- Jan 2025
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I want you to tell me about the research you were conducting how it eventually was ordered to be destroyed and what you found throughout that research
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A predicament is a situation where, as you try to solve problems, you lack a holistic understanding because you’ve been reductionistic and ignored parts of the interdependencies and you end up creating other problems. The attempt to create a solution creates other problems because of the interdependencies.
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Almost all of the climate discourse is framed in terms of economic transactions with carbon markets and carbon credits and carbon offsets and the market dynamics associated with them or with technology solutions that corporations can implement.
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- adjacency - systemic intedependent web - predicament - progress trap - Joe Brewer
- climate crisis - climate communications - 2nd framing element - majority of discourse framed around economics of carbon markets - or green growth technological solutions from corporation's - Joe Brewer
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38:20 solution to fix all this?<br /> efficient selforganization. decentralization. tribalism. actual antifascism.<br /> see my book:<br /> Pallas. Who are my friends. Group composition by personality type
- Nov 2024
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Behavioral change is a key mitigation strategy since demand-side options have a high mitigation potential7. Yet, it has only recently started being discussed in the literature, compared to traditionally studied supply-side solutions.
for - key insight - behavioral change is a key demand-side mitigation strategy yet has only been recently discussed - supply side solutions have been the main focus - Pizziol & Tavoni, 2024
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- Sep 2024
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Der Flugtourismus hat.inzwischen das Niveau vor der Covid-Krise übertroffen. Das Wachstum des Tourismus gehört zu den wichtigsten Treibern der Klimakrise. Die Branche reagiert darauf mit Ignoranz, Greenwashing und dem Verweis auf falsche Lösungen wie CO<sub>2</sub>-Kompensatio und Biofuels. Hintergrundartikel mit Verweisen auf weitere Informationen.https://www.theguardian.com/news/article/2024/sep/06/flight-shame-climate-impact-tourism-boom-covid-environment-net-zero
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- Climate change as class war
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The structures of a pattern are not themselves solutions, but they generate solutions.
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Children's needs are increasingly recognized in the UI/UX design industry. Important sectors – education, gaming, and healthcare – are now seeking designers specializing in creating interactive solutions for children.
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- Feb 2024
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Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [01:41:39][^2^][2] :
Cette vidéo est un webinaire sur le choix des outils collaboratifs et libres pour les associations, organisé par Solidateek et Pacret. Il présente les enjeux, les besoins et les solutions possibles dans le domaine de l'informatique collaborative, avec une attention particulière aux aspects éthiques, écologiques et économiques. Il propose également une démonstration de l'outil Nextcloud, une plateforme libre et sécurisée de stockage et de partage de fichiers, d'écriture collaborative, de gestion de projet et d'agenda.
Points clés : + [00:00:13][^3^][3] Présentation de Solidateek et Pacret * Solidateek : un programme de solidarité numérique pour les associations, les fondations et les bibliothèques publiques * Pacret : une coopérative d'entrepreneurs qui propose des formations, des accompagnements et des solutions hébergées en informatique libre et éthique + [00:06:57][^4^][4] Panorama de l'informatique collaborative * Les enjeux : organisation, gouvernance, accompagnement, coût, sociétal, environnemental * Les besoins : stockage et partage de fichiers, écriture collaborative, brainstorming, gestion de projet, agenda, réunion à distance, messagerie instantanée * Les solutions : logiciels libres ou propriétaires, hébergement local ou dans le cloud, formats ouverts ou fermés, licences gratuites ou payantes + [00:25:51][^5^][5] Démonstration de Nextcloud * Nextcloud : une solution libre et sécurisée de stockage et de partage de fichiers dans le cloud, avec des applications intégrées pour l'écriture collaborative, la gestion de projet, l'agenda, la visioconférence, etc. * Fonctionnalités : création et gestion de comptes utilisateurs, création et gestion de groupes, création et gestion de dossiers et de fichiers, partage de fichiers par lien ou par utilisateur, synchronisation avec les appareils personnels, édition collaborative de documents texte, tableur ou présentation, création et gestion de tâches, de calendriers et de sondages, communication par chat ou par appel vidéo, etc. * Avantages : respect de la vie privée, contrôle des données, personnalisation, modularité, interopérabilité, accessibilité, simplicité, performance, etc.
Résumé de la vidéo [00:30:00][^1^][1] - [01:41:39][^2^][2]:
Cette vidéo est la deuxième partie d'un webinaire sur les outils collaboratifs libres pour les associations, animé par Jérôme Marchini de pacret et Clémence de solidateek. Après avoir présenté les enjeux et les principes de l'informatique collaborative, Jérôme Marchini propose un panorama des solutions libres disponibles pour le stockage et le partage de fichiers, l'écriture collaborative, le brainstorming, la gestion de projet, la gestion d'agenda, la planification et la tenue de réunions à distance, et la messagerie instantanée. Il explique les avantages et les inconvénients de chaque outil, ainsi que les critères de choix à prendre en compte selon les besoins et les contraintes des associations. Il fait également une démonstration de Nextcloud, une plateforme libre qui permet de gérer et de synchroniser ses fichiers, ses agendas, ses contacts, et ses projets en ligne.
Points clés: + [00:30:00][^3^][3] Le stockage et le partage de fichiers * Des solutions comme Dropbox, Google Drive, ou OneDrive sont pratiques mais posent des problèmes de sécurité, de confidentialité, et de souveraineté des données * Des alternatives libres comme Nextcloud, Cozy Cloud, ou Owncloud permettent de garder le contrôle de ses données et de les héberger chez un prestataire de confiance ou chez soi * Il faut prendre en compte la capacité de stockage, la facilité d'utilisation, la synchronisation, et la compatibilité avec d'autres outils + [00:42:00][^4^][4] L'écriture collaborative * Des outils comme Google Docs, Office 365, ou Framapad permettent de rédiger des documents à plusieurs en temps réel, avec un historique des modifications et des commentaires * Des outils comme Etherpad, Cryptpad, ou OnlyOffice offrent des fonctionnalités similaires mais avec plus de respect de la vie privée et de la sécurité des données * Il faut prendre en compte le format des documents, la possibilité d'exporter ou d'imprimer, et la compatibilité avec d'autres outils + [00:51:00][^5^][5] Le brainstorming * Des outils comme Mindmeister, Coggle, ou Framindmap permettent de créer des cartes mentales pour organiser ses idées, ses projets, ou ses connaissances * Des outils comme Padlet, Trello, ou Wekan permettent de créer des tableaux collaboratifs pour gérer des tâches, des idées, ou des ressources * Il faut prendre en compte le nombre de participants, le type de contenu, et la facilité de partage + [01:00:00][^6^][6] La gestion de projet * Des outils comme Asana, Basecamp, ou Wrike permettent de planifier, de suivre, et de coordonner des projets en équipe, avec des calendriers, des listes de tâches, des notifications, et des rapports * Des outils comme Redmine, Taiga, ou OpenProject offrent des fonctionnalités similaires mais avec plus de flexibilité, de personnalisation, et de respect des données * Il faut prendre en compte la taille et la complexité du projet, le mode de travail (classique ou agile), et l'intégration avec d'autres outils + [01:09:00][^7^][7] La gestion d'agenda * Des outils comme Google Agenda, Outlook, ou iCloud permettent de créer, de consulter, et de partager des agendas en ligne, avec des rappels, des invitations, et des synchronisations * Des outils comme Nextcloud, Cozy Cloud, ou Owncloud offrent des fonctionnalités similaires mais avec plus de contrôle sur ses données et de compatibilité avec d'autres outils * Il faut prendre en compte le nombre et le type d'agendas, la possibilité d'importer ou d'exporter, et la compatibilité avec d'autres outils + [01:16:00][^8^][8] La planification et la tenue de réunions à distance * Des outils comme Doodle, Framadate, ou RDVZ permettent de proposer et de choisir des dates pour organiser des réunions, sans avoir besoin de créer un compte ou de s'inscrire * Des outils comme Skype, Google Hangout, ou Zoom permettent de tenir des réunions à distance, avec de la vidéo, du son, et du partage d'écran * Des outils comme Jitsi, BigBlueButton, ou Nextcloud Talk offrent des fonctionnalités similaires mais avec plus de respect de la vie privée et de la sécurité des données * Il faut prendre en compte le nombre de participants, la qualité du son et de l'image, et la facilité d'utilisation + [01:28:00][^9^][9] La messagerie instantanée * Des outils comme WhatsApp, Messenger, ou Slack permettent de communiquer en temps réel, avec du texte, des images, des vidéos, et des émojis * Des outils comme Signal, Telegram, ou Mattermost offrent des fonctionnalités similaires mais avec plus de respect de la vie privée, de la sécurité, et de la personnalisation * Il faut prendre en compte le nombre et le type de contacts, la possibilité de créer des groupes ou des canaux, et la compatibilité avec d'autres outils
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arrête-toi réfléchis vas-y alors je dirais ils comprennent pas ils disent comprend pas ce que tu me dis la maîtresse elle pose une question et toi cette parait tellement facile que tu veux répondre je 00:50:41 leur donne ce papier là il le scotch sur leur bureau ils l'ont ils l'ont derrière sur la porte de leur chambre et avant de faire un truc je m'arrête ah oui je vais répondre mais non qu'est-ce qu'il m'a dit Olivier Revol je m'arrête je réfléchis ah non il a dit de lever la main je lève la main en fait on 00:50:54 lui fabrique on lui apprend à fabriquer une espèce de prothèse du cortex préfrontal et au moment où il va couper la parole dans la classe au lieu de l'engueuler ou lui mettre une sanction il faut qu'il finisse par l'automatiser 00:51:09 d'ailleurs chaque fois que on a un trouble neurologique faut apprendre à automatiser
et bien qu'est-ce qu'on fait 00:48:57 docteur voilà vous me dites que mon fils a un TDAH et où le fils il dit j'ai un Tdh c'est ce qu'on va faire et bien ça va passer quand d'abord je lui dis bah jamais tu vas vivre toute ta vie avec ce truc mais je vais t'apprendre des stratégies 00:49:11 et je vais aider tes enseignants à trouver aussi des stratégies et c'est pour ça qu'on travaille ensemble maintenant la main et c'est pour ça que vous verrez mon document il y a quatre pages de conseils et quel que soit son problème il faut à la fois des 00:49:24 stratégies éducatives psychologiques et éducatif pédagogique psychologique et les stratégies médicamenteuses elles ne viennent qu'après c'est d'ailleurs dans les préconisations 00:49:36 de la Haute Autorité de santé c'est de dire on commence par donner des conseils à l'école aux parents et à la maison et puis ensuite si ça marche pas et bien on donnera un médicamen
- Jan 2024
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- Dec 2023
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Many of the neighbourhood organisations were able to support and initiate new projects and busi-nesses
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- These are great starts but is there a trajectory to scaling them to replace a large part of society's GDP as a minimum but total holistic wellbeing as a final goal?:
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for: climate solutions - low economic growth, Jason Hickel,
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Exciting new report from Project Drawdown shows how changing your bank might be one of the most effective hashtag#climate solution levers we can pull.
to: [Fast Company article on bank emissions] (https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.fastcompany.com%2F90996425%2Fhow-to-break-up-with-your-bank&group=world)
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from:[ Linked In Jonathan Foley Post] (https://hyp.is/TMzeTpnkEe6gsIcc_dt8hg/www.linkedin.com/posts/jonathan-foley-182808b9_how-to-break-up-with-your-bank-activity-7140431002400677888--kqs/)
Kairotic Flow focuses not on problems or solutions, but on responding as wisely as possible to continually changing life conditions.
for: terminology - problems - solutions
terminology: problems - solutions
- the two ways of speaking seem equivalent to me.
- Nov 2023
Vielle Aufforstungsprojkete, vor allem in den Tropen, schaden der Artenvielfalt und führen zu empfindlichen Monokulturen. Eine Studie untersucht die Funktioen tropischer Walt-Ökosysteme über die CO<sub>2</sub>-Speicherung hinaus. https://taz.de/Studie-ueber-Aufforstung/!5966549/
- Oct 2023
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The idea that islands in the world’s oceans, their ecosystems, their inhabitants and their livelihoods are highly vulnerable compared to most other situations in which people live explains the long history of external interventions for climate change on oceanic islands
Outside aid Intervention for climate in the pacific has been on the rise due to the perception that pacific island communities lack any form of resilience to environment changes. External interventions with global solutions have failed to recognize the cultural adaptive attributes of the pacific peoples and such interventions are not sustainable and are often effective.
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In short, Netanyahu is here to stay, and so is Hamas, and it is very difficult to find reasons for optimism.
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- there is no CONVENTIONAL solution, which opens the door for alternative solutions
- Aug 2023
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At best, we will see new forms of collaboration among large numbers of people toward beneficial ends. The most obvious example is the changing nature of responses to largescale natural disasters. Perhaps we will see this spirit of volunteer and entrepreneurial cooperation emerge to address such pressing issues as climate change (e.g., maybe, the Green New Deal will be crowdsourced)
- for: TPF, crowdsource solutions, climate crisis - commons, polycrisis - commons, quote, quote - crowdsourcing solutions, quote Miles Fidelman, Center for Civic Networking, Protocol Technologies Group, bottom-up, collective action
- quote
- At best, we will see new forms of collaboration among large numbers of people toward beneficial ends.
- The most obvious example is the changing nature of responses to largescale natural disasters.
- Perhaps we will see this spirit of volunteer and entrepreneurial cooperation emerge to address such pressing issues as climate change
- e.g., maybe, the Green New Deal will be crowdsourced.
- author: Miles Fidelman
- founder, Center for Civic Networking
- principal, Protocol Technologies Group
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a new and insidious tactic is threatening to undermine our efforts to build a more sustainable future: climate delay
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- Jan 2023
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This report distills the potential scale of carbon dioxide removal (CDR), expected costs, risks, co-benefits, and areas of research needed for seven ocean CDR approaches
Informed Ocean-based Carbon Dioxide Removal
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Read a selection from the new article in The Guardian by author George Monbiot that features the work of The Land Institute:
Soil our unexplored world beneath our feet
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- Dec 2022
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"#NatureBasedSolutions are a smart investment now more than ever."
Five areas of nature-based solutions
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A strategy to protect whales can limit greenhouse gases and global warming
Protect the whales and other biodiversity!
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Concentrations of harmful chemicals have fallen 50% since 1980. Learn more about protecting the planet: http://ow.ly/uNfq50KZOvq
World coming together in major global collaboration to close ozone layer.
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Hanf kann in der gleichen Zeit direkt so viel CO2 absorbieren wie Bäume und andere Pflanzen. Deshalb könnte er eine Schlüsselrolle in eine regenerativen Landwirtschaft haben. Um CO2 dauerhaft zu speichern, müssen aus den Pflanzen Baumaterialien und andere industrielle Rohstoffe hergestellt werden.
University of York and Biorenewables Development Centre
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La vente à la ferme et en circuit court doit être réellement exclue des plans conjoints
Le plan conjoint doit permettre aux groupements coopératifs de producteurs, dans le cadre d’une convention négociée, de commercialiser la production de ses membres
Cette mesure permettrait de répondre à un besoin réel. Des milliers de personnes ne peuvent trouver une place dans le système actuel, la hausse du hors quota donnerait de l’espace à la relève agricole, aux paysans, aux nouvelles productions et aux régions. Cette mesure stimulerait l’économie rurale et celle des régions : céréales, moulées, équipement agricole, abattage, etc. La population du Québec pourrait ainsi avoir accès à des marchés de proximité, de créneau et plus écologiques
confier gestion et fixation hors quota à la MAPAQ, augmenter la limite de pro hors quota
de tout budget provenant du MAPAQ. Les sommes récupérées seront redistribuées vers l’ensemble des fermes du Québec et vers la relève agricole.
Réorienter les subventions vers la majorité des fermes du Québec et cesser de soutenir les unités produites pour aller vers un soutien global de la ferme. Le soutien financier en agriculture, ici ou ailleurs, dicte en grande partie le modèle agricole. Il faut le réorienter. Que voulons-nous, 100 grosses fermes ou un millier de PME?
- Aug 2022
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- Jul 2022
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2.6 Remember that weaknesses don’t matter if you find solutions.
2.6 Remember that weaknesses don’t matter if you find solutions.
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Most academics continue to insist that it is still – barely – physically possible to limit warming to no more than 1.5°C. There are strong incentives to stay behind the invisible line that separates academia from wider social and political concerns, and so to not take a clear position about this.But we need to clearly acknowledge now that warming will exceed 1.5°C because we are losing vital reaction time by entertaining fantastic scenarios. The sooner we get real about our current situation and what it demands, the better.
Slight chance. We need nonlinear solutions and to find all the leverage points, social tipping points and idling capacity we can.:
Social tipping dynamics for stabilizing Earth’s climate by 2050 https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pnas.org%2Fdoi%2F10.1073%2Fpnas.1900577117&group=world
An Introduction to PLAN E Grand Strategy for the Twenty-First-Century Era of Entangled Security and Hyperthreats https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.usmcu.edu%2FOutreach%2FMarine-Corps-University-Press%2FExpeditions-with-MCUP-digital-journal%2FAn-Introduction-to-PLAN-E%2Ffbclid%2FIwAR3facE8l6Jk4Msc8C1nw8yWtwnzSCXVZGlO7JLkjqo8CWYTYAqAMTPkTO8%2F&group=world
Science Driven Societal Transformation https://hyp.is/go?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2Fz9ZCjd2rqGY%2F&group=world
- Jun 2022
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- Apr 2022
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We’ll have to come up with new models for a more inclusive, equitable capitalism. We’ll have to reform our political institutions in ways that allow people to be heard and give them real agency. We’ll have to tell better stories about ourselves and how we can live together, despite our differences.
Obama's three strategies: better capitalism, better politics, better stories/communications.
There are some bugs in the software.
A solution that suggests some fixes to the existing structures will suffice.
- Mar 2022
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Currently, USDC and Paxos publish monthly public auditor reports of the smart contract and of the reserve on their websites; to reduce fraud risk this process could be fully automated and even real-time.
Embedded supervision is a framework that provides for compliance to be automatically monitored by reading the ledger of a DLT-based market (see Graph 6). The ledger of a DLT-based market contains much information relevant for supervisory purposes. As such, it can be used to improve the quality of data available to the supervisor, while reducing the need for firms to actively collect, verify and report data to authorities.
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Counterexample: \(\to := {(a, c), (b, c)}\)
\(a \to b\) iff \(a\) encodes Turing machine \(M_a\) and \(b\) encodes a valid terminating computation (sequence of states) of \(M_a\).
Let \(|w|_a := \varphi_a(w)\).
\(\varphi(w) := 3^{|w|_a} 2^{|w|_b}\)
- Let \(u \to_1 v\). Then \(\varphi(v) = 3^{|v|_a} 2^{|v|_b} = 3^{|u|_a+1} 2^{|u|_b-2} = 3^{|u|_a} 2^{|u|_b} \frac{3}{4} = \varphi(u) \frac{3}{4} < \varphi(u)\).
- Let \(u \to_2 v\). Then \(\varphi(v) = 3^{|v|_a} 2^{|v|_b} = 3^{|u|_a-1} 2^{|u|_b+1} = 3^{|u|_a} 2^{|u|_b} \frac{2}{3} = \varphi(u) \frac{2}{3} < \varphi(u)\).
Let \(a > b\). Then \([b^n a | n \in [0, 1, \ldots]]\) is an infinite chain according to \(>_{Lex}\).
Note: This exercise completes the discussion of Lemma 2.4.3.
Let \(s, t\) be terms. Run BFS from \(s\) using \(\leftrightarrow^E\). If \(t\) is encountered, conclude that \(s \approx_E t\). If the BFS finishes enumerating the equivalence class without encountering \(t\), conclude that \(\lnot s \approx_E t\).
Let \(x \in Var(r) \setminus Var(l)\). Let \(p\) be a position of \(x\) in \(r\).
Infinite chain:
- \(t_0 = x\)
- \(t_{i+1} = r[t_i]_p\)
- a
- Unifier: \({x \to h(a), y \to h(a)}\)
- Matcher: \({x \to h(a), y \to x}\)
- b
- Unifier: Unsolvable
- Matcher: \({x \to h(x), y \to x}\)
- c
- Unifier: \({x \to h(y), z \to b}\)
- Matcher: Unsolvable
- d
- Unifier: Unsolvable
- Matcher: Unsolvable
Counterexample TRS \(R\):
- \(a \to b\)
- \(b \to b\)
- Jan 2022
Technological solutions to social problems seem quicker, cheaper, and simpler to implement than larger social changes.
Tech solutionism can often seem useful because it appears to be cheaper, simpler, and easier to implement than making more difficult choices and larger, necessary social changes.
One needs to always ask what is the real underlying problem? What other methods are there for potential solutions? What are the knock-on effects of these potential solutions. Is the particular solution really just a quick fix or bandaid? Once implemented how will one measure the effects and adjust after-the-fact?
- Nov 2021
How to Choose a Reliable SaaS Application Development CompanyKateCloud & SaaS Product ResearcherDmitryCEOSaaSHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipHow to Choose a Reliable SaaS Application Development CompanyPublishedAug 5, 2020UpdatedAug 5, 202012 min readCurrently, SaaS is the largest segment of the global public cloud services market. The growing SaaS industry provides an equal-opportunity atmosphere for businesses. It concerns enterprises from startups to tech giants – and any size in between. It explains why traditional software companies, like Microsoft and Adobe, decided to look into that direction too. Indeed, the time is ripe for developing a SaaS application now. But however tempting it may be, do not dive in headfirst with launching a SaaS product, because sometimes, it can be very challenging. That is why we have prepared a guide on finding a SaaS application development company that will be your best bet.
Looking to build a SaaS app? You will need help of a reliable development team. Check our advice on how to choose a SaaS development company.
- SaaS market
- software provider
- SaaS pricing
- software company
- software development
- SaaS development
- SaaS solutions
- Ruby on Rails marketplace
- SaaS MVP
- Ruby
- RoR developers
- Ruby on Rails development company
- RoR
- SaaS App
- Ruby on Rails framework
- SaaS hosting provider
- software agency
- custom software
- Ruby on Rails
- SaaS
- Ruby gems
SaaS Product Development: Why Choose Ruby on Rails Framework?KateCloud & SaaS Product ResearcherRuby/RailsSaaSHomeBlogTechnologySaaS Product Development: Why Choose Ruby on Rails Framework?PublishedSep 10, 2020UpdatedSep 10, 202013 min readWhich technology to pick for your SaaS business to succeed? This question is not uncommon in our days. In fact, quite the opposite because the SaaS model has become a meaningful part of every business domain. And the demand for SaaS product development is higher than ever and still increasing. This article will discuss the essential factors you need to consider when selecting a framework for your SaaS project. Also, we will introduce the top 3 frameworks for building a SaaS product with their pros and cons. Read on to see the best examples of SaaS applications.
Choosing the right tech stack can help you save costs and make your app stand out in the saturated market. Let’s discuss why Ruby on Rails can be your best choice.
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- Oct 2021
Leading SaaS Trends for 2021 You Shouldn’t MissDmitryChief Executive OfficerSaaSTrendsHomeBlogTechnologyLeading SaaS Trends for 2021 You Shouldn’t MissDec 1, 202012 min readNowadays, different kinds of businesses are extensively moving to the cloud. O’Reilly reports that 88% of the respondent companies had used cloud services before lockdown and expect their further growth by Q2 2021. Therefore, SaaS application development looks also like a profitable venture today. Yet, to stay afloat in the cloud arena, you need to arm your offering with precise technology and fresh tools. In other words, you need to keep your eye on the future of SaaS. To help you deploy the promptest cloud solutions, in this post, I collected the top SaaS trends for 2021.
SaaS application development looks also like a profitable venture today. Yet, to stay afloat in the cloud arena, you need to arm your offering with precise technology and fresh tools. In other words, you need to keep your eye on the future of SaaS.
To help you deploy the promptest cloud solutions, in this post, I collected the top SaaS trends for 2021.
- Sep 2021
Top 8 SaaS Pricing Models: Ultimate Guide for 2021Alina NechvolodE-Commerce & SaaS StrategistSaaSHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipTop 8 SaaS Pricing Models: Ultimate Guide for 2021Oct 28, 202016 min readThere’s hardly a thing that impacts your software-as-a-service product revenue more than SaaS pricing models. Still, for many companies choosing the right monetization strategy is no easy feat. To shed some light on this matter, we have prepared a detailed guide on the most popular SaaS pricing strategies. You will find out the pros and cons of each option and learn how to adopt them properly from well-known SaaS companies. Finally, we will discuss the required steps to take when choosing between different SaaS business models.
There’s hardly a thing that impacts your software-as-a-service product revenue more than SaaS pricing models. Still, for many companies choosing the right monetization strategy is no easy feat.
To shed some light on this matter, we have prepared a detailed guide on the most popular SaaS pricing strategies. You will find out the pros and cons of each option and learn how to adopt them properly from well-known SaaS companies.
Finally, we will discuss the required steps to take when choosing between different SaaS business models.
Update API usage of the view helpers by changing javascript_packs_with_chunks_tag and stylesheet_packs_with_chunks_tag to javascript_pack_tag and stylesheet_pack_tag. Ensure that your layouts and views will only have at most one call to javascript_pack_tag or stylesheet_pack_tag. You can now pass multiple bundles to these view helper methods.
Good move. Rather than having 2 different methods, and requiring people to "go out of their way" to "opt in" to using chunks by using the longer-named
, they changed it to just use chunks by default, out of the box.Now they don't need 2 similar but separate methods that do nearly the same, which makes things simpler and easier to understand (no longer have to stop and ask oneself, which one should I use? what's the difference?).
You can't get it "wrong" now because there's only one option.
And by switching that method to use the shorter name, it makes it clearer that that is the usual/common/recommended way to go.
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Warehouse Storage Solutions - Connect Warehouse
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When you choose Connect, you’re choosing versatility, modernity, and efficiency for your storage requirements. Our brilliant facility features heavy-duty racking, highly trained staff, advanced technology, and onsite security to make sure that all of your goods are safe and sound in a professional environment.
All of this is set up to help ensure maximum safety for your inventory and more control for you, so you have peace of mind every step of the way that your goods are in safe hands.
Within our facility, we provide an eclectic mix of different industrial storage provisions, with something to suit every requirement. Let’s take a look at some of the different kinds of provisions we handle at Connect and see how we can help you with all of your storage needs today.
- Aug 2021
I really hope they keep breaking it. Being the lead on a library for several years, most of the forced refactors were pretty straight forward and in almost every case made our code either more sound or easier to be consumed. Now I work on a runtime that embeds TypeScript and 3.5.1 has broken some code, thought it took me all of about 15 minutes to make the changes to adopt it, and in every case, it broke because we were being a bit loose with the types. While it didn't find any bugs, it made the code more "safe".
I really hope they keep breaking it.
www.codica.com www.codica.com
How to Build a SaaS Startup in 10 Smart StepsAlina NechvolodE-Commerce & SaaS StrategistSaaSStartupHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipHow to Build a SaaS Startup in 10 Smart StepsJul 30, 202018 min readSaaS solutions are noted for their flexibility. This quality serves as a key reason why 37% of businesses switch to cloud-based systems. Given their growing popularity, the idea of launching a company offering SaaS products seems very lucrative. So, how to build a SaaS startup? In this article, we will answer this question, and guide you through the main stages of starting a SaaS business. You will learn to make market research and write a lean plan. Also, we will discuss the most suitable pricing models and effective marketing strategies. Finally, you will know how to track the progress of your startup.
SaaS solutions are noted for their flexibility. This quality serves as a key reason why 37% of businesses switch to cloud-based systems. Given their growing popularity, the idea of launching a company offering SaaS products seems very lucrative.
So, how to build a SaaS startup? In this article, we will answer this question, and guide you through the main stages of starting a SaaS business.
You will learn to make market research and write a lean plan. Also, we will discuss the most suitable pricing models and effective marketing strategies.
Finally, you will know how to track the progress of your startup.
- Jul 2021
www.migrationencounters.org www.migrationencounters.org
Juan: As a community, we always do wrong. When I was in the US, we had Bernie. I love Bernie, I wish he would have been president, but they chose Hillary instead, and Hillary lost against Trump. Then I come to Mexico, and we had all hopes that this new government was going to do positive things. He is making a change, but it's going downhill right now. My long-term goal is to be able to change the way people view things, because Mexicans can be selfish, they can be ignorant.Juan: That's because that's how they were taught since they were little. What I want to do is change Mexico and take out all the potential that we have, because we have so much potential, we just don't do it, so does the US. The US has so much potential, one of the top ones with the potential, but because of right now with the leaders that we have, we're not able to provide it. Then again, I guess that's overall as a society. We want to change this, let's change this or change that, but we can't, because the person who is ruling is not going to … They have other things in priority.Anne: Maybe you'll be a president.Juan: I want to be president, but I want to make a change [Chuckles].Anne: That's great. Well, thank you very much.Juan: Yeah, no problem.
Reflections, The United States, Mexico; Feelings, Dreams
- Jun 2021
www.migrationencounters.org www.migrationencounters.org
Anne: So I don't know if you follow what's going on in the US. There's a law, that probably won’t get passed in the Senate but just got passed in the house, that basically says that if someone like you, graduates from high school, or is on the way to graduating from high school and hasn't gotten in trouble, you can get a conditional residence—Mike: Right.Anne: And get a social security card for ten years. Ten years conditional residence. And then if you get employed in three years during that time you can get permanent legal access.Mike: Oh, okay. So that was the Trump administration when they came to an agreement, right?Anne: No, they haven't reached an agreement, but it's this new dream. If you had known that all you had to do was keep going to school and you could get a social security card and you could have a path to citizenship, would that have made a difference, do you think?Mike: Yes. I feel like yes, if I would have known earlier. But at the same time, once you start living in Arizona, or anywhere in the US, you kind of start thinking like you're from there. I was telling the nice lady from earlier, Anita, that once you get used to it, once you think that you're from there—that was my mistake, because I started not caring—you just start doing stuff that if you don't have papers you should know you're not supposed to do. I got kind of carried away and was trying to get the whole world. Because I didn't have my papers, I was trying to go after everybody. I'm like, "Okay. So if I can't work, cool, I'll just do my own thing, or I'll just do this, do that."Mike: I feel like if I was a little more informed, it would have gone a different way, or a little more help, programs or anything. I feel like I could have still had a fighting chance.Anne: Yeah. I mean the hope is that there will be policy that will give hope to people like you that as soon as you finish going to school, you can then get a social security card, you can get a job, you can make a life for yourself, but currently—
Reflections, The United States, Policy to help migrants
- Apr 2021
medium.com medium.com
each of which we could show to be more beautiful, and more usable than the original.
You might not always notice, but Material Design is constantly evolving and iterating based on research.
- constantly improving
- opportunity to improve/fix something
- form design
- constant evolution/improvement of software/practices/solutions
- visual design
- beauty
- user feedback
- Material Design
- learn from your mistakes
- text field
- component design
- based on actual/real data
- answer the "why?"
- software development: making changes/improvements based on user feedback/data
- Material Design: text field
- usability
- Mar 2021
www.usich.gov www.usich.gov
Recognizing the role that federal leadership can play in breaking this cycle, the Council is pursuing steps to reduce criminal justice system involvement among people experiencing homelessness, both by reducing the criminalization of homelessness and the return of people from correctional settings to homelessness. Specific action areas include:
criminals make up poor people crazy stuff mannnn
www.usich.gov www.usich.gov
Strategies Improve identification of children experiencing homelessness and ensure support for them to enroll in school. Eliminate barriers to enrollment and provide seamless transitions from early childhood education through elementary, secondary, and post-secondary education. Improve access to and retention in early childhood education programs, elementary and secondary education, and post-secondary education. Review existing federal, state, and local program policies, procedures, and regulations to identify mechanisms that could increase both access to and retention in high-quality programs. These mechanisms should help remove barriers and ensure early childhood-to-adulthood educational access, quality child care, and early childhood education through elementary, secondary, and post-secondary education. Educate homelessness assistance providers about the laws, and the programs and practices under those laws, designed to increase access to early care and education, such as those carried out under Head Start, the McKinney-Vento Act’s education subtitle, and the independent student provisions of the Higher Education Act.
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This creates what is essentially an evolution process for the program, causing it to depart from the original engineered design. As a consequence of this and a changing environment, assumptions made by the original designers may be invalidated, introducing bugs.
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D3 4.0 is modular. Instead of one library, D3 is now many small libraries that are designed to work together. You can pick and choose which parts to use as you see fit.
- Feb 2021
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Each of the programming language generations aims to provide a higher level of abstraction of the internal computer hardware details, making the language more programmer-friendly, powerful, and versatile.
we’re going to look how improved pattern matching and rightward assignment make it possible to “destructure” hashes and arrays in Ruby 3—much like how you’d accomplish it in, say, JavaScript
- Jan 2021
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Call for Code (2020) Accept the 2020 Call for Code Global Challenge. Retrieved from:https://callforcode.org/challenge/?utm_content=buffere99fc&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
discourse.ubuntu.com discourse.ubuntu.com
Progress is made of compromises, this implies that we have to consider not only disadvantages, but also the advantages. Advantages do very clearly outweigh disadvantages. This doesn’t mean it perfect, or that work shouldn’t continue to minimize and reduce the disadvantages, but just considering disadvantages is not the correct way.
I don’t find the software slow, I find the startup time for snap packages when the start for the first time on a session slow, but that has been improved, and it’s public that the snapcraft team has been working hard to improve that.
- the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few
- do pros outweigh/cover cons?
- improving one's process
- constant evolution/improvement of software/practices/solutions
- software performance
- compromise
- trade-offs
- focus on ways/what you can improve
- working on it (improving)
- progress
- progress requires compromises
- Snap
- good point
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That practice went from being standard practice to being a faux pas (not abstracting JavaScript functionality away from HTML) to, eh, you need it when you need it.
- Dec 2020
articles.abilogic.com articles.abilogic.com
As the number of industries increases as well as vehicles, it impact air which we breath. Diseases caused by pollution are severe and WHO states that 9 out of 10 people in the world breathe in polluted air. Allergy solutions are many but the key to keep pollution allergy at bay is to ensure the air quality is high. Outdoor allergies caused by pollution cannot be controlled instantly but with certain measures the risk can be reduced.
- Oct 2020
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Additionally, if we ever want to standardize more of JSX we need to start moving away from some of the more esoteric legacy behaviors of React.
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“Solutions journalism’ is another promising trend that answers some of the respondents’ sense of helplessness in the face of the barrage of crisis coverage.62
but everything they were doing started to make sense
- Sep 2020
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From npm@5.2.0, npm ships with npx package which lets you run commands from a local node_modules/.bin or from a central cache.
engineering.mixmax.com engineering.mixmax.com
After years of copy-pasted, locally-hosted scripts, maybe Bower if you were lucky, npm has finally made it possible to easily distribute client-side packages.
- Aug 2020
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Balsari, S., Sange, M., & Udwadia, Z. (2020). COVID-19 care in India: The course to self-reliance. The Lancet Global Health, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1016/S2214-109X(20)30384-3
www.nber.org www.nber.org
Vu, Jonathan T, Benjamin K Kaplan, Shomesh Chaudhuri, Monique K Mansoura, and Andrew W Lo. ‘Financing Vaccines for Global Health Security’. Working Paper. Working Paper Series. National Bureau of Economic Research, May 2020. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27212.
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Contact Get Inspired!!!It is always the simple that produces the marvelous. -Amelia Bar<img src="https://secureservercdn.net/" alt="" class="wp-image-1784" srcset="https://secureservercdn.net/ 772w, https://secureservercdn.net/ 300w, https://secureservercdn.net/ 768w" sizes="(max-width: 772px) 100vw, 772px" /> <img width="600" height="312" src="https://secureservercdn.net/" class="attachment-medium_large size-medium_large" alt="What is headhunting and how does it work" srcset="https://secureservercdn.net/ 600w, https://secureservercdn.net/ 300w" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" /> What is headhunting and how does it work? yunicsolutions July 31, 2020 Headhunting (also known as Executive Search) is the process of recruiting individuals to fill senior positions in organizations. Headhunters are individuals who are employed by… Read More… <img width="600" height="312" src="https://secureservercdn.net/" class="attachment-medium_large size-medium_large" alt="campus recruitment" srcset="https://secureservercdn.net/ 600w, https://secureservercdn.net/ 300w" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" /> What is Campus Recruitment and How It Can Benefit Your Business? yunicsolutions July 18, 2020 On-campus enlisting is additionally a significant device for advancing your image. A considerable lot of your potential future recruits will be first presented to your… Read More… <img width="600" height="312" src="https://secureservercdn.net/" class="attachment-medium_large size-medium_large" alt="What is Employee Referral Programs and How it works" srcset="https://secureservercdn.net/ 600w, https://secureservercdn.net/ 300w" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" /> What is Employee Referral Programs & How it works? yunicsolutions July 10, 2020 Employee referrals are the principal top most wellspring of value contender for the best associations, bringing about quicker recruits, improved employee maintenance levels and higher… Read More… <img width="600" height="312" src="https://secureservercdn.net/" class="attachment-medium_large size-medium_large" alt="Promotion of Employees in an Organization" srcset="https://secureservercdn.net/ 600w, https://secureservercdn.net/ 300w" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" /> Promotion of Employees in an Organization yunicsolutions June 29, 2020 Promotion or career advancement is a procedure through which a worker of an organization is given a higher portion of obligations, a more significant compensation… Read More… <img width="600" height="312" src="https://secureservercdn.net/" class="attachment-medium_large size-medium_large" alt="headhunting techniques" srcset="https://secureservercdn.net/ 600w, https://secureservercdn.net/ 300w" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" /> Effective Headhunting Techniques for Hiring yunicsolutions June 22, 2020 Headhunters are individuals who are employed by an organization or enterprise to discover, vet, and present reasonable possibility for a vocation position. The headhunter’s main… Read More… <img width="600" height="350" src="https://secureservercdn.net/" class="attachment-medium_large size-medium_large" alt="Latest Top 10 Trending Hr Practices in Organization" srcset="https://secureservercdn.net/ 600w, https://secureservercdn.net/ 300w" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" /> Top 10 Trending HR Practices In Organization yunicsolutions June 12, 2020 Human Resource is a part that has changed step by step. Everything from an individual’s examination, the recruiting procedure to programming frameworks, has developed. Since… Read More… <img width="600" height="350" src="https://secureservercdn.net/" class="attachment-medium_large size-medium_large" alt="14 essential Functions of Human Resource department-min" srcset="https://secureservercdn.net/ 600w, https://secureservercdn.net/ 300w" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" /> 14 Essential Functions of the Human Resource Department yunicsolutions June 5, 2020 According to Storey (1995), HRM is a distinctive approach to employment management which seeks to achieve competitive advantage through the strategic deployment of a highly… Read More… <img width="600" height="350" src="https://secureservercdn.net/" class="attachment-medium_large size-medium_large" alt="Reasons You Might Want to Consider before changing your job" srcset="https://secureservercdn.net/ 600w, https://secureservercdn.net/ 300w" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" /> Reasons You Might Want to change your job! yunicsolutions May 29, 2020 When searching for a new position, I suggest that you first cause a rundown of your explanations behind leaving your old job and afterward to… Read More… <img width="600" height="350" src="https://secureservercdn.net/" class="attachment-medium_large size-medium_large" alt="hiring the right employee" srcset="https://secureservercdn.net/ 600w, https://secureservercdn.net/ 300w" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" /> Top 7 tips on hiring the right employee yunicsolutions May 21, 2020 Big and successful businesses are built on a talented workforce this is not just a saying but a solid fact. Hiring an employee is one… Read More…
Yunic Solutions provides valuable resources in form of Human Resource blog that helps you in getting information about the HR industry.
- Jul 2020
yunicsolutions.com yunicsolutions.com
What is headhunting and how does it work? Leave a Comment / Blog<img width="600" height="312" src="https://secureservercdn.net/" class="attachment-large size-large wp-post-image" alt="What is headhunting and how does it work" itemprop="image" srcset="https://secureservercdn.net/ 600w, https://secureservercdn.net/ 300w" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" /> Contact Headhunting (also known as Executive Search) is the process of recruiting individuals to fill senior positions in organizations. Headhunters are individuals who are employed by an organization or enterprise to discover, vet, and the present reasonable possibility for a vocation position.They are recruited and appointed by an organization searching for top-notch ability and regularly work for a few organizations at a given time. It’s normal for headhunters to have some expertise in a field, for example, tech or showcasing.This permits them to filter through resumes to find the most ideal contender for an occupation speedier and all the more proficiently. This style of recruiting may be undertaken by an organisation’s board of directors, or HR executives, or by external executive recruitment representatives known as headhunters.Difference between Recruiters and Headhunters in the HR WorldRecruiters typically serve both candidates and clients fairly, while a headhunter is only interested in fulfilling their client’s brief. Recruiters actively try to match their existing pool of candidates to the vacant roles, sometimes regardless of sector or specific talent requirements.Headhunters would instead focus on the role first and then scout for the right candidate for their client. In the headhunting industry, specific industry knowledge of a client’s target market is far more important than in traditional recruitment. As such, headhunters are much more likely to specialize in one industry sector or sub-sector.Both recruiters and headhunters can be successful in matching candidates to jobs. Employers need to choose the best method for recruiting based on the desired result. If an employer has a hard-to-fill vacancy at a high level, or their ideal candidate is currently employed by someone else and may not actively be looking for a change, hiring a headhunter might be the best option.What are the Qualities of a Good Headhunter?Deep understanding of individual industries and job specs;The ability to spot emerging talent;Good at analyzing job profiles and identifying skills in others;Great people skills;Passion, drive, and persistence.By ethicalness of their forceful systems administration and relationship building abilities, talent headhunters today have made a specialty for themselves and are regularly looked for after.The Future of HeadhuntingIt relies upon whom you ask and, perhaps more critically, what level of official you need to enroll. On one hand are the individuals who contend that the Internet and different developments are changing the present headhunting firms and enlistment methodologies.Web vocation refers to, for example, Monster.com is moving into the official market, taking steps to contend with old-style talent scouts in a worthwhile market. High-potential up-and-comers are found, followed, and observed as they travel through their professions in different organizations.At the point when all is good and well, these individuals are offered a job. It’s difficult to contend that these patterns are not affecting official enlistment, however, it might likewise be untimely to suggest that most first-rate worldwide administrators are out of nowhere going to put their resumes on the web or permit their aptitudes to be assessed by programming.Head Hunter Can Do For CompanyHead hunting is not just about getting the top performer from another company, it is also about hunting for people with a specific set of talents to work for them.Talent skills that are not being recognized by the company that you are working with right now and another company might see a valuable potential in you. People all over the world are stuck in the situation that they are being underutilized and because of the fact that they are being underutilized and their talents are not being channeled effectively.The whole point of a resume and the list of talents is for it to get the air space that it needs. Companies who are interested in one thing, and is to get the best talents and the employees with the most potential. Usually, the headhunter will be employed to find individuals from competitor companies, poaching the top industry talent and in doing so, giving their clients a competitive advantage over one of their rivals.Within financial services, the very best employees can often help to generate millions of pounds in profits for a company.Although each person working within an executive headhunting team is needed for its success, generally speaking, the business development person receives the largest commission, while the researcher receives the smallest.Potential job candidates are selected, scrutinised for quality and put forward to the client by the headhunting firm based on a meticulous study of the job description and job specification, which would have been developed in conjunction with the client.It is common for potential candidates to be contacted directly by phone, often as a result of a recommendation from someone inside the existing network.Headhunting firms are focused on identifying quality candidates and work hard to continually update their list of contacts so, when required, they will be ready to start recruiting immediately.Talented candidates are also discovered through intense research. This might mean identifying and then contacting targeted people in specific companies who appear to fit the job profile in some logical manner.They will also use social media, such as LinkedIn, to identify candidates that have been successful in their field.Sometimes headhunters hear about potential candidates via referrals. Some of the best candidate referrals can come from individuals who would be ideal for the job themselves but are not interested in applying themselves.
Headhunting is the process of recruiting individuals who are industry experts to fill senior positions in organizations. In this article, you will find how HR help business in Headhunting
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How HR Consultancy Services works? Posted by yunicsolutions on July 28th, 2020Business organizations advance compelling unforeseen development, blend, and utilization of the work power. Because of the difficulties of the current work markets, they are wrestling with a ceaselessly befuddling degree of issues—from steady joblessness or underemployment to partition shifts and the effect of automated and innovative unforeseen development.Open business administrations are one of the tremendous conductors for acknowledging work and work exposes draws near. The HR business is experiencing terrific changes over the extent of HR associations, including determination, preparing and movement, action, assessments, preferences and prizes, HR Consultancy, HR improvement, HR re-appropriating, and HR directing.As section blocks are insignificant, the HR association space in India has an enormous number of players and the market is remarkably apportioned. Several associations are making in each HR association space. A couple of new kinds of organizations are ascending in India, including impermanent staffing, action preparing, foundation check, social picking, reward the board and ESOPs, and outplacement associations. Eventually, like never before, more grounded business organizations accept a verifiably huge activity in work planning, improving employability, and watching out for capacity puzzles and partner support plainly to chairmen and laborers through working differing exceptional work show programs. There are a couple of sorts of work organizations which are given by selection workplaces which are according to the accompanying;-PERMANENT STAFFINGPermanent delegates work for a business and are paid genuinely by that business. Suffering workers don't have a fated end date for business. Permanent Staffing is enrolment done on the general level. The up-and-comers are chosen for a principal level development; the competitors are generally new in the business.Different affiliations offer various kinds of organizations to draw in and hold workers. These organizations offer help to delegates in an assortment of approaches to manage to improve their work and individual life. Close by standard fortuitous focal points, for example, therapeutic organizations and managed time, different associations are making more approaches to manage keep workers fulfilled. A noteworthy bundle of these organizations can be executed in free associations at low expenses.LATERAL HIRINGAs the most enlisting boss and HR masters know, beguiling a top applicant away from their present work to one with a practically identical compensation and title can require a scramble of cleverness. Flat enlisting is somebody used "from the side", which suggests at a relative encounter and pay level as their past development. The lateral enlistment process invites on the table appropriate specific and fragile aptitudes. Also, this occupant would in like way be a lot of headings with industry accomplices. This is the clarification this is one of the most overwhelming enlisting practices.For a convincing Lateral Hiring, it's important that the following interest limits are clearly seen and portrayed explanation association objective and industry best practices.IT EnrollmentIT Administration is one of the most critical and huge associations that a business need. This time is the PC time span and you can't develop your business beside if you change as per the market turn which requests a specific technique to deal with the business.
How HR Consultancy Services works? You might have came across many HR Consultancy services but do you want to know how they function? This article deals with the functioning of an HR Consultancy Firm.
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Helping Business Hire the Best Employees | Yunic HR SolutionsBy SIM Team - 2020-07-110 Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Yunic HR Solutions is an enlistment or arrangement organization based out of New Delhi, India. It was founded in 2018. We have a strong database of candidates from regions like – IT/Education/Sales/Accounts/Finance/Marketing to customers across India. The practiced scouts convey their knowledge and experience to fulfill the opening shared. Yunic HR Solutions find a congeniality between meeting the activity’s necessities and improving your affiliations ethos with a little assistance from our industry qualified enlistment stars.VisionWe are an expert, eager and imaginative group, committed to giving proficient HR Consulting Services and developing Recruitment Solutions that help our clients become increasingly gainful and beneficial.MissionOur Mission to grow long haul and vital associations with our customers, and help them to change the present difficulties into tomorrow’s victories. Also, we are focused on meeting and surpassing the desires in offering superb assistance, unforeseen quality and exceptional incentive to our kin, customers and accomplicesArea of ProficiencyOur specialization is in household enrollment – PAN India. Ourcenter is to asset experts who meet the necessity according to the set of working responsibilities shared as well as check if the up-and-comer will fit the organization work culture too.Passion of ExcellenceWe grasp and maintain the best expectations of individual and expert morals, genuineness and trust.We are dependable to satisfy our responsibilities to our customers, accomplices and every one of our partners with an away from of the directness and responsibility inalienable in those commitments.We are focused on conveying unrivalled services with honesty, trust and thankfulness to keep up our client dedication. We guarantee that we will convey uncommon business results while making a positive commitment to our customer’s organization.We treat everybody with solid regard, class and decency. Furthermore, we generally welcome assorted variety and contrasts of supposition.YouTube link- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELkFJ3HokpYWebsite: Yunic SolutionsFacebook: Yunic Solutions FacebookInstagram: Yunic Solutions InstagramLinkedin: Yunic Solutions Linkedin
Yunic HR Solutions is an enlistment or arrangement organization based out of New Delhi, India. It was founded in 2018. We have a strong database of candidates from regions like – IT/Education/Sales/Accounts/Finance/Marketing to customers across India.
What is the Impact of Covid-19 in HR Practices?Yunic SolutionsJul 22 · 4 min readThe effect of Covid-19 on wellbeing, economies, and markets is an unfurling story. One of the greatest obvious effects of the infection has been on the associations and the idea of workplaces.As the coronavirus spread imperceptibly over the globe, many countries have pronounced lockdowns, and associations have mixed to conform to lockdown limitations while endeavoring to prop activities up. Work-from-home (WFH) turned into a quick answer for business coherence.Dexterity, inventiveness, adaptability — these are the qualities exhibited by HR in the lockdown situation. As representatives began signing in distantly, HR capacities ventured up to change physical workplaces into virtual workplaces practically overnight.<img alt="Image for post" class="s t u dt ai" src="https://miro.medium.com/max/870/1*a-NL4GQuOrzuIdyhxyjKRg.jpeg" width="435" height="271" srcSet="https://miro.medium.com/max/552/1*a-NL4GQuOrzuIdyhxyjKRg.jpeg 276w, https://miro.medium.com/max/870/1*a-NL4GQuOrzuIdyhxyjKRg.jpeg 435w" sizes="435px"/>source- The HinduRules to guarantee that workers could oversee WFH consistently and safely must be immediately characterized and dispersed. Much of the time, workers must be upheld with advanced foundation — PCs, information cards — to guarantee that business coherence could be kept up.Expanding the Human InterfaceThe coronavirus pandemic has expanded the accentuation on the ‘human interface’ part of the HR work. In the midst of a quickly unfurling wellbeing emergency, HR capacities outfitted to give basic correspondence on security conventions, cleanliness rehearses, crisis numbers, rundown of medical clinics, rules for isolating and detaching, and significantly more. Numerous associations went the additional mile to assist workers with taking care of worry by setting up online classes for representative prosperity and inspiration.Worker Safety ServicesWorker security turned into the prime concern, and HR groups joined forces with different capacities to characterize methods of guaranteeing wellbeing and social removing consistent at industrial facilities and plants that kept on working. Customary sanitization of premises, workplaces, transports, and states has become a fundamental part of protecting representatives. The acquisition of veils, handwashes, and sanitizers was basic despite the fact that provisions fell low in the market.Hiring Process Adopting Social DistancingDownturns and rises in the activity advertise are a shocking unavoidable truth and the economy, yet with this pandemic, probably the greatest change in enlistment is probably going to be the manner by which the employing procedure itself is directed.With in-person gatherings off the table, prospective employee meet-ups now must be directed distantly, by telephone or videoconferencing. Numerous tech organizations have just been doing this for quite a while: enormous ones, for example, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, IBM, and littler organizations that are far enough ahead on the bend to have embraced video calls as a typical type of correspondence.The coronavirus emergency has helped sparkle a focus on the worth that HR conveys in keeping workers connected with, roused, safe, and beneficial. In any case, the WFH idea and negligible staffing circumstance are probably going to proceed for quite a while.The very idea of the infection and its transmissibility have clarified that social removing will be the new typical for in any event a year. This infers the pandemic circumstance that will affect HR rehearses like enlistment, on-boarding, and learning and advancement.Hiring and other employment services are now done using online methods like skype, Jio video call, Zoom meeting, etc. Enlistment will concentrate on educated ability who can perform better in a transcendently advanced workplace. Procedures for onboarding recently recruited employees should change to turn out to be completely advanced. Preparing and skilling will reconfigure for an online-just mode.A portion of the progressions is energizing in their potential for change. In the calculable future, HR will assume a key job in reclassifying, maybe forever, the idea of the workplace. For example, standard participation and leave approaches will not work anymore.Associations should put a further extent of trust in the trustworthiness and duty of representatives working distantly. WFH may affect dynamic structures as a result of the imperatives of video meeting stages. Littler groups might have the option to team up better and make choices quicker. Here and there, WFH may even be a surprisingly beneficial development.Having the option to work from home may help individuals to adjust proficient and individual issues better. It might empower more ladies and individuals with the inabilities to enter the workforce.Having bigger distant workforces will push associations to increase innovation selection and digitalization, empower scattered activities, and community-oriented working. As associations get progressively OK with representatives working distantly, the necessity for office space and fixed workstations may decrease radically. Associations might have the option to use WFH idea to reduce expenses on land and physical framework.A large number of these progressions are now forthcoming, and associations have been in a consistent method of rethinking basically every procedure and strategy. The silver covering to this exceptional wellbeing emergency is that associations are finding better approaches to turn out to be increasingly profitable with fewer assets.Accomplishing more with less is the mantra in the post crown world. At the point when the world changed for all intents and purposes for the time being with the coronavirus pandemic, associations did as well. The business is viewing the re-evaluation of the workplace occurring before our eyes.Work From HomePandemicLockdownCarona VirusCovid 19Written byYunic SolutionsYunic Solutions is an HR Consultancy service firm providing recruitment service to various businesses and startups. https://yunicsolutions.com/
The effect of Covid-19 on well being, economies, and markets is an unfurling story. One of the greatest obvious effects of the infection. Find out What is the Impact of Covid-19 in HR Practices?
- Jun 2020
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Effective Headhunting Techniques for Hiring Leave a Comment / Blog Contact Headhunters are individuals who are employed by an organization or enterprise to discover, vet, and present reasonable possibility for a vocation position. The headhunter’s main responsibility is to guarantee the competitor has the right range of abilities for a position and they’re frequently recruited to discover possibilities that have a one of a kind or elusive range of abilities. When in doubt, headhunters are self-employed entities or workers of an enlisting organization. They are recruited and appointed by an organization searching for top notch ability and regularly work for a few organizations at a given time. It’s normal for headhunters to have some expertise in a field, for example, tech or showcasing. Headhunting recruitment permits them to filter through resumes to find the most ideal contender for an occupation speedier and all the more proficiently. At the point when your organization needs new ability, the initial step is to begin selecting exceptionally qualified possibility for the activity. At the point when you realize how to isolate the quality goods from the refuse, it’s simpler to locate the ideal contender for your organization. Sadly, this can now and then be actually quite difficult. By what method can your specialty prevail with regards to finding the most ideal contender for your organization’s vacant positions? Here’s your bit by bit control. You can push all the extraordinary sets of expectations you need, it despite everything won’t get your image the perfect applicant except if your area of expertise knows how to scout. While trusting that up-and-comers will apply is detached, scouting is a functioning procedure that gives your group a superior possibility of finding the ideal contender for your activity. At the point when you figure out how to scout the correct way, finding the most qualified competitors is simpler than any time in recent memory. Here are five hints to help your area of expertise scout the best applicant. Have HR Gotten the Message Out With Workers To discover profoundly qualified contenders for your activity, start by tapping your current representative system. To do this, have your area of expertise spread some verbal data about the position that is open, the sort of up-and-comers you’re searching for, and the necessities for the post. With any karma, your worker system will impart the news to their certified companions with your area of expertise, which serves to bring you preferable ability over you could have in any case gotten to. On the off chance that you’d prefer to make this a stride further, think about posting updates on your accessible opening via web-based networking media. This makes it simple for your current representatives to impart the post to their certified loved ones. Your area of expertise ought to likewise make posts on LinkedIn and Twitter or head to a public exhibition, where your workers can get the message out of your situation to passers-by. Send Representatives into Your Trade Groups To enhance your scouting procedure, urge your HR division to scour the exchange bunches you take an interest in. Since you’ve just got these associations, presently is an excellent opportunity to benefit as much as possible from them. To begin, plan a portrayal of your activity and send it out to chiefs, thought pioneers and industry heads in your specialty. You may likewise decide to utilize phone systems administration to get the message out about your accessible position and get individuals intrigued. While organizing everywhere is a keen method to draw in more contender to your position, organizing inside your trade groups is exceptionally focused on method of arriving at new up-and-comers. Since trade groups draw in a quite certain gathering of individuals, they’re extraordinary spots to search for applicants with exceptional aptitudes or interests. This, thus, chops down the time you’ll spend scouting and guarantees you’ll locate a superior applicant quicker and simpler. Optimize Your Site Your site is your biggest resource, so why not use it to get the message out about your vacant position? In the event that you don’t have a Careers page, your area of expertise should work with the organization’s tech or IT group to make one at this point. In the event that you do have a Careers page, be certain it includes a compact, elegantly composed set of working responsibilities that will interest possible competitors. Recollect that there are many dry, slow sets of expectations out there, which implies you’ll do well to make yours drawing in and captivating – consider recruiting proficient journalists in the event that you need help. The more you can make your set of working responsibilities energizing, the almost certain it is you’ll draw in all around qualified, drew in, intrigued up-and-comers who will smooth out your scouting procedure and make it simpler to fill your vacant position a lot quicker. Catch Up With Intrigued Leads In the event that you have leads intrigued by your task, make certain to catch up with them in like manner. Keeping in touch with the leads who contact your organization about an occupation is a brilliant method to prop the energy up and guarantee these gifted candidates consider your to be as a drew in and dynamic business. While there are many approaches to stay in contact with intrigued up-and-comers, probably the most practical are welcoming possibility to buy into a bulletin, lining up after a meeting with email, and making a pre-programmed message that thanks intrigued contender for their applications. Guaranteeing your area of expertise is dynamic about getting the telephone and calling up-and-comers can help, too. Take advantage of Innovation There are many approaches to enroll new applicants utilizing the web. Notwithstanding making posts via web-based networking media, it’s anything but difficult to utilize the web to post positions on proficient scouting locales, merchant destinations and arranged advertisement locales. The web likewise gives a direct and smoothed out approach to check the viability of your post. In case you’re not getting the candidates you need, consider changing your methodology likewise. At the point when you outfit innovation in your scouting, it’s simpler to arrive at a more extensive choice of up-and-comers, guarantee your activity posting mirrors the quality and commitment of your organization and win yourself a situation among the positions of the most wanted managers. Being Conceivable This is a key point. When directing an official pursuit, high-esteem applicants don’t need their time squandered with theoretical openings for work. On the off chance that the selection representative doesn’t accept that the up-and-comer they’re reaching is directly for the job, in what capacity will the applicant ever trust it themselves? As selection representatives, we make it understood to every competitor we approach that they are an ideal fit. Furthermore, this isn’t simply a mystery. In light of our examination, we realize that each individual we converse with is an ideal choice for the activity. Advocating Straightforwardness We’ve all run over employments that look excessively great to be valid. This absence of genuineness, shockingly, prompts numerous up-and-comers being suspicious about jobs they’re advertised. Talent scouts get this, which is the reason they champion straightforwardness. It bodes well. You wouldn’t have any desire to be told about work that sounded intriguing however was totally unique when you discovered increasingly about it, okay? Since talent scouts are specialists in your industry, they are well prepared to introduce openings for work obviously and answer any inquiries precisely. This gives the competitor certainty and guarantees the enrollment procedure is a smooth one.
Headhunting is a practice that involves prospecting a candidate for a specific position. using effective Headhunting techniques the hiring becomes effective.
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Recruitment Process Outsourcing An Extension of Business HR Needs Recruitment Process Outsourcing or RPO service is a service where a business outsource their HR needs to a professional HR firm like Yunic solutions. Let's Talk We Hire the Best For You!! Recruitment Process Outsourcing Explore to get exclusive RPO services Head Hunting Recruitment Head Hunting is a process of recruiting a prospecting employee, who offers an exceptional experience in the industry you serve. Having an experienced employee on your side instead of your competitors can turn tables and make your business grow exponentially. Find More Manpower Recruitment Manpower Recruitment is a recruitment where a recruitment of manpower is done by determining the requirement of the organization. Find More Sales Outsourcing Sales outsourcing is a process where an organization outsource their sales processes to a sales professional firm like Yunic Solutions. Find More Corporate Training Providing training and education to your team is essential to make your business profitable. Developing your employee skills ensures they are up to date with the industry. Yunic Solutions helps your team in learning new skills and improve their performance. Find More Let’s Make Awesome Things, Together Tell Us About Your Business. Get Free Consultation Get in touch with us Hire an Expert Address: B4, 238, Pocket 4, Sector 7, Rohini, Delhi, PIN-110085 hr@yunicsolutions.com +91-90575 36218 Find Us Follow Us Facebook Linkedin Twitter Instagram Send us a message We Solve your query asap! Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *Email *Business Name *Website linkContact Number *MessageCheckboxessubscribe to newsletterPhoneSubmit Yunic Solutions Yunic Solutions is a complete HR, Recruitment and Staffing solution firm based in Delhi. We provide end to end Recruitment. We strive to place the right candidate for the right job, so that they are able to create a niche for themselves and give the best to the Employer . Stay Updated-Newsletter(function() { window.mc4wp = window.mc4wp || { listeners: [], forms: { on: function(evt, cb) { window.mc4wp.listeners.push( { event : evt, callback: cb } ); } } } })(); Email address: Leave this field empty if you're human: Important LinksHome About Our Services Lateral Hiring Executive & Leadership Search Permanent Staffing Contract Staffing IT Recruitment Recruitment Process Outsourcing Additional Services Contact Resources Blog Follow Us Facebook Twitter Linkedin Instagram Cop
Yunic Solutions is considered the best RPO consultancy in India helping many businesses with RPO recruitments in India and delivering the best RPO Services.
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Lateral Hiring Hire a talent that grows your business Lateral Recruitment is the process of recruiting an industrial expert for a high-level job to compete in the highly competitive industry. The industrial expert is a pioneer in their field making it very profitable for you to hire. Let's Talk Previous Next Why Choose an Industry Expert? attract new clients It is the human tendency to associate themselves with the best people and hiring an industry expert naturally attracts new clients and opportunities. Double your profits Every Business has one purpose and that is to make money. Hiring an industry renowned expert helps you in making profits in multi-folds. Accelerate your success Industry Experts are excellent in what they do. Whether its marketing, sales or development, they bring experience, trust and specialization related to that field, hence, skyrocketing your success. Hire the best Whychoose us? Our Process We have a well defined and organized process. We have very strict quality standards that not only consider education but the overall skill set and value s/he can provide to your organization. Our Team We have an excellent team of individuals who provide their invaluable service to our company. They are not only experienced by sharp and sound with their skill. Our Pricing Many businesses focus majorly on the money but, Yunic solution is different, although we are driven by the money, we only charge for the value that we provide to our clients. What is lateral hiring? Lateral Hiring is hiring a well experienced and talented people who can add value to your company. If you are a Startup or growing business, your recruiting team is probably already overwhelmed, with little time to source applicants your team is trying to keep up with administrative tasks like writing job descriptions, scheduling, interviewing, checking references, handling transfers and other duties. Meanwhile, positions needing highly skilled candidates to achieve your company goals are going unfilled. Sometimes you just need to call on someone else to do the searching for you. That’s where we come in.Hiring an expert in your industry makes your job easy as with expertise there comes an authority that helps you in creating trust and professionalism in your business. Get in touch with us Hire an Expert Address: B4, 238, Pocket 4, Sector 7, Rohini, Delhi, PIN-110085 hr@yunicsolutions.com +91-90575 36218 Find Us Follow Us Facebook Linkedin Twitter Send us a message We Solve your query asap! Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *Email *Business Name *Website linkContact Number *MessageCheckboxessubscribe to newsletterNameSubmit
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Use the simplest and most boring solution for a problem, and remember that “boring” should not be conflated with “bad” or “technical debt.” The speed of innovation for our organization and product is constrained by the total complexity we have added so far, so every little reduction in complexity helps. Don’t pick an interesting technology just to make your work more fun; using established, popular tech will ensure a more stable and more familiar experience for you and other contributors.