- Jan 2024
www.sciencenews.org www.sciencenews.org
Space rocks that fell to Earth within the last century contain the five bases that store information in DNA and RNA
I find this truly exhilarating! This speaks of evidence being found for the first time on how our orgins and life itself may have been originated from perhaps the big bang or something we don't yet know yet. Giving us the largest hint we've ever thought possible on soon discovering where the true origins of life originated. Now all we need to do is find the "How" this was possible by this shocking evidence.
- Mar 2022
These ways of knowinghave inherent value and are leading Western scientists to betterunderstand celestial phenomena and the history and heritage thisconstitutes for all people.
The phrase "ways of knowing" is fascinating and seems to have a particular meaning across multiple contexts.
I'd like to collect examples of its use and come up with a more concrete definition for Western audiences.
How close is it to the idea of ways (or methods) of learning and understanding? How is it bound up in the idea of pedagogy? How does it relate to orality and memory contrasted with literacy? Though it may not subsume the idea of scientific method, the use, evolution, and refinement of these methods over time may generally equate it with the scientific method.
Could such an oral package be considered a learning management system? How might we compare and contrast these for drawing potential equivalencies of these systems to put them on more equal footing from a variety of cultural perspectives? One is not necessarily better than another, but we should be able to better appreciate what each brings to the table of world knowledge.
- Feb 2021
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Thompson, B., Baker, N., & Watson, T. (2020). Coronapod: The big COVID research papers of 2020. Nature. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-020-03609-2
- Sep 2020
James Evans: The social limits of scientific certainty (Video). (n.d.). Metascience.com. Retrieved September 1, 2020, from https://metascience.com/events/metascience-2019-symposium/james-evans-social-limits-of-scientific-certainty/
- discovery
- truth value
- talk
- scientific practice
- certainty
- collaboration
- advancement
- flocking
- video
- lang:en
- cross-discipline
- is:webpage
- social limit
- empirical demonstration
- metascience
- webinar
metascience.com/events/metascience-2019-symposium/james-evans-social-limits-of-scientific-certainty/ -