- Dec 2024
www.derstandard.de www.derstandard.de
Auch in diesem Jahr scheitert das Ausweisen großer Meeresschutzgebiete im antarktischen Ozean am Widerstand Chinas und Russlands. Die Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition informiert in einer neuen Publikation über die Notwendigkeit, das Meer um die Antarktis angesichts der globalen Erhitzung zu schützen. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000240592/umweltschuetzer-fordern-endlich-neue-schutzgebiete-in-der-antarktis
Bericht zum Schutz des antarktischen Ozeans: https://www.asoc.org/ice-archive/protecting-a-changing-southern-ocean/
- Jul 2024
www.epi.org www.epi.org
Improving the living standards of all working-class Americans while closing racial disparities in employment and wages will depend on how well we seize opportunities to build multiracial, multigendered, and multigenerational coalitions to advance policies that achieve both of these goals
for - political polarization - challenge to building multi-racial coalition - to - Wired story - No one actually knows how AI will affect jobs
political polarization - building multi-racial coalitions - This is challenging to do when there is so much political polarization with far-right pouring gasoline on the polarization fire and obscuring the issue - There is a complex combination of factors leading to the erosion of working class power
automation - erosion of the working class - Ai is only the latest form of the automation trend, further eroding the working class - But Ai is also beginning to erode white collar jobs
to - Wired story - No one actually knows how AI will affect jobs - https://hyp.is/KsIWPDzoEe-3rR-gufTfiQ/www.wired.com/story/ai-impact-on-work-mary-daly-interview/
- Jan 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Alle drei republikanischen Kandidaten bei den US-Vorwahlen treten nachdrücklich für eine weitere Steigerung der Förderung von Öl und Gas ein. Sie wollen Subventionen für erneuerbare Energien und Elektromobilität zurückfahren. Nur für 13% der republikanischen Wähler ist die Klimakrise eine Top-Priorität. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/jan/18/trump-republican-rivals-climate-crisis
- Dec 2023
sonec.org sonec.org
for: SRG - community strategy, TPF - community strategy, epiphany - Indyweb Coalition fair attribution map for all stakeholders
- for SRG and TPF, the citizen launch is the optimal choice as it gives citizens the greatest autonomy.to get the correct framework established before approaching institutional partners for support
epiphany: Indyweb generates detailed and fair attribution and contribution map for all coalition member involved
- Indyweb features will allow for granular attribution to all stakeholders and organizations within a collaborative project
- All contributions are automatically tracked as part of Indyweb workflow via the provenance feature and can be automatically surfaced in granular detail as metadata emergent from the group Indyweb mindplex, the intertwingled shared mindplexs of all participants
- In particular, by using Indyweb's provenance feature, it allows for automatically tracking the exact nature of the contribution
- For a multi-stakeholder coalition like Living Cities Earth, this takes care of fair automatic attribution
- The result is a fair attribution map that shows exactly who contributed and what they contributed
newrepublic.com newrepublic.com
strange-bedfellow coalitions
- for: definition - stranger bedfellows coalition
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Rupert Read has the best idea I have heard re international climate negotiations: countries that are serious should have their own conference where they collaborate on strong targets, plans, etc. Part of which should be recognising the dangers of remaining reliant on the petrostates, planning to transcend that reliance and sanctioning them
for: good idea - COP alternative, COP alternative - coalition of the willing, COP alternative - social tipping point, Rupert Read - alternative to COP
good idea: COP alternative
- This could work based on the principle of social tipping points
- The current COP pits the powerful incumbents of the old system delaying as long as possible rapid system change, these are the conservatives
- This puts the liberals at distinct disadvantage from the conservatives because in a consensus reached agreement, the conservatives can veto any strong and binding language that represents rapid system change
- In an alternative conference where the 100+ nation states are already in agreement, action in this smaller coalition OF THE WILLING, will lead to rapid action.
- This could lead to breaking the threshold of system change via reaching the 25% social tipping point threshold
question: alternative COP
- If an alternative COP was held, is the nation state the best level to approach?
- What about a city level COP?
- Rupert Read article on alternative COP
- Nov 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Bei der diesjährigen Konferenz der Kommission zur Erhaltung der lebenden marinen Resourcen der Antarktis verhinderte vor allem die russische Delegation, dass große Gebiete unter Schutz gestellt wurden. Der Guardian berichtet über den Verlauf der Konferenz.
- NGO: Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition
- expert: Emily Grilly
- NGO: Pew Charitable Trusts
- NGO: WWF Antarctic
- actor: Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR)
- expert: Andrea Kavanagh
- 2023-10-29
- expert: Claire Christian
- region: Antarctica
- event: CCAMLR Meeting.October 2023
- country: Russia
theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/29/russian-delegation-stymies-creation-of-antarctic-conservation-area -
Bei der Jahrestagung der Kommission zum Schutz der lebenden Ressourcen der Antarktis ist der Plan, drei große zusammenhängende Gebiete als Schutzzonen auszuweisen, wieder am Widerstand Russlands und Chinas gescheitert. Es kam lediglich zu einer Übereinkunft das Fischen von Krill zu regulieren. https://taz.de/Kaum-Fortschritte-bei-Antarktisschutz/!5969196/
- NGO: Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition
- 2023-10-27
- institution: Pew Bertarelli Ocean Legacy Project
- actor: Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR)
- expert: Andrea Kavanagh
- expert: Claire Christian
- region: Antarctica
- event: CCAMLR Meeting.October 2023
- event: One Planet – Polar Summit
- Aug 2023
www.pewresearch.org www.pewresearch.org
I believe we are arriving at multiple simultaneous breaking points. The most obvious is of course the climate crisis, but also consider the mounting levels of inequality, of pollution and of despicable charlatanry exhibited by those in positions of power. These simply cannot go on if we are to survive as a civilization. Since civilization is resilient, the odds are that we develop tools to support a saner society and bring those tools to bear. I’m not prescient enough to enumerate them, but it seems that the single most useful technology would be one that clearly distinguishes verifiable truth from agitprop in an unavoidable and unambiguous way. This is a necessary but not sufficient condition for making progress on any of the key issues we face.
- for: quote, quote - David Bray, quote polycrisis, indyweb - support, People-centered Internet Coalition, polycrisis
- quote
- I believe we are arriving at multiple simultaneous breaking points.
- The most obvious is of course the climate crisis, but also consider the mounting levels of
- inequality,
- of pollution and of
- despicable charlatanry exhibited by those in positions of power.
- These simply cannot go on if we are to survive as a civilization.
- Since civilization is resilient, the odds are that we develop tools to support a saner society and bring those tools to bear.
- I’m not prescient enough to enumerate them, but it seems that the single most useful technology would be one that
- clearly distinguishes
- verifiable truth from
- agitprop
- in an unavoidable and unambiguous way.
- clearly distinguishes
- This is a necessary but not sufficient condition for making progress on any of the key issues we face.
- author: David Bray
- executive director, People-Centered Internet Coalition
monde-diplomatique.de monde-diplomatique.de
Hintergrundartikel zum möglicherweise bald beginnenden Tiefseebergbau, dessen ökologische Folgen enorm sein dürften und wissenschaftlich noch nicht eingeschätzt werden können. Zentrales internationales Konfliktthema ist die Rolle der internationalen Meeresbodenbehörde ISA: Die Metalle, die in der Tiefsee abgebaut werden können, sind vor allem für Erzeugung und Speicherung erneuerbarer Energien interessant.
- institution: International Seabed Authority
- expert: Diva Amon
- institution: Benioff Ocean Science Laboratory
- topic: deep sea mining
- expert: Pradeep Singh
- expert: Matthias Haeckel
- institution:Potsdamer Forschungsinstitut für Nachhaltigkeit
- institution: ISA
- expert: Matthew Gianni
- expert: Louisa Casson
- actor: The Metals Company
- feature: Clarion-Clipperton-Zone
- NGO: Deep Sea Conservation Coalition
- Jul 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Die Beschlüsse der Konferenz der Welt-Schifffahrtsorganisation MPI zur Dekarbonisierung der Schifffahrt genügen nicht, um die Ziele des Pariser Abkommens zu erreichen. Man will die Emissionen bis 2030 um mindestens 20% reduzieren und „um 2050" emissionsfrei sein. Ein Beschluss zu einer Abgabe –zur Finanzierung der Dekarbonisierung armer Länder – wurde aufgeschoben.
Mehr zu der Konferenz zur Dekarbonisierung der Schifffahrt: https://hypothes.is/search?q=tag%3A%22event%3A%20MEPC%2080%22
- Jun 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Fossile Brennstoffe, umweltschädliche Landwirtschaft und Fischfang werden jährlich mit mindestens 7,25 Billionen Dollar subventioniert. Insgesamt fließen pro Minute 23 Millionen Dollar umweltschädliche Subventionen – 8% des Bruttosozialprodukts. Mit 577 Milliarden USD waren fossile Subventionen 2021 doppelt so hoch wie die für Erneuerbare und fast sechsmal so hoch wie die zugesagte Klimafinanzierung für den globalen Süden. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jun/15/vast-fossil-fuel-and-farming-subsidies-causing-environmental-havoc-world-bank
Bericht der Weltbank: https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/climatechange/publication/detox-development
- Apr 2023
Bei der Tagung von Weltbank und Internationalem Währungsfonds wurden nur winzige Reformschritte unternommen. Nach der Ansicht der Fachleute von NGOs werden sie nicht ausreichen um ärmeren Ländern den Kampf gegen die globale Erhitzung zur erleichtern. Nach wie vor stellt die Weltbank hohe Summen für die Finanzierung fossiler Energien zur Verfügung.
- Aug 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Lawlor, Jennifer, Zachary Neal, and Kyle Metta. ‘What Is a Coalition? A Systematic Review of Coalitions in Community Psychology’. Preprint. PsyArXiv, 20 August 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/ba4yw.
- May 2020
Park, J. W., Vani, P., Saint-Hilaire, S., & Kraus, M. W. (2020, April 30). Beneficiaries' Attitudes toward Allies in Social Movements. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/umzk2
- Sep 2019
global-factiva-com.simsrad.net.ocs.mq.edu.au global-factiva-com.simsrad.net.ocs.mq.edu.auFactiva1
nnouncing the takeover of Metro Transport Sydney, the owner of the monorail and light rail lines, the Premier, Barry O'Farrell, and the Transport Minister, Gladys Berejiklian, showed little sentiment yesterday. "The real problem with the monorail, I think for most Sydneysiders, is that it doesn't actually go anywhere that you want to go," Mr O'Farrell said. The government offered another two explanations for the $19.8 million decision to buy out MTS and close the monorail, which began operations in 1988. As reported by the Herald in January, the monorail was a potential impediment to the redevelopment of the area around the convention centre and entertainment centre. Mr O'Farrell wants that area redeveloped by 2016, and property companies bidding for the work are now free to remove the monorail from their designs. Another reason to buy MTS was to make it easier to add to Sydney's one tram line, from Central to Lilyfield. Under the terms of the MTS 1994 contract, the company was handed the rights to plan and build any additions to the line. The contract also prevented the government building any new tram lines that intersected with MTS.
- Jun 2019
www.go-fair.org www.go-fair.org
- May 2019
www.datacoalition.org www.datacoalition.org
- May 2018
CredCo Indicator:Inference - Convincing Evidence
Question:How convincing do you find the evidence given for the primary claim?
Answer:Fairly Convincing
In a 2014 study, a team led by Claverie revived two viruses that had been trapped in Siberian permafrost for 30,000 years.
Question:What evidence is given for the primary claim? Select all that apply.
Answer:An experimental study was conducted (natural experiments OK)
In a 2014 study, a team led by Claverie revived two viruses that had been trapped in Siberian permafrost for 30,000 years.
Two years later, scientists managed to revive an 8-million-year-old bacterium that had been lying dormant in ice, beneath the surface of a glacier in the Beacon and Mullins valleys of Antarctica. In the same study, bacteria were also revived from ice that was over 100,000 years old.
Question:What evidence is given for the primary claim? Select all that apply.
Answer:An experimental study was conducted (natural experiments OK)
Two years later, scientists managed to revive an 8-million-year-old bacterium that had been lying dormant in ice, beneath the surface of a glacier in the Beacon and Mullins valleys of Antarctica. In the same study, bacteria were also revived from ice that was over 100,000 years old.
In a 2005 study, NASA scientists successfully revived bacteria that had been encased in a frozen pond in Alaska for 32,000 years. The microbes, called Carnobacterium pleistocenium, had been frozen since the Pleistocene period, when woolly mammoths still roamed the Earth. Once the ice melted, they began swimming around, seemingly unaffected.
Question:What evidence is given for the primary claim? Select all that apply.
Answer:An experimental study was conducted (natural experiments OK)
In a 2005 study, NASA scientists successfully revived bacteria that had been encased in a frozen pond in Alaska for 32,000 years. The microbes, called Carnobacterium pleistocenium, had been frozen since the Pleistocene period, when woolly mammoths still roamed the Earth. Once the ice melted, they began swimming around, seemingly unaffected.
For instance, scientists have discovered fragments of RNA from the 1918 Spanish flu virus in corpses buried in mass graves in Alaska's tundra. Smallpox and the bubonic plague are also likely buried in Siberia.
Question:What evidence is given for the primary claim? Select all that apply.
Answer:An experimental study was conducted (natural experiments OK)
For instance, scientists have discovered fragments of RNA from the 1918 Spanish flu virus in corpses buried in mass graves in Alaska's tundra. Smallpox and the bubonic plague are also likely buried in Siberia.
For instance, scientists have discovered fragments of RNA from the 1918 Spanish flu virus in corpses buried in mass graves in Alaska's tundra. Smallpox and the bubonic plague are also likely buried in Siberia.
Question:What evidence is given for the primary claim? Select all that apply.
Answer:The correlation appears across multiple independent contexts
For instance, scientists have discovered fragments of RNA from the 1918 Spanish flu virus in corpses buried in mass graves in Alaska's tundra. Smallpox and the bubonic plague are also likely buried in Siberia.
In August 2016, in a remote corner of Siberian tundra called the Yamal Peninsula in the Arctic Circle, a 12-year-old boy died and at least twenty people were hospitalised after being infected by anthrax. The theory is that, over 75 years ago, a reindeer infected with anthrax died and its frozen carcass became trapped under a layer of frozen soil, known as permafrost. There it stayed until a heatwave in the summer of 2016, when the permafrost thawed.
Question:What evidence is given for the primary claim? Select all that apply.
Answer:The correlation appears across multiple independent contexts
In August 2016, in a remote corner of Siberian tundra called the Yamal Peninsula in the Arctic Circle, a 12-year-old boy died and at least twenty people were hospitalised after being infected by anthrax.
The theory is that, over 75 years ago, a reindeer infected with anthrax died and its frozen carcass became trapped under a layer of frozen soil, known as permafrost. There it stayed until a heatwave in the summer of 2016, when the permafrost thawed.
Climate change is melting permafrost soils that have been frozen for thousands of years, and as the soils melt they are releasing ancient viruses and bacteria that, having lain dormant, are springing back to life.
CredCo Indicator:Inference - Type of Claims
Question:Is a general or singular causal claim made? Highlight the section(s) that supports your answer.
Answer:General Causal Claim
Climate change is melting permafrost soils that have been frozen for thousands of years, and as the soils melt they are releasing ancient viruses and bacteria that, having lain dormant, are springing back to life.
CredCo Indicator:Tone - Exaggerated Claims
Question:Does the author exaggerate any claims? If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
CredCo Indicator:Tone - Emotionally Charged
Question:Does the article have an emotionally charged tone? (i.e, outrage, snark, celebration, horror, etc.). If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - Naturalistic
Question:Does the author suggest that something is good because it is natural, or bad because it is not natural (the naturalistic fallacy)?
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - Appeal to Fear
Question:Does the author exaggerate the dangers of a situation and use scare tactics to persuade (the appeal to fear fallacy)?
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - Slippery Slope
Question:Does the author say that one small change will lead to a major change (use a slippery slope argument)? Highlight the relevant section(s).
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - False Dilemma
Question:Does the author present a complicated choice as if it were binary (construct a false dilemma)? If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - Straw Man
Question:Does the author present the counterargument as a weaker, more foolish version of the real counterargument (use a Straw Man Argument)? If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
CredCo Indicator:Confidence - Acknowledge Uncertainty
Question:Do they acknowledge uncertainty or the possibility that things might be otherwise? If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
CredCo Indicator:Confidence - Extent Claims Justified
Question:To what extent does their confidence in their claims seem justified?
Answer:Somewhat justified
In February 2017, NASA scientists announced that they had found 10-50,000-year-old microbes inside crystals in a Mexican mine.
CredCo Indicator:Citation of Studies
Question:Highlight each scientific study cited:
Answer:Scientific Study 4
In February 2017, NASA scientists announced that they had found 10-50,000-year-old microbes inside crystals in a Mexican mine.
In a 2014 study, a team led by Claverie revived two viruses that had been trapped in Siberian permafrost for 30,000 years.
CredCo Indicator:Citation of Studies
Question:Highlight each scientific study cited:
Answer:Scientific Study 3
In a 2014 study, a team led by Claverie revived two viruses that had been trapped in Siberian permafrost for 30,000 years.
In a 2005 study, NASA scientists successfully revived bacteria that had been encased in a frozen pond in Alaska for 32,000 years.
CredCo Indicator:Citation of Studies
Question:Highlight each scientific study cited:
Answer:Scientific Study 2
In a 2005 study, NASA scientists successfully revived bacteria that had been encased in a frozen pond in Alaska for 32,000 years.
In a project that began in the 1990s, scientists from the State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology in Novosibirsk have tested the remains of Stone Age people that had been found in southern Siberia, in the region of Gorny Altai.
CredCo Indicator:Citation of Studies
Question:Highlight each scientific study cited:
Answer:Scientific Study 1
In a project that began in the 1990s, scientists from the State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology in Novosibirsk have tested the remains of Stone Age people that had been found in southern Siberia, in the region of Gorny Altai.
microbiologist Hazel Barton
CredCo Indicator:Quotes from Outside Experts
Question:Highlight each expert cited:
Answer:Expert 3
microbiologist Hazel Barton
Boris Revich and Marina Podolnaya
CredCo Indicator:Quotes from Outside Experts
Question:Highlight each expert cited:
Answer:Expert 2
Boris Revich and Marina Podolnaya
evolutionary biologist Jean-Michel Claverie
CredCo Indicator:Quotes from Outside Experts
Question:Highlight each expert cited:
Answer:Expert 1
evolutionary biologist Jean-Michel Claverie
Question:Which of the following types of sources are cited in the article? Check all that apply. If Other, please highlight.
Question:Which of the following types of sources are cited in the article? Check all that apply. If Other, please highlight.
CredCo Indicator:Single Study Article
Question:Is this article primarily about a single scientific study?
diseases hidden in ice,
CredCo Indicator:Clickbait Title
Question:What clickbait techniques does this headline employ (select all that apply)?
Answer:Inducing fear (“Is Your Boyfriend Cheating on You?”)
diseases hidden in ice,
CredCo Indicator:Clickbait Title
Question:Is the headline clickbaity?
Answer:Somewhat clickbaity
CredCo Indicator:Title Representativeness
Question:Question: Does the title of the article accurately reflect the content of the article?
Answer:Somewhat Representative
Question:Rate your impression of the credibility of this article
Answer:Somewhat high credibility
ewao.com ewao.com
CredCo Indicator:Inference - Convincing Evidence
Question:How convincing do you find the evidence given for the primary claim?
Answer:Moderately Convincing
When read carefully, the CDC acknowledges that studies finding any perceived reduction in death rates may be due to the healthy-user effect- the tendency for healthier people to be vaccinated more than less-healthy people.
Question:What evidence is given for the primary claim? Select all that apply.
When read carefully, the CDC acknowledges that studies finding any perceived reduction in death rates may be due to the healthy-user effect- the tendency for healthier people to be vaccinated more than less-healthy people.
One study found that those who get the vaccine for three to five years increase their risk of Alzheimer's disease 10-fold.
Question:What evidence is given for the primary claim? Select all that apply.
Answer:An experimental study was conducted (natural experiments OK)
One study found that those who get the vaccine for three to five years increase their risk of Alzheimer's disease 10-fold.
A study released in February found that the flu shot was only 9 percent effective in protecting seniors against the 2012-2013 season's most virulent influenza bug...
Question:What evidence is given for the primary claim? Select all that apply.
Answer:An experimental study was conducted (natural experiments OK)
A study released in February found that the flu shot was only 9 percent effective in protecting seniors against the 2012-2013 season's most virulent influenza bug...
randomized, controlled trials of healthy adults found that vaccinating between 33 and 100 people resulted in one less case of influenza...In
Question:What evidence is given for the primary claim? Select all that apply.
Answer:An experimental study was conducted (natural experiments OK)
randomized, controlled trials of healthy adults found that vaccinating between 33 and 100 people resulted in one less case of influenza...In
The only randomized trial of influenza vaccine in older people found no decrease in deaths...
Question:What evidence is given for the primary claim? Select all that apply.
Answer:An experimental study was conducted (natural experiments OK)
The only randomized trial of influenza vaccine in older people found no decrease in deaths...
what's in the vaccines--especially those from 2015 and after--might actually be more damaging then simply rolling the dice on getting the flu.
CredCo Indicator:Inference - Type of Claims
Question:Is a general or singular causal claim made? Highlight the section(s) that supports your answer.
Answer:General Causal Claim
what's in the vaccines--especially those from 2015 and after--might actually be more damaging then simply rolling the dice on getting the flu.
Not only is the vaccine not safe, it doesn't even work...The vaccine is completely worthless, and the government knows it...There
CredCo Indicator:Tone - Exaggerated Claims
Question:Does the author exaggerate any claims? If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
Answer:Sort of
Not only is the vaccine not safe, it doesn't even work...The vaccine is completely worthless, and the government knows it...There
CredCo Indicator:Tone - Emotionally Charged
Question:Does the article have an emotionally charged tone? (i.e, outrage, snark, celebration, horror, etc.). If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
they know it contains a dose of mercury that is toxic to the brain...They
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - Naturalistic
Question:Does the author suggest that something is good because it is natural, or bad because it is not natural (the naturalistic fallacy)?
Answer:Sort of
they know it contains a dose of mercury that is toxic to the brain...They
Not only is the vaccine not safe, it doesn't even
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - Appeal to Fear
Question:Does the author exaggerate the dangers of a situation and use scare tactics to persuade (the appeal to fear fallacy)?
Answer:Sort of
Not only is the vaccine not safe, it doesn't even
work...The vaccine is completely worthless, and the government knows it...There
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - Appeal to Fear
Question:Does the author exaggerate the dangers of a situation and use scare tactics to persuade (the appeal to fear fallacy)?
Answer:Sort of
work...The vaccine is completely worthless, and the government knows it...There
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - Slippery Slope
Question:Does the author say that one small change will lead to a major change (use a slippery slope argument)? Highlight the relevant section(s).
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - False Dilemma
Question:Does the author present a complicated choice as if it were binary (construct a false dilemma)? If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - Straw Man
Question:Does the author present the counterargument as a weaker, more foolish version of the real counterargument (use a Straw Man Argument)? If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
While it may be a contested subject,
CredCo Indicator:Confidence - Acknowledge Uncertainty
Question:Do they acknowledge uncertainty or the possibility that things might be otherwise? If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
Answer:Sort of
While it may be a contested subject,
CredCo Indicator:Confidence - Extent Claims Justified
Question:To what extent does their confidence in their claims seem justified?
Answer:Somewhat justified
A study released in February found that the flu shot was only 9 percent effective in protecting seniors against the 2012-2013 season's most virulent influenza bug...
CredCo Indicator:Citation of Studies
Question:Highlight each scientific study cited:
Answer:Scientific Study 4
A study released in February found that the flu shot was only 9 percent effective in protecting seniors against the 2012-2013 season's most virulent influenza bug...
Yet a study by the Cochrane group studied hundreds of thousands of people and found it offered zero protection for those three things in the general community.
CredCo Indicator:Citation of Studies
Question:Highlight each scientific study cited:
Answer:Scientific Study 3
Yet a study by the Cochrane group studied hundreds of thousands of people and found it offered zero protection for those three things in the general community.
(In) an Australian study (it was) found (that) one in every 110 children under the age of five had convulsions following vaccinations in 2009 for H1N1 influenza.
CredCo Indicator:Citation of Studies
Question:Highlight each scientific study cited:
Answer:Scientific Study 2
(In) an Australian study (it was) found (that) one in every 110 children under the age of five had convulsions following vaccinations in 2009 for H1N1 influenza.
randomized, controlled trials of healthy adults found that vaccinating between 33 and 100 people resulted in one less case of influenza...In
CredCo Indicator:Citation of Studies
Question:Highlight each scientific study cited:
Answer:Scientific Study 1
randomized, controlled trials of healthy adults found that vaccinating between 33 and 100 people resulted in one less case of influenza...In
Dr. Russell Blaylock,
CredCo Indicator:Quotes from Outside Experts
Question:Highlight each expert cited:
Answer:Expert 2
Dr. Russell Blaylock,
Peter Doshi's
CredCo Indicator:Quotes from Outside Experts
Question:Highlight each expert cited:
Answer:Expert 1
Peter Doshi's
Question:Which of the following types of sources are cited in the article? Check all that apply. If Other, please highlight.
Question:Which of the following types of sources are cited in the article? Check all that apply. If Other, please highlight.
CredCo Indicator:Single Study Article
Question:Is this article primarily about a single scientific study?
releases shocking report
CredCo Indicator:Clickbait Title
Question:What clickbait techniques does this headline employ (select all that apply)?
Answer:Provoking emotions, such as shock or surprise (“...Shocking Result”, “...Leave You in Tears”)
releases shocking report
CredCo Indicator:Clickbait Title
Question:Is the headline clickbaity?
Answer:Somewhat clickbaity
CredCo Indicator:Title Representativeness
Question:Question: Does the title of the article accurately reflect the content of the article?
Answer:Somewhat Representative
Question:Rate your impression of the credibility of this article
Answer:Medium credibility
dailyoccupation.com dailyoccupation.com
CredCo Indicator:Inference - Convincing Evidence
Question:How convincing do you find the evidence given for the primary claim?
Answer:Moderately Convincing
When we consume simple carbohydrates such as sugar, blood sugar rises rapidly. In response, your pancreas secretes insulin whose primary purpose is to drive sugar into each cell where it is stored for energy. If the cell is full and does not need glucose, it is rejected to avoid extra sugar gumming up the works.
Question:What kind of evidence do they give?
Answer:A cause-and-effect chain of biological events is provided.
When we consume simple carbohydrates such as sugar, blood sugar rises rapidly. In response, your pancreas secretes insulin whose primary purpose is to drive sugar into each cell where it is stored for energy. If the cell is full and does not need glucose, it is rejected to avoid extra sugar gumming up the works.
Blood sugar is controlled in a very narrow range. Extra sugar molecules attach to a variety of proteins that in turn injure the blood vessel wall. This repeated injury to the blood vessel wall sets off inflammation. When you spike your blood sugar level several times a day, every day, it is exactly like taking sandpaper to the inside of your delicate blood vessels.
Question:What kind of evidence do they give?
Answer:A cause-and-effect chain of biological events is provided.
Blood sugar is controlled in a very narrow range. Extra sugar molecules attach to a variety of proteins that in turn injure the blood vessel wall. This repeated injury to the blood vessel wall sets off inflammation. When you spike your blood sugar level several times a day, every day, it is exactly like taking sandpaper to the inside of your delicate blood vessels.
Blood sugar is controlled in a very narrow range. Extra sugar molecules attach to a variety of proteins that in turn injure the blood vessel wall. This repeated injury to the blood vessel wall sets off inflammation. When you spike your blood sugar level several times a day, every day, it is exactly like taking sandpaper to the inside of your delicate blood vessels.
Question:What evidence is given for the primary claim? Select all that apply.
Answer:Other kind of evidence
Blood sugar is controlled in a very narrow range. Extra sugar molecules attach to a variety of proteins that in turn injure the blood vessel wall. This repeated injury to the blood vessel wall sets off inflammation. When you spike your blood sugar level several times a day, every day, it is exactly like taking sandpaper to the inside of your delicate blood vessels.
When we consume simple carbohydrates such as sugar, blood sugar rises rapidly. In response, your pancreas secretes insulin whose primary purpose is to drive sugar into each cell where it is stored for energy. If the cell is full and does not need glucose, it is rejected to avoid extra sugar gumming up the works.
Question:What evidence is given for the primary claim? Select all that apply.
Answer:Other kind of evidence
When we consume simple carbohydrates such as sugar, blood sugar rises rapidly. In response, your pancreas secretes insulin whose primary purpose is to drive sugar into each cell where it is stored for energy. If the cell is full and does not need glucose, it is rejected to avoid extra sugar gumming up the works.
The injury and inflammation in our blood vessels is caused by the low fat diet recommended for years by mainstream medicine.
CredCo Indicator:Inference - Type of Claims
Question:Is a general or singular causal claim made? Highlight the section(s) that supports your answer.
Answer:General Causal Claim
The injury and inflammation in our blood vessels is caused by the low fat diet recommended for years by mainstream medicine.
CredCo Indicator:Tone - Exaggerated Claims
Question:Does the author exaggerate any claims? If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
Let me repeat that: The injury and inflammation in our blood vessels is caused by the low fat diet recommended for years by mainstream medicine.
CredCo Indicator:Tone - Emotionally Charged
Question:Does the article have an emotionally charged tone? (i.e, outrage, snark, celebration, horror, etc.). If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
Answer:Sort of
Let me repeat that: The injury and inflammation in our blood vessels is caused by the low fat diet recommended for years by mainstream medicine.
The process that began with a sweet roll turns into a vicious cycle over time that creates heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and finally, Alzheimer’s disease, as the inflammatory process continues unabated.
CredCo Indicator:Tone - Emotionally Charged
Question:Does the article have an emotionally charged tone? (i.e, outrage, snark, celebration, horror, etc.). If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
Answer:Sort of
The process that began with a sweet roll turns into a vicious cycle over time that creates heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and finally, Alzheimer’s disease, as the inflammatory process continues unabated.
The ratio of imbalance ranges from 15:1 to as high as 30:1 in favor of omega-6. That’s a tremendous amount of cytokines causing inflammation. In today’s food environment, a 3:1 ratio would be optimal and healthy.
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - Naturalistic
Question:Does the author suggest that something is good because it is natural, or bad because it is not natural (the naturalistic fallacy)?
Answer:Sort of
The ratio of imbalance ranges from 15:1 to as high as 30:1 in favor of omega-6. That’s a tremendous amount of cytokines causing inflammation. In today’s food environment, a 3:1 ratio would be optimal and healthy.
There is but one answer to quieting inflammation, and that is returning to foods closer to their natural state.
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - Naturalistic
Question:Does the author suggest that something is good because it is natural, or bad because it is not natural (the naturalistic fallacy)?
Answer:Sort of
There is but one answer to quieting inflammation, and that is returning to foods closer to their natural state.
While we savor the tantalizing taste of a sweet roll, our bodies respond alarmingly as if a foreign invader arrived declaring war.
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - Appeal to Fear
Question:Does the author exaggerate the dangers of a situation and use scare tactics to persuade (the appeal to fear fallacy)?
Answer:Sort of
While we savor the tantalizing taste of a sweet roll, our bodies respond alarmingly as if a foreign invader arrived declaring war.
By eliminating inflammatory foods and adding essential nutrients from fresh unprocessed food, you will reverse years of damage in your arteries and throughout your body from consuming the typical American diet.
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - Slippery Slope
Question:Does the author say that one small change will lead to a major change (use a slippery slope argument)? Highlight the relevant section(s).
Answer:Sort of
By eliminating inflammatory foods and adding essential nutrients from fresh unprocessed food, you will reverse years of damage in your arteries and throughout your body from consuming the typical American diet.
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - False Dilemma
Question:Does the author present a complicated choice as if it were binary (construct a false dilemma)? If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - Straw Man
Question:Does the author present the counterargument as a weaker, more foolish version of the real counterargument (use a Straw Man Argument)? If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
CredCo Indicator:Confidence - Acknowledge Uncertainty
Question:Do they acknowledge uncertainty or the possibility that things might be otherwise? If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
CredCo Indicator:Confidence - Extent Claims Justified
Question:To what extent does their confidence in their claims seem justified?
Answer:Slightly justified
American Heart Association
CredCo Indicator:Citation of Organizations
Question:Highlight each organization cited:
Answer:Cited Organization 1
American Heart Association
heart surgeon with 25 years experience, having performed over 5,000 open-heart surgeries,
CredCo Indicator:Quotes from Outside Experts
Question:Highlight each expert cited:
Answer:Expert 1
heart surgeon with 25 years experience, having performed over 5,000 open-heart surgeries,
Question:Which of the following types of sources are cited in the article? Check all that apply. If Other, please highlight.
Question:Which of the following types of sources are cited in the article? Check all that apply. If Other, please highlight.
CredCo Indicator:Single Study Article
Question:Is this article primarily about a single scientific study?
What Really Causes Heart Disease
CredCo Indicator:Clickbait Title
Question:What clickbait techniques does this headline employ (select all that apply)?
Answer:Hidden secret or trick (“Fitness Companies Hate Him...”, “Experts are Dying to Know Their Secret”)
What Really Causes Heart Disease
CredCo Indicator:Clickbait Title
Question:Is the headline clickbaity?
Answer:A little bit clickbaity
CredCo Indicator:Title Representativeness
Question:Question: Does the title of the article accurately reflect the content of the article?
Answer:Completely Representative
Question:Rate your impression of the credibility of this article
Answer:Medium credibility
mic.com mic.com
CredCo Indicator:Inference - Convincing Evidence
Question:How convincing do you find the evidence given for the primary claim?
Answer:Fairly Convincing
Question:What evidence is given for the primary claim? Select all that apply.
Answer:No evidence given
CredCo Indicator:Inference - Type of Claims
Question:Is a general or singular causal claim made? Highlight the section(s) that supports your answer.
Answer:No Causal Claim
CredCo Indicator:Tone - Exaggerated Claims
Question:Does the author exaggerate any claims? If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
CredCo Indicator:Tone - Emotionally Charged
Question:Does the article have an emotionally charged tone? (i.e, outrage, snark, celebration, horror, etc.). If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - Naturalistic
Question:Does the author suggest that something is good because it is natural, or bad because it is not natural (the naturalistic fallacy)?
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - Appeal to Fear
Question:Does the author exaggerate the dangers of a situation and use scare tactics to persuade (the appeal to fear fallacy)?
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - Slippery Slope
Question:Does the author say that one small change will lead to a major change (use a slippery slope argument)? Highlight the relevant section(s).
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - False Dilemma
Question:Does the author present a complicated choice as if it were binary (construct a false dilemma)? If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - Straw Man
Question:Does the author present the counterargument as a weaker, more foolish version of the real counterargument (use a Straw Man Argument)? If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
CredCo Indicator:Confidence - Acknowledge Uncertainty
Question:Do they acknowledge uncertainty or the possibility that things might be otherwise? If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
CredCo Indicator:Confidence - Extent Claims Justified
Question:To what extent does their confidence in their claims seem justified?
Answer:Mostly justified
Raw Story,
CredCo Indicator:Citation of Organizations
Question:Highlight each organization cited:
Answer:Cited Organization 2
Raw Story,
Huffington Post
CredCo Indicator:Citation of Organizations
Question:Highlight each organization cited:
Answer:Cited Organization 1
Huffington Post
Physicians for Reproductive Health advocacy fellow Dr. Diane Horvath-Cosper
CredCo Indicator:Quotes from Outside Experts
Question:Highlight each expert cited:
Answer:Expert 1
Physicians for Reproductive Health advocacy fellow Dr. Diane Horvath-Cosper
Question:Which of the following types of sources are cited in the article? Check all that apply. If Other, please highlight.
Question:Which of the following types of sources are cited in the article? Check all that apply. If Other, please highlight.
CredCo Indicator:Single Study Article
Question:Is this article primarily about a single scientific study?
sexual assault could be considered a pre-existing condition
CredCo Indicator:Clickbait Title
Question:What clickbait techniques does this headline employ (select all that apply)?
Answer:Cliffhanger to a story (“You Won’t Believe What Happens Next”, “Man Divorces His Wife After Overhearing This Conversation”)
sexual assault could be considered a pre-existing condition
CredCo Indicator:Clickbait Title
Question:Is the headline clickbaity?
Answer:A little bit clickbaity
CredCo Indicator:Title Representativeness
Question:Question: Does the title of the article accurately reflect the content of the article?
Answer:Somewhat Representative
Question:Rate your impression of the credibility of this article
Answer:Somewhat high credibility
ewao.com ewao.com
CredCo Indicator:Inference - Convincing Evidence
Question:How convincing do you find the evidence given for the primary claim?
Answer:Moderately Convincing
http://cdc.news/2017-06-01-autism-risk-420-higher-in-vaccinated-children-vs-non-vaccinated-published-science-confirms.html http://www.bewellbuzz.com/general/10-reasons-flu-shots-dangerous-flu/ http://www.rejuvenation-science.com/medication-depletion http://chemo.news/ https://realfarmacy.com/75-of-physicians-in-the-world-refuse-chemotherapy-for-themselves/
Question:What evidence is given for the primary claim? Select all that apply.
Answer:Experts are cited
http://cdc.news/2017-06-01-autism-risk-420-higher-in-vaccinated-children-vs-non-vaccinated-published-science-confirms.html http://www.bewellbuzz.com/general/10-reasons-flu-shots-dangerous-flu/ http://www.rejuvenation-science.com/medication-depletion http://chemo.news/ https://realfarmacy.com/75-of-physicians-in-the-world-refuse-chemotherapy-for-themselves/
Prescription pills and treatments have many dangerous side effects.
CredCo Indicator:Inference - Type of Claims
Question:Is a general or singular causal claim made? Highlight the section(s) that supports your answer.
Answer:General Causal Claim
Prescription pills and treatments have many dangerous side effects.
Injecting mercury into your muscle tissue will send a widespread shock through your body, which causes a severe, instant hyper-immune reply from the central nervous system.
CredCo Indicator:Tone - Exaggerated Claims
Question:Does the author exaggerate any claims? If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
Answer:Sort of
Injecting mercury into your muscle tissue will send a widespread shock through your body, which causes a severe, instant hyper-immune reply from the central nervous system.
Chemotherapy should already be illegal, but it’s not.
CredCo Indicator:Tone - Emotionally Charged
Question:Does the article have an emotionally charged tone? (i.e, outrage, snark, celebration, horror, etc.). If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
Answer:Sort of
Chemotherapy should already be illegal, but it’s not.
If you think this is not true, check the Merck vaccine ingredient insert sheet for yourself.
CredCo Indicator:Tone - Emotionally Charged
Question:Does the article have an emotionally charged tone? (i.e, outrage, snark, celebration, horror, etc.). If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
Answer:Sort of
If you think this is not true, check the Merck vaccine ingredient insert sheet for yourself.
What’s the point in treating seizures with a drug that damages a vital organ?
CredCo Indicator:Tone - Emotionally Charged
Question:Does the article have an emotionally charged tone? (i.e, outrage, snark, celebration, horror, etc.). If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
Answer:Sort of
What’s the point in treating seizures with a drug that damages a vital organ?
At the moment, doctors in America are not authorized to prescribe or talk about resveratrol because this remedy is a natural remedy for blood clots. If you need some blood thinners, ask a naturopathic doctor and get a natural one.
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - Naturalistic
Question:Does the author suggest that something is good because it is natural, or bad because it is not natural (the naturalistic fallacy)?
At the moment, doctors in America are not authorized to prescribe or talk about resveratrol because this remedy is a natural remedy for blood clots. If you need some blood thinners, ask a naturopathic doctor and get a natural one.
The RotaTeq vaccine created by Dr. Paul Offit contains two strains of a deadly pig virus called circovirus, and there is no real reason to treat infant diarrhea with the same deadly virus that kills thousands of pigs in China.
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - Appeal to Fear
Question:Does the author exaggerate the dangers of a situation and use scare tactics to persuade (the appeal to fear fallacy)?
Answer:Sort of
The RotaTeq vaccine created by Dr. Paul Offit contains two strains of a deadly pig virus called circovirus, and there is no real reason to treat infant diarrhea with the same deadly virus that kills thousands of pigs in China.
What’s the point in treating seizures with a drug that damages a vital organ?
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - Appeal to Fear
Question:Does the author exaggerate the dangers of a situation and use scare tactics to persuade (the appeal to fear fallacy)?
Answer:Sort of
What’s the point in treating seizures with a drug that damages a vital organ?
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - Slippery Slope
Question:Does the author say that one small change will lead to a major change (use a slippery slope argument)? Highlight the relevant section(s).
Also, consuming pharmaceutical drugs will not cure your illness. Instead, many of them will likely cause more long-term harm, than good.
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - False Dilemma
Question:Does the author present a complicated choice as if it were binary (construct a false dilemma)? If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
Answer:Sort of
Also, consuming pharmaceutical drugs will not cure your illness. Instead, many of them will likely cause more long-term harm, than good.
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - Straw Man
Question:Does the author present the counterargument as a weaker, more foolish version of the real counterargument (use a Straw Man Argument)? If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
Also, consuming pharmaceutical drugs will not cure your illness.
CredCo Indicator:Confidence - Acknowledge Uncertainty
Question:Do they acknowledge uncertainty or the possibility that things might be otherwise? If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
Answer:Sort of
Also, consuming pharmaceutical drugs will not cure your illness.
CredCo Indicator:Confidence - Extent Claims Justified
Question:To what extent does their confidence in their claims seem justified?
Answer:Slightly justified
CredCo Indicator:Citation of Organizations
Question:Highlight each organization cited:
Answer:Cited Organization 2
CredCo Indicator:Citation of Organizations
Question:Highlight each organization cited:
Answer:Cited Organization 1
http://cdc.news/2017-06-01-autism-risk-420-higher-in-vaccinated-children-vs-non-vaccinated-published-science-confirms.html http://www.bewellbuzz.com/general/10-reasons-flu-shots-dangerous-flu/ http://www.rejuvenation-science.com/medication-depletion http://chemo.news/ https://realfarmacy.com/75-of-physicians-in-the-world-refuse-chemotherapy-for-themselves/
Question:Which of the following types of sources are cited in the article? Check all that apply. If Other, please highlight.
http://cdc.news/2017-06-01-autism-risk-420-higher-in-vaccinated-children-vs-non-vaccinated-published-science-confirms.html http://www.bewellbuzz.com/general/10-reasons-flu-shots-dangerous-flu/ http://www.rejuvenation-science.com/medication-depletion http://chemo.news/ https://realfarmacy.com/75-of-physicians-in-the-world-refuse-chemotherapy-for-themselves/
Question:Which of the following types of sources are cited in the article? Check all that apply. If Other, please highlight.
CredCo Indicator:Single Study Article
Question:Is this article primarily about a single scientific study?
Immediately Destroy Your Health
CredCo Indicator:Clickbait Title
Question:What clickbait techniques does this headline employ (select all that apply)?
Answer:Inducing fear (“Is Your Boyfriend Cheating on You?”)
Immediately Destroy Your Health
Six Pharmaceutical Drugs
CredCo Indicator:Clickbait Title
Question:What clickbait techniques does this headline employ (select all that apply)?
Answer:Listicle (“6 Tips on …”)
Six Pharmaceutical Drugs
CredCo Indicator:Clickbait Title
Question:Is the headline clickbaity?
Answer:Somewhat clickbaity
CredCo Indicator:Title Representativeness
Question:Question: Does the title of the article accurately reflect the content of the article?
Answer:Completely Representative
Question:Rate your impression of the credibility of this article
Answer:Medium credibility
www.publichealthabc.com www.publichealthabc.com
CredCo Indicator:Inference - Convincing Evidence
Question:How convincing do you find the evidence given for the primary claim?
Answer:Slightly Convincing
Nevertheless, unlike refined sugar, honey contains beneficial vitamins and minerals too.
Question:What kind of evidence do they give?
Answer:Nutritional facts (without sources) are presented to support the effectiveness of the drink.
Nevertheless, unlike refined sugar, honey contains beneficial vitamins and minerals too.
Apple cider vinegar promotes digestion, it likewise decreases the quantity of time that fats stay in the gastrointestinal system.
Question:What kind of evidence do they give?
Answer:Nutritional facts (without sources) are presented to support the effectiveness of the drink.
Apple cider vinegar promotes digestion, it likewise decreases the quantity of time that fats stay in the gastrointestinal system.
Nevertheless, unlike refined sugar, honey contains beneficial vitamins and minerals too.
Question:What evidence is given for the primary claim? Select all that apply.
Answer:Other kind of evidence
Nevertheless, unlike refined sugar, honey contains beneficial vitamins and minerals too.
Apple cider vinegar promotes digestion, it likewise decreases the quantity of time that fats stay in the gastrointestinal system.
Question:What evidence is given for the primary claim? Select all that apply.
Answer:Other kind of evidence
Apple cider vinegar promotes digestion, it likewise decreases the quantity of time that fats stay in the gastrointestinal system.
A research study has actually likewise found that consuming half a grapefruit before every meal can lead to greater weight loss in dieters.
Question:What evidence is given for the primary claim? Select all that apply.
Answer:An experimental study was conducted (natural experiments OK)
A research study has actually likewise found that consuming half a grapefruit before every meal can lead to greater weight loss in dieters.
CredCo Indicator:Inference - Type of Claims
Question:Is a general or singular causal claim made? Highlight the section(s) that supports your answer.
Answer:No Causal Claim
CredCo Indicator:Tone - Exaggerated Claims
Question:Does the author exaggerate any claims? If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
CredCo Indicator:Tone - Emotionally Charged
Question:Does the article have an emotionally charged tone? (i.e, outrage, snark, celebration, horror, etc.). If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - Naturalistic
Question:Does the author suggest that something is good because it is natural, or bad because it is not natural (the naturalistic fallacy)?
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - Appeal to Fear
Question:Does the author exaggerate the dangers of a situation and use scare tactics to persuade (the appeal to fear fallacy)?
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - Slippery Slope
Question:Does the author say that one small change will lead to a major change (use a slippery slope argument)? Highlight the relevant section(s).
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - False Dilemma
Question:Does the author present a complicated choice as if it were binary (construct a false dilemma)? If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - Straw Man
Question:Does the author present the counterargument as a weaker, more foolish version of the real counterargument (use a Straw Man Argument)? If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
Many individuals ask: Isn’t really honey a type of sugar? Doesn’t it contribute to weight gain? Won’t the calories in honey negate weight loss efforts?
CredCo Indicator:Confidence - Acknowledge Uncertainty
Question:Do they acknowledge uncertainty or the possibility that things might be otherwise? If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
Answer:Sort of
Many individuals ask: Isn’t really honey a type of sugar? Doesn’t it contribute to weight gain? Won’t the calories in honey negate weight loss efforts?
CredCo Indicator:Confidence - Extent Claims Justified
Question:To what extent does their confidence in their claims seem justified?
Answer:Not at all justified
A research study has actually likewise found that consuming half a grapefruit before every meal can lead to greater weight loss in dieters.
CredCo Indicator:Citation of Studies
Question:Highlight each scientific study cited:
Answer:Scientific Study 1
A research study has actually likewise found that consuming half a grapefruit before every meal can lead to greater weight loss in dieters.
Question:Which of the following types of sources are cited in the article? Check all that apply. If Other, please highlight.
CredCo Indicator:Single Study Article
Question:Is this article primarily about a single scientific study?
CredCo Indicator:Clickbait Title
Question:What clickbait techniques does this headline employ (select all that apply)?
Answer:Hidden secret or trick (“Fitness Companies Hate Him...”, “Experts are Dying to Know Their Secret”)
CredCo Indicator:Clickbait Title
Question:Is the headline clickbaity?
Answer:Very much clickbaity
CredCo Indicator:Title Representativeness
Question:Question: Does the title of the article accurately reflect the content of the article?
Answer:Somewhat Representative
Question:Rate your impression of the credibility of this article
Answer:Very low credibility
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
CredCo Indicator:Inference - Convincing Evidence
Question:How convincing do you find the evidence given for the primary claim?
Answer:Slightly Convincing
This means much less deforestation and land degradation if so many plant crops weren’t run through the digestive tracts of cattle. If Americans traded their beef for beans, the researchers found, that would free up 42 percent of U.S. crop land.
Question:What kind of evidence do they give?
Answer:An overview of chain of events and cost/benefit analysis is used to support the idea that cutting out beef from our diet will allow us to almost meet greenhouse-gas emission goals.
This means much less deforestation and land degradation if so many plant crops weren’t run through the digestive tracts of cattle. If Americans traded their beef for beans, the researchers found, that would free up 42 percent of U.S. crop land.
To understand why the climate impact of beef alone is so large, note that the image at the top of this story is a sea of soybeans in a silo in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest. The beans belong to a feed lot that holds 38,000 cattle, the growth and fattening of which means dispensing 900 metric tons of feed every day. Which is to say that these beans will be eaten by cows, and the cows will convert the beans to meat, and the humans will eat the meat. In the process, the cows will emit much greenhouse gas, and they will consume far more calories in beans than they will yield in meat, meaning far more clearcutting of forests to farm cattle feed than would be necessary if the beans above were simply eaten by people.
Question:What kind of evidence do they give?
Answer:An overview of chain of events and cost/benefit analysis is used to support the idea that cutting out beef from our diet will allow us to almost meet greenhouse-gas emission goals.
To understand why the climate impact of beef alone is so large, note that the image at the top of this story is a sea of soybeans in a silo in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest. The beans belong to a feed lot that holds 38,000 cattle, the growth and fattening of which means dispensing 900 metric tons of feed every day. Which is to say that these beans will be eaten by cows, and the cows will convert the beans to meat, and the humans will eat the meat. In the process, the cows will emit much greenhouse gas, and they will consume far more calories in beans than they will yield in meat, meaning far more clearcutting of forests to farm cattle feed than would be necessary if the beans above were simply eaten by people.
This means much less deforestation and land degradation if so many plant crops weren’t run through the digestive tracts of cattle. If Americans traded their beef for beans, the researchers found, that would free up 42 percent of U.S. crop land.
Question:What evidence is given for the primary claim? Select all that apply.
Answer:Other kind of evidence
This means much less deforestation and land degradation if so many plant crops weren’t run through the digestive tracts of cattle. If Americans traded their beef for beans, the researchers found, that would free up 42 percent of U.S. crop land.
To understand why the climate impact of beef alone is so large, note that the image at the top of this story is a sea of soybeans in a silo in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest. The beans belong to a feed lot that holds 38,000 cattle, the growth and fattening of which means dispensing 900 metric tons of feed every day. Which is to say that these beans will be eaten by cows, and the cows will convert the beans to meat, and the humans will eat the meat. In the process, the cows will emit much greenhouse gas, and they will consume far more calories in beans than they will yield in meat, meaning far more clearcutting of forests to farm cattle feed than would be necessary if the beans above were simply eaten by people.
Question:What evidence is given for the primary claim? Select all that apply.
Answer:Other kind of evidence
To understand why the climate impact of beef alone is so large, note that the image at the top of this story is a sea of soybeans in a silo in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest. The beans belong to a feed lot that holds 38,000 cattle, the growth and fattening of which means dispensing 900 metric tons of feed every day. Which is to say that these beans will be eaten by cows, and the cows will convert the beans to meat, and the humans will eat the meat. In the process, the cows will emit much greenhouse gas, and they will consume far more calories in beans than they will yield in meat, meaning far more clearcutting of forests to farm cattle feed than would be necessary if the beans above were simply eaten by people.
Recently Harwatt and a team of scientists from Oregon State University, Bard College, and Loma Linda University calculated [Broken Hyperlink] just what would happen if every American made one dietary change: substituting beans for beef. They found that if everyone were willing and able to do that—hypothetically—the U.S. could still come close to meeting its 2020 greenhouse-gas emission goals
Question:What evidence is given for the primary claim? Select all that apply.
Answer:Experts are cited
Recently Harwatt and a team of scientists from Oregon State University, Bard College, and Loma Linda University calculated [Broken Hyperlink] just what would happen if every American made one dietary change: substituting beans for beef. They found that if everyone were willing and able to do that—hypothetically—the U.S. could still come close to meeting its 2020 greenhouse-gas emission goals
She and her colleagues conclude in the journal Climatic Change: “While not currently recognized as a climate policy option, the ‘beans for beef’ scenario offers significant climate change mitigation and other environmental benefits, illustrating the high potential of animal to plant food shifts.”
Question:What evidence is given for the primary claim? Select all that apply.
Answer:Experts are cited
She and her colleagues conclude in the journal Climatic Change: “While not currently recognized as a climate policy option, the ‘beans for beef’ scenario offers significant climate change mitigation and other environmental benefits, illustrating the high potential of animal to plant food shifts.”
cheese—this one dietary change could achieve somewhere between 46 and 74 percent of the reductions needed to meet the target.
CredCo Indicator:Inference - Type of Claims
Question:Is a general or singular causal claim made? Highlight the section(s) that supports your answer.
Answer:General Causal Claim
cheese—this one dietary change could achieve somewhere between 46 and 74 percent of the reductions needed to meet the target.
With one dietary change, the U.S. could almost meet greenhouse-gas emission goals.
CredCo Indicator:Tone - Exaggerated Claims
Question:Does the author exaggerate any claims? If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
Answer:Sort of
With one dietary change, the U.S. could almost meet greenhouse-gas emission goals.
CredCo Indicator:Tone - Emotionally Charged
Question:Does the article have an emotionally charged tone? (i.e, outrage, snark, celebration, horror, etc.). If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - Naturalistic
Question:Does the author suggest that something is good because it is natural, or bad because it is not natural (the naturalistic fallacy)?
it as the dread and helplessness that come with “watching the slow and seemingly irrevocable impacts of climate change unfold, and worrying about the future for oneself, children, and later generations.”
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - Appeal to Fear
Question:Does the author exaggerate the dangers of a situation and use scare tactics to persuade (the appeal to fear fallacy)?
Answer:Sort of
it as the dread and helplessness that come with “watching the slow and seemingly irrevocable impacts of climate change unfold, and worrying about the future for oneself, children, and later generations.”
Named in 2011, the American Psychological Association recently described
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - Appeal to Fear
Question:Does the author exaggerate the dangers of a situation and use scare tactics to persuade (the appeal to fear fallacy)?
Answer:Sort of
Named in 2011, the American Psychological Association recently described
A relatively small, single-food substitution could be the most powerful change a person makes in terms of their lifetime environmental impact—more so than downsizing one’s car [HYPERLINK: paywall], or being vigilant about turning off light bulbs, and certainly more than quitting showering
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - Slippery Slope
Question:Does the author say that one small change will lead to a major change (use a slippery slope argument)? Highlight the relevant section(s).
A relatively small, single-food substitution could be the most powerful change a person makes in terms of their lifetime environmental impact—more so than downsizing one’s car [HYPERLINK: paywall], or being vigilant about turning off light bulbs, and certainly more than quitting showering
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - False Dilemma
Question:Does the author present a complicated choice as if it were binary (construct a false dilemma)? If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
CredCo Indicator:Logical Fallacies - Straw Man
Question:Does the author present the counterargument as a weaker, more foolish version of the real counterargument (use a Straw Man Argument)? If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
that—hypothetically—the U.S. could still come close to meeting its 2020 greenhouse-gas emission goals
CredCo Indicator:Confidence - Acknowledge Uncertainty
Question:Do they acknowledge uncertainty or the possibility that things might be otherwise? If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
Answer:Sort of
that—hypothetically—the U.S. could still come close to meeting its 2020 greenhouse-gas emission goals
They found that if everyone were willing and able to do that—hypothetically—the
CredCo Indicator:Confidence - Acknowledge Uncertainty
Question:Do they acknowledge uncertainty or the possibility that things might be otherwise? If so, highlight the relevant section(s).
Answer:Sort of
They found that if everyone were willing and able to do that—hypothetically—the
CredCo Indicator:Confidence - Extent Claims Justified
Question:To what extent does their confidence in their claims seem justified?
Answer:Somewhat justified
American Psychological Association
Question:Are any experts, organizations, or studies cited that are separate from the central study quoted in the article? If so, highlight relevant section(s).
American Psychological Association
United Nations
Question:Are any experts, organizations, or studies cited that are separate from the central study quoted in the article? If so, highlight relevant section(s).
United Nations
United Nations
CredCo Indicator:Citation of Organizations
Question:Highlight each organization cited:
Answer:Cited Organization 2
United Nations
American Psychological Association
CredCo Indicator:Citation of Organizations
Question:Highlight each organization cited:
Answer:Cited Organization 1
American Psychological Association
Recently Harwatt and a team of scientists from Oregon State University, Bard College, and Loma Linda University calculated [Broken Hyperlink] just what would happen if every American made one dietary change: substituting beans for beef.
CredCo Indicator:Citation of Studies
Question:Highlight each scientific study cited:
Answer:Scientific Study 1
Recently Harwatt and a team of scientists from Oregon State University, Bard College, and Loma Linda University calculated [Broken Hyperlink] just what would happen if every American made one dietary change: substituting beans for beef.
Helen Harwatt
CredCo Indicator:Quotes from Outside Experts
Question:Highlight each expert cited:
Answer:Expert 1
Helen Harwatt