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  1. Jan 2017
    1. The great resemblance between mental and bodily taste will easily teach us to apply this story.

      The mind and body rejoined: Cartesian dualism bypassed?

    1. Underpinning these discussions was the belief that the materiality of the body, one’s physical features were a catalogue of signs to be interpreted not only for the sake one’s own body, as was the case for bedside medicine, but rather and mainly for the body politic.

      So many sources to share here, but here is one in particular that I think is especially relevant today, particularly as we think about enforcement of norms based on appearance and how it...defines (?)...national identity: "Disabled Upon Arrival: The Rhetorical Construction of Disability and Race at Ellis Island" by Jay Dolmage. Hopefully this link takes you to the PDF.

      Important quote: "Ellis Island was designed to process the immigrant body—through an industrialized choreography, through a regime of vision, and through layers of anti-immigration discourse. Ellis Island became the key laboratory and operating theater for American eugenics, the scientific racism that can be seen to define a unique era of Western history, the effects of which can still be felt today. I will argue that Ellis Island, as a rhetorical space, can be seen as a nexus—and a special point of origin—for eugenics and the rhetorical construction of disability and race in the early twentieth century" (27).

      Also, here's a video of this paper presented as a lecture.

    2. His quantification of variation under the influence of the Aristotelean ‘Golden Mean,’ developed by the latter in the second volume of the Nichomachean Ethics whereby virtue is the desirable mean between deficiency and excess.

      Ah, so here (and in the highlighted portion below) is the first moment when we see the bodily "mean" or "average" being connected to virtuosity and societal ills. I mean, we have not yet jumped to "if you have a birthmark you must be a witch," but I think Lemos is identifying the scientific/historical moments which later devolved into such trends. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sglyFwTjfDU

  2. Jul 2016
    1. When you ask why such "bad" cops are  armed and allowed to patrol the streets, one begins to see that lurking beneath this violence is a fiscal menace.

      It is not fair to our cops to be under so much pressure! I am so relieved this article has pointed out the need to address the root of the problem, rather than simply get caught up in the tired "all lives matter" and so on take. This is very refreshing. I hope we all work to address this locally. Reduce fines. Reduce crime. Reduce the danger to our beloved force AND people. Do not expect them to become cash cows with their lives on the line. IMHO

  3. May 2016
    1. What happens when your consciousness no longer controls the cells of your body? The bodydisintegrates, the cells separate, and their work for the time being is finished. But do the cells dieor lose consciousness? No, they simply sleep or rest for a period, and after a while unite withother cells and form new combinations, and sooner or later appear in other manifestations of life,-- perhaps mineral, perhaps vegetable, perhaps animal; showing that they still retain their originalconsciousness and but await the action of My Will to join together in a new organism to do thework of the new consciousness through which I desire to manifest.Then apparently this cell consciousness is a consciousness common to all bodies, -- mineral,vegetable, animal, human, -- each cell fitted perhaps by experience for a certain general kind ofwork?Yes, this cell consciousness is common to every cell of every body, no matter what its kind,because it is an Impersonal consciousness, having no purpose other than doing the work allottedit. It lives only to work wherever needed. When through with building one form, it takes up thework of building another, under whatever consciousness I desire it to serve.Thus it is likewise with you

      What occurs when the physical body dies.......... cells, energy................

  4. Mar 2016
  5. Feb 2016
    1. Use HTML Builder to drag and drop your way to a beautiful and functional site!

      Please change the title text to the following:

      Use HTML Builder to build your website




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      The image should also link to this page

      Please push the above edits live once complete.



  6. Jan 2016
  7. christmind.info christmind.info
    1. It is absolutely correct that you are going to have to learn to be out from your Center with your eyes open. At this point, I wish to make it very clear that in spite of your experience with the bio-feedback equipment—which seemed to make it obvious that visual experience is of such a stimulating nature that it interferes with one’s being able to come out from a theta or delta frequency—the key is where you are placing your attention. The key is whether you are placing your attention at the threshold of Centeredness or at what I will call the “threshold of stimulation.” Mind you, that “threshold of stimulation” only seems to have meaning relative to a body which, in itself, has the capacity to be sensitive, the capacity to be aware—something which the body does not have, simply because it is the visibility and the tangibility of the expression of Meaning which is being experienced as a result of Knowing.

      "It is absolutely correct that you are going to have to learn to be out from your Center with your eyes open." I find this very interesting...

      Raj speaks again of the importance of where ones attention is focussed."The key is whether you are placing your attention at the threshold of Centeredness or at what I will call the “threshold of stimulation.”

      Raj goes on to say Mind you, that “threshold of stimulation” only seems to have meaning relative to a body which, in itself, has the capacity to be sensitive, the capacity to be aware—something which the body does not have, simply because it is the visibility and the tangibility of the expression of Meaning which is being experienced as a result of Knowing."

      So the importance of being consciously aware....the form, the body is only an 'expression of Meaning' of that which is know consciously.

    2. Absolutely everything, all form, is simply the expression of the movement of Knowing, the movement of Self. Abide with the Knowing, and be from the Knowing, and all form will identify Being, because there will be no misidentification of Self to cause a preoccupation with form. I mention this because you must be very clear that in shifting from thinking to Knowing, you will not become unconscious of Self, and you will not become unconscious of body. It is just that Self and Body will not be identified with body! Again, it is just that Self and Body will not be identified with body. The simple fact is that self-consciousness and body-consciousness become secondary, and ultimately nonexistent in the Act of Knowing. And yet, consciousness, with full identity and identification will be experienced—another key point!

      "Absolutely everything, all form, is simply the expression of the movement of Knowing, the movement of Self."


      "you must be very clear that in shifting from thinking to Knowing, you will not become unconscious of Self, and you will not become unconscious of body. It is just that Self and Body will not be identified with body!"


      "The simple fact is that self-consciousness and body-consciousness become secondary, and ultimately nonexistent in the Act of Knowing. And yet, consciousness, with full identity and identification will be experienced."

    3. It is necessary for you not to argue against the possibility and accessibility of Guidance by assuming that certain conditions are not conducive to Listening and Hearing. One of these, of course, relates to your body, as though if you have been engaged in activity or movement, you will need to necessarily sit down and become unconscious of it. Indeed, you must rely heavily upon your experience of being centered and carrying on the activities of the Workshops. You will realize that movement of the body occurs during a Workshop—not just the movement of your lips, as is occurring at this moment—and that movement of the body is not inconsistent with being centered. Movement of the body is not, in itself, distracting to centeredness. The necessity is to give permission unconditionally. I will tell you that you can be jogging and still Hear. To be physically active does not constitute a block to Hearing. Physical activity can become part of the whole experience of centeredness and of Guidance, while not giving your focused attention to the movements, because in and of themselves they do not constitute appropriate “subject-matter,” if I can put it that way. The body, and the movements of the body, exist for the sole purpose of giving visibility and tangibility—expression—to what you find yourself Knowing as a result of Listening.

      Centred in Being does not require the body to be a certain way. Movement can be a part of being centred and hearing Guidance. Though focus is on Being.

      "The body, and the movements of the body, exist for the sole purpose of giving visibility and tangibility—expression—to what you find yourself Knowing as a result of Listening."

      A great definition of the purpose of the body.

  8. Dec 2015
    1. Right now, you are seeing from the inside. Although you do not see me with your eyes, and do not hear me with your ears, you are, indeed, perceiving me and the ideas which I am expressing. You are perceiving the meanings which my Being is expressing at that point of my infinitude which is called “Paul.” The five physical senses play no part in this exchange or process, and yet the process is Actual and experienced. As I said yesterday, observe the process of communication that we are enjoying. As you do, you will begin to grasp the process by which you may communicate with and understand the meaning of any and all parts of the infinitude of your Being, whether it is visible or invisible to the five physical senses. Everything about this process of communication illustrates and includes lessons to be learned and understood.

      The body is not necessary for communication.

    1. The blurring of boundaries between the body and the city raises complexities in relationto our understanding of the human subject and the changing characteristics of humanagency.

      Maybe this is to say we shouldn't be blurring the lines of the boundaries so much then? Sounds a bit like playing with fire..

  9. Nov 2015
    1. By “understanding” I mean real, actual felt, experiential awareness of the Physiology of that Body. You will never control your environment if you think the environment is the Image which you call the three-dimensional world. The three-dimensional world is Pure Image. The distortions you see in it are not in it. They are caused by your ignorance of the workings of the Source, of which the Image is just an image.

      What I see with the human eyes is just Image...

    2. Not having realized that what you call “body” is Image, and not Body, and not having realized that Body is Consciousness, You, you have ignored the lesson about the Reality (Source) of the Image that can only be learned by understanding the True Body.

      So what I think is the body is really only image whereas Body refers to my Body of Consciousness...

  10. May 2015
    1. When I think of my body and ask what it does to earn that name, two things stand out. IIIIIOVCS, It/eels. In fact, it docs both at the same time, It moves as it feels, and il feels itself moving. Can we think a body without this: an intrinsic conne ct ion between movement and sensation whereby each immediately summons the other?

      The body is not prior to its sensations/movements. A body does not sense and move through space but movement and sense embodies.

  11. Sep 2013
    1. It is acknowledged that the nature of man is compounded of two parts, the physical and the mental

      Physical and mental main parts of body

    2. Watching over them and training them in this manner, both the teachers of gymnastic and the teachers of discourse are able to advance their pupils to a point where they are better men and where they are stronger in their thinking or in the use of their bodies.

      Outlines a consistency here between training the body and training the mind.

    1. For in my opinion there is no profit in a man's life if his body is in an evil plight—in that case his life also is evil: am I not right?

      Is he saying that rhetoric (body) is an evil plight? So if there is any bad associated with rhetoric than it is evil. And if the body is evil then the rhetoric's existence is also evil? Seems like a bit of a stretch.

    2. Death, if I am right, is in the first place the separation from one another of two things, soul and bod

      Body and soul distinct and will be separate at death

    3. 'Healthy,' as I conceive, is the name which is given to the regular order of the bod
    4. Do you see the inference:—that pleasure and pain are simultaneous, when you say that being thirsty, you drink? For are they not simultaneous, and do they not affect at the same time the same part, whether of the soul or the body
    1. discourse is a great potentate, which by the smallest and most secret body accomplishes the most divine works; for it can stop fear and assuage pain and produce joy and make mercy abound.

      In the investigation of “what is rhetoric?”, this one line of Gorgias sums up the reason rhetoric is such an important topic. Its subtlety is overlooked and mistaken for something inconsequential. However, as Gorgias points out, this small secret body has great power. The implicit use of the word body gives rhetoric an almost physical existence and ability to move an object; as if rhetoric had the physical ability to push, pull, or lift another body. In defining what rhetoric is, this statement tells us first why it is even important to know what rhetoric is. Gorgias’ thoughts on what rhetoric is suggests it is persuasion by “trickery” or “magic”. This further describes rhetoric’s power as not just physical, but perhaps supernatural. The comparison is made between rhetoric and drugs. Just as a drug can impair judgment, making one vulnerable, rhetoric, too, can play tricks on the mind. Furthermore, the power of rhetoric can be a great force for good, persuading one or many to do good. The drug analogy applies here also as many drugs heal, promote health, and ward off sickness. This two-edged sword aspect of rhetoric is just another example of the power this small body possesses. The great power of rhetoric, which is only known to be had by humans, has given them undisputed superiority among all animals on earth. The ability to read, write, speak, or otherwise communicate rhetoric is one of the greatest gifts given to man.

    2. For one body many bodies of men came together, men greatly purposing great things, of whom some possessed great wealth, some the glory of ancient and noble lineage, some the vigor of personal strength, and others the power of acquired cleverness.
    3. The power of discourse stands in the same relation to the soul's organization as the pharmacopoeia does to the physiology of bodies.

      This is an important sentiment, one that we might see repeating in other readings. In what ways is language a drug? In what ways does language intoxicate or heal?