16 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
    1. Ionic is highly regarded for its easy integration with a wide range of modern frameworks and technologies. This compatibility simplifies mobile app development for developers using popular frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue.js. The flexibility of the Ionic platform allows developers to choose the best-suited framework for each project. Additionally, Ionic offers a rich selection of plugins and integrations. These tools help developers seamlessly add diverse features and functionalities to mobile applications, making customization straightforward.

      The Ionic framework has emerged as a top contender for modern app development, offering seamless performance, cross-platform compatibility, and cost-efficiency. Its ability to integrate with multiple APIs and tools ensures faster development cycles. Businesses can leverage Ionic for progressive web apps and native-like mobile apps without the overhead of maintaining separate codebases.

  2. Mar 2023
  3. Nov 2021
    1. How to Choose a Reliable SaaS Application Development CompanyKateCloud & SaaS Product ResearcherDmitryCEOSaaSHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipHow to Choose a Reliable SaaS Application Development CompanyPublishedAug 5, 2020UpdatedAug 5, 202012 min readCurrently, SaaS is the largest segment of the global public cloud services market. The growing SaaS industry provides an equal-opportunity atmosphere for businesses. It concerns enterprises from startups to tech giants – and any size in between. It explains why traditional software companies, like Microsoft and Adobe, decided to look into that direction too. Indeed, the time is ripe for developing a SaaS application now. But however tempting it may be, do not dive in headfirst with launching a SaaS product, because sometimes, it can be very challenging. That is why we have prepared a guide on finding a SaaS application development company that will be your best bet.

      Looking to build a SaaS app? You will need help of a reliable development team. Check our advice on how to choose a SaaS development company.

    1. SaaS Product Development: Why Choose Ruby on Rails Framework?KateCloud & SaaS Product ResearcherRuby/RailsSaaSHomeBlogTechnologySaaS Product Development: Why Choose Ruby on Rails Framework?PublishedSep 10, 2020UpdatedSep 10, 202013 min readWhich technology to pick for your SaaS business to succeed? This question is not uncommon in our days. In fact, quite the opposite because the SaaS model has become a meaningful part of every business domain. And the demand for SaaS product development is higher than ever and still increasing. This article will discuss the essential factors you need to consider when selecting a framework for your SaaS project. Also, we will introduce the top 3 frameworks for building a SaaS product with their pros and cons. Read on to see the best examples of SaaS applications.

      Choosing the right tech stack can help you save costs and make your app stand out in the saturated market. Let’s discuss why Ruby on Rails can be your best choice.

  4. Oct 2021
    1. Vue.js vs React: Comparison of Two Most Popular JS FrameworksEugeneFrontend DeveloperVueReactHomeBlogDevelopmentVue.js vs React: Comparison of Two Most Popular JS FrameworksSep 23, 202126 min readNowadays, every company aims to create a high-quality web solution within a short time frame. To put it into practice, the developers’ community chooses from many JavaScript libraries and frameworks and debates to find the best one. At Codica, we consider Vue.js and ReactJS the most rapidly developing tools for the front-end development for many reasons. While these technologies can help create the same products and applications, both of them have pros and cons. The purpose of this article is to compare Vue.js vs React.js in different aspects: from general information to technical features. Both these web development tools have mature communities, wide support and popularity, but Vue.js is a framework and React is a library. So, why do we compare oranges and apples?

      Nowadays, every company aims to create a high-quality web solution within a short time frame. To put it into practice, the developers’ community chooses from many JavaScript libraries and frameworks and debates to find the best one.

      At Codica, we consider Vue.js and ReactJS the most rapidly developing tools for the front-end development for many reasons. While these technologies can help create the same products and applications, both of them have pros and cons.

      The purpose of this article is to compare Vue.js vs React.js in different aspects: from general information to technical features. Both these web development tools have mature communities, wide support and popularity, but Vue.js is a framework and React is a library. So, why do we compare oranges and apples?

  5. Feb 2021
  6. Jul 2020
  7. Jun 2020
  8. Apr 2020
  9. Mar 2020
    1. The popular question in my company these days is “Rails or WordPress?”, but I will probably touch upon the broader questions of “MVC or CMS?” and “Ruby or PHP?”, so you can often substitute “Rails” for “MVC framework” in the article.
  10. Nov 2019
  11. Sep 2019