2018
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Tree rings reveal increased fire risk for southwestern US
- Jan 2018
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
linnaeus.c18.net linnaeus.c18.net
The Linnaean Correspondence
Searchable collection of letters etc.
- Aug 2017
www.springer.com www.springer.com
Wood Structure and Environment
impacts of environmental conditions on wood anatomy; not climate reconstruction
iopscience.iop.org iopscience.iop.org
Diverse growth trends and climate responses across Eurasia's boreal forest
implies limitations of using macroscopic tree ring features for climate reconstructions, which are influenced by many different factors
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
A Technical Perspective in Modern Tree-ring Research - How to Overcome Dendroecological and Wood Anatomical Challenges
microtome-generated sections along the entire length of wood core samples for anatomical studies
- Jul 2017
www.magiccats.de www.magiccats.de
German cat infrastructure
pethelpful.com pethelpful.com
www.wikihow.com www.wikihow.com
iheartcats.com iheartcats.com
www.popsugar.com www.popsugar.com
- Jun 2017
www.atlasobscura.com www.atlasobscura.com
The original trees eventually died, but not before new sprouts could take root. For over 130 years, trees have continued to sprout, grow, and die in a so far endless cycle atop the courthouse
Very odd claim to fame!
- Feb 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
Saussure stresses that signs arc arbitrary and without inherent meaning
Saussure is that guy with the tree picture.
You know . . .
. . . that one. I figure this image is more important to knowing who he is than a picture of his face.
wiki.ubuntu.com wiki.ubuntu.com
select proprietary or out-of-tree modules (ex. vitualbox, nvidia, fglrx, bcmwl, etc.)
If anyone is wondering what other modules they refer to, or how to discover any on your own system, this StackExchange thread on how to identify out-of-tree modules might help.
- Jan 2016
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
This article mentions beating the tree [http://www.whitedragon.org.uk/articles/wassail.htm]
If there is some historical accuracy in that account, I wonder if it should be included in this section.
www.whitedragon.org.uk www.whitedragon.org.uk
No mention of this in the Wikipedia article on Wassailing and I wonder if there should be?