28 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
  2. Apr 2024
  3. Aug 2023
    1. You share in responsibility in maintaining this relationship and it is apartnership that relies on both parties being proactive within thetransaction. Yet again you will have to be the initiator and strategicallyprovide content that allows for high personalisation, when the contentallows for continued engagement satisfaction will be raised and they willkeep returning for this interaction.

      building the relationship between you and audience

    2. The content thatyou create needs to be valuable,engaging with your coreconsumer is all aboutdeepening the relationshipbetween your brand/businessand the consumer

      valuable content

    3. Target AudienceYour target audience consists of the individuals who have yet to buy intoyour brand, these individuals are the people who all your content is initiallyaimed at. The ultimate goal is successfully engaging/converting them tobecome your core consumer audience; crossing this divide will allow you tocreate that legacy brand or business through your influential content.

      target audience

    4. This area of study can assist in gauging all of your conversion points insideyour social media system: post conversion, profile conversion, websiteconversion, etc.

      you have to convert

    5. The smart influencer would realise this is only disruptive toyour success if you don’t know how to capitalise on the moment, you haveto be able to quickly adapt your planned content to cater for this organiccontent creating moment by leveraging on these current topics andincorporating global issues into your brand or businesses posting activity asit affects your various audiences.

      following the current

    6. Caching content helps you to always be ready to stimulate your audience,you never want to be in a place of content scarcity; this demonstrates aninability to fulfil the supply and demand expectation!

      vaulted content

    7. The competitive spirit thatyou can leverage on is more so gamifying your content creating a niceenvironment for consumers to enjoy your content from a different stimulatingpoint

      gameify content instead of competing

    8. Always try to have regularity with your contentas it will allow you to become a part of the consumer’s lifestyle, they willdevelop an awareness of your posting pattern providing them with aroutine they can work with. Frequent content allows you to have moreopportunities to interact with the consumer. Understanding the importanceof being consistent will help you boost your influencing power. Your contentwill be a present trigger within the consumer’s mind, creating a pattern ofassociation between your content and the consumer’s virtual lifestyle.

      the power of consistency

    9. If you are struggling to find people who can be in your team, collaboratingis the best option. You won’t have authority over their workload but you willbe able to rely on them to work with you, helping you as you fulfil yourpromise to help them.

      collaboration is a must

    10. When big news stories are capturing the public's attention, this is a greatopportunity to connect emotionally with them. There is no need to conformto the majority’s way of thinking; instead you can position yourself as athought leader by being truthful in your expression and conveying yourbeliefs in a way that still allows people to connect with you even if theyhave a different perspective.

      big news and opportunities to connect with audience

    11. If you were to do a current affairs post on Martin Luther King Jr day aboutMLK, you would most likely mention words such as black history, civil rightsetc. These content specific words help people get a first glimpse of whatthe content will be referring to.

      Semantic fields

    12. Captions help control the perception, they fill in the blanks that shortform content may not allow for; they help you explain what the widerdiscussion is, allowing for people to be informed when responding. Thisis especially useful when discussing sensitive or complex topics as itcreates context for the content.

      captions in content creation

    13. Your contentneeds to be deeply satisfying evoking the correct range of emotions thatpeople seek to experience when they initially seek out content.


    14. Your branding across all your social networking platforms should embracethe specific influencer culture that you want your audiences to tap into; thiswill expose your audience to parallel experiences across your platforms.People will be able to perceive the greater value added by beingintertwined with your online community.

      culture of influencer

    15. Good brand engagement for any influencer should result in twoway communication whereby the audience actively responds to thecontent you are creating for them; ideally with content of their own that iscentered around you or your product (video reviews/testimonials forinstance).

      the audience communication with you

    16. each platform demands it’sown formatting and optimizing to perform well with your audience

      platform specific content curation

    17. Make sure that the content you create is something you’d want to be inyour legacy...because it is!

      its my legacy



  4. Feb 2023
  5. Dec 2022
    1. For example I had a few notes on principles of modern cryptography that came in handy when I had to write a paper about a related topic for my studies. But these cases were rare at best, most of these notes were never looked at again.

      The one shining moment in the whole essay and they don't seem to realize where the benefit or use actually was. They finally had a reason to have taken notes and the ideas shone here. But they've written off the tools because they didn't understand when to use them.

      Hammers are cool, but unless you're a professional carpenter, you don't carry it around all the time and use it constantly to hammer things. The same is true of note taking as a tool. You might use it regularly if you're a writer or an academic perhaps, but for hourly use in your day-to-day? Almost definitely not.

  6. Nov 2022
    1. And this is the art-the skill or craftthat we are talking about here.

      We don't talk about the art of reading or the art of note making often enough as a goal to which students might aspire. It's too often framed as a set of rules and an mechanical process rather than a road to producing interesting, inspiring, or insightful content that can change humanity.

  7. Oct 2022
    1. the writer of "scissors and paste history" ;

      One cannot excerpt their way into knowledge, simply cutting and pasting one's way through life is useless. Your notes may temporarily serve you, but unless you apply judgement and reason to them to create something new, they will remain a scrapheap for future generations who will gain no wisdom or use from your efforts.

      relate to: notes about notes being only useful to their creator

  8. Jul 2022
    1. But it's not a trivial problem. I have compiled, at latest reckoning, 35,669 posts - my version of a Zettelkasten. But how to use them when writing a paper? It's not straightforward - and I find myself typically looking outside my own notes to do searches on Google and elsewhere. So how is my own Zettel useful? For me, the magic happens in the creation, not in the subsequent use. They become grist for pattern recognition. I don't find value in classifying them or categorizing them (except for historical purposes, to create a chronology of some concept over time), but by linking them intuitively to form overarching themes or concepts not actually contained in the resources themselves. But this my brain does, not my software. Then I write a paper (or an outline) based on those themes (usually at the prompt of an interview, speaking or paper invitation) and then I flesh out the paper by doing a much wider search, and not just my limited collection of resources.

      Stephen Downes describes some of his note taking process for creation here. He doesn't actively reuse his notes (or in this case blog posts, bookmarks, etc.) which number a sizeable 35669, directly, at least in the sort of cut and paste method suggested by Sönke Ahrens. Rather he follows a sort of broad idea, outline creation, and search plan akin to that described by Cory Doctorow in 20 years a blogger

      Link to: - https://hyp.is/_XgTCm9GEeyn4Dv6eR9ypw/pluralistic.net/2021/01/13/two-decades/

      Downes suggests that the "magic happens in the creation" of his notes. He uses them as "grist for pattern recognition". He doesn't mention words like surprise or serendipity coming from his notes by linking them, though he does use them "intuitively to form overarching themes or concepts not actually contained in the resources themselves." This is closely akin to the broader ideas ensconced in inventio, Llullan Wheels, triangle thinking, ideas have sex, combinatorial creativity, serendipity (Luhmann), insight, etc. which have been described by others.

      Note that Downes indicates that his brain creates the links and he doesn't rely on his software to do this. The break is compounded by the fact that he doesn't find value in classifying or categorizing his notes.

      I appreciate that Downes uses the word "grist" to describe part of his note taking practice which evokes the idea of grinding up complex ideas (the grain) to sort out the portions of the whole to find simpler ideas (the flour) which one might use later to combine to make new ideas (bread, cake, etc.) Similar analogies might be had in the grain harvesting space including winnowing or threshing.

      One can compare this use of a grist mill analogy of thinking with the analogy of the crucible, which implies a chamber or space in which elements are brought together often with work or extreme conditions to create new products by their combination.

      Of course these also follow the older classical analogy of imitating the bees (apes).

    1. The 1,000 True Fans theory is classic Kevin Kelly. He took something potentially dark—in this case, a long-tail economic model that mashes creatives like a digital-age ore crusher—and found an aspirational alternative narrative.
  9. May 2022
    1. What does it look like to move from mindless consumption tomindful creation?

      Collecting ideas and creating links between them in a zettelkasten can seemingly solve this problem with "little" work. :)

  10. Jul 2019
    1. . She identified that in order to “identify, in textual terms, how the Internet mediates the representation of knowledge, the framing of entertainment, and the conduct of communication”, our understanding of construction and creation needs to be broad enough to allow for change in the future. I believe that viewing the work as construction and more expansive that just creation allows for this eventuality.

      OCC and allowing content to be able to change and evolve in the future

  11. Jan 2016
    1. content as the center of learning

      vs. connection and creation as the center of learning. Of course, you deal with content as a teacher but it through the learner connections that we educe learning.